The Rise In Online Learning For Kids And The Role Of Parents

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The Rise In Online Learning For Kids And The Role Of Parents

BaaBee TV Online Hobby Classes For Kids Aged 5-14 Years.

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Introduction Undoubtedly, education is one of the most significant parts of a students' life. Schools and colleges are seen as second homes by everyone. These buildings and the classrooms within them have shaped countless lives and developed infinite careers. Physically going to another place other than one's own house for studying has been a universal phenomenon since ancient times.

However, as the world progresses into the age of technological innovation where everything is being made 'easier'physical classrooms are slowly losing their popularity. The alternative of online classrooms is constantly gaining popularity, even for elementary education. Parents are now preferring the idea of homeschooling their kids rather than sending them to actual schools. Additionally, the shift to online classrooms has increased manifold after the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, even parents who preferred sending their kids to physical schools have had no other option than to shift towards online classes.

In this somewhat complicated scenario, it is typical for parents to find difficulties in adjusting to the idea of online education for their kids. There are a plethora of dilemmas to be solved and a range of questions to be answered. For example, you might be worried about "How do I support my kid with their online education and learning?" or ''How do I ensure my child's good mental & physical health during online classes?" or "How do I ensure my child's personality development in the absence of schools and a social environment?" For us at BaaBee TV, all these worries are understandable and crucial to address. So parents, please don't get stressed. Read on to our guide for parents, "The Rise In Online Learning For Kids And The Role Of Parents" which gives you numerous tips on helping your kids with their online education. We have also suggested some activities and courses that you might interest your kid in while they stay locked up in the house due to the pandemic. So put on your parenting shoes and step into the world of online education without any reservations!

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Also Read:Types of Parenting Styles and Their EffectsOn Child Development

Online Learning: The New Normal For quite some time now, online education has been a decent option for kids who – for various reasons – can not access on-the-ground education. Both technology and teaching techniques powering online learning have gotten considerably better over the last few years. Consequently, the trend for online education has increased significantly over time. The reasons for this increasing trend include1.The COVID-19 Pandemic-

The biggest reason for the increasing shift to online education is the advent of the Covid pandemic in the year 2020. When everything from offices to transportation was shut down, schools and pre-schools were no exception. As an alternative, these institutions shifted to an online mode to ensure that children could continue their education in the safety of their homes. 2.Innovation in Technology-

Technological advancements, especially in the last decade, are also a reason for the increasing popularity of online education among the general folk. Different teaching tools, numerous meeting platforms, and the development of apps directly focused on creating a virtual classroom have not only aided online education but have also made it easier for children to learn and understand concepts. 3. Flexible Schedule and Cost-Effectiveness-

Online education offers various benefits such as flexibility of studying hours and cost-saving. In case a student misses their class in the morning, they can still watch its recording later. Additionally, online education also lessens expenses in terms of transportation costs. Both these benefits contribute to the popularity of online classes. 4. Increased Parental Supervision-

Parents are often worried about their kid's performance in a physical classroom as they have no control over it. But with online education, stay-at-home parents can constantly check on their kids and ensure if their kid is studying well or not.

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All in all, online education has indeed become the new normal for children. However, despite its numerous advantages, online education also poses many challenges for students- who have still not fully adapted themselves to this sudden shift to online education post the COVID-19 pandemic.

Also Read: 11 Superb Advantages Of Online ClassesFor Children

CHALLENGES FACED BY KIDS IN ONLINE CLASSES Sadly, it is not all rainbows and roses for kids when it comes to attaining online education. There are a plethora of issues attached to online education. For parents to help their kids tackle these challenges, they must identify and understand them first.

Challenges faced by kids during online classes can broadly be categorized, into the following-

Online Mode-Specific Challenges

Health Challenges- Mental Health & Physical Health Lack of Social Life and Physical Interaction


BaaBee TV Online Hobby Classes For Kids Aged 5-14 Years.

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1.Online Mode-Specific Challenges

Lack of Technical Knowledge

Lack of computer education is undoubtedly a significant concern in today’s world. Many students still cannot operate basic computers with MS word and PowerPoint. Therefore, whenever some technical issues emerge, they find it difficult to resolve the issue in such a scenario. They face difficulties with live classes, using appropriate buttons, MS Office, communication-related apps and websites, browsing study materials, etc. Sometimes they are not technologically proficient enough to log in, attend live classes, create and submit work, and communicate with teachers and friends. As per research, only 20% of Indians above the age of 5 years had basic digital literacy. Just 40% in the critical age group of 15 to 29 years, which includes all high school and college students, as well as young parents responsible for teaching younger children, had basic digital literacy. (National Statistical Organisation Survey on DigitalEducation Divide - Officers Pulse)

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A survey conducted by The International Journal of Indian Psychology also recorded that 84.2% of students felt that technical issues disrupt the flow of online classes. 40.8% of students also admitted that lack of technical knowledge makes them uncomfortable during online classes.

((PDF) The impact of online learning during COVID-19:students' and teachers' perspective | IJIP Journal and Deepika Nambiar -





Unstable Internet Connection

Many students are not well equipped with the high internet connection needed for online learning. Because of this, they face problems in going live for virtual learning and other platforms that function on a strong internet connection only. A slow and high internet

BaaBee TV Online Hobby Classes For Kids Aged 5-14 Years.

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connection can play a crucial role in how quickly your kid will attend the class and not miss out on any live sessions. There is a chance of poor connectivity if your kid finds it difficult to download some information associated with the topic, blurred videos, etc. As per the report by National Statistical Organisation, most of the Internetenabled homes are located in cities, where 42% have Internet access. In rural India, however, only 15% of people have internet connectivity.

(National Statistical Organisation Survey on DigitalEducation Divide - Officers Pulse)

Adaptability Concerns

Many kids find it inconvenient to adapt to an online learning environment immediately after traditional classroom learning. Because of the sudden change, they are unable to adjust to online classes. Children who have always studied within the physical classroom mindset are not able to concentrate in online classes.

Moreover, to successfully participate in an online class program, students must be selfmotivated and possess a high degree of time management skills to stay up with the pace of the course. Hence, online education might not be suitable for younger students (i.e. elementary age) who have difficulty assuming responsibilities required by online classes. NCERT surveyed about 4800-odd CBSE schools and found out that 12% of students thought online classes were burdensome while another 26% found them to be difficult. It was also found that nearly 35% of the 3,939 parents too felt that the online mode was either a burden or difficult, while the others gave positive feedback. (One of 3 students finds online classes difficult:NCERT survey | Latest News India - Hindustan Times)

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2. Health Challenges- Mental Health & Physical Health A. Mental Health-

● Lack of Motivation Learning online and in isolation can be very demotivating after some time for your kids. Attending classes on time in a physical classroom or completing all assignments requires tons of motivation and discipline. Some students are naturally inclined to handle these issues but most of them need an additional boost to remain ahead of academic deadlines, stay engaged with their courses, and make progress. Not being within the same room with teachers or classmates might not be as exciting as being with friends on campus. Also, it takes away the sense of urgency and provides students with a false sense of their time, resulting in procrastination. Most students start the program fully engaged but then lose motivation as the courses progress. A survey conducted by The International Journal of Indian Psychology found that 59.3% of students feel disinterested and lazy during online classes. Another 59.5% admitted to a lack of motivation to attend online classes and participate in discussions. ((PDF)TheimpactofonlinelearningduringCOVID-19:students'andteachers'perspective| Journal and Deepika Nambiar -


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Anxiety & Depression

In a physical classroom, students follow a fixed routine schedule during the daytime. There is a fixed time to get up, to go to school, for class, to complete homework, to interact with friends during lunchtime, and to attend extra-curricular activities. However, this is not the case with online learning. Thus,stayingfocusedinonlineclassescouldbeachallenge.Separatinghomelifeand schoollThus, staying focused in online classes could be a challenge. Separating home life and school life, not following a routine schedule, the distractions at home can cause a lack of concentration in your kids. As a result, they may procrastinate and set things aside, missing their homework deadlines. It can cause them to feel pressure, stress, and anxiety.ife,notfollowingaroutineschedule,thedistractionsathomecancausealackof concentrationinyourkids.Asaresult,theymayprocrastinateandsetthingsaside, missingtheirhomeworkdeadlines.Itcancausethemtofeelpressure,stress,and anxiety. From a learning perspective, depression often disrupts students’ ability to concentrate. Consequently, reading and remembering, writing coherently, pulling together ideas, and organizing oneself are severely compromised. In a survey conducted by BML Manjul University, 49 percent of students agreed that stress, anxiety, and loneliness have been the most challenging to cope with during Covid-19. Fifty-five percent of college students are concerned in general, of which 38 percent say they are very concerned about their future career and prospects because of the uncertainty of the situation. (anxiety: Stress and anxiety most-challenging forstudents to cope with during the pandemic - The Economic Times (

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There is this newly coined term during the COVID era, called the “Zoom Fatigue”. The term Zoom Fatigue refers to feelings of tiredness after long Zoom classes or video conference calls. It may not be a formal diagnosis, but Zoom fatigue does exist in virtual learning. During an online class, there is an information overload. Moreover, facing the screen for prolonged periods is mentally draining for most kids. It can be very challenging for kids to absorb new information and they might feel physically drained after sitting in front of their computers for prolonged periods. Virtual learning fatigue might cause anxiety and stress for both students and professors.

B. Physical Health-

Lack of Movement (Risk of Obesity)

Obesity in children is increasing either because of lack of outdoor physical activities or binge eating and easy availability of snacks at home. As children cannot go out due to safety concerns, they spend all their time at home in front of laptops or mobile screens. As a result, less physical activity may make children gain weight and many have complained of experiencing obesity issues at an early age. Research has shown that the more physically active a toddler is during the growing period, the better is their physical and mental state for the following 3-4 decades of life.

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A study conducted by Tertiary Care Hospital showed significant differences in variables such as body weight, body mass index before and after lockdown among children of age 315 years. Post-lockdown, the mean body mass index (BMI) increased among all participants from 17.32 to 17.80 kg/m2.

(E-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Surge in ChildhoodObesity (

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Increased screen time and the overall stress of online classes have caused increased cases of headaches in children. It is common knowledge that digital screens emit harmful rays and children are even more vulnerable to them. Your kid might be complaining of a constant headache after their class. It might spoil their concentration in subsequent classes and can also ruin their day altogether. Moreover, constant headaches might also have long-term ill-effects on their health.

Strain on Eyes

Longer screen time has led to the weakening of the eyes of kids. Their eyes get exposed to unnatural light for an extended duration which harms their eyesight. The most prevailing eye problem experienced by kids during online classes is eye strain, an immediate result of all computer use that virtual learning demands - usually for long periods of your kid's time and sometimes in less-than-ideal lighting environments. Eye strain can cause eyes to get dry, moist, itchy, red, or inflamed. Other symptoms include a burning sensation, blurry vision, light sensitivity, and difficulty focusing. Symptoms might also comprise headaches, neck, shoulder, or back pain, sleep issues, and overall fatigue.

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The situation is even more dangerous if your kid already has some minor but uncorrected vision problems. As per the records of Little Flower Hospital’s ophthalmology department, 1,915 children below the age of 15 years have consulted doctors in May and 60 percent of them suffered from short-sightedness. (Eyestrain from digital classes a major health concernfor students- The New Indian Express)

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3. Lack of Social Life and Physical Interaction

Lack of Social Interaction

Online classes tend to force students to experience contemplation, remoteness, and an absence of interaction with the outside world. As a result, many kids who inevitably spend much of their time online can start experiencing signs of social isolation because of the lack of human communication in their lives. Social isolation along with lesser communication often results in several mental health issues like heightened stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts. Many students find that learning is not just an intellectual activity, but a social one – which explains why your kid might miss in-person interaction with their teacher. They can also miss face-to-face interactions with fellow students. Thus, for several students, not having enough interaction with professors and peers is among the most significant challenges of studying online and passing their courses.

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It might lead them to feel lonely and unloved.

Also Read: Everyday Practices to Keep Your Kids Loved: A Guide For Parents

Losing touch with School Friends

While the pandemic might have brought you closer to certain people in your lives, there is a good chance that your kid is losing their friendship. Along with their access to physical classrooms and playgrounds, their interactions with the other kids have also gotten considerably reduced. Technology does not adequately substitute for in-person friendship, especially for kids who don't have access to personal phones and social media. Your kid might not even remember the last time they interacted with most of their peers or the last time when they ate their lunch in school with their close friends. It only increases their loneliness during these trying times and might make them easily sad and irritable. According to a survey conducted by BMU University, 37 percent of respondents said that they have missed their friends acutely, followed by the buzz of social events (25%) and hands-on training on the school campus. (Anxiety: Stress and anxiety most-challenging for students to cope with during the pandemic The Economic Times (

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BaaBee TV Online Hobby Classes For Kids Aged 5-14 Years.

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Risk of Social Anxiety when Schools Reopen

Lack of social interaction during online classes might not only affect your kid's present mental health but can also cause social anxiety in the future. It is a possibility that your kid might get accustomed to isolation and feel weird when they have to socialize again in a physical classroom. It is also possible that your kid might fear that they won't be able to rekindle their old friendships with their school friends after the pandemic.

Role Of Parents In Online Learning Hence, it is evident that your kid might face a lot of challenges while attending online classes. And as parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that your kid gets all the help they need. Are you wondering how to do that? Consider the following tips on how to help your kid deal with specific issues that come with online education:-

1. Online Mode-Specific Challenges

Lack of Technical Knowledge

To ensure that your kid does not suffer from digital illiteracy, you need to learn basic computer skills yourself. You can not teach your kid how to operate a computer when you are not aware of it yourself (especially when your kid is below 12 years in age). For learning basic computer skills, you can take the help of online guides or someone who has adequate knowledge about operating digital devices. Then you can teach your kid the same! Woah! It is also crucial for you to not ignore your kid when they complain about encountering a technical issue. Listen to them carefully and then try your best to find a solution as soon as possible. It will make your kid feel heard and also ensure that they do not lose out on studies.

Unstable Internet Connection

The Internet is a basic necessity when it comes to attending online classes. A strong and stable connection ensures that your kid is not worrying about lagging videos and unclear audio. What you can do is ensure that your house is equipped with highspeed, good-quality, Wi-Fi. Pair it with a 4G device and your kid is good to go!

BaaBee TV Online Hobby Classes For Kids Aged 5-14 Years.

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Another thing to ensure is that your kid's study room is within a reasonable range from the Wi-Fi. You should also ensure that your kid's device has a backup internet plan in case of power cuts or when your Wi-Fi isn't working.

Adaptability Issues As a parent, you need to understand that the sudden shift to online classes is pretty new and challenging for your kid. It might take them a lot of time to adjust to the idea of virtual learning. What you need to do is be patient and give them some time. Keep a constant check on whether your kid can understand in class. Also, have frequent conversations with them about the problems they might be facing in their virtual school. Another thing you can do is ensure that they have all their books in both digital and physical form. You can also make a schedule for their whole day so they can have a definite and organized structure to help them adapt to their new lifestyle.

2. Health Challenges- Mental Health & Physical Health A. Mental Health-

Lack of Motivation Parents should try to convince their children that online learning is often a fun and informative process. It is vital to keep your child’s attention focused on their classes. A ‘digital quarantine’ may be necessary for this. Limit their use of devices as much as you can or until they complete their homework. Make them take designated breaks where they can use their devices for a short time. You and your kid can also set long-term goals which can run simultaneously with the length of the entire time of virtual schooling. You can set some manageable short-term goals as well which help them remain on track with tests, assignments, and projects. Another good way to remain motivated is to practice positive affirmations with your kids. Keep telling your kid that they will do whatever they began to do and always have a positive attitude.

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Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue The demands of remote learning can overwhelm your kids and cause stress. When children are stressed, they'll find it challenging to concentrate on their lessons. They might even lose the motivation to learn. Hence, you need to assist the kids in managing their stress. Encourage your children to speak about what they are feeling. You can also set a time every evening for de-stressing sessions with them. It will also help you emotionally connect with your kids. You should also set frequent break times during the day. During those breaks, let your kid choose what they want to do - listening to music, coloring, or perhaps taking a walk. You can also try to keep a check on your kid's habits and behavior. Sometimes, it is not necessary that your kid can verbalize their worries but a change in their behavior will surely reflect their mental state.

Also Read: 7 Helpful Books for Kids Who Have Anxiety

B. Physical Health -

Lack of movement (risk of obesity) Sitting for prolonged periods for online classes increases the risk of obesity in your kid. Hence, you should encourage them to take frequent short walks in between their classes. Tell them to take a short walk inside their rooms or to the balcony/ roof. It will not only provide a much-needed break to their muscles but will also give them a breath of fresh air. Additionally, you can also provide healthy and homemade snacks to your kids during their break time. While a pizza slice or potato chips once in a while won't hurt anyone, don't make a habit of eating out with your kids.

Headaches and Strain on Eyes

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For your kids to avoid constant headaches and eye strain, you should make them avoid using mobile phones for online classes/studies. Advise your kids to use larger screens like laptops, computers, or tablets because it is beneficial in reducing eye strain. Ensure that the brightness of your kid's device is at a dim setting and the contrast is turned up for better viewing. You should also adjust the light within your kid's study room. The proper lighting of a room should be dimmer than the digital screen to reduce eye strain. You can also advise your kids to not look at the screen continuously. Tell them to take a break in between their lecture and look elsewhere for just ten to twenty seconds to cut back eye strain. Also, ensure that your kid is giving proper rest to their eyes during a change of lectures. Conclusively, make your kids take proper rest after completion of lectures each day. It will give relief to their eyes and also a much-required break.

3. Lack of Social Life and Physical Interaction

Lack of Social Interaction Being locked up in the house can result in zero interaction with the outside world. For kids, social interaction is vital for their growth, personality development, and their overall mood. Sadly, the lockdown and online studies have taken away this opportunity from them. To ensure that your kid does not remain in social and emotional isolation, you should keep them up to date with the happenings around the world. Keep them in touch with your extended family and neighbors. You can also take them on an evening walk in the nearby park where they can interact with people. Just ensure that they are well masked and maintain a safe physical distance from others.

Losing touch with School Friends For school kids, their school friends are like a second family. Children spend half of their day in school and hence it is obvious for them to find and make lots of friends there. However, due to the shutting down of schools, these friendships have come to a stoppage. To ensure that your kid does not get isolated from their peers, schedule phone calls and video calls between their friend groups. See to it that your kid talks to their friends at least once in a few days. You don't need to force them, you can just remind them to call their friends now and then.

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Encourage your kid to discuss their school affairs and online classes with their friends. Your kid might be able to express themself better in front of their friends rather than you. You should give them the space to do that!

Risk of Social Anxiety when Schools Reopen A prolonged period of social isolation may lead to social anxiety when your kid gets back to school. Your kid might have lost the habit of having face-to-face interactions with their teachers and friends. You need to ensure that your kid does not get cut off from the world during lockdown to avoid the possibility of social anxiety. You can also try talking to them about their worries of readapting themselves to physical classes before schools reopen.

4. Additional Tips for Parents

Internet Safety

The Internet is surely a powerful world with no restrictions, and so it's incredibly significant to place safeguards and ensure security from cyberstalking. You can ensure the privacy constraints on the system that your child is using for classes which will protect them from toxic elements. You can set up parental controls on Windows or Chrome for careful use of the web.

Dedicate A Study Place

A dedicated area to sit down comfortably and study will encourage kids to boost their attention and priority on learning. It also provides them with their area for schooling and learning. Parents can moreover ensure they're around to keep a check in case their kids need any aid.

Be a Problem Solver For Your Kids

Kids are often reluctant to ask questions with online classes. In such situations, as super parents, you're expected to ask them if they require any assistance and supply that help. Kids can always feel lost and helpless, which can be inadequate.

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Help Them In Doing Their Homework

In virtual classes, children are striving to differentiate between classwork and homework since everything is being done from home itself. It is thus important to own a diary and write homework separately to assist them with this differentiation. It's also significant that children should be given different notebooks for every subject. Also, parents should regularly check their daily schedules and tasks.

Provide Snacks Breaks For Your Kids

While in physical classrooms, kids often use their snack breaks for interacting with their pals. Now since they're spending time just at home, snack breaks may be used as a chance to interact with the family. Keeping the discussion far away from schoolwork should be of ultimate primacy because the goal is to offer them a snack break.

Focus On The Health Of Children

Kids’ mental and physical health is of absolute significance in these times. Thus, parents have to motivate their kids to immerse themselves in physical activities. Certainly, there are area and time constraints but, simple indoor workouts alongside the family members are often exciting. Workouts are known to generate endorphins that can extremely enhance their mood too. Thus, these are the tips and suggestions that you can follow while raising your kids and ensure that each of their specific problems is duly solved by you.

Also Read: 11 Positive Parenting Tips in the 21stCentury

ONLINE COURSES FOR KIDS Did you know that apart from following the above tips, you can also consider enrolling your kid in online courses? There is an array of courses available on the internet that cater to different age groups and are based on various subjects such as language, mathematics, and games!

BaaBee TV Online Hobby Classes For Kids Aged 5-14 Years.

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At BaaBee TV, we understand how important it is for kids to devote ample time to skill development and fun games at the same time. Hence, we offer a range of online courses that cater to every need of kids from age 5 to 15, such asGRAPHIC NEEDED- SUMMARY CHART FOR ALL THE 5 COURSES BY BAABEE TV (WITH A 1-2 LINE DESCRIPTION EACH) EG-

1. Chess What is a fun way to sharpen your kid's mind? PLAYING CHESS! By learning how to play Chess, kids not only get a much-needed break from their monotonous routine but also improve their focus and polish their problem-solving skills. BaaBee TV’s Mastering Chess Course will offer these benefits to your kid while also ensuring that they keep having fun.

2. Rubik's Cube Want to unlock your kid's full potential? GET THEM A RUBIK'S CUBE! Rubik's cube is one such toy that can leave almost everyone scratching their heads in frustration. But, with BaaBee TV's Rubiks's Cube Course, your kid could be one of those few people who can crack this complicated yet fun puzzle.

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3. Shlokas A little attachment to religion and culture not only gives your kid a much-needed connection to their roots but also improves their intellect. You and your kid can get both these benefits through our Shlokas Classes!

4. German Language Mastering your mother tongue is a sign of efficiency, but mastering a third language is a sign of extraordinary brainpower. How can your kid be one of those people? By enrolling in our German Language Course! This course will not only make your kid proficient in a third language, but it will also prepare them for the future.

5. French Language If your kid doesn't have any interest in learning German, BaaBee TV has still got them covered with another language course. French is one of the most beautiful languages ever, and your kid can be one of those lucky people who can understand French with our French Language Course.

ONLINE GUIDES ON PARENTING TIPS Being a parent is undoubtedly one of the best experiences of life, an experience that is filled with love, wonder, and care. But alongside, there is a constant anxiousness of wondering whether you have got parenting right or not. It is a common phenomenon for parents to worry about raising their children right. So how can you ease this worry? Fortunately, in the present world- everything is available on the internet. There are numerous articles and blogs on parenting tips, which cater to parents raising kids of different age groups. At BaaBee TV, we have an entire section dedicated to blogs on Parenting Tips. Want to figure out how to make your kids feel loved? Or maybe you want to help your kid with mathematics and communication? We have a one-stop destination for addressing all the doubts at Blog | BaaBee TV. These blogs won't only give you suggestions that you can follow to be an adequate parent for your kids, but they will also suggest some fun learning activities that you can try out with them!

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FINAL WORD TO PARENTS! While the COVID pandemic has brought up numerous challenges in everyone's lives, it is our kids that need the most care and attention right now. Parenting is tough, but parenting in a never-seen-before scenario such as now is next to impossible for many. So parents, what are you waiting for? Try following these suggestions in your parenting routine and see how your kid turns out to be a perfect person and a student. And to make your kids even sharper, get them enrolled in online courses with us! We hope that this brochure helped in easing your worries about raising your kid in these trying times. You can find additional articles on parenting tips and a variety of online courses on our website BaaBee TV.

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