2 minute read
The Trinity Club Golf Society
The Society has had a great start to the year, with our early Spring fixture at Croham Hurst GC in March, won by new member and alumnus Mark Willis, and our Spring Day out at Worthing GC in May, won by another new member, David Dieterle. On both occasions, the friendly chitter chatter on the course, over dinner, and in the bar afterwards, shows just what a friendly bunch we all are. This is the key ingredient to our golf society - having fun and making friends, with a few golf competitions thrown in to keep us striving for glory.
The photos below show our winners Mark receiving his trophy from Bob Bradley and David receiving the Ian Brialey Cup. It is also great that we are sharing out the Nearest the Pin prizes right across the group with different winners so far this year.
STOP PRESS: Trinity beat Old Whits 3 1/2 to 1 1/2 to retain The Putter Trophy.
Our next outing is to Cottesmore but this magazine will have been printed before the results are known. However, you can see an update in the golf enthusiasts’ section of My Trinity (www.mytrinity.org.uk).
Our final two fixtures are Captain’s Day at Farleigh GC in August and then Bearsted GC in September. If anyone would like to come and join us for either of these golf days, please email me at lk07@me.com for details.
If you love golf, why not come and join us and meet up with old colleagues. We now have over 55 playing members and there will probably be someone you will know amongst the group. We are now planning our 2023 fixture list which will include some fabulous courses, some of them new to all of us.
Laurie King Captain 2022Email: lk07@me.com