living wage FOUNDATION
branding guidelines
living wage contents
contents 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
the logo (print) the logo (web) the logo as a sticker the logo position the logo isolation area colours fonts typography
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
website preview rules of the website case study template rules of the case study
living wage the logo
logo ( maximum print)
living wage FOUNDATION
the logo should be a maximum of 76mm x 18mm, this is to make sure that the relationship between the two different parts of the logo isn’t lost.
logo ( minimum print)
living wage FOUNDATION
the logo should be a minimum of 38mm x 9mm, this is to make sure that the logo is still legible and maintains its design.
secondary logo ( maximum print)
the secondary logo should be a maximum of 40mm x 33mm, this is to make sure that the block colours don’t overpower the text within.
secondary logo ( minimum print)
the secondary logo should be a minimim of 25mm x 20mm, this is to make sure the design is both legible and can still be seen.
living wage the logo
logo ( maximum web)
living wage FOUNDATION
the logo should be a maximum of 287px x 68px, this is to make sure that the relationship between the two different parts of the logo isn’t lost, and also makes sure the logo doesn’t dominate the content.
logo ( minimum web)
living wage FOUNDATION
secondary logo ( maximum web)
the logo should be a minimum of 143px x 34px, this is to make sure that the logo is still legible and maintains its design. It also means you don’t strain your eyes trying to figure out what it is.
the secondary logo should be a maximum of 151px x 124px, this is to make sure that the block colours don’t overpower the text within.
secondary logo ( minimum web)
lw 94px
the secondary logo should be a minimim of 94px x 75px, this is to make sure the design is both legible and isn’t lost in the background
living wage the logo as a sticker
logo as a sticker ( maximum size)
the logo as a sticker should be a maximum of 105mm x 86mm, this is to make sure that the block colours don’t become too overpowering.
logo as a sticker ( minimum size)
the logo as a sticker should be a minimum of 40mm x 33mm, this is to make sure that the logo is still legible and maintains its design.
logo as a sticker ( rules) the logo as a sticker should be placed straight, and never on a slant; this is to maintain the effect of the italic text and also to keep the grid effective.
living wage the logo position
logo position
living wage FOUNDATION
the logo can be positioned in the top and bottom corners of the page, and also in the centre, anywhere else will ruin the balance of the page in which its on, and also the balance of the logo.
living wage the logo isolation area
logo isolation area 10mm
10mm 10mm
living wage FOUNDATION
10mm(38px) 10mm
10mm 10mm
lw 10mm(38px)
10mm 10mm
once the logo is positioned a minimum of 10mm(38px) must be isolated on each edge of the logo, this is to improve legibility and make sure that the logo stays as effective and clear as it is when it’s used on its own.
living wage colours
colours (main logo)
living wage FOUNDATION
main logo text PANTONE 541C PANTONE 3305C PANTONE 216C PANTONE 569C PANTONE 7408C
secondary logo text PANTONE Cool Gray 9C mono Black (incl. shades) White
the logo should be used in Pantone 541C and Pantone Cool Gray 9C wherever it can be, but if this isn’t possible, one of the other colours can be used. The word ‘foundation’ should be kept in Pantone Cool Gray 9C unless it’s impossible, if this does occur a lighter shade of the colour used in ‘living wage’ may be used.
colours (secondary logo) the secondary logo and sticker should again be used in Pantone 541C wherever it can be, unless it no longer serves the purpose in this colour. If this occurs one of the other colours may be used.
lw colours for quadrants PANTONE 541C PANTONE 3305C PANTONE 216C PANTONE 569C
rules for quadrants 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
25% Opacity 50% Opacity 75% Opacity 100% Opacity
PANTONE 7408C PANTONE 519C Black (incl. shades)
living wage fonts
typeface for main text (12-21pt) Gill Sans Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzßæoeABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS
typeface for headers and highlights (12-21pt) Goudy Old Style Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzßæoeABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZÆOE&0123456789*#@+<=>’”÷±%‰ ?£$ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹ ›·‚„!?¿¡(/)[\]{|}®©TMÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙ
the typeface used to set running text should be Gill Sans Light, and should ideally be Pantone Cool Gray 9C unless this doesn’t serve purpose. The headers and highlights text colour should always match that of the logo, so for example if ‘living wage’ was set in Pantone 541C, the headers and highlights would be set in the same colour.
living wage typography
heading style headings should be set in Goudy Old Style Italic 21pt, this is so they are clear yet not overpowering. Another thing that should be added to improve clarity is a 1pt straight line in Pantone Cool Gray 9C 2mm(7px) below the header. This seperates the run ning text from the header in a consistent manner through all publications. An example can be seen below.
to again improve clarity and legibility running text should have leading that abides by
leading = font size + 4pt
living wage website preview
website screen shots home
our work
living wage website rules
website rules
sign up
in the navigation section of the website the page that you are currently on should be set in Goudy Old Style Italic, in 18pt, as opposed to the 14pt Gill Sans Light used for the rest of the navigation.
the “sign up” button should be put into the bottom right of each page containing running text. On the home page the button goes against this rule due to it upsetting the balance of the page if its put there.
“An idea who’s time has come” David Cameron
quotes should be set in Goudy Old Style Italic, with the quote being written in the same colour as the ‘living wage’ is written in. The name of the person who has said the quote should be in Pantone Cool Gray 9C
living wage case study template
case study template
living wage case study rules
case study rules
living wage FOUNDATION
Living Wage Foundation Citizens UK Head Office 112 Cavell Street, London, E1 2JA 020 7043 9881
in the address section of the letter, the logo should be put in the top right hand corner, leaving the isolation area clear. The address of the foundations offices should then be put below, in 14pt Gill Sans Light with a 26pt leading to make it very clear.
between the end of the letter, and the printed name of the person sending the letter, six lines should be left blank for a signature to be inked in by hand. This caters for people with larger signatures and also adds an element of trust and class to the publication.
the typeface used to set running text should be Gill Sans Light, and should ideally be Pantone Cool Gray 9C unless this doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t serve purpose, monochrome colours will suffice in this sort of situation, including the colour of the logo.