Proudly presents
Proudly presents
April 20, 2023
Dear Patrons:
Welcome to the 30th Annual Virtual Impact Awards Gala.
The Board of Directors and staff are honored to have you join us to celebrate the remarkable achievements of corporate members and certified minority businesses across our 3-state footprint, which includes Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. We remain the connecting link to profitable and successful business relationships among our stakeholders – locally, regionally and nationally.
Now celebrating three decades, the council is pleased to present this special occasion which celebrates supplier diversity at its best. The TriState Minority Supplier Development Council continues to shape the growth and development of minority businesses. During the presentation, an array of honorees will take center stage as part of this year’s awards presentation.
This occasion is dedicated to honor minority businesses, corporate members, and individuals that have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to a better and more inclusive business marketplace.
Special appreciation is extended to our generous sponsors, who help to make this event possible. The very generous support and commitment gives us the much-needed resources to advance our overarching mission.
This year’s celebratory event also features the TMSDC Education Foundation. Its mission is to recognize outstanding graduating high school students, and to provide scholarships to advance higher education as a result of the generous contributions we receive each year. We are proud to announce that this year’s donors contributed $82,150 toward scholarships which will be presented this evening to 7 notable students. Corporations, minority businesses, and individuals make it all possible. Congratulations to the exceptional scholarship recipients.
Congratulations are extended to all of the award winners. Your devotion to the common purpose of business enterprise, and philanthropy continues to make an indelible impact on our economy and the community-at-large. We extend our thanks to the nominees, production crew, staff, volunteers and all individuals who generously contributed to making this wonderful celebratory event happen.
Thank you for your continued patronage. We hope you will enjoy this special Celebration of Excellence.
Richard Manson, JD CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, TSMSDC CHAIRMAN, CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. PRESIDENT, SOURCEMARK, LLCWe believe mutual respect, cross collaboration and inclusion drive growth and innovation. When you partner with us you join a team that’s equally committed to progressing business and securing a sustainable future. For everyone.
April 20, 2023
Dear Impact Awards Gala Participants:
The Minority Business Enterprise Input Committee (MBEIC) of the TriState Minority Supplier Development Council (TSMSDC) welcomes you to the 2023 Impact Awards Gala. Tonight, we celebrate the many contributions and achievements made by corporations, minority businesses, corporate representatives, individuals and graduating high school seniors.
The MBEIC is the voice of certified MBEs. We work in concert with the TriState council and with other MBEs to integrate ‘best practices’ for growth, success and sustainability. Our goal is to assist MBEs in reaching their full potential, and to authenticate the business case for corporations to realize that supply chain diversity is a strong investment that drives overall business success. It is a win for everyone, most especially for the communities in which we live and serve.
This event spotlights the commitment that minority businesses are making to provide quality products and services to TSMSDC corporate members. Also, MBES are awarding corporate members and supplier diversity professionals that have demonstrated a commitment to the growth and the development of MBEs.
I, along with the MBEIC and its selection committee, extend congratulations to all of the awardees, and thank you for joining us for what promises to be an outstanding ‘Celebration of Excellence’.
FAX: 615.620.0989
TOLL FREE: 877.669.4520
The Impact Awards recognizes the outstanding performance and achievements of the members and affiliates of the TriState Minority Supplier Development Council (TSMSDC) during the past year. The occasion reaffirms our belief in, and support of the future of our youth by awarding scholarships to deserving high school graduating students. Since its inception in 1994, the coveted awards program has become the council’s graduating most anticipated event to businesses and students who have excelled in service and individual achievement. The elegant gala celebrates service and volunteerism, and annually raises funds for the worthwhile programs of TSMSDC, and its Education Foundation.
Each year, the Impact Award is presented in four categories: Corporation of the Year (for distinction in minority business opportunities); Corporate Representative of the Year (for distinction in personal leadership and support of minority businesses); Minority Suppliers of the Year in four categories (for distinction as a viable business and supporter of TSMSDC); and Impact of the Year (for distinction in extraordinary contributions and exclusive influence).
Selection Process: The MBEIC sent business surveys, via the council, to all TSMSDC member corporations. The Corporation of the Year award honors the corporate member who has made outstanding and extraordinary contributions in developing and expanding minority business opportunities. The MBEIC Corporation of the Year Committee reviewed and vetted the surveys submitted based upon the criteria and information received, used segments of the National MBEIC “Best Practices,” and narrowed the responses to the top finalists. The local committee selects and presents the winner of the influential Corporation of the Year.
In contrast, the Corporate Representative of the Year is decided on the basis of popular opinion, garnered through the support of minority businesses affiliated with the council. This award is a tribute to the representative who, through personal leadership, has involved his or her corporation in the implementation and/or expansion of its supplier diversity program and recognizes diversity, equity and inclusion as a business imperative.
The TSMSDC corporate members submit nominations for Minority Suppliers of the Year based on the criteria of a certified minority supplier for distinguished viability, and business acumen in the areas of product, quality, customer service, timely delivery, industry knowledge and professional staff. The votes are tallied and awards are presented.
The Council’s staff selects and presents the highest honor, Impact of the Year Award. The awards signify personal leadership, commitment and extraordinary contributions to TSMSDC.
The TMSDC Education Foundation was officially inaugurated in 1993. Its mission is to provide assistance and support of at-risk graduating high school students who are unable to continue their education beyond high school. Including this year’s recipients, the Education Foundation has awarded $2.4 million in scholarship assistance to 398 high school graduates. These articulate and academically talented students matriculate to colleges, universities and vocational institutions throughout the country.
With multicultural roots, Nissan is committed to providing an inclusive space that encourages innovative ideas from our diverse workforce and supply base. We not only respect, but eagerly welcome, the varied perspectives of these talented men and women. Nissan believes our commitment to our core principles of diversity - fairness, respect and inclusion - is essential to creating quality and innovative products.
Attorney Richard Manson is the president of SourceMark, LLC, a premier provider of innovative products, services and solutions to the healthcare and retail pharmacy industry. Additionally, Manson is of counsel with Manson, Johnson and Conner, LLP, Attorneys at Law, a full-service law firm with a diverse practice encompassing broad areas of the law. His distinguished legal career spans over 31 years, managing a private law practice that includes multi-business collaborations, extensive work nationally and internationally with media conglomerates representing high-profile clients, a successful publisher and author, and university professor. His accomplishments in private practice, along with his broad experience in corporate law, civil rights, mergers and acquisitions, litigation management and complex, strategic business planning, makes him an enviable speaker and conference leader. Previously, he served as general counsel for several prominent institutions, banks, sports enterprises, marketing, entertainment and media holding companies.
He has traveled extensively, and recently became a member of the Society of International Business Fellows, an organization focusing on international commerce and culture. Board affiliations include the TriState Minority Supplier Development Council (TSMSDC), TMSDC Education Foundation, Healthcare Supplier Diversity Alliance, Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association, Nashville General Hospital at Meharry, and the Ethics Committee Chairman of USATF (USA Track and Field). He is the board chairman of Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Company, the only continuous operating minority financial institution in the country, and serves as the Interim Chairman of the TSMSDC Board of Directors. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fisk University, and a Juris Doctorate from Vanderbilt University Law School.
Attorney Manson is a graduate of the Business Executive Management Programs at Amos Tuck at Dartmouth School of Business, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He represented TSMSDC in West and South Africa during a trade mission of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, the New York headquarters of the 23 Supplier Development Councils nationwide.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Master of Ceremonies
Richard Manson, President, SourceMark, LLC Of Counsel, Manson, Johnson, Conner, PLLC Chairman and Legal Counsel, Board of Directors, TSMSDC
Ying McGuire, CEO & President
National Minority Supplier Development Council - New York, New York
Cheri K. Henderson, President & CEO, TSMSDC
Attorney Richard Manson
Entertainment Nashville Jazz Workshop
Presentation of Awards
Corporation of the Year & Corporate Representative of the Year
Warren A. Sawyers, President & CEO, Atlas Management Corporation, MBEIC Chairman, and Sub-Committee Chair, Corporation of the Year, Board of Directors, TSMSDC
Minority Suppliers of the Year – Class I, II, III, IV
Attorney Richard Manson
Impact of the Year
MISSION: The TMSDC Education Foundation was officially inaugurated in 1993. Its mission is two-fold: to provide assistance to at-risk graduating high school students who will contribute to the diversity in higher education, and to remove financial barriers and access to higher education. To date, the foundation has awarded over $2.4 million in scholarship assistance to 398 high school graduates.
UNIQUE NEEDS, UNIQUE SOLUTIONS: The TMSDC Education Foundation fills a void unaddressed by other programs. Its unique focus is to assess academic proficiency, college readiness, and the development of interpersonal skills. Integrity in the selection of scholarship recipients is maintained by the direct involvement of volunteer committee members from corporations, minorityowned businesses, community partners, and individuals.
ALLIANCE: The alliance between the TMSDC Education Foundation and various organizations reaches several high schools throughout Middle Tennessee. The focus is on socio-economically disadvantaged students with the following goals: ease the number of at-risk graduating high school seniors enrolled in institutions of higher learning
Improve the workforce and drop-out rate ease the likelihood of success
Improve social and academic proficiencies ease opportunities among donors and recipients
SUPPORT NEEDED: Education is the key to success. It is through the generous support of corporations, minority businesses, individuals, and community partners that the TMSDC Education Foundation is able to reach out to these most deserving young men and women, with a continuum of financial support, resources, and internships.
Make a difference! Fulfill the dreams for young people to strive toward excellence. Support and promote the growth of minority businesses. If you and/or your organization would like to contribute, please contact the TMSDC Education Foundation at (615) 726-0586. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent by law.
Chancellor - $10,000 and up Professor - $500 - $999
Vice Chancellor - $5,000 - $9,999 Patron - $250 - $499
Department Chair - $1,000 - $4,999 Friend - Up to $249
The award honors the corporate member who has made outstanding and extraordinary contributions in developing and expanding minority business opportunities. The MBEIC sent surveys to all TSMSDC member corporations. The MBEIC Corporation of the Year SubCommittee reviewed the surveys submitted and narrowed the responses to the top three finalists based upon a point system. The Corporation of the Year MBEIC Sub-Committee, vets, selects and presents the winner.
Warren A. Sawyers, President and CEO, Atlas Management Corporation
MBEIC Chairperson, and Board of Directors, MBEIC Corporation of the Year Sub-Committee Chair, TSMSDC
Nashville Electric Service (NES)
Nissan Group of the Americas
Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Trane Technologies
This award is a tribute to the representative who, through personal leadership, has involved his or her company in the implementation and/or expansion of its minority supplier diversity program. Corporate representatives are nominated by the certified minority businesses of TSMSDC.
Warren A. Sawyers, President and CEO, Atlas Management Corporation
MBEIC Chairperson, and Board of Directors, MBEIC Corporation of the Year Sub-Committee Chair, TSMSDC
Lisa Blake – Altria Client Services, LLC
Marilyn Clark – University of Kentucky
Matt Greene – Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Antoine Hinton – Dollar General
KeeKee Mathis – Trane Technologies
Joy Walker – Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD)
Kate Weaver – GE Appliances
The awards recognize the certified minority supplier for distinguished viability and business acumen in the areas of product, quality, customer service, timely delivery, industry knowledge and professional staff. In addition to these qualities, the supplier has supported, through active affiliation, the programs, events and activities of the TSMSDC. Minority Suppliers are nominated by the corporate members of the council.
Class I ($1M & Under)
BC Holdings of TN, LLC (TN)
B-G Innovative Safety Systems (TN)
Bluegrass Construction Operations (KY)
Crayons & Marketers (TN)
Destiny Communications LLC (KY)
Fresh Bourbon Distilling Company, LLC (KY)
Legner Energy Group (KY)
Class II ($1M - $10M)
Cumberland Plastics (TN)
Facilities Maintenance & Services (KY)
JAM Distribution, LLC (KY)
Martina Brothers (KY)
Nimbus (KY)
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC (TN)
Yoshis Industrial Packaging & Supply, LLC (KY)
Class III ($10M - $50M)
Action Facilities Management, Inc. (WV)
Lestar Mineral Development, Inc. (KY)
Premiere Building Maintenance
Corporation (TN)
Scientific Sales, Inc. (TN)
Superior Maintenance Co (KY)
Class IV ($50M +)
Diversified Supply, Inc. (TN)
EnovaPremier, LLC (KY)
Guy Brown (TN)
TKTKonnect, LLC (KY)
V-Soft Consulting Group, Inc. (KY)
This award pays tribute to the individual who, through personal leadership and commitment, has made extraordinary contributions to the TSMSDC. This individual is selected by the TSMSDC staff.
Carla Hendon – Meijer
Shaquanta Locke – Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.
Attorney Richard Manson – SourceMark, LLC
Marcella McCullough – Nissan Group of the Americas
Attorney Kim Stagg – Dickinson Wright, PLLC
Corporation of the Year
Trane Technologies
Corporate Representative of the Year
KeeKee Mathis
Sr. Leader-Supplier Sustainability & Diversity
Trane Technologies
Minority Suppliers of the Year
MCI, LLC (Class I)
Atlas Management Corporation (Class II)
LB Manufacturing (Class III)
Diversified Supply, Inc. (Class IV)
Impact of the Year
Marilyn Clark
Supplier Diversity Manager
University of Kentucky
Corporation of the Year
Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Paul A. Buerkle, Jr.
Senior Program Manager, Supplier Diversity & Development, Supply Chain
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Minority Suppliers of the Year
Winfrey Foods, LLC (Class I)
Cornerstone Engineering, Inc. (Class II) Action Facilities Management, Inc. (Class III)
Guy Brown (Class IV)
Impact of the Year
Nicole Dunigan
Senior Vice President & Financial Advisory
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Due to the COVID pandemic, the Impact Awards did not take place
2019 Corporation of the Year
Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD)
Corporate Representative of the Year
Paul A. Buerkle, Jr.
Senior Program Manager, Supplier Diversity & Development, Supply Chain
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Minority Suppliers of the Year
SealingLife, Inc. (Class I)
Fluent 360, LLC (Class II)
Remar, Inc. (Class III)
EnovaPremier, LLC (Class IV)
Champion of the Year
Robert Kinchen
Former Director Supplier Diversity, Service & Support Purchasing
Nissan North America, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Tera Vazquez
President & CEO
Guy Brown
Corporation of the Year
Nissan North America, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Jackie LaJoie
Supplier Diversity Manager Ingersoll Rand Corporation
Minority Suppliers of the Year
Wingard Quality Supply (Class II)
Premiere Building Maintenance Corporation (Class III)
Guy Brown (Class IV)
Champion of the Year
Stanford T. Williams, Jr.
Vice President, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer
Messer Construction Company
Impact of the Year
Attorney Richard Manson, Esq. President
SourceMark, LLC
Legal Counsel, TSMSDC Board of Directors
Corporation of the Year
Volkswagen Group of America –Chattanooga Operations, LLC
Corporate Representative of the Year
KeeKee Mathis
Supplier Diversity ManagerPurchasing, CP
Volkswagen Group of America –Chattanooga Operations, LLC
Minority Suppliers of the Year
Crowders Trucking (Class I)
Yoshis Industrial Supply (Class II)
Premiere Building Maintenance Corporation (Class III)
Guy Brown (Class IV)
Champion of the Year
Althea Jones
Manager, Supplier Diversity & Development, Supply Chain
Tennessee Valley Authority
Impact of the Year
Jackie LaJoie
Supplier Diversity Manager
Ingersoll Rand
Corporation of the Year
Nissan North America, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Anthony Mathis
Director, Contract Diversity, Special Projects, Norton Healthcare
Minority Suppliers of the Year
AJ Media services, LLC (Class I)
Manufacturing Consulting International (Class II)
Johnson Bryce, Inc. (Class III)
V-Soft Consulting Group (Class IV)
Champion of the Year
Harvey Hoskins
President, Hoskins & Company
Impact of the Year
John Dunn
Senior Client Solutions Manager, Freeman
Corporation of the Year
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, North America, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Bryan Lillard
Supplier Diversity Coordinator
Nashville Electric Service
Minority Suppliers of the Year
Unison Group, LLC (Class I)
SourceMark, LLC (Class II)
Action Facilities Management, Inc. (Class III)
DSSI, LLC (Class IV)
Champion of the Year
Sherri L. Neal
Vice President, Cultural Development & Inclusion
HCA Healthcare
Impact of the Year
Maria Teresa ‘Tera’ Vazquez
President & CEO
Guy Brown
Corporation of the Year
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Davita Taylor, Director, Business
Diversity Development
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority
Minority Suppliers of the Year
U-Kno Catering (Class I)
Hoskins & Company (Class II)
InShuttle Transportation (Class III)
Guy Brown (Class IV)
Champion of the Year
Yvette Porter Manager, Supplier Diversity
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Impact of the Year
M. Kimberly Stagg
Of Counsel
Dickinson Wright, PLLC
Corporation of the Year
Nashville Electric Services (NES)
Corporate Representative of the Year
Sandra Claiborne, C.P.M.
Director – Service & Support Purchasing
Renault Nissan Purchasing Organization
Minority Suppliers of the Year
Diamond Restoration (Class I)
Team Ignition Pancultural Marketing Group (Class II)
Remar Technologies Group, LLC (Class III)
Guy Brown (Class IV)
Impact of the Year
Terriance Moody
Principal Manager
Dream Systems, LLC
Corporation of the Year
Volkswagen Group of America –Chattanooga Operations, LLC
Corporate Representative of the Year
Rodney Creager
Manager, Strategic Sourcing
Bridgestone Americas
Minority Supplier of the Year
Ewing Moving Services & Storage, Inc.
Champion of the Year
Jim Fitzgerald, Jr.
President & CEO
HealthTrust Purchasing Group
Impact of the Year
Emily Benedict
District Sales Manager, TN & KY
Corporation of the Year
Nissan North America, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Almetta Bond
Supplier Diversity Coordinator
Nashville Electric Service
Minority Supplier of the Year
Porter-Walker, LLC
Impact of the Year
Charlotte Peacock
Senior Vice President
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Corporation of the Year
Corporate Representative of the Year
James Threalkill
Senior Director of Corporate Diversity, Skanska USA, Inc.
Minority Supplier of the Year BC Holdings, LLC
Impact of the Year
Keith L. Eakins, Jr.
Supplier Diversity Manager
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. – Chattanooga Operations, LLC
Corporation of the Year
Nashville Electric Service
Corporate Representative of the Year
Reuben Hamilton, Jr.
Manager, Supplier Diversity/ Strategic Sourcing & Procurement CVS Caremark Corporation
Minority Supplier of the Year Scientific Sales, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Tera Vazquez, President Guy Brown Products, LLC
Corporation of the Year
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Almetta Bonds
Supplier Diversity Coordinator Nashville Electric Service
Minority Supplier of the Year
Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Rodney Creager Supplier Diversity Coordinator Bridgestone Americas
Corporation of the Year Johnson Controls, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Rick Jones
Purchasing Manager Cummins Filtration
Minority Supplier of the Year
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC
Impact of the Year
Angela Williams
Manager – Supplier Diversity BellSouth Corporation
Champion of the Year
Mark Isom President Premiere Building Maintenance Corporation, Inc.
Corporation of the Year Fleetguard Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Karen McNair Supplier Diversity Manager Fleetguard Inc.
Minority Supplier of the Year Global Industrial Components, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Warren Sawyers President/CEO
Atlas Management Corporation
Champion Award
Joe Ruberto Joint Venture Partner
Outback Steakhouse
Corporation of the Year Johnson Controls, Inc
Corporate Representative of the Year
Almetta Bonds
Supplier Diversity Coordinator Nashville Electric Service
Minority Supplier of the Year Zycron Computer Services, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Jim Fitzgerald
President & CEO
HealthTrust Purchasing Group Senior VIce President, HCA
2004 Corporation of the Year Johnson Controls, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Titus Martin Supply DIversity Manager Strategic Procurement Johnson Controls, Inc.
Minority Supplier of the Year Premiere Building Maintenance Corporation, Inc.
Impact of the Year (Tie)
Jim Fitzgerald President & CEO, HealthTrust Purchasing Group
Senior VIce President, HCA
Gale Sayers
President, Sayers40, Inc.
Corporation of the Year Advanced Composites, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Benji Holt, Purchasing & Administration Manager Advanced Composites, Inc.
Buyer of the Year
Steve Hammonds Director, Facilities & Services
Support Purchasing
Nissan North America, Inc.
Minority Supplier of the Year
Thomas, Lloyd & Shedrick
Impact of the Year
Rick Mills, President, Fleetguard, Inc. Vice Chairman, Cummins Inc.
Corporation of the Year
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Reginald K. Layton Minority Business Development Director Johnson Controls, Inc.
Buyer of the Year
Tim Partlow Vice President & CFO, HCA
Minority Supplier of the Year Arvie Personnel Services, LLC
Impact of the Year
Jim Fitzgerald President & CEO
HealthTrust Purchasing Group Senior Vice President, HCA
Corporation of the Year
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporate Representative of the Year
Glen Mayer, Corporate Supplier Diversity Director, UPS, Inc.
Buyer of the Year
Timothy Webster Purchasing Manager Cebal Americas
Minority Supplier of the Year Scientific Sales, Inc.
Chairman’s Award for Excellence
Don Kohanski, President & CEO
Nashville Electric Service
Impact of the Year
David Thibodeau, Executive Vice President SunTrust Bank
Corporation of the Year Fleetguard/Nelson Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Rick Gagnard
Director of Indirect Sourcing Fleetguard/Nelson, Inc.
Buyer of the Year
Bill Todd
Regional Procurement Specialist
Tennessee Valley Authority
Minority Supplier of the Year Scientific Sales, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Sheila Hill, Director Business Development Diversity
Square D Company
Corporation of the Year
Bates Fabricating, Inc.
Corporate Representative of the Year
Barbara Lowe
Manager of Minority Affairs
Gaylord Entertainment
Buyer of the Year
Michelle Sweeney
Vice President of Purchasing
First American National Bank
Minority Supplier of the Year
Arvie Personnel Services, LLC
Impact of the Year
Darrel Mogilles, Director, Business Diversification Program
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation
Corporation of the Year
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation
Corporate Representative of the Year
Dennis Glenn, Supplier Diversity Specialist, Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc.
Buyer of the Year
Jim Wilson, Director of Corporate Purchasing, Del-Met Corporation
Minority Supplier of the Year
Ewing Moving Service, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Corris Boyd, Assistant Vice President,Materials Resource Management Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation
Corporation of the Year
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporate Representative of the Year
Watechia Baugh
Vendor Diversity Coordinator
Vanderbilt University
Buyer of the Year
Ed Lawrence , Buyer
Tennessee Valley Authority
Minority Supplier of the Year
Arvie Personnel Services, LLC
Impact of the Year
Richard Manson, Attorney Law Office of Richard Manson
Corporation of the Year (Tie)
Saturn Corporation
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporate Representative of the Year (Tie)
Randall Dunn
Director of Operations
Metropolitan Development & Housing Agency
Tony Tinsley, Purchasing Manager, Duracell U.S.A.
Buyer of the Year
Debbie Lawrence
Vice President, Purchasing
First American National Bank
Minority Supplier of the Year (Tie)
Scientific Sales, Inc.
Zycron Computer Services, Inc.
Impact of the Year
Lesly Hart-Kelly, President Aztech Industrial Supply, Inc.
Chairman’s Award for Excellence
Cheri K. Henderson
Executive Director, TMSDC
Corporation of the Year
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporate Representative of the Year
Tawnee Kirby, Minority Business Development Regional Manager, TN/ KY, NationsBank
Buyer of the Year
Michelle Hampton
Buyer, Duracell U.S.A.
Minority Supplier of the Year
Zycron Computer Services, Inc.
Impact of the Year
James E. Lawson, President
The Lawson Group
Corporation of the Year (Tie)
The Kroger Company
Northern Telecom
Corporate Representative of the Year
Dewayne Scott, Senior Category Manager, The Kroger Company
Buyer of the Year
Tony Tinsley, Buyer Duracell U.S.A.
Minority Supplier of the Year Minorico, L.P.
Impact of the Year
Rita Mitchell, President Mitchell Financial, Inc.
Corporation of the Year
NationsBank of Tennessee
- Financial Services
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, USA, Inc.
Tennessee Valley Authority
- Transportation/Utilities
Ingram Industries, Inc.
-Diversified Services/Government Institutions
Corporate Representative of the Year
James Lawson NationsBank of Tennessee -Financial Services
Dennis Glenn Toyota Motor Manufacturing, USA, Inc. - Manufacturing/Retailing
Frank Alford
Tennessee Valley Authority -Transportation/Utilities
Frank Chappell
Ingram Industries, Inc. -Diversified Services/Government Institutions
Buyer of the Year
Dennis Glenn
Minority Development Specialist
Toyota Motor Manufacturing USA, Inc.
Minority Supplier of the Year Minorico, L.P.
Special Tribute of the Year
William Bothwell
Vice President of Supply Management Northern Telecom
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HCA Healthcare - $12,500
Nissan North America, Inc. - $10,000
Lennox Winston
Career Goal: US Air Force Officer
School Choice: North Carolina A&T University
Guy Brown - $15,000
Hannah Sullenbarger
Career Goal: Architect
School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA Healthcare - $12,500
Louisville Water Co. - $500
Nicole Dunigan - $500
Bakari Rush
Career Goal: Entrepreneur
School Choice: Kentucky State University
Nissan Group of the Americas - $10,000
TMSDC Education Foundation - $1,500
Pinnacle Construction Partners - $1,000
Van “Hubert” Thang
Career Goal: Civil Engineer
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Action Facilities Management - $2,500
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Johnson Bryce Corporation - $2,000
Alonzo Davis, Jr.
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Lane College
SourceMark LLC - $2,500
MCI AST, LLC - $1,000
Timya Carey
Career Goal: Radiologic Technician
School Choice: Austin Peay State University
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $2,500
BC Holdings of Tennessee - $1,500
SMS Holdings Corporation - $1,500
Emily Benedict - $150
Gabrielle Hill
Career Goal: Elementary School Teacher
School Choice: University of Mississippi
Lauren Dooros, Guy Brown
Derrick Dowell, TriState Minority Supplier Development Council
Nicole Dunigan, Pinnacle Financial Partners
Sharon Gentry, HCA Healthcare
Cheri Henderson, TriState Minority Supplier Development Council
Magalie Normil, HCA Healthcare
Ronda Brown-Quarles, Nissan Group of the Americas
Amy Wheeler, Nashville Electric Service (NES)
Guy Brown is an award-winning certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) committed to making a direct impact on indirect spend. Curated customer programs and data-driven insights fuel our whiteglove customer experience. We are dedicated to creating a culture of inclusivity and being a trusted partner for our clients in achieving their supplier diversity goals.
Office Products
Maintenance, Repair & Operations (MRO)
Breakroom Products
Promotional Merchandise
Technology Products
Janitorial & Safety Supplies
Workplace Furniture
Guy Brown - $15,000
Mena Doce College/University: Vanderbilt University
Career Goal: Computer Scientist
Nissan North America - $10,000
SMS Holdings Corporation - $1,500
Yage Ango
College/University: University of Tennessee
Career Goal: Computer Engineer
Bridgestone Americas - $10,000
JWS Auto Matrix, LLC - $1,500
Devin Bester
College/University: University of Kentucky
Career Goal: Engineer
Nissan North America - $10,000
BC Holdings of Tennessee - $1,500
Kyndall Brisco
College/University: DePaul University
Career Goal: Public Relations Manager
CoreCivic - $5,000
SourceMark LLC - $2,500
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,500
Anonymous - $1,500
Nicole Dunigan - $500
Te’ Varius Strayhorn
College/University: Sewanee University
Career Goal: Physician
Tera Vazquez - $5,000
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $2,500
Archangel Protective Services - $2,000
Susan A. L. Marston, MBA - $500
Antonio Salazar
College/University: Stanford University
Career Goal: Aeronautical Engineer
Volkswagen Group of America - $5,000
Ewing Moving Service & Storage -
TMSDC Education Foundation - $1,500
MCI, LLC - $1,000
Nicole Dunigan - $500
Patrick Johnson - $500
Alexander Ford
College/University: Western Kentucky University
Career Goal: Real Estate Agent/ Entrepreneur
fluent360 - $3,000
Action Facilities Management, Inc.$2,500
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,000
Aquabiliti - $500
Sydney Rucker
College/University: Haverford College
Career Goal: Journalist/Lawyer
Messer Construction Co. - $2,500
Wingard Quality Supply LLC- $2,500
Robert Browning
College/University: Lipscomb University
Career Goal: Architect
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Michael Gordon
College/University: Morehouse College
Career Goal: Physician
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Anthony Helwig
College/University: East Tennessee State University
Career Goal: Architect; Interior Designer
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Faith Miniard College/University: Tennessee State University
Career Goal: Hospital Administrator
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Sammaria Perry
College/University: Belmont University
Career Goal: Attorney
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Jalon Taylor College/University: Middle Tennessee State University
Career Goal: Accountant
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Nissan North America, Inc. - $10,000
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $1,500
Kennedy Martin
Career Goal: Business Administration
School Choice: Alabama A&M University
Bridgestone Americas, Inc. - $5,000
Messer Construction Co. - $2,500
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Nashville Electric Service - $1,000
TRC Worldwide Engineering - $500
Simon Robertson
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $10,000
Alexandra Cantrell
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer
School Choice: Colorado School of Mines
Bridgestone Americas, Inc. - $5,000
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Juwan Lwangmianga
Career Goal: Neonatologist
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Knoxville
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Tera Vazquez - $5,000
Nazyr Whyte
Career Goal: Psychologist
School Choice: Loyola University –Chicago
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
JWS Auto Matrix, LLC - $1,500
Nicole Dunigan - $500
Amy Wheeler - $500
Taliyah Autman
Career Goal: Child Psychologist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
CoreCivic - $5,000
Action Facilities Management, Inc.$2,000
Aquabiliti - $500
Sheri Carter
Career Goal: Veterinarian
School Choice: Oglethorpe University
Guy Brown - $5,000
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
Esther Emeka-Emeji
Career Goal: Real Estate Broker
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Guy Brown - $5,000
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,500
Richard Onaghinor
Career Goal: Software Engineer
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Knoxville
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Jani-King of Nashville - $1,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Archangel Protective Services, Inc.$1,000
Shania Robertson
Career Goal: Photographer
School Choice: Savannah School of Arts
FedEx - $2,500
Fluent360- $2,000
BC Holdings of Tennessee - $1,000
Treasure Eckles
Career Goal: Music Educator/Performer
School Choice: Indiana University
HC Healthcare - $5,000
Y’Keria Fields
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
In Full Motion, Inc. - $2,500
Bestway Services, Inc. - $1,500
MCI AST, LLC - $1,000
Chazan Page
Career Goal: Physical Therapist School Choice: Tennessee State University
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)/ HealthTrust - $5,000
Ariana Torres
Career Goal: Nursing School Choice: Belmont University
Volkswagen Group of America –Chattanooga Operations -$5,000
Samantha Woodson
Career Goal: Architectural Engineer School Choice: Tennessee State University
Guy Brown - $15,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
Jordan Simmons
Career Goal: Foreign Policy Analyst School Choice: Washington University
Nissan North America- $10,000
Messer Construction Co. - $2,000
Nicole Dunigan - $500
Elise Russ
Career Goal: Civil Engineer School Choice: Tennessee State University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $10,000
Nicolas DeBose
Career Goal: Computer Engineer School Choice: University of Memphis
CoreCivic - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
Laterrica Spivey
Career Goal: Business Entrepreneur
School Choice: Kentucky State University
Hospital Corporation of America/ HealthTrust - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
DeCorian Bowers
Career Goal: Exercise Therapist
School Choice: University of the South – Sewanee
TMSDC Education Foundation -$1,500
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,500
Toyota Motor North America, Inc. - $1,000
Amy Wheeler - $500
Phillip Murray
Career Goal: Forensic Scientist
School Choice: Lipscomb University
Bestway Janitorial Services - $4,000
TMSDC Education Foundation -$1,500
Princess Salifou
Career Goal: Entrepreneur School Choice: University of Lynchburg
Hospital Corporation of America/ HealthTrust - $5,000
Kiya Crockett
Career Goal: Nursing
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga
Hospital Corporation of America/ HealthTrust - $5,000
Mark Eskander
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Hospital Corporation of America/ HealthTrust - $5,000
Gianna Fondren
Career Goal: Nursing
School Choice: Spalding University
Volkswagen Group of America - $5,000
Faith Iduoze
Career Goal: Biologist
School Choice: University of Memphis
Tera Vazquez - $5,000
Trinity Kinslow
Career Goal: Broadcast Journalist
School Choice: Southern University
Hospital Corporation of America
(HCA)/HealthTrust - $5,000
Tanasi Patterson
Career Goal: Nursing
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Jani-King of Nashville - $1,500
SMS Holdings Corporation - $1,500
Sadio Barnes
Career Goal: Veterinarian
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
FedEx - $1,500
Trechelle Burch
Career Goal: Business Manager
School Choice: Nashville State Community College
Fluent360 - $2,500
JWS Auto Matrix, LLC - $1,500
Christian Holt
Career Goal: Mass Communications/ Journalist
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga
SourceMark - $2,500
FedEx - $1,000
Jacques Johnson
Career Goal: Electrical Engineer
School Choice: Tennessee
Technological University
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
BC Holdings - $800
David Thibodeau - $300
Nafisa Hossain
Career Goal: Human Resource Director
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Archangel Protective Services - $1,000
Nashville Electric Service - $1,000
MCI Premier Packaging Group, LLC - $1,000
Julius Witherspoon
Career Goal: Audio Engineer
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Meharry Medical College - $1,000
Dr. Bernard Turner - $1,000
Dr. Herman Williams - $1,000
Namiah Hughes
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: University of Memphis
Guy Brown - $15,000 + Summer
HCA Healthcare/HealthTrust - $5,000
Nicole Dunigan - $1,000
Chance Williams
Career Goal: Business Marketing
School Choice: Eckerd College
HCA Healthcare/HealthTrust - $5,000
fluent360, LLC - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc.- $1,500
David Bush
Career Goal: Business Administration
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA Healthcare/HealthTrust - $5,000
InShuttle Transportation Co. - $1,000
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
Khala Clemmons
Career Goal: Nurse
School Choice: Trevecca Nazarene University
Bridgestone Americas, Inc. - $5,000
TNT Supply Chain Services, LLC - $2,000
Kofi Patterson
Career Goal: Cyber-Security Analyst
School Choice: Morehouse College
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. -
FedEx - $2,500
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $500
Damilare Adenola
Career Goal: Information Technologist School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
CoreCivic - $5,000
Nashville Electric Service - $1,000
Kerissa Bryant
Career Goal: Pediatrician School Choice: Vanderbilt University
Bridgestone Americas, Inc. - $5,000
HCA Healthcare/HealthTrust - $5,000
Toyota - $1,000
BC Holdings TN, LLC - $800
DevMar Products, LLC - $100
Reynolds & Reynolds Facility Services
- $100
Caroline Fanous
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Trevecca Nazarene University
Volkswagen Group of America, Chattanooga Operations, LLC. - $5,000
MCI Premier Packaging Group, LLC -
Chibuzor Okolocha
Career Goal: Animator School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Anonymous - $5,000
Dr. & Mrs. Herman Williams - $1,000
Sabrina Panya
Career Goal: Neonatal Nurse
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga
HCA Healthcare/HealthTrust - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
Deairrus Waller
Career Goal: Paramedic
School Choice: Cumberland University
Bestway Services, Inc. - $2,000
Dickinson Wright P, LLC - $1,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Saidia Bell
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Xavier University
Remar Technologies Group, LLC.$2,000
JWS Automatrix, LLC - $1,500
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,500
Faith Dixon
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,500
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Jacques Meneese
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer
School Choice: University of Memphis
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Shermar Moore
Career Goal: Architectural Engineer
School Choice: University of Memphis
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Shermon Moore
Career Goal: Civil Engineer
School Choice: University of Memphis
Messer Construction Company. - $2,500
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Angelesa Morrow
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Belmont University
The David Thibodeau Trust Fund$5,000
Kennedy Stevenson
Career Goal: Business Analyst
School Choice: Emory University
Guy Brown - $15,000
Aryelle Lipscomb
Career Goal: Zoologist: Veterinarian School Choice: Eckerd College
Bridgestone Americas - $10,000
Gabriel Hutchinson
Career Goal: Attorney School Choice: Fisk University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $10,000
Miles Wright
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer School Choice: University of Memphis
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Volkswagen Group of America –
Chattanooga Operations, LLC - $5,000
Lauren Dardy
Career Goal: Business Entrepreneur School Choice: Alabama A&M University
CoreCivic - $5,000
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Marcus DeBose
Career Goal: Cyberspace Analyst
School Choice: Tennessee Technological University
FedEx - $2,500
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Remar Technologies Group, LLC$2,500
Michael Calvin
Career Goal: Sports Agent
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Titan Franchising - $5,000
SMS Holdings, Inc. $1,500
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Iyana Rainer
Career Goal: Psychologist
School Choice: Clark- Atlanta University
Fluent360 - $5,000
MCI | AST - $2,500
Janae Cogmon
Career Goal: Educator
School Choice: University of Tennessee
In Full Motion, Inc. - $2,500
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
Nicole Dunigan - $1,000
Robert Lilly-Sneed
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Phillip Eskander
Career Goal: Pharmacist
School Choice: Vanderbilt University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Nicole Falodun
Career Goal: Pediatrician School Choice: University of Tennessee
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.$3,000
Bestway Services, Inc. - $1,000
Ewing Moving and Storage, Inc. - $1,000
Benedict Iduoze
Career Goal: Software Designer School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Grace Oboh
Career Goal: Physician School Choice: University of Tennessee
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Helena Ayiad
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
Gibson Companies - $1,500
TRC Worldwide Engineering, Inc. - $1,000
Brianna Johnson
Career Goal: Architectural Engineer
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,500
Theophilus Onaghinor
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer School Choice: Western Kentucky University
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
BC Holdings - $800
David Thibodeau - $300
Nafisa Hossain
Career Goal: Human Resource Director School Choice: University of Tennessee
InShuttle Transportation - $1,000
Marcole Enterprise, Inc. - $500
Chris Wheeler Films - $500
Brianna Baker
Career Goal: Pediatric Dentist School Choice: University of Memphis
JWS Automatrix, LLC - $1,000
Messer Construction - $1,000
Nicolas Reynolds
Career Goal: Physical Therapist School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Anonymous - $2,000
Jani-King of Nashville - $1,500
Messer Construction - $1,000
Ronda Brown-Quarles - $500
Jayla Harlan
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA Healthcare - $10,000
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Folusho Micah
Career Goal: Pediatrician School Choice: Morehouse College
Guy Brown - $10,000
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $500
Ihuoma Ohanaka
Career Goal: Chemical Engineer School Choice: Case Western University
Bridgestone Americas - $5,000
Volkswagen Group of America –
Chattanooga Operations, LLC - $5,000
MIG Steel Fabrication - $1, 500
Khadija Bangura
Career Goal: Diplomatic Affairs
School Choice: Spelman College
HCA Healthcare - $10,000
BC Holdings, LLC - $750
Manson Johnson Conner Law Firm - $500
Ronda Brown-Quarles - $250
Antonious Hana
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Lipscomb University
Anonymous Donor - $5,750
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
SMS Holdings, Inc. $1,500
Remar Technologies Group, LLC - $1,000
Christine Ruiz
Career Goal: Athletic Trainer
School Choice: Western Kentucky University
CoreCivic - $5,000
Guy Brown - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $500
Joshua Trueheart
Career Goal: Business Administrator
School Choice: Tennessee State University
fluent360 - $5,000
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Dickinson Wright PLLC - $1,000
Ewing Moving Services & Storage, Inc. - $1,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $500
Mohamed Muday
Career Goal: Physical Education Teacher
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Bridgestone Americas - $5,000
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,500
John King
Career Goal: Chemical Engineer
School Choice: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga
FedEx - $2,500
Cushion Employers - $1,000
HCA Healthcare - $1,000
HJI Supply Chain Solutions - $1,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $500
Maurice & Cynthia Fitzgerald - $500
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Dylan Bush
Career Goal: Sports Broadcaster
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Bestway Services, Inc. - $2,500
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.$2,500
HCA Healthcare - $1,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $500
Nicole Dunigan - $500
Da’Joun Mason
Career Goal: Audio Engineer
School Choice: Belmont University
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Gibson Companies - $1,500
Nashville Electric Service - $1,000
Jayla Cogman
Career Goal: Entrepreneur
School Choice: University of Tennessee
- Knoxville
Guy Brown - $7,500
HCA Healthcare - $2,500
Shelbi Barritt
Career Goal: Copywriter
School Choice: Union University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Bridgestone Americas - $5,000
Arin Chapman
Career Goal: Clinical Psychologist
School Choice: Rider University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc.$2,500
Remar Technologies Group, LLC - $1,000
Daniel Williams
Career Goal: Business Analyst
School Choice: Citrus College
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Jani King of Nashville - $1,000
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
BC Holdings, LLC - $500
Henry Iduoze
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer
School Choice: Howard University
Guy Brown - $7,500
Zavior Phillips
Career Goal: Journalist
School Choice: University of Chicago
Bridgestone Americas - $5,000
HCA Healthcare - $1,250
Nashville Electric Service - $500
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Samiha Hossain
Career Goal: Neurologist/Psychiatrist
School Choice: Washington University
Corrections Corporation of America$5,000
HCA Healthcare - $1,250
JaJuan Jones
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Lipscomb University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Mama Turney Homemade Pies, Inc.$1,000
Wesley Upshur
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer
School Choice: Tennessee
Technological University
Volkswagen Group of America, Chattanooga Operations, LLC - $5,000
Cynthia & Maurice Fitzgerald - $500
Desmond Cambridge
Career Goal: Architect
School Choice: Vanderbilt University
Fluent360 - $5,000
Stewart, Johnson, Manson & Conner$500
Briana Zachery
Career Goal: Television Management School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Diversified Supply, Inc. $2,500
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,000
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Parisa Bastian
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer School Choice: Tennessee State University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Jennifer Bissada
Career Goal: Physician School Choice: Belmont University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Kiana Carter
Career Goal: Dentist
School Choice: Lipscomb University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Nis Hoskins
Career Goal: Registered Nurse
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
In Full Motion, Inc. $2,500
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Tobiloba Opeke
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
MIG Steel Fabrication, LLC - $1,500
Gibson Companies - $1,500
Dickinson Wright PLLC - $1,000
Ewing Moving Services & Storage, Inc. - $1,000
Fadya Mikhael
Career Goal: Nurse Practitioner
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,500
FedEx Corporation - $2,500
Jonathan Vincent
Career Goal: Corporate Lawyer School Choice: University of Tennessee
Guy Brown - $10,000
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Diamond Restoration, LLC - $500
Kennedy Martin
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Georgetown University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Day & Zimmermann, NPS - $2,500
Marim Kamel
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Nissan North America - $5,000
Natalie Simpson
Career Goal: Journalist
School Choice: University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Desmond Bush
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Western Kentucky University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Alan Jackson
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: University of Tennessee - Martin
Bridgestone Americas - $5,000
Isaiah Cunningham
Career Goal: Music Engineer
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Samuel Opeke
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Vanderbilt University
Team Ignition Pancultural Marketing
Group - $2,500
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Christian Reynolds
Career Goal: Sports Agent School Choice: University of Tennessee
Corrections Corporation of America$5,000
Nicholas Vincent
Career Goal: Architect School Choice: Tennessee State University
Nissan North America - $5,000
Okey Ohanaka
Career Goal: Aerospace Engineer
School Choice: Case Western University
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $3,000
Volkswagen Group of America - $2,000
Chattanooga Operations, LLC
Zoe Phillips
Career Goal: Physical Therapist School Choice: University of Mobile
HCA Healthcare - $2,500
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC - $2,500
Briana Watson
Career Goal: Child Psychologist School Choice: University of Tennessee
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $2,500
MIG Steel & Fabrication, LLC - $2,500
Raven Bufford
Career Goal: Architect
School Choice: Fisk University
TMSDC Education
Foundation - $1,500
Gibson Companies - $2,500
Dickinson Wright PLLC - $1,000
Leslie Hennings
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: University of Memphis
HCA Healthcare - $2,500
ServiceMaster Facilities Maintenance$2,500
Terry Goldthreate, Jr.
Career Goal: Sports Manager
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store - $2,500
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,500
TMSDC Education Foundation - $1,000
T’Anna Williams
Career Goal: Engineer
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Diversified Supply, Inc. - $2,000
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Kami Dyer
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Centre College
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,500
Remar Technologies Group, LLC - $1,000
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
Mama Turney’s Homemade Pies, Inc.$1,000
Marcole, LLC - $500
Midaela Wiley
Career Goal: Nurse
School Choice: Tennessee State University
BC Holdings, LLC - $1,000
Ewing Moving Services & Storage, Inc. - $1,000
Dream Systems, LLC - $1,000
Redmond Design, LLC - $100
Jordan Thomas
Career Goal: Engineer
School Choice: University of Houston
Guy Brown - $15,000
Brian Laurore
Career Goal: Computer Engineering
School Choice: Southern Illinois University
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
Citizens’ Savings Bank & Trust Company - $2,500
Team Ignition Pancultural Marketing Group - $2,300
LaMonica Thomas
Career Goal: Nurse School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Bridgestone Americas - $7,000
Eric Abernathy
Career Goal: Optometrist School Choice: Mercer University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $2,500
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,500
Remar Technologies Group, LLC -
Diversified Supply, Inc. - $1,000
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Darra Wright
Career Goal: Nurse School Choice: University of Memphis
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $1,250
Nicholas Calvin
Career Goal: Attorney School Choice: Howard University
Nissan North America - $5,000
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $1,250
Jazmin Esquivel
Career Goal: Nurse School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
Augtonia Coleman
Career Goal: Industrial Engineer School Choice: Howard University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Shantheria Carlisle
Career Goal: Nurse Practitioner School Choice: University of Alabama
In Full Motion, Inc. - $3,000
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC -
Patrice Dansby
Career Goal: Surgeon School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Riccola Donnell
Career Goal: Nurse
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Bridgestone Americas - $3,000
Volkswagen Group of America - $2,000
Chattanooga Operations, LLC
Melany Frierson
Career Goal: Dentist
School Choice: University of Louisville
Gibson Companies - $2,500
A-Z DME, LLC - $1,000
Ewing Moving Services & Storage - $1,000
Mama Turney’s Pies, Inc. - $500
Cassandra McGarr
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Dickinson Wright PLLC - $1,000
Marcole Enterprises, Inc. - $500
Cushion Employers Services - $500
Deborah Opeke
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Vanderbilt University
HCA Healthcare - $5,000
Belinda Scruggs
Career Goal: Video Game Designer
School Choice: Art Institute of Atlanta
Nissan North America - $5,000
Regine Lane
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice:
University of Tennessee
Wingard Quality Supply - $2,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
BC Holdings, LLC - $1,000
Lyneesya Wilson
Career Goal: Psychiatrist
School Choice: Southern Illinois University – Carbondale
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $3,000
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
Diamond Restoration, LLC - $1,000
Reginald Marshall
Career Goal: Businessman
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Guy Brown Services, LLC - $15,000
Salvador Hernandez
Career Goal: Film/International Business
School Choice: Western Kentucky University
Bridgestone Americas - $5,000
TMSDC Education Foundation- $2,500
Office Max - $250
Sara Kamel
Career Goal: Engineer
School Choice: Lipscomb University
HCA/HealhTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
Gibson Companies - $2,500
Cecilee Dickens
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: University of Tennessee
– Chattanooga
Nissan North America - $5,000
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,500
Omari Smith
Career Goal: Game Designer
School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA/HealhTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
Diamond Restoration - $2,000
Bennie Thompson
Career Goal: Respiratory Therapist
School Choice: Motlow State Community College
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $2,500
Volkswagen Group of America- $2,000
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
Zycron, Inc. - $1,000
Chukwunonso Ohanaka
Career Goal: Mechanical Engineer
School Choice: Austin Peay State University
HCA/HealhTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
Zycron, Inc. - $1,000
Hang Nguyen
Career Goal: Nurse
School Choice: Lipscomb University
HCA/HealhTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
Ewing Moving Services & Storage - $500
Don Hardin Group - $500
Hope Sanford
Career Goal: Registered Nurse
School Choice: Bellarmine University
HCA/HealhTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
In Full Motion, Inc. $1,000
Gerold Oliver
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA/HealhTrust Purchasing
Group -$5,000
Remar Technologies Group, LLC - $1,000
Bariangela Segovia
Career Goal: Physician’s Assistant
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Nissan North America - $5,000
Daniel Shelton
Career Goal: Corporate Executive
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Bridgestone Americas - $5000
Tia Freeman
Career Goal: Government Relations
School Choice: University of Tennessee
In 2022, Messer Construction Co. spent $255M, 20% of our purchases, with certified M/WBE businesses across our regions in the Midwest and Southeast.
Dedicated resources for strategic partnerships
Excels in company purchases with diverse suppliers
Nationally recognized best practices
Day & Zimmermann NPS - $2,500
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
Zycron, Inc. - $1,000
Ashlee Washington-King
Career Goal: Educator
School Choice: University of Tennessee
– Chattanooga
Enterprise Holdings - $2,500
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $2,000
Maliyah Bass
Career Goal: Physician’s Assistant
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Wilcas Wire - $1,000
Chelsea Moore
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Bennett College
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Dickinson Wright PLLC - $,1000
Marea Chatman
Career Goal: Software Designer School Choice: Trevecca Nazarene University
In Full Motion, Inc. - $1,000
A-Z DME, LLC - $1,000
Lyons Cleaners - $500
Alexia Talley
Career Goal: Engineer School Choice: Tennessee State University
Bridgestone Americas - $10,000
TMSDC Education Foundation- $2,500
Dickinson Wright PLLC - $1,000
Annonymous - $100
Eric Robinson
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: Morehouse College
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing Group - $10,000
Jim & Courtney Fitzgerald - $2,500
Helen Albert
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Guy Brown Services, LLC - $10,000
+ Summer Internship
Maria Rojano
Career Goal: Graphic Designer School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group - $10,000
Remar Technologies Group, LLC –
Laptop + Printer
Ogbado Ugochukwun
Career Choice: Physician
School Choice: Western Kentucky University
Nissan North Americas - $10,000
Cynthia Nkem
Career Goal: Biomedical Engineer
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Skanska USA, Inc. - $5,000
Guy Brown Services, LLC - $5,000
Jasmine Hicks
Career Choice: Physician
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Skanska USA, Inc. - $2,500
SourceMark, LLC - $2,500
Gray Line Tennessee - $1,000
Diana & Phillip Wynne - $250
HD, Inc. - $100
Jakiya Thacker
Career Choice:
Politician/Public Policy Administrator
School Choice: Howard University
A+ Education & Training Services - $3,000
SMS Holdings - $1,500
Saundra & Sidney Curry - $1,000 + Stock Certificate
Amber McKinney
Career Choice: Registered Nurse
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $2,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Ciarra Bowman
Career Choice: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Day & Zimmermann, NPS, Inc. - $2,500
Enterprise Holdings - $2,000
Christopher Willingham
Career Choice: Sports Manager
School Choice: Maryville College
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $2,000
Team Ignition Pan - cultural Marketing Group - $500
Jasmine Oates
Career Choice: Occupational
School Choice: Lincoln Memorial University
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $2,000
Remar Technologies Group, LLC$1,000 + laptop
DeMario Donnell
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Tennessee Technical University
Volkswagen Group of America - $2,000
Lyons Cleaners - $1,000
Keheira Henderson
Career Goal: Computer Engineer
School Choice: University of Southern California
Diamond Restoration - $1,000
Meharry Medical College - $1,000
Makayla Hollomon
Career Choice: Physical Therapist
School Choice: University of Alabama –Birmingham
Guy Brown Products, LLC - $10,000
Skanska USA, Inc. - $5,300
Emmanuel Woodruff
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group - $10,000
Kandy Diaz
Career Goal: Healthcare
Industry Professional
School Choice: Lipscomb University
Nissan North America - $10,000
Carlisha Hayden
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Bridgestone Americas - $10,000
Marika Holt-Edwards
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
Valeria Alegria
Career Goal: Nursing
School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group - $5,000
Patricia Archer
Career Goal: Psychologist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group – $3,000
Atlanta Peach Movers - $1,000
Premiere Building Maintenance
Corporation - $1,000
Jawaun Wilson
Career Goal: Sports Management
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $2,500
Guy Brown Products, LLC - $2,000
Cynthia Lazo
Career Goal: Marine Biologist
School Choice: University of Tampa
Guy Brown Products, LLC - $3,000
Rebeca Funes
Career Goal: Entrepreneur School Choice: Harding University
SMS Holdings, Inc. -$1,500
AT&T - $1,200
Mona Talley
Career Goal: Physician School Choice:
Bethune-Cookman University
SunTrust Bank - $1,500
MasterStaff, Inc. - $1,000
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.-
Alvaro Quintero
Career Goal: Physician School Choice: Lipscomb University
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $1,000
Dickinson Wright, PLLC - $1,000
Meharry Medical College - $500
Marquez Braden
Career Goal: Computer
Software Developer School Choice: Tennessee Technological University
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
DeOndrea Foster
Career Goal: Professional Singer School Choice: Morgan State University
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $1,000
Elyria Parks
Career Goal: Registered Nurse School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Community Network of African American Telecommunication
Professional of AT&T - $2,000
Isaiah Grigsby
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Lyons Cleaners - $1,000
Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services - $1,000
Diamond Henderson
Career Goal: Psychologist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing Group - $10,000
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. Chattanooga Operations, LLC -
La’ Quesha Pinkard
Career Goal: Human Resources Director
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Bridgestone Americas - $10,000
Johnnie Ray Davis
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing Group - $10,000
J C Pickett, Jr.
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Nissan North America - $10,000
Jasmine Hendrix
Career Goal: Real Estate Developer
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Guy Brown Products, LLC
- $10,000 + Internship
Danyell Jackson
Career Goal: Psychiatrist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Skanska USA, Inc. - $5,250
Paris Patterson
Career Goal: Physician School Choice: Tennessee State University
TMSDC Education Foundation -$2,500
AT&T - $1,200
Gray Line Nashville - $500
Andre Hyde
Career Goal: Music Recording Industry School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. -$2,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
Alysa Jackson
Career Goal: Nursing
School Choice: Tennessee State University
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,500
Enterprise Rent-A-Car - $1,250
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $1,000
MacKenzie DeCourcey
Career Goal: Nursing
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC$1,000
Atlanta Peach Movers - $1,000
Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services - $1,000
Lien Nguyen
Career Goal: Business Manager
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Guy Brown Products - $10,000
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
De’ Angelo Young
Career Goal: Pathologist
School Choice: University of Tennessee
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group - $10,000
Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services, Inc. - $1,000
Edmondson Associates Entrepreneur
Development Network - $1,000
Mylan Johnson
Career Goal: Pediatrician
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Bridgestone Firestone Trust Fund - $5,000
Bridgestone Americas Supplier
Diversity - $5,000
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $2,500
Michael Williams
Career Goal: Pharmacist
School Choice:
Austin Peay State University
Nissan North America - $10,000
Global Recruiters of Nashville Metro$500
Shanika McMillan
Career Goal: Architect
School Choice: David Lipscomb University
HCA/HealthTrust Purchasing
Group - $10,000
Ke’Oshia Mitchell
Career Goal: Cardiologist
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
SRS, Inc. - $1,000
Jarvis Roberts
Career Goal: Social Worker
School Choice: Lambuth College
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
SMS Holdings Inc. - $1,500
Rayshonda Crawford
Career Goal: Veterinarian
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Skanska USA Building, Inc. -$1,000
TRC Engineering Worldwide, Inc.- $500
Demetrice Harris
Career Goal: Entrepreneur
School Choice: Southern University
Johnson Bryce, Inc. - $1,000
Tavares Smith
Career Goal: Broadcast Journalist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
HCA - $15,500
Sharnika Breedlove
Career Goal: Sports Medicine/ Athletic Trainer
School Choice: Alcorn State University
Bridgestone Firestone Trust
Fund- $10,000
Darreka Carney
Career Goal: Nursing School Choice: Tennessee State University
Cummins Filtration - $10,000
Mycheala Garrett
Career Goal: Video/Film Director School Choice: Tennessee State University
Guy Brown Products - $10,000
Terrika Goldthreate
Career Goal: Accountant School Choice: Tennessee State University
Nissan North America - $10,000
Michael McGaha
Career Goal: Business Administrator School Choice: Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls - $5,000
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,500
Alexandra Battle
Career Goal: Movie Producer School Choice: Tennessee State University
Mercedes-Benz U.S. Int’l Inc. - $5,000
Flecia Hardy
Career Goal: Nursing School Choice: Carson-Newman University
Specialized Communications Companies (SCC) - $5,000
Dominique Harris
Career Goal: Criminal Justice School Choice: Bethel College
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $2,500
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $2,500
Jasmine Alford
Career Goal: Teacher School Choice: University of Memphis
HCA - $2,000
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,500
SMS Holdings - $1,500
Traronius Hathaway
Career Goal: Psychologist School Choice: Bethel College
HCA - $2,500
Jerome Edmondson & Associates - $1,000
Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services - $1,000
DevMar Products, LLC - $1,000
Jason Patterson
Career Goal: Business Administration
School Choice: Tennessee State University
HCA - $20,000
Theresa Nandzo
Career Goal: Registered Nurse
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Cummins Filtration - $10,000
Brand Scaffold Rental & Erection Co. - $2,500
Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $2,500
Jant Pharmaceuticals - $500
Samico Professional Service - $200
Aaron Nandzo
Career Goal: Surgeon School Choice: Tennessee State University
Nissan North America - $10,000
Bridgestone Firestone Trust Fund - $2,000
Sanitra Newsom
Career Goal: Entrepreneur School Choice: Howard University
Guy Brown Products, LLC - $5,000
Park Med Team Health - $2,500
Jaketa French
Career Goal: Physical Therapist School Choice: Western Kentucky University
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $3,000
Athena Health Club & Day Spa - $2,000
Sabastian Draughtdrill
Career Goal: Pediatrician School Choice: Fisk University
Manufacturers Industrial Group - $3,000
Electrical Contracting Services - $2,000
Ashley Hathaway
Career Goal: Accountant School Choice: University of Tennessee
Advanced Composites, Inc. - $5,000
Shenquale Jackson
Career Goal: Psychologist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
Dascia Turner
Career Goal: Child Care Center Director
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Outback Steakhouse - $2,000
AT&T - $1,200
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,000
LaCoya Odem
Career Goal: Real Estate Broker
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Jim Fitzgerald - $2,500
Kendal Gross
Career Goal: Pediatric Nurse
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Training Leadership & Development
TLD - $1,000
SMS Holdings, Inc. - $1,000
Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services - $500
Brandon Demonbreun
Career Goal: Sports Analyst
School Choice: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
HCA - $20,000
Travis Williams
Career Goal: Architectural Engineer
School Choice: Florida A&M
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
Jasmine Collier
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Fleetguard, Inc. - $7,500
Mercedes-Benz USI - $5,000
Jordan Irwin
Career Goal: Television Broadcaster
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Guy Brown Products, LLC - $5,000
Advanced Composites, Inc. -$5,000
Brittany Heights
Career Goal: English Teacher
School Choice: East Tennessee State University
Guy Brown Products - $5,000
Day and Zimmermann NPS, Inc.- $2,500
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,000
Victor Davidson
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Lambuth University
Dakkota Integrated Systems - $2,500
Bridgestone Firestone North America
Tires, LLC. - $2,000
Joshua Southall
Career Goal: Physical Education, Teacher/ Coach
School Choice: Western Kentucky University
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC$2,000
TLD – Training , Leadership, & Development - $2,000
Ashton Oatis
Career Goal: Pediatric Psychologist
School Choice: University of Memphis
SMS Holdings and Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services - $1,000
Day and Zimmermann NPS, Inc.- $1,500
LaKeshia McAdoo
Career Goal: Teacher
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC -
Vincent Davis
Career Goal: Business School Choice: Jackson State University
HCA- $20,000
Angela Harris
Career Goal: Pharmacist
School Choice: Xavier University (LA)
Fleetguard - $7,500
Dakkota - $2,500
Evelyn Normil
Career Goal: Pharmacist
School Choice: David Lipscomb University
Guy Brown Products, LLC - $5,000
Cassandra Yarber
Career Goal: Teacher School Choice: Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
Mercedes-Benz - $5,000
Juan Gomez
Career Goal: Engineer
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
MBEIC - $5,000
Phuc “Dennis” Nguyen
Career Goal: Medical Doctor School Choice: Vanderbilt University
Day and Zimmermann - $1,500
Manufacturing Industrial Group, LLC -
Christina Crump
Career Goal: Pharmacist
School Choice: Fisk University
Manufacturing Industrial Group, LLC -
Charles Martin
Career Goal: Computer Technician School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Day and Zimmermann - $1,000
SMS Holdings and Reynolds & Reynolds Janitorial Services - $1,000
Travareus Robinson
Career Goal: Sports Manager
School Choice: Arkansas State Tech
Scientific Sales- $1,000
Hillary Johnson
Career Goal: Lawyer School Choice: University of Memphis
HCA - $20,000
Gregory Bell
Career Goal: Computer School Choice: University of Tennessee
Fleetguard, Inc. - $5,000
Eric Cox
Career Goal: Entrepreneur School Choice: Morehouse College
Guy Brown Products - $5,000
Brittnay Webster
Career Goal: Intensive Care Nurse School Choice: Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
Albert Spence, Jr.
Career Goal: Computer Programming School Choice: University of Tennessee
MBEIC - $5,000
Fred Brodie
Career Goal: Entrepreneur School Choice: Lane College
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. - $5,000
Victor Wright
Career Goal: Electrical Engineering School Choice: Austin Peay University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Zachary Lillard
Career Goal: Lawyer & Musician
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Lauren Hooten
Career Goal: Nursing School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
UPS, Inc. - $5,000
Latoyisha Rucker
Career Goal: Psychologist School Choice: University of Tennessee
Federal Express Corporation -$3,000
Josh Turntine
Career Goal: Entrepreneur School Choice: Austin Peay State University
Day and Zimmerman NPS, Inc. -$2,500
Tocarro Sweatt
Career Goal: Corporate Lawyer School Choice: Tennessee State University
Premiere Building Maintenance Corporation - $1,000
SMS Holdings - $1,500
Danja Yates
Career Goal: Journalist School Choice: Alabama State University
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC - $2,000
Christine Davis
Career Goal: Nursing School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC - $1,000
Thomasina Ramey
Career Goal: Physical Therapy
School Choice: Howard University
Scientific Sales, Inc. - $1,000
Tacarra Cunningham
Career Goal: Senator School Choice: Tennessee State University
HCA - $15,000
Brandon Thompkins
Career Goal: Corporate Attorney
School Choice: Florida A&M University
Fleetguard, Inc. - $5,000
Norman McClain
Career Goal: Financial Advisor School Choice: Clark Atlanta University
Guy Brown Products - $5,000
Krunal Patel
Career Goal: Software programmer School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
Kye Stewart
Career Goal: Marine Biologist School Choice: Hampton University
MBEIC - $5,000
Latoria Wilson
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Austin Peay State University
Mercedes-Benz U.S.
International, Inc. - $5,000
Magalie Normil
Career Goal: Attorney School Choice: Stephens College
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Hitanshu Joshi
Career Goal: Computer Scientist School Choice: Auburn University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Aleshia Bean
Career Goal: Respiratory Therapist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
UPS, Inc. - $5,000
Rohan Patel
Career Goal: Computer Information Systems
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Day and Zimmermann NPS, Inc. - $2,500
Herbert Myers
Career Goal: Pilot
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
The RGMA Digital Assessment and Strategy Tool has been well-received because, unlike most supplier diversity technology and assessment tools, the RGMA tool takes a unique approach.
Arthur Andersen taught Ralph Moore that the process is more important than the numbers when striving for outstanding performance. Today's supplier diversity practitioners must prioritize embedding supplier diversity into the strategy, structure, and culture of their organization.
The first step in the RGMA Digital Assessment and Strategy process is benchmarking your current supplier diversity state against supplier diversity best practices. Then, the tool digitally develops a set of recommendations and resources tailored to your ranking on the trademarked RGMA 5Levels Maturity Model designed to provide a roadmap to guide your program to the next level.
As a thought leader in this space for more than four decades, RGMA has developed a a tool to create world-class supplier diversity processes that consistently produce worldclass results.
Federal Express Corporation - $2,500
Rachel Herndon
Career Goal: Physician
School Choice: Austin Peay State University
Saturn Corporation - $1,500
Crystal Griffin
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Austin Peay State University
Manufacturers Industrial Group, LLC - $1,000
Antwain Leach
Career Goal: Politician School Choice: Western Kentucky
HCA - $10,000
Mussa Nuri
Career Goal: Computer Engineer School Choice: Tennessee State University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Eyitemi Femi
Career Goal: Pediatrician School Choice: Xavier University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Tiffany Corlew
Career Goal: Podiatrist
School Choice: North Carolina
A & T University
Minority Business lnput Committee (MBEIC) - $5,000
Briana Jackson
Career Goal: Youth Counselor School Choice: Lane College
United Parcel Service of America, Inc.$5,000
Sherita Wade
Career Goal: Elementary Education School Choice: Volunteer State Community College
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. - $5,000
Torekea Daniels
Career Goal: Pediatrician School Choice: Alabama State University
DELL Computer Corporation - $5,000
TaShawn Stringer
Career Goal: Psychologist School Choice: Berea College
Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund - $5,000
Marquita Moore
Career Goal: Business Administration (Entrepreneur)
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Johnson Controls, Inc. - $5,000
Erica Payne
Career Goal: Print Journalism
School Choice: Clark Atlanta University
Fleetguard, Inc. - $5,000
Marquinta Gant
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Florida A & M University
“Angel Mike” - $4,000
Martina Swinger
Career Goal: Pediatrician
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Square D/Schneider Electric - $2,500
Vanessa Phillips
Career Goal: Day Care Center Director
School Choice: Nashville State Technical College
Square D/Schneider Electric - $2,500
Terrell Barbee, Jr.
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Federal Express Corporation - $2,500
Johnella Cherry
Career Goal: Psychologist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Xerox Corporation - $1,500
Barry Hayes
Career Goal: Sports Medicine
School Choice: Tennessee Tech University
Saturn Corporation - $1,250
Mailon Ridley
Career Goal: Computer Science Specialist
School Choice: Tennessee Technology Center at Nashville
HCA/The Healthcare Company - $10,000
Brandon Thompson
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Clark Atlanta University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Douglas Thompson
Career Goal: Law Enforcement Officer
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Nissan North America, Inc. - $5,000
Corey Perry
Career Goal: Elementary School Teacher School Choice: Florida A & M University
Minority Business lnput Committee (MBEIC) - $5,000
Brandon Newsom
Career Goal: Stockbroker
School Choice: Tennessee State University
United Parcel Services of America, Inc. - $8,000
MarQuetta Chrismon
Career Goal: Pre-Medical Biology
School Choice: Clark Atlanta University
Mercedes-Benz U.S.
International, Inc. - $5,000
LaNetta Mays
Career Goal: Elementaly Education
School Choice: Tennessee State University
DELL Computer Corporation - $5,000
Jamie McAfee
Career Goal: Mortician
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Square D/Schneider Electric - $2,500
ReKiaya Wilson
Career Goal: Physical Therapist
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Square D/Schneider Electric - $2,500
Tonika Sayles
Career Goal: Teacher
School Choice: Cumberland University
Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund - $2,500
Cortney McNabb
Career Goal: Special Education Teacher
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund - $2,500
Meta McLemore
Career Goal: Business Management
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Federal Express Corporation - $2,500
Jessica Hodge-Diggs
Career Goal: Social Work
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Fleetguard, Inc. - $2,000
Santia Halvell
Career Goal: Computer Programmer
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Xerox Corporation - $1,000
Valencia Petty-Perry
Career Goal: Daycare Owner
School Choice: Nashville State Technical Institute
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation - $10,000
Damien Harris
Career Goal: Teacher
School Choice: University of Tennessee at Martin
Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation U.S.A - $5,000
Stephanie Mosely
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: Bethune Cookman College
Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation U.S.A- $5,000
Tanishia Larkin
Career Goal: Business Management
School Choice: Alabama A & M University
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. - $5,000
Katherine Levenhagen
Career Goal: Broadcasting/News Anchor
School Choice: University of Tennessee
Minority Business lnput Committee (MBEIC) - $5,000
Robert Hall
Career Goal: Business Entrepreneur
School Choice:
Tennessee State University
Square D Company - $3,000
Waldrian Coleman
Career Goal: Medicine
School Choice: Fisk University
Square D Company - $3,000
Kimmely Newsom
Career Goal: Lawyer
School Choice: Kansas State University
Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund - $1,000
Annaheeta Naqvi
Career Goal: Doctor School Choice: Vanderbilt University
Federal Express Corporation - $1,000
Alexis Ridley
Career Goal: News Anchor
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Xerox Corporation - $1,000
Shemeka Hamilton
Career Goal: Business Administration
School Choice: Berea College
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation
- $10,500
Lavinia Owens-Shearron
Career Goal: International Economist
School Choice: Fisk University
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation
- $10,500
Joe A. Smith III
Career Goal: Attorney
School Choice: University of Memphis
Mercedes-Benz U.S.
International, Inc. - $3,000
Latresha Malone
Career Goal: Certified Public Accountant
School Choice: Texas Southern University
Square D Company - $3,000
Joseph Martin
Career Goal: Sports Trainer
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corporation - $3,000
Tiffany Clark
Career Goal: Radiological Technician
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Arvie Personnel Services, LLC - $1,500
Latasha Pankey
Career Goal: Clinical Psychologist
School Choice: Hampton University
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation
- $3,000
Salah Wilson
Career Goal: Guidance Counselor
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc.
- $3,000
Kelando Daughtdrill
Career Goal: Music Producer
School Choice: Nashville State
Technical lnstitute
Square D Company - $3,000
Jessica Jones
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Arvie Personnel Services, LLC - $1,000
LaShonda Bond
Career Goal: District Attorney
School Choice: Fisk University
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc.
- $2,800
Timmeka R. Belcher
Career Goal: Broadcast Journalist
School Choice: Middle Tennessee State University
Square D Company - $5,000
Latasha Dianthe Jackson
Career Goal: Nurse Practitioner
School Choice: Memphis State University
Mercedes-Benz U.S.
International, Inc. - $2,800
Callen Turner
Career Goal: Accountant
School Choice: Nashville State
Technical lnstitute
Northern Telecom - $10,000
Gabriel Pratt
Career Goal: Architectural Engineer
School Choice: Nashville State
Technical lnstitute
TMSDC Education Foundation - $2,800
Anishia Meshon Thompson
Career Goal: Registered Nurse
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Education Foundation - $10,000
Takisha Carter
Career Goal: Computer Programmer
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Tennessee Valley Authority - $2,800
Misty Graves Dawn
Career Goal: Accountant/Entrepreneur
School Choice: Nashville State
Technical lnstitute
Education Foundation - $10,000
Crissy Roper
Career Goal: Health Care Administrator
School Choice: Tennessee State University
Education Foundation - $2,800
Michelle Harmon
Career Goal: Architectural/Civil Engineer
School Choice: Nashville State
Technical lnstitute
TSMSDC gratefully acknowledges the individuals, corporations and minority businesses who generously contributed to the success of this event
Attorney Richard Manson Barker & Christol, LLC
Daniel Crenshaw
Education Foundation Scholarship Donors and Judges
Impact Award Winners
Markeith Braden & Company, LLC
Nashville Jazz Workshop
Phyllis Moore
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Program Participants
Scholarship Recipients, Parents, Guardians and Judges
TMSDC Education Foundation
Action Facilities Management, Inc.
BC Holdings of Tennessee, LLC
Emily Benedict
Guy Brown
Nicole Dunigan
HCA Healthcare
Johnson Bryce Corporation
Louisville Water Company
Messer Construction Co.
Nissan Group of the Americas
Pinnacle Construction Partners, LLC
SMS Holdings Corporation
Scientific Sales, Inc.
SourceMark, LLC
TMSDC Education Foundation
Wingard Quality Supply, LLC
Atlas Management Corporation
Barker & Christol, LLC
Guy Brown
Hoskins & Company
Markeith Braden & Company, LLC
Messer Construction Co.
Nashville Electric Service (NES)
Nashville Jazz Workshop
Nissan Group of the Americas
SourceMark, LLC
Superior Maintenance Co.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
TMSDC Education Foundation
Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Trane Technologies
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc
World Wide Technology, Inc.
community center for jazz Enriching lives and building community
We welcome all backgrounds, experiences and walks of life.
We have always been a company that makes cars for everyone, and would never have been able to achieve this if we didn’t also strive to be a company that includes everyone. So, that’s exactly what we do; in fact, inclusion is our corporate policy.