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University course requirements
If you are interested in a particular university course, you should research the university admission pages and their entry requirements for that course. This will vary from university to university and from year to year. If you have any particular questions, do contact us for advice. The information below gives, in a very condensed form, current guidance for some A Level course requirements and preferences for many of the single subjects commonly studied at university. Do not assume that this will apply in every case.
Accountancy, Finance Mathematics is usually required
Most leading schools of Architecture require a strong portfolio of drawings, therefore Art is highly beneficial. Mathematics A Level and/or Physics are sometimes required
Art and Design
Art, DT or Photography usually required. Often a foundation course also required
Biochemistry, Chemistry Chemistry required. Biology or Mathematics often preferred
Business Studies, Management
Classics, Oriental Studies
Mathematics sometimes required
A modern foreign language is usually required for Oriental, African and Near Eastern Studies. For language-based Classics courses, Latin or Greek is desirable
Chemical Engineering Chemistry and Mathematics required
Computer Science
Mathematics A Level required for top universities, Further Mathematics is desired. For some courses Physics is required
Drama and Theatre Drama, Theatre Studies or English sometimes required
Mathematics essential for most courses. Further Mathematics is desirable at the very top courses. A Level Economics is described as ‘desirable’ by some universities (and an essay-based subject)
Engineering (Aeronautical, Civil, Electrical, Electronic, Marine, Mechanical, Production)
Mathematics and Physics are required. Further Mathematics is strongly recommended for the top Engineering courses. Very high grades are needed for top courses
English Literature usually required
Geography almost always required
Geology / Earth Sciences One or two subjects required from Sciences, Geography and Mathematics
Human Sciences
History usually required
Mathematics and Biology are useful for Human Sciences but not essential
Biology, Economics, Geography and History are useful for Social and Human Science courses, as well as for Archaeology and Anthropology. English Language proficiency is also important
Generally, no preferred subjects, but students often offer at least one essay-based subject
Mathematics A Level is required and Further Mathematics is essential for top universities
Medicine, Dentistry
Requirements vary between medical schools. A Level Chemistry is required, and usually two of Mathematics, Physics and Biology. The fourth subject does not have to be science-based
Modern Languages (French, German, Spanish courses)
The relevant A Level languages are required for all single honours. Other Modern Languages can be taken up but most language courses would expect at least one and preferably two languages
Music usually required. A portfolio and audition is required
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
Most universities suggest that Mathematics is an advantage for PPE. A Levels which reflect analytical and writing ability are desirable for these subjects at university – at least two academic subjects. History is often useful for a Politics degree and Mathematics and Religious Studies for a Philosophy degree
At least one Mathematics/Science subject is desirable for Science faculties; no specific requirements by Arts faculties (of which there are fewer)

Physics and Mathematics are usually required. Further Mathematics useful
Sports Studies / Science / Physical Education
Biology often required
Veterinary Science Chemistry and Biology required and often another Science or Mathematics preferred
Applying to American Universities
An increasing number of Trinity students apply to American universities. Many courses do not require specific A Levels (though STEM courses may). Most applicants sit an entrance test (either SAT or ACT). SAT has both basic papers and subject-related papers (a student may have to sit two or three of these) while ACT includes science questions and an essay. We select one that suits the student best. Applicants to US universities need a very strong portfolio of extra and co-curricular activities
Applying to Art and Design Schools and Drama Schools
Applying for an Apprenticeship
The Director of Art and Director of Drama will be able to advise
The range of apprenticeships, both Higher and Degree level, are expanding. They are attractive to Trinity students who know which industry they want to join and are enthusiastic and well prepared to join the working world direct from school. Some apprenticeships require particular subjects at A-level, but others are not prescriptive, looking instead at the ability of candidates to shine at assessment centre and at interview