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While affirming these core strengths and values, the community also engaged thoughtfully with the strategic challenges facing the School and suggested important avenues for the School to explore as it charts its course over the next several years. The result of the committee’s consideration and reflection is Trinity Vision 2028
Trinity Vision 2028 is organized into three strategic “clusters:” A Community of Belonging, The Promise and Joy of Teaching and Learning, and Citizenship. Each cluster offers a set of broad, aspirational goals accompanied by a set of initial recommendations for exploring the means to achieve these goals. A fourth section reflects on the resources that will be necessary for the School to accomplish its strategic vision.
And now begins the work. Trinity Vision 2028 is not a traditional strategic plan; it is not a prescription for any particular program or method of pedagogy; it is not a to-do list. It is a statement of vision, of aspiration, of direction. It is intended to spur deep dialogue, careful study, and vigorous action. As a first step, the School will assemble task forces to be charged with studying these goals and recommendations and developing specific implementation processes.
With gratitude for the important dialogue that has carried us forward, we are pleased to present Trinity Vision 2028, which together with the recommendations of the ARTF and the findings of the 2022 Decennial Self-Study, will guide the School over the coming five years.
Nicole George-Middleton ‘93, P’29, P’30 Trustee

Myles B. Amend, P’24 Associate Head of School for Advancement and Operations
January 2023