3 minute read
From the President

We were Sigma proud as we gathered in Norfolk, Virginia, in June to celebrate 124 years of sisterhood! More than 450 gathered—in person!— after a few long years of separation. I am humbled and honored to have been elected National President. I promise to represent you to the best of my ability and always keep our values at the forefront of my service.
Your delegates served you well and with pride by conscientiously casting their votes on your behalf. Our staff outdid themselves in preparation for the event, making everything smooth sailing for our convention body. Read more about convention and meet your new Executive Council in the recap on pages 12-16.
We also paid tribute to our retiring Executive Council members, including former National President Natalie Moore Averette, former National Treasurer Ann DeCecco Rutkowski and former National Vice Presidents Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel and Heather Cruz. We thank them and appreciate all the contributions they have made to our beloved Tri Sigma.
We have much to look forward to in the coming triennium! In April, we will celebrate our 125th anniversary in Longwood, Virginia—where it all began. If you are able, we do hope you will attend and “meet us at the clock.” You won’t want to miss it! Plans are already underway for our next triennial convention in St. Louis in three short years—and Executive Council has much work to do in the meantime!
As I close my first letter to you as our National President, I want to reiterate a sentiment mentioned in my President’s Charge at convention. We, as Sigmas, treasure our values of faith, hope, power, wisdom, and love. For the coming triennium, I hope we embellish those values by adding the word PRIDE!
As an organization, we have so much to be proud of. From each individual member who makes up our broad, diverse body of women to the organization we hold dear, our membership experience is a true representation of our values. I hope you will take time to watch our most recent State of Our Sisterhood linked on page 6 and review the results of our Membership Experience Assessment on page 8.
We each have our own unique Sigma experience to share with others. As we recount our lives as Tri Sigmas and what that membership has meant to each of us individually, it is my hope we do so with utmost pride. Being a Tri Sigma is a gift we all share, and I encourage you to multiply it by inviting others to join us to share that gift.
In our bonds,
Joyce Newcom O’Daniel., National President
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This adorable moment was captured at the Alpha Chi Chapter at Murray State University. Led by collegiate members Sydni Harvey and Madalyn Wyss, Alpha Chi alumna and 1961 initiate Donna Grogan Herndon arrived for Bid Day—which also happened to be her birthday. Dressed in head-to-toe purple, “Miss Donna”—as she is known—was surprised with a serenade before the new members arrived.