12 minute read
Trinity Tidbits
Trinity Tidbits
By Nicole Fash, Director of Marketing and Communications
At Trinity since 2007, Learning Specialist Samantha Steinberg is now an Associate member of the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. She completed her associate-level certification in September 2021 after undergoing 10 observations and conducting 100 hours of one-on-one instruction under the mentorship of Orton-Gillingham Fellow Rosalie Davis. By working with an Orton-Gillingham Fellow, Samantha received feedback on her teaching and lesson planning and was able to hone her skills as an OrtonGillingham practitioner. Samantha earned a Master of Education with a Reading Specialist Specialization from the University of Maryland and a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Karen Boykins achieves new professional milestones
After three years as a SeeSaw Ambassador, Instructional Technology Specialist Karen Boykins is now a SeeSaw Certified Educator. This will provide new opportunities for her to grow her expertise in SeeSaw, Trinity’s online student learning management platform. At Trinity since 2006, Karen continues to push herself professionally, completing several courses this fall through the Harvard Graduate School of Education and receiving her Certificate in Media and Technology for Education. In addition, this past summer she passed the exams necessary to renew her Google Educator Level 1 and 2 certifications.
Trinity welcomes two new Education Technology team members

Khadijah Mafuta joined Team Trinity as the School’s Help Desk Technician in April 2021. In this role, Khadijah assists staff and students at Trinity School to successfully use technology to meet their individual, academic, and professional goals. She previously worked as an oasis support intern at VMware in Atlanta, providing ongoing IT support for more than 40,000 employees, and as an accuracy controller at HomeGoods Distribution Center in Jefferson, Georgia. Certified as a Professional Scrum Master I and a Microsoft Excel Associate, Khadijah accrued more than 200 hours of hands-on training in IT helpdesk through Year Up Greater Atlanta, an intensive one-year professional development program. When asked what she enjoys most about working at Trinity, Khadijah responded, “I love working at Trinity School because the students, teachers, and the community are so wonderful, kind, and friendly. For me, working at Trinity is also like giving back to the community by serving my community.” Abel Ataelsaid joined Trinity in October 2021 as the School’s new Network Administrator. In this role, he supports all aspects of Information Technology (IT) at Trinity and ensures the integrity and continual operation of the School’s network infrastructure. With close to 20 years of experience in IT, Abel has previously served as a senior technician at UPS in Atlanta, IT systems administrator at ZBEST Medical Transportation, and IT systems administrator at Nichiha USA Inc. CompTIA A+ certified, Abel earned an associate degree in management information systems and computer science at Waldorf University in Forest City, Iowa.
When asked why he wanted to work at Trinity, Abel responded, “I am a child at heart, why wouldn’t I want to come to work and see all the smiling, happy faces of our students? It is also very impressive to see how Trinity is utilizing technology and how heavily invested we are in giving the children the best tools for learning now and preparing them for the future.”

Trinity’s youngest explorers enjoy riding around in their very own handmade jeep to look for wild animals around campus. Early Learner Izzy tries out her binoculars before the safari begins.

Extended Programs students go on safari
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Extended Programs Lunch Bunch students spent a full week gearing up for a wild safari ride that occurred on September 17, 2021. Students enjoyed this annual safari expedition that took them all over campus in their homemade jeeps as they spotted all types of animals.

Sixth Graders pause for a group photo in front of Cane Creek Falls.
The Leadership Class visits Camp Glisson
The Sixth Grade Leadership Class thoroughly enjoyed their outdoor education trip to Camp Glisson from September 21–24, 2021. Members of the Class of 2022 were so excited for the return of this annual outdoor education trip after a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Sixth Graders made lifelong memories while participating in traditional outdoor educational activities like dissecting squid, ziplining, team-building exercises, and swimming.

Fifth Grader Sammy quickly scales the rock wall. Fifth Graders Ella and Brynn take a break after a team-building exercise. Fifth Graders Harry, Zach, and Arjun enjoy time on the Will-A-Way playground.

Fifth Graders participate in annual fall outdoor ed trip
From September 28–October 1, 2021, Fifth Graders enjoyed going off campus for their annual fall outdoor education trip at Camp Twin Lakes: Will-AWay in Fort Yargo State Park in Winder, Georgia. Students enjoyed their time away making memories they will cherish for years to come. They had fun participating in activities like canoeing, rock climbing, team-building exercises, and archery.
Becky Holden leads math professional development
Early Elementary Math Specialist Becky Holden, who has been at Trinity since 2015, is a fixture in the world of ongoing education. She continues to lead professional development, even as most conferences remain virtual. During the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2021 Virtual Fall Conference in November, Becky presented “The Impact of Counting Collections on Solving Story Problems: An Action Research Project.” Utilized at Trinity School, Counting Collections is a routine that supports conceptual understanding with objects, visual representations, and verbal counting. Becky presented on how that routine, implemented weekly over a 10-week period, affected students’ abilities to represent and solve story situations.
Jeff Morrison, PhD, serves in different roles
At Trinity since 2011, Director of Education Technology Jeff Morrison, PhD, had a busy fall in 2021. In addition to his responsibilities at Trinity, he serves as an adjunct professor in Georgia State University’s department of Educational Policy Studies graduate program and taught the master’s level course Methods of Research in Education this past fall. In October, Jeff chaired a Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) accreditation peer review team for an independent school in Virginia. During the visit, he led a team of peer educators charged with ensuring that the school has addressed significant questions regarding their adherence to their mission and future capacities of fulfilling their mission. In addition, Jeff, who is in his sixth year on the Association of Technology Leaders of Independent Schools’ board of directors, hosted a diversity, equity, and inclusion seminar during ATLIS’s virtual DEI Summit in December.
On October 27 and 28, 2021, awardwinning author and illustrator Henry Cole visited Trinity’s campus and met with students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. Mr. Cole, who has worked on more than 150 books, outlined the process behind writing and illustrating a book, from concept to printing press. He used examples of his own work, interspersing his presentations with anecdotes from his childhood and how he became interested in illustrating and art. Students of all ages were enthralled with his humor, wisdom, and amazing in-person illustrations.
Early Learners are thankful for friendship
Each year leading up to Thanksgiving, our youngest learners enjoy a Friendship Feast after swapping handmade friendship necklaces and completing a special Thankful art project. These special keepsakes list what students are thankful for on paper that they decorate. On November 18, 2021, all Early Learners gathered on the playground to sing Go Now in Peace after they exchanged necklaces.

Second Graders are mesmerized as Mr. Cole draws freehand a cartoon alligator playing an instrument.

As a grade level, Early Learners enthusiastically sang Go Now in Peace on the Early Elementary playground after exchanging necklaces.

The Uzima Clean Water mission mascot greets students during morning carpool the day before the Freshwater Fair. Early Learner Gates enjoys playing Fifth Grader Sylvie’s Freshwater Fair game.
Fifth Grader Henry shows Pre-K student Bobby how to play his Freshwater Fair game.
Fifth Grader Eleanor makes several loops around the track during the walk-a-thon.
Freshwater Fair reaches record-breaking number
Led by Science Teacher Becky Maas, Fifth Graders raised a record-breaking $1,200 during their Freshwater Fair held on December 3, 2021. This breaks the previous record by $400. Each year, all Trinity students are able to attend the fair for a five-coin entry fee, helping raise money to buy life-saving freshwater filters through Start With One and Uzima Clean Water Mission. The Freshwater Fair is a culminating event for the Fifth Graders during their unity of study of freshwater, and they create amazing games and provide impressive facts about animals that rely on freshwater from all over the world. In addition, during the month of November Fifth Graders wrapped up a 10-day walk-a-thon, accumulating 278 miles on the Trinity Track and raising $18,200. The annual walk-a-thon is an integral part of Fifth Grade’s study of freshwater as it not only raises money to provide water filters for people in different areas of Kenya but also increases student awareness of how some people in Kenya must walk miles to obtain water. During the walk-a-thon, Bill Coble, the founder of Start With One and Uzima Clean Water Mission, came on campus to meet with Fifth Graders and discuss the important of providing clean water in Njoro, Kenya. He also provided a demonstration of how effectively the filters transition dirty water to clean water. Because of these special fundraising projects, Fifth Graders sent 485 lifesaving water filters to the town of Njoro in Kenya through Start with One Kenya and Uzima Clean Water Mission. We are very proud of our Fifth Graders and how their efforts will provide 485 families with safe drinking water for the next 10 years.

Fourth Graders serve local veterans
In November 2021, as part of their grade-level community service project, Fourth Graders wrote heartfelt letters thanking veterans for their service and wishing them a happy upcoming holiday season. Students also donated pantry items to the Veterans Empowerment Organization (VEO).

Fourth Grader Watson pauses during his letter writing for a photo.

Third Graders Belle and Tessa hold up their balloon puppet, Unibun (unicorn bunny), during the parade. Fourth Grader Adiele puts the finishing touches on her letter to a veteran.

Third Grade presents Balloons Over Broadway
Quickly becoming a Trinity tradition, Third Graders held their annual Macy’s Day Parade on December 9, 2021, this time on the Trinity Track. After reading Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s Parade, students partnered with classmates to create balloon puppets for the parade as part of a special Thanksgiving-themed STEAM project.

Pre-K students Morayo and Nealy wear pajamas to celebrate the success of this school year’s Warmth Project.
Early Learners and Pre-K students participate in Warmth Project
For the last 10 years, Early Learners and Pre-K students have participated in an annual Warmth Project in December. During this service-learning project, the students and their families donate pajamas to children in need, which is meaningful to these young students as they can understand warmth and safety and love from caregivers and that these circumstances are not always available to everyone. This school year, the grade levels donated a combined total of 426 pairs of pajamas. They celebrated with a pajama day on December 10, 2021, during which students watched a streaming version of the Fifth Grade’s performance of The Nutcracker.

Ms. Joanna walks alongside Early Learners Maddox, Elizabeth, and Izzy as they parade around campus.
Disney characters on parade
Extended Programs concluded the 2021 school year with one of the most magical days of the year, their annual Disney parade for the Early Learners in Lunch Bunch. On December 10, a record number of students dressed up as their favorite Disney characters to parade around campus with the whole school cheering them on.
Third Graders experience the joy of giving
On December 14, 2021, Third Graders placed clothes, toys, books, and more donated by them and their families into the Collins Food Pantry truck, helping provide 223 children and their families with some joy during the holiday season. This grade-level community service project gave Third Graders the opportunity to deepen their understanding of empathy and compassion and the importance of serving those in need. Collins Food Pantry, located on Bolton Road in Atlanta, provides food and other essential services to nearly 500 local families.

Third Grader Mira places her items in the Collins Food Pantry donation box. Sixth Graders Parker, Emily, and Theo are excited to celebrate with pizza and ice cream.
Sixth-Grade families continue tradition of 100 percent participation
Once again, parents of our Sixth Grade Leadership Class were the first to reach 100 percent participation in The Trinity Fund, the School’s critical annual fundraising initiative. Students celebrated on January 19 with a pizza and ice cream sundae party hosted by the Office of Advancement and Parent Fund Committee. Each spring, the Advancement team holds an Ice Cream Sundae Challenge to encourage parents to participate in The Trinity Fund, and every grade level that reaches 90 percent participation by a certain date celebrates with a sundae party. The School is grateful to our Sixth-Grade families for setting the bar high and leading by example.