Must see sites in Columbus Visitors will want to experience all of these Columbus gems. Alley Log Cabin and Antique Tool Museum is a two-room oak log cabin was built in 1836. According to family history, the cabin was sided with pine lumber floated by raft from a large sawmill in Bastrop in the early 1850s. The cabin stood on its original site from 1836 until 1976. It was then moved to Columbus, restored, and given to the Magnolia Homes Tour, Inc., now the Columbus Historical Preservation Trust, Inc. Tours of the Alley Log Cabin and Antique Tool Museum may be arranged by contacting the Columbus Chamber of Commerce at 979-732-8385. The cabin and museum are located at 1224 Bowie Street. R&R Shaved Ice serves up New Orleans style shaved ice. Their specials are a one of a kind and are derived from experimenting with flavors and toppings to come up with mouth watering sweet treats. R&R Shaved Ice is located at 1031 Walnut Street. The Colorado County Courthouse was completed in 1891. Architect Eugene T. Heiner designed the building in the Renaissance Revival temple style. A final restoration, completed in 2014 by way of the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program, assisted in returning most of the details in the Colorado County courthouse to their 1910 iteration. The courthouse is at the center of downtown Columbus.
Top left, Alley Log Cabin; top right, R&R Shaved Ice, photo courtesy of Judy Pierce; middle, Colorado County Courthouse; bottom, Hound Song Brewing Co., photo courtesy of Diane Mueller.