Architecture Portfolio | 2020

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Trisha Truong Auburn University | 2015 – 2020 College of Architecture, Design and Construction Bachelor of Architecture Bachelor of Interior Architecture | Dual Degree




interior studies

other works

Architecture Portfolio

38 Festivity in Selma

46 Atrium Play

54 Filtering Interactions

60 Surface Analytique

28 Shear Light

Trisha Truong

18 Subterranean Gallery

Undergraduate Studies | 2015 – 2020

08 Urbanizing Agriculture

64 Image Studies



Architecture Vertical Farm | Subterreanean Gallery | Shear Light

architecture 08

Urbanizing Agriculture


Subterranean Gallery


Shear Light

Vertical Farming Initiative

Trisha Truong

Interlocking Pathways

Ă…rhus Midtraffiken



Architecture | Fifth Year | Thesis

URBANIZING AGRICULTURE Vertical Farm My fifth year thesis focuses on the integration of vertical farming in a dense, urban environment.

Omotesandō Urban Farms | Tokyo, Japan | 2020

Since the site is in a major shopping district with heavy tourism, the approach was to create an anomaly in the intersection. The diverse presence of other famous works of architecture along this avenue was something considered as contributions to the context. So, the response was to embrace an organic form to break the menagerie of angular buildings. The corner site sits at a traffic heavy intersection between Omotesandō and Aoyama-Dori Avenue. The additional programs of cafe and grocery store was added to create a commercial interaction with the produce. This new way of producing food allows people to be up close with the food source. Japanese value cleanliness of their food highly.

Trisha Truong

The massing takes on an organic vertical form with a lattice concrete skeleton. The pattern follows silhouettes of Japanese zelkova trees that wrap around the entirety of the exterior. Replicating this top to bottom structure load aids in reducing the amount of lateral support within the building. This design allows for the façade to have a graphic pattern and structural design that work hand in hand. On the ground floor is the base of the “trunks” and as one moves up the building, the “branches” increase in number and decrease in width. The apertures between “branches” is lined with flush-mounted glass to create a continuous surface along the façade as well as generate a different interior atmosphere.





Primary Structure: 35cm thick concrete facade in tree-like lattice.



Massing Strategy (Left) Structural Relationship (Right)

Secondary Structure: Concrete columns, beams, and core shear walls support the lateral structure of the facade.

Architecture | Fifth Year | Thesis OmotesandĹ? Urban Farms | Tokyo, Japan | 2020 Trisha Truong

View from Aoyama-Dori Ave A sliver of ivy-covered balconies reveals between the edges of the facade.




Ground Floor Plan: Urban condition to create a way from Omotesando to south pocket park adjacent to site.

Architecture | Fifth Year | Thesis

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7 OmotesandĹ? Urban Farms | Tokyo, Japan | 2020

6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Entrance Lobby Grocery Store office Multipurpose Room Triple Height Aeroponic Shelf Production Room 6. Bamboo Garden 7. Double Height Hydroponic Production Room 8. Rice Paddy Production Room 9. Rooftop Greenhouse 10. Honeybee Aviary 11. Living Wall Carousel



4 1 11 Trisha Truong


Section Perspective I North/ South cut revealing the relationships between major voids in floors.



Upper Floor Atrium Winding bamboo garden that mimics topographic slope and creates a naturescape facing south.

Architecture | Fifth Year | Thesis

OmotesandĹ? Urban Farms | Tokyo, Japan | 2020

Trisha Truong

Looking into the Farm Circution corridor grants views into the major production rooms.

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Underground Market Space Interior view that displays one of the ways the floor apertures allow daylighting into the subterranean public spaces.

Architecture | Fifth Year | Thesis

OmotesandĹ? Urban Farms | Tokyo, Japan | 2020

Trisha Truong Sublevel Plan 1 Voids open into underground space for an abundance of light.

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Architecture | Fifth Year

SUBTERRANEAN GALLERY Interlocking Pathways

Subterranean Gallery | Atlanta, GA | 2019

The design proposal is based on a concept of three horizontal bands that are interlocking with eachother at acute angles. As the faรงade moves along the vertical direction, it creates a monolithic structure that helps to sharpen the angles of circulation in plan. This was a way to slow down the visitor based on how they move back and forth across the programmed gallery spaces for the new Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center. Upon entry to the site, there are two options to go, up or down. The major structure is a slope that also uses the zig zag motion to proceed upwards of four stories on a ramp or long steps. One of the main entrances of the Arts Center is accessible at the upper floor as a final destination for drifting along the rooftops. There are spaces along the journey that can call for a large gathering or event spaces. These elevated platforms of activity give a stepping motion to the overall mass and give space for skylights to be used for lighting the interior entry way. This second main entrance into the building is underground rather than up the sloped building. This underground option was a way for the structure to serve its secondary function as a major MARTA metro station for downtown Atlanta. The visitors can easily drift into an underground MARTA stop or they can use the basement entrance into the Arts Center. The entrance brings the user into a triple height space which allows them to access Ponce de Leon Ave through a transition of below ground to street level in a sculpture gallery space.

Trisha Truong 18


The Journey Primary circulation runs along the exterior slope which can be used as public space or large outdoor event spaces.

Architecture | Fifth Year

Subterranean Gallery | Atlanta, GA | 2019

Trisha Truong

21 20 21






Ground Floor Plan

Architecture | Fifth Year Subterranean Gallery | Atlanta, GA | 2019 Trisha Truong

Temporary Space: Wooden platforms which invite the public into a transition exhibition space between the subway entrance and the north entrance of the building. 22










Section (Above): Relationship between underground, ground plane, and accessible roof. Underground Plan (Below): Creating a spatial gallery space underground was the primary concept and is shown in plan.


Architecture | Fifth Year Subterranean Gallery | Atlanta, GA | 2019 Trisha Truong Underground White Box: Natural, ambient light cuts into the space to illuminate the sculpture exhibit hall.



Ground floor utilized as a transition space between the underground entrance from MARTA and northern side of the site. Additionally, it allows for platforms to display sculptural exhibits .

Architecture | Fifth Year Subterranean Gallery | Atlanta, GA | 2019 Trisha Truong

The underground floor features an whitebox gallery spaces, a theater, and a cafe to be used by the public.

The sloped figure allows for large gathering spaces along the roof of the exterior. The uppper floors within the interior also contain office spaces, conference spaces, and space for education program 26


Architecture | Third Year

SHEAR LIGHT Aarhus Midtraffiken This office building features three upper plan open offices with access to balconies that stretch out to look into the urban area adjacent to the Radhus Town Hall. This specific design caters to the structures studied from the study abroad in Scandinavia coupled with the experiences gained from immersion into the Danish culture.

Shear Light | Aarhus, Denmark | 2017

Arhus, Denmark is a city with minimal daylighting available for interior spaces. This proposal allows for a lightwell to pierce through the center core and allow natural ambient light for the dim work spaces. The ground floor cafe faces the pathways between the building and the historic gallery in the adjacent lot. This pathway leads to a courtyard tucked behind the building to be used for the public. The facade continuously extrudes back and forth with the line of the sidewalk to create a depth for balconies. The brick facade mimics this slanting form. A random pattern of bricks that break the clean facade create a secondary texture to an otherwise typical masonry wall.

Trisha Truong 28


Ground Floor Plan: The site of the building is located at a traffic heavy Midtraffik bus stop. The ground floor main entry accesses a lobby where the user can buy bus tickets.

Relationship to street from adjacent bus stop.

Architecture | Third Year Shear Light | Aarhus, Denmark | 2017 Trisha Truong

Longitudinal Section: Each floor plate has access to natural lighting in a city where daylight is scarce.



Transverse Section: The three upper floors are allocated for the use of the Midtraffik headquarters office.

Architecture | Third Fifth Year Year

Shear Subterranean Light | Aarhus, Gallery Denmark | Atlanta, |GA 2017 | 2019

Trisha Truong

Facade | Detailed Wall Section of Facade.

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Interior Studies


Festivity in Selma


Atrium Play

Festivity in Selma | Atrium Play | Filtered Interactions

interior studies The Local

Trisha Truong

Interior Architecture Thesis



Interior Architecture | Fourth Year


Festivity in Selma | Selma, AL | 2019

The Local is a site for collaboration, education, and reformation for the community of Selma, AL. The interior and exterior work in harmony to form spaces with different opportunities for a multitude of functions. The relationship of material from ground to vertical plane (i.e. the permanent pieces of concrete seating and the interior wooden seating) work to create spaces of intimacy at the eye level. This design is separated into three types of spaces and furniture: the found, the added, and the ephemeral. The found elements are elements that have existed or appear to have existed before, a remnant of the historical, similar to how this building is historical. The concrete seating outside as well as the existing second floor stair give this feeling. The added elements can be flexible or heavy, but they are designed and less permanent than the found. Added elements include: the garden’s canopy, the interior wood benches, and the first floor stair. Finally, the ephemeral alludes to all of the elements and spaces that are light weight, flexible, and continually changing. The string lights, the moveable furniture, even the community events and food truck are all what make the ephemeral. All of these elements appear in both the interior and exterior and from the first floor to the third floor. The surfaces of the horizontal (the ground) to the vertical (the walls) connect all of these intricate conditions. These planes and pattern on the floor are permanent and designed to surround and hold the different types of furniture. Finally, the stair connects all of the intricate spaces vertically through the building, while the double height glazing to the exterior connects the spaces horizontally.

Trisha Truong + Sarah Shepherd 38


View upon Entry

Interior Architecture | Fourth Year

THIRD FLOOR temporary housing

Festivity in Selma | Selma, AL | 2019

SECOND FLOOR event space / additional upstairs seating

Trisha Truong + Sarah Shepherd

FIRST FLOOR restaurant



The grout lines along the walls and wainscot are a material continuation of the floor pattern. This creates a material heaviness in the restaurant between wood and concrete.

The front of house is provides enough space to be a performance area/ teaching kitchen.

The ground texture is a custom pattern for the revitalized wood.

Intimacy at Eye Level: The relationship of the floor to wall being to create an eye-level “basin” of materiality. The shifting pattern of the wood floors lead one’s focus to the vertical components of the space.

Interior Architecture | Fourth Year Festivity in Selma | Selma, AL | 2019 Trisha Truong + Sarah Shepherd

Above: Second floor restaurant/ lounge Below: Ground floor restaurant space Right: Seating versatility diagram



Intricacy of Use: The exterior concrete seating

and the wooden both like structure are two options of a high/ low mix seating arrangement. The stage allows for stepped seating, open space for flexible furniture, and also an elevated platform for performances or events.

Interior Architecture | Fourth Year Festivity in Selma | Selma, AL | 2019 Trisha Truong + Sarah Shepherd

Above: Second floor restaurant/ lounge Below: Ground floor restaurant space Right: Seating versatility diagram



Interior Architecture | ARIA Thesis

ATRIUM PLAY Work vs. Play

Atrium Play | Birmingham, AL | 2019

The system of wooden louvres that recede with each floor shield the workspace from the rest of the general experience of the space; however, it carefully filters the light as a clerestory and allows the workers in the space to have a one-way view into the atrium. This work space is saturated with open cubicles that rest underneath an undulating ceiling that is extended from the louvre system. This space provides privacy booths and a conference room lined with acoustic panels. Opposite of the private, quiet workspace is that north-facing play space. This area is defined with a variety of lounge seating that promotes a change in scenery to collaborate, work, or rest. A single glass partition is the only separator between the play space and the atrium, allowing an abundance of natural light to fill the room in conjunction with the existing glazing. The central atrium punctures through the building to not only allow natural lighting but to also provide a special barrier between the aspects of work and play. The barrier, lined with the programmatic core, acts as a corridor with areas of rest that has direct exposure to the atrium and the light it provides. The raw materials frequently used throughout the design promote a modern, versatile workspace susceptible to a variety of different office and lounge furniture in their respective “sides.�

Trisha Truong 46


Second Floorplan: The separation between the work space (north) and the play space (south)

Interior Architecture | ARIA Thesis Atrium Play | Birmingham, AL | 2019 Trisha Truong

View into Play Space An office area conducive for casual seating or collaborative work spaces.



View from Play Space into Corridor: The atrium not only acts as a source of light for a dim space, it provide a privacy between work and play spaces.

Interior Architecture | ARIA Thesis Atrium Play | Birmingham, AL | 2019

Aggregated atrium is also used as a separator between the “work” and “play” areas of the office.

“Play” space is defined by heavier furniture, kitchen break area, and open conference space.

Trisha Truong

Repeating wooden louvre system utilized to get an abundance of natural light in this narrow office space.

Axonometric Section Through Atrium: This reveals the overall effect from the louvre scheme.



Other Works Material Structure | Urban Connection | Image Studies

other works 68

Filtering Interactions

Irritable Bao Interior Design Competition

Crafting Dialogue

50 Shades of Blue Hand Drafts

Image Studies

White Space Reflective Coefficient Movement

Trisha Truong

54 60



Interiors Competition | Fifth Year

FILTERING INTERACTIONS Irritable Bao Interior Design Competition Filtering Interactions | Auburn, AL | 2020

The new interior renovation proposal for the Irritable Bao restaurant features many programs for the experience of the visitor. Upon entry, the space opens up with casual furniture and a custom bookshelf partition. This nook allows for a space for people to linger in the restaurant in a cafe style manner. The logo of the restaurant will be displayed against the pre-existing brick wall as a mural for the social media influx. Beyond this area is the remainder of the restaurant with a nuimber of seating variations. The booth, with its adjacency to the shelf partition, creates an even denser separation betweeen the front and back. This allows it to be a focal point for community style seating. The wall surfaces vary throughout the restaurant, however, they remain mostly neutral white tones as a way to brighten the narrow building naturally. The surface where the majority of customer circulation will stand is white gloss paint on top of the pre-existing brick wall. This simplistic tactic allows the people standing along the wall to be the objects of interest.

Trisha Truong + Charlotte Sadar

Project Designers: Charlotte Sadar + Trisha Truong



Interiors Competition | Fifth Year

Opportunity with bar seating along store front for operable sliding windows to draw people in or can be utilized for pop up events.

The shelving unit which utilizes recycled pre-existing wood acts as a partition between the front and back with casual seating and resetaurant seating respectively. A Chinese lattice pattern is applied to the back side of the shelf to act as a natural light diffuser. Additionally, this creates a spatial opportunity for heavy booth seating for large groups.

Wall surface along the restaurant seating displays various photographs or accolades for restaurant and charity work.

Filtering Interactions | Auburn, AL | 2020 Trisha Truong + Charlotte Sadar 56


Interiors Competition | Fifth Year

Filtering Interactions | Auburn, AL | 2020

Trisha Truong + Charlotte Sadar

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Other Works

SURFACE ANALYTIQUE 50 Shades of Blue The surface analytique was a first year analog project. Surface Analytique | 2016

Our task was to design an eleborate “wall� from given modules of wooden blocks. The aggregation of modules created opportunities for undulating and portruding the figures to read as a three dimension object in an elevation drawing. Each new column of the module array recedes backwards, thus each module was meticulously inked to create this three dimensional gradient effect.

Trisha Truong 60


Initial module unit Arraying a module to create an aggregated system of repeated volumes.

Experiment in Paraline Study of relationship to repeated volumes.

Other Works Surface Analytique | 2016 Trisha Truong

50 Shades of Blue: Light study through aggregation of edited module. Ink on HP arches.



Other Works Photography | White Space, Reflective Coefficient, Movement

IMAGE STUDIES White Space, Reflective Coefficient, Movement These three studies were a small part of my exploration of photography over the last few years. The newly found interest in architectural design combined with photography gave a new avenue for attention to detail, aesthetic, and a sense of narrative. List of Studies: • White Space • Reflection Coefficient • Movement

Trisha Truong 64


White Space This small study focuses on the color white. The power of white space is heavily undervalued. White used to pronounce more refined details such as texture of surfaces, apertures, depth, and of course shadows. Top (Left to Right) • Finlandia Hall; Alvar Alto, Helsinki, Finland • Kiasma Museum; Steven Holl, Helsinki, Finland • Woodland Cemetery Crematorium; Johan Celsing, Stockholm, Sweden Bottom (Left to Right) • Kiasma Museum; Steven Holl, Helsinki, Finland • National Museum of Western Art; Le Corbusier, Tokyo, Japan • Kiasma Museum; Steven Holl, Helsinki, Finland

Other Works

Photography | White Space, Reflective Coefficient, Movement

Trisha Truong

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Reflection Coefficient A study exploring reflective aesthetic in Yoshio Tanaguchi’s Gallery of Horyuji Treasures. The sleekness and relationship of materials creates something that i will figure out to write later (Left to Right) 1. Primary Stair 2. Reflection Pool 3. Entrance to office 4. Exit from Gallery

Other Works

Photography | White Space, Reflective Coefficient, Movement

Trisha Truong

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Movement This set is a study of motion, capturing images of movement creates a lively narrative.

Other Works

Photography | White Space, Reflective Coefficient, Movement

Trisha Truong

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Tt T: (334) 406-0439 E: I: @trishatruongarch

Architecture Portfolio


Honors and Activities

CADC Summer Option | Teacher’s Assistant (May 2020 – July 2020) Aided in teaching of digital software to first year students in a remote classroom setting (Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Adobe)

Spirit of Auburn Founders Scholarship — 2015 Joseph E. Endowed Scholarship — 2019 CADC Scandinavia Study Abroad Interior Architecture Dual Degree Auburn University On-Campus Thesis One year language study in Japanese Vietnamese Student Association (2016 – 2020) American Institute of Architecture Students (2016 – 2020)

La Ricarda Research Team | Rsearch Assistant (Sept 2018 – Nov 2019) Combined technical drawings and 3D models for professor’s presentation at Research Symposium utilizing animation software to mobilize details.

Skills 2D Drafting: AutoCAD, Vectorworks, Hand Drafting 3D Modeling: Rhino, Grasshopper, Revit, Sketchup Adobe Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffects, PremierePro Rendering: Enscape, Vray, Velux Daylighting, Photoshop

Education Auburn University | College of Architecture, Design, & Construction | 2020 Bachelor’s in Architecture Bachelor’s in Interior Architecture (Dual Degree)


Stacy Norman Architects, LLC. | Intern (Dec 2017 – Aug 2018) • Revit model building for institutional, commercial, and residential • Collaborating with project team for schematics, construction documents, and client meetings • Assistant BIM Manager

Aarhus Arkitektskolen | Spring 2018 CADC Scandinavia Study Abroad Enterprise High School | 2015 Valedictorian Trisha Truong 72


Colophon Advanced Portfolio Design | Margaret Fletcher Roboto Condensed by Christian Robertson, 2011

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