Changes implemented by the Act The Act officially recognises Irish Sign Language (ISL) as a native language of the State and provides that the ‘community of persons using Irish Sign Language shall have the right to use, develop and preserve Irish Sign Language’.431 Furthermore, the Act ‘provides for specific duties and obligations in the areas of legal proceedings, educational provision and broadcasting’.432 The main areas in which the changes have been implemented are outlined below: Legal Proceedings A person is entitled to use ISL in any pleading or court.433 Every court has an obligation to do all that is reasonable to ensure that any person competent in ISL and who cannot understand Irish and English appearing or giving evidence before it may be heard in that language (if it is their choice) and furthermore they will not be disadvantaged by doing so.434 For the purposes of ensuring that no person is placed at a disadvantage, the court may cause such facilities to be made
Access to interpreting services Under the Irish Sign Language Act 2017 “public bodies shall do all that is reasonable to ensure that interpretation is provided for a person who is competent in that language and cannot hear or understand English or Irish when that person is seeking to avail of or access statutory entitlements or services by or under statute by that public body”.436 The Act specifies that this should be at no cost to the person concerned.437 Moreover, the Act refers to funds being
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth ‘Minister Rabbitte Announces Commencement of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017’ (, 2020) <> accessed 25 October 2021. 432 Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth ‘Minister Rabbitte Announces Commencement of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017’ (, 2020) <> accessed 25 October 2021. 433 Irish Sign Language Act, s4 (1). 434 Irish Sign Language Act, s 4 (2). 435 Irish Sign Language Act 2017, s 4 (3). 436 Irish Sign Language Act 2017, s 6 (1). 437 Irish Sign Language Act 2017, s 6 (2).
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