2022-23 Tri Sigma & Tri Sigma Foundation Annual Report

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annual report 2022–23 FISCAL YEAR
Strategic Plan Membership Development Collegiate Snapshot Alumnae Engagement Alumnae Dues Support Communications & Brand Affinity Sorority Financial Statement Foundation Impact Report Foundation Donor Recognition Foundation Guide to Giving table of contents 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 16 19 36



To establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop in them strong womanly character, and to impress upon them high standards of conduct.

our vision

To provide exceptional experiences that will empower women to change the world.



Wisdom, power, faith, hope, love

executive council


Joyce Newcom O’Daniel, Alpha Chi


Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma


Crystal Jones, Zeta Pi

Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta

Lauren Moran, Gamma Rho

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron


Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho Ex-Officio


Jenna Martin Pendry Ex-Officio

a milestone year.

The newly elected 2022-25 Executive Council began the triennium at the cusp of a Supreme Court decision that dramatically altered the history of women's rights. As a group, their first public action was to release a bold statement—a statement that reiterates our charge to move ever forward and to empower women to change the world.

This set the tone for what would become a year of taking action. With the world still recovering from the impacts of a global pandemic, it became apparent that sorority life as many of us once knew it would never be the same.

The past few years have seen a major culture shift and enrollment decline on college campuses across the U.S. Increased social and economic challenges have prompted more than just the usual questions regarding the value of fraternity/sorority life. This has required a close examination of the member experience we want our members to have and the resources needed to achieve it.

To be and to remain Steadfast requires us to ask hard questions and make hard decisions. Being relevant and valuable to today's college experience requires a lot of work behind the scenes. Some of that work is obvious and immediate, while some is more nuanced and can take years to see or measure.

This report provides an overview of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023—the year Tri Sigma turned 125 and set its course ever forward toward 125 more.

content note

0 This

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symbol signifies clickable links to additional online content.
Pictured above: Executive Council in Farmville, Virginia, in April 2023.

strategic plan

Our strategic plan is the blueprint that outlines our organizational goals and aligns our resources so we can accomplish them. It guides us as we prioritize objectives and work toward fulfilling our mission without veering off our path. The 2022-23 strategic plan had two primary focuses: enriching the member experience and shaping the future of Tri Sigma. These areas, combined with data from the 2019 member assessment, informed three strategic priorities. From these priorities, corresponding projects, action items and opportunities for updated operating procedures were identified.


We will be valued throughout the lives of our members by providing an experience rooted in friendship, lifelong learning, service, philanthropy, and fun.

32 Projects


We will equip members with the skill sets needed to realize individual potential, thrive as members, empower others, and lead with confidence and character.


We will see an increase in recruitment successes and member retention because of the environment and the experiences we foster and create

16 Projects 21 Projects

Since July 1, 2022, action items have been identified to support our plan. Since then, 516 action items have been completed and 259 are still in progress. Much of this work is aimed at enhancing member development, C.A.B. and national volunteer resources, and collegiate chapter support.

One of the largest projects completed in 2023 was the transition from the Chapter Accreditation program to launching Touchstone, a new set of benchmarks for measuring chapter health. As the collegiate chapter recognition process was previously tied to Accreditation, the collegiate awards process was also updated to include new categories, an eligibility tracking dashboard, and the technology needed to support applications and evaluation.

Other project highlights included: the 125th Anniversary Celebration, Oral History Project, Birmingham Alumnae Chapter Chartering, Ritual process updates, reimagined financial and growth volunteer teams, social media tools and new Philanthropy Round videos for collegiate recruitment efforts, additional royalty partnerships, and a comprehensive member development plan.

*Action items account only for those directly aligned with the strategic plan and do not include all work performed or other day-to-day operational tasks.


a balanced scorecard

The NHQ Directors Team participated in a professional development series focused on implementing the Balanced Scorecard methodology. This process helps organizations align vision, mission, and goals with actions, resources, and outcomes through the balance of four perspectives.

reimagining member development

finance process stakeholders


1 1

finance: Ensures funds are available to meet organizational priorities and measures return on investment (ROI).

stakeholders: Provides a member experience that aligns with our value proposition (i.e., "practice what we preach").

process: Equips the organization to maximize productivity, innovate, and bridge gaps through standard operating procedures and automations.

capacity: Ensures staff and volunteers have the time, skill sets, and resources needed to meet goals and effectively contribute to continual organizational improvement.

The goal of implementing this methodology is to integrate strategy with performance measurement through automated and up-to-date tracking of deliverables, including key performance indicators (KPIs) for departments, and benchmarks for volunteer teams. This will allow for a more organization-wide focus on the strategic plan, as well as ensure the alignment of our priorities and budget.

The implementation of this methodology is ongoing and on track to be in place prior to the 2025 Convention to allow a seamless and effective transition of Executive Council.

Enriching the overall member experience continued to be one of Tri Sigma's top areas of focus. As reported in the most recent issue of 0 The Triangle, a new comprehensive member development plan was created along with a framework to ensure programming aligns with member needs based on the membership assessment data.

Additional offerings for collegiate and alumnae members included Virtual Leadership Seminars, as well as programming on personal development (Building Resilience, Setting Boundaries and Finding Your Voice, Financial Responsibility, The Art of Empowerment), and professional skill growth (Selling Your Sorority Skills, Civil Discourse and How to Tackle Misinformation, and Courageous Leadership Lessons from the Wizard of Oz) Emerging leaders, volunteers, and seasoned professionals participated at all levels.

The Academy welcomed more than 300 collegiate officers and facilitators for a 3-day event packed with sessions on communicating with confidence, cultivating partnerships, peer networking, creating a culture of care, and other leadership-focused themes. Attendees also participated in position-specific tracks to better prepare them for their officer role.

We also partnered with the March of Dimes to present The Impact of Bias: Creating Change

Learn more about the four components of the member development framework as well as our current offerings and competencies at 0 trisigma.org/ member-development

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snapshot collegiate

JULY 1, 2022 – JUNE 30, 2023


Total Collegiate Members

2,094 New Members Pledged



Member Retention Rate

Initiation Rate

[Sorority Average Rate Across all NPC Groups: 95%]

93% Joined via Primary Recruitment

103 Active Collegiate Chapters

[Average Number of Chapters Across all NPC Sororities: 126]

Chapter Closures

Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin-Stout Eta Phi–Pratt Institute

Theta Eta–Old Dominion University

Theta Beta–University of Michigan-Flint

72% )

Tri Sigma Chapters That Reached Campus Total

Chapters That Received a Staff or Consultant Visit 100%

chapter housing

Residential Facilities: 47

Non-Residential Facilities: 3 No Chapter Facility: 53


Attendees at The Academy

While most people had settled into the new postpandemic normal by fall 2022, collegiate chapters had another challenge ahead of them—hosting in-person recruitment events for the first time since 2020. In most cases, the Collegiate Membership Recruitment Directors planning these events had to do so without having even experienced them before.

As many universities struggled to regain their pre-pandemic enrollment numbers, the impact was also seen in collegiate recruitment and retention. Four chapters were unable to overcome the decline in membership, and their collegiate members felt it prohibited them from having an enriching member experience. Executive Council received petitions for closure from Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin-Stout, Eta Phi–Pratt Institute, Theta Eta–Old Dominion University, and Theta Beta–University of Michigan-Flint. As each petition was voted on and requested by the collegiate chapters, Executive Council voted to honor their requests.

Collegiate members of these chapters in good standing were granted alumnae status. Each of these four chapters will always be an important part of Tri Sigma's history, and we look forward to exploring opportunities to return in the future when conditions are appropriate for both Tri Sigma and the universities.

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difficult decisions
6 | Tri Sigma 2022-23 Annual Report
Eta Tau–Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Collegiate Officer Board

engagement alumnae

JULY 1, 2022 – JUNE 30, 2023

While there are a number of ways to stay actively involved in Tri Sigma after college, the most accurate and readily available metrics are tied to alumnae chapter involvement, payment of alumnae dues, chapter or national volunteer participation, and engagement with communication and marketing efforts.

The total number of alumnae serving in sorority volunteer roles decreased from the previous year. This is largely attributed to an organizational restructure to eliminate volunteers serving in duplicate roles and the removal of volunteers who no longer met the minimum requirements to serve.

Thanks to PCI, our partner on the Oral History Project, we were able to move thousands of members off our Lost Sister list! Sadly, this also means we learned of several members who had entered Omega Chapter. Though bittersweet, we are grateful for all of the updates and appreciate everyone who participated in this effort.

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Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter ▼


Total Initiated Members

Since April 20, 1898

[Across all NPC Sororities: 5,828,206]


Pennsylvania, Missouri, Virginia, Illinois, and North Carolina

States with the most members per capita: West Virginia, Kansas, Louisiana


Total Alumnae Members in Good Standing

[Sororities with the highest reported alumnae: Chi Omega, Tri Delta, and Pi Beta Phi]


Living Golden Violets

[With a Total of 1,117 Since 1954]


Alumnae Chapters in 34 States


Alumnae with Missing Contact Information


Alumnae Living Abroad

Top Countries: Canada, England/UK, Australia, China, and Germany


Collegiate Chapter Volunteers

504 Chapter Advisory Board and 81 Housing Volunteers [ [


National Volunteers Serving in 209 roles

Tri Sigmas Serving NPC in a Volunteer Capacity


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Annual & Triennial Alumnae Dues Payers


Active Commitments to Pay Lifetime Dues


Total Living Members Who Have Paid Lifetime Dues

5 Thank you!

Alumnae Chapters with 100% Alumnae Dues Participation

alumnae dues

Alumnae dues play a vital role in our ability to provide an exceptional member experience. Here are just a few things last year's alumnae dues payments helped us accomplish:

• A new member development framework, including a Member Success Series for collegians and other exciting additions to launch in the 2024-25 academic year.

Coastal Area, Colorado Springs, Greater St. Louis, Phoenix, and Indianapolis


Percentage of Tri Sigma Dues-Paying Alumnae

Can you imagine the possibilities for programming, recruitment support, and on-site chapter development we could provide if 5-10% paid alumnae dues?

• Valuable on-site support for every collegiate chapter during the 2022-23 academic year.

• Preparation efforts for the reestablishment of the Zeta Chi Chapter at Coastal Carolina University.

• A much-needed website redesign.

• Increased content, pages and copies of The Triangle magazine.

As sorority recruitment numbers continue to decrease, we cannot depend on collegiate dues and fees alone to provide an exceptional and competitive experience for our members. This financial support is vital to Sigma’s longevity and growth.

We appreciate those who support us through alumnae dues during the 2022-23 fiscal year and recognize their continued love and commitment. Visit 0 trisigma.org/alumnae-dues to learn more.

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Lafayette Alumnae Chapter ▼

As the end of the fiscal year neared, Tri Sigma turned 125. Hundreds of members from coast to coast gathered at Longwood University to celebrate. together and trace the steps of Margaret Lee

Batten, Louise Marie Davis, Martha Trent Featherston, Isabella Merrick, Sallie Jackson Michie, Lelia Scott, Elizabeth Watkins, and Lucy Wright.

brand & communications

Engagement is one of Tri Sigma’s three strategic priorities, so it’s important to measure how members—as well as parents, campus professionals, potential new members, etc.—interact with us. While not the only indicator of brand affinity, engagement supports our position as a national organization, reaffirms the lifelong experience beyond the local chapter, and plays an important role in ensuring organizational transparency.

217 Emails Sent*

[61.2% Open Rate • 11.4% Click Rate]

*accounts for mass emails only


Email Audience Size

[4% Audience Increase • 1,410 Unsubscribes]


Social Media Followers [6.5% Increase Across All Platforms]



Print Distribution


Online Readers

6 Press Releases Posted to our Website and Social Media the triangle magazine

0 Tri Sigma Launches New Professional Development Series

0 Tri Sigma Wins Six Interfraternal Fraternity Communications Awards

0 Tri Sigma Receives Second Seal of Prevention from CPN

0 Birmingham Alumnae Chapter Celebrates Official Chartering

0 Shelly Brajkovich Bateman Named Foundation Executive Director

0 Tri Sigma Announces 2022-25 Leadership

[63% Reader Increase • 8 Additional Pages]

3 Issues of The Path Forward e-Newsletter


Visitors to TriSigma.org [2.5% Total Traffic Increase]

*In an effort to reduce unsubscribes, emails to the entire membership were limited to a "Save the Date" regarding the 125th Anniversary Celebration, the digital issue of The Triangle, and a Founders Day greeting. If you would like to receive additional emails, including The Path Forward, log into your 0 Sigma Connect profile and check "yes" in the General Announcements category under Communications Preferences. Be sure you have not selected "no" for Unsubscribe from all Marketing Emails. For questions regarding these preferences, email 0 marketing@trisigma.org

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financial report sorority

JULY 1, 2022 – JUNE 30, 2023



39.5% General/Operations | $1,339,520  12% Insurance (Property, Liability, etc.) | $409,946

5% Technology | $166,248

4% Professional & Investment Services | $133,871

1.5% Walton House | $52,702

 44% Collegiate Dues & Fees | $1,948,053

 43% Investments/Interest | $1,929,460

 4.5% Event Registration Fees | $202,250

 4% Merchandise & Brand Royalties | $189,608

 3.5% Alumnae Dues & Support | $149,013  0.5% Foundation Grants | $22,826 deposits


the big picture

While we collectively compete with 25 other NPC organizations (as well as a long list of other on-campus opportunities), during the 2022-23 academic year we ranked 19th in total collegiate membership. With our current budget model so reliant on the influx of collegiate member fees and dues, we have significantly less funds to work with than most of our sorority counterparts. Research shows Gen Z and Gen Alpha want a different collegiate experience—one that prioritizes personal and future professional success. A greater emphasis on training, programming, leadership development and personal growth for our members comes with greater expenses. Learn more about the financial impacts of declining sorority numbers and what Tri Sigma is doing to remain competitive among our peers in the most recent issue of 0 The Triangle.  38% Member Services & Programming | $1,286,818

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key insights

Tri Sigma implemented a new chapter billing structure based on actual collegiate members per chapter (rather than campus total) which greatly decreased deposits in this area. Despite a nearly 19% decrease in duesrelated revenue, we still invested more back into our collegiate chapters than the previous year.

While Insurance totaled $409,946, this amount includes liability and property insurance for all chapters and on-site events, as well as cyber security and coverage for staff, volunteers and members while acting on our behalf.

Event Registration Fees includes income from The Academy and the 125th Anniversary Celebration; however, this amount did not exceed event expenses (which are included in Member Services & Programming expenses).

As nationwide college enrollment and sorority membership continued to trend downward, deposits related to collegiate membership (e.g., member dues, royalties from badge sales and other merchandise) also declined.

Costs for the Walton House included $34,891 for maintenance, repairs, and upkeep. An additional $17,811 was needed for property taxes, utilities, and operating costs

Important note: The sale of both Woodstock properties occurred in the 2023-24 fiscal year, so it will not be shown in our deposits until next year's annual report.

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    
Collegiate officers at The Academy held in January 2023 in Dallas. ▼ Collegians at Beta Epsilon–Western Illinois University celebrate Bid Day. ▼
More than 200 members gathered in Farmville for our 125th anniversary. ▼


prepare to share with

Collegians Mu–Truman State University potential new members how Sigma Serves Children during philanthropy round of Primary Recruitment.


To secure and provide enduring resources to support the leadership development, scholarship, and philanthropic initiatives of Sigma



To pave the way for empowering Tri Sigmas to change the world.

board of directors


JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa


Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron


Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma


Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi


Linda Boehm Blume, Alpha Epsilon

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Valerie Jones Cowen, Alpha Psi

Renee Kries, Iota Alpha

Karen Cartwright Lowerr, Beta Pi

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Ally Simon, Alpha Chi


National President

Joyce Newcom O’Daniel, Alpha Chi

National Treasurer

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma


Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon

better together.

Tri Sigma and the Tri Sigma Foundation have a partnership sealed by the bonds of sisterhood

While separate legal entities, the Tri Sigma Foundation works hand-inhand with Tri Sigma to provide exceptional experiences that empower women to change the world—and the partnership between our two organizations allows us to maximize our collective impact.

By working together and sharing resources, we become good stewards of the time, talent, and treasure many sisters share with Tri Sigma and the Tri Sigma Foundation.

Collaboration between Tri Sigma Executive Council, the Foundation Board of Directors, and staff from both organizations ensures a cohesive vision for the future and the support needed right now to make that future a reality. Tri Sigma Executive Council and the Foundation Board of Directors met together at Convention and continue to connect throughout the year.

In the following pages, you'll learn more about how the Foundation helps empower our Sigma sisters to learn, lead, and give through scholarships, leadership programs, and grants for important causes that serve children.

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Pictured above: The Foundation Board of Directors in Indianapolis, August 2023. Sigma

foundation financial report

– JUNE 30, 2023

deposits totaled $849,497

important to note

While Tri Sigma Sorority and the Tri Sigma Foundation are both non-profit organizations, they are separate legal entities with different purposes, funding, and non-profit statuses. The sorority is a 501(c)(7), which is a social organization funded mostly through membership dues and fees. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) that focuses on charitable causes and receives most funding through donations. As such, financial statements and expense categories differ for each entity. For example, Foundation staff time for checking email or performing other administrative tasks is an operational expense, but staff time spent reviewing grant applications is a charitable expense. We are fortunate to share some operational expenses—such as technology, facility space, equipment, printing of The Triangle, sorority staff time, and more—which lessens overall operating costs for both the sorority and the Foundation. For more financial information, view the 0 Foundation's 990 Form

17 | Tri Sigma Foundation
 31% Charitable Expenditures | $276,132  19% Grants & Scholarship Awards | $162,455  18% Fundraising Expenditures | $161,626  14% Professional & Investment Services | $127,916  9% General Operations | $78,831  5% Technology | $44,417  4% Insurance | $39,818 expenses
$891,196 JULY 1, 2022
$197,775 from Collegiate Support 23% $530,590 from Alumnae Support 62% $121,132 from Investments/Interest 14%

donor impact

Here's a look at the impact made from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Without the incredible generosity of Foundation donors, the following initiatives would not have been possible:


41 Merit and Need-Based Scholarships Awarded to Collegians and Alumnae

[The Foundation began work toward endowing a new scholarship in memory of Paula M. Gillis, Beta Tau & Omega Chapters]


Granted for Leadership and Educational Programs Benefiting 369 Members


Granted for Child Life Therapy through the Robbie Page Memorial Fund


Raised by Collegiate and Alumnae Chapters to Support the March of Dimes

For the 2022-23 fiscal year, the Foundation was only able to support 19% of the leadership needs of the sorority through leadership grants. Nearly 130 scholarship applicants were turned away due to lack of funding. The Robbie Page Memorial Fund was not able to fully fund each Child Life Therapy grant request. We are so grateful for the support of donors who made it possible to fund these initiatives last year. Can you imagine what we could do with more?

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recognition foundation donor

The following represents donors by chapter who made gifts to the Foundation between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. All gifts have been recognized unless made anonymously.

Alpha–Longwood University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Denise Goudelock

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Callie Darling

Wendy Kirkpatrick

Robin Haywood Larkin

Stephanie Robinson Myers

Abby Pendleton

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Alicia Ashton Clark

Barbara Moss


Alicia Bennett Amos

Gabby Baker

Alexis Bonhotel

Sarah Braham

Daniella Rodriguez Bresnahan

Molly Brightwell

Lyndsey Brown

Emily Corey

Chloe Curry

Taylor Doss

Lucy Ellis

Arionna Folk

Kaitlyn Fording

Caroline Fritz

Avery Goodlin

Lynn Owens Goodrich

Mackenzie Griffith

Marie Mercer Hennecart

Grace Hong

Makayla Lewis

Joy Serine More

Ellen Mundy

Lauren Orlando

Leah Payne

Sydney Pedigo

Tonia Smith

Lydia Storey

Sydney Thompson

Rachel Tracy

Danica Jensen Turner

Carrie VanLeliveld

Anna Waite

Iota–University of North Colorado

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Lynn Hadley Harrington

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sandra Chamberlin

Jo Estes Coble

Joanne Ronnfeldt Detary

Patricia Hobson King

Sharon Hines Rockwell

Wanda Alexander Shipman

Katie Cortner Smith


Clarissa Fithian Crozier

Marilyn Bratton Kaes

Marilynn Miller Schroeder

Deb Wilcox

Kappa–Miami University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Berta Flath

Nancy Strom McGowan

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Nora Eyre Moushey

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kay Marquardt Beaty

Elizabeth Fifield

Carol Ryckman Frost

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jackie Lint Cronin

Lori Prato Keating

Carol Benzinger Puzzitiello

Constance Swank

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Ilene Swank Garrett

Jean Ratcliff

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Anne Gill Asbury

Kristi Newman Baker

Chris Pritchard Cotey

Lori Hallauer

Judith Connor Jones

Nancy Wisser Kaufman

Carol Juhasz Ladrigan

Kathleen Moore

Jane Sprinkel New

Linda Ritter

Karin Kanitz Schneider

Karen Wade Schwarz

Karen Kuhne Sibert

Laura Yuricek Spear

Frankie Ritter Wainwright

Gayle Hackbush Ziaskas


Judith Peisel Burkholder

Cheryl Kaderavek Campbell

Bonnie Blake Eberlin

Brenda Hnanicek Furiga

Julie Walling Horne

Judith Clapp Horst

Vernae Thomas Johnston

Barbara Kish

Sue Schloz McConnell

Pamela Walter Metcalf

Cherie Pettit Pandora

Wendy West Reid

Deanene Gustin Ricke

Joyce Johnson Whiteman

Sigita Zibas

Lambda–Indiana University of Pennsylvania

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Suzanne Croft

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Marti Latshaw Kalko


Mikayla Bucci

Leah McConnell Dergachev

Megan Kleckner

Ellen Sylves Ruddock

Linda Ellerman Spease

Mu–Truman State University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Susan Buche Ayers

Jeanne Ruane Nissen

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kassi Arnold Bogolin

Stacy Palmer Kluesner

Wendy Bender Stelly

Karen MacDonough Williams


Kimberly Sage Balas

Jennifer Grumich Doucette

Maren Eriksen-Russo

Janice Wall Fedanzo

Mary Debra Main Hintze

Pamela Holt

Carolyn Martin

Jennifer Alferman Mestan

Jeanette White

Nu–University of Central Missouri

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Vicki Wellman Bird

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Carole Ruf Gurley

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Donna Jones Clark

Linda Sundberg Clemons

Leslie Bertz Flagler

Debbie Kammeyer Houston

Deborah Green Johnson

19 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Carol Crank Phillips

Angela Trotter Solomon


Gail Ihrig Albauer

Cathy Angotti Althaus

Carolyn Granger Austin

Angie Wohldmann Bauman

Paula Pierce Brennan

Lucille Kirby Brewer

Stephanie Dick Christiansen

Kendra Dankenbring

Julie Shuck Doane

Mary Herrmann Goff

Erica Doane Grossman

Elizabeth Shelton Hamilton

Maycee Hoover

Melinda Dunard Horn

Rosalie Cowdrey Karczewski

Julia Merritt Kelly

Laura Sutherlin Koons

Brenda Taylor Merryfield

Megan Monehan

Darlene Wieland Schowengerdt

Lea Ann Rice Sprague

Abigail Doane Stiegemeyer

Marilyn Middleton Weaver

Donna Marticke Winward

Xi–Northwestern State University


Mary Lou McNeely Roedell


Michigan University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Linda Clayton

Lori Yokich Taylor

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Bridget Kelly Holton

Karen Leo

Jill Anderson McCormack

Nancy Bott Molnar

Katie Stobinski

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ruth Brown

Lauren Gress

Deborah Delling Romanelli

Sara Pebbles Sosnowski

Patricia Pawelak Terranova


Mary Weins Betts

Rebecca Breitkreuz

Stephanie Acton Corona

Karen Halka Feger

Linda Dabrowski Hefferan

Rosemary Tucker O'Dell

Sandra Young Pavlov

Jayne Hogrefe Werbylo

Heather Garcia Wilson

Pi–Emporia State University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Melissa Conroy

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Amber Haun Brenton

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kelly Jo Karnes Hendricks

Julie Scherzer McCartney

Arlie Crabb Riggs

Lauren Tanner-Leif


Revelyn Satterlee Alpaugh

Lisa Godbey

Rebecca Cassidy Hammontree

Robyn Gaede Heinz

Michelle Hernandez Lawson

Julie O'Brien Ramsdale

Brandi Holt Rausch

Rho–Florida State University

STEADFAST CLUB ($10,000–$14,999)

Mary Crumpton Brown

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Barbara Stichler Bonapfel

Nancy Baur Dillen

Jill Wadsworth

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Mandi Copeland Conley

Nancy Carlson Gavaghan

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Debbie Bergstrom

Michelle Burke

Donna Middleton Burnette

Frances D'Alessandro

Constance Fluhr Geyer

Valerie Vail Gray

Linda Wood Hills

Polly Wingfield Horne

Marlene Willett Middleton

Leslie Podboy Roods


Inger Avant

Mary Santner Berman

Lisa Begue Carey

Sarah Oddie Coady

Suzie Guthrie Evenstad

Michele Kozelski

Dawn Robbins Preston

Denise Phillips Vogelgesang

Nancy Frazier Wayte


Colorado University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

"Purple Kay" Curtis Hunsaker

Beth Weiler Isaacs

Charlene Reddick Stout


Jennifer Fowler

Rusty Kingsley Hayden

Judilynn Heistand

Kathryn Garber Osborne

Tau–New Mexico

Highlands University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Colleen Puquette Carman

Chi–Pittsburg State University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Yvette Wheeler Pue

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Cathy Duffin Albright

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Marjorie McEntire Crow

Judith Cremer Hudson

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cheryl Rodman Catanella

Hannah Eckstein

Misi DuVall Holmberg

Lisa Pinamonti Kress

Jen Rafiner-Jarboe

Paula Beebe Schnaer

Joan Macklin Scott

Geraldine Brown Umphenour


Ilene Ginardi Burns

Ginger Niemann Harper

Rita Moore Lavery

Stephanie Burkett Roberson

Psi–Marshall University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Allison Swick-Duttine

Marie Wilhelm

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Rebecca Hoskins Goodwin

Iris Hudson Smith


Jo Ann Odum Aldrich

Robin Belcher Ash

Allyson Nichols Baisden

Lillian Barickman

Heaven Blankenship

Esi Bragg

Lakie Griffith Bunn

Hannah Crookshanks

Micayla Davis

Meagan Earls

Azreah Groves

Bryton Leadman

Magen Minyard

Breeanna Moats

Ann-Marie Perry

Anna Preston

Lesley Cruickshank Shamblin

Alpha Alpha–Concord University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Pat Repass Nichols

Dixie Cremeans Shelton

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sarah Lively Turner

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Amy Wentz Berner

Pat Burgess Grubb

Lisa Shires Lineberry

Donna Michel

Barbara Berg Richko

Janet Clifford Tucker

Carol Zika


LydiaBeth Comer Dumapit

Rosemary Targosky Googel

Laurie Hagwood Parker

Madison Comer Pettrey

Cassidi Hall Richmond

Alpha Beta–Kent State University FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Winnie Wilson Warner

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kellie Deis Parker

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Megan Herrmann Fogleson

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Tori Bilek

Haley Foster

Cheryl Galligher Hawkins

Anne Marie Pinto Wilson

Christina Yuen


Taylor Anderson

Lizzy Aukerman

Anne Barchick

Zoe Blankenship

Dakotah Boone

Emma Daprile

Amy Dudycz

Erica Stewart Dutter

Kaitlyn Finchler

Hanna Ford

Mackenzie Frankford

Kalli Gambill-Donley

Taylor Gay

Kimberly Harper Gray

Jenny Greskovich

Emma Hanby

Jocelyn Harper

Ana Hasselbusch

Cait Hawkins

Kasey Jones

Taylor Kopp

Erykah Lofton

Elissa Mariani

Lily Markovitz

Madison Michaelis

Kati Miller

Kaitlyn Nemeth

Alaina Paulette

Katelyn Pepper

Cadie Pierce

Renn Pirone

Maria Price

Breanna Radigan

Rachel Siemer

Abby Morse Snowberger

Natalie Swallow

Josie Kmiec Vano

Alpha Gamma–Ft. Hays

State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Carolyn LeClair Blackwood

Marilyn Miller Boldenow

Michelle VanderVeen Harbin

Kay Holt Lanum


Kay Kaufman Feiden

April Miner Lawson

Brenda Dix McKenney

20 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Brenda Dixon Schlesinger

Sidney Zerfas Sproul

Pauline Warren Stewart

Joyce Duell Stranathan

Alpha Delta–Drexel University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lauren Cunkelman

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Fay Krebs Donaldson


Ginny Raynes Lund

Kelsey Ly

Josepha Dougherty McNamara

Alpha Epsilon–Northwest Missouri State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Cindy Heimann Harms

Charlotte Moore

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Caryl VanNess Paslawski

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linda Boehm Blume

Judy Pritchard Brown

Linda Raney Girard

Judy Hullman Kearns

Bobbi Walker Smith

Jean Swanson Stuck

Jean Jensen Vaughn


Annelise Puett

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Felix Hardey

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Rhondi Sandifer Kennedy

Susan Wibker

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Christi Moore Rinaudo


Gervais Aldredge Bouser

Kaitlin Champagne

Alyah Cortez

Barbara Hampton Driscoll

Peyton Fuller

Simone Guillory

Rhonda Regouffre Hodo

Zoe Johnson

Katie Kennedy

Gabi Lacheney

Cari Pecquet Rhoton

Macie Ryan

Maddie Simpson

Tricia Brennan Wilkinson

Alpha Theta–Radford University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Tracey Horton Daniels

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Ann Copeland

Elizabeth Belanger Fensterwald

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Laura Beitz Turk

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Carol Richard Danahy

Helen Eades Wagner


June St. Clair Atkinson

Angie Burton

Terry Whitley Curro

Carol Fulton Heffernan

Ardemis Keshishian Martin

Caroline Jackson Ward

Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Jo Candy

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Brenda Christie

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Elaine Whitworth Harkreader

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cookie Green Cookson

Londa Hill Cox

Sonya Basham Phillips

Lou Anna Moore Rowland

Melissa Schnur


Micala Cooper

Hannah Ferguson

Carol Heathcott Fritts

Bryleigh Helliker

Jennifer Lindblad Keenan

Adrie Keys

Amy Neale

Dawn Kennedy Prusator

Alpha Kappa–Fairmont State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Barb Wilt Kasa

Harriet Hancock Roberson

Alpha Lambda–Harris-Stowe State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kathlyn Bellamy Gairani


Jean Kurrelmeyer Breese

Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Karen Straub Conte

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Melinda Koon

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Serena Alaniz

Brooke Cormier

Maelin Crum

Jami Lombardo

Leah Nolen

Angie Stockstill

Donielle Gaubert Watkins

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Adriana Albares

Ashlyn Brown

Glenny Castagnos Buquet

Madelyn Day

Charlotte Floberg

Cecilia Thoulion Fruge

Maddie Girouard

Lauren Green

Anabelle Guidry

Kirstin Fuhrman Hebert

Miranda Himel

Aynslie Horn

Michelle Terry Keller

Zoe Louvierre

Bailey Melancon

Cynthia Finley Nolan

Carly O'Quain

Adeline Phillips

Lauren Pitre

Olivia Reames

Kennedi Schaubert

Alaina Tague

Cherie Trahan

Lindsey Trahan

Amanda Vincent

Savannah Willmore


Kailey Alaniz

Alana Rabalais Ansley

Lillian Ashford

Karen Primeaux Begnaud

Caroline Blackman

Rikki Bourque

Jada Boutte

Brandi Breaux

Shannon Breaux

Camille Brescher

Lisa Briley

Alyse Brunet

Emily Calcagno

Misty Camardelle

Isabel Cantrelle

Kelsey Champagne

Tessa Champagne

Madison Conrad

Lily Craig

Kendall Davis

Anne Marie Deshotels

Christine Dore

Katie Duhon

Lindsey Duhon

Maggie Dupree

Lauren Eaton

Jenna Eymard

Eileen Clark Farley

Michala Fielder

Erin Fontenot

Anna-Claire Galliano

Hana Guidry

Ella Hammond

Makenna Hassan

Britney Hatfield

Miranda Hayes

Ellie Hazlett

Lanie Heffker

Analei Jennings

Celeste Jordan

Katelyn Klingman

Grace Knott

Lanie LaBry

Aby Lafleur

Toni Lagneaux

Brennan Lalonde

Ally Landry

Ann-Marie Lange

Lauren Lopez

Kyleigh Manuel

Karlie Matherne

Tristyn Meng

Hailey Moore

Kaitlyn Moore

Aerial Polidore

Alaura Raila

Keely Rainey

Tarah Raxsdale

Jocelyn Rivarde

Cynthia Romero

Jesi Savoie

Lauren Savoy

Maddie Schools

Abby Settoon

Sydney Siegel

Carly Stelly

Anna Stewart

Maddie Stewart

Lauren Tague

Ana Tena-Escutia

Ava Thibodeaux

Josie Thibodeaux

Maddie Thomas

Zoe Turner

Ashlyn Weinreber

Madison Wharton

Alpha Nu–Southern Illinois University Carbondale

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Fran Wilhelm Redmon

Charlotte Thompson Suhler

Jill Iosue Zager

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Deborah McMahon Dishman

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Bette Baron Russell

Catherine Ursprung


Lyndsey Antonellis Bryan

Stacy Dykterok Castronova

Missy Harrison Jung

Deborah Stonich McInerney

Kimberly Omelson

Erin Savage

Katie Taylor

Alpha Xi–University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Sara Gobin

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jen Halbach Campbell

Georgia Marciniak Janke

Judith Kohlmeyer Kalscheur

Jean Miels Kienzle

Michelle McCarthy McClelland

21 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Kristy Fleming Nellessen

Irene Maczala Oldis

Janice Dombrowski Roberts

Arlene Swanson Rogan

Stacy Rowan

Jan Newman Timmerman

Cathy Marks Yamamoto


Ashley Berg

Brenda Boettcher

Kathryn Axelsen Braun

Katie Kelley Ennocenti

Cory Gagnon

Janet Adams Granzin

Paige Gustafson

Deb Ackatz Wilcenski

Alpha Omicron–University of Central Arkansas

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Desiree Paulhamus Jackson

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Megan Elms Caldwell

Amanda Cross

Jamie Mose Dillinger


Lindsey Vanwinkle Bourne

Julia Haralson Houston

Sallie Biggers Zazal

Alpha Pi–PennWest Clarion

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Kathy Anderson Hedden

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Michelle Brady

Melissa Harris Gnipp

Annamarie Shutey Mellett

Suzanne Smith


Lynn Miller Davis

Marcie Maccarelli

Nicole Mellett

Martha Hemma Moore

Alpha Rho–Lock Haven University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Barbara Davidheiser Moyer


Jena Mueller Harris

Andrea Ludy

Jerelene Benfer Reish

Dio Rivera-Placido

Alpha Sigma–University of Southern Mississippi

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Laura Ward Sweet

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Bonnie L. Rainey

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Peggy Gamble

Becky Rayfield Rice

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Gail Miller Armstrong

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Julie Lammel

Alpha Upsilon–James

Madison University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Shirley Mowles McKinley

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Nancy May

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Lorin Phillips

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Sherry Davidson Lloyd

Jennifer Snider Shields

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Madi Ballew

Sarah Bays

Cynthia Lipscombe Bello

Alyssa Bennett

Margaret Sherrod Blue

Riley Burcher

Charlotte Davis

Katherine Madison Finazzo

Katie Fox

Jillian Harar

Leila Donohue Jennings

Jane Kirwan Parks

Liv Wiedinmyer


Ally Beitzel

Tessa Campbell

Alyssa Diana

Terri Thumma Dimond

Kaylin Fastige

Sonia Fischer

Maddie Gallagher

Lisa Headley Hart

Susan Holt Herbolsheimer

Nika Marapao

Stella Maton

Murray Murray

Nan St. John Oliver

Emma Pasqualino

Pamela Wilson Pedigo

Roxanne Rogers

SJ Ryan

Victoria Tibbetts

Alpha Phi–Central

Michigan University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Arlene Reid Ball

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lois Hansen-Hjelle

Sandy Koch Sandel

Martha Smith

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sherry Francetic-Tarrio

Jackie Paris King

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Carol Snabb Parks

Alyssa Strickland-Knight

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Rachelle Stawinski Berger

Mary George Dobrzynski

Jacqueline Brooks Fletcher

Amy Repp

Patricia Sutton Schneider


Patricia Frasure Biebuyck

Jane Ward Brewer

Kolynn Collins Card

Millie Lombard Diget

Sue Brindley Ginster

Suzanne Shroat Hicks

Susan Thomas Lyons

Annika Cushnyr Misurya

Janice Hamal Mosesso

Nancy Oliver Patterson

Beth Johnson Smith

Erika Schmidt Thomas

Alpha Chi–Murray State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Donna Grogan Herndon

Kathy Rayburn Kopperud

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel

Erica Poole

Ally Simon

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Angela David Jonker

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Janet Fentress Laster

Beth Caldwell Moore

Judy Russell

Nancy Gregory Sommer

Virginia Stone Williams


Jordan Barnett

Kate Brackett

Abby Cimarolli

Katie Coffield

Madison Decker

Anne Erwin Dill

Emily Enoch

Renee Ericson

Hannah Eriksen

Leah Beth Faulkner

Michelle Jenkins Fricke

Mallory Graves

Rachel Holmes

Kirsten Houston

Meredith Lockhart Krones

Alyssa Kuhl

Alyssa Luse

Haliyah Martin

Jill Atnip McWilliams

Sinclaire Miller

Jaime Gibson Morrow

JoAnn Thomas Mount

Gracie Reid

Kiersten Slankard

Olivia Bohannan Sunley

Rachel Trzepacz

Amy Elliott Vaughn

Megan Griffin Ward

Ellie Weber

Drew Welbourne

Madison Williams

Alpha Psi–Eastern

Illinois University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Brenda Osterman Ray

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Suzanne Mizgata

Courtney Stone-Plamp

Carol Gregory Swango

Holly Trembczynski

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Mary Kate Lobough

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Jodi Matheny Brown

Blanca Vilella

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cathy Capasso Baird

Ann Marie Cavanagh Barry

Amy Moore Corsi

Stephanie Hays Drain

Jackie Williams Goreham

Courtney Cruse Halverson

Jane Slazyk Lockett

Shelley Lewis Loftus

Patricia Mandel Quible

Adeline Fullerton Rogers

Susan Jacobs Zoelle


Carrie Markus Beckmann

Susan Reilly Berry

Jennifer Carr

Carolyn Waterson Curtis

Marilee Oglesby Evans

Erika Garcia

Sara Pischak Graack

Lauren Rucks Hencier

Keely Hoch

Diana Reetz Knagge

Hannah Sterricker

Cheryl Rein Watson

Dianna Anderson Wilson

Kimberly Wright

Beta Alpha–North Illinois University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Claudia Lara Schaefer

Katie Henke Scherping

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Ginny Peterson Houser

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Susan Slezinger Kluth

Samantha Cotton Nygren

Ellen Parker O'Hara

Kathy O'Donnell Schulte


Lisa Carlson Plantamura

Haylee Schultz

Carolyn Schuman Shane

Alexis Thomson

Beta Beta–Missouri

State University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Nancy Marks McCullough

22 | Tri Sigma Foundation

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Leah Hiner Richmond


Marilyn Brown Bockhorst

Beta Gamma–Ball State University FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Angi Gose Bevers

Joann Stohler Davis

Mindi Holland Major

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Michelle Bayless Harrold

Jo Ann Douglas Litton

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Marcia Cutter

Susie Fink Kuhn

Kara Eaton Rees

Helen Sharrett Shull

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Rebecca Neal Schneidt

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Kasia Doane Hanna

Jacque Devine Lewis

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Janice Schafer Brill

Josie Hatfield

Stacy Cole Hicks

Dawn Flake Kern

Nancy Sauer Mann

Terri Raver Matchett

Dee Myers McConville

Joie Dickison Montgomery

Rita McQuiston Moore

Nancy Deister Sprague

Sandy Peyton Thayer

Debbie Woodroof


Jennifer Fleming Baldwin

Melisa Ellis Beeson

Nancy Goodwin Campbell

Diane Frey Clark

Linda Keegan Clute

Dorothy Stassen Douglass

Amellia Dusch

Tamara Sample McKinney

Kim Jackson Pawlowski

Jana Buchanan Richardson

Kristina Hodapp Tebbe

Janice Bell Trennepohl

Jenny Watson

Beta Delta–Shepherd University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Lori Hoover Richard

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Judith Harris Armstrong

Sally Myers Greenfield

Michelle Pollard Hektor

Carolyn Ewan Schneider


Analise Falcone

Betty Lou Hagerty Hatfield

Linda Largent McGraw

Beta Epsilon–Western

Illinois University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman

Mary Tobin

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carla Trimarco Scalzo

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Piper Hill

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Chris Hargrave Ahlstrand

Mary Bouwkamp Brink

Lisa Shaffer Flick

Rebecca Prichard Frandsen

Rachel Greene


Sam Boschulte

Anne Bartholomew Bowers

Cyndi Shade Brown

Josie Carlberg

Alyssa Chapin

Lyric Childs

Katherine Nolan Drea

Angela Fedele

Emily Feick

Sydney Frank Franklin

Laura Giovannelli

Kaitlin Griffith

Jackie Hickey

Braelynn Higar

Jennifer Dowell Houston

Marlo Brotman King

Kathryn Kerpan Lange

Gail Lothian Lingle

Shalyn Lucas

Courtney Powelson

Bree Self

Anzaria Simon

Brycelynn Smith

Sharon Haywood Smith

Abby Steele

Beta Theta–University of Pittsburgh


Milynda Boeck-Moore

Maria Guarino

Katharine Myers Keiser

Elle Lynch

Beta Iota–Minot State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Deborah Hanson Maves

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lola Von Kuster Brekke

Jackie Meyer Roberts

Beta Kappa–Arizona

State University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Bette Blythe Lewis

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Bethany Deines

Melissa Pizzo

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Bonita Hix

Honey Leas

Lauri Dunn Wingenroth

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Christine Perry LaBarge

Colleen Sumares Stangl

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Maryellen Drasler Baxter

Cynthia Settergren

Marci Barge Smith

Mary Webster

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kat Manuele Brown

Andrea Greene

Miriam DeCamp Hinther

Tammy Holden Marcelja

Patricia Matthias

Rebecca Richardson Onuschak

Heather Steil

Donna Voss Thompson

Serena Unrein

Alicia Lukowski Watkins


Jennifer Harlan Beidinger

Mary Puetzer Button

Kristin Kuehn Conaway

Jenny Evenstad Corkins

Mindy Shwayder Foulger

Holly Friedman Garcia

Cheryl Gross Goodyear

Lynn Hagert Madyson

Alison McGowan

Theresa Kohn Renfro

Laura Slife Shioli

Beta Lambda–University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

CJ Havlik Donovan

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Mary Sawicki Lovell

Kathy Heinen Thoren

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Rose Raffensperger Holland

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nancy Niesen Butch

Donna Niesen Danihel

Sherrie Johannsen Devlin

Ann Marie Potter Fabos

Cheryl Krueger Knapp

Judith Spielberg Patti


Joan Kugler

Beta Mu–University of Central Oklahoma

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

JoAnn Burke Conley

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Jane Walsh Seiboldt

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linda Foley Fields

Marcia Irvin

Donna Handley Jackson

Mary Gorom Jumper

Jacquelyn Payne Kyle


Shirley Irvin Burgess

Anita Wuerflein Hicock

Candy Morley Keyser

Karen Ballew Tinsley

Saundra Lewis Valentine

Michelle Phipps Wallace

Linda Ewing Wright

Beta Xi– Southeast Missouri State University

PEARL CLUB ($20,000–$24,999)

Liz Wakeman Hoffert

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Marilyn McGraw Beiter

Jan Stroker Horner

Amanda Rainey

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jennifer Belmar McKenzie

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Mandy Herbeck McGuire

Diane Lippold Niebling

Georgia Bader Schaljo

Libby Jordan Smith

Rachel Dachroeden VanDernoot

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nancy O'Briend Branigan

Nancy McGeorge Clark

Amanda Drury

Marcy Mattern Emmons

Margaret Ganyard

Henrietta Zinn Hallaq

Carla Helfrich Lange

Amanda Marchegiani

Marty Bennett Ott


Julie Belmar

Theresa Coughlin Belmar

Elizabeth Thomas Castens

Susan Foerstel Fox

JoAnn Fehlmann Grasfeder

Christina Belmar Halim

Kimberly Hauser

Anna Hendricks

Christine Williams Kendrick

Erica Silva Miller

Kendra Reichling

Lynda Habermehl Sauer

Marina Zager

Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin-Stout

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Karen Cartwright Lowerr

Lori Travis Schaefer

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Nicole Oliver Gwozdz

Margaret Coleman Lukes

Barbara Schmidt Nordberg

Loleta Dodge Udee

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Connie Dulac Aram

23 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Elizabeth Lasker Falkner

Jennifer Strangis Lundquist

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lana Lawrenz Anderson

Katrina Goldsmith

Leona Novy Jackson

Donna Skidmore

Kristin Loomis Smith

Tara Buchanan Wisdorf


Karen Anderson Bernath

Krista Bethke-Peterson

Cierra Hurlbert

Ashlie Riskey

Peggy Wery Salayi

Linda Holmes Wendt

Beta Rho–Western

Michigan University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Elna Adams Rogers

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Karen Adams

Nancy Mills Blow

Cheryl Taylor Klein

Marti Ciaramitaro Paul

Theresa McCusker Wendt

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jean Radewald Loutzenhiser

Judith Haan Rodgers


Cynthia Kish Mazurek

Maryann Wambach McCrary

Kathy DuBois Wachter

Beverly Reed Wahr

Beta Sigma–University of Tampa

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cynthia Kladis Xenick

Beta Tau–University of Detroit Mercy

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Mary Bussone-Neam

Diane Kaminski

Korin Sharp

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sue Fronrath Bergstrom

Carolyn Cailotto Borgula

Ruth Hinkson Lipper

Jennifer Pawles Smithers

Barb Stoe Stone


Linda Barbone

Emma Dinkel Hoard

Angela Groves Ugo

Beta Upsilon–Pennsylvania State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Marie Schrag Beck

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Andrea Patterson Provenzano

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Serena Richards

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nancy Bowden Atha

Marie Cohen Boltz

Gail Radcliffe Brown


Aubrey Adams

Maeve Barton

Haley Begany

Julia Bernero

Mackenzie Boveri

Abigail Bowen

Eleanor Bucchianeri

Tahlia Cantatore

Gina Dicarlo

Sam Erwin

Celine Garcia

Rebecca Grube

Bri Hatok

Isabelle Holt

Madison Hungerford

Meghan Hurst

Taylor Huston

Emily Joseph

Caroline Klaiber

Meg Kraunelis

Gabrielle Leach

Rose Ann Harris Leavesley

Alex Lucchese

Kirsten Mahalaris

Shweta Marathe

Alex Masucci

Emma McMaster

Brigid Morgan

Juli Ombaldo

Lilly Quinn

Olivia Schulok

Olivia Stanley

Dana Szczublewski

Megan Vu

Brianna Warren

Alexandra Waterman

Amanda White

Jenna White

Stephanie Wilson

Beta Phi–Florida Southern College

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Pat Mikson Gaskins

Dottie Anspach Wewe


Carolyn Burt Petrikin

Beta Chi–Queens College


Stephani Hirsch Hoch


Grace Patane Conway

Elizabeth Ketcham

Beta Psi–Youngstown

State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Phyllis Lucarell Cafaro


Christine Tepovich

Gamma Alpha–University of Illinois

STEADFAST CLUB ($10,000–$14,999)

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Lisa Koeller

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kathy Miller Jackson

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Maureen Carey Barry

Cindy Miller Cunningham

Margaret Resce Milkint

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Laura Preble Lilak

Ellen Brin Weber

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Joan Hamilton Malloy

Linda Yuras Matthews

Karin Dommermuth O'Connor

Phyllis Truckenbrodt Prange

Theresa Horton Talbot


Jeanne Hausman Chamberlain

Lisa Kincaid Daniels

Gamma Beta–East Carolina University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Natalie Moore Averette

Emily Eure Ellis

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kristen Young

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Sky Larsen

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Julia Rowland Yeargan


Erin Adcock

Abbey Alford

Amy Harris Ascher

Avari Barbour

Kaira Barbour

Amelia Berntson

Mattie Chance

Liv Charest

Kat Cornell

Kylie Coulson

Gianna Dejulio

Courtney Dizerega

Emma Edwards

Faith Foster

Katie Frizzle

Robin Good

Jordan Gueterman

Bailey Hartloff

Pam Hall Hathaway

Ansley Holland

Madison Humes

Mallory Jenkins

Emma-Rae Johnson

Caleigh Jones

Sidney Jones

Jess Keck

Jen Kristofick

Glynn Claire Lackey

Landon LaMonica

Arianna Lites-Trevino

Sofia Lomas

Nadia Magee

Riley Maldonado

Savannah McCaslin

Bowen McGarry

Ali Milham

Lily Mirabella

Mackensie Moore

Taylor Muharem

Hannah Myslewiec

Catherine Nusser

Coco Pasca

Mary Porter

Greer Schuman

Ryan Smith

Anna Stone

Olivia Sullivan

Nicole Tarasiuk

Maura Tompkins

Catherine Vandergarden

Alex Warren

Nancy Winn Williams

Morgan Zeidler

Gamma Gamma–PennWest California


Erna Freeman Klein

Gamma Delta–Adrian College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Charlene Weaver Baur

Joyce Reinhard Daglow

Candyce Harrington Nail

Carolynn Berger Newman

Ella Love Sprung

Nancy Aiken Vail

Sara Wilson Woolfenden


Emily Wuerfel Coy

Susan Kent Miller

Margaret DeLand Neuhauser

Gamma Epsilon–Creighton University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Ellen Dooling McGurk

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Katherine Egan Balwanz

Sallee Britton

Gamma Zeta– Slippery Rock University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Pamela Minoski Runac

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Marna Hass Boerman

Lynn Hadvab Ferguson


Rachel Aul Bracht

24 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Gamma Eta–Loyola University of New Orleans

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Sylvia Schneider Bush

Mandy Meehan Chocheles

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Gaye Tesson Bennett

Jeanne Galouye Ingraham

Pamela Nuss McDaniel

Ann Buchler Williams


Anita Greco Bonura

Mary Barre Curry

Mary Beth Favaloro Gulotta

Mickey Lux

Annette Grisoli Ross

Sandra Douglass Sumich

Gamma Iota–University of Massachusetts

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Sarah Lapin


Cathleen Doolan

Emily Gillan

Abby Greene

Julia Owen

Alexa Potack

Lindsey Rinella

Caelin Robb

Gamma Kappa–Marietta College


JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Sharon Brown Zeller


Linda Avedon

Renee Bailey Gallagher

Rosemary Hawkes Harris

Gamma Lambda–University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Linda LaFontaine Jenkins

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Pam Snyder Johnson

Kathleen Cumings Pickering

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Connie Gaeu Harrer Fryman

Laura Manthey


Dede Breese DeWitt

Whitney Hedge

Deborah Herbst

Rileigh Rein

Barbara Howard Zyvoloski

Gamma Mu–Southeastern Louisiana University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Allissa Smith Leach

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Suzan Rome Bosarge

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Ann Hammond Seymour

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margot Hammond

Jacie Jacob


Macy Aguilar

Annmarie Alessi

Sarah Mason Babin

Kylie Baudean

Ady Bizette

Hanna Bourdonnay

Cari Caliva Britt

Julia Caballero

Kallie Calvaruso

Elle Caraccioli

Allie Casebonne

Phoebe Castro

Ella DarDar

Diana Enxing Ellzey

Christy Gomez Gardes

Vanessa Greer

Grace Hardy

Misty Roubique Hebbler

Brieana Holdsworth

DeShay Juban

Aimee Lee

Kamryn Madere

Mackynzie Mannino

Julie Mathies

Corinne Maynard

Hannah McGuyrt

Emma Murphy

Olivia Price

Kasslyn Pugh

Jan Illenberger Sankey

Emily Songy

Reagan St.Germain

Lauren Stevens

Cappie Musso Tavary

Alexis Thibodeaux

Alexa Volk

Madison Wiebelt

Kyli Young

Gamma Nu–St. Cloud

State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Diane Mahal Hemker

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Gwen Broich

Gamma Xi–Barton College

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Heather Fuller Baker

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sarah Browning

Gay Jeffreys Elmore

Taylor Medlock Lanier

Linda Griffin Lowe


Kristen Adams

Amy Gutierrez-Luviano

Gamma Pi–Nicholls State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Katherine Bourgeois Blackburn

Becky LeBlanc Durocher


Denise Brinkman

Abbigail Duplantis

Hannah Hebert

Laikyn Oldham

Kaitlyn Rodrigue

Hannah Terrebonne

Gamma Rho–PennWest Edinboro

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lauren Moran

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Carolyn Miller Garofalo

Anne McAleese MacIntyre


Devin Barry

Sarah Irvin

Lauren Parent

Gamma Sigma–University of Wisconsin-Superior

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sherry Loterbauer Dunn

Gamma Tau–West Virginia Institute of Technology

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kimberly Johnson Cobb

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Beth Yaquinta Cole

Suzie Fink Hutchens

Gamma Upsilon–Marquette University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lee Ann Davis Bruce

Gamma Phi–University of Wisconsin-River Falls

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kaye Schutte Schendel

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Teria Blagg

Jan Weaver Zeipen


Mary Lovaas Curtis

Jodee Schwartz Korkowski

Lisa Brostrom Noetzel

Wendy Reynolds Wurr

Gamma Chi–Tennessee Tech University


Martha Bailey Ponder

Gamma Psi–Morehead State University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Karen Chambers O'Connell

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lori Kincaid Rassati

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lisa Adkins

Lisa Brown

Susette Dalton Redwine


Julie Fausz

Joanne Boyd Feustle

Susan Lynch

Susan Davis McNally

Cherie Carnes Rebar

Delta Beta–Elon University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Julie Perry Githens

Kristina Myers Hulitt

Sherri Ward Janelle


Lisa Shadyac Afshar

Emily DeFelice

Callahan Freeman

Amelia Reagan

Emilia Stirling

Chrissy Yeager

Delta Gamma–University of Minnesota

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margaret Williams Keating


Shelley Kari

Delta Delta–UNC Chapel Hill

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

MC Steed Hartley

Laura Ziegler Rhodes

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Linda Yandell Dove

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Stephanie Blair

Alecia Myers Harrison

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kelly Bryan Van Der Vaart


Karen Schuller Boardman

Ellen Elmore

Susan Rafshoon Heaps

Leslie Copley Mawyer

Brooks Pope Miller

Delta Zeta–Bloomsburg University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Gail Gerberich Rarick


Stephanie Leone

Delta Eta–University of Southern Indiana

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Connie Dartt Romain


Anne Hinton Myers

Delaney Radican

Sierra Craw Schmitt

Jordan Stanley

Grace Leigh Walker

25 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Delta Theta–UNC-Pembroke


Beth Rhodes

Rosa Deese Sampson

Delta Lambda–San Diego

Mesa College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Veronica Reither Rees

Delta Mu–Rutgers University


Mary Gallo Balkonis

Susan Papaleo Houle

Delta Xi–Loyola Marymount University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Marie Androsevic Rees

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Lynn Turack Adams

Delta Omicron–Gettysburg College

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Erin McGrath

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Colleen Bruce

Kathryn Chongpinitchai

Caitlin Hay

Sophia Marrone


Hilary Hastings Barley

Stellarose Emery

Lily Grochowski

Tatum Hart

Julia Jones

Vicky Lee

Sydney Lucero

Felicia Marks

Hannah Repole

Abby Seiple

Deirdre Sullivan

Emily Switala

Heather Wirick

Miranda Zamora

Delta Pi–Winthrop University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Christi Jones-McNeill

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Leslie Mehard Brady

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jennifer Harvey Childers

Carolyn Newsham Stricklin

Laura Sweet


Riley Warren Abel

Adrienne Walters Anders

Jennifer Beattie Hulehan

Patty O'Dell

Meg Shaw

Jennifer Sperry

Sharon Weslow Sullivan

Sujata Sohoni Wallace

Delta Upsilon–Widener University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Paula Gavin


Catherine Bingnear

Jenn Klieger Cohen

Juliana Griffith

Samantha Kenney

Delta Phi–Kansas State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Christy Tucker Paul


Lisa Kessler Church

Jessica Shea

Delta Chi–University of Virginia

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Lacey Long Wolfe


Sahar Asghari

Brooke Bishop

Brooke Blosser

Jackie Canning

Elena Colliver

Rachel Dailey

Hannah Fleming

Phoebe Hale

Caroline Hedrick

Kasey Kiefer

Amanda LaChanse

Stephanie Liu

Caroline McGuinness

Emma Nardone

Amelia Pearson

Katie Rogers

Caitlin Shaub

Addy Stevens

Alice Vadney

Carly Vasta

Emily Zheng

Delta Psi–St. Josephs University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linda Henderson

Epsilon Alpha–California State University, East Bay

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Tracie Goode Mangini

Kirsten Bilteau Nicholas

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kate Gallinger Jupina

Mere Dodgion Nahm


Juanisha Elder

Rebecca Le

Epsilon Beta–University of Arkansas at Monticello


Dani Thomas Kloap

Kayla McDougald

Epsilon Gamma–Grand Valley

State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Jennifer Mitteer Bookspan

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Kelly Kuzara

Susan Livingston

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Anne Houdek DeWys

Bridget Bagdonas Hanson

Susan Massoni Mohr


Riley Bartelt

Carin Carney Bishop

Dana Engstrom

Ava Ermiger

Evie Glaze

Hailey Godbout

Lauren Gould

Maddie Houck

Jocelynn Nyman

Lia Quatro

Courtney Sabin

Jaiden Schewe

Emily Shuell

Kara Sparrow

Maureen Stewart

Naiya Summerville

Emilie Thibodeau

Lindsay Zall

Epsilon Delta–Gannon University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kara Miller McCarty

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski


Sherry Ashbaugh

Danielle Jones Little

Heidi Bonfanti-Carter Macdonald

Epsilon Epsilon–Stockton University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Katelyn Causey

Lynette Medeiros

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Stephanie Medwick Blotzer

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Andrea Gorecki Causey

Lisa McCarville D'antonio


Paige Brown

Kimberly Davis

Caitlin Golden

Colleen Grant

Laura Groh

Kelly Lake

Angela Arbuckle Manzi

Rosaria Feldman Mooney

Angaleise Reillo

Jenna Schellhas

Epsilon Zeta–Southern

Arkansas University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Shawna Cupples Speer

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Paula Sutherland Wallace


Jenny McCullough Holland

Janna Neal

Amy Newton

Epsilon Eta–East Stroudsburg University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Karen Gower Aho

Michelle Osborn-Hallet

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Renee Ethier Pope


Monique Aquila

Alyssa Bolante

Giovanna DiMatteo

Victoria "Animal" Kowalski Johnson

Mary Ellen Davis Kasian

Alyssa Behler Sarnosky

Joanne Messinger Schipps

Rebecca Scott

Katherine Simmons

Nicci Velardi

Janell Bobb Weaver

Teresa Carr White

Kara McClure Wiseman

Epsilon Theta–Oglethorpe University

LAUREL CLUB ($15,000–$19,999)

Stephanie Everett

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

"SAM!" Mills Farrell

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Rebekah Ager Giaraffa

Elena Weiss

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Merri Griffis Gibson

Allison Gatliff Sawyers

Tracy Rodgers Sklarin


Marshal Gilliam Hines

Mary Claire Malone

Caitlin Marshall

Jennifer Miller Rinehart

Epsilon Iota–St. Mary's University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Bianca Hernandez


Cindy Evans Nelson

Georgina Benitez Schmahl

Epsilon Kappa–University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kim Haelfrisch Katz

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

TC Crogan Krajnak

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Amy Van Rossum Reed

26 | Tri Sigma Foundation


Anna Stauss Boll

Stacy Wirth Harris

Shelly Baker Richardson

Epsilon Mu–Rowan University


Stephanie Coutros Crane

Epsilon Nu–UNC Greensboro

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Taylor Urban

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Anne Blosser

Kaitlyn Shelton

Tara Pietraszuk Shollenberger


Destiny Alderin

Taylor Aldridge

Michayla Barbosa

Megan Schill Bartholomew

Leanna Bourgeois

Nicole Steele Dutton

Sydnee Flythe

Anna Hamacher

Ariana Holly

Jessie Johnson

Karla Onesto-Perez

Sarah Pirozzi

Montserrat Robledo Ruvalcaba

Hailey Todd

Kathleen Zoldos

Epsilon Xi–Indiana University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Katie Lauer Wadington

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Kaki Eads Garard

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Karyn Poznick


Anne Hazeltine

Raquel Fonner Jennings

Amy Schneider Nelson

Epsilon Omicron–Illinois State University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Michelle Tantillo

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins

Jill Carlson Schmidt

Alison Needham Wirth

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

CeCe Scanlon Paetsch

Renata Serpico

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cristina Gloe Baumgartner

Carolyn Marsh Bell

Catherine Hannel Crane

Denise Pravidica Higgins

Kimberly Muhich


Ashley Schnake Bentley

Julie Root Busse

Kara Harris Cieri

Christine Taylor Fehring

Jessica Froelich

Jennifer Slatkay Goff

Erin Harvey Handler

Katherine McFetridge Hightower

Morgan Fishburn Kaplan

Andrea Bozinovich Mear

Laura Mann Moline

Sondy Moon

Erin Powers Smith

Molly Whitcomb

Epsilon Pi–Presbyterian College

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Meg Brown

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ellen Scheide

Karlee Tate


Juliane Laskowski Wade

Epsilon Rho–Minnesota State University-Mankato

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Linda Manley-Kuitu

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Tressa Johnson Davis

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Renee Blanchet Dwyer

Kristen Kroll-Moen

Sara Purvis Rose

Epsilon Sigma–Virginia

Commonwealth University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Stella Luo

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jennifer Pathwick Kostyniuk

Epsilon Tau–Saint Leo University


Rose Alfaro Call

Amanda Eggen

Andrea Lopez

Kate Lopez

Epsilon Upsilon–Marist College


Elizabeth Santucci Olson

Jami Rusczyk

Epsilon Phi–UNC Wilmington

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Chandra Allen

Katy Tutor

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kylie Gross


Brianna Baker

Brittany Parrott Brown

Sara Bullins

Victoria Castro

Cayton Elderdice

Lilly Ferguson

Averi Finnerty

Maddi Glover

Esther Kim

Morgan McBride

Mason McVeety

Madelyn Moser

Allyson Parrish

Caroline Phillips

Sara Rappl

Evan Stary

Addie Webb

Epsilon Chi–Northeast University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Jo Anne Spreen Frazier


Lexi Blanco

Andrea Young

Epsilon Psi–Rochester Institute of Technology


Onvida Serixay

Zeta Alpha–Bryant University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Nancy Stevens Mancuso

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Julia Robertson


Susan Carino

Zeta Beta–Cameron University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Toney Welborn

Zeta Gamma–Southeastern Oklahoma State University VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Cathy Depew Brister

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Amy Chapman

Zeta Epsilon–Florida International University TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Celinda Miranda-LaBella


Ashley Hicks Bullock

Melissa De Varona

Zeta Zeta–Sonoma State University TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Carie Crotty Staub

Zeta Eta–Winona State University VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Joy Horkey


Amy Walsworth Albrecht

Holly Mattison Wolfe

Zeta Theta–Idaho State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kristen Webster Story

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Bry Coulter

Natalie Edmo VanLeuven

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Molly Friedrichsen Robinett


Chelsea Collins

Kelsey Rastello Naylor

Zeta Iota–Weber State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Alena Carroll

Zeta Kappa–Montclair State University


Sarah Hudak

Taylor Montalto

Gracemarie Papaleo Trombetta

Terri Kickenweitz Weiss

Zeta Lambda–Wingate University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linsey Cozzie


Jessica Berner Gnagey

Zeta Mu–University of Alaska Fairbanks

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Jaime Hadley Fix

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nicole Parris Jacobs


LC Finnegan Creed

Zeta Nu–University of Maryland, Baltimore City

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Susan Muhr Leister

Zeta Omicron–Seton Hall University


Ev Figueroa Kulesza

A.M. Tomaro

Zeta Pi–Virginia Wesleyan University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Crystal Jones


Danielle D'arcy

Kelci Patton Redding

Alexis Turner-Lafving

Catherine White

Zeta Rho–Johnson & Wales University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Camille Weixel Chasteen

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Rachel Cobb Stewart


Jill Nickels LaCroix

Zeta Tau–Missouri Western State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Angela Pasley Elder

Kelli Ourada Hardie

27 | Tri Sigma Foundation


Ava Blessie

Baileigh Castanedo

Regann Punzo

Cheryl Anderson Titto

Zeta Upsilon–Fitchburg State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Demetra Zouzas


Alicia Barone

Kristen Liming

Zeta Psi–The College of New Jersey

STEADFAST CLUB ($10,000–$14,499)

Heather Cruz

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Chloe Villareal Niiranen

Ellyse Peterson


Ilyssa Chanin

Emily Nardi

Liz Ricketts-Jones

Kelly Roche

Zeta Chi–Coastal Carolina University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Allison Mitchell Hucks

Holly Jacobs Legg

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Liz Riley Atkisson

Shae Tetterton


Alexa Bode

Allie Coughlin

Georgia Ford

Jordyn Hickerson

Jacque McMillen

Danielle Pitoscia

Ashley Elvington Small

Taylor Smith

Judy Thurston

Eta Alpha–Stephens College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Summer Sage

Eta Beta–Newberry College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Savannah Edis


Jordan Glace

Megan Howlin Horton

Emma Smith

Eta Zeta–University of Alaska - Anchorage


Alexia Jennings

Eta Eta–Lynn University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kelly James


Anika Nims

Brianna Velaney

Sydney Vezza

Eta Theta–Gustavus Adolphus College


Rakiah Swenson

Dina Tolen

Eta Iota–Defiance College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Aimee Jensen Boland


Collette Cooley Knight

Eta Kappa–Texas

Woman's University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jessica Miller Alsip

Sierra Lykins


Ashley Acosta

Amelia Cortez

Jesse Malone

Zoe Montgomery

Fatime Osmani

Zulejha Osmani

Sandra Vera

Eta Lambda–Moravian College


Alexis Pritch

Georgina Skoutelas

Eta Nu–Ramapo College of New Jersey

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Amy Skinner


Renee DeLora

Angelina Fischkelta

Michelle Maskaly

Laura Neary

Karen Beir Schmidt

Gabriella Viterbo

Alexa Westenberger

Eta Xi–Ursinus College


Samantha Beck

Rebecca Chernoff

Morgan McCracken

Jessica Holt Smalarz

Brenna Snively

Eta Omicron–Sam Houston

State University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Veronica Atkins Seymour

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Catherine Till

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Maddie Evans

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Deanna Ammann

Mallory Hite Borino

Kirsten Brown

Ava Burket

Kerissa Davidson

Natalie Garcia

Nour Ghraizi

Haven Hymes

Emily McKay

Ilianna Nanyes

Adriana Ramirez

Kameryn Ridgeway

Joe Stevens

Cierra Sutton

Lilli Tischer

Daisy Torres

Ruby Galvan Trevino

Abby Vazquez

Holly Walker

Caroline Worchesik

Heather Wright


Fernanda Peredo Aguilar

Bella Arnold

Madison Avila

Madyson Bradshaw

Stanlee Brandt

Hanna Bredemeyer

Haley Carlin

Brittany Sherretts Causby

Piper Cheng

Lindsay Cole

Yadira Dominguez

Shyann Falknor

Julia Farrar

Krystal Flores

Athena Ganas

Stephanie Garcia

Emily Gibson

Samantha Hernandez

Avery Herrmann

Rachel Hurst Hoolahan

Shelby Horne

Mack Jewert

Hayle Johnson

Kenzie Johnson

Rachel Lewis

Kensly Ley

Bianca Lucio

Maddie Miller

Madie Mize

Lily Parrish

Kiana Peek

Michelle Pepper

Taylor Resweber

Alli Schultz

Julianna Severa

Kayla Theall

Gisela Torres

Stephanie Troutt

Macy Turner

Alison Ulloa

Makenna Vincent

Lilly Warwick

Cecilia Weatherford

Rachel Ziegler

Ashlyn Zollinger

Eta Pi–Metropolitan State

University of Denver


Alejandra Colmenero

Kathleen Davis

Amber Derryberry Lesher

Lia Moran

Rachel Paul

Jamie Ready

Ashleigh Sager

Eta Rho–Georgia SouthernArmstrong Campus

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Crystal Johnson


Aubrie Porter

Eta Tau–Embry-Riddle

Aeronautical University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Gina Doughty Dickinson


Jacquelyn Keyes Hoffseth

Eta Upsilon–Lynchburg University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Hannah Orndorff


Jess Austin

Sara Berlin

Allison Maier

Erin Frick Zander

Eta Phi–Pratt Institute


Kathleen Saer

Eta Chi–University of Missouri TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Clare Reisel Ford


Emily Brands

Jo Herrera

Theta Alpha–High Point University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Karley Long

Jessie Millner


Lisa DeVince

Sicily Ekstrom

Margot Gibbons

Claudia Holland

Meghan Kealey

Savannah Kruse

KB Lake

Julia Tremblay

Theta Beta–University of Michigan - Flint

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jessica Matusz McCloskey

28 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Theta Gamma–McKendree University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Caitlyn Westfall


Lora Blackwell

Jaylyn Hauck

Jordan Jackovich

Emily Battas Ketrow

Olivia Lebert

Ashley Walker

Theta Delta–Lindenwood University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Joey Koenig

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Paige Newman Antonacci


Olivia Ford

Ashley Hembrock

Katie O'Brien

Theta Epsilon–University of Nevada, Las Vegas

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Chloe St. George


Ketzia Jimenez

Lindsey Jones

Jenna Malone

Alex Martin

Awilda Miranda

Jordan Nelson Santini

Amelia Seibert

Theta Zeta–Case Western

Reserve University


Dasha Degterev

Jennifer Rosen

Theta Eta–Old Dominion University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Kim Bullington

Theta Theta–Oakland University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lizzy Roen Koch


Haley Bennett

Jill Dein

Nik Kelmar

Jillian Langlois

Emily Strieter McInerney

Ashley Merz

Delaney O'Dell

Theta Iota–Auburn University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Katie Bibbee


Lauren Dragovich

Holly Heringer

Meghan Mann

Priyakumari Patel

Rachel Sargent

Becca Spencer

Theta Kappa–University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ashley Luebeck


Maddy Kulwicki Bridge

Hannah Ottevaere

Theta Lambda–University of Illinois at Springfield


Melody Colonel

Maia Wierer

Theta Mu-Randolph-Macon College


Zoe Tuck

Iota Alpha–Alumnae Initiate

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Renee Kries

Emily Murphy

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Taryn Bragg

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Amanda Schandler Armstrong

Raylene Bayless

Cindy Blanchet

Jeanette Jamra Kogelman

Mary Callahan Schneider

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Judy Weinert Alspaugh

Sandy Larson Beutler

Donna Bradley Charlton

Vicki Lahaie Corrigan

Megan Harrold

Caryl Montero-Adams

Susan Modispacher Smith

Chris McCrory Smithhisler


Beth Brown

Michele Frazho

Linda Vann May

Marlene Olsen

Natasha Parris

Anne Lussky Ruiz

Louise Everson Sallquist

Non-Member Headquarters Staff

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jenna Martin Pendry


Michael Steele

Jennifer Freeman Thompson

clubs & societies

The following represents donors by club or society who pledged or made gifts to the Foundation between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Clubs honor annual donors and societies celebrate cumulative lifetime pledges and gifts.


Pillars of Sigma is the premier giving club that recognizes alumnae who contribute $1,000 within the fiscal year.

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta

Susan Buche Ayers, Mu

Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon

Kay Marquardt Beaty, Kappa

Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Angi Gose Bevers, Beta Gamma

Vicki Wellman Bird, Nu

Jennifer Mitteer Bookspan, Epsilon Gamma

Cathy Depew Brister, Zeta Gamma

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins, Epsilon Omicron

Jo Candy, Alpha Iota

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Linda Clayton, Omicron

Kimberly Johnson Cobb, Gamma Tau

JoAnn Burke Conley, Beta Mu

Karen Straub Conte, Alpha Mu

Ann Copeland, Alpha Theta

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Lauren Cunkelman, Alpha Delta

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Tracey Horton Daniels, Alpha Theta

Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Gina Doughty Dickinson, Eta Tau

Cj Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

Stephanie Everett, Epsilon Theta

"SAM!" Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Elizabeth Belanger Fensterwald, Alpha Theta

Elizabeth Fifield, Kappa

Berta Flath, Kappa

Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa

Denise Goudelock, Alpha

Nicole Oliver Gwozdz, Beta Pi

Lois Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma

MC Steed Hartley, Delta Delta

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Diane Mahal Hemker, Gamma Nu

Donna Grogan Herndon, Alpha Chi

Bonita Hix, Beta Kappa

Stephani Hirsch Hoch, Beta Chi

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Allison Mitchell Hucks, Zeta Chi

Kathy Miller Jackson, Gamma Alpha

Linda LaFontaine Jenkins, Gamma Lambda

Crystal Johnson, Eta Rho

Crystal Jones, Zeta Pi

Christi Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Kim Haelfrisch Katz, Epsilon Kappa

Lisa Koeller, Gamma Alpha

Joey Koenig, Theta Delta

Kathy Rayburn Kopperud, Alpha Chi

Susie Fink Kuhn, Beta Gamma

Allissa Smith Leach, Gamma Mu

Honey Leas, Beta Kappa

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Mary Sawicki Lovell, Beta Lambda

Karen Cartwright Lowerr, Beta Pi

Margaret Coleman Lukes, Beta Pi

Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma

Nancy Stevens Mancuso, Zeta Alpha

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Nancy May, Alpha Upsilon

Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Shirley Mowles McKinley, Alpha Upsilon

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Suzanne Mizgata, Alpha Psi

Charlotte Moore, Alpha Epsilon

Nora Eyre Moushey, Kappa

Emily Murphy, Iota Alpha

Pat Repass Nichols, Alpha Alpha

Jeanne Ruane Nissen, Mu

Barbara Schmidt Nordberg, Beta Pi

Karen Chambers O'Connell, Gamma Psi

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel, Alpha Chi

Michelle Osborn-Hallet, Epsilon Eta

Kellie Deis Parker, Alpha Beta

Melissa Pizzo, Beta Kappa

Erica Poole, Alpha Chi

Yvette Wheeler Pue, Chi

Amanda Rainey, Beta Xi

30 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Fran Wilhelm Redmon, Alpha Nu

Marie Androsevic Rees, Delta Xi

Laura Ziegler Rhodes, Delta Delta

Lori Hoover Richard, Beta Delta

Elna Adams Rogers, Beta Rho

Pamela Minoski Runac, Gamma Zeta

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski, Epsilon Delta

Sandy Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi

Claudia Lara Schaefer, Beta Alpha

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Katie Henke Scherping, Beta Alpha

Jill Carlson Schmidt, Epsilon Omicron

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Dixie Cremeans Shelton, Alpha Alpha

Helen Sharrett Shull, Beta Gamma

Ally Simon, Alpha Chi

Amy Skinner, Eta Nu

Martha Smith, Alpha Phi

Shawna Cupples Speer, Epsilon Zeta

Rachel Cobb Stewart, Zeta Rho

Courtney Stone-Plamp, Alpha Psi

Kristen Webster Story, Zeta Theta

Charlotte Thompson Suhler, Alpha Nu

Carol Gregory Swango, Alpha Psi

Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma

Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron

Lori Yokich Taylor, Omicron

Kathy Heinen Thoren, Beta Lambda

Catherine Till, Eta Omicron

Mary Tobin, Beta Epsilon

Holly Trembczynski, Alpha Psi

Loleta Dodge Udee, Beta Pi

Katie Lauer Wadington, Epsilon Xi

Winnie Wilson Warner, Alpha Beta

Lauri Dunn Wingenroth, Beta Kappa

Alison Needham Wirth, Epsilon Omicron

Jill Iosue Zager, Alpha Nu


The Steadfast Giving Club recognizes donors who give monthly recurring gifts.

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Karen Gower Aho, Epsilon Eta

Paige Newman Antonacci, Theta Delta

Mary Anne Gill Asbury, Kappa

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Heather Fuller Baker, Gamma Xi

Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi

Kay Marquardt Beaty, Kappa

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Vicki Wellman Bird, Nu

Stephanie Blair, Delta Delta

Cindy Blanchet, Iota Alpha

Stephanie Medwick Blotzer, Epsilon Epsilon

Aimee Jensen Boland, Eta Iota

Mallory Hite Borino, Eta Omicron

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Sarah Browning, Gamma Xi

Kim Bullington, Theta Eta

Mary Bussone-Neam, Beta Tau

Nancy Niesen Butch, Beta Lambda

Megan Elms Caldwell, Alpha Omicron

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins, Epsilon Omicron

Jo Candy, Alpha Iota

Susan Carino, Zeta Alpha

Katelyn Causey, Epsilon Epsilon

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Brenda Christie, Alpha Iota

JoAnn Burke Conley, Beta Mu

Mandi Copeland Conley, Rho

Vicki Lahaie Corrigan, Iota Alpha

Suzanne Croft, Lambda

Jackie Lint Cronin, Kappa

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Lauren Cunkelman, Alpha Delta

Tracey Horton Daniels, Alpha Theta

Callie Darling, Alpha

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Gina Doughty Dickinson, Eta Tau

Jamie Mose Dillinger, Alpha Omicron

Linda Yandell Dove, Delta Delta

Amanda Drury, Beta Xi

Renee Blanchet Dwyer, Epsilon Rho

Meagan Earls, Psi

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

"SAM!" Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Jaime Hadley Fix, Zeta Mu

Berta Flath, Kappa

Megan Herrmann Fogleson, Alpha Beta

Clare Reisel Ford, Eta Chi

Haley Foster, Alpha Beta

Jo Anne Spreen Frazier, Epsilon Chi

Carol Heathcott Fritts, Alpha Iota

Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa

Cecilia Thoulion Fruge, Alpha Mu

Rebekah Ager Giaraffa, Epsilon Theta

Sara Gobin, Alpha Xi

Denise Goudelock, Alpha

Lauren Green, Alpha Mu

Lauren Gress, Omicron

Kasia Doane Hanna, Beta Gamma

Lois Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Bridget Bagdonas Hanson, Epsilon Gamma

Felix Hardey, Alpha Zeta

Cindy Heimann Harms, Alpha Epsilon

Alecia Myers Harrison, Delta Delta

Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma

MC Steed Hartley, Delta Delta

Linda Henderson, Delta Psi

Kelly Jo Karnes Hendricks, Pi

Bianca Hernandez, Epsilon Iota

Miriam DeCamp Hinther, Beta Kappa

Rose Raffensperger Holland, Beta Lambda

Bridget Kelly Holton, Omicron

Joy Horkey, Zeta Eta

Allison Mitchell Hucks, Zeta Chi

Desiree Paulhamus Jackson, Alpha Omicron

Kathy Miller Jackson, Gamma Alpha

Linda LaFontaine Jenkins, Gamma Lambda

Crystal Johnson, Eta Rho

Pam Snyder Johnson, Gamma Lambda

Crystal Jones, Zeta Pi

Christi Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Angela David Jonker, Alpha Chi

Kim Haelfrisch Katz, Epsilon Kappa

Mary Keleher

Rhondi Sandifer Kennedy, Alpha Zeta

Wendy Kirkpatrick, Alpha

Lisa Koeller, Gamma Alpha

Joey Koenig, Theta Delta

Jeanette Jamra Kogelman, Iota Alpha

Melinda Koon, Alpha Mu

TC Crogan Krajnak, Epsilon Kappa

Kelly Kuzara, Epsilon Gamma

Christine Perry LaBarge, Beta Kappa

Carol Juhasz Ladrigan, Kappa

Taylor Medlock Lanier, Gamma Xi

Holly Jacobs Legg, Zeta Chi

Jacque Devine Lewis, Beta Gamma

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Jennifer Strangis Lundquist, Beta Pi

Stella Luo, Epsilon Sigma

Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa

Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma

Jesse Malone, Eta Kappa

Nancy Stevens Mancuso, Zeta Alpha

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa

Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Jessica Matusz McCloskey, Theta Beta

Jill Anderson McCormack, Omicron

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Mandy Herbeck McGuire, Beta Xi

Celinda Miranda-LaBella, Zeta Epsilon

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell, Gamma Xi

Suzanne Mizgata, Alpha Psi

Nancy Bott Molnar, Omicron

Caryl Montero-Adams, Iota Alpha

Lauren Moran, Gamma Rho

Emily Murphy, Iota Alpha

Amy Schneider Nelson, Epsilon Xi

Kirsten Bilteau Nicholas, Epsilon Alpha

Diane Lippold Niebling, Beta Xi

Karen Chambers O'Connell, Gamma Psi

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel, Alpha Chi

Michelle Osborn-Hallet, Epsilon Eta

Meghan Paden

CeCe Scanlon Paetsch, Epsilon Omicron

Kellie Deis Parker, Alpha Beta

Natasha Parris, Iota Alpha

Abby Pendleton, Alpha

Andrea Patterson Provenzano, Beta Upsilon

Yvette Wheeler Pue, Chi

Amanda Rainey, Beta Xi

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma

Marie Androsevic Rees, Delta Xi

Lori Hoover Richard, Beta Delta

Ashlie Riskey, Beta Pi

Stacy Rowan, Alpha Xi

Summer Sage, Eta Alpha

Claudia Lara Schaefer, Beta Alpha

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

31 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Katie Henke Scherping, Beta Alpha

Jill Carlson Schmidt, Epsilon Omicron

Kathy O'Donnell Schulte, Beta Alpha

Karen Wade Schwarz, Kappa

Renata Serpico, Epsilon Omicron

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Ann Hammond Seymour, Gamma Mu

Ally Simon, Alpha Chi

Amy Skinner, Eta Nu

Marci Barge Smith, Beta Kappa

Libby Jordan Smith, Beta Xi

Sara Pebbles Sosnowski, Omicron

Shawna Cupples Speer, Epsilon Zeta

Colleen Sumares Stangl, Beta Kappa

Carie Crotty Staub, Zeta Zeta

Rachel Cobb Stewart, Zeta Rho

Katie Stobinski, Omicron

Barb Stoe Stone, Beta Tau

Kristen Webster Story, Zeta Theta

Alyssa Strickland-Knight, Alpha Phi

Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi

Lauren Tanner-Leif, Pi

Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron

Lori Yokich Taylor, Omicron

Kathy Heinen Thoren, Beta Lambda

Catherine Till, Eta Omicron

A.M. Tomaro, Zeta Omicron

Laura Beitz Turk, Alpha Theta

Sarah Lively Turner, Alpha Alpha

Natalie Dachroeden VanDernoot, Beta Xi

Potter Edmo VanLeuven, Zeta Theta

Paula Sutherland Wallace, Epsilon Zeta

Donielle Gaubert Watkins, Alpha Mu

Mary Webster, Beta Kappa

Elena Weiss, Epsilon Theta

Toney Welborn, Zeta Beta

Theresa McCusker Wendt, Beta Rho

Caitlyn Westfall, Theta Gamma

Alison Needham Wirth, Epsilon Omicron

Kristen Young, Gamma Beta

Jill Iosue Zager, Alpha Nu

Sharon Brown Zeller, Gamma Kappa

Demetra Zouzas, Zeta Upsilon


The distinguished Heritage Society honors all planned giving donors for their support of our mission.

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Revelyn Satterlee Alpaugh, Pi

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Su-Lin Hammond Banks, Gamma Psi

Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota

Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Angi Gose Bevers, Beta Gamma

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Leslie Mehard Brady, Delta Pi

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Amy Keith Buchheit, Beta Xi

Tricia Sczepaniak Casey, Zeta Rho

Amy Chapman, Zeta Gamma

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Rayna Beitzel Coleman, Alpha Alpha

Suzanne Croft, Lambda

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma

Jessica Dowches-Wheeler, Zeta Lambda

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

Stephanie Everett, Epsilon Theta

"SAM!" Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma

Merri Griffis Gibson, Epsilon Theta

Kat Gillan, Alpha Zeta

Lois Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Lynn Hadley Harrington, Iota

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Michelle Pollard Hektor, Beta Delta

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Christi Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Wendy Kirkpatrick, Alpha

Renee Kries, Iota Alpha

Julie Lammel, Alpha Sigma

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa

Brenna Spillane Magliulo, Gamma Xi

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Dee Myers McConville, Beta Gamma

Nancy Marks McCullough, Beta Beta

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell, Gamma Xi

Kellie Deis Parker, Alpha Beta

Jane Kirwan Parks, Alpha Upsilon

Monica Wojdyla Pinson, Epsilon Lambda

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma

Leslie Podboy Roods, Rho

Sandy Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi

Tracy Maurer Sary, Gamma Beta

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Barbara Wolfe Shenk, Alpha Upsilon

Ellen Sigel, Epsilon Epsilon

Emmy Smith, Epsilon Pi

Sandy Peyton Thayer, Beta Gamma

Erika Warneck, Delta Psi

Sue Croad Watson, Delta Kappa

Jean Jensen Wiechmann, Alpha Epsilon

Deb Wilcox, Iota

Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta

Anne Marie Pinto Wilson, Alpha Beta

Tara Buchanan Wisdorf, Beta Pi

Debbie Woodroof, Beta Gamma

Phyllis Smay Wright, Alpha Kappa


Honors Sigmas who have given to the Foundation for 25+ consecutive years.

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Krista Bethke-Peterson, Beta Pi

Doris Roudebush Black, Beta Epsilon

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Cj Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda

"SAM!" Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Carolyn Miller Garofalo, Gamma Rho

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Jackie Paris King, Alpha Phi

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa

Shirley Mowles McKinley, Alpha Upsilon

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Fran Wilhelm Redmon, Alpha Nu

Ann Hammond Seymour, Gamma Mu

Dixie Cremeans Shelton, Alpha Alpha

Bobbi Walker Smith, Alpha Epsilon

Kathy Heinen Thoren, Beta Lambda

Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta


Based on total lifetime cumulative giving, these donors are honored when they reach a new plateau within a fiscal year.

Williams Society ($250,000)

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa

Watkins Society ($150,000)

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Dixie Cremeans Shelton, Alpha Alpha

Scott Society ($100,000)

Linda Clayton, Omicron "SAM!" Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Michie Society ($75,000)

Cj Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda

Stephani Hirsch Hoch, Beta Chi

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski, Epsilon Delta

Merrick Society ($50,000)

Shirley Mowles McKinley, Alpha Upsilon

Stephanie Sabol Strom, Beta Iota

Featherston Society ($25,000)

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta

Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Angi Gose Bevers, Beta Gamma

Marie Taylor Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Tracey Horton Daniels, Alpha Theta

Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma

32 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Stephanie Everett, Epsilon Theta

Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Lisa Koeller, Gamma Alpha

Susie Fink Kuhn, Beta Gamma

Allissa Smith Leach, Gamma Mu

Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Katie Cullen McGoey, Epsilon Epsilon

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Heather Mergler Mitchell, Epsilon Xi

Marie Androsevic Rees, Delta Xi

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Katie Henke Scherping, Beta Alpha

Courtney Stone-Plamp, Alpha Psi

Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma

Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron

Davis Society ($10,000)

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi

Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Vicki Wellman Bird, Nu

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Leslie Mehard Brady, Delta Pi

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins, Epsilon Omicron

Kathryn Ashton Carlson, Zeta Beta

Vivian Bryant Carter, Beta Phi

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Reatha Cole Cox, Alpha Zeta

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

Berta Flath, Kappa

Susan Poe Flowers, Kappa

Jackie Williams Goreham, Alpha Psi

Lois Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Michelle Pollard Hektor, Beta Delta

Donna Grogan Herndon, Alpha Chi

Polly Wingfield Horne, Rho

"Purple Kay" Curtis Hunsaker, Sigma

Jeanne Johnson, Alpha Iota

Christi Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Joey Koenig, Theta Delta

Renee Kries, Iota Alpha

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

Laura Manthey, Gamma Lambda

Jane Rowan Mindt, Beta Iota

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell, Gamma Xi

Beth Caldwell Moore, Alpha Chi

Nora Eyre Moushey, Kappa

Karen Chambers O'Connell, Gamma Psi

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel, Alpha Chi

Lori Pettyjohn, Epsilon Nu

Lorin Phillips, Alpha Upsilon

Melissa Pizzo, Beta Kappa

Renee Ethier Pope, Epsilon Eta

Linda Hunter Porter, Alpha Epsilon

Yvette Wheeler Pue, Chi

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Fran Wilhelm Redmon, Alpha Nu

Lori Hoover Richard, Beta Delta

Sharon Hines Rockwell, Iota

Elna Adams Rogers, Beta Rho

Sandy Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi

Tracy Maurer Sary, Gamma Beta

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Kate Kaczmarek Schuch, Beta Tau

Ann Hammond Seymour, Gamma Mu

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Amy Skinner, Eta Nu

Emmy Smith, Epsilon Pi

Donna Spencer, Alpha Epsilon

Charlotte Thompson Suhler, Alpha Nu

Carol Gregory Swango, Alpha Psi

Constance Swank, Kappa

Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi

Lori Yokich Taylor, Omicron

Darlene Chadwick Thibodeau, Beta Phi

Catherine Ursprung, Alpha Nu

Katie Lauer Wadington, Epsilon Xi

Connie Watts, Alpha Zeta

Deb Wilcox, Iota

Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta

Alison Needham Wirth, Epsilon Omicron

Batten Society ($5,000)

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Gabrielle Bowser Allnutt, Delta Chi

Susan Buche Ayers, Mu

Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon

Kay Marquardt Beaty, Kappa

Marge Wozniak Behm, Alpha Psi

Barbara Stichler Bonapfel, Rho

Jennifer Mitteer Bookspan, Epsilon Gamma

Danielle Oxford Boshart, Epsilon Theta

Mary Brillhart, Beta Rho

Cynthia Young Brown, Alpha Gamma

Amy Keith Buchheit, Beta Xi

Mary Bussone-Neam, Beta Tau

Jo Candy, Alpha Iota

Catherine Panarese Combs, Gamma Xi

JoAnn Burke Conley, Beta Mu

Suzanne Croft, Lambda

Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma

Kaki Eads Garard, Epsilon Xi

Pat Mikson Gaskins, Beta Phi

Janet Rogers Gonzales, Iota Alpha

Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma

Diane Mahal Hemker, Gamma Nu

Bonita Hix, Beta Kappa

Rhonda Regouffre Hodo, Alpha Zeta

Allison Mitchell Hucks, Zeta Chi

Desiree Paulhamus Jackson, Alpha Omicron

Kathy Miller Jackson, Gamma Alpha

Linda LaFontaine Jenkins, Gamma Lambda

Donna Ricchiardi Johnson, Alpha Psi

Pam Snyder Johnson, Gamma Lambda

Angela David Jonker, Alpha Chi

Kim Haelfrisch Katz, Epsilon Kappa

Michelle Terry Keller, Alpha Mu

Jackie Paris King, Alpha Phi

Kathy Rayburn Kopperud, Alpha Chi

TC Crogan Krajnak, Epsilon Kappa

Christine Perry LaBarge, Beta Kappa

Honey Leas, Beta Kappa

Jacque Devine Lewis, Beta Gamma

Mary Sawicki Lovell, Beta Lambda

Karen Cartwright Lowerr, Beta Pi

Stella Luo, Epsilon Sigma

Brenna Spillane Magliulo, Gamma Xi

Nancy Stevens Mancuso, Zeta Alpha

Joana Gallo Marsteller, Iota Alpha

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Nancy May, Alpha Upsilon

Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta

Ruth Abernethy McCreary, Delta Alpha

Nancy Marks McCullough, Beta Beta

Mandy Herbeck McGuire, Beta Xi

Charlotte Moore, Alpha Epsilon

Margaret Moore, Alpha Upsilon

Pat Repass Nichols, Alpha Alpha

Diane Lippold Niebling, Beta Xi

Jeanne Ruane Nissen, Mu

Susan O'Reilly, Delta Upsilon

Jane Kirwan Parks, Alpha Upsilon

Micheleigh Middleton Perez, Kappa

Phyllis Truckenbrodt Prange, Gamma Alpha

Andrea Patterson Provenzano, Beta Upsilon

Amanda Rainey, Beta Xi

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Jean Ratcliff, Kappa

Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma

M. Eileen Spencer Schafer, Alpha Xi

Jill Carlson Schmidt, Epsilon Omicron

Rebecca Neal Schneidt, Beta Gamma

Nancy Gordon Shoemate, Beta Epsilon

Helen Sharrett Shull, Beta Gamma

Tracy Rodgers Sklarin, Epsilon Theta

Yvonne Slavich, Beta Nu

Bobbi Walker Smith, Alpha Epsilon

Marci Barge Smith, Beta Kappa

Chris McCrory Smithhisler, Iota Alpha

Shawna Cupples Speer, Epsilon Zeta

Molly Schroeder Steadman, Chi

Angie Stockstill, Alpha Mu

Barb Stoe Stone, Beta Tau

Kristen Webster Story, Zeta Theta

Mary Tobin, Beta Epsilon

Holly Trembczynski, Alpha Psi

Laura Beitz Turk, Alpha Theta

Rachel Dachroeden VanDernoot, Beta Xi

Frankie Ritter Wainwright, Kappa

Carolyn Copley Wake, Alpha Upsilon

Paula Sutherland Wallace, Epsilon Zeta

Kate Gaston Walls, Alpha Chi

Winnie Wilson Warner, Alpha Beta

Donielle Gaubert Watkins, Alpha Mu

Mary Webster, Beta Kappa

Dottie Anspach Wewe, Beta Phi

Jean Jensen Wiechmann, Alpha Epsilon

Lauri Dunn Wingenroth, Beta Kappa

Marinda Coultas Wood, Beta Epsilon

Michelle Moody Wrick, Alpha Rho

Jill Iosue Zager, Alpha Nu

Jan Weaver Zeipen, Gamma Phi

33 | Tri Sigma Foundation

chapter support

Alumnae and collegiate chapters host philanthropic events across the country to support the Tri Sigma Foundation through monetary donations. The Foundation is proud to recognize the following groups for gifts made from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.


Legacy Club ($25,000 and up)

Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Laurel Club ($15,000–$19,999)

Alpha Chi–Murray State University

Eta Omicron–Sam Houston State University

Steadfast Club ($10,000–$14,999)

Alpha Beta–Kent State University

Gamma Pi–Nicholls State University

Eta Tau–Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Founders Club ($5,000–$9,999)

Beta Epsilon–Western Illinois University

Gamma Beta–East Carolina University

Gamma Lambda–University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Delta Beta–Elon University

Delta Psi–St. Joseph's University

Walton Club (2,500–$4,999)

Nu–University of Central Missouri

Alpha Upsilon–James Madison University

Alpha Phi–Central Michigan University

Beta Beta–Missouri State University

Gamma Mu–Southeastern Louisiana University

Delta Chi–University of Virginia

Epsilon Phi–UNC Wilmington

Zeta Kappa–Montclair State University

Theta Alpha–High Point University

Theta Iota–Auburn University

Violet Club ($1,000–$2,499)

Alpha–Longwood University

Lambda–Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Chi–Pittsburg State University

Psi–Marshall University

Alpha Alpha–Concord University

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Beta Alpha–Northern Illinois University

Beta Mu–University of Central Oklahoma

Beta Xi–Southeast Missouri State University

Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin-Stout

Beta Tau–University of Detroit Mercy

Delta Omicron–Gettysburg College

Delta Upsilon–Widener University

Epsilon Gamma–Grand Valley State University

Epsilon Eta–East Stroudsburg University

Epsilon Nu–UNC Greensboro

Epsilon Omicron–Illinois State University

Epsilon Rho–Minnesota State University, Mankato

Epsilon Chi–Northeastern University

Zeta Psi–College of New Jersey

Eta Chi–University of Missouri

Theta Delta–Lindenwood University

Theta Kappa–University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Circle Club ($500–$999)

Omicron–Eastern Michigan University

Alpha Epsilon–Northwest Missouri State University

Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University

Alpha Xi–University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

Alpha Psi–Eastern Illinois University

Beta Delta–Shepherd University

Beta Upsilon–Pennsylvania State University

Gamma Iota–University of Massachusetts

Gamma Xi–Barton College

Delta Zeta–Bloomsburg University

Zeta Alpha–Bryant University

Zeta Eta–Winona State University

Eta Kappa–Texas Woman's University

Eta Sigma–Culver-Stockton College

Theta Epsilon–University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Triangle Club ($250–$499)

Pi–Emporia State University

Alpha Rho–Lock Haven University

Gamma Zeta–Slippery Rock University

Epsilon Zeta–Southern Arkansas University

Epsilon Kappa–University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Epsilon Tau–Saint Leo University

Epsilon Upsilon–Marist College

Epsilon Psi–Rochester Institute of Technology

Zeta Pi–Virginia Wesleyan University

Eta Beta–Newberry College

Eta Lambda–Moravian University

Eta Xi–Ursinus College

Eta Upsilon–University of Lynchburg

Theta Theta–Oakland University

Theta Mu–Randolph-Macon College

34 | Tri Sigma Foundation

Arc Club ($100–$249)

Alpha Pi–PennWest, Clarion

Beta Theta–University of Pittsburgh

Gamma Rho–PennWest Edinboro

Delta Eta–University of Southern Indiana

Epsilon Delta–Gannon University

Epsilon Epsilon–Stockton University

Epsilon Theta–Oglethorpe University

Epsilon Iota–St. Mary's University

Epsilon Pi–Presbyterian College

Zeta Gamma–Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Zeta Theta–Idaho State University

Zeta Tau–Missouri Western State University

Eta Theta–Gustavus Adolphus College

Eta Nu–Ramapo College of New Jersey

Eta Rho–Georgia Southern–Armstrong Campus

Friends of Sigma ($1–$99)

Epsilon Alpha–Cal State University, East Bay

Eta Pi–Metropolitan State University of Denver


Walton Club (2,500–$4,999)

Denver Area Alumnae Chapter

Phoenix Alumnae Chapter

Violet Club ($1,000–$2,499)

Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter

Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter

Coastal Area Alumnae Chapter

Long Beach Alumnae Chapter

Nashville Alumnae Chapter

New Orleans Alumnae Chapter

Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter

Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter

Circle Club ($500–$999)

Central Florida Alumnae Chapter

Greater St. Louis Alumnae Chapter

Indianapolis Suburban Alumnae Chapter

Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter

Oklahoma City Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter

Southwest Florida Alumnae Chapter

Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter

Triangle Club ($250–$499)

Dallas Alumnae Chapter

Jersey Shore Alumnae Chapter

Kansas City MO Alumnae Chapter

Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter

Arc Club ($100–$249)

Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter

Lakeland-Winter Haven Alumnae Chapter

San Jose Peninsula Alumnae Chapter

Sarasota-Manatee Alumnae Chapter

Southern WV Alumnae Chapter

Southwest Florida Alumnae Chapters

Friends of Sigma ($1–$99)

Central Michigan Alumnae Chapter

Metro Washington Alumnae Chapter

Lafayette Alumnae Chapter

NE Florida Alumnae Chapter

Pinellas County Alumnae Chapter

San Diego Alumnae Chapter

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our members. Your support funds leadership programs, scholarships, and important causes serving children. Join us April 19–20 as we honor and celebrate Margaret, Louise, Martha, Isabella, Sallie, Lelia, Elizabeth, and Lucy for 1 day, 8 hours and 98 minutes.

On April 20, 1898, a sisterhood emerged from the dreams and determination of eight visionary young women in Farmville, Virginia. This year, we celebrate 126 years of sisterhood and look to the future of Tri Sigma.

35 | Tri Sigma Foundation
Empower the future with a gift at 0 donate.trisigma.org/Founders

difference making a


It's never been easier to make an impact on the lives of our members. Because we are a 501(c)(3) public charity, your gifts support the leadership development, scholarship, and philanthropic initiatives of Tri Sigma, and may provide a tax benefit. Here's how:



Use your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, or ACH/eCheck to make a gift at 0 trisigma.org/donate


Call 540-459-4212 or mail to: Tri Sigma Foundation 207 N. Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664


1Join the Steadfast Giving Club by signing up to make a recurring gift. Visit 0 trisigma.org/donate and click Join Steadfast. It saves you time and maximizes impact by reducing fundraising costs.


Wish someone happy birthday, honor a chapter leader at an event, or send a little happy to brighten someone's day. Each $5 gift helps fund the greatest areas of need. Learn more at 0 violettributes.com


Ask your employer's human resources department if they match charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees.


Be a challenge donor or ambassador for our 5th annual Founders Day of Giving in April. Inspire others to give and help us reach our goal!


Establish a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), donate stock or a non-cash appreciated asset, or make an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Consult your financial or investment advisor for more information.


Designate the Foundation as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan, savings bond, bank account, or life insurance policy. Make a planned gift that returns fixed or flexible income to you or others.

To learn how you can support the next generation of women leaders, visit 0 trisigmafoundation.org or contact us at 0 foundation@trisigma.org

36 | Tri Sigma Foundation

207 North Muhlenberg St. Woodstock, VA 22664-1424

p: 540.459.4212

sigma@trisigma.org | trisigma.org


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