6 minute read
Sisterhood by the Sea
More than 400 Sigmas gathered in Norfolk, Virginia, in June for the 46th National Convention
For most attendees, the 2022 National Convention was their first major in-person Sigma event in more than two years—and the excitement was evident. Registration began at 1 p.m., but attendees flooded into the registration area to pick up their packets and shop at the Sigma Mall as soon as the doors opened.
The Heritage Walk and other photo backdrops were stationed around the Marriott Waterside and almost immediately began appearing on social media under the hashtags #SigmasByTheSea and #TriSigmaConvention.
Optional pre-conference sessions for those interested included learning more about March of Dimes advocacy opportunities, meeting NHQ's Member Experience Team, exploring issues surrounding implicit bias in sorority culture, and a gathering for first-time attendees.
The Foundation was on hand to visit with donors, collect and distribute Violet Tributes and collect children's books to donate to the March of Dimes' Military Baby Shower. Attendees were encouraged to bring a book or order online—and they did not disappoint. More than 500 books were collected and donated on our behalf.
In addition to various retail vendors, the Sigma Mall offered free professional headshots courtesy of Lumatic's PopCam technology, as well as an area where members could visit with a representative from the March of Dimes.
A welcome party—complete with a taco bar, dancing, and 360 photo booth—gave members a chance to see old friends and meet new ones before the time-honored Hanging of the Shields. Convention Meeting Planner Celinda Miranda-LaBella, Zeta Epsilon, officially welcomed attendees and presented the gavel to outgoing National President Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta.
After each chapter was presented, author Kendra Adachi shared her Lazy Genius ways in the keynote address. As a systems expert and professional permission giver, Kendra helps others stop “doing it all” and to rather focus on doing what matters. Attendees were thrilled to receive a gifted copy of her book.
Day two began with educational sessions, including a variety of programming opportunities for collegiate and alumnae chapter leaders, volunteers, and more.
The Foundation welcomed all attendees to the Pearl Celebration Luncheon to honor annual and lifetime donors and present the State of the Foundation. Celebration began as triennial awards were presented and Board Chair JeanMarie Komyathy, Gamma Kappa, announced the Foundation's first $1 million donation. Learn more about this remarkable gift on page 32.
Following the Executive Council Processional, the afternoon business session was called to order. Part one of the 0 State of Our Sisterhood provided a by-thenumbers look at the past triennium with both a video and remarks from the National President.
Executive Council nominations were made from the floor, and members participated in fervent discussion regarding pending legislation.
During the annual Laurels Banquet, members dressed in their school colors as individual and chapter awards were presented. See page 16 for a full list of award winners.
Day three began with Circle Degree and Triangle Degree. A memorial service was held to honor members who had passed into Omega Chapter during the past triennium, including past National President Diana Hornick Sarber, Beta Mu, and past National Vice President Marilynn Schmitt Kinsella, Alpha Xi.
Official business resumed with the Honor Initiate Badge Presentation. Collegiate Honor Initiate Gabriella Lacheney, Alpha Zeta, was nominated by her chapter at Northwestern State University. Alumna Honor Initiate, Rebecca Southerland Moore of Virginia, was initiated as a member of the Gamma Beta Chapter.
Traditionally, the Alumna Honor Initiate wears the badge of Emily Lewis Lee, a 1940 initiate from the Alpha Upsilon Chapter; however, it was revealed that Rebecca had been initiated wearing her daughter Natalie's personal National President badge.
During part two of the State of Our Sisterhood, members were given an inside look at the impact the global pandemic had on Tri Sigma—both as a national organization and on the chapter level. While there were many unexpected challenges, there were also unexpected opportunities.
“While some of the language and experiences have changed over the past three years, at the core, sorority is still about creating friendships, seeking opportunities for personal development, and life-long sisterhood,” said Natalie in the address.
The business meeting recessed long enough for members to enjoy a 125th Anniversary Kickoff Luncheon to ring in our quasquicentennial year. Courtney Stone, Alpha Psi, announced a special event taking place April 22, 2023, at Longwood University—home of our Alpha Chapter. A commemorative replica of the 1903 badge was announced, and more than 100 attendees lined up in hopes of securing one of the limited edition pieces from Herff Jones.
Business resumed with election of the 2022-25 Executive Council. Due to time restraints, some legislation items were sent to committee and agenda items, including the third installment of the State of our Sisterhood and proclamations, were postponed for later release.
Convention came to a close with the installation of our new Executive Council members and the Festival of Lights. Retiring board members were recognized and the incoming council was installed. The banquet closed with members singing “Stately and Royal” by candlelight.
Members were sent home with mini ooey gooey butter cakes as part of the location announcement of the 47th National Convention to be held in St. Louis in 2025.

2022-25 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL National Vice Presidents Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta; Crystal Jones, Zeta Pi; Lauren Moran, Gamma Rho; National President Joyce Newcom O’Daniel, Alpha Chi; National Treasurer Bonnie Rainey, Alpha Sigma; National Vice President Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron; and Ex-Officio, NPC Delegate Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho. Learn more about these women 0 here.

A GOLDEN GATHERING With the help of the local tourist bureau and the hotel’s convention planner, Past National Vice President and current Golden Violet Coordinator Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta, set out to make convention even more special for Golden Violets, including early arrival for some pre-convention quality time together.

Thanks to Lumatic Imagery, nationwide composite and event photography company, for providing convention photography and one of their signature PopCam headshot booths.