1 minute read
Big Apple | Newtown | Triangle
Circle is a series of digital photographs attempting to delve into the idea of what true images mean in urban photography when the encounter with the place is anything but authentic.

How do we look at images of urban areas? What must an image include/exclude to constitute as urban? What does it mean for “real/normal” urban identities to exist only when humans are absent? To what extent can an image of an urban space be produced that is impossible to produce? what is technology trying to tell us when we are not connected to the network?

These photographs are the eyes of 35mm film camera. The dematerialization of the space, now transformed into light and pixels, is displayed onto matter made by humans, for humans, as shelter from the outside world.

The projection acts as a modern version of the optical phenomenon, alluding to effects of power and surveillance. Oscillating between seeing as knowing and knowing as seeing, though visuality alone can not be said as truth.