Tittle Hairline Spine
Stroke Stroke
After deciding how I wanted to create my anatomy chart I used Illustrator to label the parts of each of my letters.
I found these two different types of Anatomy charts and chose to use parts of both of them. I like the different colors in the first one but the transparetn circles in the second one so I combined them and made different color transparent dots to indicate what the specific part of the letter it.
After looking at different types of anatomy charts I did some quick sketche of what I wanted mine to look like and what I needed to label on my letters.
I was able to create the letters in my name with my shadow and the help of some fellow classmates. We had a little trouble figuring out how to make the S but it turned out ok. Having double letters in my name also helped me because I did not have to make quite as many letters.
I started by tracing the images onto tracing paper. I traced it twice so i could get a better idea of how I wanted the letters to look.
I then traced the image from Photoshop and inked it.
Then I put the letters into Photoshop so I could get a better idea of how to space them.
After looking at the type