Your Impact - September 2018

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Delivering Me to the Doorstep of Opportunity


hanks to donors like you the Tri Sigma Foundation provides annual graduate and undergraduate scholarships to deserving alumnae and collegians. The rising cost of education adds difficulty and stress to those trying to further their education. Our scholarship program helps to ease that financial burden. For the 2017-2018 school year the Tri Sigma Foundation awarded scholarships to 24 women. One of the recipients, Selma Ducanovic, shares what this meant for her: “The scholarships that are provided by the generous donors take a weight off the shoulders of so many sisters who are working their hardest to stay in school but are doubtful because of financial constraints. Personally, getting a scholarship was an assurance that Sigma Sigma Sigma believed in me and had my back. It was a tremendous help to me and my family and I’m very honored to have received it. Being someone who immigrated

to the United States with my parents when I was two years old, I watched them struggle through many difficult situations and sacrifice so much to deliver me and my siblings to the doorstep of opportunity. They’ve gotten me here, now the baton has been passed to me, and it’s my turn to take every opportunity presented to me in order to help my family. I am a strong believer in women coming together to lift each other up and help each other be the best they can be. I feel like this scholarship and Tri Sigma has truly done that for me. Since I’ve joined Tri Sigma, I’ve seen my grades improve, my shyness deteriorate and my character morph into something much better than it was. Tri Sigma will always be a part of me. To the people that make these scholarships possible, I want to say thank you. In the future I hope to take the values of wisdom, power, faith, hope, and love and carry them with me through everything I do - whether that be furthering my studies or in the charity that I’m hoping to form one day in Bosnia.”

Selma Ducanovic, Alpha Delta at Drexel University Emily Lewis Lee Scholarship ‘17-’18 Recipient For a full list of the 2018-2019 scholarship recipients, visit Do you know a Sigma sister who should apply for a foundation scholarship? Deadline for 2019-2020 Foundation scholarship applications will be February 28, 2019.

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