October 2011 7:45 a.m.
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the After an exciting JV volleyball contest, the Macha family celebrates a TCS victory.
11:30 a.m.
The famil yo dedicated f Keith Hayes rece ives the 2 in 010-2011 Roberts a his memory durin TC nd TCS fa g Elemen tary Scho S yearbook c ulty mem support, a ol Chapel bers surro nd heartfe . M und the fa lt prayers mily with rs. . love,
12:35 p.m.
Off to th trusty e races on th st eir Back-t ick horses du o-Scho ring th ol Gra are Pau ss Bash e l Brock Stephenson Foster and .
6:15 p.m.
8:50 a.m.
Enjoying lunch with friends are sixth graders Katelyn Terrell, Faith Garza, and Shania Huser.
4:15 p.m.
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7:30 p.m.
Faculty and parents pray together at the Back-to-School Prayer and Praise.
Making Every Becoming closer to God and one another was the focus during the 8th Grade Trip to Leake, Texas.
With new supplies unpacked and ready for the first day of third grade, Korey Kothmann drops off his daughter Campbell.
The Chapel Experience
Mason Hill, Dani Wilson and Kyle Wheeler lead the junior high and high school in worship during chapel.
Parents, teachers, and students filled the sanctuary to listen to the handbell choir during a creative musical telling of Noah’s Ark.
Talented Mrs. O’Neill teaches, leads and presents another meaningful chapel program.
Our TCS 7th grade class explored Longhorn Caverns located outside of Burnett, Texas during the Spring History Trip.
I am a child of God. John Hilliard and Holt Heinrich, with their life-size tracings of themselves, reminded everyone that “we are all God’s children.”
On the first day of school, the preschool children meet and greet Mrs. Carpenter, our school nurse.
TCS Dad’s Prayer Group Meeting High Schoolers respond to the teaching at the High School Retreat. This year’s theme was “New Life.”
Janet Hal ey and her son, Ben, brow se the “Carn through ival of Bo oks” together d uri Spring Sch ng the olastic Bo ok Fair. Whil e selectin g books for their hom e library, th ey several bo also donated oks to an oth area elem entary sch er ool.
ddle Our Lady Lions hu closely for a pregame tch prayer before a ma against Denver City.
Ms. Dee and Ms. Yvette spend the morning sorting toys, introducing primary colors, and encouraging the children to share in the TLC Walker’s Class.
Journal Jewels
Notch s
Owen Bailey TCS 1st grader Parents: Amy and Patrick Bailey “I am most like a lion. God is Lion of the world. I love God and want to be like him.”
Eli Davis TCS Kindergarten Student "I like rhinos. I like lions. Cheetahs are fast. I am most like a monkey because I can make a monkey sound. OOH, OOH, AAH, AAH."
Nathan Toti Salutatorian 2011
Mason Hill Valedictorian 2011
Travis Moore Eagle Scout 2011
Teacher Feature Emma Davis TCS 3rd Grader "I am most like a monkey because I can backbend kick over." Parents: Lesli and David Davis
Garrett Kerr TCS Preschool Student Parents: Natasha and Tully Kerr "My favorite animal is a snake because my Daddy killed one on our camping trip."
Archie Warwick Years at TCS 2011-2012 is the 30th year Favorite memory “Holy Smokes! My favorite memory has been the last 30 years.” What do you like about teaching junior high? “Two things - they’re teachable and moldable.” When you get to heaven, what Bible character will you want to talk to first? “Probably the thief on the cross, and I’d wonder about Barabbus because of where I’ve been.”
Cyle Petty What are you most looking forward to about your years at Trinity? “I’m excited about getting to be a part of all the Trinity traditions again like Road Rally, HSR, basketball games, Missions Week and many others with some of the greatest students in Lubbock.” What is the best book you’ve ever read? “Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Even though this book is fiction, it taught me more about the heart of God than any other book I’ve read.” If you could pick one place to visit, where would it be and why? “I would go to Greece because it looks so fabulous in all the movies...that or Fiji.”
Memories Made
Rica a t s o C o t Senior trip
Robbie Meyer, H Emily Peikert a ouston Garrett, marc Schn eid n together and d bonnie hatch spent missio er, heather Strawn, d n treatment in t elivering beautiful quilts to s week piecing he Joe Arring ton Cancer Ce patients receiving nter.
Tailgate tim e Tech’s Tomm with y Tu The Crawf berville. ord enjoy food family , fu fellowship n and in of Patsy an the home d Bobby Da y.
Clayton reeves races against the clock to complete a speed stack pyramid. Coach Hurley introduced the game to her P.E. students to sharpen their skills.
Colin and Sco tt Ja celebrate 2011 cobs TCS graduation.
Diana Ysasaga and Renee Hilliard happily hostess
xton and a P e in r e h t Mary Ka e the end the spring teacher luncheon. Enjoying the t a r b e l e c xton wonderful meal are Andy O’Neill, Mary Jo Melinda Pa 11 school year. 0 2 0 1 0 of the 2 Newton, Stephanie Goforth, and Jane Backus.
Our Students Shine Way to go, Juniors! In their bright yellow neon shirts, the members of the Junior class celebrate together after the Volleyball Powder Puff Competition.
Kassidy King has talent, and America watched her light up the stage in Houston, Las Vegas, and Hollywood.
Whatakid certainly describes Abigail Sosebee. Nominated by TCS teachers for her academics and Christ-like character, Abigail was presented as a whatakid during halftime festivities of a Texas Tech Men’s Basketball game.
Stars in the making: Cal Davidson paints finishing touches on his paper mache stars.
Tag, you’re it! Mrs. Jacobs and her students hold their flashlights ready for some flashlight tag during the first grade sleepover. The shining faces are Steven Riley, Ethan Phares, Rylee Cox, and Riley Cooper.
During the end-of-the-year chapel program, Coach Hurley’s PE students accept awards for excellent effort and skill in Physical Education.
Ms. Tiffany leads her TLC three-year-old class in singing “This Little Light of Mine.”
Warming up before the Serve-a-thon to benefit My Father’s House are TCS volleyball players Kimberly Mears, Hannah Boyd, and Madison Copeland.
Sam Davis and Chris Shannon painted TCS ceramic tiles for their Gala class project. Amber Daniel shows she has a heart for missions during the 2011 sixth grade Valentine sale.
Mrs. York collects “money for missions” from her generous kindergarten students - Zane Phares, Donnie Ward, Madeline Malett, Grace Klein, Zaiah Buchanan, and Anna Gillmore.
Benjamin Duriex was awarded a bronze medal during the Martial Arts “sanshou” World Tournament. TCS fifth grader, Olivia Simpson, placed first and won the National Championship in both individual trampoline and tumbling. She also won the National Championship in synchronized trampoline.
Jump into action
Coach Tyler Neal, after wrapping up the 2010-2011 season, is pictured with his wife, Brooke, and two children during the TCS volleyball banquet.
Anticipating the next hit, TCS head baseball coach, Devin Rocha, waits for the opportunity for TCS to score during a spring game against Midland Christian.
Amanda Moore passes a competitor during her relay race.
The TCHS girls play hard at the State Basketball Tournament.
Molly Johnston sticks a perfect landing during a spring track meet.
The TCHS boys give it all they’ve got at the State Basketball Tournament.
Pierce Hardin and Ryan Gregory competed in the tennis doubles quarter finals in Waco.
All Dressed Up Amy Cox, Marci Wynn, and Kelli Duriex hang whimsical stars to dress up the Great Room for the spring Heritage Gala.
Dressed in paint splattered smocks Gabriel Truong and Jack Bailey add artistic flair to their stars.
David Threadgill, Kyle Wheeler, Nathan Toti, Robert Hardwicke and Coach Peikert at the Athletic Banquet.
r and e Greeve re Charlott da o o ig a Peyton H ome fun up s ss cooking isney dre g durin D a up d y.
Dressed in their TCS t-shir ts, Mrs. Trumble w elcomes Zoe Brism ee-Lloyd, Gracie Pay ne and Jake Avery to her third g rade classroom.
Shanna St. Clair and her daughters, Emily, Madeleine, and Abigail, add sparkle and shine to dress up the Gala centerpiece.
Enjoying a na Price Bigh fternoon in the park am. are Jate Bu rnett, Coo per
Burnett, a nd
was Splish, splash I e Th ! th ba taking a rs le oo ch es pr TCS party end of the year t! hi a is always
Stacy McGinnis, Michelle Sosebee, Maura Crawford and Martha Hagood carefully organize the auction items prior to the Heritage Gala.
Brock Lil ley and Grac e Thompso n are jazzed up and looking forward to a memorab le time with friends.
Spending time in Poland sharing their faith during prayer walks are Jaimie Hayslip, Philip Moore, and Annique Dentino.
Ready to unload and distribute donated shoes to children after sidewalk Sunday School in Dallas. Kylie Crawford, TCS sophomore, “Our entire trip was amazing.”
Judith Jenkins, Matt Havens, and Mikaley Roberts were involved in ministering at local churches and schools during the Bogota mission trip.
Jazz It Up
H e r e I Am
Sam Bre Tardy, at thei event are st e la th b g a n g ri du avin r comfort id Tardy h Aiming fo my Davis and Dav ,A Spradling . m ro p t rs fi
Macy Wim ber Annique D ly, Keedra Wilsford, entino, Syd ney Wilson Stevee Polv , and ado pose b efore prom .
Ashton Meeks spends quality time with students from New Life Children’s Home in Guatemala.
S e nd me
mpanied by nsey Wall acco t and his date Li tz , ride to the even en ss W Ro er di ck Tu s date, Kenne hi d an ng ni Carson Dow in elegant style.
crazy Future Lady Lions enjoy focusing on basketball fundamentals during Coach Ammons’ TCS summer camp.
Our students get a kick out of soccer camp at John Walker’s Soccer Facility on the Texas Tech campus.
Creative campers gather paper mache supplies during Mrs. Keith’s summer art camp.
Bump, serve, set, spike..... TCS third and fourth graders spend time in the Lion’s Den learning volleyball skills from Coach Neal and our TCS Lady Lions.
Tasha Bassio monitors a cooking experiment during her summer classes.
Good swing, great throws, and focusing on fundamentals during the TCS summer baseball camp.
Ethan Rogers, Jack O’Keefe and Jackson Prather enjoyed a great week at TCS basketball camp.
Recommended Reading Calle Wynn “The Penderwicks at Point Mouette is a book I’d recommend because it’s funny and dramatic! Skye tries to be the OAP (Oldest Available Penderwick.) Jane is trying to to write a novel and falls in love. Batty picks up a new habit of collecting golfballs and might be the only Penderwick to play music. Jeffery finds the neighbor loves music as much as he does while staying with Aunt Claire. There is lots of adventure and the characters are very interesting. I’d recommend this book for 5th - 7th grade girls.”
Jack Harlan “I would recommend the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. It is a great book to imagine being the main character, as well as experience the journey of the time and the mischievious adventures experienced by Tom and his friend Huck Finn. This book is humorous and enjoyable. “
Emma Jacobs “I was pleasantly surprised when I picked up the Sophomore required reading, When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin. By the fourth page, I was hooked. The characters were down to earth and real, and I think this was the first book in a long time that caught me off-guard. As cliche as it might sound, this book made me laugh and cry. I hoped along with Annie and her family for her heart transplant and was shocked at every new development the book revealed. Out of all the books I read this summer, this one was without a doubt the best. I will definitely be reading it again in the near future.”
Little Blessings Jude Busby Dec. 3, 2010 TCS family Jennifer & Jarrod Busby Big sisters: Bella and Bonnee
Sydnee Hull March 8, 2011
Lucy Winkler Nov. 23, 2010
TCS Junior High/High School Teacher, Tabitha Hull, and husband Michael
Trinity Church Nursery and Early Childhood coordinator, Deborah Winkler, and husband Cody Big brothers: Josiah and Joshua
Davis “Davy” Chatterton Sept. 9, 2010 TCS Head Tennis Coach Janet Chatterton and husband David
Ryder Roberson April 8, 2011 TCS Family Rachel and Craig Roberson Big brothers: Mason and Cole Big sister: Reece
Katie Clark Dec. 20, 2010 TCS Chief Financial officer Terisa Clark and husband Josh
Lane Salazar June 3, 2011 TCS Family Lindsay Salazar and husband Steven Big sister: Riley Cooper