Namdal Ressurs - Villiger quadromat

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Swissma ade

Villig ger Entssorgung gssyste eme – Good G fo or Hum man and d Envirronmen nt

Q Quuaaddrroom maatt

Underg U ground d Lift System S m

Your Parrtner for Waaste Manage ement Systems

w m

Villig ger – The Total T C Conce ept Pro oviderr

Pione eer in Dev velopme ent and M Manufactturing off Waste M Managem ment Sys stems

You as o our customerr stay at the focus f of our actions. You ur needs are moving us eevery day to develop high h intelligen nt waste man nagement sy ystems.

Good d for Hum man and d Enviro onment The dem mand to creatte clean and aesthetic livving environm ments is impo ortant to us. Innovation is our du uty. We leave e no stone un nturned to im mprove the environment with w modern waste management system ms.

Expe eriance More e than 50‘000 Systems in Eurrope confirm m the conffidence in Villliger disposa al systems Inno ovation We guarantee th he latest tech hnical standa ard of our syystems ugh our ccontinuous development and fo ounded throu expe erience. A nu umerous of patents testiifying the po ower of inno ovation and fo orward-looking attitude. Inno ovation Clea ar lines and d quality materials m is an express ion of inno ovative thinkin ng and acting environme entally.

uality Qu Ou ur products are a subject oof our own strict requirem ment. But als so as a company and m manufacturer we grant to o testing ourselves. So olution So olutions on lo ocation. Fro om simple co ontainer systtems to the realization r off large un nderground projects. We ccan offer the e widest rang ge of service and pro oductportfolioo in the was ste disposal area. a Co onsulting Ou ur sales cons sultants are hhappy to ass sist you in finding the ap pprioprate leg gally compliaant and economically inte eresting solution.

Quad dromatt QM Underrgroun nd Liftt Syste em

Quad dromatt QMK K Undergrou und Lift Sysstem

Th he Quadrom mat QMK is equipped with a fo oldable plattform. This s platform aallows a direct charge of the e compacttor to the vehicle.

Quad droma at Plan ning Criteria C as Qu uadroma at QM QM




650-31 XL

L L1 L2 T T1 H H1 B B1 B2

5‘800 5‘360 5‘070 3‘680 3‘460 2‘880 2‘600 3‘040 2‘600 2‘220

5‘800 5‘360 5‘070 3‘680 3‘460 2‘880 2‘600 3‘540 3‘100 2‘720

7‘000 6‘560 6‘270 3‘680 3‘460 2‘880 2‘600 3‘540 3‘100 2‘720

7‘000 6‘560 6‘270 3‘820 3‘600 3‘020 2‘740 3‘540 3‘100 2‘720

L L1 T T1 H H1 H2 B B1 B2

530-26 5‘800 5‘360 3‘680 3‘460 5‘170 2‘600 2‘570 3‘040 2‘600 2‘220

530-31 5‘800 5‘360 3‘680 3‘460 5‘170 2‘600 2‘570 3‘540 3‘100 2‘720

650-31 7‘000 6‘560 3‘680 3‘460 5‘170 2‘600 2‘570 3‘540 3‘100 2‘720

650-31 XL 7‘000 6‘560 3‘820 3‘600 5‘310 2‘740 2‘570 3‘540 3‘100 2‘720

Qu uadroma at QMK K

Com mpactorr QM / QM MK Comp pactor Measurement

Leng gth max. Widh ht max. Heig ght max. Conttent ca. Depo ositing Multtilift

530-26 6


5‘300 2‘100 2‘550 10-12 m3 yes yes

5‘300 2‘500 2‘550 14-16 m3 yes yes

650-31 6‘500 2‘500 2‘550 16-20 m3 yes yes

650-31 XL L 6‘500 2‘500 2‘720 20 m3 yes yes

Quad dromatt Walk kway P Platfo orm

Driva able for ve ery light ve ehicles with wheel lload 1.5 t or 500 kg /m² onal Optio Driva able for ve ery light ve ehicles with wheel lload of ma ax 10 t

The Walkway W Pllatforms arre available e with diffe erent materrials Coverring Tub Stone Cover/ w/o Sttones Tub 40 0 mm

Drainage Finale Framee Canalisazion connectionn Ø 60 mm

Mastic Assphalt Asphalt Tub 40 mm

Hydra aulic and Ha andling

Secondary S S Shaft for Hyd draulic Sub-Pipe Steel S constucction, welded d and with nu uts Platform P is no ot drivable Steel S tub 40 m mm for Masttic asphalt orr stone coverr (customer side) s Platform P Ope ening: Gaz cy ylindre Sub-Pipe S exte ension with Gaz G cylindre for remote hhandling Final F Frame w with canaliza ation connecttion Ø 60 mm m Exhaust E Pipe e is integrated d with operating unit

Hyd draulic Elecctrical Conne ection 3x 400 0V / 50 Hz Hyd draulic Aggre egate Motor 7.5 7 kW Oil T Tank: Conten nt 63 Literes Oil T Tank with levvel indicator and sight gla ass Valvves with integ grated limiter Con nnections with hydraulic cylinder c Oil ssupply presssure and volu ume 210bar/2 2l/min

Operating O U Unit Mobile M operaating unit 5 m cable Two T hand opperation Function F buttton elevator up/down Function F buttton Platform Button B for lig htening Button B for ressetting Mushroom M em mergency sttop

Techn nical Descr D iption QM

The Undergroun nd Elevator consists off 4 elements s: Prefa abricated Co oncrete Elem ment Com mplete elevato or constructio on which inc cludes an upp per and lowe er support pla atform Inserrtion Column n which is assembled on the platform Electtro-Hydraulicc System which is placed d in a second dary shaft. Elev vator positoiin in Operattion

Walkway Platfo orm Stone Covering Installation height 40 – 100 mm

Inserttion Column n Eco Emergenc cy Device System to open the w a crane platform with

Co ompactor Grid Cov ver Removable Bea aring constu uction Folding Ramp for Compac ctor Arrrester for Co ompactor Fina al Frame witth Drainage e for Guiiding profile Com mpactor

Elev vator Con nstruction

Concre ete Element

Pulleys with ro ope Lifft Truck Mec chanic „Bo ooster“

Siidable Guiding Pulley

Techn nical Descr D iption Quad dromat QMK K

The Undergroun nd Elevator consists off 4 elements s: Prefa abricated Co oncrete Elem ment Com mplete elevato or constructio on which inc cludes an upp per and lowe er support pla atform Inserrtion Column n which is assembled on the platform Electtro-Hydraulicc System which is placed d in a second dary shaft. Elev vator Positio on during Op peration ertion Colum mn Inse dable Walkw way platform m Fold

Emerg gency Device System m to open the e platform with a ccrane

Hydraullic Cylindre for foldiing platform m

Hing ge for platfo orm

Compac ctor

Grating aring constu uction Bea Folding Ramp for ctor Compac Arre ester for Com mpactor Final frame witth dra ainage Guiding profile for Compacto or

Elevator Constructio on

Concrette Element Pulleys with rop pe Mech hanic „Booste er“

Sidable Guiding pulley y

Techn nical Details D QM / Q QMK Basiic Datas Walk kway Platform m Loading

Whee el Load max. 1.5t or 500 kg/m2 (optioonal max. 10 0t)

Liftin ng Power Ele evator System m

20 t

Bearring Load Ele evator System m

17 t

Weig ght Elevator System

3.7 t

Weig ght Compacttor

4.3 t

Max.. Loading

12 t

Pres ss Power Hyd draulic Boostter


Pres ssure Power Elevator Sysstem

1.25 N/mm2

Wa alkway Platfform Loadin ng Wh heel Load ma ax. 1.5t oderr 500 kg//m2 Op ptional Wh heel Load ma ax. 10t

Sec condary Sha aft Grid- remov ovable

Bearing Pla atform

Sidable Guiding Pulley ys

Hyd draulic Cylin ndre Pre ess Power 40 0t

Pre essure Powe er 1.25 N/mm m2

System Options

Walkway Platfform Barrie er As a protection a against dama ages of the column or the e platform co onsists the po ossibility to aassemble me etal poles Balls s or flower bo oxes on the platform. p

Systtem Expans sion Compactor 12 m3 with w Organ nic Waste Co ontainer 2 x 700 l The Quadromat L Lift System QMK Q 650-31 can be equiipped with tw wo additional 700 l roll coontainers for organic wastte.

Drop pping Flap p with inserrtion bottom m The walkway platform can be e equipped with w an additio onal droppin ng flap

Drop pping Flap w with Contain ner Overturn ning The container ovverturning sysstem is desig gned that a sstandard 800 0 l container can be usedd. These con ntainers are equip pped with a sspecial adap pter plate from m Villiger.

Adapter Plate for 800 l ccontainer

Safetyy Devicces refferred to Typ pe Exa aminatiion Tes st

Ladd der Fastenin ng Main Elem ment A fixe e ladder fasttening ensure es a safe descent into th e main n element.

Profile e Ladde er foot Eme ergency Ope ening Walkw way Platform m The platform is e equiped with wholes to op pen the platfo orm in a eme ergency situa ation.

Attachement Points Wa alkway Platfo orm

Mechanic Eleva ator Lock

Conc crete Elemeent Steel Deposit Flap p Covering Bearring Platform m

Lock king

Com mpactor Positioning and d Guiding The removal and d placement of o the compa actor in the liift system is carried out with w a guidannce system. The folding entryy ramps, the sidable guiding rails and the end stop p allowing a precise posittioning of the e comp pactor

Foldable e Entry Ram mp

Gu uiding Proffile sid dable

End Stop p

Deep pening Ackn nowledgment Durin ng the loweriing process of o the lift sys stem is the sa afety Circu uit 400 mm b before reachiing the final position p is automatically sto opped. Afterr the manual acknowledg gment of the button unde r the walkway platform m can the lift be moved in nto the final posittion.

Acknowledgmen t-Button

Safe ety Insertion n Bottom forr Dropping Flap F The safety inserttion bottom fo or the droppiing flap preve ents a crash of the platfo orm operator into the com mpactor.

Hydraulicc Cylinder

Posiitioning of th he elevator system via READ Sens sors The positioning o of the elevato or system is controlled byy hydraulic READ R Sensors on the hyddraulic boostter. This posittion allows an accurate and a safe mov ving of the syystem.

Read S Sensors

Hydrau ulic Booste er

Air Vent V System m Concrete Element E

Fresh h Air Feeding

Feed Charrge

Extractio on Tube


Villiger V E Entsorg gungssy ysteme e – Goo od for Human a nd Environm ment

You ur Partner for Waste Managem ment Systems Villiger Entsorg gungssysteme AG Bah hnhofstrasse e 13 CH--5647 Oberrü üti 7 23 23 Tel.. +41 (0)41 784 E-M Mail:

ww ww.villige

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