What’s Nanoinfusion?

What’s Nanoinfusion?
When it comes to sell or buy, make sure you hire the right professional, one who can provide valuable service and trusted advice!
As an 19 year Colorado resident, Bernadette is a Colorado real estate expert who has extensive navigating knowledge, offers pre-marketing counsel, staging strategies, high quality comprehensive marketing tools and believes in client focused communication and care.
• Snoring
• Jaw Clicking/Popping
• Jaw (TMJ) Pain
• Grinding/Clenching of Teeth
• Headaches/Migraines
• Difficulty Opening Mouth
• Difficulty Closing Mouth
• Sensitive Teeth
• Restless Sleep
• Night Sweats
• Frequent Nighttime Urination
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Pauses in Breathing During Sleep
• Awakenings w/Shortness of Breath
• Daytime Sleepiness
• Excessive Fatigue
• Dry Mouth/Throat
• Neckaches
• Ear Pain
Success can be achieved by any business if it solves a problem and garner’s viral visibility for their brand.
The more consumers know your brand, the more likely they are to use your business.
Trisha Ventker is an author, photographic artist, branding expert and social media infuencer and publisher of ELIFE, NoCo, Denver Colorado Luxury magazines. Reader impressions are approaching 12 million for the magazines, with the Denver publication being nationwide.
She is best known for her first book Internet Dates From Hell which had the movie rights to it optioned by Paula Wagner. Trisha is also one of the first Indie book authors to have a book optioned for the big screen.
Trisha is originally from New York City, presently residing in Erie, Colorado for the last 15+ years, with her husband and her teen son.
ELIFE Magazine covers Erie Colorado and the surrounding area … Broomfield, Westminster, Northglenn, Thornton, Brighton, Dacono, Frederick, Firestone, Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Boulder
2 miles
Via Trapper: Entrepreneur here :) When I was around 10 years old I started shoveling sidewalks in my neighborhood to earn money and save for different things that I wanted/needed. Around the age of 12 I had a small “crew” 3 younger kids that I’d line out logistics on snow days to cover more ground and take care of more walks creating more revenue, lol, yes 12! It was around that time that I knew I had a knack for leadership, logistics and problem solving, although I could’ve never imagined what it would lead to…
At 15 years of age I started working at Overhead Door of Casper Wyoming to save for a vehicle. I picked the trade up pretty quickly and that combined with an outgoing character I was quite the tech/sales person.
By 18 years old I was a certified garage door technician. After graduating high school I realized my opportunities were limited in my hometown and decided to move to the big city by taking a transfer. While working at the largest garage door company in the Denver metro area I realized that the priority wasn’t customer service and quality work rather get in get out, get paid… customer service was non existent, So….
I started The Garage Doctor when I was 21 years old with the primary focus on providing a much higher level of customer service that was obviously missing in the Denver market. After 18 years TGD has become the most trusted garage door company in the Denver metro area and has a tremendous reputation in which I’m very proud of. Throughout the years of continued learning in the construction industry it led me into Realestate Investing and I was so excited to start Searles Investments in 2019. I’ve continued to love Real Estate Investing and learning more and more about the industry.
2023 is the year I decided to start down a path I always thought was far out of reach by starting to work on a patent! Whoa! How cool, it’s so much fun working on an idea that I’ve had for 15 years with the hopes of having a product to market by 2025ish.
Q. Tell us about you and your business. Where did you originally come from and what made you decide to go into the garage business?
A. Hi, I’m Trapper. I live with my beautiful wife and amazing daughter. We also have 4 dogs who are a big part of our family! I’m originally from Casper Wyoming. Since I was 15 years old I was involved with the garage door industry. It started when I needed to get a job to start saving money for a car. I played baseball with the son of the owner of Overhead Door of Casper. He heard that I was looking for a job and offered me to work with him. I always dreamt of having my own business so when an opportunity presented itself to transfer to a larger company in Denver with the potential of growth, I immediately accepted it and moved to Colorado. My sister had already moved to Denver years before and I was looking to spend more time with family. After a short period of time at that company, I quickly realized it was evident there was a huge lack of customer appreciation. That’s when I embarked on becoming an entrepreneur and I started The Garage Doctor. The Garage Doctor was born on Spetember 1, 2005.
Q. What is your motto or philosophy?
A. My motto is “Equal Exchange of Energy is Key”
Q. What is your goal for the next year?
A. Over the next year my goal is to continue to empower all my employees and celebrate them even more.
Q. Why did you select Erie as the place to start your business years ago?
A. My family and I moved to Erie from Westminster in 2015 to gain a sense of community in our lives. We heard some incredible things about Erie and wanted to experince them first-hand.
Q. How do you give back to the community and non-profits?
A. My daughter has type 1 Diabetes. We support that cause as well as my wife being a survivor of a TBI (Tramatic Brain Injury). I’ve always been passionate about Children’s Hospital and donate through the business.
Q. Tell us about a challenge you had to overcome:
A. Back in the evening of April 16, 2022 my wife Sam suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm with subsequent subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding into the subarachnoid space which is the space between the brain and membranes that cover the brain). She was life flighted to St. Anthony Hospital in Lakewood, Colorado. This facility is a level one trauma center and comprehensive stroke center. Sam required emergent surgery to help try to control bleeding and decrease intracranial pressure in the evening of 4/16. She required an additional urgent surgery in the early morning hours of 4/17.
This was a difficult day to learn that Sam’s aneurysm was rare (Blister aneurysm), difficult to get to (Anterior Circulation Intracranial Aneurysm), and is also an odd shape. This means that Sam’s care required a multifaceted approach with multiple specialists including vascular and neurosurgery. Typically, aneurysms are treated with microsurgical clipping, endovascular coiling, or artery occlusion and bypass. In Sam’s case the odd shape and location of her aneurysm complicated the treatment plan.
She had a craniectomy (the removal of a portion of the skull in order to relieve pressure on the underlying brain) with clot evacuation. She was in the ICU for 76 days at Saint Anthony in Lakewood and 104 days at Craig Hospital in in patient care. If you’d like to read in more detail of her health journey, you can find it at
Q. How did you remain hopeful about your wife’s health?
A. I knew I had to be her advocate. Each time I looked in my daughter, Jaiden’s eyes it made me realize I HAVE to be strong and NOT give up!
1. headaches: extreme migranes that were not common for the individual
2. dizziness & confusion
3. memory challenges
4. unusual pain in the head
5. loss sense of self and others
photographer: hardy klahold @hardysphotos
stylist: trisha ventker @trishaventker
model: trapper searles @trappersearles
fashion: RSVLTS shirt, Banana Republic slim fit jeans, Lululemon shirt & pants, Olukai shoes, Baseballism hat 3 up, 3 down, Azar boots, mo’ eyewear from Spain- jellyfish sunglasses
Your roof plays a key role in keeping your structure intact. If your home or business are having roof problems, don’t wait any longer to address them. Contact us today.
Our business is built on trust and quality. We have years of experience in the trade and can provide you with a viable solution for your roofing issues.
• Roof Replacement and Repairs
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The Garage Doctor is a small, growing business focused on customer satisfaction. Standing by our motto of “FRIENDLY, HONEST, and AFFORDABLE”, we will go the extra mile to ensure our customers receive excellent service and products at a competitive rate. We pride ourselves on educating our customers, providing resolutions and products to best fit their individual circumstances. We approach each project on a case-by-case scenario and put the customer’s best interest ahead of our own to uphold our outstanding customer service record and, in return, earn a customer for life. Thank you so much for choosing THE GARAGE DOCTOR, we value your business.
• Garage Door Sales, Service & Installation
• 10 Years in Business
• Solutions for our Customers
• Dedication to Customer Service
• Educate the Customer
• Passionate about Garage Doors
5454 Washington Street Unit 1, Denver CO. 80216 303-345-4707 | |
If given the opportunity to earn your business I will promise you the best customer experience. We want to show you why we are the best, not the biggest, but the best. We care about all of our customers and want to earn a customer for life by educating you on products, service, and replacement equipment. We want what is best for you, our customer. Thank you for your time and we look forward to helping you with all of your garage door questions or concerns, big or small.
C o m p a s s i o n , K n o w l e d g e & E x p e r i e n c e
Y o u C a n R e l y O n
T h e W a r k e n t i n e L a w O f f i c e c o m b i n e s a w e a l t h o f l e g a l e x p e r i e n c e w i t h a n u p - t o - d a t e k n o w l e d g e o f c o m p l e x f a m i l y l a w i s s u e s . H a v i n g l i t i g a t e d c a s e s i n a l l t h e s u r r o u n d i n g d i s t r i c t c o u r t s , B r e n t W a r k e n t i n e i s f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e n u a n c e s o f e a c h c o u r t a n d t h e v a r y i n g a p p r o a c h e s o f o p p o s i n g l a w y e r s H e h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a n e x t e n s i v e n e t w o r k o f p r o f e s s i o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h e x p e r t s , s u c h a s r e a l e s t a t e , b u s i n e s s a n d r e t i r e m e n t / p e n s i o n v a l u a t o r s , c u s t o d y e v a l u a t o r s a n d m o r e , i n o r d e r t o b e t t e r s e r v e h i s c l i e n t s a n d f i n d t h e b e s t s o l u t i o n f o r t h e i r s i t u a t i o n .
F a m i l y L a w
D i v o r c e a n d L e g a l S e p a r a t i o n
M e d i a t i o n
D i v i s i o n o f P r o p e r t y a n d D e b t
C h i l d C u s t o d y a n d P a r e n t i n g t i m e
P r e n u p t i a l a n d P o s t n u p t i a l A g r e e m e n t s
W i l l s a n d E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
S c h e d u l e A F r e e 3 0 m i n u t e
C o n s u l t a t i o n C a l l T o d a y
7 2 0 . 4 4 3 . 5 8 4 9
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There may be opportunities for your investments to be working harder for you. Let's work together to make sure your financial strategy is optimized. Contact us today for a complimentary review.
2590 Trailridge Dr E Suite 101 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-828-3940
Q. Tell us about you and your business. Where did you originally come from and what made you decide to go into HVAC business?
A. We are originally from the East coast and we decided to move to Colorado five years ago in pursuit of more opportunity in the HVAC business realm. We were also seeking a better quality of life. Between the both of us we have over 20 years expert experience in business management and Heating and Cooling. Originally we entered the HVAC business because of our son has asthma and we were looking for solutions on better quality of air in our home. We did extensive research on HVAC companies for ourselves to hire and in the process realized there aren’t a lot of companies out there that put an emphasis on the importance of indoor air quality,
Q. What is your motto or philosophy?
A. Our Mission: To keep the air in which we live and breathe comfortable and clean.
Q. What do you consider your specialty?
A. Our company focuses on excellence
Q. What is your goal for the next year?
A. To educate the market of the importance of indoor air quality. We are not just about HVAC, we go beyond the usual.
Q. Tell us one thing that no one knows about you:
A. Benjamin is a fifth degree black belt martial artist in Takewondo and Filipino martial arts. HE has over 20 years experience working with children and adults teaching them the importance offend and body. This has been one of his life’s passions. Cynthia is a track and field enthusiast, world traveler and loves the outdoors.
Q. Tell us about giving back to non-profits - name some of the non-profits you’ve contributed:
A. We feel as a company you have to be more than just a business, it is important to get out there in our community - We love sponsoring Frederick High Golden Eagle and many of the local events such as the Dacono Music Festival, The Firestone 4th of July to name a few.
Southpaw Electric is an electrical contracting company specializing in commercial, residential and industrial contracting. With our highly-qualified and certified electricians we’ll make sure your job is both done right and within your budget. We also offer specialized electrical work such as automated systems, audio-visual, communications and computer networking. Everything your business or home requires to up and running efficiently.
Our dedication to our customers and customer service is top-notch. We’ll work with you to make sure all your needs are met and make recommendations to save you time and money. State licensed in Colorado, owned and operated by a Master Electrician for more than 15 years. We are the premier electrical contracting company in Boulder County.
Lutron Pro Gold Residential Certified
Vista Ridge Community Center has an atmosphere and many amenities to make your event everything you ' ve imagined. Our venue overlooks a world class golf course and has one of Colorado's most beautiful mountain views. Not only does our views " wow " all that see it, it truly takes the cake.
Ensure your gathering has the character and space it deserves. Our space possesses rich wood trimming and elegant stonework that will impress, while putting your guests at ease. For your culinary preparation, use our spacious kitchen, A beautiful deck , lawn and pavilion are perfect for your outdoor needs.
Now that we’ve put winter behind us — at least on the calendar — it’s time for us to think about sprucing up our homes, inside and out. But it also may be time to do some financial spring cleaning.
Some of the same ideas involved in tidying up your home can also be used to help put your financial house in order. Here are a few suggestions:
• Dust off your investment strategy. As you look around your home, you might find that many items — tables, desks, bookshelves, and computer and television screens — could benefit from a good dusting. And, once you’ve accomplished this, you’ll get a clearer view of all these objects. Similarly, your investment strategy needs to be “dusted off” every so often, so you can see if it’s still working to help you move toward your financial goals, such as a comfortable retirement. Over time, your personal circumstances and risk tolerance can change, and these changes may lead you to reexamine your future financial and investment decisions.
• De-clutter your portfolio. if you took a survey of your home, would you find duplicates or even triplicates of some things — brooms, vacuum cleaners, toasters, and so on? If so, it may be time to do some de-cluttering. And the same could be true of your portfolio — you might have several identical, or substantially identical, investments taking up space. If so, you might want to replace these redundancies with investments that can improve your diversification. While diversification can’t guarantee profits or protect against losses in a declining market, it may help reduce the impact of market volatility on your holdings.
• Get organized. If your closets are overstuffed, with clothes and miscellaneous items crammed on shelves and the floor, you may well have trouble finding what you’re looking for — but with a little straightening up, your searches will become much easier. And when you’re trying to locate financial documents, such as investment statements or insurance policies, you’ll also benefit from having everything organized in one central location. Even if you get most of these documents online, you can save what you need and keep them in a file on your desktop, laptop or tablet. (And it’s also a good idea to tell your spouse, adult child or another close relative how these documents can be accessed, just in case something happens to you.)
• Protect yourself from dangers. If you look around your garage, shed or other storage area, you may well find some objects — such as gardening tools, paint thinners, engine fluids and leaning ladders — that could be dangerous if they aren’t stored properly. As part of your spring cleaning, you’ll want to remove these hazards to safeguard yourself and your family. But have you addressed the various financial risks that could threaten your loved ones? For example, if something were
If something were to happen to you, could your family members maintain their lifestyle? Could your children still go to college? To guard against this risk, you may want to discuss protection strategies with a financial professional.
to happen to you, could your family members maintain their lifestyle? Could your children still go to college? To guard against this risk, you may want to discuss protection strategies with a financial professional.
Spring cleaning can pay off — in a cleaner, safer home environment and in helping ensure your financial strategy continues to work hard for you.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Danielle Patnode at 149 S. Briggs St. Suite 104, Erie, Colorado 303.828.3940
Jones. Member SIPC.
As an Edward Jones financial advisor, Danille Patnode provides services and strives to make a difference in the lives of our community. She cares about empowering her clients, helping them to be comfortable with investing and helping as they make life-changing decisions. She partners with clients throughout their lives to help achieve financial goals through personalized strategies. She invites you to experience the Edward Jones difference; face-to-face meetings, one-on-one relationships and lifelong partnerships. Danielle Patnode: 149 S. Briggs St Suite 104 Erie, CO 303.828.3940
Blake’s Taphouse is an upscale Beer Emporium that offers at least 40 different craft beers on tap, wide varieties of imports, local craft beers and a selection of wine. Blake’s Taphouse’s will compliment the dining experience with fresh non fried food options and daily specials.
In addition to the premium craft beer experience, music and sports are an essential part of Blake’s Taphouse model. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are here to provide outstanding service by delivering the best in quality craft beer, wine and a wonderful fresh food menu to provide a memorable dining experience.
Q. Tell us about your Scandinavian café and shop, Süti & Co:
A. Simply put, Süti & Co is my manifestation of hygge, a Danish word describing something that brings comfort and happiness. We opened last year inside a quaint cottage right off of Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. It all started with a small menu of local coffees, teas and a rotating selection of shortbread cookies that I bake in-store using my family’s generational recipes. We recently expanded our menu to include gluten free/vegan olive oil cakes, Scandinavian pastries, such as cardamom snails, toasts, or smørrebrød, on Tuesdays, with more exciting offerings to come. I have also curated a selection of artisancrafted home goods for purchase, all representing this hygge lifestyle that is so important to me.
Q. How has your Danish background influenced you as a chef?
A. I grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark, surrounded by the hygge lifestyle that has become so popular recently in the states. This way of living, focused on coziness and contentment, has truly shaped every part of my life from my design of Süti & Co to my appreciation for fresh, simple ingredients. I spent all my summers in our family garden, harvesting fresh herbs, veggies and fruits for snacks and watching my mother and grandmother utilize our backyard bounty in every meal. Life was all about finding comfort in simple pleasures, which has become my philosophy in cooking, baking and living. When I make a meal for you, using ingredients and recipes that all have beautiful stories behind them, I want you to feel the same sense of happiness and fulfilment that I experience in the kitchen.
Q. How did you get into this business?
A. Believe it or not, my first job was at Goldman Sachs in New York as an investment banker! Despite spending my childhood in the kitchen and garden, I was always good with numbers. I thought using those skills would provide a practical and safe career, but I quickly realized the importance of having your heart in your profession. I found myself sketching menus and cooking while trying to unwind and destress. With encouragement from my family to chase my childhood culinary dreams, I foraged a new path into hospitality, attending the acclaimed Culinary Institute of America and training under such Michelin-starred chefs as Noma’s René Redzepi
Q. What is your favorite part of your job?
A. I opened Süti & Co last year with high hopes that it would eventually become a gathering place that brings people peace and happiness. Seeing that dream come to fruition so quickly has been such a privilege. I want people to know they can come as they are, enjoy a shortbread or other süti (which means “sweet treat” in Danish) and relax. Seeing people utilize Süti & Co the way it was intended is simply a dream come true.
Q. What are your goals for Süti & Co?
A. Maybe it’s the chef in me, but I am always thinking about the next, creative step in any journey I embark on. For Süti, I am so excited to begin hosting Supper Clubs every Saturday in the summer, starting May 6. We will set up a beautiful table for a few dozen guests, and the day’s freshest ingredients from my garden and local farmers markets will dictate my menu.
At Sweets, it’s all in the name. From celebrations and happy memories, a birthday cone to a game winning scoop: every bite inspires our inner youth. Your next stop will satisfy every sweet tooth. Serving Little Man Ice Cream!
The easiest way to explain what NanoInfusion is, is to tell you what it’s not. It is similar to micro-needling but without any of the pain or downtime that comes with micro-needling.
Both treatments utilize a handheld device that oscillates up and down rapidly and penetrates the skin. Micro-needling, as the name implies, uses a tip that has a grouping (11, 16 or 36) micro-fine needles to penetrate into the epidermal/dermal junction. Microneedling penetrates anywhere from .25mm – 2.5mm(depending on location, impairment, and practitioner), creating controlled injury and stimulating collagen production.
On the other hand, NanoInfusion uses a tip made from a mono-crystalline silicon that is a nano pyramid shape. The tip diameter is 1/10,000 of a human hair, hence the name “nano”. NanoInfusion penetrates the epidermis only at a depth of .25mm. Because of the shape of the tip and the shallower depth, there is no bleeding, no swelling and no downtime. The most you may experience is the feeling of a mild sunburn for 24-hours post procedure.
During the treatment, these pyramids create nanochannels in the epidermis allowing for greater product penetration. Highly efficacious and customized serums are “infused” into the skin through the created channels and the oscillations of the device. NanoInfusion can improve;
Uneven Texture
Uneven Tone
Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Large Pores
Skin Laxity
Downtime is no more than 24-hours with a sensation of a slight sunburn. There are no activity or daily regimen disruptions with NanoInfusion.
Janette Elder is a Licensed Esthetician and Licensed Massage Therapist focused on corrective and preventive self-care and has over 21 years in the industry. She is a long-time Erie resident and an outdoor enthusiast - cyclist, mountain biker, hiker and can be seen walking her Great Dane all over Erie. She is a professional member of both Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, and the Associated Skin Care Professionals.
B u i l d i n g a S i s t e r h o o d , E m p o w e r i n g G i r l s
P a r e n t i n g i s h a r d a n d p a r e n t i n g g i r l s t o d a y i s e s p e c i a l l y h a r d . T h i s p r o g r a m w a s c r e a t e d w i t h y o u r d a u g h t e r i n m i n d . A s m o m s , a l l w e w a n t i s t h a t o u r d a u g h t e r s f e e l e m p o w e r e d a n d c o n f i d e n t . T o b e s t r o n g i n s i t u a t i o n s a n d n o t l o s e w h o t h e y a r e w h e n s o c i a l m e d i a r u n s t h e w o r l d . M y m a i n g o a l h e r e i s t o h e l p Y O U , t h e m o m , a n d y o u r d a u g h t e r . F o r t h e m o m s , t h i s i s t h e p l a c e t o f i n d r e s o u r c e s t o h e l p i n s p i r e t h e i r d a u g h t e r s . W h o l e H e a r t e d G i r l s o f f e r s a p o w e r f u l c u r r i c u l u m f o c u s i n g o n t h e a r e a s o f A u t h e n t i c i t y , S e l f - l o v e , C o u r a g e , L e t t i n g G o . T h i s p o w e r f u l c o n c e p t t e a c h e s g i r l s t o b e s t r o n g i n w h o t h e y a r e , f o l l o w t h e i r p a s s i o n s w i t h c o n f i d e n c e a n d p u r p o s e , a n d t h a t n o e x p e r i e n c e i s w a s t e d . W e o f f e r S u m m e r w o r k s h o p s , b l o g s f o r m o m s a n d o n e f o r g i r l s o n l y , a n d m o r e . C h e c k o u t o u r w e b s i t e f o r s p e c i f i c d a t e s a n d t i m e s f o r o u r S u m m e r w o r k s h o p s i n E r i e . w h o l e h e a r t e d - g i r l s @ g m a i l . c o m
F o r M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t u s : W h o l e - H e a r t e d G i r l s a l s o o f f e r s p r i v a t e w o r k s h o p s f o r t e a m s , t e a m b u i l d i n g a n d u p l i f t i n g s u b s c r i p t i o n b o x e s . w h o l e h e a r t e d - g i r l s . c o m
• tongue tie
• tongue thrust
• mouth breathing
• thumb/ nger sucking
• paci er use
• nail biting/object chewing
• improper chewing/swallowing
• teeth grinding/bruxism
• poor airway function
• snoring
• sleep apnea symptoms
• orthodontic concerns
OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY promotes proper breathing, function and sleep. OMT corrects myofunctional impairment that leads to improper function of the mouth, tongue, muscles and airway.
With over 19 years in dentistry, Kimmie specializes in airway health and proper development and function of the mouth, head and neck. Her dedication has led her to receive multiple awards and honors recognizing her for being an industry leader. Kimmie is an impactful provider in her patients’ overall health journey.
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Denver Magazine is the premiere luxury magazine of the Centennial State celebrating travel, events, fashion and culture … A publication focused on highlighting the luxurious amenities and lifestyles that make the capital city of Colorado such a magnificent place to live, love and play! Visit to feature your business.
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These are all complex, often interrelated conditions that few providers understand. Lyme and mold tox are one of the most misdiagnosed and misunderstood ailments in modern medicine, yet are capable of impacting your health from head to toe.
If you are looking for support from a provider who gets it and can help you to feel better and more in control of your health, reach out to Red Aspen Wellness.
Services include herbal medicine, supplements, testing information (both human and home hygiene), acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and more. Head to for more information about services.
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“The best way out is always through.” – Robert Frost
Janette Elder, LMT, LE has been practicing holistic bodywork for over 20 years. Her massage practice focuses on treating chronic and acute pain conditions using a variety of manual modalities, and working with her clients to support their overall health and wellbeing. In 2020 she completed 600 hours of training and licensing requirements to become a Licensed Esthetician and added skincare, lashes and waxing to her list of self care offerings for her clients. As your skin care professional, she'll help you develop an easy and effective skincare routine you can follow at home and offer in-office procedures to boost results and give you the naturally beautiful skin you deserve.
Teen depression and anxiety are serious mental health issues that can have a significant impact on a young person’s life. There are many different factors that can contribute to the development of these conditions, including genetic predisposition, traumatic events, and stress.
One of the main causes of teen depression and anxiety is stress. Teens today face a wide range of stressors, from academic pressures to social expectations, and these can take a toll on their mental health. In addition, teens may also experience significant life changes, such as the loss of a loved one or a major move, which can also contribute to the development of depression and anxiety.
Another cause of teen depression and anxiety is the use of social media and technology. Teens today are constantly connected to their devices, and this constant connection can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, social media can also create unrealistic expectations and can lead to feelings of inadequacy, which can contribute to the development of depression and anxiety.
Trauma and abuse can also cause teen depression and anxiety, teens who have experienced abuse or trauma, either in the past or currently, are more likely to develop depression and anxiety.
In order to prevent teen depression and anxiety, it’s important to take a holistic approach that addresses both the physical and emotional well-being of teens.
It’s important to note that depression is a serious condition and requires professional help, if you or someone you know is experiencing severe depression or suicidal thoughts, please seek professional help immediately.
Encourage healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, mindfulness, and journaling
2. PROVIDE: Provide access to therapy and counseling services
Encourage open communication within the family
4. LIMIT: Limit the use of social media and technology
Provide support for teens who have experienced trauma or abuse
Encourage healthy eating habits and regular sleep patterns
Support teens in developing a postive self image
Address any signs of depression or anxiety immediately
Movement is the primary language of dogs. Improper movement, or lack thereof, plays a direct role in a dog’s drive levels and behaviors.
Remember when Covid started and we were on quarantine lockdown? Even if you had a big house with a big yard, and family members to keep you company, after 3 weeks of lockdown, everyone was going stir crazy and needed to get out of the house. I remember my husband needing to go to the Post Office and I was so excited to go for a car ride! Even though I didn’t get out of the car, I just wanted to see the world beyond my property. We loaded up the dogs and drove with the windows open to get some fresh air and new smells and I TRULY understood why my dogs love car rides.
For any dog, being confined at home with their comfy bed, basket of toys, and a half acre-sized yard, is not fulfilling their needs for stimulation and proper movement. If a dog’s only form of running is confined to yard in which they cannot have a minimum of 5 full strides at a gallop’s pace before they have to turn or slow down, the dog is not able to use ALL 4 of its legs for power. This creates a dog that is physically unbalanced, and directly prevents their ability to reach a balanced mindset. Fascinating, isn’t it?!
Just as humans need physical and mental activity to ward off fear, anxiety, and frustration, dogs also need to be fulfilled with both PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ACTIVITY to maintain a balanced mindset. Only when a dog is fulfilled in both ways, will we see the destructive, impulsive, and anxious behaviors disappear and our dog can truly blossom into the best version of themself.
Ways to provide physical and mental activity for dogs:
• Purposeful, structured walks- Use pace changes and directional changes to build the dog’s mental and physical carriage, their coordination and balance.
• Off leash or long line hikes- Dog’s need stress on their bones to develop properly and to maintain proper structure, balance and coordination. Let them run and jump on uneven surfaces, use their nose to drain energy and practice recall games to build engagement.
• Add Obedience drills into playtime- Use the OUT and YES commands during tug. Use the SIT and FREE commands while playing fetch
• FIND IT! - This is a great inside game when the weather isn’t ideal. Put your dog in a down command on his bed, let him sniff some stinky pepperoni or high value scented food, tell him to stay, while you go in another room and hide one piece of food. Praise the dog’s stay, and release him to find it! Depending on how often you play nosework games, you may need to provide hand and leash guidance. Be sure to make a big fuss at how smart your dog is when he finds the food! And then send him back to his bed to play another round.
Jaime Bessko lives in Erie, Colorado with her husband, 2 boys, 3 dogs and 2 cats. She’s a dog trainer and the owner of ERIE DOG CO. Jaime’s philosophy on working with dogs is to communicate clearly, be consistent, praise your dog and HAVE FUN! Some of her favorite pastimes are hiking, snowboarding, painting, reading and enjoying Phish. Jaime can be reached at
concierge mobile grooming facility
warm water wash & shampoo
moisturizing treatments
style or puppy cut
blow drying
nail trimming
high quality
natural products
At CCAPM Veterinary Care Center, we care about your pets almost as much as you do. That’s why we offer a FULL RANGE of services for both cats and dogs. It’s not always easy to tell when your pet isn’t feeling himself, and unlike humans, pets don’t always complain when they’re sick. With our extensive experience helping pets prevent and alleviate their pain, we are trained to detect pain earlier. We provide compassionate, individualized health care with emphasis on the wellness of your pet’s entire body in mind.
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