Trinity College
Student Societies An Officer's Guide
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ELECTION! Running a student society can be a truely rewarding endeavour. By being elected, and with Freshers' Week behind you, you've taken the first step towards a truely amazing experience this year. This Officers' Guide has been produced by the Central Societies Committee (CSC) so that the officers of Societies can have ready access to as much information as possible to make the running of a Society as smooth as possible. There are many challenges to making the working of a Society successful but very often some of the problems that newly elected Officers encounter can very easily be solved if they have the correct information at their disposal. The purpose of this guide, is to make that information available to you. The information has been arranged in a first-things-first type of order: we tried to imagine what a person who had no idea about the running of a Society in College or about the CSC might ask themselves if elected and have answered the imagined questions as they crop up.
to us...NO Communic W! ations bet ween CSC Societies and individu is importa al nt! We ne your cont ed to get act details as soon a s possible ! Society O fficers, if you have b and still h een electe aven't done d so, please to have yo arrange ur commit tee's cont emailed to act lucy@csc ASA details P. We can't h elp you, if we can't talk to yo u!
This is an important question which, in the excitement of running for election, people often forget. A student society in College is a body that has been recognised by the College - usually through the CSC - as a legitimate expression of student interest within the College. A society persists in time so that when your current committee has long gone from College, your society can still exist. Societies exist because students want them to exist and outlast the individuals that run them. What makes each society different, and something unique in and of itself, is the fact that it has a Constitution which determines what it does and to a degree how it is to do it. The objects of the constitution determine what societal activity consists in. Thus the Chess Club exists to promote the playing of chess among its members: if the officers of the Chess Club were to stop promoting chess-playing and started playing ten-pin bowling instead then they would be behaving unconstitutionally and the society's members would be entitled to remove them from office. Similarly if the officers were to simply concentrate on organising parties or club nights for the members and failed to pay attention to chess they would be failing the Constitution. Admittedly many College societies do have a "social" element built into their constitutions, and this is understandable, but the societal elements must take precedence and whilst organising meetings and speakers and so forth may not be as glamorous as organising parties it is precisely for these former elements that the society ultimately exists. You, as an officer, have a duty of care for your society and it's constitution. To learn more about constitutions, turn to page 7. Finally there is one thing to keep in mind that might help you in carrying out your responsibilities as officers. Society officers are often heard to loosely talk of "my" or "our" society and to a degree that is understandable, but such talk often allows officers to think of the society as their property and thus that they may dispose of it and its assets as they please: nothing could further from the truth. As officers you are guardians of your society and its assets. Your duty lies in fostering the society for those who come after you whilst serving the needs of those currently in the society: it is necessary to balance these two duties. By all means say "mine", but think and act "theirs".
WHAT IS THE CSC? The Central Societies Committee (CSC) is the College body which oversees the activities and longterm care of all the student societies of Trinity College. We promote the interests of student societies within College and consider applications made by students who wish to found new societies. Throughout the year, we also distribute grants to societies, which enable them to independently run their own activities. To better help societies appropriately use these grants, the CSC assists them with the audition of their accounts and their financial management. We also help societies develop a policy for maintenance, use and extension of their rooms and other facilities. Whether you realise it or not, the CSC is working constantly to promote and safeguard the interests of you and your socities in the eyes of College. Every year we seek a proportion of the Capitation Committee Grant adequate enough to meet the needs of all the student societies in College and we elect representatives to sit on the Capitation Committee and other College committees to represent you.
WHO ARE THE MEMBERS OF THE CSC? The CSC is one of five "capitated bodies" in College. The other four are: The Students Union (SU), The D.U. Central Athletics Committee (DUCAC), The Publications Committee (PUBS) and the Graduate Students Union (GSU). Each student, undergraduate and postgraduate, pays an annual fee to College, part of which goes to the "Capitation Committee" for distribution to the five bodies. Each capitated body has representatives who sit on this committee, which is chaired by the Senior Dean.
The CSC's representatives on the Committee are the Treasurer, the Honorary Treasurer and two members of Executive who are elected internally The Administrative Officer also attends, but does not have a vote. The Committee meets about once a term
WHO ARE THE MEMBERS OF THE CSC? ...the membership of the CSC is made up of the Treasurer of each of the fully recognised societies, and the CSC Executive:
Fully Recognised Society Treasurers:
Only treasurers of those societies that are fully recognised may vote at the termly general meetings. As Treasurers, you have a responsibility to the CSC, in the same way that the CSC has a responsibility to you and your society. As members of the CSC you are in a position to improve things that are not satisfactory in the current operation. Your suggestions are welcome at any time. The service offered by the CSC to societies, cannot be improved if we are not made aware of the problems. Please remember, we are here to help you!
The CSC Executive.
The Executive are your elected representatives, and are appointed to carry out the day to day running of the CSC - if you feel they are not doing it right, you should let them know. The Executive is elected at the Annual General Meeting, which takes place in Trinity Term. The Executive consists of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Amenities Officer and 8 ordinary members of Executive. There is also an Honorary Treasurer who is usually a member of staff, and who holds his/her position for 3 years. He/she is responsible for the long term development and financial planning of the CSC, but does not have a vote at Executive or at CSC meetings.
Emma and Lucy are the full time members of the CSC staff. Although not voting members of CSC, they assist the executive with the day to day management of the CSC and help society officers with their many responsbilities.
Duties of Society Officers to the CSC As officers, you have a duty of care to your societies, but you also have certain responsibilities towards the CSC as well. This is first and foremost to communicate with us, and let us help you. If you are experiencing any difficulties with regards to running your society, please either call in to have a chat or ring the CSC office or email and we will try to fix the problem together
CHAIRPERSON The Chairperson is the guiding force behind a society. The CSC regards the Chairperson as the individual responsible for the general activities of a society.
Chair Responsi
ities... The CSC regard s the Society Chairperson as being ultimately responsible for its activities and for the society's relations within College and outs ide. You should oversee the m embers of the society committ ee and ensure that the Treasure r and Secretary of the society are keeping in touch with the CSC.
e society's Treasurer, for th e th ith w le sib spon s, as you is also jointly re eye on the book an ep ke to u yo The Chairperson for erefore advisable finances. It is th debts incurred y an r fo e bl onally lia can be held pers ...Chairing Meetings You will obviously chair all com mittee meetings of the society, and should be aware when general meetings of the CSC are taking place so that you can involve your committee in decisions that are to be voted on by your Trea surer on the Society's behalf. Even though you are not a member of the CSC, you may of course attend all general meeting s.
...Financial Man
...Formulating Granting Policy
Executive will ing CSC Grants Policy. The CSC Societies have an input in formulat early during policy, and this is circulated to you formulate what it thinks is a realistic must inform the suggest changes or additions, you Michaelmas Term. If you want to s of the CSC, at proposed and seconded by member CSC in writing with your motion, (MTGM). Michaelmas Term General Meeting least one week in advance of the
...Applying for Grants after the
Go to the CSC officers' webpage: nt_app. On this page you will see instruct ions about filling out the Grant Application Form, and a login prompt. The app lication should be completed and submitted in consultation with the rest of you r committee. You and the Treasure r may be asked to attend an Executive mee ting of the CSC to run through you r application and explain any queries the Exe c may have. You should try and include as much detail as possible on the actu al Grant Application Form, but if you need something before the form is circ ulated, or at any stage later in the year, you can apply on a supplementary grant application form which is available online at the same address.
SECRETARY The Secretary is responsible for a society communicating with its members and communicating with the CSC.
Secretary Responsi
s... The Society secretary should act as the link between the society and the CSC. You should ensure that the CSC has an up-to -date list of the Committee and so ciety officers, and inform the CSC if they change at any stage.
Society events
society events re that you enter ALL su en to is es liti ibi ns po webpage: http:// One of your main res this, go to the officer’s do To . ide Gu t en Ev ord (available from (public or private) in the ciety login and passw so ur yo e us , pp t_a this brings up a k on "post events" clic d an it) ow kn n't do a weekly event, by if you coming event. If it is up ur yo of ls tai de ter ery week in the page where you can en the event will appear ev e, lin t" ea ep "R the on x events will then clicking on the little bo termtime dates. These the in fill ly us vio ob ld ar. online guide - you shou ort at the end of the ye s of the secretary's rep se rpo pu the for red be sto
...Documenting your
Report for submission to CSC Before the CSC can consider you r Grant Application, a Secretary's report for the previous academic year must be submitted. You will do this too onli ne. If the event guide is kept up-to-date, the job is pretty much done for you, and it's just a matter of editing and submitting what is in the file already. The Soc iety Officers will be there - forwarded from the grant application which will have been submitted previously. If you've entered the society events as you go along, they will also be stored. You should enter ALL eve nts, including committee meeting s, or meetings of sub-committees, etc. This way futu re generations of your society will be able to get a real feel of how the society was operating. The Other Information sec tion is there should you wish to add an overall view of the society's activity thro ughout the year.
nstitution es of operation. The co rul its wn do s lay ich wh titution s, duties of Each society has a cons about holding meeting ns tio es qu ur yo of er all with this familiarise themselves should be able to answ to n lde ho be are ers marily be etc. Offic committee, elections of a society should pri s itie tiv ac the t tha be noted activities, constitution. It should nstitution and it is these co its in ed lat pu sti as aims Secretary those which promote its C. The CSC regards the CS the by ed aid ntst first are gra nstitutional changes mu and only these, which Co y An n. tio titu ns Co ecutive. Society n ratified by the CSC Ex as responsible for the the d an ty cie so the of u cannot or AGM t it is up-to-date. If yo be passed by an EGM tha k ec ch d an n tio titu ur cons will have a Please read through yo ase call into CSC - we ple n, tio titu ns co ur yo py of lay your hands on a co . ce offi copy in the
...Society Constitutio
...Society Room Keys If you have a society roo m, please inform your officers that keys are CSC office for a perso available in the nal (i.e. not out of so cie ty coffers!) deposit of â‚Ź3 be refunded at the en 0, which will d of the year when yo ur key is returned. Th of 2 keys available for ere is a maximum each society. If furthe r keys are deemed ne the society to fully fun cessary to allow ction, you may apply on a case by case basis to Society officers may CSC Executive. borrow a key on reque st, and by leaving the CSC should be provided ir ID card, but in advance with a list of the people who ma borrowed in this way sh y do this. Keys ould not be held overn ight.
mail c/o their Each Society should have a postal address. Some societies receive Regent House. We departments, but most have a mail box, either in the Atrium or in of one of these, have plenty of vacant mailboxes at the moment, so if you wish to avail use. please let Lucy or Emma know and one will be allocated for your
Treasurer The Treasurer, along with the Chairperson, is held to be responsible for a Society’s finances.
Treasurer Resp
sibilities... Your job may sound complicat ed, but with a little organisation, it ne ed not take up too much of your tim e. It is your respon sibility to enter all transactions to an d from the societ y bank account into the online system . You should get a receipt for all mon ies you spend; keep these carefully, as you will need th em to claim ba ck money from CSC, and those that ar en't claimed will have to be presented w ith your accounts at the end of the ye ar.
...Grant Application
As Treasurer, you should be invo lved in filling out the Grant App lication Form in October/November. All results of CSC meetings will be notified to you by email and will be available on the officers web site: Once you have been allocated a grant, you can start to claim mon ey from the CSC. We can only pay out money on rece ipts, so you have to spend your mon ey first, get receipts and then submit them to the CSC to get your grant. Usually payments from the CSC will be made directly to the society bank account. If you rece ive cheques or payments from any other sources , these too should be lodged to you r bank account. This includes your membership money, which should be lodged to the bank and then cheques written for any pay ments. Please do not use member ship money as petty cash, as the CSC uses these lodgments to calculate your society 's membership. Certain grants that the CSC gives are calculated on your membership numbers, so it is in your interest to lodge all mon ey taken in during Freshers' Wee k.
...Accounts preparation for CSC
year. Your to be audited at the end of each You have to prepare the accounts the following ry of one year to end of Februa of financial year runs from 1st March ied out by carr ions are aware of all the transact year, so please make sure that you and now. ch Mar time already elapsed between the previous treasurer during the tracking try u (Yo is still fresh in everyone's minds. make You should do this now, while it to them ing th before his/her finals and ask ns down last year's Treasurer a mon mea ch whi line be keeping your accounts on ed. your accounts a priority!) You will plifi sim atly gre accounts for the year should be that the preparation of the Society will mean that iety transactions as you go along Entering into the system your soc ss a button and pre year's end - you will be able to with perhaps a little tweaking at swoop. print out the accounts in one fell username and app and login with your society Go to to the Society Go if you don't know it). password (available from lucy@cs be fixed from will tion for opening balance (which Accounts section. There is a sec goings and out , ed) vious year have been submitt last year, if accounts for the pre As you go r. yea the accounts at the end of the income, and one for submitting k account. ban the ments out and lodgments into along, you can enter in all your pay the CSC of er eith you need any help, please ask It is very straightforward, but if her. Treasurers or Lucy to explain furt r. Between the handed in by 30th June each yea Your completed accounts must be unable to claim be ounts are handed in, you will end of February and until your acc better. Bear the , in, the sooner you complete them any money from the CSC, so aga consecutive two for hand in satisfactory accounts in mind that if a society fails to ic derecognition. years, it will be put up for automat
...Petty Cash
Generally the CSC recommends that all of your business be transacted using cheques but there are the inevitable case s where this simply doesn't work and you'll need to use cash. Petty cash improperly handled will be the bain of any trea surer's existence. The simplest system for dealing with petty cash is to, at the star t of the year, cash a cheque for say €50, as you spe nd this petty cash, store the rece ipts you get along the way with the remaining petty cash, eventually you will have spe nt nearly all the cash you had at the outset, say €47 .28 is gone, but you have the equ ivalent amount's worth in receipts. Staple all of thes e receipts together and write and cash a cheque for this €47.28, the gathered rece ipts act as the overall receipt for this second cheque, you now have €50 again. This pro cess can be repeated as often as required through the year. Prior to the end of the accounting year end (March 31st) you carry out the second step as described above and then lodge the €50 you have just generated into your account. This lodgement acts as the receipt against the first che que - because in your statement you have a balancin g of money in and money out. This may seem a little odd but performed correctly will really make life easier in the long run.
let us know. We have cial difficulties, please an fin g vin ha is ty cie rary overdrafts for your Finally, if your so d can authorise tempo an nk ba the th wi ip en if you can't make it a good relationsh short-term bridging. Ev ed ne ly on u yo re su . and we can organise society if we are tween 10a.m. and 5p.m be g rin s ay alw n ca u into the office, yo e. or e-mail lucy@csc.tcd.i things over the phone,
...You and your Bank
Society Committees
The responsiblities of running a society are not just divided between the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Everybody on your committee has an equally important role to play. ...Summer Preparation
Committee Res
nsibilities Some committee s have officers who are responsible for publicising the society. Others ha ve officers who are responsible for equipment, facil ities and rooms. So me societies ha ve officers who's sole responsiblit y is organising socia l events. There are numerous roles within a socie ty. The CSC realise s that each so ciety committee is un ique, and that it is students who kn ow best how to di vide the responsiblitie s attached to runn ing their societies.
Some of you may need to do a certain amount of preparation over the summer, for instance in procuring guest speakers. The CSC opens periodically over the Summer months, i.e. from the beginning of June until the beginning of September - 10a.m. - 2p.m. and reverts to normal after that. This gives you plenty of time to prepare stuff for Freshers' Week and to order membership cards. Full details of opening hours will be made available prior to the Summer.
...Freshers' Week
Societies may set up desks during Freshers' Week in order to attract new members to join. CSC does not fund Freshers' Week activites, so any banner s, stands, bunting, etc will have to be covered by your own funds, or by sponsorship. Take care not to publicise "Free drink" or "Massive receptions", etc in order to keep in line with the alcohol policy of the College. You are also not permitted to give out alcohol from the stand. For the Alcohol policy see page 13 and 21.
...Amenities and Furnishings
red with two or the use of a room (usually sha e hav s ietie soc ed gnis reco fully Most able. If you need should be functional and comfort ms roo se The s). ietie soc er oth three app and login go to uld sho you , ngs ishi furn or ent equipm ies Request" and fill password. Go to "Submit Amenit and me rna use iety soc r you with deal with each The CSC's Amenities Officer will ts. men uire req r you of ils deta in the required for you, e cases he/she may buy the item som in e issu e arat sep a as t reques CSC. The kind of buy it and reclaim the money from to you e oris auth may he ers, in oth and Furnishings enities - kettle, cups, spoons, etc. Am ‌ for ing look be ht mig you things possible about your ers, etc. Please be as detailed as lock s, inet cab g filin es, tabl irs, - cha edy provision of e or model. This will allow a spe mak , ions ens dim e.g. ts, men require your request.
...Postering In order to be permitte d to put posters up in College, you MUST ad society name/logo. Th vertise your e standard poster size for College is A3. Thes and photocopied in the e ma y be printed CSC Office. But we wo uld draw your attentio postering regulations n to the College on page 19.
...Membership Cards
The CSC has an arrangement with a printer for membership cards. If you are interested in using this facility, get in touch with Emma ( The CSC will pay centrally for these.
...Letterheads If you wish to use a letterhead for your society you should set one up in Word as a template and save in your Soc iety folder on the CSC Computers. ...Society Records
The CSC is keen to encourage societies to keep accurate records and memorabilia pertaining to each society. Please ensure that you have the facilities to do this. You may apply for minutes books on your grant, and the CSC will provide you with a filing cabinet or lockable cabinet. Although each society should furnish the CSC with annual reports and these are kept in the CSC Office, such items as minutes of society meetings, posters, programmes, invitations, etc. will not find their way to the CSC. It will be of interest and benefit to future generations of your society, if you can leave a decent archive of material.
covered by our ch are valued at over â‚Ź130 be It is important that any items whi values. There we have details and replacement insurance, so please make sure that tion can be rma t application form where this info is a section at the end of the gran y in CSC. Luc rm equipment during the year, to info included, but remember if you buy
First and foremost, respect one another. Respect the role that everybody plays on your committee and respect that they too are dedicating their time and effort to the society. It is important to work as a team, communicate with each other and recognise that everybody’s ideas and contributions are valid. In the age of emails and mobile phones, communication between each other should be easy to maintain. Try and keep everybody in the loop and included. The secret to running a society and getting a degree, is successful delegation and teamwork! Your constitution should be quite clear on the responsibilities of the three main officers: Chairperson (or Auditor/President), Treasurer and Secretary. You may have to allocate different duties to other committee members, but try to make sure that everyone knows their own responsibility. Once these jobs have been established, let everyone get on with them. Don’t tell people how to do their jobs, but do support one another and make sure that every committee member pulls their weight. It is a good idea to hold weekly committee meetings at the same time and place every week. If you don't have access to a society room, you may use the Eliz Rooms during the day for these meetings. Speak to Emma or Lucy and they will help you book the room. It is helpful to make a provisional plan of activities for the year. This need not be set in stone, but it will give you a starting point.
Throughout the year you will find that you need to book rooms for meetings, events and receptions. This is a really simple process. 1) Go to the Enquiries Office (up Exam Hall Steps and go through the glass door on your right) and give them details of times, dates, numbers expected etc. They will allocate you a room and give you a confirmation document. You should have this confirmation document on you when you go use the room. 2) The Enquires Office will request a deposit cheque which will only be cashed if any damages occur. Similarly, if you cancel your event, tell the Enquires Office. Somebody else may wish to use the room!
3) When you have finished with the room, make sure you reset it and take any rubbish out with you. This is respectful to the cleaning staff who have more important things to do than clean up after you! Accessibility: Please bear in mind that we must cater for those students and staff members who may have mobility impairment of some kind, so when deciding about a venue's suitability, try to ensure that the rooms you book are accessible to all. ARE YOU HAVING A DRINKS RECEPTION IN THE ROOM?
Please turn to pages 13 & 21 for more information....
ROOMS AVAILABLE... The Eliz Room and Room 50 The CSC has exclusive access to the Eliz Rooms in House 6 and to Room 50 in the Atrium. Both these rooms may be booked through Enquiries in the normal way. Room 50 holds about 50 people. Chairs may be stacked at the side of the room, so it may be suitable for various types of meetings. If there is no alternative venue available, it may be possible to hold receptions in Room 50, but these have to be agreed with the Junior Dean on a case by case basis through the CSC office. The Eliz Rooms may be used for meetings requiring conference style seating. It is used during the day as an overspill from the CSC office and if you wish to hold committee meetings in there, just check the timing with Lucy or Emma. The Eliz Rooms may be used for receptions and the adjoining kitchen may be useful in this case. Please note that empty bottles must not be left in the kitchen – there are bottle banks in Botany Bay. The Arts Building Enquiries will allocate you a room in the Arts Building depending on the numbers you anticipate attending. The larger Theatres on the ground and lower ground floor may need to be booked far in advance, but you can usually get a smaller room without much trouble. Goldsmith Hall Book through Enquiries (as with the Arts Building & Aras an Phiarsaigh.) Aras an Phiarsaigh Book through Enquiries (as with the Arts Building and Goldsmith Hall)
The Graduates' Memorial Building (GMB) The Chamber (ground floor) is unavailable on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. It is possible to use the Chamber on Tuesday and Friday nights. The Phil & Hist Conversation Rooms (ground floor and first floor) may be used with the permission of the relevant society. The President/ Auditor of the Phil/Hist must give permission for the use of their respective conversation rooms. You will be given a form by the Enquiries Office which you need to get signed by the Phil President/Hist Auditor. The Resource Room (3rd Floor). For smaller meetings, the small library on the Top Floor of the GMB may be booked. This is done in the same manner as the two Conversation Rooms. The Resource Room may not be used for drink/ food receptions. You will be levied with a security charge for using the GMB – in the region of €120 for an evening meeting, up to €200 for a weekend meeting. If you intend to use the GMB remember to include these figures in your grant application and the CSC will cover the costs.
How to...
To hold a drinks reception, you MUST have the permission of the Junior Dean. Permission is applied for on line, go to: Thereafter the Dean will assess your request and may lay down conditions for the permission WHICH MUST BE ADHERED TO. The CSC advises that notice for a reception be given at least 8 working days in advance of the meeting. There may be security charges involved for some rooms (e.g. The GMB). The CSC will cover a maximum of 2 security charges per term - these will be paid directly by CSC. If you go over your maximum of two per term, you will be asked to reimburse the CSC.
How to...
The best approach to getting a guest, tends to be by writing – either letter or email – and follow up within two weeks with a phone call. That said the fact that more and more people are e-mail based means is often more efficient to use this method of communication.
Remember if you think that the person you are writing to is too important to simply e-mail, they are probably important enough to have someone deal with their mail anyway so they never get to see it before they issue their reply. You can tell an overseas speaker that you will be able to cover their travel expenses up to approx €200, give them entertainment expenses of up to €60 (to cover guest + one committee member) and offer them accommodation for 2 nights up to a maximum of €110 per night. (The exact figures from year to year can be found in the Grants Policy Document – downloadable from CSC website – Irish Speakers may also be given travel expenses and only 1 night's accommodation. Dublin speakers should only be promised entertainment. CSC has a credit card which may be used to book flights, accommodation, etc. from the office. In some cases, you may be able to pool resources, and run a meeting with another society where a particular guest might appeal. The CSC can put societies in touch with one another, provided you keep us informed of what you are doing and give us the appropriate information.
How to...
A society is made up of more than just its committee. As officers, you already know what events your society is planning on hosting. The rest of your members do not, it's your responsiblity to keep them informed. If you want to sucessfully publicise your events, the trick is to plan ahead. There is no point only letting your members know that an event is happening, the day before it happens. Below are a few suggestions that will help you to publicise your society and its activities around campus.
1) Postering. There are numerous poster boards around Trinity campus that are reserved exclusively for student societies to advertise their activities. Please read the College and CSC regulations on postering (pg 19) 2) Emailing. When members sign up to your society in Freshers' Week, they should have presented you with their email addresses. This enables you to keep in direct contact with your members. It is advisable to send out no more than one email a week, which includes information on all of your activities for the coming week. Any more than this, and you may recieve complaints of spamming!
3) Text Messages. If (and only if) a member has given you their mobile number AND permission to contact them about society events, then text messages are an extremely effective way to publicise an event (particuarly last minute). Be wary though, texting all your members can get expensive. 4) Websites.
Society Websites Many of you will have inherited websites from your predecessors. If your society is hosted on TCDLife, contact Emma to be set up as an administrator. Having a website and online precense is an invaluable resource for a society. It's a good idea to keep your websites updated with information about your society, your committee and your upcoming events. The CSC Website The CSC website contains information about every single society. It is your responsiblity to log on and check that this information is correct and up to date. If it is not, contact The CSC site is also equipped with a calander of society events, a news feed, photogalleries for past events and other such useful facilities, you may also request that your event be advertised on the front page. However, all of these tools are of little value unless society officers take the time to use them. Email for more information.
5) Facebook. Let's face it. We're all on it. Facebook provides some really useful services for promoting your societies and your events. Facebook groups and event invitations take very little time to set up and can be very effective. 6) Information Stands. There is space available in the Arts Building
and the Hamilton Building for student societies to set up information and ticket stands. Information stands are a great way to publicise your events and your society, it gives you the opportunity to speak to people face to face. Only a limited number are permitted each day. To book a stand, visit the security in both buildings in advance.
7) College Media. We're fortunate at Trinity to have numerous media outlets who may be willing to publicise your societies and your events. For six weeks of the academic year, Trinity FM broadcasts live to the College community. If your upcoming event happens to be in one of those weeks, why not contact the Trinity FM crew and see if they would be willing to mention you on air? - TrinityFM:
Speak to Trinity News and The University Times to see if they will be
willing to include your events in their 'upcoming events' columns. If you have something really special planned, why not invite a journalist from the College papers along, and see if they would be willing to publish an article about your society and your event in their next edition? Trinity News: The University Times:
How to... FILL OUT YOUR GRANT APPLICATION One of the CSC's main responsibilities is to distribute the grant received from the Capitation Committee, to the societies under its care. In order to be able to budget with some degree of accuracy, we ask societies to submit a grant application form, outlining its projected expenditure for the coming year. The CSC Executive will consider each application and allocate under each heading. The society will be allocated a grant of a certain amount, but in order not to drastically overspend, the CSC will set a "budgetary limit". The society may then spend within its grant allocation, up to that limit. If it still has projects to do, it may come back to the CSC and request that the budgetary limit be raised to allow further activity within the society. After the Michaelmas Term General Meeting, the Grant Application Forms will be made available on line, with links to the CSC Policy Document. CSC will fund activities under the following headings: Administration: providing tea, coffee etc for meetings, paper, envelopes, minute books, membership cards etc. Speakers' Expenses: CSC will cover entertainment, travel and accommodation expenses at rates which will be specified in the current Policy Document. Entertainment will be granted to allow committee member expenses to be covered as well. Main Meeting: This grant may be used for one large reception or several small ones. It is based strictly on the numbers of members in the society. Instruction: CSC will give a contribution towards instruction costs incurred, provided the instructor is fully qualified and is not a student in College. If you charge in to classes, CSC will ask for a profit & loss account to be presented before claiming. Hire of Halls/Security: grants will be given to cover security costs charged by College and in special cases, outside of College.
Materials: covers the purchase or hire of equipment, sheet music or the purchase of consumable materials. Capital Items: grants may be given towards the purchase of specialist equipment to further the aims of the society. Any items valued at more than â‚Ź130 should be notified to CSC to ensure that they are included on our insurance cover. Competition Entry: CSC will contribute to costs of entry to intervarsities or other competitions. Affiliation Fees: if your society affiliates to a national body which is of benefit to your members, a grant may be considered. Travel: Society officers should especially note the stipulations regarding travel in the Grants Policy Document. Societies are reminded that any travel must be for bona fide purposes to further the aims of the society and that only those trips agreed beforehand will be funded. The trip should be open to all and only paid-up members of the society. Only capitated students who are fully paid-up members of the society will be subsidised. A list of those who are to travel* must be given to the CSC prior to the trip. This list is to be submitted on line and will contain the following details: name of member travelling; College ID; society membership number; name of next of kin and contact details for next of kin. If this list is not with the CSC prior to the trip no grant will be issued. An itinerary of the proposed trip must be submitted with the grant application. (Societies are advised to allow at least one termtime week for the processing of such applications.) In order to conserve resources the Executive may limit the number of persons that will receive a subsidy. Any cancellation fees incurred by the society will not be subsidised by the CSC. The Executive has determined that when necessary, checks will be made to ensure that the itinerary as presented, has been fully undertaken. Students travelling on society trips will not have personal accident cover or travel insurance. Third party bodily injury or property damage insurance may be provided on a case-by-case basis on consultation with the CSC. As this can amount to such a large expenditure, there is a budget for travel allocated each year, only detailed applications will be considered and those on a firstcome-first-served basis. *online submission of travellers - go to and login with society username and password.
Hosting Conferences: if you are running a conference, you may apply for a grant to CSC. You will be asked to meet with the CSC Treasurer in advance, and outline the projected income and expenditure on the event.
Library Expenses: you may apply for a grant towards expenses involved with running your library and of course for books, periodicals, tapes, videos or cds, so long as your library is deemed by the CSC Secretary, to be properly
catalogued and operated, and kept in a safe location. Miscellaneous: you may want to get financial help with something that isn't covered by the above headings. If so, apply under the miscellaneous section. Special: every year, societies organise events which exceed our "normal" grants as set out in the policy document. The CSC sets aside a certain amount of money which may be used for these events. These would generally be for a once-off event - by definition, they must not be something which the society organises on an annual basis. Special grants are not subject to the "budgetary limit" as explained above. Grant Application Deadline Grant Applications must be submitted before the end of Michaelmas Term. However, you may approach the CSC at any time during the year to request further funding, changes in grants, or a raise in the budgetary limit. Sponsorship: If you find that the grant does not cover all of your expenses for the year, additional funding can be sought from sponsorship or donations. Sponsorship can be very beneficial to both parties. A sponsor will always look for a situation whereby they will get a good return on their investment so approaching a relevant company with the right proposal for them is vital. Most companies will have a very specific market they want to target through sponsorship, for example Graduates or Law students, so approaching an Accountancy firm to sponsor a basket weaving marathon will probably not get the response you were hoping for. It's not easy, however a clear proposal sent to the right person and followed by a phone call may seal the deal. The proposal should outline how sponsoring an event, society, publication etc will benefit the society and the company. There are two big NO-NOs regarding sponsorship. 1) Sponsorship received from a drinks company should only be accepted in monetary rather than material form, in other words they cannot give you alcohol! 2) You cannot do a deal whereby the sponsoring company is given a stall/ place to sell its products on campus. Your sponsor must receive due recognition for its contribution but College limits what any outside body can do on campus. If you need help or advice with Marketing/PR or Sponsorship call into Emma or email on
College s n Regulatio
The College has rules about the dos and don'ts of postering within its walls. General Regulations and Information Section III - Conduct and College Regulations paragraph 8 “8. Only College Societies and Clubs may advertise in College. Notices may not exceed 75 x 55 cm (2'6" x 1'9") and must be placed on the student notice-boards provided. Chalked notices, stickers and (except in special cases with the permission of the Junior Dean) unattended free standing notices are forbidden. Not more than one copy of a notice may be displayed on the same board or within 15m (16 yards) of a similar notice. Advertisements from a particular event must be removed not later than 48 hours after the event. All notices must identify their origin." Poster Content The content of posters is also of concern to College. Posters which contain offensive or inappropriate photographs; abusive language or offensive written content; advertisements for or photographs of alcohol are not acceptable. The CSC does not operate a policy of censorship but it requires that Societies show an awareness of the sensibilities of others. If any Society is in doubt regarding the proposed content of a poster it should ask for guidance from the CSC. Should any society disregard these broad guidelines the CSC may implement its discretionary powers, outlined insection 6 of the Grants Policy Document. Who may poster where? Please do not poster on non-CSC boards and remember that you are entitled to remove non-society posters from our boards. The only way this system can work, is if we police it ourselves.The notice boards in College are divided between the SU and CSC as follows:
Arts Building: board on the left as you go up the ramp - one board for CSC use one for SU use. The big boards beyond the Lecky are split 50:50. Front Arch: split 50:50. The SU uses the board on an angle facing you on the right hand on the way out and the right hand on the way in, CSC uses the ones on the left on the way out and left on the way in. The middle board on the right as you leave College may be used by any authorised College body. Aras an Phiarsaigh: The SU uses one of the boards, CSC uses the other two. Players Theatre: 1/3 SU, 1/3 CSC, 1/3 Players. Pearse St Computer Labs: 1 board each. Hamilton Entrance: SU uses the board on the right at the door, CSC uses the two boards to the left. Hamilton first floor lobby: SU uses the first 2 on the right, CSC uses the next 3 boards on the right. Chemistry Building: 1/3 SU, 1/3 CSC and 1/3 Chemistry Department notices. Buttery/Catering Complex: split 50/50 Please note that the Director of Catering and Accommodation has informed the CSC that postering will only be permitted in the Catering Complex on the designated boards. If any posters are placed on walls, doors or any other unauthorised surface, the Society responsible will be billed for repair to the fabric and decoration of the area in question.
College s n Regulatio It is possible for a College society to be suspended.
6.1 - Suspension of a society A society may be suspended if any of the following circumstances occur: (ii) The society is deemed to have behaved in a grossly improper manner, which is likely to bring the name of the University and/or the CSC into disrepute. The application of this clause will be decided upon by the Executive at the recommendation of the Chair and, if necessary in consultation with the College authorities. 6.2 - Result of suspension A society which has been suspended will suffer the following restrictions pending a resolution of the suspension: (i) Loss of society rooms should it have such rooms. (ii) Suspension of the right to book rooms within College. (iii) Restriction of grants to those allowed for provisionally recognised societies as laid down in section [12]. (iv) And other such penalties as the Executive feels are appropriate for the specific case in question. /...”
College s n Regulatio
All societies may book rooms in College to hold meetings for their members. Members of the College community may attend any meetings within the walls.
Meetings in College
However, the Senior Dean has asked us to inform societies of the following with regard to hosting meetings:
"While College respects the rights of a Society under the auspices of the CSC to invite guest speakers into College to talk to its members, no Society or indeed Department in College, has the right to organise an "Open" or "Public Meeting" using College premises without first seeking the express permission of College. [The Senior Dean is] the College Officer who in consultation with appropriate College Staff grants or denies such permission.” General Regulations and Information in the Calendar Section III - Conduct and College Regulations paragraphs 13 and 24 “13. Individuals or groups wishing to hold meetings in College rooms or halls on or off campus are required to make application, normally one week in advance, at the Enquiries Office, West Theatre. Permission to hold a meeting likely to give rise to a need for additional security must be sought from the Senior Dean two weeks in advance, through the Enquiries Office, and the cost of extra security and other special arrangements must be borne by the organisers. The cost of any damage caused as a result of such a
meeting will also be charged to the organisers, who may be required to lodge a deposit beforehand. Failure to apply in time for permission to hold a meeting, the plans for which turn out to require special security, will be grounds for refusing permission for that meeting. 24. As there is no general right for members of the public to enter the College precincts... Therefore it should be noted that College Society meetings are not "Public Meetings" in the sense that members of the general public do not have a right to attend them. Invited speakers aside, members of the public should not be encouraged to attend meetings within College either explicitly or implicitly. Posters for the meetings within College should NOT state the words "Public Meeting" or synonymous phrasing. Neither should posters advertising a society meeting, which is taking place in the College, be put up outside of College as this implies that members of the public might attend it."
College s n Regulatio
Along with all other Irish Universities, the College has adopted a policy on the consumption of alcohol. The entire document is available at Policies/alcohol.html, but the part which most applies to us is printed below:
“College does not approve of the practice whereby drinks companies appoint a student representative to promote their products on campus; drink company sponsorship of student society events should primarily be in monetary rather than material form; but, where sponsorship is provided in the form of product, this arrangement must be made through a nominated member of the relevant capitated body and a monitoring system should be in place to ensure that no more than two free drinks are given to anyone attending the event; recruitment by student societies during Freshers' Week should not identify access to free or cheap alcohol as a primary incentive to membership; the advertisement of specific events by student societies should not identify access to free or cheap alcohol as a primary incentive to attendance; posters or other advertisements promoting alcohol consumption should only be displayed in at the Pavilion bar; no events should be organised which encourage the rapid consumption of alcohol, nor should alcohol be awarded as a prize or reward for competitive events.�
College s n Regulatio
The Societies of Trinity College are in a privileged position compared to those in other Colleges in Ireland. We have considerably more space for society use than most. It may not be ideal, but what we have, we need to hold on to. Due to the pressures being put on us to maintain safety and hygiene standards, the CSC in agreement with the College Safety Officer, has put into operation a number of rules.
All society members are expected to adhere to the regulations laid down by the College and State Legislation to ensure the maintenance of fire safety, health regulations and security in the areas designated by the CSC for Society usage. Failure to comply with all pertinent regulations places the future usage of CSC space in jeopardy and is detrimental to the long-term interests of all Societies. In particular society members are requested to take note of the following: 1) Smoking in Society rooms is absolutely forbidden. 2) Open Society rooms must not be left unattended - it is the responsibility of key-holders to ensure that the rooms are locked when not in use. If a non-key-holding member of a Society is left in charge of a Society room they MUST close the door upon exit. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in ALL key-holders being held jointly culpable. 3) Keys of Society rooms may not be loaned at any time for any reason except in compliance with the CSC's key-lending regulations. Thus if you have not been given a key for a Society room by the CSC central office you shouldn't have one. 4) Keys are not to be copied under any circumstances. 5) Society members are expected to keep Society rooms tidy and clean. Rubbish should be placed in the bins in the designated areas. Rubbish left in rooms is a fire hazard and as such constitutes a major safety problem for the CSC. Reports of a society room left in an untidy state may result in suspension of right of access to that room for Societies associated with it at the time of the report being lodged. 5) The use of Society rooms for the preparation of food is absolutely forbidden. 6) The use of any and all electrical equipment must be carried out responsibly and all such equipment must be unplugged before a Society room is closed. 7) Society rooms are appointed for the furtherance of a Society's aims. These rooms are meant to be used by Society members for committee meetings and the storage of Society property and effects. Further the rooms might be used as a place where Society members might meet and converse with one another. The use of Society rooms for sleeping, "crashing" or any other activity which falls outside of the foregoing usage description is absolutely forbidden. 8) Upon a fire alarm sounding students must immediately leave Society rooms and move to the buildings designated evacuation zone. Tampering with any and all fire safety equipment is a criminal offence and might endanger the lives of others, such activity is absolutely forbidden. 9) All students must comply with society room access hours. Key-holders are NOT permitted access to Society Rooms outside of these hours. House 6 -Weekdays: 8am until 10.15pm. during term and during most of the Christmas and Easter vacation periods (key-holders will be informed of restriction of access hours during these vacation periods by e-mail.) 8am until 6pm during the long vacation. Saturdays and Sundays: 9am until 6pm. If the front door of House 6 is locked during these periods it may be opened using the key-holders College ID in the card swipe reader; the door must be closed after entry. The Atrium - Weekdays only: 10am until 10pm during term. Goldsmith Hall - Weekdays only: 10am until 10pm during term
College Regulations
In an effort to ensure that societies' equipment and committee members' personal belongings are kept safe, we have made a concerted effort to improve security measures. Society room locks are on an ASSA system - these keys cannot be copied, so they are unlikely to get into the wrong hands. Each society will be entitled to take out two keys on a personal deposit of â‚Ź30 - by this, it is meant, that the society will not pick up the tab for keys. The person to whom a key is allocated, must sign an agreement between him/herself and the CSC. When the key is returned at the end of the academic year, that individual will get the â‚Ź30 back. Keys must not be passed on from one year's officer to the next. Keyholders should read this agreement before they sign it.
College s n Regulatio
It is official College policy to dispose of waste in a responsible and legal manner and to encourage the reduction of waste and promote recycling throughout College. There is a comprehensive webpage at which gives details of current waste management procedures and recycling facilities in College and other useful information on how to make College a greener place to be. Each Society Room should have a "recycling pack" which includes a map detailing locations of recycling facilities around College. For further information on recycling, you can get in touch with the CSC Amenities Officer.
ege Coll tions la Regu
The Senior Dean must also be contacted if permission is requested to fly or display a flag or banner. He has informed the CSC, that in the case of National flags, provided these are flown or displayed properly, the request will normally be granted on seeking the permission of the Senior Dean, provided of course there is a justifiable reason for doing so that meets with approval. However, the display of banners towards the city, for example out of a House 6 society room window onto College Green, is not allowed.
Who's Who in College?
The CSC is your representative body, and College sees it as such. If you are experiencing problems with security, housekeeping, the Junior Dean, etc. please come to the CSC first, and we can act as your mouthpiece. If you plan to hold an event that is out of the ordinary, ALWAYS come to us in the CSC first. We can discuss the best way in which to proceed and make sure you talk to the right person. Provost: Professor John Hegarty. Professor Hegarty was elected in 2001. He is very supportive of society activity within College and we have established a good relationship with him. Senior Dean: Dr Mike Jones Dr Jones has just taken on this role. As the Chair of the Capitation Committee, he is the person to whom the CSC and societies must answer. Dean of Students: Dr Gerry Whyte This is a relatively new position in College. Dr Whyte has responsibility for liaising between the student bodies and the College, and for implementing the student based objectives of the Strategic Plan. Junior Dean: Dr Emma Stokes. A society needs to apply to Dr Stokes for permission to hold receptions. This is done through the Enquiries Office. Arts Building Superintendent: Mr Norman Richardson. Mr Richardson is responsible for procuring all equipment you might need for a meeting - overhead projectorss, video machines, slide projectors, etc. His office is in the Arts Building, past the security desk and on the right. Facilities Officer: Mr Noel McCann. Mr McCann is the person you need to talk to if you wish to arrange an event in College that is slightly different. E.g. an open-air event; one that requires unusual equipment, etc. Safety Officer: Mr. Tom Merriman Health and Safety is an important issue at the moment. The CSC is in the happy position of having a fair amount of space for society use, but it is important that we keep it. To do this, we need to ensure that Mr Merriman has no cause for complaint - i.e. rooms must be kept relatively tidy Chief Steward: Mr Pat Morey. Mr Morey must be contacted if you have a very high-profile speaker or politician attending a meeting. He will liaise with the Guards about security, etc. Enquiries Office: Mary McGetrick and Liz McWilliams. Liz and Mary know everything! Aside from that, they will book rooms for you. Up the Exam Hall steps and through the glass door to your right.
At Trinity we are lucky enough to have office space, facilities and staff dedicated entirely to helping students run their societies.
The front office is equipped with 9 computers, each with internet access and printing facilities just for society use.
We've two black and white photocopiers societies can use. There is also a scanner, phone lines and a fax machine.
Behind the front office, is the Eliz Room. This is a private room, managed by the CSC that societies can use to hold meetings or run events. We also own Room 50 in the Atrium. If you need the Eliz Rooms during the day, speak to Emma or Lucy. Our newly renovated kitchen can be used by societies holding events in the Eliz Room. The kitchen is also equipped with wine glasses and a burco boiler that can be borrowed by societies to facilitate receptions elsewhere in College.
Come up any time. Don't hesitate to speak to Emma, Lucy or a member of the Exec if you get stuck. We're here to help!
E-Mail: If you don't already have a functioning society Email account one may be set up by going to Please contact Lucy or Emma if you need your username and password. Members Mailing List: It is also possible to set up a members mailing list. Go to "contacts"; "groups" and "create group" and add your members' email addresses in here. If you have any problems ask Emma or Lucy. Society Web Sites: Once you have an e-mail account, it is possible to set up a web-site. When you have a web page designed ask Emma to give you details of how to upload it. We will also then link it to the CSC societies' page – Credit Card: The CSC has a credit card which societies may use to book flights, buy books, materials, music, etc. All bookings must be done in the CSC Office. Ask Lucy for the card. It is vital that you inform Lucy immediately of what purchases have been made so that when the credit card statement comes in, she can assign the purchases to the correct Society. Phones: All phonecalls may be made free of charge from the CSC. Dial 9 to get an outside line for Dublin numbers, mobile numbers, and numbers in the rest of Ireland. If you need to make an international call, you will have to ask a member of staff or officer to key in a code to bypass the College switchboard. Fax: You may send or receive society faxes free of charge in the CSC. The number is 6778996. Faxes received will be left in the tray on the mantlepiece in the office for your attention. If you want to send a fax, ask a member of staff or an officer. Postage: The CSC will mail your letters for you at no cost to your society. Just leave post in to the office before 3p.m. and it will go out the same day. Laminator: in the CSC office. You will need to buy pouches. €80 deposit required. Ballot Box: we have two large ballot boxes which may be borrowed. Projectors: One in situ in Eliz Rooms; 2 portable which may be borrowed. Deposit of €400 required.
Who's Who
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The CSC Exec is also made up of the four student officers and eight ordinary members, who are elected by the treasurers of the societies at the end of each year. The Exec meets regularly to make decisions on grant applications, recognition of societies, and other business.
HAIRPERSON - The Chairperson is the annually elected head of the CSC. The Chairperson liaises between the CSC and other College bodies and oversees meetings of the Exec and general meetings of the committee. The Chairperson is the public face of the CSC.
ECRETARY - The Secretary is responsible for the upkeep of communications between all the societies, and the CSC. The Secretary also liaises with students wishing to found new societies. The Secretary can advise them on writing a constitution, and makes recommendations to the Exec.
REASURER - With the Honorary Treasurer, the Treasurer is responsible for the
CSC's finances, and the distribution of grants to all the societies. The Treasurer makes recommendations to the Exec on societies' grant applications and can advise students on how to finanically manage their societies.
MENITIES - Nearly all of the societies have private rooms which
contain the facilities students require to run their activities. It is the Amenities Officer's responsiblity to monitor the upkeep and use of these rooms and their facilities:
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Results of CSC meetings, will be posted weekly on the CSC officers webpage
Being actively involved in a student society is a great way to contribute to College life and make lasting friendships. Several times a year, we gather together to recognise the effort that students put into running their societies and celebrate our individual achievements as a community. Representatives from each society attend the annual black tie CSC Ball, to celebrate the year's successes. The CSC recognises the remarkable work done by society committees during the year, and so is happy to heavily subsidise the night On the night of the CSC Ball, awards are presented by the CSC to societies that have excelled themselves. Societies may enter in the following categories: BEST SOCIETY (Small/Medium/Large) BEST EVENT BEST POSTER BEST SOCIETY PUBLICATION BEST WEBSITE BEST INDIVIDUAL BEST FRESHER Competition is fierce, and victory is an honour!
Every year, the CSC nominates certain societies or individuals to represent Trinity College nationally at the Board of Irish College National Student Societies Awards.
Nominees come together from nearly all the Colleges in Ireland.
Index Page
Access Hours 22 -Secretary 4, 27, 28 Accounts 8 Amenities 10 Drinks Receptions Aras Phiarsaigh 12 13, 21 Arts Building 12, 26 Eliz Room 12, 25 Ballot Boxes 26 Email 14, 26 Banks 9 Enquires Office 11, 26 Banners 23 BICS Awards 29 Facebook 15 Booking rooms 11 Fax 25, 26 Fire Alarms 22 Capital items 17 Food Preperation 22 Capitations Committee Freshers' Week 10 2, 16 Cash 9 GMB 13 Chairs 5, 6 Goldsmith 12 Committees 9, 11 Grants 5, 6, 8, 16, 18 Conferences 17 Guest Speakers Constitutions 2, 7 13, 14, 16 Credit Card 14, 24, 26 CSC Information Stands 15 -Admin Officer 4, 27 Insurance 10 -Amenites Officer Intervarsities 17 4, 27, 28 -Ball 29 Junior Dean 13, 24, 26 -Chair 4, 27, 28 -Executive Laminatior 26 4, 16, 27, 28 Letterheads 10 -Honorary Treasurer Libraries and Records 4, 27, 28 10, 17 -Marketing Officer 4, 27 Mail 7 -Offices & Equipment Meetings 11, 20 25/26 Membership Cards 10
5, 6
Phones 25, Postering 10, 14, Projectors Publicity 14,
26 19 26 15
Records Recycling Room 50 Rooms&Keys 7, 21, 22,
10 23 12 23
Secretaries 6, 7 Security 13, 16, 24 Smoking 22 Sponsorship 18 Suspension 20 Text Messages 15 Travel 17 Treasurers 4, 7, 28 Trinity News 15 University Times
Website (CSC) 15 Website (Officers) 6, 8, 17 Websites (Societies) 15/26
Produced by the Dublin University Central Societies Committee - designed and edited, David Adamson Photographs of Trinity College, Patrick Theiner