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Chapter reports submitted by alumnae chapters from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter members were excited to finally gather again since 2019 at a November potluck where they welcomed two new officers, Martha Carol Stewart and Jadan Deshotels. A pilates class and a Founders Day together at SoLou rounded out the year.

Birmingham Alumnae Chapter became an officially chartered chapter in July. President Stacy Rowan, Alpha Xi, attended the 46th National Convention to cast the first official votes on behalf of the chapter. Other officers include Treasurer Carin Pryor, Zeta Nu, Membership and Collegiate Relations Chair Kate Kramer, Theta Iota, Programming and Social Media Chair Lily Lemond, Theta Iota, Foundation and Philanthropy Chair Brenda Hudgins DuVall, Theta Iota, and Alumnae Panhellenic Representative Susette Clark-Walker, Alpha Sigma.

Central Florida Alumnae Chapter hosted their Founders Day celebration in the private Napoleon Room at Tibby’s New Orleans Kitchen. Members shared personal stories and memories of how Tri Sigma has enhanced their life. Each sister was at a different stage of their life, but still enjoyed learning and hearing about each other's Sigma experiences. Sisters also enjoyed several Tri Sigma raffle prizes and a singalong to “You’ve Got a Friend in Me."

Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter held their semesterly book club via Zoom to discuss The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. A virtual meeting was held to discuss convention and install the new alumnae chapter officers. In April, the chapter also participated in the March of Dimes' March for Babies and partnered with the Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter for a Founders Day event in Deer Park.

Cleveland Alumnae Chapter

Coastal Area Alumnae Chapter has followed the COVID-19 roller coaster and all of its ups and downs. Fall began with a visit to Thompson Farms for a family day. Members and their families enjoyed a day full of hay rides, petting zoos, and corn mazes. CAAC members always enjoy commemorating each other's milestone achievements, including Margaret Robinson Buttrick who they surprised with her 50th anniversary pin. Members give back during the holiday season by gathering items for baby bags for NICU moms and packing them into brown paper bags with a purple ribbon. The bags contain essential items—like toothpaste and shampoo—that mothers may not be able to grab if rushed to the hospital.

Fort Wayne Alumnae Chapter gathered at Don Hall’s Gas House in February to observe their belated 75th anniversary (+2). Members reviewed old song books, historical pieces, and collegiate memorabilia brought by several members. It seemed fitting that violets correspond with the month of February and were a prominent feature at their shared table. In April, eight members gathered for a Founders Day brunch hosted by Margaret DeLand Neuhauser, Gamma Delta. Four Golden Violets were in attendance, including Margaret and Joyce Reinhard Daglow, Gamma Delta, who received their honors during the event.

Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter had an exciting year filled with a mix of in-person and virtual events. The group (finally!) met in person for a delicious BBQ brunch, and members enjoyed reconnecting and meeting new faces after so much time apart. GLAAC met in September for a tour of the UCLA Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden. President Karyn Poznick, Epsilon Xi, led the walk and shared information about the sculptures and their artists. During the 3rd annual Happy Period Pack Event in October, members packed 60 period packets to donate to the Alexandria House, a local transitional home for women and children. In January, the chapter held its second Virtual Workout Class hosted by Sarica Cohen Klein, Beta Kappa, and a Brunch & Blankets event in March. The group made no-sew knot blankets to donate to the Child Life Department at Valley Presbyterian Hospital made from blankets precut by Philanthropy Chair Lisa Mansueto Burke, Delta Xi. In honor

Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter had a busy year with the March of Dimes of Pittsburgh & Central PA. Members set up a Bubble Zone for a volunteerorganized March for Babies event, and wrote cards to moms-to-be who would be participating in a virtual Military Baby Shower. They also delivered a mamaRoo and gift bags to NICU nurses at two local hospitals for Nurses Week. In lieu of traveling to Pittsburgh for the March for Babies, the chapter participated in a virtual walk during a Founders Day event. Members also celebrated three sisters becoming Golden Violets —Linda Spease, Lambda, Pamela Skillings, Lambda, and Joyce Walter Shaw, Beta Upsilon. Other activities included a craft day, a white elephant holiday gift exchange, and a few informal dinners throughout the year. The chapter was sad to lose Sylvia Breneman Havens, Beta Upsilon, a truly steadfast sister and founding member of the Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter.

Houston Area Alumnae Chapter kicked off the year at Grimaldi's for their September meeting. They participated in Race for the Cure, held a fundraising event at Nice Winery, and celebrated the holidays with an ornament/gift exchange at the home of Julie Baxa Fawdington, Pi. They toasted to Galentines at a February meeting at State Fare Kitchen, and met in March at the Backyard Grille. A Founders Day Luncheon was held at Landry's Seafood House in The Woodlands.

Indianapolis Suburban Alumnae Chapter held a Founders Day celebration and Golden Violet Tea in April. Emceed by Chapter President Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma, the event included presentations by then National President, Natalie Moore Averette. In addition to Alumnae Chapter of the Year and Creative Educational Programming Award, Natalie presented the Emerging Alumna Award to Sierra Craw Schmitt, Iota Alpha, The Emily Gates Achievement Award to Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma, and the Steadfast Alumna Award to Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma. Seven members received their Golden Violets.

Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter began the new year by volunteering at the Harvesters Food Bank. An annual tradition, members and their families filled bags with much-needed food and supplies. Several Sigmas gathered at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art for an afternoon of art, led by museum docent Donna Jones-Clark, Nu. After the tour, Sigmas enjoyed lunch in the museum courtyard. In April, more than 20 women gathered for a “Thank You for being a Sigma Friend” luncheon. Members received gift bags with a key chain, lantern, and a candle to commemorate the event. Special congratulations to Lindsey Baumann, Chi, who represented the chapter at the Woman of the Year Panhellenic Brunch as the Kansas City Woman of the Year.

Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter had a busy year with both virtual and in-person events. Fall events included a potluck supper, wine tasting at a local vineyard, and candy-making. Winter events included a holiday appetizer and ornament exchange, a virtual brunch with entrée contest in January, and the always popular Valentine auction which raised $300 for the March of Dimes. In March, members assembled care packets via Zoom for a local women’s shelter. The chapter gathered in person in April for a Founders Day luncheon. The annual raffle raised $300 for the Foundation. As warm weather returned to Wisconsin, the chapter enjoyed outdoor events, including a horticulture educational speaker and the annual June picnic.
Nashville Alumnae Chapter kicked off their year with a gathering at Arrington Vineyards. In February, members met at Frothy Monkey, and they painted pottery at Brushfire Pottery Studio in March. Founders Day was celebrated with a lovely buffet luncheon at the historic Post House. Members and their families participated in the March for Babies in May and donated more than $1,100 to the March of Dimes and. The chapter was sad to lose Mary Lou Chappell Roberts, Alpha Epsilon, but—at her family's insistence—this Golden Violet's life was celebrated, not mourned. Fellow Golden Violet and Alpha Sigma sister Julie Lammel coordinated an ice cream party to honor Mary Lou’s life and devotion to Sigma, which her family said would have her smiling down from heaven.
New York City Alumnae Chapter started the year with their annual Central Park picnic. They had a special reason to celebrate in October —Jamie Jones, Zeta Kappa, finished cancer treatment and is in remission! In February, they gathered virtually for a Galentines "rom-com" trivia contest. In April, the chapter gathered for the March of Dimes' March for Babies and a belated Founders Day Lunch at Bills Burger Bar. They also held book club meetings throughout the year.
Northeast Ohio Alumnae Chapter was ecstatic to finally see their sisters in person after two years of virtual gatherings! In early fall, several members met for the Kent State Homecoming parade and football game. In November, members met for dinner at the nostalgic Ray's Place. The chapter was excited to co-host Founders Day alongside Alpha Beta–Kent State University in the university's student center. The day was filled with reminiscing, Sigma bingo, a gift basket raffle, and a delicious brunch. Alumnae continued the festivities with a cocktail hour at a local restaurant in Kent. Whether you are originally from Ohio or new to the area, the sisters of the NEO Alumnae Chapter would love to have you join!
Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter gathered with the Metro DC Alumnae Chapter at Michael’s Little Italy in Alexandria, Virginia, to celebrate Founders Day. This was the first in-person gathering since 2019 for both chapters. For the two alumnae initiates, this was their first in-person Founders Day gathering. Eight Golden Violets were in attendance, and two more received the honor. The Founders Day committee, led by President Glennis Webb, Epsilon Pi, planned a wonderful luncheon, program, and raffle, with proceeds benefiting the Foundation. In May, members braved the rain and supported the March of Dimes' March for Babies.
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter had 38 members in attendance celebrate Founders Day in April at the Phoenix City Grille. It was a special day of reconnecting with friends and listening to touching stories from three Golden Violets. Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Chris Perry LaBarge and Cindy Settergren all joined the Beta Kappa–Arizona State University 50 years ago and have been friends ever since. The Emerging Alumna Award was presented to Natasha Parris, Iota Alpha, and the chapter received the Creative Education Programming Award for Critical Thinking Award.
San Francisco-East Bay Alumnae Chapter began the year by electing Kellie Parker, Alpha Beta, as President and Kelly Deis Nethercott, Epsilon Alpha, Treasurer. The chapter partnered with Epsilon Alpha and the San Jose-Peninsula Alumnae Chapter for Founders Day events. Members supported Epsilon Alpha with a “Back to Basics” sisterhood event.

Sarasota-Manatee Alumnae Chapter gathered in April for Founders Day with members from Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, and Southwest Florida alumnae chapters, as well as collegians from Epsilon Tau–St. Leo University. Gail Radcliffe Brown, Beta Upsilon, received the Outstanding Alumna Award and Deborah Leutheuser Young, Alpha Phi, received her Golden Violet. In May, the chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary with an English Tea, and 13 sisters were in attendance, including charter members Fay Krebs Donaldson, Alpha Delta, Allene Hanna Hazeltine, Alpha Xi, and Joan Hackell Wilson, Beta Alpha. The chapter also celebrated Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma, who recently won the Emily Gates Achievement Award.

Southern West Virginia Alumnae Chapter participated in Concord University's Day of Service during the university's alumni weekend in April. Members joined the Alpha Alpha collegiate chapter and spent the morning working on the Sigma Lodge—the only fraternity/sorority facility on campus. The spring cleaning allowed collegiate and alumnae members to spend time together while serving both the sorority and the university.

Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders Day alongside collegiate members from Beta Pi– University of Wisconsin-Stout, Zeta Eta–Winona State University, Epsilon Rho - Minnesota State University Mankato, Gamma Lambda–University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire, Eta Theta–Gustavus Adolphus College at the Minneapolis Golf Club in April. Members enjoyed brunch, speakers and a silent auction that raised more than $800 for the Tri Sigma Foundation.
Denver Area Alumnae Chapter Centennial

The Denver Area Alumnae Chapter held its rescheduled Centennial Celebration banquet on Feb. 5, in honor of the chapter’s 100th anniversary on Feb. 12, 2021. Fifty alumnae and collegiate members of Eta Pi–Metropolitan State University gathered in person for the chapter’s first major event since 2019. The decor celebrated the many awards, memorabilia—including handmade items from the 1971 Denver Convention—and special recognitions earned by individual members and the alumnae chapter. Proclamations recognizing the Denver Area Alumnae Chapter by the State of Colorado and the City of Denver were centrally displayed as testament to the longevity and importance of the occasion. Centerpieces and favors highlighted the state flower and purple violets. Special sticker purchases provided entry into a drawing for various prizes, including donated jewelry from former and current chapter members. Nearly $550 was raised for a special gift for the Walton House in just 20 minutes! Greetings were sent from former National President Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota, the only Tri Sigma to hold the distinguished role of National Panhellenic Conference Chairman to date. Guest of Honor Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta, noted the chapter’s national reputation for dedication to community service and each other. Alpha Gamma Chapter President Kay Holt Lanum spoke to the values and rewards of sisterhood, Joanne Ronnfeldt Detary, Iota, shared wonderful and fun memories of earlier years of the chapter, and Kay Curtis Hunsaker, Sigma, provided a summary of philanthropic and fundraising contributions to Colorado Children's Hospital, including the Tri Sigma Playroom at its South Campus and gifts to the Colorado Springs campus. Kay Hunsaker also received her Golden Violet, and her “big sis” Jan Brown Reed, Sigma, assisted in facilitating the ceremony to recognize her 50th year in Tri Sigma. Needless to say, it was a beautiful and meaningful celebration of 100 years (+1!) of incredible sisterhood!

After postponing the trip twice due to COVD-19, 15 alumnae from Chi Chapter at Pittsburg State University—who all lived in the sorority house in the late 1970s— traveled to Jamaica for a fantastic getaway at Golden Clouds Villa.

In June, 34 alumnae from Mu Chapter at Truman State University gathered in the St. Louis area to celebrate 50 years of sisterhood. The group represented members from all over the United States who initiated between 1968 and 1974.
Congratulations to the following alumnae chapters and individuals for outstanding achievement during 2021-22:
ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF THE YEAR: Indianapolis Suburban
EMERGING ALUMNA: Jesse Malone, Eta Kappa, Natasha Parris, Iota Alpha, Sierra Craw Schmitt, Delta Eta, & Samantha Shaleen Walton, Zeta Chi
EMILY GATES ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma
OUTSTANDING ALUMNA AWARD: Gail Radcliffe Brown, Beta Upsilon, Holly Jacobs Legg, Zeta Chi, Nancy Sauer Mann, Beta Gamma, & Karyn Poznick, Epsilon Xi
OUTSTANDING ADVISOR: Susan Poe Flowers, Kappa, Advisor for Theta Zeta; Jacqueline McLamore Crew, Alpha Zeta, Advisor for Alpha Zeta; Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi, Advisor for Theta Theta; & Susan Marie Sullivan, Alpha Advisor for Alpha