● It is recommended that the EU and its Member States are further cognisant of the varied forms of disability which exist, and consequently ensure that their efforts in these areas ensure flexibility in the provision of disability-specific supports and appropriate accommodations;66 ● It is suggested that EU institutions and Member States should expand current structures for the engagement of people with disabilities, including by forming advisory or consultative bodies, in order to effectively decrease the barriers to political participation. Representatives of persons with disabilities should be full members of these bodies on an equal footing with others, and the necessary supports be provided to guarantee as such.67 ● EU institutions and Member States should consider creating policies to guarantee that candidates and potential candidates for public office are sufficiently supported to participate in the electoral processes.68 Financial and other resources to account for the additional resources that persons with disabilities may require in order to campaign effectively, as well as measures to remove physical and other barriers to access to buildings where political activities are conducted, could be included in such plans.69 Once in office, elected officials with disabilities should be provided with the necessary accommodations to ensure they can continue to effectively conduct their role. Collectively, it is hoped that these measures will help remedy the inconsistencies across the EU regarding the lifting of administrative and legal barriers to political participation. III.
Analysing the European Court of Human Rights Decisions in Strøbye v Denmark and Rosenlind v Denmark
UNDP, “Participation of persons with disabilities in political and public Life” (UNDP, 10 June 2019) < https://www.undp.org/speeches/participation-persons-disabilities-political-and-public-life> accessed 10 June 2019; European Union, Union of Equality: Strategy for the rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021 – 2030 (3 March 2021). 67 National Disability Authority, ‘Advice Paper on Engagement with Disabled Persons’ Organizations’ (October 2020). 68 UNDP, “Participation of persons with disabilities in political and public Life” (UNDP, 10 June 2019) https://www.undp.org/speeches/participation-persons-disabilities-political-and-public-life accessed 10 June 2019. 69 UNDP, “Participation of persons with disabilities in political and public Life” (UNDP, 10 June 2019) https://www.undp.org/speeches/participation-persons-disabilities-political-and-public-life accessed 10 June 2019.
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