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Trinity School will be a community of belonging, celebrating the promise and joy of learning and teaching, preparing students to be generous and committed citizens of the world we share.

Trinity published a strategic plan in 2011. That plan, Trinity’s first in well over two decades, was born of a particular moment in the School’s history: we had celebrated our 300th anniversary and were emerging from a long period of leadership transition. The time was ripe for a comprehensive plan that touched every aspect of school life and operation. The 2011 plan, and its 2016 update, have guided the School for ten years and powered significant programmatic, physical, and financial development.

The 2021-2022 school year found the School at a critical inflection point created by the global COVID-19 pandemic and a national period of racial reckoning. It was clearly the right moment for the creation of a new strategic vision to guide the School’s development. To develop our vision for the future, we assembled a steering committee in the fall of 2021 with representation from among the School’s trustees, parents, faculty members, administrators, and alumni. The committee was committed to three core principles in its work:

• We would be guided by Our Idea of Excellence, the School’s statement of mission.

• We would listen carefully to the voices of our community: trustees, faculty and staff, parents and caregivers, students, and alumni, including representatives of each of these constituencies in the process.

• We would keep faith with the work and recommendations of the Anti-Racism Task Force.

The events of the past two years had already spurred deep reflection and thoughtful action: in many ways, our strategic visioning began in the spring of 2020 and has continued unabated ever since. In particular, the extraordinary work of the School’s Anti-Racism Task Force (ARTF) and its report and recommendations represent vital, ongoing strategic thinking and action already underway. As we present this strategic vision, we want to affirm in the strongest terms the critical importance of the ARTF’s work and recommendations which this document is intended to complement and reinforce.

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