Trinity Trumpet Harvest 2023

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The Magazine of The Trinity Methodist Church, Shifnal Vol.123: Harvest 2023

What do you put on the front cover of a magazine for the church celebrating Harvesttime?

Nothing could be more appropriate than a combine harvester.

We visited Mark Lea on his organic farm at Kemberton on a glorious day in August and when we arrived the harvester was busy cutting what we learned was winter wheat.

The harvester’s most obvious feature is the header which can be removed to facilitate movement from site to site. The header is equipped with a reciprocating knife cutter bar and features a revolving reel with metal teeth which turns to cause the cut crop to fall into the auger once it is cut. The auger rotates and feeds the cut tops of the crop into the centre of the thresher and the wheat is fed into a drum where it is beaten causing the grain to be separated from the straw element of the plant. The grain falls through a sieve while the straw is carried to the rest of the machine. A wind blows over the grain separating the chaff from the heavier grain which is stored in a tank.

One of the reasons wheat is such a popular crop in the U.K. is that it can be sown twice a year - in autumn and spring. Both are then harvested in August. Most UK farmers opt to sow in autumn, allowing the crop to grow through winter.

The wheat crops go to milling for making flour for bread. Oat crops go to produce breakfast cereal and dried peas are sold to Homedod, BBC Food and Farming Awards Best Food Producer, who sell online direct to the public.

The farm has been organic for 24 years harvesting grains and raising sheep and although it can be the more difficult option it is the system that the family believe in - better for nature, better for the climate and better for the production of healthy grains and livestock.

Climate change has meant increasing unpredictability in the weather. The farm still plans for average weather but sunshine and rain moves further and further away from the average so this means farming in a manner that can cope with unpredictable weather.

The farm largely uses its own machinery including the 20 year old combine harvester.. The work force is Mr Lea, Mrs Lea, one full time employee and one part time employee. This is fewer than in previous years . Getting the job done on the right day requires flexibility more easily achieved with the farm’s own employees rather than employing contractors.

With the season changing the farm is busy sowing clover ley, a long - term grazing mixture with extra clover for increased intake potential and nitrogen - fixing , as a restorative crop increasing soil fertility and for sheep to graze.

We plough the fields, and scatter The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand; He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain:

All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above; Then thank the Lord, 0 thank the Lord, For all his love.

He only is the maker Of all things near and far; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star; The winds and waves obey him, By him the birds are fed; Much more to us, his children, He gives our daily bread:

We thank thee then, 0 Father, For all things bright and good: The seed-time and the harvest, Our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer For all thy love imparts, And, what thou most desirest, Our humble, thankful hearts:

M. Claudius (1740-1815) tr. J. M. Campbell (1817-78)

August, 2023

Dear Friends,

While much has been said before, I start with another word of thanks for all that Hendry and Rita shared with the Trinity family over these past years. I feel sure we shall all in our different ways miss them, not just for Hendry’s ministry but for their friendship, support and encouragement. As we thank God for all that they brought to Shifnal, we pray for a happy and fruitful ministry in Sutton.

With Hendry’s departure, at a time when two other members of the circuit staff have also retired or left, the circuit does not have sufficient people in full-time ministry to cover all the churches. Once again it has been necessary to involve supernumerary ministers in covering all the churches, but there will be limits as to how comprehensive the cover will be.

For my part, I have agreed to give one day per week to both Shifnal and Albrighton as well as a service a month to both. Normally Tuesday will be my day for Shifnal and on that day I will try to be available for whatever the church family needs. However, if on any day an emergency arises, please feel free to contact me regardless of what day it is. Also, Janet will usually be available and can pass on any message if I’m not around. This arrangement is only for the next 12 months, and the circuit will be looking at what pastoral help will be needed from 2024.

One of the major things on our agenda will be our developing work with St. Andrew’s. My previous letter invited comments as to whether we should continue to work more closely with our parish friends. The responses overwhelmingly encouraged this and our Church Council agreed to continue developing a partnership with our St. Andrew’s neighbours.

During the next 6 to 8 months the first important change we shall notice is that two Sundays a month our services will be at St. Andrew’s, and it is intended that the services will be led and stewarded by members of both our churches – seeking to become a united congregation in every sense of the word. Subject to arrangements being acceptable to the Circuit and the Diocese, the hope is that at Easter 2024 we shall formalize our partnership as a single congregation in two buildings Trinity is not closing, and initially we shall continue to have services though not on a regular basis.

Other change is planned in terms of developing mission and community outreach based on our joint resources. Our church leadership meetings will have representatives from each other’s congregation, and to co-ordinate how both our premises are used for worship, community work, etc., it is intended to find ways of sharing letting and management responsibilities. In all of this we shall seek fair and equal partnership and ensure we have the support and agreement of our denominational authorities.

All of the above is being carefully monitored, with particular attention to ensuring that in becoming a single congregation, everyone can feel they belong and find worship and fellowship that continues to reflect the best of our traditions. Hopefully our new partnership will also be a new era of Godly work and worship in the community we serve.

As we go forward with new opportunities through shared resources and new possibilities, we do well to remember that while times and needs change for all of us, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. In that we have the assurance that God’s love continues to be our guide and strength, and while we remain faithful and open to the leading of the Spirit, our future is always safe in God’s hands.

May God bless us in the coming year.


Following an application to The Wynn Foundation, a local charitable trust, the church has been granted £2,000 towards the cost of repairing the church roof. In submitting the application, the Revd Derrick Lander emphasised the importance to the community of the excellent facilities at Trinity, a centre currently being used by groups such as Ladybirds (for little children and their carers); Shifnal Chorale; 'Say Yes' youth club; Pilates and Yoga to mention some of our user groups.

Mr Lander believes that the Methodist Church is very fortunate to have premises that can be made available to groups from across the community, with all ages able to be accommodated in a variety of pleasant and versatile spaces. When the roof was found to need expensive repairs it threatened the continuing use of the premises, but with generous support from The Wynn Foundation, the Methodist District and direct donations from the congregation and others, the building can continue to offer its facilities to anyone who needs a place for their group(s) to meet.

The total cost of the roof repairs is in excess of £15,000, some of which still needs to be raised even though the work has already been completed. In the photograph we see some members of the church accompanying Revd Lander as he receives the cheque of £2,000 from The Wynn Foundation represented here by one of the trustees, Ms Claire Wynn.


The Reverend Marcus Torchon is the Superintendent Minister of the Telford Circuit with immediate pastoral charge for Donnington, Dunwell Ghanaian, Hadley, Oakengates United and Newport Trinity Churches. He is originally from Haiti and is married and together with his wife Sylvia they have a son, Jean-De-Luc.

He exercises ministry in several ways:

As driven by the community’s needs –

He strives to be visible and dynamic in the church and the community, in school assemblies and boards of governors, by way of providing, as part of the

ministries of local churches, warm hub fellowship, regular hot meals, night shelter and free school uniforms to those in need.

As a pastorHe nurtures the pastoral care ministry through the Pastoral Committee of the church by way of emphasizing discipleship, visits in homes, nursing homes and hospitals and chaplaincy. He further advocates local pastor ministries for changing contexts of missional needs.

As a worship leader and preacher

In proclaiming the word, he is sensitive to differences in our churches and communities and as such facilitates worship

services, onsite and online, to inhabit varied approaches, namely, storytelling, visual art, interactive fellowship, silence and meditative music, cheerful expressions and testimonies, joyful singing, and as emerging contexts prompt.

As a leaderHe offers dynamic, visionary, and empathetic leadership which welcomes the competencies and richness of the leadership teams, both at church and Circuit levels. Together as a team (ordained, circuit lay staff, and church stewards), they boost the mission agendas for circuit and churches, in the power of the Spirit.

On Saturday 2nd September representatives from all the Telford Methodist Circuit churches gathered together at Dunwell Methodist Church Ketley to welcome Rev Marcus Torchon as their new Superintendent Minister. In the photograph Roger Dunlop who coordinated the service, Rachel Parkinson, Chair of the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District who delivered the sermon and representatives from churches in the Circuit who will be under Marcus's care


With reference to strategic leadership, and with the support of the circuit meeting and church councils, he aims to initiate conversations on a circuit Mission 4 Growth (M4G) strategy with an emphasis on the priesthood of all believers relying on skill-sets, gifts, and graces of the people of God to progress God’s work.

His style of ministry is consistently inspired by and rooted in prayer, believing that, “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens”. As such, he invites the church to pray for spiritual awakening and tell the message of death and resurrection in Christ, the living for all.


Let us pray

Loving Father

It is so good we are able to gather together in your house, as part of your family, to worship you and enjoy being in your presence and also meeting together in fellowship. We ask for your blessing.

We bring to you our concerns for the world, the countries where there is war and lack of respect to each other. We pray that peace will replace the fighting, that love will replace hate and that the leaders of the world will work for the good of all, and not just for power and wealth.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

We remember those people in many countries who have lost their homes as a result of extreme weather, either through floods, fire or earthquakes, left wondering how they are ever going to rebuild their lives again.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you to bless our churches, our clergy and all who hold leadership in the mission of spreading your love to all we meet. We pray in particular this morning for Rev Chris and Rev Derrick as they minister to us.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Gracious Lord, We give you thanks that the people of St Andrew’s Church have opened their hearts to welcome us from Trinity into their midst, it is a joy to be able to work together, to make new friends and to share our talents so together we can achieve God’s plan for the people of Shifnal.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Loving and Caring Lord, we ask you to support us when times of sadness and disappointment hit us, enable us to show forgiveness when it is needed and give us the courage and guidance to deal with these problems and come out stronger in your power.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Loving Father, we bring before you all those in our church family who are feeling ill at this time, either at home or in hospital, you know who they are Lord so please stay close to each one of them and give them your comfort.

We think of those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, or worrying about the loss of employment, or not having enough food to feed their family. Father surround them in your loving arms and show them that they are loved.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord, at this time of the year when we celebrate the gathering in of the harvest, a time to give thanks for the beauty and abundance of our fields and surrounding countryside, help us in our plenty to share with those who are without. We give thanks for the generosity of all those who support the food bank.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you to bless the harvest of our minds and hearts, so that we may share the love of Jesus with others. Thank you Lord for loving each one of us, please equip us with the power of your spirit as we live our lives, to enable us to live as you would wish us to.

Merciful Father, Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.



Our Ladybirds toddler group has once again had a very busy and happy year. Each week we have different craft activities ranging from sponge and finger painting to a big play tray of shaving foam containing dinosaurs! Lovely cards are created for all the special dates like Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Easter etc. Biscuit decorating with icing and sprinkles usually get eaten before getting home for the intended recipient!

We have had a few "Theme Days" when adults and children are invited to dress up ....The Coronation, Beach Days, and The Wild West are examples.

We seem to have had several excuses to eat lovely cakes or party food this year, often with a bowl for donations towards the Roof Appeal. Comic Relief also received a donation after such a feast!

During the Autumn term, Katie....leader of The Ladybirds Team, organised a Swap Shop of baby and children’s clothes which raised over £100 for the Roof Appeal. She will be having another similar event with winter clothing this term.

This year has seen the revival of our Baby Room in the Gold Vestry, a haven of peace where new

Mums can meet and make new friends, so important in our growing community. Irene has enjoyed sitting with them and nursing or giving a bottle to one of our twin babies whilst reminiscing of her own twins when they were babies!

At our end of term party we had for Rita, who had been one of the Kitchen Ladies for so long, she was given a garden voucher to use for her new garden in Sutton. Rita will be greatly missed with her ready smile and offer of prayers for anyone with "difficulties".

Ladybirds offers a big welcome not only to Mothers, toddlers and babies but to many Grandparents, Fathers and Carers. All are Welcome!

We are a thriving group and look forward to another year of fun filled Fridays. If anyone has a spare hour or two to help with snacks and drinks even occasionally, please see Alison...many thanks.

10 or via the facebook page

Here are all the Telford Methodist churches but how many can you find hidden above.?

Admaston Albrighton Bropseley Cartway

Dawley Donnington Dunwell Hadley

Horsehay Leegomery Much Wenlock Newport

Oakengates United Rodington Shifnal The Rock



Following a Telford Council and Wrekin announcement that five bus services (11,13,15,16,19) would be cut Arriva announced a reorganization of its services to the area which included finishing the provision of services 14 and 14A that took in Shifnal. The changes came into effect from Sunday, September 3, 2023.

The viability of rural services is obviously a difficult problem and councils continually lobby government for funding to subsidise routes.

Meanwhile Banga Buses continue to operate. Their timetable for service 891 is below and is correct as of 6th September 2023

From 13.03.2023, on the 891 service to Telford, only contactless payments will be accepted. No cash payments.

Service 113/114 continues to run Telford/Bridgnorth and return stopping at Shifnal/Victoria Road Jaspers


After ten gloriously successful years as Shifnal Carnival Committee Chair, Sarah Richards will be resigning from her position at the A.G.M. on 18th October 2023.

When asked about her time devoted to Shifnal Carnival she replied:

‘It has been a wonderful ten years on the Carnival Committee. I will take away some very happy memories of my time on the committee.

I joined ten years ago with two friends Sandy and Caroline as the committee were struggling for members and we thought ‘We need to keep this tradition going.’ The rest is history. The two years we missed out on, 2020 and 2021, were because of the pandemic but even then we walked the Carnival route both years on the day it should have been Carnival Day and people were so happy to see us .

We have worked tirelessly through the years to make the day special and I do hope it continues.

I will miss it but my health is now not what it should be and it is time to say ‘Goodbye’.

Thank you to everyone who supported me during my ten years on the committee. To the committee members I have worked with through the years I can say ’You have all made it a pleasure.’

I look forward to spending more time with family especially my granddaughter Evelyn ,age 2, and my grandsons Kobi,age11 and Hudson, age 3.

Good luck everyone. Enjoy the Carnival!’

If you are interested in joining the volunteers who do such a wonderful job preparing for and marshaling the event on Carnival Day get in touch at or via the facebook page or email


Shifnal Town Council have provided a wonderful floral display around the town this year.

Limetree Landscape Services and Nurseries Ltd supplied and maintained the flowers putting up the baskets and planting in the troughs at around mid June and then watering and tending the flowers over 18 weeks before they are removed ready for the Christmas decorations to be erected.


On Sunday 23rd July 2023

Rev’d Hendry Ponniah led the congregation at Trinity Methodist Church, Shifnal in his final service as our minister , a position he has held for the past X years.

The church was full of Members who had come to thank Hendry for his ministry over the past X years and to wish both him and Rita, who has supported Hendry so magnificently, every happiness and success in their new ministry In X

There had been much preparation prior to the service to get the food and the room ready for after the service and all the ladies should be congratulated on the success of their efforts.


There were parting gifts, including a painting from Linda Carsberg of a Shifnal town scene, and words of appreciation expressed by representatives of the whole congregation before everyone retired to the Trinity Hall to join with Hendry and Rita in the fruits of the ladies’ efforts.

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rain fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

God Bless Kathy

With dishes washed, tables and chairs stored away there’s just time for a last flourish of the dust pan and brush to leave everything as we would want to find it!

Irish Blessing

Just when we thought that summer had finished we get some of the hottest days of the year. Some of those days came just before schools opened up again and so families were granted a few more days to get out into the countryside and enjoy its pleasures.

There were plenty of people at Little Wytherford Farm and plenty of youngsters brandishing some of the biggest sunflowers you can imagine.

The field stretched some distance but not all plants were for picking so perhaps they were destined for other uses.

More Floral decorations around the Shifnal Millenium Clock The completed Sudoku puzzle can be found on page 24.

Following the Morning Service on Sunday 10th September the congregation moved outside to enjoy a barbecue lunch . The rain showers held off for just long enough before everyone gathered inside once more this time to be led by the Salvation Army band in Harvest Praise.

Congratulations all round to the people who prepared and served the food.

The band were in fine form and the service was enjoyed by all.

Trinity celebrated their harvest festival on Sunday 17th September. The church was decorated by the ladies with beautiful floral decorations and the congregation food bank were presented at the front of the

church. Sadly our minister Reverend Derrick Lander was unable to lead our service having suffered a stroke earlier in the week. We send our prayers for Derek and wish him a speedy recovery.

The trinity Reading Group continue to meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 1.00pm.

Our recent read ‘Jubilee by Shelley Harris was based on the relationships of Satish an Asian boy growing up in Britain at the time of the Queens Silver jubilee and the renewing of those acquaintances 30 years later.. Between times Satish has qualified as a Doctor but his health is not good . The story explores how he deals with problems from the past and those of today as he meets his old friends and neighbours..

We have just started reading ‘The Lonely Londoners written by Sam Selvon. The book details the life of West Indians in post-World War II London and Moses in particular, a veteran émigré who, after more than ten years in London, is still homesick.

Our book for October is Which Way Tree by

A panther is mauling 6-year-old Samantha when her mother fights it long enough to save the girl but loses her own life.

The incident leaves young Sam disfigured and bent on vengeance.

Are you interested in joining our group?

Do come along and find out. There is no charge.

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 1.00pm . We have all taken the same book. We chat about the book and eat cakes and drink tea or coffee.

If you want more information phone Peggy or Roy Cross 01952 460729.


Want to catch up on what happened to all those crazy people who entered the Africa Rally then visit

The 1978 Mini was entered by two ladies who bought the car unseen and to see what happened you need to go to

The crossword can be found on page 25

The Sudoku puzzle can be found on page 20.


For more poetry and lots lots more by Becky Hemsley follow


Coronation Tea Party

Now up to 40 members, Shifnal Townswomen’s Guild is enjoying another very good year. This summer we held a Coronation Tea Party, with a quiz on the monarchy past and present.

some members at our ‘Tea in the Garden’

We held a well-attended ‘Tea in the Garden’ on a beautifully sunny day;


and celebrated our 56th Birthday with a delicious lunch at Haughton Hall; Recently we visited Halfpenny Green Vineyard for an excellent tour, wine-tasting and superb cream tea.

To come in the final months of 2023: a Games afternoon, a speaker on the topic of ‘Watch with Mother’, a pre-Christmas craft session and then our Christmas Party. We hope the Party doesn’t suffer the fate of last year’s which had to be cancelled because of icy conditions –though we did hold an adapted version of it in January!

Pictured right are two of our members (on the right) with their prizes at a Federation Bowls Day held on 31st September 2023.


3rd and 4th November 2023 Arena Theatre Wolverhampton

Based on the hugely successful television series.

Tickets £10 plus coach fare. Please book your ticket early with Zena Brown to avoid disappointment. Coach leaves Trinity at 6.00pm.

'Allo 'Allo
The Magazine of The Trinity Methodist Church, Shifnal Vol.123 : Harvest 2023
Proceeds to Trinity Church Roof Appeal

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