Positive Parenting - Meaning, Importance, Challenges, Tips And Ideas For The 21st Century Parents

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POSITIVE PARENTING Meaning, Importance, Challenges, Tips And Ideas


Introduction The world has seen considerable changes in the 21st century. Each dimension and aspect of our life has been drastically changing to adapt to this new world. One such aspect is parenting! Raising kids the right way has become more multifaceted and challenging with time. Parents need to ensure that their kid is ready for the world while also ensuring that the latter doesn't feel overburdened or neglected. It is a slippery slope between making your kid an all-rounder and making them feel loved and pampered at the same time. Almost every parent brainstorms numerous ways to be a great and adequate parent for their kids, especially considering the 21st century. These doubts might often lead to parents being stressed out about raising their kids correctly. If not done correctly and adequately, parenting might do more harm than good to children. Thus, it is crucial to show adequate support to your child through their growth years One way of parenting that addresses all the above dilemmas is the concept of Positive Parenting. It is based on research and evidence-based strategies and provides strategies for different developmental periods, challenges, and situations involving kids. Positive parenting focuses on happiness, resilience, and positive development for kids. The thought behind positive parenting is to formulate a relationship between parents and their kids that involves caring, teaching, leading, communicating, and providing for the needs of a kid consistently and unconditionally. But this is just a brief about positive parenting and you might be looking for a detailed analysis of this new concept. Don't worry! Here is your complete guide on Positive Parenting which addresses every detail about this concept. Read on to find out more!

What is Positive Parenting? Positive parenting includes teaching, understanding, leading, listening, providing safety, and giving clear and consistent discipline while respecting your kid. Some other attributes that come under the concept of positive parenting are as follows:

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Caring- Demonstrating compassion, affection, love, warmth, and attachment to your kid. Leading- Setting developmentally appropriate limits and boundaries with them. Providing- Ensuring access to necessities such as food, shelter, finances, medicine, and hygiene for them. Teaching- Providing cognitive stimulation and social interaction with developmentally appropriate expectations. Communicating- Communicating with respect and listening actively to the kid's opinions.

Positive Parenting






Many people assume positive parenting is a kind of fluffy parenting that offers no consequences to poor choices or discipline to misbehaviors. On the contrary, however, positive parenting is anything but fluffy. It holds children to realistic standards by using clear expectations and empowers them to become resilient and capable while growing up.

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The basic idea behind positive parenting is that children should be treated respectfully, however parents should also avoid spoiling and coddling their kids because these parenting strategies only create more emotional and behavioral issues such as feelings of entitlement, self-centeredness, lack of empathy, etc. While these two beliefs may feel contradictory to some, in short, positive parenting simply encourages parents to be both compassionate and firm. Also Read: 8 Effective Parenting Tips To Create Positive Discipline In Kids | BaaBee TV Blog

IMPORTANCE OF POSITIVE PARENTING fter reading about what positive parenting means, you might be wondering why it is important. Well, here are some benefits of positive parenting:-

Builds Healthier Parent-Kid Relationship: Practicing positive parenting makes parents more sensitive, responsive, and consistent in their interactions with their children. It also makes children happier and motivates them to portray the behaviors that their parents prefer.

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The positive parenting approach is supported by the National Institutes of Health, USA. According to NIH's newsletter, strong emotional bonds with parents help children to manage their feelings, behaviors and develop self-confidence. Children are better equipped to deal with challenges such as poverty, family instability, parental stress, and depression.

Sets a Good Example for Kids: Children learn their behavior by watching what parents do. “If parents respond by being irritable or aggressive themselves, children can mimic that behavior, and a negative cycle then continues to escalate,” explained Dr. Metzler in the NIH newsletter. However, positive parenting encourages children to have cooperative relationships with others and act with kindness and consideration. How you react to your kid's problematic behavior can teach them how they should react to others. Calmly explaining to your kids why their behavior was unacceptable can teach them to make better choices in the future and develop cognitive thinking. Mistakes and misbehavior are vital learning opportunities for everyone: parents and their kids alike.

Provides Security: When a parent helps their kid feel secure in a relationship, they can grow without worrying about abandonment (a common fear in young children). This means parenting without threats or expressing love conditionally. Conditional parenting can strengthen your kid’s insecurities.

Improves Social Skills: When your kid grows up with positive parenting, it helps strengthen their social skills and relationships with others. When they see their parents expressing empathy and kindness before them, this might also reflect in their interpersonal relationships.

Increases Mindfulness: Allowing your kid to express emotions freely and not bottle them up helps them connect with themselves. This results in a strong individual who is not afraid to express their views and opinions.

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Impacts Self-Esteem: Your relationship with your child also leaves a considerable impact on their opinion of themselves. Practicing positive parenting means showing empathy and affection towards your child. As a result, your child will develop a great amount of selfconfidence while growing up. All in all, practicing positive parenting strengthens your relationship with your kids and also strengthens their emotional and mental health- something extremely crucial in the 21st century. Also Read: 14 Smart Ways to Strengthen A Child's EmotionalIntelligence | BaaBee TV Blog

CHALLENGES FACED BY PARENTS IN THE 21ST CENTURY While the 21st century has surely opened up new avenues for parenting, it has also brought up many challenges in front of parents such as-

Changing Composition of Family Family structure has evolved over the years, with families becoming smaller and smaller. Although the joint family system still exists in India, many kids, especially in urban areas, now grow up in nuclear family units. This suggests the standard household is no longer a joint family with many relatives. The community at large is having a lesser role in helping parents raise their children. With numerous changes happening, how can parents and kids thrive?

Busy Lives The cost of modernization is a busy daily routine. Most parents spend their days with minimal time for relaxation, leisure, or even sleep. Moreover, most parents are juggling jobs, household chores, and, of course, parenting. Also, there are social pressures, like get-togethers, parties, birthdays that can not be missed, and caring for aging parents.

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On the other hand, children are being raised with urgency to accomplish goals and not waste time. Expecting children to excel in everything from academics to sports and hobbies may be traumatizing for them and leave them physically and emotionally exhausted. Amidst such pressures, it is natural for parents and kids alike to feel overwhelmed and overburdened. And this takes a toll on parent-child bonding. So, what can be done?

Parenting in the Digital Era Technology has invaded every corner of our lives and has become the biggest challenge that today's parents face. Parents are working from home, children are exposed to screens due to online classes-and everyone is always on their phones! Emotional connections have become few and far between and face-to-face communication between parents and kids has reduced considerably because they are constantly connected to the virtual world. So what can be done to bridge this gap within the family?

"My Parenting is Better than Yours!" Every day, we are swamped by information overload from online articles, emails, tweets, posts, videos, etc. No wonder today's parents are more informed, more educated, and, well, also more competitive. A well-known idea is that each parent must conform to a specific parenting style and somehow, attempt to outdo one another. Backed by internet research, almost every parent is convinced that their parenting style is perfect. This makes one wonder whether the goal behind adopting a parenting style is to raise the kid in the best manner or to be the "best parent"?

Also Read: How Does Home Environment Affect Child’s Development? | BaaBee TV Blog

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TIPS AND IDEAS FOR POSITIVE PARENTING Thus, it is evident that positive parenting is extremely vital and relevant in the 21st century. Moreover, it is also clear that the 21st century has come with its own sets of challenges to parenting. So, how should parents incorporate positive parenting while raising their kids? Here are some tips based on different age groups of children-

Early Childhood:As children grow into early childhood, their concept of the world begins to open up. They become more independent and start to focus more on adults and kids outside of the family. They surely start to explore and ask about their surroundings even more. In total, their interactions with family and people around them help shape their personality and the way they think and move.

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❖ Positive Parenting TipsYour kid might enjoy it if you continue to read to them. Nurture their love for books by taking them to the library and constantly reading bedtime stories for them. You can also let your child help with simple chores like picking up toys, organizing their study table, etc. You may encourage your child to play with other kids. This might help them in learning the worth of sharing and friendship. You can try to be clear and consistent when disciplining your child. You can also try explaining the behavior that is expected from them. Whenever you tell them no, you might consider following up with what they should be doing instead. You can also try out helping your kid develop good language skills by talking to them in complete sentences and using “grown-up” words. You can teach them the proper words and phrases through various games and activities. You might also consider taking the initiative to help your child through the steps to resolve problems when they are upset about something. You may also like experimenting by giving your child a limited number of easy choices (For instance- choosing their outfit, play-time, snack, etc.)

Middle Childhood:Middle childhood brings many changes in your kid's life. By now, having independence from family has become more important than ever. They start valuing friendships more and more. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this point. This is often a critical time for kids to build confidence in all areas of life- like through friends, schoolwork, and sports.

❖ Positive Parenting TipsYou may show more affection to your kid. You can try out recognizing their accomplishments constantly. You can also help your kid develop a feeling of responsibility by asking them to assist with household chores (like setting the table). You can consider talking with your kid about school, friends, and things they look forward to within the near future. You can also try out teaching your kid about respecting others. Encourage them to help out people in need.

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You can also consider experimenting by helping your kid in setting achievable goals. This might provide them with a much-needed structure. You may teach your kids patience by encouraging them to let others go first or finishing a task before going out to play. You can also try encouraging them to consider possible consequences before acting. One vital thing to try out can be making clear rules and sticking with them- like how long your kid can watch TV or when they should head to bed. Try being clear with them about what behavior is okay and what is not okay. You can also make it a habit to do fun things together as a family, like playing games, reading, and attending events in your community. You can also experiment by getting involved with your kid’s school. Consider meeting the teachers and staff and getting to know their learning goals. You might try encouraging them to resolve disagreements with another kid or a fight with their friends on their own. To make your kid even more active and responsible, you may encourage them to join school and community groups- like team sports or volunteer activities.

Late Childhood/ Pre-Teens Your kid's growing independence from the family and interest in friends could be obvious to you by now. Healthy friendships are vital to your kid’s development, but peer pressure can become strong during this point in time. Kids who feel good about themselves are more ready to resist negative peer pressure and make better choices for themselves. This is also often a crucial time for your kid to gain a sense of responsibility besides their growing independence.

❖ Positive Parenting TipsYou can try asking your kid about their friends, praising their accomplishments, and discussing what challenges they will face during this age. You may also consider attending school events and meeting your kid’s teachers regularly. You can also help your kid develop their sense of right and wrong. You can try discussing with them about the risky things friends might pressure them to try out. You can also experiment by talking with your kid about saving and spending their pocket money wisely. You can also consider encouraging your kid to figure out skills and talents they would like to possess and about the way to develop them. You may also encourage your kid to develop and pursue hobbies of their choice.

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You can also try experimenting with how you praise your kid and help them think about their accomplishments. For example- saying “You must be happy with yourself” instead of “I am proud of you” can encourage your kid to make good choices when nobody is around to praise them. You can also have a detailed discussion with your child about the physical and emotional changes of puberty.

Early Teens This is a time of various physical, mental, emotional, and social changes in your kid's life. Hormones change as puberty begins. They could be worried about these changes and the way they are looked at by others. This will also be a time when your kid might face peer pressure to use alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs. Other challenges are often confused emotions, academic pressure, depression, and family problems. At this age, teens make their own choices about friends, sports, studying, and school. They become more independent with their personality and interests, although parents' guidance is still vital during these years.

❖ Positive Parenting TipsYou can try to be honest and direct with your kid when talking about sensitive subjects like drugs, drinking, smoking, and good & bad touch. You should try meeting and acquainting yourself with your kid's friends. You can also consider showing a constant interest in your kid’s school life without being too nagging. You can also try to guide your kid in making healthy choices while also encouraging him to make his own decisions. You may try to constantly respect your kid’s opinions and take into consideration their thoughts and feelings. You should always try to let them know that you value their opinion. When there's a conflict, you can experiment by being clear about goals and expectations (like getting good grades, keeping things clean, and showing respect), but you can also allow your kid to input on the way to reach those goals (like when and how to study or clean). Also Read: 11 Positive Parenting Tips in the 21stCentury | BaaBee TV Blog

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Positive Parenting with BaaBee TV Thus, it is clear that positive parenting is a crucial requirement for every kid in the 21st century. This century requires that a kid is not only academically successful, but they also have a great and adequate personality. So how can you, as a parent, ensure that your kid is ready to face the outside world? Don't worry, because BaaBee TV has got you covered again!

❖ BaaBee TV Online Courses We offer a range of courses that are not only fun but also help in ensuring the overall development of your kid. These courses focus on developing skills other than academics, such as cognitive abilities, language & communication, problem-solving skills, and so on. The courses includetheir monotonous routine but also improve their focus and polish their problemsolving skills. Rubik's Cube- Want to unlock your kid's full potential? GET THEM A RUBIK'S CUBE! Rubik's cube is one such toy that can leave almost everyone scratching their heads in frustration. Shlokas- A little attachment to religion and culture not only gives your kid a much-needed connection to their roots but also improves their intellect. German Language- This course will not only make your kid proficient in a third language, but it will also prepare them for the future. French Language- If your kid doesn't have any interest in learning German, BaaBee TV has still got them covered with another language course on the French language.

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BaaBee TV Blogs

Being a parent is undoubtedly one of the best experiences of life, an experience that is filled with love, wonder, and care. But alongside, there is a constant anxiousness of wondering whether you have got parenting right or not. It is a common phenomenon for parents to worry about raising their children right. So how can you ease this worry? Fortunately, in the present world- everything is present on the internet. There are numerous articles and blogs on parenting tips, which cater to parents raising kids of different age groups.

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At BaaBee TV, we have an entire section dedicated to blogs on Parenting Tips. Want to figure out how to make your kids feel loved? Or maybe you want to help your kid with mathematics and communication? We have a one-stop destination for addressing all the doubts at Blog | BaaBee TV. These blogs won't only give you suggestions that you can follow to be an adequate parent for your kids, but they will also suggest some fun learning activities that you can try out with them!

Final Words to Parents! Hence, it is evident that you should try to focus on both aspects- being a firm parent and also being an affectionate one. Only then, your kid would be able to attain a 360degree development in their growth years while also maintaining good emotional and mental health. So parents, what are you waiting for? Try following these suggestions in your parenting routine and witness your kid getting ready for the 21st century. And to make your kids even sharper, get them enrolled in online courses at BaaBee TV! We hope that this little guide helped ease your worries about raising your kids right in the 21st century. Happy Parenting, parent ninjas!

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