6 minute read
Meet your Alumni and Development Team
L-R Donna Lewis, Francesca Catling, Jason Court, Nick Ramdas and Laurie King
We are your team at Trinity School, and we love hearing from you. Please do get in touch. We have an active Trinity Community, but we want to become even bigger through our events programme, networking opportunities and encouraging ad-hoc conversations on our My Trinity platform.
We are here to help you reconnect with the school and your former classmates. It is up to you how actively you want to get involved, but we are always looking for ideas, feedback, and comments about how we engage with you, what events we offer and how you can help us either financially or with our time and expertise.
We love letting you know about your school as it is now, its achievements, challenges, and goals. We also have the privilege of making your school accessible to bright children in Croydon who simply cannot afford the fees. Your support of the Trinity Bursary Fund is never taken for granted and is more necessary than ever before.
Jason Court
Class of 1986, has taken over from David Young as Director of Development.
I am really looking forward to reconnecting with many former students, staff, parents, and friends over the coming years. My role is to connect as many people back with the school and each other as well as ensuring that our school remains as open and socioeconomically diverse as it has always been.
Many of us in the alumni and parent communities take Trinity’s commitment to social inclusivity for granted. When I was here, my friends came from all over the Borough of Croydon, lived in every conceivable home, from social housing to a lovely semi or detached house.
Years later, reflecting on the biggest positive influence I had from my school days, I drew the conclusion it was my school friends who represented a cross section of economic backgrounds and differing worldviews. That early exposure to a broad spectrum of experience helped me develop a successful career in the City, where relationship building is everything.
Email: jtc@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Direct line: 020 8662 5147
Nick Ramdas
Class of 2016, is our new Data Analyst.
My role as Data Analyst in the Development and Alumni team involves supporting the cultivation and maintenance of new and existing relationships with alumni, parents and friends of the school, through data and the insights we can draw from it.
I was lucky enough to receive a bursary when I came to the school, allowing me to benefit from all Trinity has to offer, and without which I wouldn’t be where I am today. Part of my role is to promote the bursary fund to help give others the same opportunities I’ve had.
One of my favourite things about Trinity, that I took for granted whilst a student here, is the vast number of activities on offer. I’m not missing anything the second time round and run the staff football team every week and am making moves to be part of the golf society, watch this space . . !
Email: ndr@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Tel: 020 8656 9541 ext 676
Donna Lewis
Donna has been promoted to Alumni Relations and Services Manager.
Shy, reserved, tongue-tied. This is what I am NOT!
I’m incredibly fortunate to be in a role where I can use my superpower – chatting! Mixing with so many people from diverse backgrounds with different experiences – networking, connecting, and getting to know you is the best part of my job.
I love following young people’s growth and seeing them succeed. I am always humbled when our younger alums return to school to talk and give advice to our current students. I’m excited about your future.
The Trinity alumni community are the best, absolute fun, and most caring community. The energy you all give out is incredible and when we’re in a room together the atmosphere is electric. Get in touch if you want me to amplify your stories using the alumni social media platforms.
I’m passionate about supporting them, so if you happen to meet me at the House of Lords, at Soho House, at a jazz evening at Ronnie Scott’s, at a night out at BoxPark Croydon, or sparring at the local boxing gym, or rollerblading at Crystal Palace Park - I’m more than likely to be with a Trinity alum.
So, thank you for being you. My job wouldn’t be as much fun without you and every day you make us (the Alumni & Development Team) want to do better.
Email: alumni@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Direct line: 020 8662 5155
Francesca Catling
Francesca, a current Trinity parent, joins as our Alumni Engagement Manager.
I’ve had a connection to the Whitgift Foundation since being a student at Old Palace in the early 90s but am a recent joiner at Trinity, both as a parent and as a member of staff. However, the Trinity community instantly made me feel like I’ve been a part of it for years. It has been wonderful meeting and speaking with so many awe-inspiring former students, many of whom appear in this edition of the magazine. Dynamic, innovative, confident, warm, friendly, and passionate are just some of the words I’ve come to associate with the alumni I’ve met so far.
I’m incredibly excited about meeting even more of you over the coming year at the many events we’re hosting as well as sharing your news, views, and successes with our wider community.
Email: fnc@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Direct line: 020 8662 5159
Laurie King
Class of 1977, continues as our Archivist and Alumni Ambassador and is on site every Tuesday.
Music, Sport and classmates were my highlights at school in the 70s and now I am back at Shirley Park, it seems these are my strengths once more.
In my role as Archivist and Alumni Relations Ambassador, I get to meet loads of our alumni and guess what, it is those good old days in the rugby team or the CCF or Trinity Choristers which spark great memories as well as all those old team photos!
One of my other great loves is golf and as Captain of the Trinity Golf Society this year, it has been a privilege to meet, play and chatter with so many old and new chums.
Trinity friendships - they last forever.
Email: lck@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
Tel: 020 8656 9541 ext 747