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The Trinity Diploma
Beyond your A Level subjects:
Our students find the Sixth Form at Trinity an exciting place, full of opportunity. Through our Diploma programme, Sixth Formers think beyond the curriculum and engage critically with the world around them. You will be encouraged to be selfmotivated and independent in your thinking, taking responsibility for your wider development. Our Diploma programme is delivered through a timetabled double period each week throughout the Lower and Upper Sixth. This will give you the opportunity to explore a range of areas, highlighted here in this graphic, which will contribute to your intellectual and personal development and open up exciting possibilities for further research and study.
Encouraging independent thinking
Leadership and community Critical analysis skills Extended academic project Personal development Enrichment

All of our students undertake an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) or a Sixth Form Project (SFP), which involves independent academic investigation. The EPQ is the equivalent of an AS Level. All students are allocated a Diploma teacher, and for those on an EPQ, an EPQ supervisor to support them in their academic endeavours. All students receive key sessions on skills such as referencing, research, structuring a report, delivering a presentation and time management. Further details on the EPQ can be read in the subject specific section of this guide.
Critical analysis
Critical thinking and cogent lines of argument are key to A level success and beyond. Our Diploma teaching focuses on source analysis and evaluation as well as writing a thesis and structuring and drafting an essay.
We offer a super-curriculum, which includes enrichment courses and elective options, enabling you to extend your subject interests further. As part of this enrichment programme, you will choose two six-week elective courses from a wide range of options, including, for example: History of Art, Architecture, Law, Global Politics, Philosophy and Ethics and Physics and Space.
Wellbeing and personal development
Our Personal Development Programme underpins school life. The emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health of our students is of primary importance and we aim to build resilience and offer methods to alleviate stress, as well as to prepare all for the world beyond. Throughout the year, we hold a series of keynote speakers for the students and our wider community.
Leadership and community
We have a long history of developing partnerships with the community. All students volunteer to work with local charities and organisations, thereby learning important life skills and the value of service. We foster confident individuals, prepared for the world, with leadership and teamwork skills as well as a strong sense of citizenship and social enterprise. Current opportunities include helping in residential and nursing homes, working at ecology centres or charity shops and gardening for older people. You could also plan art, sports, music and IT sessions for primary school children and assist with sports coaching.