Lg catalog spring 2014 issuu

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Spring Semester 2014 April 6 - June 18


A Note from Pastor Tommy Cruz Contrary to public opinion, growing spiritually doesn’t happen by just knowing what Jesus says. It happens when we apply what He says. Application happens best within the context of community (aka a Life Group). To grow spiritually you have to be connected relationally. That’s why we offer Life Groups at Trinity! A Life Group is a group of three or more people who gather each week in a home, public place, workplace, or on-campus. In a group you’ll hang out, study the Word, pray together, and build relationships. We have groups for all walks of life – married couples, young families, singles, men’s, women’s, prime timers, prayer groups, study groups, athletic groups - the list goes on! Join a group today, make some new friends, and see how God uses this group of people to help you grow spiritually. Connect People – Changing Lives,

Tommy Cruz, Adult Ministries Pastor Interested in leading a life group? Email us at: tlg@trinitytoday.com or call: 806-792-3363 Discover more at www.trinitytoday.com/lifegroups Life Group On-Campus Locations: Main Campus 7002 Canton Ave Lubbock, TX 79413

University Campus 6701 University Lubbock, TX 79413

SUNDAY Son of God Life Groups We will launch 150 groups on March 30th rway@trinitytoday.com This 4-week study features powerful video clips from the movie Son of God. It centers around answering questions about who Jesus really is and what His life, death, and resurrection mean for people today. It also coincides with Pastor Carl’s new sermon series, Son of God. If you are interested in leading a group visit www.trinitytoday.com/sglg

Prayer Group

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things (Women’s Group) Sarah Gutierrez (Beth Moore Study) University Campus - Room 104 - 10:00 a.m. sgutierrez@spec.coop Why do even the most devoted followers of Christ fall into the traps of Satan? Come along for this journey as Beth Moore gives us biblical guidance to authentic repentance and restoration.

How to Make Wise Decisions (Study in Proverbs)

David Haladay University Campus - Room 105 - 10:00 a.m. dhaladay@tcslubbock.org

Join us as we pray and intercede for God to transform lives in our worship services.

God desires us to be wise, so he has laid out principles to help us make wise decisions. Discover the keys to wisdom and apply them to your life. You will never be confused, but instead, live in freedom and abundance.

Precept (1 Samuel)

Young Couples

Eddy Holloway & Johnny Gregg Sanctuary - 6:30 a.m. eshollow@nts-online.net

Dee & Linda Sweeney Ed 1 Room 211 - 8:30 a.m. Discussion Ed 1 Room 207 - 10:00 a.m. - Video dee_sweeny@sbcglobal.net From judges to kings, from the departure of God’s glory to the assurance of His help, from inquiring of the Lord to inquiring of a medium - this book of contrasts sets before us the importance of a life of obedience and how it’s lived out in the midst of interpersonal conflicts.

Freedom Ministries (Foundations) John & Nita Kuehn University Campus - Room 102 - 10:00 a.m. freedom@trinitytoday.com Whether you are facing personal obstacles or simply want to accelerate your discipleship and growth in Christ, we’ll assist you in identifying and removing those things that are currently hindering your growth and help you experience the life for which you were created.

Brad & Jennifer Froese University Campus - Room 106 - 10:00 a.m. bfroese@trinitytoday.com This group setting is designed for young couples who are engaged or have been married less than five years and have a strong desire to strengthen their relationship and faith. The setting encourages plenty of interaction in a conversational learning atmosphere.

Parenting Young Children Becky Fletcher University Campus - Room 107 - 10:00 a.m. hbmmtfletcher@gmail.com We will equip you with the tools to tackle the special challenges of parenting. Topics include how to understand young children, their behavior, teaching young children to cooperate, and other essential parenting skills.

Marriage Toolbox

Prime Timers

Tee & Karen Thomas University Campus - Room 108 - 10:00 a.m. kthomas@trinitytoday.com

David Savage Main Campus - Chapel - 10:00 a.m. savage@trinitytoday.com

“The Total Marriage Makeover” by David Clarke provides a proven plan to revolutionize your marriage by improving your communication, your understanding of each other, and the spiritual aspect of your existence as a couple. With this step-bystep approach, you’ll find your marriage refreshed, renewed, reinvigorated, or maybe even resurrected.

We are a dynamic group of adults aged 60plus. Join us for coffee, fellowship, worship and Bible study.

Financial Peace University Dave & Beth Bender University Campus - Room 109 - 10:00 a.m. trinityfpu@gmail.com This 9-week study by Dave Ramsey will help you learn how to beat debt and build wealth. For more information visit www.trinitytoday.com/fpu

Marriage Prep Jimmy & Stephonie Stone University Campus - Room 110 - 10:00 a.m. sstone@trinitytoday.com This 8-week discussion group covers crucial areas that prepare couples for marriage or remarriage. Engaged couples who complete this course will receive a certificate to reduce the fee for their marriage license. RSVP required.

Life’s Puzzles Team Led University Campus - Room 114 - 10:00 a.m. blinton@nts-online.net The Kingdom Agenda by Tony Evans offers a fresh and powerful vision that will help you think differently about your life, your relationships, and your walk with God. When you start with a kingdom agenda, living in relationship with the true King, and embracing your place in His kingdom, nothing will ever be the same!

Family Matters Clay Enger & Jeff Norris Main Campus - Ed 1 - Room 209 - 10:00 a.m. jeffmnorris@att.net Learn how to practically apply God’s principles in life, marriage, and parenting. This group is geared toward couples with children.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON OPPORTUNITIES: Men’s Flag Football (Men’s Group) Kastman Park men@trinitytoday.com Join this group of men age 16 and older for a competitive game of flag football. Email us for dates and times.

Beyond Kairos (Kairos Group) Lupe Carrasco Off Campus - 2nd Sunday - 4:00 p.m. ltc65@yahoo.com Join this group of women as they fellowship, study principles they learned in Kairos and encourage each other on this life changing journey.

The Word Fabian Arredondo Off Campus – Sunday - 4:00 p.m. riah7193.riah@yahoo.com Experience fellowship and study God’s Word in English and Spanish.

Usher Fellowship

Night of Prayer at Heartline

Ben Lorck Ed 1 Room 104 - 4th Sunday - 5:00 p.m. tlg@trinitytoday.com

Off Campus - 806-788-0500

Experience fellowship and pray alongside those you serve with. If you are interested in ushering, please join us.

Young Families

Support the ministry of Heartline Women’s Clinic by gathering to pray for the women of the South Plains facing an unexpected pregnancy, women considering abortion, and to influence life decisions. Call for location and time.

Billy & Courtney Neufeld Off Campus - Every other week - 5:30 p.m. cuttingedgecompanies@yahoo.com

Surrendering the Secret (Women’s Group)

We are all about connecting young married couples who are going through life’s journey with young children, while keeping their true love a priority.

A supportive and confidential group that encourages healing and restoration from a past abortion. This 8-week Bible study brings a sense of hope and purpose for the future.

Parenting Home Group


Thomas & Molly Mandry Off Campus - 2nd & 4th Sunday - 6:00 p.m. molly_mandry@yahoo.com Be encouraged by other parents of young children as we discover what it means to be a Godly parent.

The Gathering: Young Professionals Main Campus - Chapel Twice a Month - 8:00 p.m. emoore@trinitytoday.com The Gathering is a movement of Young Professionals ages 24-34. We are single, married, with or without kids. We are a group of college grads, graduate students, workers, stay at home moms, and everyone in between. Come for incredible worship, community, and to hear the Word in a teaching environment.

Robin Exum Off Campus - 806-788-0500

Friend to Friend - The Patriarchs Renee Hargrove (Women’s Group) Off Campus - Tuesday - 9:30 a.m. srhargrove@suddenlink.net Come along for a Beth Moore study through Genesis-the book of beginnings. Discover God’s pursuit of relationship with man, and marvel as His plan to bless all people unfolds.

Young Married Matthew & Jennifer Fraley-Nowacek Off Campus - Every other Tuesday 7:30 p.m. jenn_2050@yahoo.com Engaged couples, newlyweds and young married couples enjoying fellowship and Bible study.



Learning Community (Men’s Group)

Sonshine Girls (Prime Timer Group)

Off Campus - Monday - 12:00 p.m. lomeli.javier@gmail.com

Off Campus - 3rd Wednesday - 10:30 a.m. cd1217@aol.com

Mature and young leaders unite to discuss leadership principles, ideas, and experiences.

Senior ladies who meet for brunch at Golden Corral Restaurant.

A Woman’s Heart (Women’s Group) Cindy Buxkemper & Tina Macha Off Campus - Wednesday - 12:00 p.m. 806-778-6823 In this Beth Moore study, you will be challenged to prepare your heart to become a home for God’s love and glory.

Prayer Group Marsheila Copeland University Campus - Room 118 - 6:15 p.m. mcopeland@tcslubbock.org A time to refocus, reenergize and pray before Wednesday night life groups begin.

Prize Connections (Women’s Group) Gloria Toti Main Campus - Chapel - 7:00 p.m. aneill@trinitytoday.com Women of all ages will be diving into the Word to find out what God has to say to this generation. We will start with live teaching and then move into smaller groups where we will talk it up!

Single Dads (Men’s Group) Ken Ruckey University Campus - Room 102 - 7:00 p.m. men@trinitytoday.com A supportive group of Christian fathers dedicated to raising godly children through life’s challenges.

Praying Mothers (Women’s Group) Monica Sawyer University Campus - Room 104 - 7:00 p.m. msawyer@trinitytoday.com A group of mothers who believe in the power of prayer. Join us as we intercede for our children.

GriefShare Marty Hannah University Campus - Room 105 – 7:00 p.m. sonluv12@gmail.com This is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.

Legacy Journey Josh & Terisa Clark University Campus - Room 107 – 7:00 p.m. trinitylegacyjourney@gmail.com This all-new, 7-week Bible based study is a follow-up to Financial Peace University. We go deeper into investing, basic estate planning, purposeful living, safeguarding your legacy, and discovering the keys to generational wealth and true generosity. For more information and to register for the group, please email us.

Marriage Toolbox Lorenzo & Christina Martinez University Campus - Room 108 - 7:00 p.m. tlg@trinitytoday.com “The Total Marriage Makeover” by David Clarke provides a proven plan to revolutionize your marriage by improving your communication, your understanding of each other, and the spiritual aspect of your existence as a couple. With this step-bystep approach, you’ll find your marriage refreshed, renewed, reinvigorated, or maybe even resurrected.

Financial Peace University Anton & Tasha Bossio University Campus - Room 109 - 7:00 p.m. trinityfpu@gmail.com This 9-week study by Dave Ramsey will help you learn how to beat debt and build wealth. For more information visit www.trinitytoday.com/fpu.

The Truth about Healing Brice & Judy Wicker University Campus - Room 110 - 7:00 p.m. tlg@trinitytoday.com

Men of Faith (Men’s Group) Paco Lomeli & Scott Gardner University Campus - Room 119 - 7:00 p.m. men@trinitytoday.com

What does the Bible really teach about healing? Is it for today? Is it God’s will for me to be healed? Where does sickness come from? Join us for an in depth study on healing and how it applies to you. Prayer is available at the end of each group.

Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples by Francis Chan. Discover the confidence and encouragement you need to step out in faith and make disciples out of the people that God has placed in your life.


John & Nita Kuehn University Campus - Stage II - 7:00 p.m. freedom@trinitytoday.com

Team Led University Campus - Room 114 - 7:00 p.m. steveheinsch070@gmail.com DivorceCare is a caring group of people who will walk beside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. This 13-week study consists of video support, group discussion, and fellowship.

Armor in Action

Freedom Ministries (Foundations)

Whether you are facing personal obstacles or simply want to accelerate your discipleship and growth in Christ, we’ll assist you in identifying and removing those things that are currently hindering your growth and help you experience the life you were created for.

Juan & Janie Espinoza University Campus - Room 115 - 7:00 p.m. 806-549-5492

Men’s Prayer Gathering (Men’s Group)

A Christian faith-based AA/NA 12-step support group. Learn how to walk in faith, speak in truth, and live in freedom.

We are a group of men who are committed to prayer and fasting for our families, our church, and our community. Join with us as we experience James 5:16, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

Freedom Ministries (Topical Class) John & Nita Kuehn University Campus - Room 117 - 7:00 p.m. freedom@trinitytoday.com Whether you are facing personal obstacles or simply want to accelerate your discipleship and growth in Christ, we’ll assist you in identifying and removing those things that are currently hindering your growth and help you experience the life for which you were created.

University Campus - Room 102 - 8:20 p.m. men@trinitytoday.com

THURSDAY The Book of Daniel (Women’s Group) Joanne Gass Jones Off Campus - 9:30 a.m. jgjones@nts-online.net Experience the Book of Daniel like never before! Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, has conquered Judah and deported its people to his empire. While in Babylon, Daniel’s prophetic gift is noticed by the king---and an adventure of faith, tyranny, miracles, and the relationship between a slave and his master is born.

The Girls Corner

(Women’s Group)

Tammy Norris & Amanda Ellison Off Campus - 10:00 a.m. Last week is May 8th tmnorris@att.net Come join this group of women as they dive into God’s word and fellowship together. This group will meet for 5 weeks and will study from a different teaching each week.

Evoke Main Campus - Chapel - Thursday - 7:30 p.m. emoore@trinitytoday.com Our weekly Evoke Services for college-aged students are a time of prayer, worship, and teaching. The Trinity Cafe is also open before and after services for fellowship.

Godly Families in Ungodly Times Chris & Robin Lawrence Off Campus - 7:00 p.m. clawrence@trinitytoday.com Open discussion on how the culture of our time affects the family God meant for us to be. Learn how to utilize Scriptures that impact the family and draw us closer to God.

SATURDAY Men’s Prayer Gathering (Men’s Group) The Edge (6701 University) - 8:00 a.m. men@trinitytoday.com

University Campus - Practice Gym - 1st & 3rd Thursday - 8:30 p.m. men@trinitytoday.com

We are a group of men who are committed to prayer and fasting for our families, our church, and our community. Join with us as we experience James 5:16, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

Join this group of men age 16 and older in a competitive game of basketball.

The Mix

Men’s Basketball (Men’s Group)

Learning Community (Men’s Group) Javier Lomeli Off Campus - 9:00 p.m. lomeli.javier@gmail.com Mature and young leaders gathering to discuss leadership principles, ideas, and experiences.

FRIDAY Men’s Fraternity (Men’s Group) Jeremy Brown The Edge (6701 University) - 6:15 a.m. jbtechraider@yahoo.com Men are engaged in friendship, accountability, prayer, and the study of God’s Word. This group is ideal for men with busy schedules. Breakfast is provided.

Eric Trinidad Off Campus - 7:00 p.m. 806-283-7809 Gathering together for God’s Word, prayer, and some volleyball.

ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Single Dad’s Gathering men@trinitytoday.com Single dads gathering together to enjoy a variety of events and activities.

Marriage Mentors tlg@trinitytoday.com An intensive one-year mentoring opportunity for married couples looking to enrich or restore their marriage.

College Living Rooms emoore@triniytoday.com “Living Rooms” are our college Life Groups. Small groups of students meeting in host homes for food, fellowship, and discipleship. This is a great place for college students to get plugged in and connected to College Ministry.

Jubilee Choir (Prime Timer Group) savage@trinitytoday.com Join with us as we express God’s message through song.


806-792-3363 kidsplace@trinitytoday.com If your passion is to impact the next generation, then Kidsplace is where you need to be. Each service, we minister to children from birth through 5th grade. Come check us out; we have lots of different volunteer opportunities.

Student Ministries

806-792-3363 robbywinkler@trinitytoday.com If your desire is to make a difference in the youth of today, then Trinity Student Ministries is where you need to be.

Trinity Genius’

806-792-3363 tcruz@trinitytoday.com Our Genius’ offer help and support to our guests during our Trinity Weekend Experience. Come join our team and provide people with quality guest service.

Trinity Choir

806-792-3363 sward@trinitytoday.com The Choir’s primary purpose is to help lead worship for the Sunday morning services. We rehearse every other Wednesday.

Trinity Chorale

806-792-3363 sward@trinitytoday.com The Chorale is a vocal ensemble that sings primarily during the 8:30 a.m. classic service. This ensemble rehearses every other Wednesday.

Trinity Outreach Group kthomas@trinitytoday.com This is an excellent volunteer opportunity. Join with us as we serve people in need at the Trinity Outreach Center.


We are currently recruiting new leaders. If you are interested in leading or hosting a life group, please email tlg@trinitytoday.com

SUMMER SEMESTER: June 29 – August 23

www.trinitytoday.com/lifegroups 806.792.3363

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