Typography Typography Spring 2015
Copyright Information This book has been designed by Tristina Meister, under the direction of Neil Ward as part of the course Typography at Drake University in the Spring semester of 2015. It was designed using Adobe InDesign CC on an Apple computer. The type was set in Optima, a sans-serif typeface designed by Hermann Zapf between 1952-1955 for the D. Stempel AG foundry, Frankfurt, Germany. The principals utilized to design this book are based upon those employed by Josef M端llerBrockmann (Grid Systems in Graphic Design) and Armin Hofmann (Graphic Design Manual) This book has been produced in an edition of one.
Table of Contents Exersizes Helvetica Response Paper Contrast Form and Counterform Matching Type Kerning Gridwork Front Matter
Projects Shadow Type Expressive Type Placard Phrase BookCover Event Mailer
4-59 5-6 7-13 14-36 37-40 41-49 50-53 54-59
60-128 61-71 72-76 77-85 86-114 115-128
Type Quizzes
Pecha Kucha Presentation
Helvetica Response Paper Helvetica is an independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the rapid spread of one typeface as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is explores urban spaces in major cities and the type inhabiting them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type. After watching the film we took the time to reflect on what we learned by answering the following questions. What did you learn from the film? What did you find interesting? What did you find most surprising? What designer would you like to know more about? Do you agree or disagree with any of them? What do you remember most about the film?
Tristina Meister Helvetica Response paper 1/27/15 Thoughout the course of the film I learned things about Helvetica that I did not know before. I also learned more about the various different typographers that were in the film. Typography is not somthing I am particuarly familiar with, learning some history behind typography from the different typographers was interesting. First of all I did not realize how popular Helvetica is, it may be because I did not pay attention before I watched this film. After watching the film I understood why so many designers say not to use Helvetica. I have heard it before and do not typically use it because of that reason but now I understand why. I now realize that using it just makes your type blend in with the world around us. As a designer I want my pieces of work to stand out. I do now understand why so many people use helvetica, it is a font that can portray a lot of different meanings. It also gives your reader the room to determine the mood of what you are saying. I did however find it suprising how many typists did not use a lot of expressive type at first. I was introduced to typography from a graphic design stand point, which now uses so much expressive type that I could not imagine not having expressive text like we do now. The fact that typist did not like the expressive text was also suprising to me. I would like to learn more about David Carson. I found it really interesting how he used expressive type and broke all the rules. I think that in order to be a good designer you have to step outside the box and see what happens. I found it inspiring that he was able to do that regardless of what other typists were saying or thinking. The general identity of Helvetica in the beginning if very interesting. When Helvetica first came out the way they were able to use one font to protary a message staight to the point. They started using it everywhere because it was clean and clear. The way the font was used and how it can protray a message without being super graphic is somthing designers can appriciate. When Helvetica came out it was different was able to give a message that other font types were not able to during the time. At the time this was great for the graphic design world but nowdays the font has become tired and overused. I agree with most of the designers in the film I think that Helvetica is overused and should not be used when designing things. I had not realized how much helvetica was used until this film but now I notice it more when I look around town. It being clear and precise makes people want to use it as they have said in the film, but there are other typefaces that can be used as well. Using Helvetica to send across a specific message is not a great choice because it leaves to much to the imagination. Leaving this to the imagination allows the reader to interprate what you are saying, which may cause misunderstanding if you were trying to send a strong message. Helvetica is a typeface that can be used in so many situation, which in large part is why it is used so much. It takes more creativity to choose a font that sends a more specific message but is still readable and clear.
Contrast On 6�squares, create six panels showing contrast in type. Combining any features including small + organic, light + machined, ornate + simple, however only black-and-white are used for this exercise.
Marker Felt & Marker Felt Wide
Lucida Handwriting & Lucida Grande
Lucida Sans
Letter Gothic Std medium & Letter Gothic Std Slanted Bold
Braggadocio & Avenir Next
Bangla Sangam MN & Baskerville Old Face
Form and Counterform I choose one typeface that has many variations to work with, I ended up using Gill Sans to create both sets of form and counterform. I created ten, 6� squares in InDesign and on each square placed a different letter from the word typography. The first square has a t, the second a y, the third a p, and so on until I have ten squares with typography spelled out. For each square I croped, shifted, rotated, and scaled the letterform. I left enough visual contrast so we can recognize the letter while pushing the boundary of legibility. I also, made the squares flow from one to the next, through rhythm, scale, form, counterform, placement, variation of letterforms, and composition. In the first set I made the composition horizontal and the second set I made it vertical. I found the second set to be more visually interesting because it created two letters that were pushing the boundaries of being abstract. The first one is a lot simpiler and does not push the boundaries as far as the second set does.
Matching Type Matching type is difficult to do in some cases but is crucial to the success of a design. It is important to understand what typefaces can be put together and which ones cannot. This exersize helps to better undrstand how to match tyefaces and it forces you to explain why they go together rather than just saying they do.
Kerning Kerning is the space between the letter. It is important to make sure the kerning is correct in order to make the word flow. If the word does not have the correct amount of spacing then it is difficult to read and make is appear as if it may be two separate words. For this excersize we practiced editing the kerning of word online then we went around and found bad kerning in our everyday lives.
Bad Kerning
Gridwork We looked at different kinds of grids and how they would help our designs and then took photos of things on a grid in our everyday lives. Through this excersize I found that grids are present in almost everything whether it was intentional or not.
Front Matter Front matter is important to the design of a book. It is important for the front matter to flow with the cover of the book, so they have a strong sense of belonging together. Once a theme is started on the cover it is carried through the entire book until it reaches the back cover. The front matter also needs to be clear and clean so it is not confusing to the reader. For this excersize we created the front matter for the book The Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd. The front matter was created to follow the theme of the book cover created for The Cheese Monkeys.
Shadow Type After taking photos of ourselves making the letters in our names we created a typeface from our body forms. The shapes of our bodies determined how our letters looked and then ultimately how the anatomy chart ended up looking. Making the decisions to keep or get rid of parts of the body that were in the photo made the typeface one way or the other, each choice you make makes the typeface different.
Initial Photos
I was able to create the letters in my name with my shadow and the help of some fellow classmates. We had a little trouble figuring out how to make the S but it turned out ok. Having double letters in my name also helped me because I did not have to make quite as many letters.
The original tracing of the photos on transparency paper. During this process I made the descision to get rid of some parts of the letters and keep others.
At this point I traced the letters in black sharpie and worked out the kerning issues that presented themselves.
Anatomy Chart
After completing the sketches and ensuring the kerning was correct I scanned my drawing to the computer and created an anatomy chart for the letters in my name.
Expressive Type Out of a list of words, we chose a word we wanted to design to represent what it means. Expressive type creates the feeling of the word when you see it, that is what makes it successful.
Placard Phrase We chose a quote to create a Placard out of for this project. The goal for this project was to create a Placard with appropriate design to send the message the quote was trying to achieve.
Preliminary Designs
After transfering the design to the computer I came up with these four designs. I like the two on the left the best. However it came to my attention that they may be a little too busy. I really liked the contrast in the top left one and the inconsistency of the bottom left one. I then tried to make the edge of the black box not as sharp but ended up loosing some of the green in the design. I ended up changing the design to comething a little more simple.
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Throughout the process I changed the color and the composition to get my final product.
Bookcover After reading The Cheese Monkeys we designed a bookcover that conveyed the tone we got from the book. I found the book to be sarcastic and funny, but I also found the ending to be relatable. I thought the ending when they were working on their finals and did not sleep was a crucial part of the story. It is definately one of the parts that stood out to me the most. I then decided to use that idea in my bookcover.
Reflection Paragraph
Final Refinement
Final Bookcover
Event Mailer There were several events in the Des Moines area we could design an event for but I chose to do the Dam to Dam half marathon event. The design of the invitation was to be something that people remembered but still had clear information for the invitee to use. The envelope for the invitation was important to the sucess of this project. The evelope would be the first thing the person saw so it was essential that it make the viewer want to see what is inside.
Envelope Sketches
Refined Sketch
Preliminary Designs
Envelope Design
Final Envelope
Final folded
Final without shoe
Final with Shoe
Final Ready to Mail
Type Quizzes
Silencio Sans
Commerce Lean
Mrs. Eaves
Bank Gothic
ITC Officina
Neville Brody
- Explain how has this class changed or informed your view of typography? Throughout the course of this class I found that I really like working with typoraphy and there are a lot of things that I can do just by manipulating the type I am using. - After reviewing your work, what are your strengths and weaknesses? One of my strengths is the amount of time and the dedication I can to making sure the idea is executed to the best of my ability. One of my weaknesses is that I like to add a lot of things to the design and can sometimes end up with a design that is too busy. - Is there anything you wanted to learn more about? I want to learn more about manipulating and creating my own typography. - What project did you enjoy most? Why? I enjoyed the bookcover project the most. I liked reading the book and then trying to come up with a solution to best convey what I got from the book. - What project did you enjoy least? Why? I really enjoyed all of the projects but if I had to pick one I would say the placard project because I had a hard time coming up with a design that really represented what I wanted out of the phrase. I think for this particlar project I was overthinking what I needed to accomplish and had a hard time letting go of my original idea that looked cool but did not represent the phrase in the best manner. - If you could change anything about the class what would it be? I would add more assignments like the bookcover assignment that gave a lot of free rein for what to do but they really required you to come up with a solution that really did send the right message otherwise the meaning is lost. I think that project was the one where I really strated to understand the way the type send the message.