How to speak english well

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D ó iìg

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P D F b ô i G V . N g u y e n


T h a n h

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Nguyên B ongA nh, M A . in TESOL PREFACE The book "H o w To Speak English W e ll" is designed to provide you English learners of pre-intermediate and intermediate levels with 50 hot topics related to daily life. Each topic helps you enrich you r vocabulary -












as well as get more ideas about the topic you are involved in. In addition, questions in each topic facilitate you to practice your speaking skills. Practicing speaking is not only speaking. Besides, the learners have to improve their reading and listening skills, grammar and vocabulary. One of the. most important factors that can help you get the good result in speaking English is the self-<onfidence. Moreover, you should enounce you r ideas and join class discussions actively. In English speaking, shyness prevents you from mastering i t Also, when you do not know ho w to pronounce or h o w to use an English word, you shoufd check it up in a dictionary or ask your classmates or teachers about it O ver all, don't be afraid o f making mistakes when practicing speaking English.


i hope that this book can partly help you improve your English speaking skill. Surely, limitations in this book could not be avoided, so your contributions w ill be highly appreciated. H A V E A B IG SUCCESS I N Y O U R S T U D Y !

45 Nguyen Hong Anh, M.A. in TESOL (Canberra University, Australia) r V

H<w> To S p e a k E nglish W eü Dóng góp P D F bài GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




NguyĂŠn Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL

T O P IC Is M Y SE L F I M R 0 i n CT 1 0 \ I’m very happy to introduce myself. My name is Linh but my friends usually call m e Katy. I live in Bac U eu province, a province in the west of Vietnam. My family consists of four people: m y parents, m y younger brother and i. M y father is a farmer, and m y mother is a house-wife who always takes a good care of my family. My brother is an 11 th grade student. And l am a junior of Van Lang University. I like learning English very much. I have learnt it for years at high school and university, but my speaking skill is not good enough. Therefore, I try my best to leam it now, and I hope I can speak it well one day. When l graduate from university, I will be a teacher of English because it is my major. In my free time, I like listening to music, watching movies, reading newspapers, and going shopping. O n Sundays, i usually go to the coffee shop to chat with m y friends in the morning, and I always join the English Speaking Club to improve my speaking skill in the afternoon. In short, I am very happy with m y life. O f course, ! am going to make it happier and more meaningful.


2. Ex: 3.

to consist (of) [kan'sist] = The committee consists often mmbers Uy ban gdm co mifcn thanh wen to take care of " /always take care of my family junior (n) fdOurnjs]:

to include

to look after the third-year student

freshman sophomore

junior senior

Hoic To Speak English Well D onggofcP D Fb& i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




N guyen H o ttg A n h , M.A. in TE SO L

QUESTIONS FO R P1SCPSSIOM 1. May ! know your name? W here are you from? What do you do? 2. How many people are there in your family? W hat is your position in your family? W ho do you think loves you most in your family? 3. Which school are you studying at? W hat is your major? W h y do you choose it? 4. Wnat do you like about your classroom? What do you dislike about your classroom? 5. What do you think about your classmates? What do you think about your instructors 6 . What are you going to do after graduating from your university? Do you think you will be successful in your future job? 7. Do you like listening to music? If yes, what kind of m usic do you like best?


'v v '

8 . W hat do you think about watching T V or films? What is your favorite channel? 9. What do you often do at weekends? Which activity do you like best? 10. Do you want to change your daily life? If yes, how will be it changed?

TOPIC 2: TBOEFIKST BA Y I WENT TO SCHOOL I will never forget the first day 1 went to school. O n that day, my mother accompanied m e to school. Soon a teacher came and led us to som e classrooms. Th e re we were put into four separate classes. Th is was when som e children began to cry a s T h e parents were not allowed into the classrooms. I did not cry because I had been to kindergarten before. it w as an enjoyable time for me as I got to know m y new classmates. Th e teacher w as very busy writing down our particulars, so w e had plenty of time to ourselves. ‘W hen the break came, m y new friends and I managed to make friend with two girls. Soon w e were laughing and playing together. O nce in a while the teacher had to tell us to keep quiet as w e were making too much noise.

Ecnc T o Speak English Well ÂĄ\ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




guyén Hong Anh, M A. in TESOL inally the bell rang for us to go home. Som e of us were very relieved to e reunited with our parents. I too w as glad to see m y mother wafting for le at the school gate. I had m ade m any friends. It had been a "St day at school.



. to accompany [a ’kA m p s n i]: to go with Ex: l s hould ask m y friend io accompany me to school Tói phài nhò ban tói dr cùng töi den truòng . separate ['se p rat] (a ) : dii Ex: We were put into four separate classes Chùng tói duoc phàn vào càc lop khàc nhau . kindergarten ['kinds,go :tn ] (n ) : a school for children . to be busy + v-ing {»nth something) Ex: She 's busy with her homework Có ày b$n cóng wee ò nhà She's busy writing letters Co ay dang ban viét this . particular [petikjule(r)] (n): detail, event to by . to manage = sometimes . Once in a while (exp.) = Ex: Once in a while we go to a restaurant Thtnh thoàng chùng tói di än nhà häng . be relieved [ri'iirv ): be comfortable to come together 0. to reunite [,r i:ju :'n a it]: 1. to see s.o do/doing s.tfr:

O tE ST lO M S FOK D ISCUSSIO X W hen did you start your schooling? Did you go to a public high school or a private one? Did you have to w ear a uniform in high school? How about elementary school? Have you ever been absent from class? If yes, how m any times were you absent from school? Have you ever been late for class? If so, w hy? W hen w as the last time? Did the teacher get angry? Did your school have a band? If so, did you play in it? Do you play on any of the school's sports teams? Did you have any close friends at elementary school? Do you still keep in touch with them? What classes did you not like? W h y didn't you like them? W hat did you like best about high school? 4

loir To Speak English W ell D ong gdj> P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen H ong A nh 7 M A . in TESOL 8.

W hat school did you graduate from? W hat high school? W hat junior high school? 9. W hat were som e of the rules you had to follow at your high school? Which rules did you think w ere unfair? Did you ever get caught breaking any school rules? .Were you allowed to eat food in the ^ classroom? ' ' 10. W hat was your favourite subject? W h y do you like it? Which subjects were you good at? W hich subjects w ere you poor at?

T O P IC 3s M V F A iu n v r There are five m em bers in m y family: m y parents, m y older bother, m y younger sister and l. .

. . . . . ' M y parents are living in one of the central provinces. M y mother is 53 years old. She is a housewife. M y father is 55 years old. H e is a fisherman. M y older brother gets married, living separately near m y parents 1 home. He has two children and works for an industrial park with his wife. M y younger sister is a schoolgirl. She is three years older than me. W e are very united.

N ow i'm living in H C M C for m y higher education. However, I always miss and think about m y family because it is the best place for m e in the world. Th e re I can feel safe, warm, and free. My home is a place where 1 keep all things that I love and am with people who love me m o s t It is also the place w here I spend the happiest moments in m y life, in addition, l believe that m y hom e is a foundation for me to develop myself and a school that forms m y personality.

v f

In short, I always keep the sentence “no place is like home* in m y mind.


1. foundation [faun'dei/nj (n): 2. to form =*

base to create

H<nc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




en H a n g A n h , M~\. in TESOL

QUESTIO NS FOK PISCTJSSIOtt ow m any people are there in your family? Do you live with your imily? W ho is the most important one in your family? /hy do people say, T a m ily is the foundation of society”? What do )u think about Vietnam ese family's foundation? it the sam e or different between the family structure in the past and ie at present? W hat do you think of the traditional family? is it better ¡an the m odem one? W hy/why not? Ihich one do you prefer between living in a large family with m any snerations and living in a small one? W hat are advantages and sadvantages of living in a large / small family? s a saying goes “Th e re is no place like home*. D o you think so? 'hat should w e do to preserve the structure of Vietnamese family? ow is a happy family? Do you want to live with your parents, others or sisters in the same house? W h y (or why not)? o you agree that the more m odem society is, the more easily the mily is broken? W hat makes the value of family in Vietnam jw ngrade? <^=5 you have one choice between m oney and family, which one would >u choose? W h y? tiy are more and more people being interested in earning money? Tiat do you think of people who change their wives or friends when iing rich? ave you ever left your family for a long time? If yes, how did you 6 6,7

To Sp ea k English Well D ong gop H XF b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu






Nguyén Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL

T O P IC 4 ; M Y C H U J fflO O P j§ It is said that childhood is the best period of one’s g life. I also have a beautiful childhood.


Since I was bom, my mother has always taken a I good care of me in everything. M y father usually 1 appeared at important events in my life. For H example, he took me to the school on the first day . V

his care, I always got good results. My grandparents also loved me so. much. W henever they came back home from their business trips or from the market, they always had presents for- me. M y unforgettable memory is when I sat on the verandah with my grandma listening to her fairy tales. M y favorite story was “ Ta m

and Cam ”. \ also have a lot of memories during my schooling years. O nce I cut class to go to the cinema with m y classmates. But my teacher and my mother punished m e seriously for that. Th e teacher made me kneel for one hour at the com er of the classroom, and m y mother gave me a sound spanking. ■ V -/ In short, 1 never forget my childhood.

1. period fpieriad] (n): stage Ex: Our country has many periods of history

Day nu&c ta c6 nhieu giai (Scan Ijch sir 2. event [Tvent] (n): incident Ex: Graduating from university is a big event in my life. 3. to encourage [irikQridG]: to stimulate Ex: My friends usually encourage me to lose weight 4. verandah [va'raenda] (n): the open porch 5. fairy tale: fairy story 6. serious psiarias] (a) strict c i . . fwy leacner nas Ex: My teacher has a se. serious look

Thay t6; co ve nghiem khac Y W to kneel jni:Q: a sound spanking:


H o w To S p e a k E nglish W ell

\)dng gop PDF bcri GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu

to go down on knees the act of slapping




sên H ângA nh, M A . in TESOL

QmESTIOUfS FO R PISCPSSIO M low m any children are there In your family? W hat is your position in te family? /here were you bom ? W here did you grow up? W hen did you go to chool? How did you feel? /as your childhood happy or unhappy? W h y? Do you still keep any eautiful memories? [f yes, could you tell us som e of yours? /hat do you rem em ber most about your childhood? Do you think lat childhood is the best period of your life? o you think that we had best time when we were in our childhood? ow did you spend your childhood? W hat did you like best w hen you ere a child? /ho was your best friend when you were a child? C an you describe m/her? D o you still keep relation with him/her? /hen you were a little child, who did you love m ost? W hich toy did )U like best? What kinds of entertainment did you use to have? 'hat kinds of gam es did you usually play? W ho did you usually play ith? A r Tiat did you hate eating? W h a fs your most vivid m em ory of the )use or flat where you grew up? d you think that ifs very hard for us to get what have gone? Do you ;ual?y talk to your friends about your childhood? d you ever wish that you could live a childhood life again?



3y usually begins at 6. I get up and do

exercise for about an hour. Th en I take After that I get dressed and have fast with my family. I usually have a breakfast. At 7.30 I leave for school. n take a bus to school. I catch the bus my house, and it takes me about 30 es to get to school. My first class starts )Q a m. and finishes at 1*1 a.m. Sometimes I stay there for the oon class. However, I usually stay at home in the afternoons. ! evening, I go to evening classes. I’m teaming English at Youth jn Language School. W hen I get home, I have dinner and watch

To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gâÿ P D F bd i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




JK'guyen H ong A nh, M-A. in TESOL T V for an hour. Th e n I start m y homework. Sometimes I go out with m y friends. I usuaiiy go to bed at 12. O n Sundays, I usually go to coffee shops for chatting with m y friends. Sometimes we go fishing or singing karaoke. You know, every Sunday afternoon, I go to the English Speaking Club to improve my speaking skill.

c ? When I have free time, I usually listen to music. I like English songs very much because they help me improve m y English. A day in my life is very ' interesting. ' JQ

QUESTIONS F O B PISC U SSIO X 1. What time do you usually get up? Do you take any exercise after getting up? W hat form of exercise, if any, do you take? 2. Do you usually have breakfast at home or at work or on the way to work? Do you often have coffee? 3. What do you have for lunch? Do you bring your lunch to work or have lunch outside work or go home for it? ^ 4. What time do you leave your work? Do you have to work overtime? In night shifts? Do you like your job? ^ 5. What time do you arrive home from work? W hen do you usually have dinner? Do you stay home and watch T V , read books or magazines, do the needle work, listen to music, or have a talk with your partner? 6. How often do you go out after dinner? Do you go to evening classes? What courses of study are, you taking? What plans do you have for such courses? 7. How do you spend your time on Sundays? What do you do in your free time? W hat do you do at weekends? 8. Do you think that your daily life is O K , compared with others in your family? Do you think your daily routine is boring? Have you ever thought of doing something else for a change? 9. Are you still going to school? W hat time does your school begin? What do you often do before school? How do you prepare your lessons before school? How do you go to school? How long does it take you to get there? When does your school finish? Do you go straight home after school? 10. Are you pleased with a day in your life?

r V

B o te To S p e a k English W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




yên TJông Anh, M A , in TESOL

TOPIC te THOE SUBJECT I LIKE If I would have the opportunity to study a subject I do not know yet, I would choose to study the outer space. '

A ,

I think it is very interesting to work on a space­ ship, gathering different kinds of information, probes and specimens. Also I have chances to know what is beyond our solar system as well as t is beyond our universe. ther reason for studying the space is that I might make new overies. I think it is a great feeling to give people new knowledge, srtunities and experience. Thanks to these discoveries, people know s about our universe. lort, I believe that in the future, people will be able to visit the space as they go to a museum now. PABULAR Y T IP obe Iproub] (n): yp exploration earner [spesiman] (n): sample yond [bfjDnd] (acfv-pre): out of reach E x: Fuji and other mountains beyond are covered in snow. NOi Phü S i vä cäc ngpn nOi phia xa kta dSu phü däy tuyet

OUUSTIOrcS FO B P ISC U SSIO fl Vhat do you like about your classroom? W hat do you don’t like about our classroom? >o you think that smart students always sit down in front? Do you jel comfortable about your seat? Do you like the location of your esk in your classroom? W here is your seat the best for you? >o you think the teacher should assign seats to students? What is ie ideal seating plan or arrangement m a classroom? tfhat are five things you would like to change in your classroom? Do ou enjoy changing classrooms for different classes? ; there any air-conditioning in your classroom? Is your classroom a ice place to study?

To S p e a k Engüsh W eü D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




N guyên H o n g A n h , M A . in T E SO L 5. How m any subjects do you have to study? W hich subjects are you bad at? W hich subjects are you good at? 7. W hich subject do you like best? W h y do you like it? Are you good at this subject? 8. Do you learn English as one subject in you r school? Do you like it? Am ong four skills, which one do you like best? 9. Which subjects do you think are not practical? W h y do you think so?

A «5


A s human beings, we all have four main feeling as happiness, anger, likes and dislikes. O f course, w e want to do what w e like; however, s ometimes, w e m ust do things that we do not like. Ta k e m e for example. I hate getting up early very m uch, tt is so relaxing to wake up without the help of an alarm d o c k and to lie fifteen minutes more recalling your dream s. How ever, I have to get up at 6 o’clock every morning. Th e n I put on m y T-sh irt and shorts and go jogging. Som etim es I want to break m y alarm dock, but I can’t because I have to go to school on time. J h ■ ' J v Moreover, l hate shopping. It is m y opinion that shopping takes too much time which t can spend doing other things I like. But every week, I have to do som e shopping at a certain superm arket Otherwise, m y refrigerator will be empty, and I cannot afford to have lunch and dinner at the restaurant every day. In short, in our life, w e cannot avoid doing things we do not w a n t

VOCABULARY IX P 1. to recall [riled:!] = to reminisce 2. to break = to destroy 3. to afford [a’fO.d]: to have enough money Ex: / cant afford to buy a new car

Hove T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyên Thanh Til




Vguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL


What annoys you most about living at home with your family? What •annoys you about the place where you live now? L What annoys you about taking buses to work or to school? What annoys you about driving a motorbike? What annoying habits does your best friend have? What is the most annoying thing for you? i. Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples. >. Do you annoy people with some of your habits? W hat is something that your parents like to do but you don’t? 5. What do you often like doing everyday? W h y do you like doing it? Do you think your family m embers like what you like? r. Do you like getting up early? W h y or why not? W hat do you think if someone wakes you up early? 1. What do you hate doing during a day? W hy do you hate it? What will happen if you don’t do what you hate? i. W ho usually forces you to do what you don’t like? Do you often ask someone to do what they don’t like? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

t o p ic

fc m y v i t n f i

o f y o iik

u fe

I do not know what you think of your life. I myself think that m y life is very beautiful and lucky. W hy do I say so? I find that at least two people in this world love m e so much that they would devote themselves 'm* to me. Moreover, m any people around me love me because I often make them happy with m y help and smiles. n addition, I ’am optimistic. W henever I make a mistake, 1 find that omething good com es from it. W hen m any people say that the world ias turned its back on them, I myself think that I have likely turned m y iack on the world. And when' people think they have no chances of letting what they want, 1 believe that sooner or later I will get It live happily, I always rem em ber the compliments I’ve received and orget about the rude remarks.

I<ytc To S p e a k English W ell D ong gop P D F bdi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL Briefly, we are in different situations, so we m ay have different conceptions of life. W h y don’t we share them together to make our life better and better?

VO CABULARY TCP 1. to devote [di’vout] = to sacrifice Ex: I devote m y time to learn English 73/ danh het thdi gian de hoc tieng Anh 2. optimistic [.Upti'mistik] (a): expecting the best Ex: Nam is not optimstic about the result 3. to turn back on s.o: not pay attention to 4. compliment (n): praise 0 , 5. rude [ru:d] {a): impolite Ex: It's rude to interrupt the teacher Ngat icri th iy co la khiem nha 6. conception (n): opinion, idea

Q U ESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. W hat do you think of your life: lucky or unlucky? Do you think that G od doesn't give us everything w e ask for? 2. Is it right to say that it's those small daily happenings that make life so special? In which w a y do you think so? 3. It is said that under everyone's hard shell is som eone who w ants to be appreciated and loved. Do you agree with it? 4. W hat do you think about an idea that 'to ignore the facts does not change the facts?? 5. W h o love you m ost in your life? W hat will happen to you If you lose that one som e da ? ?/ 6. Have you ever thought that the world turns its back on you ? A t that time do you think that you turn your back on the w orld? 7. A re you in love now? A re you of the opinion that love, not time, heals all wounds'? 8. I believe that the easiest w a y for m e to grow as a person is to surround myself with people who are sm arter than I am. W hat do you think?: 9. D o you agree with m e that life is tough, but w e are tougher, and no one is perfect until we fall in love with them ? 10. I've learned that everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, but ail happiness occurs while I’m climbing it. Do you think so?

How To S p e a k E n g lish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyên Thanh Tii





Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL

T o p ic 9s A N T1YFOBGETTABUB MEMORY Graduat ion is a very important event in a person’s life, and it is my pleasure to share with you m y high school day graduation. My mother helped me prepare for the day. A t first, we went shopping to buy a dress and a pair of shoes. However, we could not find a pair of shoes that would fit to my dress. Therefore, two days before the graduation day, t had hot 'got any shoes. However, my mother assured me that she could m anage it and promised me that she would show up when the grad day came. Unfortunately, she could not do that because she had an important business to do on that day. Th e event took place from 8 am till 11 am. Looking at m y schoolmates, I felt a little sad because they were with their relatives. However, it happened for just a m om ent During the ceremony, l was very excited to wait for m y turn to hold the degree. Well! i forgot to tell you that m y mother appeared at the end of the graduation. She hugged, kissed and congratulated me. She also gave me a present that l have kep as m y most valuable thing in my life. After that, she took me to a small restaurant and treated me a special lunch. That day has gone, but I never forget it. It is the first step for me to enter my life. J f f

VOCABULARY T IP 1. to fit = Âż0 to match 2. to assure {a'/ua, a'/D:] = to insure Ex: Hard work usually assures success Cham chi thu-cmg bao dam sis thanh cong 3. T o show up = to appear Ex: Will you show up at her wedding party? 4. grad graduation 5. to take place to happen Ex: Our meeting will take place next Monday. 6. ceremony [serimani] (n) a formal act X jlx : My friend wedding ceremony will take place in church. 7. to hug = to embrace

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell Dons sop P D F bai GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii


w w w . f a c e b o o k .c o m /d a y k e n 1 q u y n h o n


Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL

g u E sn o x s

fo b

m s c u s s io r c


Do you have a good m em ory or a bad memory? Do you usually remember or forget things? Are there some things or times that you will never forget? 2. Would you like to have a perfect memory? W h y or w hy not? Are there some things or times that you wish you could forget? 3. Have you ever forgotten something important like your keys or ypur phone? 4. Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten w hy you went there? Have you ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary? 5. What’s your earliest m emory? W hen w as it? W h afs your most vivid (clear or sharp) m em ory? W hen was it? 6. “Memories make the man’ . What do you think of this saying? G ive examples. 7. Th ose who forget the past will repeat it W hat do you think this means? G ive examples. 8. Many people find that visiting certain place brings back a childhood memory very strongly (such as the scene of an old family holiday). W h y do you think this is? 9. If you could edit your memories, which ones would you erase and why? Which ones would you make dearer and more vivid? 10. W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

TOPIC 10: MY H O BBIES Everyone has his own hobbies'7such as reading,/ watching T V or film s / travelling/ listening to music/etc. I also have m y own hobbies. In m y free time/l have some things to enjoy. Th e hobby i like best/is playing guitar.jkut i can just play/a few simple tunes My uncle tells m e / that 1 have to practice a lot/and then it will be O K . Another hobby I alsp spend much time on/is/ keeping fish. I have a small beautiful aquarium/where I keep a variety of little fish. I Jove watching them swimming about very. much. I collect stamps, too. But I just take the stamps from envelopes/that m y relatives and friends send to m e. Most of them are local stamps. One more hobby I d like to mention here/is singing Karaoke. How exciting it is when I can enjoy my own voice/klthough it is not very good.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




gnyen Hong Anh. M-A. in TESOL hefe are other hobbies that I’m also interested ir/such as going fishing r chatting on the Internet ^ r with my friends in coffee shops Jar bars/at eekends. Sometimes/l also go shopping for some things I need. How re your hobbies?

VOCABULARY TIP . tune ftu:nj (n): melody Ex: My friend always sings in tune. Ban toi tuon hat dung dieu . aquarium [aTcwesriam] (n): a place where fish is raised . local (a) = domestic

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION . Do you have a lot of free time? How do you spend it? What are your hobbies? Which one do you like best? . Do you like watching T V ? Do you watch T V a lot? How often do you watch T V ? W hen do you usually watch ft? What kinds of programs do you usually watch? W hat’s your "favorite program? What’s your favorite channel? . Do you like watching films? What kinds of films do you prefer? What is your favorite film? Can you tell me which film stars are your idols? Where do usually see films: at home or cinema? . Do you listen to the radio a lot? How much time do you listen to it every day? W hen do you,listen to it? What kinds of programs do you often listen to? Do you ever listen to programs in English? What’s your favorite radio station? Do you ever listen to the radio in bed? . Do you like listening to music? What kinds of music do you listen to? W ho are your favorite singers and groups? Do you like listening to Music Programs on H C M Radio Station? Have you ever asked the station for songs you like? . Do you play any sports? What sports do you like most? W hen do you usually play? How do you feel after playing? . What do you usually dp at the weekends? W hat do you think of singing karaoke? Do you like it? Do you often go to Karaoke Bars? Which one do you like best? W hy? How often do you go singing karaoke? . 4 Singing karaoke is good or bad to you? Does singing karaoke help you get rid of the burden or difficulty in your life? Do you think you are more confident when singing karaoke? Is it the best way for you to improve your confidence?

Hou; To S p e a k English WeR B on g g 4>P D F bd i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til





Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL 9. There are many kinds of entertainment now, which one do you like best? Can you explain it dearly, please?

TO PIC 11; M AKW G FKIFJVBS W hen making new friends, there are usually three parts to the conversation y o u will have with your new friend. T h e first is the greeting. In this part, you and your new friend will greet each other and tell each other your names. T h e second part is the conversation. Sometimes the conversation is a small talk, and some times the conversation is about important matters, such as business. A "small talk" means that the conversation is about matters that are not very important. W hen conversing with your new friend, it is customary to give information about ypur family, your work, or you will talk about any matter that is important to you and your new friend. T h e third part of the conversation is the leave-taking. In this part, you tell your new friend that you are happy to meet him and that you must end the conversation. 1 hope w e will have more and more friends thanks to our ways of behaviour. C F VOCABULARY U P

. □

1. greeting fgri:tinJ ( n £ y loi chao hoi ai Ex: Please send my greetings to your family Xin vui Jdng gCri ten chao cua toi den gia dinh ban nhe. 2. customary [’kOstameri] (a): usual Ex: Is it customary to tip waiters in your country? O nuoc ban, ngudi ta co tbudng cho hau ban ti&n boa bay khong?



m O b you enjoy meeting new people? W hat are some good things to ask someone you just met? What are som e things you shouldn't ask people you just met? 2. Is it O K to ask a person's age in your country?

Hcnc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gdp P D F bob GV. N guyen Thanh Tu





Nguyen Hong A nh, M j i . in T E S O L ______________ ______________■ 3. Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new? What are some ways to overcome being nervous about meeting new people? 4. ’ About how m any new people do you meet a week? What kind of people do you like to meet? 5. Where are some good places to meet people? How important are first impressions to you? 6. What do you do rf you forget the name of someone you’ve just been introduced to? 7. How do you “w in p e o p le 's he a rt”! Have you ever won anyone’s heart? 8. What are the advantages of winning others’ affection? What happens if people around you hate you? 9. W hy should we be a good listener and not talk much about ourselves? W hat do you think about those who are talkative? Are you tollrotniAO

¡Hlffi B8L/

Camping is a very popular activity to all Vietnamese pupils and students. On special occasions such as the Teacher’s Day, the Anniversary of T h e Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union or the Independence Day, they usually go

nping is a great w ay to spend time with classmates. However, sometimes at weekends or on holidays, I go camping with m y family and close friends. In most cases, I look for a campsite that has a lot of shade from the sun, is near a river or on the hill, and has a good spot to pitch a tent Th e most interesting time is when the camp-fire is built. After dinner, we all sit around the fire and telLstones, sing songs or play games together. Thanks to these activities, our relation is closer. Moreover, we can forget ail tiredness of our daily life. W hen you have enough free time, you should go camping to feel its real merest.

ffotr T o S p o o k English W eil D óng góp P D F boi GV. Nguyên Thanh Tü



w w w . f a c e b o o k .c o m /d a y k e i 4 q u y n h o n

Nguyen H ong A nh, M.A.. in TE SOL V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4.

to encamp: a campsite: shade [I'eid] (n) a spot (n) = Ex: My home is in a remote spot. Quê toi à mot noi hèo lânh. 5. to pitch =

to set up camp a place to encamp an area of darkness a place

to build, to set up

QUESTIONS FO R DISCUSSION 1. Do you like cam ping? If yes, how often do you do that? 0 ? 2. W hat camping opportunities are available in and around your hometown? 3. W hat should w e prepare for a camping trip? How long does it usually take you to prepare for it? 4. Do you have to make a campsite reservation? How do you make it? 5. Suppose your are preparing to go camping a couple of days in a famous place like Mui Ne, how can you reserve a campsite at one of these locations or one of your own choice? 6. W hen going camping, do you always avoid polluting the environment? W hat are some commonsense rules for keeping safe while camping? 7. Are there any restrictions on what you can do and bring into the park in our city? W hich park in our city do you like best? 8. W hat activities are most popular in a camping trip in Vietnam? Which activity do you like best? W h y do you like it? 9. W ho do you prefer to go camping with between your friends and your family m em bers? W h ic h ca m p in g trip is unforgettable in y o u r life? V*10. W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

Hoic To Speak English Well D ông gôp P D F bâi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til

19 w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m /b o i d u o n g h o a h o c q u y n h o n



Nguyen H ong A nh, MJL. in TESOL

TO PIC 13s SIJPKBW ABKETS In .order to satisfy the need of shopping in a big city, supermarkets have com e into existence with their ever-increasing number, and shopping supermarkets is no longer a “m o d e ’ to city dwellers. It is a m ust in a m odem city like H C M C . I also like shopping at a supermarket, and I usually go to the supermarket once or twice a w eek to buy things I need. Since I do a lot of shopping, I usually need a shopping cart to cany everything. 1 first stop by the ready-food counter to pick up som e food 1 like. Th e n , I look for som e fruits and vegetables in the produce section, but I make sure they are fresh. M y roommates like milk, so 1 swing by the dairy section and grab a few boxes of milk. Also, there are times when l do not have much time to cook, so I usually pick up som e frozen food. If the store is out of stock of any of the items I need, then I drop by a different supermarket on m y w ay hom e. I generally pay with cash at the checkout counter. Supermarkets are really convenient for us now. O nce we come into any supermarket, we can find almost everything we want there. It does not take us much time to go to different stores. Moreover, goods of nearly all kinds are displayed on open shelves, so we can choose whatever we want and take them to the checkout counter. Thanks to supermarkets, our lives seem to be easier. I hope more and more supermarket are opened near our community so that w e do not waste time on shopping. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP quay thipc àn làm s in 1. ready-food counter: to move back and forth 2. to swing: Ex The car swung sharply round the comer to take quickly 3. to grab The cat grabs the mouse ^ Ex 4. frozen food: thi>c an dong b=mh 5. checkout counter: q u ly tinh tien

H oic To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng g ép P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




Nguyen B ôn g A n h , M A . in TESOL

OL ESTIOIVS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Which shops do you often visit? How often you go shopping? Who do ft? you often go with? W hy? D o you find it interesting to go shopping? shopping your hobby? 2. How do you spend your money on shopping? Are you willing to spend a lot of money on shopping? Do you have any budget for shopping? 3. Have you ever gone shopping for fun? And what do you Iflce doing there? If you buy faulty goods, what will you do with it? 4. W hat is the difference between “g o s h o p p in g ” and “g o to the m a rk e t? W ho has a higher demand for shopping, man or wom an? Is it true that only women are interested in shopping? 5. in your opinion, when does shopping activity become busiest? What are reasons for supermarkets to boom? . What do you think of the competition among manufacturers in our city now? What do you think about prices of commodities displayed and sold in supermarkets? 7. W hat are main commodities sold in the marts, domestic or imported products? What do you think of the iifdrig of imported commodities? 8. W hat should the government do to help local manufacturers to compete with foreigners?


9. What do comment on the supermarkets in our city? Between traditional markets and supermarkets, which one do you prefer? W h y?


OH THE C O m T R Y SID F? As we see, more and more people are coming to big cities to live or earn their living now. Although I am living and working in H C M City, I prefer to live in the countryside.

First of ail, most cities now are polluted. Th e smoke from factories, industrial waste and noise spoil the environment seriously. Moreover, many people drop litter everywhere. Then, traffic jams happen all the time causing m e a lot of trouble. Another problem is that the sanitary system does not work very well; as a consequence, streets are flooded whenever it rains heaviiy. Also, city people lose their touch with nature. Last but not least, human

Htne To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên Hong A nk, M A . in TESOL relationship is not good, and social life is sometimes complicated because of crimes, social evils, or unemployment. On the contrary, in the countryside, life is very peaceful, and people are too. Moreover, country people treat one another quite well. T h e y are always very hospitable and wiling to help others. Moreover, the countryman can live with nature and enjoy its real beauty. In short, although the standard of living in the countryside is not high and it lacks schools, hospitals, or entertainment activities, I still prefer to live in it. Jfc" V O C A B U L A R Y TIP chatthal cong nghiep 1. industrial waste: to leave rubbish 2. to drop litter 3. sanitary system: he thong thoat niroc 4. as a consequence: ['lonsikwansj ^asa result to overflow 5. to flood [fiDd] Ex: Mekong Delta is flooded every year. Chinese motorcycles flood the Vietnamese market. 6. to lose s.o's touch with s.tft / s.o else: 7. standard of Irving: 8. hospitable fhuspitabf] (a): mind

thfeu ti£p xuc, lien lac material comfort having an open

QUESTIONS FOR MSCIJSSIOM 3 i! 1. Where were you born? Have you ever lived in a rural area? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country? 2. Do you like countrymen? What are their characteristics? What do you think about students coming from provinces? 3. Have you ever taken part in the ‘ Greer? Sum m er Volunteer Campaign”” in remote country? What do think about it? 4. If you have a chance to work in the rural, are you wilting to take it? If you want to get married, which one will you choose - a wife (a husband) coming from the countryside or from a big city? S. Do you think rural men are more honest than urban ones? What do you think of Saigonese? What are their characteristics? p i What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city? Do you think jiving in the big city, mart becomes a robot? Why/why A* not?

flo w To Speak English Well Dông gôp P D F bâi GV. Nguyên Thanh Til




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 7. Nowadays, w h y do not m any students from provinces, after graduating, w ant to com e back to their provinces to work? Do you think this m atter makes the gap between the rural and the urban areas bigger and bigger? 8 . T o you, what is the main gap between the rural and the urban in our country? If you w ere President, what would you do to fill this gap? 9. C a n you guess how rural areas in our country will be in ten years’ tim e? W h a t should the governm ent do to speed up the process of urbanization?

TO PIC 15; T H E IM PORTANCE O F B R E A K FA ST T h e first meal of the day, breakfast, is actually the most important one. However, this meal is often ignored or neglected by m any people in the mad rush to m ake it to the workplace. Since the time gap between the last food w e eat like dinner or supper and the next one like breakfast is rather long, skipping breakfast can seriously affect our health. According to experts, breakfast boosts our brain-power, keeps us slim and lifts our mood. It is not advisable to m anage on a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits till lunchtime. Ensure that you and your family m em bers have a proper breakfast, which will supply you the required energy to start your day well. Th e re are different choices for breakfast items. W hile som e swear by toast and egg variety, others go in for porridge, milk and cornflakes, noodles, pasta, bacon or other options. Because of being busy, m any people have breakfast out, but I usually cook breakfast for myself. Cooking breakfast can be fun if we enjoy it, and making food for ourselves is even better. I usually cook eggs for m y breakfast. First, l warm up the stove and then beat the eggs in a bowl, i prefer scrambled eggs, but I can m ake just about any type. 1 warm up the oil, and I pour the eggs in a frying pan. I use a spatula to mix and turn over the eggs O n ce the eggs are done, 1 remove them from the pan and serve myself, I usually enjoy it with a loaf and som e salad. B y this way, I can save a little m oney because eating out is expensive now. In the future, I will learn to cook m ore types of breakfast so that I can change it every day.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W eil D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tit




Nguyen Hong A uk, M A . in T E S O L __________________ In short, breakfast is very important for us. Don’t skip it to have enough energy to begin your day well. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. to ignore = to neglect 2. mad rush = 3. to skip = 4. to boost = 5. to lift s.o’s mood= 6. to swear by 7. scrambled (a): rskraembl] 8. to pour [pC:j: Ex: The Theriver riverpours pourshitself into the sea. Sòng do ra bièn. 9. pan (n): 10. spatula Tspaet/utej: 11. a loaf poufj:

thrown together to cause to flow

a container for cooking xéng trôn nâu àn a portion of bread

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. Are you a good cook? What food do you cook the most often? 2. Are you a vegetarian? Are you concerned about your daily calorie intake when choosing something to eat? 3. At what times do you usually eat your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)? Do you eat beef? Do you eat bread every day? Do you eat fruit every day? 4. Did you eat breakfast today? Do you always eat breakfast with your family? ^ ■ 5. W hat kinds of food do you often make for breakfast? Are there any foods you eat for breakfast that are specific to you r country or hometown? 6. If an international student from a different country ate breakfast at your house, what would you serve him or her? 7. Did you drink coffee this morning? Do you drink milk every day? Do you drink tea every day? Do you have coffee for breakfast? 8. Do you ever skip breakfast? If so, how often and w hy? Do you have a favorite bar or cafe? If so, where is it? W h y do you like it? 9. Do you have coffee for "breakfast? Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most? i lk Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants? How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant? 11. Do you like to eat cakes? Do you like to eat junk food? Have you ever been a diet? If so, how long did you stayed on it?

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng gìpp P D F bài GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyên Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC lfcF A S X F O O B In recent years, more and more fast food restaurants like Lotteria, Kentucky, or Fried Chicken are open in our city. Th ese restaurants are very convenient for city people. W hen 1 need a bite to eat, i drop by a fast food restaurant and buy a quick meal. 1 usually order a pizza or hamburger, and som e fries. O n the hamburger, I ask them to put everything on it onions, lettuce, mustard, ketchup, pickles, and tomato, but I don’t like the mayonnaise. I also order a bottle of soft drink to wash everything down. & Sometimes at weekend, my family and f go there to change our taste. Going out to eat together can be a pleasurable experience, particuiarfy if foe atmosphere is just right and foe prices are within our budget I do not eat fast food too often because it contains a lot of fat. However, fast food restaurants are good for those who are always busy with their business. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP to stop by rau diép mù tac niróc sôt cà chua dò chua, dua chua xót ma-don-ne the sense of food , V et aside I always have budget for my future study

1. to drop by = 2. lettuce fletis}: (n): 3. mustard fmGstacf]: 4. ketchup fketfap]: 5. pickles fpikl]: 6. mayonnaise [meia'neiz] (n): 7. taste (n): Ex:

QUESTIONS UOK DISCUSSION 1. How m any meals do you have a day? What are they? Do you often eat something between main meals? 2. ,What kinds of food do you eat most often? W hy? What is your opinion about an ideal meal? W What influences your appetite in eating? How much does food influence your health? Do you eat before the bedtime?

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV Nguyên Thanh Tii




Nguyên Hong Anh, M A , in TESOL 4. W hat are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at a fast food restaurant? Consider convenience, cost, and nutrition in your answer. 5. With so m any fast food restaurants in business, it is difficult to know which provides the best value in terms of price and healthy food choices. 6. What kind of pizza do you like and what toppings do you like on it? 7. W here would you like to eat (at Home, in a restaurant, in a canteen, in a cafeteria, at a party)? What are reasons for people to eat out? 8. Which is cheaper, eating in or out? In which ways is eating at home better for us? W hat are advantages and disadvantages of eating in and out? 9. How is a good meal? D o you think the atmosphere affect a lot to our appetite? Do you eat to live or live to eat? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

TO PIC 1 7 s im iB O K M E M T A L PO IX C TIO N In recent years, the problem of environmental pollution has become a serious problem in big cities in our country. So, what are reasons and possible m easures for this problem? Nowadays, we are living in a city with high population density, so domestic waste is the first reason. Then many people’s social consciousness is not high. several areas, they throw rubbish on the street or canals and rivers. It is easy for us to see rubbish of all kinds floating on the water. Moreover, uncultured people even “make water" in the public place. Now, let’s com e to other reason. O u r city is overloaded with vehicles that expel a lot of smoke and dust. This contributes to the heat of the air, and causes pollution. Besides that, in several places, trees have been cut down to have room for buildings, hotels, or supermarkets. Th is makes the atmosphere in our city m uggy and stuffy. In addition, many plants and factories send out waste into the canals or poisonous gas into the air.

Hotc To Speak English Well D ông gôp P D F bâi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyên HôngAnh, M A. in TESOL Last but not least, the drainage system in our city is very old and downgrade, so it’s always flooded whenever it rains. Thus, how can we solve this problem? Let’s talk about it.

VOCABULARY H P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

density (n)= domestic (a)= canal(n) = [ka’nael] to float = to make water = to expel - [iks’pel] muggy (a) =


drainage = rdreinidD]

thickness home channel, a small river to drift to urinate to eject uncomfortable system of waste water

QUESTIONS FO R DISCUSSION 1. Do you agree that air pollution is really alarming problem now? What are in your opinion, the causes leading to air pollution? 2. What do you think about the smoke from industrial factories, from motorcycles and automobiles in our city? What measures do you recommend to limit such smoke? 3. Can you give the harmful effect that air pollution exerts on people’s health? D o you wear mask when going out? W h y? 4. What do you think about the fact that m any city dwellers litter anywhere they like? Could you suggest som e measures to help stop this situation? 5. Could you find some bad actions of the people who make our city dirtier? What are some difficulties for us in keeping the city clean and green? 6. Are you disturbed by the noise around you when working or studying? What kind of noise is it? W hat are the original causes of that noise? 7. How do you feel when passing a bridge in our city? In your opinion, who has to suffer most from those black rivers and canals? 8. Have you ever heard of “T h e W eek of Keeping the City Clean and Green?" Can you forecast the future situation of our city in the next few years, clearer or dirtier? S. W h y are we concerned about the environment not only in our country but also all over the world? Can you name some environmental dangers that happened recently in our country and in the world? 10. W hat should people do to prevent environmental pollution? Do you think that a dirty city will make bad impression on foreign tourists?

Hate Ta Speak English WeU D ong gop P D F bffi GV Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H ôngAnh, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC 18; VACATION PLAN I love going traveling very much, so 1 usually go somewhere when l have a few days off.

: Before going traveling, I always plan m y trip. For starters, I usually take a look at travel guide books or go online and review possible destinations. Th en, ! check the costs involved in traveling to that particular place. I also consider means of transportation such as going by plane, train, or by motorbike. Besides, I need to locate a hotel for m y accommodation. Finally, I try to budget money for meals and other sightseeing expenses.

A: B: A: B:

A: B:

A: B:

A: B:

W hat do you think of package holidays? Well, they're usually very cheap, but joining a crowd of noisy people and eating plastic food is not m y idea of a holiday. Are the resorts worth visiting? Som e of them are, but m fny experience it’s better to arrange private accommodation rather than accepting the tour operator's choice of hotel. But surely, you can see what you’re getting in the holiday brochure. You m ay see a picture of the hotel and there m ay even be a popular beach, but if you want to go to a nicer locality, you can spend all day getting there. Then how do you go about making your own arrangements? !t’s not as difficult as you think. First, you look at the advertisement in some newspapers or travel shop windows to get an idea of the best time to go. I usually go in early June or mid Septem ber to avoid school children. Th ere’s a good range of flights and prices aren’t too high. H o w do you find private accommodation? That's very easy in our city. T h e y advertise in journals. suppose that if they own these homes, they must be in nice Dcations. that's the point. Also, they are usually well maintained and the >wners will leave you details of the best shops, restaurants and )laces to visit. Th e y really want you to recommend their homes to

H ow To S p e a k English W ell D ong gdp P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyên Hong Anh9M A. in TESOL

A: B:

your friends. However, rem em ber to ask them about transport, especially if you don’t drive. Surety, most of these resorts would have bus services. There are two problem s here. Som e of these hom es are a long w ay from bus routes. M oreover, bus services can disappear altogether when the tourist season comes to an end. M any of these resorts are like ghost towns from October to M ay.

V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

for starters ~ destination = particular [pa’tjkjute(r)} = accommodation [e.kDme'deiJn] sightseeing fsat,si:»nJ

at first the place to come spécifie room and board visiting sights

Q UESTIO NS FO R PISCC SSIO M y 1. D o you prefer to book holidays through travel agents or to make your own arrangem ents? Describe your best and worst holidays? 2. W hich form of accommodation would you prefer for your next holiday and how m any people would you like to accom pany you? 3. A friend wants to get to know your country and is planning a tour. W hat advice would you give about places to visit, travel, accommodation, eating out, shopping, sightseeing, things to bring and souvenirs to buy? 4. W hen is the holiday celebrated? Is it celebrated as a family or a group? Does your family celebrate this holiday? H a s your family always celebrated this holiday? If not, when did you start celebrating it? 5. W hat are your favorite holiday activities? W ould you like to go on a cruise? W h y o r w h y not? Will you go bade to the sam e place again? 6. in your opinion, what are the five most essential items to pack on any holiday? 7. W ho do y p ii know that really needs a holiday, and w hy? W here should they go and what should they do? 8. Com pare traveling alone to traveling with a companion. C om pare package tours with do-it-yourself tours. 9. H o w m any holidays do you have in your country? W hat special foods are associated with your favorite holiday? W hat is your favorite holiday m em ory? *■«.

Huu: To S p e a k E nglish W eil D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyên H ong A nk, M A . in TESOL

T O P IC 1 9 : U E A B T O G EN G LISH I attend English classes at a language school in my city because I want to improve my communication skills. English has become the international language around the world, and I m ay be able to get better employment and make more friends if l learn to speak fluently. I take four classes a day that ail focus on different language skills including reading, writing, listening, speaking, and g ra m m a r.! don’t know why some people can leam a foreign language and master it very quickly, but I don't think I can do that. T o me, teaming to speak English well requires a great amount of effort, patience, and practice. T o o often, I just speak English in m y classes, but I go back to using m y native language after school ends. I think I should adjust my ways of teaming English. For example, I should spend more time teaming, reviewing, and practicing everything I am studying. Otherwise, I will never leam and master it.

to know for sure

2. effort fefot]: attempt Ex: They tiffed the heavy rock without effort 3. native language: mother tongue 4. to adjust [a’dOQsfJ to alter Ex: She carefu, carefully adjusted her clothes before going out Nang chinh don quan ao kyhrdng trudc khi di ra ngoai

1. W hat do you expect from your English? Please tell me your main purposes and motivations' 2. What do you think about teaching and learning English in our country now? W hat are advantages and disadvantages? Have you got any difficulties when you are teaming English? If yes, how do you overcome your difficulties?

How To S p e a k English W ell D ong gop P D F bed GV. Nguyên Thanh TÜ




Nguyén Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL 4. Among four skills: speaking. listening, reading, and writing, which one do you think is the most important and difficult? 5. Please share your own experience in learning English with me and tell me the best w ay to improve each skill? 6. How do you improve your speaking skills? Do you think joining English Speaking Club is one the best ways to improve it? 7. W hat can you derive from your study? What is the importance of English language when it is used as an international language? % " 8. In addition to your professional qualifications, is it necessary that a certificate of English should be included? 9. How can the English ability help your work and your study? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

T O P IC 2<h L E A B M M 6 O M JM E Nowadays, with the development of information technology, learning is not ve ry difficult any more. Online learning is very convenient and cheap because we just stay at home and use a computer. Many universities in the world have been offering classes online for a number of years, and m any students seem to like them. One reason is because they do not have to travel to school at a set timetable to listen to the professor.



I’ve also decided to get an online university degree through distance education instead of attending a traditional school. In such a program, I do not have to attend classes in a regular classroom. Instead, I go online and interact with other students and the teacher through text or voice chat O f course, I still have to do assignments, write papers, and take tests, but everything is done online at my own convenience. If I can do everything well enough, I will get a degree. In short, it is easy for us to get some kinds of degree online now. I hope more and more educational organizations have such programs online. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. to offer = 2. set timetable (n) = 3. to interact [, inter1aekt] = 4. assignm ent (n) = je'sainmant]

H ou To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu

to give schedule to communicate homework




Nguyén H ongA nh , M.A. in TESOL o i ;e s t id i \ s f o b d i s c i s s i o n

1. Do you think it is very easy for us to study or get more knowledge ' present? If yes, how can we do that? 2. What do you think about online learning? Is it interesting to ¡earn with a computer? ■ 3. Do you know any university in the world that has been offering classes online? H ow is its tuition fee? 4. Which one do you prefer between learning online and leaning at traditional classes? 5. What kinds of programs are there on the Internet as you know? Are they diverse? What kinds of degrees can you get if you study online? 6. What do you think about communicative skills if we take this kind of learning? 7. How can we get information about these programs? A nd how can we believe them? 8. Accordingly, what should w e do before sending money to any school that has this kind of learning? 9. Do you think traditional classes will disappear in the future because they will be replaced by this new kind of learning? 10. What can you draw from today's discussion?




I have great news to report. promotion and a raise!

I just got a

£ / 1‘ve been working for my company for the past six months, and everything has gone very well. First, I helped m y department increase sales quickly during that time. I am working for the Marketing Department, so I have advertised and promoted my company's products at trade shows, in the newspaper, and on T V . A s a result, customers have really enjoyed our products. Now, more and more customers are learning about my com pany by word of mouth. In addition to increased sales, I've established a apod^working relationship with my colleagues. W e recognize each pera jn ’iTstrengths and respect other’s ^ im o r is . 1 think my co-workers fee! 1 can lead the department in the right direction. A iaav Iaaa

flote To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng gó¡j> P D F bái GV. Nguyen Thanh Tú





t -

N guyen S o n g A n h , M~A. in TE SO L

$&) ■ ~ ^u »T— . ¿Thanks to vw in/ m y wuuTk/uuvn contribution to iw the development ui of the itic company, iI got the uic ■ft^Vpromotion and raise, j also promise myself to do m y best for my vv company and m y customers in the future. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. to get promotion = 2. to get a raise = 3. to promote a p ro du ct 4. by word o f m outh: 5. colleague [kD*li:g] = 6. contribution f.kDntri’bjuiJn] (n):

to get higher/better position to get higher salary to advertise a product rumor

co-worker donation

1. How m any days a week do you work? W hat time do you start and finish your work? Describe your first job. C a n you describe a typical day at your current job? 2. Do you ever work overtime? If so, how often? Do you have to work on Sundays? If so, do you get paid more for overtime work? 3. Do you like your job? W h y or w hy not? Do you like your boss? W hy or w hy not? 4. Have you ever been promoted? H o w m any times have you been promoted? W hen was the last time you were promoted? Did you get a large pay raise at that time? 5. W hat factors and personal qualities do you think companies consider when giving an employee a promotion? 6. How have working conditions changed in recent years? Do you think that working conditions have improved? If so, in what w ays? 7. How long have you been working at your present job? How long do you plan to continue working where you are? 8. At what age do people usually begin to work in your country? At what age do people usually retire in your country? 9. A t what age would you like to retire? What do you think you will do after you retire? 10. What do you think is the best job? W hat influenced your choice of job? {W h y did you choose your job?)

Hove To S p e a k E nglish W ell B ón g góp P D F b e i GV Nguyen Thanh Tii




JV gujén H ong Anh,

- in TESOL



If you are looking for a new job, here are sc tips you should think about when sitting i inh interview job interview.

First, you should be sure to dress appropriately for the situation. If possible, you should leam about the com pany’s rules of dressing. Next, you should get as much information about the com pany as possible. This will help you know if you have the needed skills or experience to work for that company. Finding out something about the company will also help you ask wise questions about their business to show them you are interested in their company. Finally, you should be prepared to tell them w h y you would be their best choice for the position. You shouldn’t boast about your accomplishments, but you can tell them in a confident and direct w av w h y you can help their com pany more than other applicants. Finding a job you like is not easy now, so you should be well-prepared.

VO CABULAR Y TIP 1. appropriately [a'proupriitii] (adv): 2. to boast [bousf] 3. accomplishment [a’kGmplilmant] (n):

suitable, reasonable to over-talk success

QUESTIONS FO R P ISC U SSIO * 1. Are you a student or are you working now ? Have you ever sat in a job interview? 2. If you are going to sit in a job interview, what will you prepare for it? Do you pay attention to your dress? If yes, how can you do that? 3. H o w can you get information about the com pany you want to work for? 4. Tell me about yourself. W hat do people say about you? Do you consider yourself successful? 5. C a n you explain how you would be an asset to an organization? W h y should a company hire you? 6. W hat is your greatest strength? W hat is your weakest strength? Can you tell me about your dream job? W h y do you think you would do well at the job you want?

H ow To S p e a k English W eü D ong-gop P D F ben G V N guyên Thanh Til

! [




Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL 8. 'What kind of person would you like to work with? What kind of person would you refuse to work with? 9. W hat kind of salary do you need? What is more important to you: the m oney or the work? 1 0. W hat should you do to improve your knowledge when you go to work? 4P

TOPIC 2 3 : COMMITTING TO WORK M y friends usually go to school by motorbike, but I like doing it by bus. I choose to travel to school by bus because it is economical, safe and unpolluted, ft only costs me 3,000 V N D to go to school. Moreover, l fee! very safe on the bus because I c a n ; avoid traffic accidents that usually happen o r the street. Also, on the bus, I do not have to inhale polluted air from m any kinds of vehicles. I usually leave for work about 6:30 sum., and I walk to a bus stop not too far from my house, i catch a bus that com es by around 6:45. Th e bus isn’t very crowded when \ get on, but it fills up by the end of the One. Then, I get off the bus and catch another one going into the downtown. Th e second bus takes about 30 minutes, and it's usually standing-room only. Th e re is a bus stop about two blocks from my office. Th e entire trip takes me about an hour. f buy a monthly bus pass, and 1 save a lot of money by using public transportation instead of riding my own motorbike. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. to inhale [in’heiQ = 2. to fill up: 3. downtown = 4.

stan ding -ro o m :

to breathe in to stuff center of the city standing place

r V

How To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F b&i GV Nguyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL QUESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1 . * How do you get to school? H ow long does it take? How m uch is the bus fare or the train fare? Do you often use public transportation? 2. W hat kind of transportation do you use most often? W hat’s the moist readily available form of public transportation where you live? 3. W hat do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? W h y? W hat do you think is the safest fonn of transportation? W h y? 4. W hat do you usually do w hen riding a train or bus? Do you read? Do you sleep? 5. Can you ride a motorcycle? Do you have a bicycle? If so, when did you get it? H ow much did it cost? H o w often do you ride it? W hat color is it? 6. D o you have a driver’s license? If so, w hen did you get it? W hat do you have to do to get a driver’s license in your country? W hat do you need to do in your country to get a driver’s license? A t what age does the average person obtain a driver's license? 7. Have you ever been in a traffic accident? Have you ever been stopped for speeding? H ave you ever gotten a parking ticket? 8. W hat are the most annoying bad driving habits of other drivers in your country (/or this country /or com pared to this country)? 9. Have you ever missed your last train or bus hom e? If so, how did you get hom e that night? 1 0 . !s parking a problem in your country (shopping malls, etc)? is there any environmentally-friendly transportation in your area?

TO PIC 2 4 ; M ARRIAGE O R CAREER F IR ST ? Traditionally, to a wom an, her own family is too important that she can give up her career. How ever, m any young ladies are afraid of getting married soon because of their career now. A t present, women have the same opportunity as m en, and they can decide their life themselves. T o them, the family is not eveiything any more, but the career is. T h a t is the reason w hy more and more wom en get married late. N ow w om en want to get higher and higher education. Th e n , they indulge in their job to earn a lot of money. W hen they have a little free time, they spend it learning foreign languages or surfing the internet to get information. A s a result, they have no time for love.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong g ty P D F bd i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyén H ong A nh. M A . in TESOL How ever, w hen they are successful in their career, have a lot of m oney and position in society, they realize that choosing a life-partner is not easy at all because they cannot accept those who are not equal to them. Being different from those w ho get married early and are pleased with their families, these wom en always set goals to go ahead and are willing to be alone. A s m odem w om en, which one should you get first between marriage and career? ♦ V O C A B U L A R Y T IP t. to give up E x: You should give up smoking. 2. to indulge [IridDldO] (in): E x: D on ’t indulge in drinking. 3. to set goals: 4. to go ahead = M




to stop X V to be very interested in to have goals to go on


1. W h at do you think of w om en now adays? W h y do m any w om en w ant to get married late nowadays? 3 2. W hat do you think of successful w om en? Do you think that wom en who are successful in their career find it hard to succeed in their own families? 3. Do you agree that love is an ever-lasting topic? D o you think love is everything? D o you think the young should have stable careers before thinking of love? 4. W hat is an attractive man/ w om an, in your opinion? W hich one attracts you m o s t politeness, friendliness, g o o d looks, strength, tenderness, beauty, intelligence, sense of humor, o r good personality? 5. C a n w e live without love? W ho can live without love? Is it worth dying for love? Have you ever said to your partner, “/ ca n ’t live if living without i/o if? 6. A t w hat a ge do men/women in our country usualfy start to love and m arry? W hat do you think when m any young couples cohabit now adays? ^ W hat factors can ensure your marriage (religion, characteristics. faith, love, romanticism mutual respect, compatibility...)

Uovo T o S p e a k E nglish W eil D óng góp P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyên H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL 8. How can you foster your love? For instant, telling 7 love y o u * everyday, giving attention, mental/finandal support, being understood, satisfying y o u r partner’s needs, etc. 9. >What do you expect from your future partner? Do your desires change when you grow older?

TOPIC 2 5 : LISTENING TO MUSIC No one can deny the fact that music plays an important role in our life. It comes to our soul with ever-lasting songs and unforgettable melodies. It also brings us better thoughts and wonderful feelings, giving us both innocent and profound emotion in a romantic and beautiful world, encouraging us in, life, and enriching our spiritual life. I really enjoy listening to music because it helps me relax and takes, my mind away from other cares of the day. Personally, I really like ja zz m usic because of its soft rhythms and beat. Other times, I enjoy listening to country and western music. Som e of the lyrics to these songs are inspirational and moving. Occasionally, I listen to slow rock or classical music, but I can t stand heavy metal or rap music. W hen I’m on the road, .I listen tD music on m y M P3 player or on my cell phone. I've also downloaded hundreds of songs to my computer, so it's easy to search and play my favorite music. W henever I get home, the first thing I do is turning on m y stereo system or computer and enjoying the music. I hope all of you also like listening to music. However, we have to admit that music nowadays is very chaotic. Singers and songs are easily forgotten because it is very easy to become singers, and songs are not as profound as ones in the past. How do you feel when you listen to some sentences in some songs such as 7 don't expect the love to come; I never regret the love to leave", "please don't remember me when being with the other* or 7 only keep quiet listening to you r cry." H ow silly they are! fS v * I <Jo not know when there is the second Trinh Cong Son who can compose deeply meaningful songs for life. r V

B oìc To Speak English Well D óng góp P D F bài GV. Nguyên Thanh Til




Nguyèn Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL VOCABULARY TIP 1. to deny = [di'nai] 2. profound (a) = 3. lyric flinkj: 4. inspirational [.inspa’reijani] (a)

to refuse of deep meaning word influence on the mind anil souiHe usually has inspirational pieces of writing.


Óng éy thtròng có nhùng bài viét truyèn càm. 5. moving (a): touching Ex: / usually cry when seeing a moving sight.

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. How much are you fond of music? What kind of music do you prefer? What are your favorite songs and singers? 2. What do you comment on Vietnamese music in the past and at present? Are there any prospective improvements and developments? 3. Can you name some popular kinds of music now? What do you think of the flow of music Coming from other countries? 4. What do you know about the recent music events in our country? What do you think of these everts? 5. How do you appraise a piece of music? What criteria do you base on to make your comment on it? 6. Do you usually learn something from a song you listen to? W hat do you leam: thought, feeling, experience, or others? 7. Is it right to say that music nourishes our mind? If yes, how does it do that? 8. What do you think if music disappears in our life one day? Can we live without music? ... 9. It seems that m any young people don’t like our traditional music like folk music, Cheo, Car Luong. .. What do you think of this opinion? What should be done to make the young like it?

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r V

Hoic To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F boti GV Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen H ong A nh, Af~4. in TESOL


P L A T O 6 GAMES A s far as we are concerned computer gam es have been popular for years, and m any people in our country, especially in big cities, seem to be very interested in them. However, it can be seen that playing these gam es causes several kinds of communication, health, and personal problems to both youngsters and society.

Firstly, playing gam es too m uch makes young people passive. Youngsters who spend a great deal of time in front of a monitor are not studying, doing exercise, playing sports, socializing o r learning about life. In addition, they are not in contact with the world outside, so the skills they need in order to interact with others and to succeed in the real world are not being nurtured. Moreover, m any studies have shown that m any young people now have more diseases than previous generations did. Because of not doing exercise, they become obese ^n d get heart diseases easily. Furthermore, sitting in front of the monitor very often harms their eyes, so m any have to wear short-sighted glasses. Following from this, they' are more likely to be overweight, less healthy, and m ore prone to som e diseases. ^ Last but not least; violent gam es cause social evils. Usually, gam es show fighting scenes where the most brutal are most applauded. W hen playing these games too m uch, gam e-players will becom e violent in their real life. For example, they usually solve their life conflicts by exchanging blows. Moreover, to have m oney to play gam es, some teenagers become stealers, and even robbers. Also, som e girts accept “one-night stand” to have m oney to play gam es, which is call “net-saving*. In short, it is easy to imagine the effects of such gam es on young minds. If we wish children to grow up to becom e good m em bers of society, these gam es should be more tightly controlled.

VO CABULAR Y —TIP --------------------to interact = 2. to be nurtured = 3. obese [ou*bi:s] (a) =: 4. prone (a) to =

H a w To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gdp P D F b ô i GV. N guyen Thanh Tü

to communicate to be cared very fat tendentious




Nguyin Bong Anh, MJL in TESOL 5. brutal (a) = savage and cruel 6. conflict [kanftikt] (n) = different ideas Ex: Your report is in conflict with the public opinion Ban bao cao cua anh trai nguyc vcri du- luan cong chung

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 40 1. How often do you play video or computer games? What computer games have you played? Which are your favorites? Which do you think are not so interesting? 2. What are the pros and cons of playing these types of games? 3. Do you know of anyone who has become addicted to playing them? 4. Do you have a computer? If yes, do you have a computer at work or at home? Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?' 5. W hy do many people, the young and the old alike, like playing computer games? 6. What happens if youngsters spend a great deal of time in front of a monitor? Is it possible for them to get their success in their life if they are not in contact with the world outside? 7. Moreover, what kinds of diseases will we get if we do not do exercise? What do you think if we sit in front of the monitor very often? V 8. Do you think computer games are often quite violent and dangerously sexist? What do you think about the language used in computer games? 9. How can we control our interest in computer games? What do you think about the effect of games online on the young? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

Hove M'o S p e a k E nglish W ell B ong gop PD F boi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen H äng Arth, MA.. in TESOL

TO PIC 2 7 : SURFBVG THE XVTEBJWET I really like surfing the Internet every day. /S W h enever I have free time, I go online. I usually check m y emails first and then write a few m essages to m y family and friends. I sometimes scan the local news headlines at m y favorite new s Website and read up on the latest local and international news. T h e n I search some information related to m y major or research. Som etim es I also chat with m y friends or play som e mini gam es I like. However, I realize that there are problems with using the Internet including scam s and viruses, so I'm very careful not to give out my personal information. Furthermore, I do not download or open files I do not recognize. Using the Internet can be fun and convenient w ay of finding out new information and entertaining ourselves, but we just need to be careful.

VO CAB U LAR Y TIP 1. to surf the Internet = 2. headline (n) = 3. scam (n) =

to be online the title bad purpose / intention

Q UESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. D o you often use the Internet? W hen did you first use the Internet? About how m any hours a day do you use the Internet? W ho uses the Internet the most In your family? 2. Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet? Do men and wom en use the Internet for different purposes? 3. Do you use the Internet for fun or education? W hat are some of the ways the Internet can be used for education? W hat are some of the ways the Internet can be used for entertainment? 4 j W hat are the sites you most com m only access? W hat is the best ¿ Q thing about the Internet? W hat problems does the Internet create? W hat problems does it solve? 5. Do you have more many e-mail addresses? W h y do you need more than one e-maif address? Have you ever chatted on the Internet?

Hau> To S peak English W ell D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen B ong A nh, M A . in TESOL Give me a reason w hy you think that the email is a good w ay for people to communicate. 6. Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet? Would you like to go on a date with som eone you meet on the Internet? 7. Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? W h y? C a n you believe all the information that is published (available) on the Internet? 8. Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer gam es? M any people use the internet for fun and entertainment at work. Do you think that this is right? 9. W ould you consider going out with someone that you met on the Internet? 10. Many Universities are now offering online courses. G ive me some reasons w hy this is a good thing. M any students use the Internet to help them do their assignments and they just cut and paste information from the Internet. How do we stop this?

TO PIC 2 8 : CHATTING OWLIWE ■’ j g P Voice and text chats are quickly becoming popular w ays of communicating with others online. Nowadays, the Internet is no longer strange to nearly all people. O n the Internet, we cannot only get information but also entertain ourselves. It’s the Internet that gives us the most efficient means to communicate. Am ong them, chatting on the Internet has been more and more popular. It has attracted a large number of people, especially young ones.




In fact, chatting on the Internet is an easy w ay to relax, make friends and entertain ourselves. T h is form of communication allows us to share ideas about ourselves and the world in almost real time, and we can establish friendships with people around the world. Therefore, it can be fun to chat online, However, care and consideration should be given when we find friends on the Internet because we really don’t know who the person is at the other end. T h u s , we should not give out our personal Information. Also, w e should be careful about meeting online acquaintances in person. If w e do so, w e will be sure it is in a pubiic place and go with a friend or

B ow To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F bod GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen Hong A nh, Jli-A. in TESOL family member. Finally, we should contact local authorities if we feel we are in danger Again, chatting with others can be a fun and educational act careful. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP careful thinkir 1. consideration [kan.sida'reiln] (n): Ex: The proposals are still stili under conside consideration x. x r . __ -. Càc de xuat äy vàn con dang dircrc xem xét. u 2. acquaintance [a'kweintens] a person you know Ex: He has a wide circle of acquaintances. Anh ta quen biet rgng rai. local government 3. local authorities:

qUESTIO K S FO B M gO JSS jO N 1. Do you have computers? Have they been subscribed to the Internet? Do you know how to access the Internet? Do you spend much time on it? J p 2. Have you ever sent a message to your friends or lover by e-mail? 3. Have you ever heard of love online? What do you think about it? Do you think it is a kind of entertainment? 4. Can you fall in love with a person that you only know through the Internet? W hat are reasons for choosing a particular partner on the Internet? 5. W hat should you do to keep your love online alive? Do you think love on the Internet is romantic? Will it lead to a happy life? 6. W hat difficulties are there for Vietnamese to use computer and access the Internet? 7. Could you tell me the advantages and disadvantages of making friends on the Internet? 8. W hat problems do people chatting online have met? What should we do to prevent these problems? 9. What are the benefits of using voice or video chat for language learners? W hat safety measures should you use when communicating online this chat services? 10. W hat can you draw from today's discussion? 4P

Hoic To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gyp P D F boi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu





Nguyên H ong A nh , M A , in TESOL

TO PIC 2 9 ; LOVTTVG AMO P ATTING W ays of dating vary from culture to culture b u ftj before people get married^ they usually date/or go out together/for a period of time/to see rf they are compatible.

: :


In the old days/ some people liked going out on group d a te ^w ith a num ber of friends/so they feel . less f rw l& w il and stress/kf trying to impress the other person. H o w e v e / th e y enjoy doing it them selves now. EvefrT some young people g o on that is, going out with a person that you’ve never met/6r just m et online. In m any cases jmost people try to date with those/' w ho have similar interests and vSftfes. If th ey have things in com m on, they are more likely * to enjoy each other's com pany. a However, w e should be careful w hen dating/because people sometimes don't show their truth/on the first or second date. Furthermore, although finding dates online has becom e very popular, it’s difficult to get to know someonefthrough emails or on line f think/meeting people in person along with a few friends/for the first date/ is probably a safe w ay/o get to know others. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP

C jT

1. to vary = to differ 2„ compatible [kam’paetabl} (a): suitable E x: They are never bosom friends because they are'never compatible. Ho chang bao gib la ban than cua nhau, v! ho chang bao gib hop nhau. 3. pressure {tr)y/ V k" if the farce Ex; I like to work under pressure 4. in com m on: a the same 5. com pany (n): <rn-o-> friendship .0

t » lE S T H » S F O B M SC U SSIO N

D o you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? W here did you meet him/her? W hat does he/she look like? 2. At what age do most people in your country get married? At what age do you want to get m arried? A t what age did you get married?

Hoto To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Bong Anh, M~A. in TESOL_______________________________ 3. Do women usually work after getting manned in your country? 4. Do you know what it means to Do you "go Dutch" when dating? Is it usual for people in your country to 'go Dutch’ if you go .out together? 5. Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger girts/boys? Do younger girts/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys? 8. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet? 7. Do you know anyone who has hacj an arranged marriage? o you know someone who has gotten a Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? W hy or why not? What is ypyr opinion of arranged marriages? 8. Do you know the difference between love and like? Can you still love your partner and not like him/her? What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend? 9. How often would you like to go out on dates? How old were you when you went on your first date? Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you go with? 10. Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?



Getting married is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life, so I will prepare for it carefully. There is so much planning to do for the wedding. When my partner and ! get engaged, we will go to a jewelry shop to pick out rings, and wedding rings are exchanged at the wedding ceremony. W e will also choose where the ceremony and wedding reception W e are not religious, so we will not hold it in a church. Maybe I will organize it in the Youth’s Cultural House.

c v

I do not like to hold my wedding big, so i just invite some dose friends and colleagues of mine together with both-side families. W e will wear traditional Vietnamese dresses and turbans. After the wedding, we will have a reception where our families and friends talk, sing, dance, and pat. Of course, marriage customs might be different from person to person, ^ u n tr y to country, and I will follow our customs.

How To S p e a k English W eü Dóng góp P D F b&i G V Nguyen Thanh Tú

46 W W V V .FA C EBO O K.CO M /BO rD U O N G W O A U O r Q t ;Vl



Nguyên Hong Anh, MA. in TESOL VOCABULARY TIP 1. to get engaged: 2. colleague [kOlirg] (n): 3. turban ftaiban] (nj:

to promises to get married coworker traditional hat

QUESTIONS FO B D K O t S S M 1. How many stages are there in our traditionaf wedding? W hat are the customs and ways of the wedding? Do you want to follow these ways if you get married? How will you celebrate your wedding party? 2. What are important decisions in one’s life? Is a marriage decision the most important one? What does a marital life mean to you? 3. What do couples expect from their marriage life? What influences you to decide on your marriage? 4. Should parents decide their children’s marriage? What are the influences of the parents to your choice of your partner? 5. Are you for or against the idea that the young have to make their own decision on their marriage? How a bout the parents? Should they leave it for young couples to their own marriage? 6. What roles do love play in one’s marriage? Is it true that love after marriage is not the same as it used to be? What are responsibilities of a husband and a wife for protecting family happiness after marrying? ^ 7. W hy are there more and more couples getting divorced, especially the young? What should you do to keep your love alike after getting married? 8. What do you think about Vietnamese girls who get married to foreigners? Do you knew the reason why they get married to each other? What are the difficulties between such couples? W hat should they do to bridge the gap between them? 9. Do you think that their marriages will last long and they are happy? W h a t do you com m ent the situation that m a n y newspapers are talking about marriages between Vietnamese girls and Taiwanese?

B ow To Speak English Well Don s sop P D F boi GV. N suvèn Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong AnA, IffA . in TESOL

T O P IC 31s HONEYMOON After wedding, people usually plan their honeymoon trips. I will also do the same. There are so m any options for a specific honeymoon trip. First of all, my fiancee and ) may pay a visit to Dalat, and it may be romantic to travel to different places by horse-cart for a couple of days. I also think going on a honeymoon cruise to H a Long Bay will be a fun w ay to spend our vacation together. Personally, I’d rather spend a few weeks backpacking through our country and visiting famous landscapes by motorbike. -v y No matter what we do, we have to carefully budget our money to cover travel and meal expenses because money is very important once we are married.

VOCABULARY TIP choice 1. option (0) = husband or wife-to-be 2. fiancée [ffurnseQ: xe ngua 3. horse-cart (n): a journey on a ship 4. cruise [kru:z] (n): to travel on a hike 5. to backpack money 6. budget fbDdDit]: to have enough money 7. to cover: Ex: This must be enough to cover your expenses So Sin nay St la di) d§ tra cac khoan chi tieu cua anh

q iT S T IO ftS FOR p isc r ssio r c 7

v 1 . Are you married? What do you thing of getting married? 2. When you get married, where will you hold your wedding party?

r V

3. How m any guests will you invite to your wedding party? W ho will you invite? 4. Will you have honeymoon after wedding? W hy do people have A. honeymoon? 5. What is your image of the ideal honeymoon? Where would go and what would you do there? W hy do you choose that place? Could you tell me something about that place?

Hoic To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen, H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL 7. D o you want to go on a honeymoon yourself or do you book a tour through a travel agent? 8. Which form of accommodation do you want to have for your holiday? W h y do you prefer it? 9. If you have $1,000 dollars to spend on your honeymoon, how will you spend it? 10. W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

T O P IC 33s K A ISEV C C H B U 9R M Having children is one thing; raising them for .the next eighteen years or more 3s something completely different. I have decided to have two children after getting married, but I am worried about raising them because there are m any things to do. W hen children are very small, 1 need to take care of their daily needs. F o r example, J need to feed them, dress them, change their diapers, d e a n up their messes, and put them to bed. A s children get a little oldei|r f still have to give them daily attention by reading to them, telling them stories, playing games with them, and consoling them when they get troubles. A s they become teenagers, they will need m y interactions and advices. J v In addition, I will also teach them family values from a very young age. Th is will help them develop patterns of behavior they will need for the rest of their lives.

. • [n fact, raising children is m uch harder than it looks, but with patience and hope, 1think we can make our children mature. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. to raise = to bring up 2. diaper [‘dalape} (n): cloth for babies 3. m ess (ri) chaos The whole room was in a mess Tat ca gian phong d irong mot tinh trsng bira bon b in thiu 4. to console fkan'soui] (for/on) to comfort, E x: / shall come and console him for his being unsuccessful in the exam. Toi se d in an ui ong ay v i viec ong i y thi rot. 10/ 5. interaction [,:nter'askln] (n)‘ communication

R o te To S p e a k English. WeU D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii





ISguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL ___________________________ 6. patterns of behaviour 8. mature [ma'tjuaj (a):

ways of behaving grown-up

OTOESTIONS FO B D ISC U SSIO N 1. What do think of children nowadays? Do you think that children from poor families are often more studious than the ones from rich families? 2. Should w e use corporal punishment in educating children? Do you think this w ay is old-fashioned? 3. W hat are disadvantages of the corporal punishment? Have you ever been spanked by your parents? If yes, what happened to yo u ? How did you feel at that time? 4. W henever you make mistakes, what do you usually do? Do you make an apology, or just find out any excuses for what you have done? 5. W hat do you think of loving guidance in educating the children? Do you think it is an effective method of training them? 6. W hat do you think about the saying, “S p a re the rod, s p o il the c h ild ”? W hat problems would loving guidance cause? 7. Do you think that parents are too permissive with their children nowadays? 8. W hat do you think the children need from their parents? Should parents be intimate friends of their children when talking to the children? Do you think rtfs easy for us to do this? 9. W hy are there many young criminals who com e from rich families nowadays? W hat is the main reason? W h o has to be responsible for this? 10. In short, which ways do you think is the best to train the children? W hen you have children, how will you educate them? If your children make you very angry, what will you do?

Bote To Speak English Well D ôn g g ôp P D Fb& i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen Hong Anh^ M A . in TESOL

T O P IC 3 3 : W ITH O R W ITH OU T A COMPANION? T o many people, travelling is one of the most • V exciting things to do. Som e people like traveling alone, but I do not want to spend this wonderful time on my own because of some reasons as follows. •' ■" "• First, when Ravelling with a companion, I feel safe and comfortable. W henever I want to buy a strange thing, I can refer to m y companion’s advice or idea. Moreover, I am not afraid of getting lost because my companion is always beside me for help. Second, 1 will not be lonely and bored if I travel with a companion. When the journey turns out to be a boring one, f can always do something else with my companion. For example, I can play cards or talk about many things with my partner. In addition, sharing a tour with others is very economical. A tour for two or more people is always cheaper than one for just a person. For example, I can share the same motorbike or room with my companion. In short, going traveling with a companion is very beneficial. So, invite me to go with you if you want to go traveling somewhere, and you will find out what I have mentioned above is completely true.

VOCABULARY TIP 1. companion = JQ r Z to refer Ex: You should refer to a documemt 3. to turn out 4. economical (a): 5. beneficial [JbenFfiJelj (a):

partner to consult to become reasonable helpful

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 4 0 1. Are you interested in traveling? Where have you been to in Vietnam? Can you describe one of them? 2/;W hat is the importance of travelling? What can we learn from it? Do you think that travel is a means of education? % According to you, when is it the best time to go travelling? Which season do people travel a lot? Do you know why?

Bore To Speak English Well D ông gôp P D F bâi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyen H öngÄnh, MA.. in TESOL 4. Do you usually travel on your weekends? And where are Interesting places for weekends? What do you comment on the saying, “T h o m ore w e travel, the m o re w e learn”? 5 . ' When someone wants to travel, what should he prepare? What should we know before w e start a trip to a new place? 6. Do you like going travelling a lone or with a companion? If you go with a companion, who do you like to go with most? W hy? 7. W hat will you do if you get lost in the middle of som ewhere? If the journey turns out to be a boring one, what should you do? 8. Have you ever shared a tour with others? Do you think a tour for two or more people is always cheaper than one for individuals? 9. Do you like to go traveling with a tourist com pany or to organize a tour yourself? Do you have any experience in organizing tours? 10. W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

TOPIC 34: STUDENTS AND PA R T-TIM E JO BS Many university students do part-time jobs nowadays because it has some benefits for students.


Doing part-time jobs helps students earn money. It is not very much, but it is useful for their daily expenses such as buying clothes and reference books, paying for transportation or meals. Som e students even can earn enough money to pay for their school fee.

Moreover, doing a part-time job provides students with some experiences. It causes them to be familiar with the world outside their classes, so they have chances to interact with others to improve their communication skills and self-confidence. Also, part-time jobs will create chances for them to live an independent life instead of depending on their families. Th anks to par-time jobs, they can be more responsible for their future. In short, doing part-time job is very good for students in some aspects. However, they should arrange their time property.

Jffcnr To Speak English W ell

D ong göp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




Nguyên B ông Anh, M A . in TESOL VOCABULARY TIP 1. reference books = 2. to provide = 3.

4. 5. 6.


a book containing useful facts to supply familiar (with) [fe’milja] (a): common Ex: /I am am not not very familiar with place-names in this region 76/ khong ranh cac dia danh d vung nay lam to interact [,intsr*askt] to communicate to create = to form aspect fasspekt] (n) = view, field properly (adv) = suitably

1- Are you a student or are you working now? if you are a student, have you finished your schooling for summer holiday? 2. Do you have to do part-time job to earn money? What kinds of job have you done? 3. Could you tell me if it is easy to do part time jobs? What kinds of part time jobs are popular now? Is it difficult to find one now? 4. Do you think tutoring is an ideal job for students? Have you ever been a tutor? Is it easy or difficult to do this job? 5. in your opinion, what can we get from part time jobs? Do we lose anything? If yes, could you tell me what w e lose? 6. If you have no problem with your finance, and you have a chance to do a good part-time job. Will you take it? W hy or why not? 7. What do you think of promotion jobs? Are they useful for you? W hy do many students choose this job as a part-time job? 8. Is it right to say that doing part-time job concerns students most now? W hat should the concerned organizations do to help and guide students who want to do them? 9. T o have a job now, what should a person prepare? Between k n o w le d g e «^ life and knowledge at school, which one is more important for your job? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

H oir To S p e a k English W ed B ón g góp P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Til





Nguyen H ôngA nh, MA., in TESOL

TO PIC 35s PH Y SIC A L EXERCISE Nobody likes to be ill, so it is important that we should keep our body healthy. Th e re are m any types of exercises that we m ay choose. W e m ay play badminton, football, netball or whatever gam es that we prefer. W e m ay also jog, walk, swim or climb a mountain. For the really-fit young people, there are rock-climbing, gymnastics and other physically demanding activities.


W e exercise to keep the body healthy. However, there are some who overdo things and end up injuring themselves. It is fine to jog for a few kilometres. It is m adness to jog until we are exhausted. rJ?V In short, exercise is important. No exercise m ay result in a weak body, but too m uch exercise m ay result in injury.

VO CAB ULAR Y TIP to run slowly 1. to jo g : 2. gym nastics j,dGim’naestjks] {n) exercise to do too much 3. to overdo: Ex: He overdid his apology. Anh ta qua cu-cmg tfteu lot bien giai hoa ra hong. 4. to injure: to damage 5. exhausted (a) fig*ZD-stfif7 very tired 6. to result (in) jri'zGlt}: to lead to the result Ex: His carelessness resulted in failure.

0 \ S FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. Are you a sporty m an? W hat kind of sports do you play? How long have you played it? 2. W hich are your favorite sports: outdoor/ indoor/ team/individual? Do you spend a lot of m oney on your favorite sports? W hat are the advantages and disadvantages that you can get from sports? W hen do you often play your sports? 3i; W h a t do you «lin k about the saying, “H ealth m akes w e a lth *? How ^ often do you go for regular medical check-ups? 4 . Do you have a lot of stress? How can you overcome your situation? Do you have any allergies?

Bote To S peak English W ell D óng góp P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H o n g A n k, M A . in TESOL 5. Do you advise people to spend their time on sports rather than drinking, gambling, or hanging out? In which w ay can you do this? 6 . Is it easy for you to get used to a habit of following a certain sports? When is it the best time of the day for you to do exercise? H ow can businessmen do exercise? W hat kinds of sports are suitable t o ! them? 7. W hat do you think of sleeping? H ow m any hours do you sleep a day? W hat happen to you if you lack sleep? 8 . Is environment in our city good enough? H ow does it affect our health? C a n you suggest som e ways to improve our city’s environment? 9. Do you usually pay attention to your eating and drinking? Do you prefer eating out to eating at home? H ave you ever been poisoned by food? 10. Do you want to five to one hundred? Can you suggest som e more ways to live as long as possible? W hat can you draw from today's discussion?

TO PIC 3 6 ADVANTAGES OF C 1 U PH ONES Nowadays, cel! phones are very popular. Nearly each of us has it. W e like talking on cell phones, sending S M S , playing gam es etc, which are very good w ays to communicate. to i Th e m ost important advantage of cell phones is that w e can use them almost everywhere without cables or electricity. Th e next advantage of using a cell phone is that w e can reach people easily. By using mobile phones, we can communicate with everyone w henever w e want and wherever we are. Furthermore, w f v c a n access the Internet by using ^ cell phone. Recently, the most com m on w ay of communication in the world has been the S M S . Cell phones include this system; in this way, we can communicate with som eone for cheaper than a normal call. rffv ' Last but not least, w e can carry a cell phone easily. Furthermore, cell phones are net only used for communication, but they can also be used for taking pictures, listening to music, playing games, and so on. So, cell phones are not dispensable.

Hotc To Sp ea k English Well D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyên Thanh Til




Iguyen H ongAnh, M A . in TESOL rOCABULARY TIP wire . cable fkeibij (n): to surf to. access Taekses]: same common [’kDmon] (a) fx: You and I have a o common interest: We both collect stamps. Ban ta va toi c6 cCmg scr thich: Ca hai deu suv tim tem. not necessary 1. dispensable [dis’pensabl]:

OOBSTIOKS FO B O ISC ISSH W o !. Do you have a cell phone? H ow m any people in your family have a cell phone? W ho is the youngest person you know Who has a ceil phone? 2. How long have you had a cell phone? W hich cell phone company do you use? How long have you used that company? 3. Who do you call most often? About how m any text messages do you send in a day? How much do you spend a month on your cell phone? Who pays for your cell phone? 4. What do you think of mobile phones? W hat kind of features does your cell phone have? W h y have you decided not to have a cell phone? 5. Could you. live without your mobile phone? W hat are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? 6. At what age do kids now get cell phones? W hen did you first get a cell phone? Have your parents ever been angry with you because of your phone use? 7. Do you know how to use all the functions on your phone? Does it ever bother you when people use their cell phones? Are you allowed to have your mobile telephone switched on in class? 8. How many cell phones have you destroyed? W hat was the most expensive phone call you ever m ade? 9. Is it illegal to speak on your cell phone while you are driving in your country? Do you think it should be illegal to speak on your cell phone while driving? Is it in bad taste to leave your cell phone on when you are at a restaurant? 10. Has your cell phone ever broken down? W hat did you do when your cell phone last malfunctioned? Have you ever lost your phone? Has # i^yb u r Phone ever been stolen?

Hen* To S p e o k English Well

B on g gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 3 7 ; ïtM V m S IT Y LIFB


University life is one of the most interesting and unforgettable periods in one student's life. It is also the most important stage because it prepares for ou r later careers. First of all, studying at university is different from studying at high school. Students have study themselves, and also have to spend a of time doing research. Th is helps them improve their ability to reason. Then, students can get som e working experiences for their future jobs or get some m oney for their study. Th anks to doing part-time jobs, they know how to behave themseives and know how to spend money properly. Moreover, the university environment trains students how to live independently. M any university students com e from provinces, so they usually live in dormitories or rent houses for accommodation. Living in dormitories, they have to do everything themselves. • In short, university life is very interesting and unforgettable. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. stage {n )= -.J r 7 period 2. to reason [YiiznJ: to explain Ex: Our teacher reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there b y noon. 3. dormitory fdD:mitri]: a place where students live

QUESTIO NS FO R D ISC ISSIO N 1. A re you a student or are you working now? D o you attend any private courses to improve the knowledge of some subjects? 2. Do most high school students in our country go to college or university? 3. Are there m any universities or colleges in your city? C an you tell us som e universities you know?

B cnr To S p o o k E nglish W ell D ông g ôp P D F b&i G V N guyen Thanh Til





Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 4. Most of these universities are in good conditions, aren’t they? W hat do you think of equipment and teaching aids in these schools? 5. W hat do you rem em ber most when you are/were a student? 6 .. Are/were you in love at university? W hat do you think of students’ love? . A , 7. W h y do students study so m any subjects at their university? D o you

think these subjects are practical in real fife? S. Do/did you do any part-time job to earn your living? What do/did you do? Were/ A re you a tutor? W hat do you think of this job? 9. W hat do you think of living in dormitories or houses-for-rent? W hat are its advantages and disadvantages? Have you ever lived there? W hich dorm is considered the most m odem one in our city? 10. W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

TO PIC 3 « ; TR AFFIC PROBLEM S W hen our country develops, city people and traffic authorities have to face many traffic problems. Nearly all streets and roads in our city are narrow, In bad condition, and continually dug. In addition, the traffic system does not work well, and there are not enough traffic police. Moreover, many people do not strictly observe traffic laws when using the roads. For example, they cross the street at wrong places or ride their motors in the wrong direction. In addition, m any street vendors illegally occupy the pavement to display their goods for sale, so pedestrians have to use the road-bed. Another cause of traffic problems is that the num ber of trucks in our city is very big. A s a result, they usually interfere with traffic flow. Last, the construction of houses and buildings is not properly planned, so they occupy the surface of the roads.

T o solve the traffic problem in our city, we should do many things. At first, the government should increase the number of the police force, and they should be stricter to 'violators. Moreover, all streets should be widened, and traffic fines should be more logical. Last, heavy penalties should be imposed on violators, and people should be educated with traffic regulations at the sam e time. in short, I hope traffic problems in our city will be solved soon so that we feel very comfortable when using the road.

flow To S p o o k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bâi GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL _______________________ V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. authority [C:'BUritiJ (n): government Ex: Who's in authority now? A i la nguvi cam quyin bay gkr? 2. narrow fnaerou] (a): small Ex: The road was too narrow for cars to pass. Con dirdng qua hep, hen xe hoi khong qua dupe. 3. continually [k©n*tinjualQ: repeatedly to hollow out 4. to dig - dug - dug: Ex: Why don t you dig a hole hens ? Sao khong dao mot cai lo a day? 5. to observe [a'bza;vj: to follow Ex: .r . AH people have io observe the laws. Moi ngudi phai tuan theo phap !u$t. way 6. direction (n): 7. illegal (a) against the law ->y walker 8. pedestrian (n) 9. force (n): human resource 10. strict (a): serious Ex: Our teacher is very strict. 11. violator [vaialeite] (n): who violates the taw 12. logical (a): reasonable 13. penalty [pen iti] (n): punishment to force 14. to impose [im'pouzj: 15. regulation rule, law


gU B ST lO K S FO B M S C I SSION 1. W hat do you think about the traffic situation in our city and other big cities in our c o u n t r y f v . • 2. W hat is the relationship between urbanization and the traffic? What are main causes of traffic jams and traffic problem in our city? 3. It is said that the traffic congestion is unavoidable in the process of urbanization. A re you for or against this saying? 4. What are popular means of transportation in our country? Which one is the most efficient? 5. Have you ever been a victim of a traffic jam ? If yes, how did you feel at that time? 6. What are solutions to traffic problem? Is the extension of roads the only w ay to solve the traffic congestion? W h y and why not? 7. D o you think that heavy fines on violations of traffic rules are good for P re-establishing the traffic order and safety?

n o te To S p e a k E nglish Jfetii Dông gop PD F bed GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen H ong A nk, M-A. in T E S O L _______ _________________________ 8. W hat are solutions of the government to traffic problems? Can you suggest some solutions? W hat do you think of “T h e m o nth o f safe ty a n d o rd e r traffic”? Do you think it is effective? 9. ■W hat conclusions have you drawn from today’s discussion?



i f

Television has m any advantages. With a T V , l can learn m any things, I can go traveling around the world, and I can contact the whole world.

First of all, television is very educational. Stations such as T h e Learning Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery and History all provide educational programs. For example, if 1 watch Anim al Planet, I can know m any kinds of animals around the world. This program helps me a lot with my biology subject at m y school. Second, the traveling program on television opens the traveling program on T V helps m e improve addition, I can visit people and places around the these things, I learn that this world has a lot of things

m y mind. Watching m y knowledge. In world. A s I see ail for us to explore.

Last but not least, the news program on T V is an endless source of news and information. B y cable television, I can watch many international news programs such as C N N , B B C or Star World. Thanks to these programs, I am informed about the most important events in the world very quickly. I hope more and m ore people know how to explore the benefits of television so that it could serve us as a wonderful tool.

V O C A B U L A R Y T iP benefit

2. to contact ~ 1. biology [bai'DtedDi] (n) = A to aexplore v n ln r a — = A J S - event (n) =

ffoM To Specie E nglish W ell D ong g Jp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti

to communicate natural science to discover incident




Nguyen B ông Anh. M A . in TESOL

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. Are you going to watch T V tonight? If so, what will you watch? W hat did you watch on T V yesterday? 2. W hat is one of your favorite T V shows? W hy do you like it? W hen is it on? Does you father like it, too? 3. Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching T V ? Do you think ft is good for children to watch T V ? Do you think that there is too much violence on T V ? D o you think that T V is a good thing? Do you think T V is educational? If you could design a new television show to boost ratings, what kind of show would it be? H ow often do you watch T V ? W hat are the advantages of watching T V ? W hat are the disadvantages of watching T V ? 7. W hat do you usually watch on T V ? W hat kind of T V programs do you usually watch? W hat kind of T V shows do you hot like? W hy? 8 . W hat T V commercials do you like? Which ones do you hate? W hat T V commercials do you like? W h y? W hat's your favorite commercial? yVhat is the purpose of advertising a product? D o you think there are subliminal m essages? 9. W hen you drive or walk, do you get distracted by advertisements on buses or billboards? W hen you go food shopping, do you buy foods you've seen in T V commercials? D o you think it's right to see naked wom en in T V commercials selling beauty products? 10. W hen do you usually watch T V ? Do you think that T V makes people lazy? Do you think too much time is spent watching T V ?

TO PIC 40: READING I really enjoy reading in m y free time, but m y mood often determines what I read. I enjoy comic books; it is usually light reading, and the stories are not very Jong, but some comics really reflect daily life in m y culture." t also like to skim the newspaper every day to find out whafs happening in the world. This keeps me up to date on current local and international events. Because I do not have much time to read, I generally skip over the editorial section of the newspaper arid read the business and sports sections. Every once in a while, I take the time to read a good novel if time permits.

Bote T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng góp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tú





Sguyén Bong A nk T M A . in TESOL Overall, reading helps me not only stay in touch with the world, but it also gives me a chance to relax. V O C A B U L A R Y TIP 1. mood fmu:d] (n): state Ex: She is always in a merry mood C6 ay luon d tarn trang vui ve. to decide 2. to determine [dPte:min}: Ex: Hard work determine good results. Làm viéc tich arc quyet dinh ket qua tot dep. 3. comic book: picture book 4. to reflect [rfflektj to reproduce Ex: Their actions reflect their thoughts or S. to skim: to read quickly 6. editorial section: baixa Juan sometimes 7. once in a while =


O I E SH O X S F O B DISCUSSION 1. Do you like reading? How many books do you read per year? About how many books do you have in your house? 2. What sort of books do you enjoy reading? Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? Did you read books when you were a child? 3. What is your favorite book? W ho is your favorite writer? Do you prefer reading books or short stories? 4. Have you read a translation of any English books In your language? Have you ever read a book and then seen a film of that book? 5. Do you like love stories? Do you like historical stories? Who are the most famous writers in your country? W ho is your favorite character from literature? y ? 6. Do you have a library card? Are you a member of any public library? 7. Do you give books to your friends as a present? If so, what was the last book you gave? W hy did you choose that book? 8. Som e people say that "books are best friends". Is that true for you? 9. Do you like authors from other countries as well? if so, who? 10. Tell us a little about a book you have read recently? Did you enjoy it? How long did it take to. read? Briefly, what w as the story about?

r V

B ote To Spook English W ell D óng góp P D F bùi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyen Hong Anh7 M A . in TE S O L

TO PIC 41? g O T O SH O PPIN G E v e r y w e e k e n d , I g o s h o p p in g w ith a f rie n d , a n d it is t h e h o b b y I lo v e m o s t. I u s u a lly t a k e a little c a s h , b e c a u s e I h a v e a n A T f a c a r d . H o w e v e r , I d o n 't s p e n d in g t o o m u c h m o n e y |




re a lly

d o n 't



m a in ly

v is it

s u p e r m a r k e t s a n d c lo th in g s to re s to c h e c k o u t th e ia te s t fa s h io n s , if I fin d s o m e t h in g


s a le

at a

r e a s o n a b le

p ric e ,


s o m e t im e s b u y it. T h e r e f o r e , I o fte n g o w in d o w -s h o p p in g .

i re a lly e n jo y w a lk in g a lo n g th e s to re a n d g a z i n g in to th e w in d o w s t o s e e w h a t t h e s t o re is s e llin g . A t o th e r t im e s , I like lo o k in g a t t h e d is p la y s in s to re s o r s tro llin g th r o u g h s h o p p in g c e n t e r s . S o m e t im e s , s o m e t h in g like a s h irt o r je a n s c a t c h e s m y e y e , b u t I'm n o t a c o m p u ls iv e s h o p p e r , s o I n e v e r b u y th e first th in g 1 s e e . M a n y tim e s , I c o m e h o m e w it h o u t b u y in g a th in g . G o in g s h o p p in g is re a lly a n in te re s tin g to d ò .


to c h e c k o u t ^ re a s o n a b le (a ): g o w in d o w -s h o p p in g :

to se e


to g aze =

to stare

5. 6.

to s tro ll fstroulj: to c a tc h s . o ’s e y e s :

to go fo r a w alk to p a y attention to

7 . c o m p u ls iv e [k a m ’p C Isiv J (a ):


logical to se e g o o d s

to be forced

H o w ofte n y o u g o s h o p p in g ? W h o d o y o u o fte n g o w it h ? W h y ? D o y o u fin d it in te re s tin g t o g o s h o p p in g ? Is s h o p p in g y o u r h o b b y ?

2. Which shops do you often visit? How do you spend your money on shopping? Have you ever gone shopping for fun? And what do you like doing there? 3.

tf y o u b u y fa u lty g o o d s , w h a t w ill y o u d o w ith it? A r e y o u w illin g to s p e n d a lo t o f m o n e y o n s h o p p in g ? D o y o u h a v e a n y b u d g e t f o r s h o p p in g ?

S oir To Speak English. Well

Dong gop PDF bdi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen HongAnh, M A . in TESOL 4. W ho has a higher demand for shopping, man or wom an? Is it true that only wom en are interested in shopping? 5. In your opinion, when does shopping activity become busiest? W hat •are reasons for marts to boom? 6. W hat do you think of the competition among manufacturers in our City now ? W hat do you think about the prices of commodities displayed and sold in supermarkets? 7. W hat are main commodities displayed and sold in the marts, domestic or imported products? W hat do you think of the liking of imported commodities? 8. W hat should the government do to help local manufacturers to compete with foreigners? W hat policies should G overnm ent issue to protect domestic goods or prevent false goods as well as the pirate? 9. W hat do comment on the supermarkets in our city? Between traditional markets and supermarkets, which one do you prefer? W hy?

TO PIC 42s P IE C E S I I M F TO V ISIT I would like to visit as many places as ! can. First of all, I would like to visit the moon. It would be quite good an experience to walk on the moon. It is said that there is no air or water there, and our weight is six times less, so 1 would like to see how high I can jum p and how fast 1 can run on the moon. There are also mairiy wonders of the earth I like to visit all, if possible. After hearing about the marvels of Th e Pyramids of Egypt, T h e Great Wall of China, T h e T a j Mahal, Th e Leaning To w e r of Pisa, Th e Colosseum of Rom e, and others, it would be great to be there. . e However, above all, i would like to visit the Disneyland, which all kids would like to. Th ere are so many things to see and do. It would be a greajt fiin. (f% Right now I cannot visit any of these places. T h e first reason is the lack of money. T h e second is that I am too busy to go on a long trip, and I do not know anyone rich enough to take me there.

H ow T o Speak E nglish W ell D ong gdp P D F bd i GV. N guyen Thanh Til





Nguyen H ong A nh, M<A. in TESOL S o they remain places I like to visit W ho knows, I might get to visit som e or all of them in future, or not at all. O nly time will tell. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. w ond e r (n): 2. marvel rmDrvQ (n) 3. lack (of) (n): 4. w ho knows:

something miraculous astonishment shortage (of) ar biet dau

Q U ESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. W h y do people like going traveling? D o you like it? D o you think that travel is a m eans erf education? 2. W h e re have you been to in Vietnam ? C a n you describe som e interesting places? W hich one do you like best? W h y? 3. In which season do you prefer to go traveling? W hen is it the best time to go traveling? C an you explain the reason? 4. Do you usually travel to som ewhere on y o u r weekends? in your opinion, w here are interesting places for w eekends? 5. H o w do you spend your holidays? W h en som eone wants to travel, what should he prepare? W hat should we know before w e start a trip to a new place? 6. W hat do you com m ent on the saying, T h e m o re w e tra vel, the m o re w e le a rni�? 7. Do you like going traveling with or without a tour guide? Do you think Vietnam ese tour guides have good knowledge o f foreign languages? 8. W hat will happen to us if w e go traveling without a tour guide? Do you think a guided tour is very informative to us? 9. W hich places on earth do you like to visit m ost? W h y do you like them ? W hen can you do that?

H ou, T o Speak E nglish Well B on g g op P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Sguy in Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL

T O P IC 4 3 ; W ITH O R W ITH O C H F B I M t t S ? Spending time with friends is very important in our life. . ^ 4 > Since I am a sociable and open person, J feel happy and relaxed w hen I do things with m y close friends. W e can take part in all kinds of after-school activities such as playing volleyball, swimming or hanging o u t S o m e good ideas often appear in m y mind when I am with such friends. When I come with friends, I can always exchange views with them about study, society or love. W hen I confront serious problems and I am unsure of which course of the action to pursue, m y friends show me good ways at that time. rJ?V Being with friends can be fun and aid one in overcoming the trying periods in life. Being happy in life m eans doing things we enjoy and having someone to share the feeling with. In short, being with friends most of time is an enjoyable aspect of life for me as it is a source of inspiration, satisfaction and ongoing education. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. sociable fsou/abO (a) Ex: Vm not in a sociable mood.

Tói dang khóng muon tiép xùc vói ai. 2. hanging out = 3. to exchange vie w s:

easy to be with

going out to share opinions to face

4. to confront [kohtrbnt] = Ex : An explorer often has to confront dangers. Mót nhà thàm hiém thLPÒng phàì duvng dàu vói hiem nguy. 5. course of the action: actions 6. to aid =

to help

7. inspiration [.inspa'reijn] (n ): up-lifting feeling Ex: I sat down to write m y essay, but found I was completely without inspiration. 75 / ngo/ xuóng dinh viét bài tièu luàn, nhung tói càm thày là khóng co hung ti nào. — » ------— 8. satisfaction [,saetìsfaekjn] (n): please Ex: She looks back on her career with great satisfaction.

Bou> To S p e a k E nglish W ell Bóng góp PD F bài GV. Nguyin Thanh Tii

66 W W W .FA C EB00K .C O M /B0iD U 0N G H 0A H 0C Q U Y N H Q N



Nguyen Hong Anh, M~A- in TESOL

QUESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. Do you have any close friends? H o w long have you known each other? D o you always get along well with them ? 2. Can you tell me something about your close friend, her/his good sides and bad sides? W hat can you leam from your friends? 3. H ow can you choose a real friend? W hat are main factors that help you to keep your friendship ever lasting? 4. W h y do w e need friends? A s saying goes UA frie n d in n e e d is a frie n d in d e e d ". How do you com m ent on this saying? 5. W hen you have problem, who do you often share with? Do you usually confide your troubles to your friends? 6. Is a person nowadays sacrifice his benefits for his friends? Ifs said that now people- friends usually take advantage of others rather than help each other, especially in doing business. Is it right? 7. W hat do you think of the proverb, “E ve ry Ja ck has his J iir ? W hat would you appreciate most in friendship? 8. W hat do you think about file friendship in the m odem A g e ? Does the friendship like "LUU Binh, Difo'ng Le" or some others like that still exist in our society? 9. W hat do you think about the in d iv id u a lism in the western society? Does it influence the young in our country now ? Is it good or bad? W hat are its advantages and disadvantages? 10. Can there be a sincere friendship between a man and a wom an without any feelings of love? Can a man and a wom an be “sou/ m ates” without a desire to each other?

Bote T o S p e a k E nglish W e ll

D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




Ngu.yên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 4 4 : f io n i f i X ttA Y m B V g I like going traveling so m uch. H o w enjoyable it is when I am in a quiet or private place of beautiful landscapes together with m y partner or family members. Travel improves m y mind and enriches m y knowledge. W hen I go traveling, I can meet people __ of different races and pass through areas of different climates. A s I see all these .things, I learn that this world has a lot of things for m e to explore. Th anks to travel, I leam that people in the world do not follow the same religions or do the sam e kind of work, yet their feelings, hopes and desires are the sam e. All try to work for their living. A t last, travel helps me see with m y own eyes and rem em ber things that are not written about in any book. Such knowledge broadens m y mind as well as makes m e better and more reasonable person. Thus, the value of travel is not difficult to realize. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

to b ro a d e n to enrich a group of com m on persons race(n): to d is c o v e r to explore: . b e l ie f religion (n): wants desire [di’zaie] (n): Ex: M y brother expressed a desire to go abroad. 6. to see with s.o’s eyes: tan mat chting kien 7. reasonable (a): logical

QUESTIO NS F O B M SC T SSH W 1. W h y do people think of travelling? D o you know when people began travelling? W hat is the importance of travelling? W hat can we leam Q - from it? D o you think that travel is a m eans of education? 2. Are you interested in travelling? Is it your hobby? W here have you been to in Vietnam ? Can you describe one of them?';

B o te T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong g<\p P D F bd i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Ngurên Hong Anh, M~A. in TESOL 3. According to you, when is it the best time to go travelling? Can you explain w hy? Which season do people travel a lot? Do you know why? 4. Do you usually travel on your weekends? And where are interesting places for weekends? 5. Do you think that watching T V is one of the cheapest w ays of travelling? W hen someone wants to travel, what should he prepare? W hat should we know before w e start a trip to a new place? 6. W hat do you think about tourist industry of Vietnam these days? Could you please state some advantages and disadvantages of Vietnamese tourism? 7. D o you like working in a tourist com pany? W hat conditions should a tour-guide have to do his job well? How far do you understand the idea: Tourism is a non-smoking industry? 8. If a foreigner asks you where they should pay a visit in H C M C , where would you like to take them to? And what do you know about these places? 4=^ 9. Are you for or against the idea that “Th e m o re tourism d e ve lo ps, the m o re s o c ia l p ro b le m s in cre a se ’ ? tO. Is it easy for Vietnamese to travel abroad? Can you tell us some requirements you need for travelling abroad? Do you think that the poor never think of travelling? If you don’t have much money, how do you manage to travel?

T O P IC 45s FA SH IO N M P L IT E Fashion has its own importance. From time to time, fashion has changed a lot, but it has shown its existence in all ages. Fashion is for every body, and every body do the fashion, it m ay be different for ail age groups because it is a w ay to express oneself. Usually, we can judge a person's nature to some extent through the way he/she dresses. Fashion, if done in a good manner, also increases our beauty. In fact, these days beauty depends on fashion, and it is one w ay to measure how beautiful someone is. Fashion is . vsiaid these V joke that because it

done in m any ways. First there are fashionable clothes. It is days that fashion in clothes changes overnight, and it is also if one has bought a clothing today, he/she must w ear it today possibly go out of fashion tomorrow. Fashion is also seen in

Horn To S p e a k English W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A , in TESOL hair. Som e people like long hair, and others ¡ike their head without hair. Fashion also exists in cosmetics or shoes. Fashion is even seen in your w ay of talking or loving. Actually, fashion has become a part of our life. Nobody can remain untouched without fashion. W e the poor or the rich must have some kinds of fashion to show our existence in the society. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5.

existence (n) = to judge [ ii3Ad3j * Ex: Do not judge people b y appearance nature (n) = manner = to measure cosmetic Ex: Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics

being, survival to comment on character behavior to evaluate make-up


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7.

W hat kind of clothes do you often w ear? D o you like your w a y of dressing? W h y ? ^ Do you think that jeans now are popular everywhere? Do you know the reason w h y jeans are popular? A s a saying goes, “Y o u c a n ’t ju d g e a b o o k b y its c o ve rf". Please discuss this statement, especially in relation to fashion and personal good look. Do you follow fashidn? C an you tel! the reasons? Do you think that people need to follow fashion? W h y? W hat is fashion in you r opinion? W hat do think about shopping for clothes am ong the young in our city? W hat is the biggest problem when buying clothes? Do you think that new fashions are created solely for the commercial exploitation of w om en? M any people say that changing fashions are nothing more than the waste of time and money. W hat do you think? Does fashion contributed great deal to the development of society? W hat are they? Do you think that your being well-dressed can help you be m ore selfconfident? Do you think your w a y of dressing shows your personality? In your opinion, what is the most suitable fashion for students?

Hov> To S p e a k E n g lisk W eil D óng góp P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti



w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m / d a y k e m Iq u y n h o n

Nguyen BĂ´ng Anh, M A . in TE SOL 11.

What do you think about people who always follow fashion? Do you think it is a waste of time and money? W h y or w hy not?

T O P IC 4 6 s M O lffiY AITO IT S E F F E C T S Nobody can deny the fact that money plays an important part in our lives. W e need it to travel, to go to school, or to pay for healthcare and other services. A s money is so.important, m any people run after it T h e y can work hard and are willing to forget their families because of money. Being busy earning money, a lot of parents have no time to take care of their children or their life-partners; as a result, their children become corrupted or spouses get divorced. In addition, people try to get money by any means, even they sell their honor. For example, some high-ranking officers commit corruption or bribery; m any girts become prostitutes or get married to foreigners without (ove; and m any crimes such as burglaries, robberies, smuggling or deceits happen everyday. in short, money has really big effects on our life. However, w e should remember that money can buy a house but not a home, a bed but not sleep, medicine but not health, a watch but not time, sex but not love and food but not appetite. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP to play a part * : v to play a role corrupted (a) = spoilt by any means = by any cost honor [ T ns] (n): honesty ."fairness Ex: It's a great honour to be invited.' people of high positions 5. high-ranking officer dissolution 6. to commit corruption or bribery: a woman m sex for money stealing at night 8. burglary (n): trading illegally 3. smuggling: 10. deceit (n): dupery a desire for food or drink 11. appetite ['cepitait] (n):

1. 2. 3. 4.

B ow To S peak English Well D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyên Hong A nh . M A . in TESOL

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. What do you think of some marriages and dose relationships that are based on m oney? What do you think about a saying, “Money makes the m a re g o ? 2. Can we buy everything with m oney? According to you, how important is money in your life? 3. Is it right to say, “M oney is a m eans to get promotion”? Can m oney bring you happiness? W hy? 4. Do you sometimes borrow m oney from your friends? And do you pay it bade? 5. What would be your behavior when a beggar asks you for money? Do you think, “Money is the root of ail evils°? 6. It is said that, “M oney is power”, is it right? Do you think money control nearly all fields in our life now? 7. What do you do to earn your living? Whatis your income? Is it enough for you? Are you in debt? How deeply? 8. What are your fixed expenses {rent, telephone bills, school fee)? Do you think you spend too much? 9. After paying all the expenses in your daily activities, how milch can you save? W hat are you long - term goals to use your savings? 10. W hy do m any people now want to have a lot of money? Is success measured in terms of the money you earn? 11. Do you think that the more m oney you get, the more respect you have?

T O P IC 478 S i l l» V IN T. A BR O A D aC

)lTn thinking about attending a university in a foreign country. At first, I will enrol in an English program Singapore to improve m y English. After learning English for six months, I’m going to look for a program that will prepare me to enter a university. Furthermore, I'd like to join a program that organizes activities for students, so I can get to know people better from around the world.

want to choose Business Administration as m y major.; I prefer small classes between twenty and twenty five students which gives me opportunities to get more individualized attention from the teacher. Th e

Bfoic To S p e a k E nglish W e ll

D ông gôp P D F bffi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




Ngvyên H ô n g A n k , M A . in TESOL cost of tuition is important, but m y first priority is getting a good education. in conclusion, while studying abroad offers m e great opportunities for a better future, it also has challenges that i have to try m y best to overcome to m ake m y dream com e true. V O C A B U L A R Y T/P 1. to attend Jetend] to go to Ex: They had a quiet wedding - only a few friends attended it 2. to enrol: fin'roui]: to register Ex: / want to enrol in an in-service class. 3. Business Administration: business management 4. individual [Jndl'vidjusl] (a): person ‘ E x: _ Each individual person is responsible for his own study. Moi cà nhân chiu tréch nhiem vè viêc hoc riêng cùa minh 5. urtion = school fee 6. priority [praPOrati] (n) precedence Ex: Priority is given to developing heavy industry Wu tien phât triên công nghiép nàng 7. challenge pjælindü] (n): difficulty Ex: She likes her job to be a challenge 8. to overcome: to defeat, to conquer

Q U ESTIO NS F O B D ISC U SSIO N 1. W hat are purposes of education? Do you think that education is the best investment in our children’s future? 2. W hat do you think of our educational system at present? D o you think that children noto have to learn a lot? Learning a lot is good or not? 3. W hat d o you, think of W estern educational system s? W hat are the differences? W hich one do you think is better? 4. Do you tike studying abroad? If yes, w h y do you like it? Which country do you want to study in? 5. Is it cheap or expensive to study overseas? How m uch does it cost for a school year? W hat kinds of fee does a student have to pay w hen studying abroad? 6. Is it easy for you to adapt to a new environment? !f the weather changes, does it effect your health? W hat do you think about different cultures and custom s?

H oic To S p e a k E n g lish WeU D ong gop P D F bcri GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




N guy en H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL 7. W hat difficulties does an international student have to face every day? Do you think all students can overcom e those difficulties? 8. W hat are advantages to study abroad? W hat opportunities do •students have when they are in developed countries? 9. D o you think overseas studying offers students chances to discover new cultures, w ays of thinking, history, customs and lifestyle? Do these differences make them different when corning back to their homeland?




Since I was young, I have been interested in studying international relations. M y interest in pursuing this field stems from several factors which have affected me. First, l have been exposed international affairs throughout m y life. With m y father and m y brother in the Foreign Service, I have grown up under the shadow of international affairs. I am fascinated by the w ay they talk about international relations. Second, I am ^/ery interested in history, economies^ and diplomacy. I believe that I can effectively satisfy my curiosity in these fields through the study of international relations. Th e last factor affected m y interest in international relations is patriotism. Through the Foreign Service, I would not only have the opportunity to serve m y country, but also have the chance to help bridge gaps between my country and others. Besides, I could make the world know more about Vietnam. A z ­ in short, with m y situation and condition both in life and in study, believe that I will be a successful diplomat in the future.


. A

/A. to pursue = to follow to stem = to come from Ex: Discontent stemming from low pay and poor working conditions Sir bat m an'bit nguon tu tiin cong thap va cac dieu kien iam vie viêc toi té

Bou; To S p e a k E nglish W eü B ón g góp P D F b à i GV. N guyen ThanhJTiL...




Nguyen H dng Arth, M A . in TESOL 3. be exposed to ~ to be dose to 4. affair (n) = business 5. be fascinated = be attracted G. curiosity (n) [,kjuari'DSiti] (n ) desire to know about Ex: He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister No khong idem dupe tinh to mo va da m o buc this cua chi no 7. to bridge the gap to fill the gap

QUESTIONS FO R M SC IJSSIftK 1. W hich of the following jobs would interest you: secretary, engineer, cook, hairdresser, computer assistant, nursery teacher, manager, flight attendant, tour guide, receptionist, hotel keeper, bank manager, interpreter, translator; taxi-drive, o r nurse? W h y do you choose it? 2. H ow do you prepare for your future job? Can w e get a job without any preparation? 3. W hich job did you like when you were a kid? Which job do you like but you cannot do? 4. W hat is career orientation? W hat occupations do young people prefer nowadays? 5. Do you think social requirements affect one’s decision on his career orientation? H ow do they affect? 6. In the process of modernization and industrialization in our country, what jobs do you think are necessary? What jobs are dominant nowadays? 7. W hat factors do you often take into consideration when making decision to choose a job for yourselves? 8. W hat do you think about the situation of econom y in our country at present? D o you think ft can affect social requirements and your career orientation? 9. Otherwise, do you think our choices of career will influence on the development of our country?

II ou, To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F bai G l r. Nguyen Thanh Tit




Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 4 9 ; REASO NS TO l EAILV ENGLISH Th ere is no doubt that more and more people ieam English nowadays, and they lean it because of different reasons. However, to me, I Ieam it to prepare for m y job, to improve my knowledge, and to entertain myself. First of all, English is ve ry necessary for my future job. As we know, m any jobs now require applicants to prepare their personal files such as the C V or the job application, in English. If m y English is good enough, my file will make impression on the employer. Moreover, in the job interview, 1 will have to speak English. Therefore, it will be easier for me to pass it if I can speak English fluently. In addition, with good English, I may have more chances to work for a foreign com pany or I can be sent abroad for further training.

Then, I can improve my knowledge so.m uch if I am good at English. It can’t be denied that English is the most international language in the world. Therefore, m any professional or reference books of different subjects such as science, technology, tourism, economy, geology, politics and education have been written in English. H ow can i read and understand them if 1 do not know English? Moreover, the Internet is considered an information superhighway, and m any websites are written in English. Therefore, I dan take advantage of these websites to get information and improve m y English is good enough. Jp ) Last but not least, English will be able to help me entertain myself a lot. If I have a good command of English, I can completely enjoy an Englishspoken movie without the help of the subtitle which is sometimes incorrect Moreover, I can listen to m any fam ous or ever-lasting English songs sang by the most famous singers around the world. In addition, I can go travelling to any country without difficulties in communication. Besides, there are m any other w ays of entertainment that I can get if i am good at Englishshort, English is one of the best m eans that can help us approach m odem science, advanced technology, and the development of the 4 C y/ world. In other words, a lot of good opportunities are available for us

H otc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong g(\p P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong Anh. M A . in TESOL


once we have acquired fairly good English. So, try to improve English to integrate into the world.

1. doubt (n) =

uncertainty There is not a shadow of doubt Khong mot chut may may nghi ngo applicant (n) = candidate impression = to make impr tc get s.o’s attention (n) = geology fn) the study of the earth superhighway superhighway (n) very fast route to approach = to come up to E x: A Assyyou approach the city, the first building you see is the church to acquirei= = to


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

QUESTIONS FO R DISCUSSION 1. W hat do you expect from your English? Please tell me your main purposes and motivations. 2. W hat do you think about teaching ar aming English in our country now? W hat are advantages and disadvantages? 3. Have you got any difficulties when you are learning English? If yes, how do you overcome your difficulties? 4. Am ong four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, which one do you think is the most important and difficult? 5. Please share your own experience in learning English with me and tell m e the best w ay to improve each skill? 6. How do you improve your speaking skills? D o you think joining English Speaking Club is one the best ways to improve it? 7. W hat can you derive from your study? What is the importance of English language when it is used as an international language? 8. In addition to your professional qualifications, is it necessary that a certificate of English should be included? 9. How can the English ability help your work and your study?

tioui T o S p e a k English W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii





S g uyên H ong A nh, M A , in TESQJb

TO PIC 5 0 : TO EVTEK YO UR LIFE W e have to accept that m odem life has brought young people a lot of benefits and favorable conditions. N ow adays, it is very easy for the young to approach m odem science and advanced technology as well as to get up-todate m any kinds of information to enrich their knowledge. However, in order to have right orientations and right decisions for their future, they have to prepare them selves m any things. First of all, they must equip them selves with sufficient knowledge which plays a vital role in every success. Knowledge is0 6 key to open any door of life. Owing to knowledge, a m an has ability to reason as well as distinguish good things or bad things. F 6 r example, thanks to knowledge, Japan has becom e one of the most powerful countries in the world although it does not have m any natural resources. Besides knowledge, they should have moral principles. A person of good personality and moral gets success and respect easily. Morals of a person can be seen owing to his w a y of living. He knows how to five for everybody around him. F o r example, he is willing to help others when they are in need. Also, he should not be very selfish-just to think of himself - or he should not play tricks on others. Last but not least, confidence and communication skills are also very necessary for them to step into fife. T h e confidence helps them overcome m any difficult circum stances o r have timely decisions. Th en communication skills help them get along well with others easily. Th anks to these skills, they m ay have wide relations that can support them to get our success. „ In short, truly speaking, as young people, they have a lot of opportunities to prepare for their future. M oreover, they play very important roles in the development and prosperity of the nation. It is them who are future masters of the country. Therefore, they should have a good preparation for their career w hen they are still at college or university.


B ow To S peak English Well D óng góp P D F b&i GV. N guyin Thanh Tit




Nguyên Hong Anh. M A . in TESOL


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. Ex: 7. 8. 9. Ex:

10 .

favorable (a) = good, convenient to approach = come up to orientation (n) = direction A sufficient (a) = enough 4P to reason = to explain to distinguish = teU apart The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other. principle (n) code, rule to play tricks on s.o = to cheat s.o circumstance (n) = situation Circumstances forced us to change our plans prosperity (n) = wealth

v QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. Are you a student or are you working, now? If you are a student, what is your preparation for your future? 2. What do you think of knowledge in modem time? Do you think students get enough knowledge when studying at colleges or universities? 3. Is it right to say that many people are just interested in money nowadays? Do you agree that money is everything in our time now? 4. Between earning money and getting knowledge, which one is more important to you? Do you think that m oney now is more required than knowledge? 5. W hy do m any people think that investing in education is the best way to get money later? Is it a good preparation for a person to step into his life? W hy? 6. Is it good to have so much knowledge? W hat can you do if you have wide knowledge? 7. What ambitions do students usually have nowadays? What are differences between the young of today and those of yesterday? 8. W hat roles do the young play in the development of the nation? What does our nation expect from the student? 9. W hat are the strong and weak points of the student? Are they wiling to think, to act, and to have responsibilities? 10. What do you think of spoilt teenagers, juvenile addicts and delinquents in our city at present? H ow can we help those people? What can you learn from this topic?

Horn To Speak English Well D ông gôp P D F bdi GV. Nguyên Thanh Til




Nguyen H äng Anh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 5 1 : S P E X D W 6 OR SA VW G M O A ÏY ? If I am asked whether I spend m oney or save it when I can earn it myself, I will answer that I will keep it for som e time in the future. I do that because I will have a lot of expenses in m y future.

wilt be future.

A s we know, learning nowadays is not cheap at ail. Moreover, m y parents cannot always support me during m y life. T o improve m y knowledge, 1 have to learn m ore and more. S o , the m oney I save now very important for me to spend on education in the

In addition, in the future, ! want to have comfortable life such as a nice house, fashionable clothes, and a luxurious car. W hen I get married, I want to have nice things too. Th is takes m dney. T h e best time to save money is now, before I have a family. Th e n , with m y savings, m y children m ay have good living conditions and chances to study at highstandard schools.

«4 PllOlf. ,.jc W4 Last, I cannot foresed what will happen to me and m y family in the future. F o r example, I could have an unexpected illness; m y brothers or sisters might need m y help, and I have to give them some money. Therefore, I need to save m oney now for these sudden things. Moreover, when I becom e old, I do not want to depend on m y children economically. y S * In short, it is not easy to earn m oney now, so I do not want to spend m y money carelessly. 1 have to be well-prepared for m y future. A re you of my opinion? Let’s share our ideas in today’s discussion.


expense (n) “ f to foresee “ unexpected (a) =

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng gâp P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tü

expenditure to predict, to forecast





Nguyén H ong A n h 7 M A . in TESOL

Q UESTIO NS FO R P ISC IJSSIO * 1- Are you a student or are you working now? Do you earn a lot of m oney yourself? 2. About how much do you usually spend each day? Are you good at saving money? A ,y 3. Are you saving m oney to buy something? If so, what are you planning to buy? H o w much will it cost? H ow much longer will you need to save before you can buy it? 4. W here do you save your m oney: at home, in a pig-bank or in-a bank? Do banks pay a higher percent of interest here or in your country? 5. Do you ever give m oney to charity? H o w often do you give to charity? How much do you give? S. Do you have a credit card? If so, do you have m ore than one? Do you have more than one bank account? Do you often put m oney in the bank? 7. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need? If so, give some examples. 8. Do you sometimes give m oney to charities? Have you ever given m oney to a beggar? H ave you ever given money to a homeless person? 9 . How important is m oney to you? If you had no m oney, do you think you could be happy? 10.

Do you think saving m oney for the future is a must? If yes, w h y do you think so?

TO PIC 5 2 : A GUIDE TOUR W h e n the standard of living is improved, people pay more attention to entertainment. O n e of the most popular w ays is going traveling. Som e people like to hold a tour themselves. Others like going traveling with a tour guide. T o m e, I prefer a guided tour very much because of the following reasons: W hen w e are m em bers of a guided tour, we can understand ail things we see during our tour. F o r example, if you travel to a foreign country for your vacation, you m ay have trouble with the language that can prevent you from enjoying your trip. However, if you go with a tour guide, he will help you with his knowledge of fluent foreign language.

H oic To S p e a k E nglish W eti B ón g góp P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tii





N g u y è n B ô n g A n h , M A . in T E S O L

Th e n , a guided tour is very informative to us. During the tour, the guide provides us with a lot of information about places w e visit, especially when we go to m useum s or historical vestiges. Th e re , the guide will help us be able to enjoy and understand the history of what being displayed or seen. A . In addition, w e will be able to cover all the sightseeing places if we are in a guided tour. W hen w e do sightseeing independentiy, we m ay miss a lot of chances to visit the most beautiful or interesting places. Without a guide, we need to plan our time accordingly. T h is causes lots of tension because w e are new to the place. A s a result, our trip might not be a memorable one. S o, I would say that while planning a vacation, one should definitely consider taking a guided tour. Do you agree with ro&?


4. 5.

6. 7.


to pay attention to = to care for to hold = to organize vestiges (n) = remains Ex: Vestige of an ancient civilization Di tich cua mot nen van minh c6 to show to display = accordingly = reasonably tension (n) = stress memorable (a) = unforgettable, certainly definitely (adv) =



1. W h y do people like going traveling? Do you like it? Do you think that travel is a m eans of education? 2. W here have you been to in Vietnam ? C a n you describe som e interesting places? Which one do you like best? W i y ? 3. In whibh season do you prefer to go traveling? W hen is it the best time to go traveling? explain w hy? you usually travel to som ewhere on your weekends? In your opinion, where are interesting places for weekends? How do you spend your holidays? W hen som eone wants to travel, what should he prepare? W hat should w e know before we start a trip to a new place?

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng góp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Tú




Nguyen HongAnh, M A. in TESOL___________________________ 6. What are the purposes of travel? W hat do you comment on the saying, “T h e m ore w e travel, the m o re w e leam !”? 7. How do you think about tourism in Vietnam these days? Could you please state some advantages and disadvantages of it? 8. Do you like going traveling with or without a tour guide? Do you think Vietnamese tour guides have good knowledge of foreign languages? 9. W hat will happen to us if we go traveling without a tour guide? Do you think a guided tour is very informative to us? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

T O P IC 5 3 s WOW T O I K 4 P A H A P P It is hard to say what makes a happy life, for our definition of happiness is not acceptable to ali. This man’s idea of a happy life will be entirely different from another’s, and what the v third regards as a happy life may be j acceptable neither to the first nor to the second. Before trying to decide what makes a happy life, we have to be quite definite about what kind of happiness we want to achieve. For example, there is the kind of happiness aimed at by those who free themselves from all the world’s complications. Such people believe that the desire for wealth and material pleasures in life is the root of all troubles and depressions. T h e y say that this desire always makes people unhappy. In addition, to be happy, in my opinion, we should not be very ambitious or greedy. Som e people always want to get everything in their life, so they keep searching ways to do that. Because of changing all the time, they get nothing at the end. Th u s, we are happy when we know how to. appreciate and consciously to enjoy what we really possess. Also, we always keep in our mind th a t" The grass ¡s always greener on the other side of the hill” always makes us unhappy. T o lead a happy life, we should always set goals in life to keep us on track. I think alt of you agree with me that planning ahead is always good to achieve our goals. Thanks to our plans, we know what to do first, when and how to do it. Moreover, to reach our goals, we should also be risky and never stop our effort to get them.

£ ? o 1C

To Speak EngHsh Well

D ong gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen Hong A nh , M-A. in TESOL fn addition to our goals In life, to have a happy life, our health must be good. Do you feel happy when you are usually tired or sick? Nobody says yes. So we should do morning exercises regularly, be careful with our eating and drinking habits, take holidays sometimes, not overwork: worry a lot. Last but not least, developing a good sense of humor is a very good way to make us happy. A s we know, happy people usually overcome their troubles easily. When something wrong happens to them, they do not wait for too long to see its good side because it is said that, "A merry heart helps you overcom e m an y difficult cases” . And how is your conception of a happy life? Let's share your opinion in today’s discussion

VOCABULARY TCP 1. definition [.detTnifn] (n)= 2. entirely (adv)= 3. to regard as =

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

explanation completely to consider clear to get, to gain... intricateness want, need hopelessness

definite (a)= to achieve = complication (n)= desire (a)= depression (n) = Ex: Don’t drive me4o desperation Dung don toi vao canh tvyet vong/ the cung 9. greedy (a)= insatiable 10. to possess = to own 11. to keep s.o on trac| to go on the right way

QUESTION'S FOR DISCUSSION 1. W hat is happiness? What does happiness mean to you? What should we do to make ourselves happy? 2. Can money bring us happiness? Are rich people always happy? Do you think money is everything? 3. In your opinion, does happiness come to us by accident? It is said # that happiness is like a shy bird. Th e more we hunt it, the farther it flies away. Do you think so? 4. Do you agree that a happy man is the only man who.knows how to live with what he is possessing?

B oic To S p e a k English W ell D ong gdj) P D F böd GV Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 5. Is material comfort the only factor leading to happiness? If you have a lot of money, do you feel happy? 6. W ho is happier between a rich man without knowledge and a poor man with wide knowledge? 7. Which is more important, health or m oney? W hat should we do to have good health? Do you think the young usually appreciate their health? W h y (w h y not)? 8. How is a happy family? How would you do to build up a^happy family? W hat is the role of the husband and the wife in £ happy family? 9. W hat do you think of the saying, “Happiness is a struggle”? Do you usually struggle in your life? W hat do you usually struggle against?

TO PIC 5 4 ; COHABITATION W hen people have more personal freedoms, they seem to forget traditional morals one of which is not living together until they g çt married. Through press, w e know that more and more young people cohabit nowadays, especially am ong students and industrial workers. W h y do they do that? T h e first reason is free relationship. Usually, cohabitants are those who come to this city from provinces, so they are free to make their own choices. W hen asked, they say that they are not bound by their parents’ constraints, and theÿ are mature enough to make their own decisions. Th e second reason is that they can share living expenses. Because they come from provinces, they have to rent houses or rooms for their accommodation, which is not cheap in this city. However, the expense can be reduced if it is shared. Moreover, it is very convenient for a cohabiting couple in m any ways. W hen the male goes to school or is on his shift, tfre; female stays at home to cook their meals, to dean the house or to wash their clothes, and vice-versa. T h e last popular reason is called testing. Som e cohabitants think that they should test their marital life before really getting married. Th e y say they live with each other to see if they are compatible or not But Statistically, most cohabiting couples usually say goodbye to each other J Q when they graduate from universities. 1 myself do not think that compatibility has to be learned by cohabitation.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyên Thanh Tii




y guyên Hong Anh, M A. in TESOL Does anyone know what have happened to m any cohabitants? M any girts have to get abortion or stop their schooling, and very few couples get married after that. Th is is really ironic. In short, before we give ourselves away, w e should.think twice and be responsible for what we have done. Have a great day and stay out of trouble!

/§> °

V O f 4B U 1A R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

cohabitation = living like a husband & wife limited bound (pp) = limitation, restriction constraint (n) = grown up mature (a) = accommodation (n) = housing Ex: He wanted accommodation fora young married cot to work to be on shift = oppositely vice-versa = well-matched compatible (a) = numerical statistically (adv) = to kill un-bom baby to get abortion (n) = mocking ironic (a) = to think carefully to think twice = A v rru N rw n r A m T n

t . W hat do you think about the ways of Irving nowadays? W hat are the ways of living in the past? C an you make a comparison between the w ay of living in the past and at present? Which one do you think better? W h y? 2. W hat do you comment on the Western w a y of living? Do you think it’s good to imitate? 3. W hat do you think of the young now ? Do you think they love too early? W h y? W hat do you think about the w ay they love now? 4. W h y ;# ? m any young people cohabit now? W h o usually cohabit? W hat are advantages of cohabitation? D o you think it is the best w a y to test your partner before y o u decide to get married to him/her? 5. VVtry are there m any cases of getting abortion among the young now ? W hat is your opinion on it? Does it result from cohabitation? Should we focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies? W ould it be better to educate people at the earty age to use their com m on sense in love and seX?

H o ir To S peak Engiish WeB D ong gop P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên. Hong Anh, MA., in TESOL 7. W h y do w e, V ietnam ese people, feel em barrassed and uneasy w h e ne ve r taking about this subject? Do you think this is the reason leading to m ore and m ore abortions? 8. Is it right to terminate the p re gn ancy and to kill the b a b y? W h y is ft right or w h y is it w ro n g ? Should every w o m a n have the right t<? decide w hether she wants to stay pregnant or not? 9. W h o is to blam e if a w om an gets pregnant before m arriage? Is it her fault and stupidity? Sh ould sh e carry all the consequences as well? W hat do you think of the m an in this situation?


T O P IC 5 5 ; SIHWMTCB VACATIO N W h e n flam e-flowers begin bloom ing, it is the time for students to stop schooling and w elcom e “su m m er vacation" which is very im portant to them . After 9 m onths of working hard, they need time to relax before continuing their studies at a higher level. So, how can they h ave a useful and m eaningful su m m er vacation?

A s w e know, students have been taught a lot from books, but in reality, m a n y of them have never seen a live cow o r buffalo or th e y cannot im agine w hat a rice field is really like. T h e y also learn a lot about the country and people, historicaf vestiges, ancient tem ples, m ausoleum s or beautiful placés, but they have never seen these with their ow n eyes. T h u s , trips on su m m e r days to the countryside, to a m ountainous region, to the historical sites or fam ous places in the country will be very useful to them. Another thing is worth mentioning here. O n su m m er vacations in recent years, thousands of high school and college students have participated in “G re e n S u m m e r V olunteer C am paignA T h e y go to rural areas or m ountainous regions to teach illiterate people how to read and write as well as to hold m a n y su m m er activities for local students. A t the sam e time, they also help local people repair houses, build lanes and bridges in rernote hamlets or villages. T h o s e su m m e r activities are very useful and meaningful to them . M oreover, they also accum ulate a lot of know ledge for their lessons in school from real life. Also, m a ny college students take advantage of su m m er vacations to do part-time jobs. T h a n k s to these jobs, they can earn som e m oney for their

Hoic To Speak English Well D ong g op P D F b â i GV. N guyên T lianh Til




Nguyén Hong Anh. M A . in TESOL next school year. In addition, when doing part-time jobs, they can accum ulate som e experiences in working environment, and can improve their com m unication skills. in short, depending on his situation, the student can choose suitable w a ys to spend their su m m er holidays usefully and meaningfully.

V O C A BU LA R Y T IP 1. flam e-flower (n) = 2. vestiges (n) = Ex: Vestige of an ancient civilization D i tich cue mot nen van minh co 3. ancient (a) = 4. rural (a) = 5. illiterate (a) = 6. to accum ulate = 7. to take advantage of =

flamboyant remains

very old countryside uneducated to collect, to gather to make the best of

Q U ESTIO N S F O B D ISC U SSIO N 1. H a ve you finished all exam s in your school? Have you m ade up your m ind how to spend your su m m er vacation yet? 2. W here do you w ant to g o ? W h y do you choose that place? H a ve you eve r been there? 3. Before going travelling, w hat should w e prepare? W h at should we take along with u s? 4 . W h e re w e re you b o m ? C a n you describe som e beautiful or historical places in your own hom etow n? Is it a good place for sum m er vacation? 5 . Do you think that attending sum m er courses is a good w a y to spend sum m er vacation? W hat do you think of the su m m er courses in our city in these d a y s? 6. M any students take advantage of su m m er vacation to do som e part time jobs so as to earn m ore m oney for their study. Do you think this is a good ch ance for them ? W h at kinds of work are popular during sum m er vacation? 7 . W hat is your opinion on “G re e n S u m m e r C a m p a ig n ”? H ave you ¿ © fe v e r taken part in this cam paign? If yes, can you tell m e your experiences? 8. A re you going to participate in social activities in this sum m er? W hat activities do you intend to do?

H oui T o S p e a k E n g iish W e ll B ón g gójp P D F b ò i GV. N guyen T hanh Tü




Nguyên R ông A nk, M A . in TESOL 9.

Does our city have enough entertainment activities for students on sum m er vacation? W hat kinds of entertainment activities do you suggest to be made more? 10. How can we have a useful and meaningful sum m er vacation? W h a t/ can you draw from your discussion?

TO PIC 5 6s DANGERS AX HOME O u r home is always our favorite place to spend time in. However, many accidents occur at home. Th e re are dangerous things in the house, and w e should be aware of them. Th u s , we can avoid unnecessary pains or injuries. First, electricity runs many of our home appliances. It is a very useful thing, it is also a very dangerous thing if used carelessly, for it can kill. Electrical sockets and power points are to be handled with utmost care. Y ou ng children should never be allowed to go near them. Unless we are very sure of what we are doing, repairs should only be done by a competent electrician, it is only too easy to get electrocuted. O ld or faulty appliances should be discarded. If used, they are likely to start a fire somewhere or kill someone who touches it. In addition, the kitchen has m any dangerous things. Sharp knives can draw blood, mishandled gas-cylinders can explode, hot water can scald and stoves can cause nasty bum s. Also, flies and rats can contaminate food. Th u s, the kitchen is not a place to be careless in. If we are careful and know how to handle things there, then the chance of an accident occurring is lessened! & T h e biggest danger in a bathroom is when the floor is slippery with water or soap. I have heard of m any incidents of people, especially old folks, falling in the bathroom. Sometimes the fall is fatal. Often it leaves the victim bedridden. Utmost care is needed here. Finally the medicine cabinet should be inaccessible to young children. Dangerous drugs and pills can look like sweets to these young ones, if taken, the consequences can be disastrous. Other dangers do exist. It is up to us to watch out for them. 4*

H o w To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyên Thanh Tii




Nsuyên H on g Anh, M^4. in TESOL

VIM 4 B I L 4 R Ï T IP 1. to occur = 2. socket (n) = 3. to handle = 4. utmost (a) = 5. competent [knmpitant] (a) = Ex: She is not competent to drive a car Cô ta không thao viêc iâi xe hoi. 6. to get electrocuted " 7. discarded (a) = 8. cylinder (n) = 9. to scald = 10. nasty (a) = 11. to contaminate 12. bedridden (a) = 13. slippery (a) = 14. folk {n) = 15. fatal (a) = 16. inaccessible (a) = 17. disastrous (a)

to happen the plug to solve greatest capable

A *5

to get shock unused xi-lanh to injure horrible to pollute, to destroy flat on your back very smooth an old man deadly unreachable terrible



1. W hat is the most dangerous thing in your hom e? H o w can if be made less dangerous? 2. W hat is the most dangerous thing in your hom e for a child? H ow can it be made less dangerous? W hat is the most dangerous thing in your home for an elderly person? H o w can it be m ade iess dangerous? . 3. W hat dangers can be found in the kitchen that can cause accidents? W hat can be done to prevent kitchen accidents? W hat can a parent do to childproof a kitchen? 4. W hat dangers can be found in bathrooms that can cause accidents? W hat can be done to prevent bathroom accidents? W hat can a parent do to childproof a bathroom? 5. W hat dangers can be found outside the home in the yard that can cause accidents? W hat can be done to prevent yard accidents? W hat can a parent do to childproof the yard? 6. W hat other dangers can be found in a home in bedroom s, laundry rooms, garages, and living areas? W hat can be done throughout the house to prevent accidents? What can a parent do to childproof the different rooms of the-hom e?

How To Speak English Well B on g gop P D F b a i GV. N guyen Thanli Tu




Nguyên Hong Anh, M A. in. TESOL 8.

W here are these items found in a house, w h y could th e y be dangerous, to w h o m . could they be dangerous, and what could som eone do to lessen the danger they present? hot pah/pot hot curling iron knife w indow iron m edicines gasoline pool , b a d dog insecticides natural gas balcony toilets staircase electronic equipment


T O PIC 5 7 : OLP-MAM CLUBS With the world.

developm ent of society, w e have stepped into an old-m an M any countries and governm ents are much concerned about this situation, especially how aid men can live a happy life. U n d e r this circumstance, m any old-m an clubs bam boo up with a view to providing old men with a better place to settle down. In my opinion, I think the old-m an club o r fhe rest-hom e is a good practice to sofve old-m an problems.

Firstly, m any young people are quite busy now. T h e y wholly devote them selves to their w ork and life, so they cannot spare enough time to stay with their parents. Moreover, old-m an d u b s can offer bounteous food and entertainment facilities to the old people and render them a happy life there. In the old-man d u b s , the old can also m ake som e new companions and establish good relation with them. Secondly, with the acceleration of people's living tem po, m any young people are fa dng h eavy pressures from the sodety, their work and families.- If they live together with their parents, they will shoulder the responsibility to care for them and their pressures will becom e heavier and heavier. Therefore, the old-m an club relieves their burden and heips them concentrate on their work fully. Finally, the d u b ban also give careful medical to the old people. If old men five with their family, they are not ensured to be sent to hospital immediately when they get ill. Oppositely, in these d u b s , they can get good medical care and recover soon. However, everything has double folds. Som etim es, old people feel very lonely because they often think of their daughters, sons and grandchildren. T h e y prefer family atmosphere.

X T T o sum up, I think the appearance of old-m an clubs is a good thing for old people, it provides the old with a better environment. But old-m an

M ow T o S p a a k E n glish WaU.

Dông gôp PD F bâi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til

91 w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m /b o i d u o n g h o a h o C q u y n h o n



Nguyen Hong A nh. M A . in TESO L clubs are not a paradise definitely, which is a com prom ise to family intimation.

1. to bam boo up = to mushroom 2. practice (n) = way, habit E x: Paying bills pi promptly is good financial practice Nhanh chong thanh toan hoa don la mot thoi quen tot v i tai chinh 3. bounteous (a) = plentiful 4. to render = to offer, to give 5. acceleration (n) = fast pace; speeding up 6. tem po (n) = pace, rhythm 7. to shoulder = to bear; to take on 8. burden (n ) = load; weight Ex: The husband and the children are a burden to me Chong con là gânh nàng cho tô! 9. com prom ise (n) = 10. intimation (n) =

Q U ESTIO N S F O R PISC Ü SSIO M 1. Do you think young people are generally m ore selfish than their parents and grandparents? Does age m ake you m ore aware of and caring for others? 2. Should people of between 55 and 60 be forced to retire from their jobs in order to make w ay for you nger w orkers? If people are still able to (and w ant to) work, should they have to retire w hen the reach a certain age? Explain your opinion. 3. Are there m any things that the old can teach the young or are they hopelessly out ¿of touch by the time they reach a certain age? W hat things w ere you taught by your older family m em bers? H o w have they been useful to you in your life? 4. Should the elderly be expected to pay for residential care out of their own savings or should appropriate accom m odation and nursing be provided by the tax payer? Explain your opinion. 5. M any countries are facing the problem of an "aging population”, i.e. there will soon be m ore old people than young people. W hat problem s will this cause? W h a t can be done to prepare for them ? ••••$. Are you afraid of getting old? W h a t is yo u r ideal old age to live to? Do you prefer to live in the retirement hom e o r live with young people?

B o w T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong g op P D F b&i GV. N guyen T hanh Tu




N guyên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 7. W h y are there more and more nursing houses or old-m an clubs in our country these days? A re there enough old-m an d u b s to provide old men a better place to settle down? 8. W hat can old-m an d u b s offer lonely old people? W hat can the old d g there? 9. Do you think these clubs help young people not face heavy pressures from the society, their work and families any m ore? 10. W hat do you think about the idea that old-m an clubs are nipt a paradise definitely, which is a com prom ise to family intimation?

TO PIC 58s VO LUNTEERS E ve ry year, thousands of young volunteers take part in the volunteer sum m er cam paign. Th e s e young people are not afraid of the hard sunshine, strong winds, and difficult living conditions in remote rural* m ountainous o r offshore areas fo reduce social problem s or uneasy life of their fellows. T h e sum m er cam paign is very useful and meaningful. Volunteers all over the country are everyw here to care for needy children, ensure traffic safety, or help students with college-entrance examinations. A s w e can see, thousands of high school and college students go to rural areas or mountainous regions to teach illiterate people and to hold m any sum m er activities for local students. A t the sam e time, they also help local people rebuild houses, lanes or bridges. W he ne ve r the exam season com es, m any exam inees and their parents pour into examination sites, resulting in a traffic overload. In an effort to ease traffic congestion, volunteers are mobilized to help traffic police ensure traffic order and safety during these phases of exam s. T h e y also help candidates find their w a y to the nearest bus stations, or to track down accomm odation. T h e y are successful in asking som e families to offer examinees free accomm odation. In addition, they help examinees complete administrative procedures and overcom e the difficulties they face w hen coming into a new environment. Moreover, year around in our city, volunteers spread out to m any com ers of the city to direct vehicles into the right lanes so as to prevent congestions or remind drivers to obey traffic laws. T h e y are also willing

Hou> To S p e a k E n g lish W e ü D ông g ôp P D F bôd G V N guyên T hanh Tii




Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL to donate their blood to hospitals in need to rescue m any souls. How great they are? T h e movement of volunteers today is really contributing to the socio­ economic development, reducing social problems, and encouraging poor and difficult people to attempt more in order to overcome their fate. Hopefully, there are more and more volunteers. O '

VftT AB tHLARY T IP very far 1. remote (a) = countryside 2. rural (a) = in the middle of the sea 3. off-shore = man 4. fellow (it) ~ uneducated 5. illiterate (a ) to rush to 6. to pour into = traffic jam 7. traffic congestion = to activate 8. to mobilize = They are mobilizing their supporters to vote at the election Ex: Ho dang v$n dong nh&ng ngutri ung ho dr bo phiiu trong cuoc bdu ds. 9. phase (n) = time 10. procedure (n) = . process 11. to donate = ^ t o give 12. to attempt = to try

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSIO N 1 . What do you comment on the youth of today and the young of yesterday?

2. What are some qualities of the young that you particularly admire? 3. Can you tell us any young people who succeed in their professions? Do you know w hy they are successful? 4. According to y6u, what is a perfect m an? Should he be a rich, intelligent and handsome man? 5. What do you think about volunteers? Do you want to be a volunteer? Have you ever jointed the so-called "the green sum m er volunteer


j y

6 , What can the volunteers do for people and the nation? Do you think their contribution is helpful?’ 7,, What do you think of young people with depraved ways of living? Have you ever seen or heard of any consequences of a depraved life among young people?

B ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong göp P D F b ö i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




N guyen H o n g A n h , M A . in TESO L 8. W hat are bad w ays of living and thinking of the young now? H ow can w e persuade young people with bad w ays them selves? 9. C a n you suggest som e w ays that the young cs up the development of our country in aff aspects, especially i r r v econom y and culture? 10. D o you think the young are the masters of the country? W hat should the young do to lead the country?

T O P IC 5 9 ; 6E V E R A T IO IV CAT seem s that the children and their parents have some conflicts in their life nowadays. Th e s e conflicts happen | E i in m any families and in m any countries in the world. 1 1 Âť S o , what is the root of the matter?

First, parents usualiy im pose their ideas on their children. T h e y just want their children to obey them absolutely. T h e y m ay forget that the young now want to live independently and have their own w ay of living. Parents always require their children to study hard to get the best result, but they rarely pay attention to the w a y their children study. Moreover, parents scold them if they m ake mistakes, but never do parents tell them what to do. It is a big mistake that parents rarely listen to their children's ideas. S econd, parents do not take care of their children well. T h e y often leave hom e for work early in the morning and com e back hom e late in the evening when their children are going to bed. W h e n children have some things to ask them for advice, they seem not to have time for their children. I think parents m ake mistakes when they think that giving their children a lot of m o n e y is to love and to take care of them Finally, children do not understand that their parents have to spend most of their time earning m oney to support them, especially in this competitive society. T h is m akes the parents exhausted after a hard working day, and of course, they do not have m uch time for their children. M oreover, they are worried about society’s temptations, so they alw ays pay attention to every aspect related to their children. Th is makes the children uneasy or unhappy.

iio z c J o s p e a k E n g lish WellD ong gop P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL In short, we can say that conflicts happen because each m em ber in family does not want to listen to others. T h e y just think of themselves, want to satisfy their desire, and want to impose their ideas on others. T o / ’/ v ' avoid conflicts in family, I think that the old and the young need m ore . time to be together.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

conflict = root (n) = to impose = absolutely (adv) = to scold: temptation: desire (n) =

d if f e r e n c e

cause oblige completely . to use abusive language attraction wish


1. 2. 3.



6. 7.

H ave you ever asked for advice from Fam ily Advisory Centers? W hat do you expect from them? Do you have contradiction with you r parents? In what w ay? Do you think your parents understand you? Have you ever shared you r feeling and your private problems with you r parents? W h o do you usually share with, your mother or your father? Are you really to discuss with your parents about sex? If you take your notice of a different sex person, will you tell your parents or your close friends, whyj?3f 7 Do you think that your parents do not understand you? Do you fee) your parents forbiddances make you lose your freedom? W hat are the main factors leading to parents and children’s conflicts? Nowadays, in our society, especially in big cities, people have less time for their families. Therefore, their families come into being broken. W hat do you think about that?

8- W hat are typical conflicts between the parents and the children now?

- V

How can w e keep on well with our parents? 9. Y ou are watching a pop concert program on television when your parents ask you to turn it off just because they don’t like it at all. If you are in this situation what will you do? W hat should you* do with a child w h o has very bad behavior? Should parents give medicine to their children to calm them dow n?

H o w To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gôfr P D F b â i GV. N guyin Thanh Tü




Nguyên H ong Anh. M A . in TESOL 11. What is the right behavior to use in a restaurant? A t school? At a party? W ould you teach your child to "hit back" at school if somebody hits them? 12. Can bad behavior lead to crimes? How should w e punish children who commit crimes? Should parents be held responsible for their children's behavior?

TO PIC 6 0 ; S TU B E M TS IVOWAPAYS have to accept that m odem world has brought jents a lot of benefits favorable iditions. Nowadays, Vietnamese students have a lot of chances to approach modern science and advanced technology. Also, it is easier for them to get up-to-date m any kinds of information to enrich their knowledge and integrate into the world. /C^v/ A t first students nowadays have favorable conditions to study and improve their knowledge. There is no doubt that technology plays an important role in education. With the help of computers and the Internet, students can get necessary information to support their lessons at college or university easily. Moreover, they can exchange their ideas or experiences with students around the world through e-mails or forums online. In addition, with the development of the country, students have many opportunities to accumulate working experiences. Besides studying at university, students now can find suitable part-time jobs first to earn some m oney to expend on their student-life and then to apply what they have learned into n e practice. Thanks to these part-time jobs, they can get some life and professional experiences to prepare for their future career. Moreover, they can get job-concerned skills due to joining workshops held by m any companies and educational organizations. Last but not least, students nowadays know how to live for community. E ve ry year, thousands of students from m any colleges or universities take part in social activities. T h e y are not afraid of the hard sunshine, strong winds, and difficult living conditions in remote rural, mountainous or offshore areas tc reduce social problems or uneasy life of their .fellows. T h e y are everywhere to care for needy children, ensure traffic safety, or donate their blood to needed patients. W henever our country

Horc To S p e a k E nglish W ell B ón g góp P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H ong A nh, M-A - in TESOL holds som e important events such as A P E C Meeting or S E A G A M E S , they are enthusiastic volunteers who make deep impressions on foreign guests. In short, it is not very exaggerated to say that students nowadays are really future masters of the nation, especially at present when Vietnam is on its w ay to development and integration and when Vietnam becom es the 150th W T O member. Hopefully, students always realize their importance. o

VO CABULARY H P to integrate: to accumulate: enthusiastic (a) exaggerated (a)

to meet; to join together to gather; to collect eager, passionate overstated; blown up


1. 2. 3.






W hat do you com m ent on students of today and the students of yesterday? W hat are som e qualities of the students that you particularly admire? C a n you tell us any young people who succeed in their professions? Do you know w h y they are successful? According to you, what is a perfect man? Should he be a rich, intelligent and handsom e m an? W hat do you think about volunteers? Do you want to be a volunteer? Have you ever jointed the so-called “the green sum m er volunteer campaign"? W hat can the volunteers do for people and the nation? Do you think their contribution is helpful? W hat do yqir think of young people with depraved ways of living? Have you ever seen or heard of any consequences of a depraved life am ong young people? W hat are bad w ays of living and thinking of the young now? H ow can we persuade young people with bad ways of living to improve them selves? ■ Ç s h you suggest som e ways that the young can pave for speeding tip the development of our country in all aspects, especially in econom y and culture?

How To S peak English Well D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen T /iaiih Til




Nguyen H ongA nh , M A . in TESOL 9. Do you think the young are the masters of the country? What should the young do to lead the country? What can Vietnamese students get 10. W hen Vietnam joins the W T O , what should they do to integrate into the worid?

TOPIC 6 1 : M A S T E R S OR W ORKERS? youth at

Conceivably, choosing a career is very difficult for the the threshold of life. It is one of the most crucial decisions, for it may influence their whole future. However, in our country, almost people prefer becoming masters to becoming workers.

Normally, most of high school graduates want to take higher education, so they plan to enter a certain college. However, attending a college is not easy because only a selective number can do that Actually, is going to college the only way to prepare for the course of life? Le ts look inside this matter. Getting higher education is always what people desperately wish for after leaving high school. A t college, students are mainly offered professional knowledge which plays an important role in the development of a person and a nation. It really opens a new and wide horizon to the young in this good learning environment. From what they have been armed here, they will be able to improve their own lives and dedicate to the good of the country. However, there are not enough colleges or universities for all. Thus, a great number of young people are not fortunate and qualified enough to enter colieges. Is it the end? Definitely not. At that time, they can attend any vocational training centers or any foreign language classes. Also, they can take short-term courses of computer science, secretarial work, commercial skills, and so on. Obviously, they can get advancement in life if they are always thirsty for knowledge. It is said that there are no degrading jobs, but degraded people. Any honest occupation is considered good. T o choose a suitable career, one ought to pay attention to not only his inclination but also his own ability arid the need of society. O nce he has chosen it he should stick to it to the end. Obviousfy, at this moment, our country is in great need of not

Houc To S p e a k E nglish W ell

Don s so p P D F bed GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL oniy experts and scientists but skilled-workers as well. Th e y are the key figures that contribute to the power and prosperity of the country. Consequently, becoming masters is not always the only w a y to get success.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. Conceivably (adv): believably 2. threshold (n) entrance; doorstep E x : Stand on the threshold of m y life, I don't know what to to. 3. crucial (a) very important 4. desperately (adv) greatly; very much 5. horizon (n) perspective 6. to dedicate to offer, to donate E x : Uncle Ho dedicated his life to the cause of national liberation 7. definitely (adv) absolutely 8. advancement (n ) development; progress 9. degrading (a) demeaning; corrupting

m m wm 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.



8. 4*

f o r discu ssio n

W hat is one of the hardest decisions young people must make after finishing their high school? p How do/did you choose your career? Are you satisfied with it? W h y or w hy not? Is the transition from school to work or to college a turning point of one s life? W hen one fails in the entrance- college exam, should he just end up in sorrows, sitting around doing nothing? W hat do you think about this? W hat are the important factors a person should know before making up his mind to choose a career? Is the first choice of one’s career necessarily the last one? W h y or w hy not? W h at do you think about the saying, "Ja c k of all tra des a nd m a ste r of none"? Should a person, after so m any years of failure in the harsh race to college, keep on sitting in. this competition? Have you ever been in this situation? W hat do you think of it? W hat is your idea of college education in Vietnam at present? Do you have any suggestions to improve it? Have you ever taken part in the college-entrance exam ? How did you find it?

H o w To S p e a k E nglish W e ll

D ong gĂ´p'tPDF b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




Sguyên H ong A nh, M-A.. in TESOL 9.

Going to college is not the only w ay to get success. Do you agree or disagree? W hat can you draw from this discussion?

TO PIC 6 2s Y O n t B I6€E S T F E A IfcS E V IIF E Th e re are m any things that can prevent hum ans from - attaining what they need and want in their life. Probably, ; biggest obstacle that comes disguised in m any “costumes” fear.




At first people fear failing. Th is has traditionally been one of ihe things people say they are most afraid of w hen asked w hy they did not do something o r try something Th en, it is the fear of success. A s with fearing failure, many people are just as afraid of succeeding. T o them, success could mean more responsibility, more attenfon, perhaps more liability, and a continued to perform at a high level.

Second, people ha/e the fear of emotional pain. Life is full of lessons, and within those lessons, people make mistakes or errors and experience some Kind of let down. Jb In addition, most people are afraid of making mistakes in the puu.„ usually because they m ay feel ashamed, or they assume people view them as fools. T h is feeling makes them fear and dare not communicate with the public. Moreover, the fear of being alone is also very popular. For many, the fear of being alone keeps them in relationships (personal and business) even though they are abused and miserable. Others fear speaking their true feelings or fefff their friends, colleagues, or loved ones will turn away from them or abandon them. Last, m any people are afraid of insects and animals. Others fear their family m em bers’ death or even their death. Unemployment is another fear. In short, we have reasons for our fears. D o you agree with me that our life will be happier if we have fewer fears? 4*

lioic To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên H ong Anh, M-A. in TESOL

VOCABULARY T IP to attain: 1. 2. ■ obstacle (n): disguised (a) 3. 4. customs (n): liability (n) 5. to abuse :. 6. 7. to abandon: colleague (n) 8.

to get; to gain; to achieve difficulty hidden; masked habits; behaviors legal responsibility to misuse to leave; to give up co-worker

A *5


2. 3. 4.

Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of ghosts? W ere you afraid of the dark as a child? Are there any parts of the city where you are afraid to visit after dark? W here? W hy? Are there certain weather conditions that scare people? W hat are they? W h y do people become scared? Are you afraid of flying? Are you afraid of heights? H o w do you react when you see something frightening? Are you afraid of giving a speech in public? Is there any person you are afraid of? W hat is your biggest fear? H ave you overcom e any of

- ^ ’'youMears? 5. 6.



9. 10. If.

Are you afraid of scary m ovies? Do you like horror m ovies? Do you think young children should be allowed to watch horror m ovies? Are you afraid of being ijl? W hat disease are you most afraid of? W h y? Are you afraid of getting old? W h y? A re you afraid to die? W h y? . W ere you afraid of your first day of school? H o w do you feel now? W hen you were a child, what things were you afraid of? W hat w as the most frightening experience you've had? Do you fear certain insects/animals? W h y? W hat animal scares you the most? W hat are som e things which m any people are afraid of? W h y are they afraid of them? W hat is your biggest fear in life? Are you afraid that it might come true? What kinds of things make you nervous? D o you ever have nightmares (bad dream s)? W hat are they about? How often do you have nightmares? H ave you ever seen any T V shows where people face their fears for money? W ould you ever face one of your fears for m oney? Do you find this kind of show interesting to watch?

Hotc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông-gôp P D F bdi GV. N guyen Thanh Til




NguyĂŠn H ong A nh, M J l. in TESOJL

TO PIC 6 3 ; O PTIM ISM I do rot know what you think of yo u r life. I myself think that m y life is ve ry beautiful, and ^ I am always optimistic. W h y do I have such a fife? Let m e share som e experience with you. find that at least two people in this world love me so m uch that they would die for me, ' and the only reason anyone would ever hate m e is because they want to be just like me. I have also learned that a smile from m e can bring happiness to any one, even jf they do not I8ce me because a smile is an inexpensive w ay to improve m y looks. r y W henever 1 make a mistake, 1 find that something good com es from it because I believe that when bitterness com es, happiness will hide elsewhere. W hen m any people say that the world has turned its back on them, I myself think that 1 have likely turned m y back upon the world. And when, people think they have no chance of getting what they want, I believe and talk to myself that sooner or later I will get it because opportunities are never lost; som eone wiB take the ones I miss. T o live happily, I alw ays rem em ber the compliments I have received and forget about the rude remarks. Do you agree with me that one should keep his words both soft and tender because tom orrow he m ay have to eat them ? Briefly, w e are in different situations, so we m ay have different conceptions of life. W h y don’t w e share them together to m ake our life better and better?


bitterness (n): compliment (n) conception ( n ) =

u n p le a s a n t n e s s p r a is e id e a : n o tio n


W hat do you think of your life: iucky or unlucky? Do you think that G od doesn't give you everything you ask for?

How To S p ea k English Well D ong gop P D F bcfi GV Nguyen Than h Tii




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 2.

Is it right to say that it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular? In which w ay do you think so? 3. It is said that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to ■ be appreciated and loved. Do you agree with it? 4. W hat do you think about an idea that ‘to ignore the facts does not change the facts’? 5. W ho love you most in your life? W hat will happen to you If you lose that one som e day? 6. Have you ever thought that the world turns its back on you? A t that time do you think that you turn your back on the world?: 7. Are you in love now? Are you of the opinion that love, not time, heals all w ounds? 8. I believe that the easiest w ay for me to grow a person is to surround myself with people who are smarter than I am. W hat do you think? 9. Do you agree with me that life is tough, but we are tougher, and no one is perfect until w e fall in love with them ? 10. I've learned that everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, but all happiness occurs while I’m climbing it. Do you think so?

TO PIC 6 4 ; B U SIN E SS O « FAM ILY? said that the only thing people seem to be interested in nowadays is earning more and more money. M any people are willing to leave or even neglect their family, relatives as well as friends because of mdney. Are you one of them? T o me, if I have to choose between doing business to earn m oney and spending time with m y famiiy, ! would choose m y famiiy. Doing business can bring us a lot of money, but it cannot surely m ake us happy. O u r home, on the other hand, can be the best place for us in the world. There we can feel safe, warm , and free. O u r home is a place where we keep all things that we love and are with people who love us m ost It is also the place where we spend the happiest moments in our lif & 0 ■ ■ ■ Another reason to choose my family is that it gives me security. O u r business m ay fail and m oney might be run out, but the family will always remain. W e know that no matter what happens, we will always have a

H o w To S p e a k English W ell D ong go$ P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen. H ong A n h , M A . in TESO L place to live. A n d if w e cannot earn enough m oney for our living, our family m em bers are always beside us. Last but not least, I believe that hom e is a foundation for us to develop ourselves, a school that form s o u r personalities and a hearth for the rest of our life w hen w e becom e old. All things considered show m e that choosing the family is m y best choice. D o you think it is unpractical?

V O C A BU LA R Y T IP 1. 2. 3.

to neglect; foundation (n): hearth (n):

to ignore; to abandon base hom e



4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

W h y do people say that, “Fam ily is th e foundation of s o c ie ty ? W hat do you think about Vietnam ese family’s foundation? Is it the sam e or different between the family structure in the past and one at present? W hat do you think of the traditional fam ily? Is it better than the m odem one? W hy/why not? W hich one do you prefer between living in a large family with m any generations and living in a small one ? W hat are advantages and disadvantages of living in a large / small family? A s a saying goes “T h e re is no place like hom e”. D o you think so? W hat should w e do to preserve the structure of Vietnam ese fam ily? H o w Is a h appy fam ily? D o you want to live with your parents, brothers o r sisters in the sam e house? W h y (o r w h y not)? D o you agree that the m ore m odem society is, the m ore easily the fam ily is broken? W h at makes the value of family in Vietnam dow ngrade? If you have one choice between m oney and family, which one would you choose? W h y? W h y are m ore and more people being interested in earning m oney? W hat do you think of people who change their wives or friends

4^ ,-w h e n being rich? H ave you e ve r left you r family for a long tim e? If yes, how did you feel?

B o te To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông g ôp P D F bôd G V N guyen T hanh Tii




Sguyen Hong Anh. M.A. in TESOL

TOPIC fi5: CHULMOOD A g P IT S EFFECTS It is undeniable that childhood has its conspicuous effects on our life. During childhood years, we can learn the basic things in our life such as forming personality, getting knowledge, and learning about relationships. First of all, childhood years play an important role in shaping our personality. I am sure that the environment in which we grow is crucial for us to form our personality. For example, if a child grows in a family in which his parents ate well educated and behave towards others kindly, he will also do the sam e as his parents do such as he is decent and helpful to others. W hen he is grown-up, he may win people's hearts and get his success easily. ’ Then, childhood is the period that we can gain basic knowledge with a rapid pace, it is easy for us to store almost everything happening around because everything to us is brand n e ^ Th e knowledge w e get at that time is not very advanced, but it provides us with basic methods to solve problems in our daily life in the future. If our methods are efficient, we can get our success easily. For example, Bill Gates had learned the method of computer programming from his father when he was a child. W hen he is grow-up, he becomes a very successful programmer and businessman. Finally, the consciousness of relationships is formed when we are children. At home, we can team about the relationship am ong our family members; at school, w e can learn about the rest of the world. Basing on the treatment w e get from others, we know how to behave towards them in return. Thanks to the w ay people around behave towards us, we can realize whether we are worthless or we deserve love and respect. In short, we can develop ourselves throughout many stages of life; however, childhood is the important foundation of our later life.



- V

undeniable [.GndrnaiabQ (a) unquestionable conspicuous [ksn'spikjues] (a) (for): dear Ex: She wasn’t exactly conspicuous for her beauty.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell B on g gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyên H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.

10. 11 .

12. 13.

Vè sac ms nói, co ay thàt chàng déng chi, to form: to shajx to play a role to play a p crucial (a) very importa» decent fdi:snt] (a) polite to w in s.o’s heart = to win s.o’s affectk rapid (a) quick Ex: Our company had a rapid dedine in sates. pace (n) speed advanced (a) of high level to provide s.o with Ex: The company has provided me with a car. consciousness (n) awareness to deserve to be worthy of


hopscotch: n h à y iò cò being pirates: choi cifcrp bién the game o f blindm an's buff:

bit m ài b a t dè.

the gam e of hide-and-seek: trón firn a game o f m arble: b in bi shoot at birds with a sling: ban na leap-frog: cheti nhày cóc keeping shop: cheti d ó hàng p la y at catch: cheti duÓi b it p la y dice: d ó x f n g iu the gam e o f tug-of-war: kéo co



H ow m any children are there in your family? W hat is your position in the family? W here were you bom ? Where did you grow up? W hen did you go to school? Did you study English at high school? W hen did you graduate from high school? H o w did you feel when you were at the graduation cerem ony? Did you go to university? W hen were you there? What did you major in? W h y did you choose that major? W a s your childhood happy or unhappy? W h y? What do you remember most about your childhood? Do you think that childhood is the best period of your life? S. H ow did you spend your childhood? What did you like best when you were a child?

Bene To Speak English Well Dang gup P D F bôi-GW Nguyên Thanh Tii





guyen H ong A nh. M A . in TESOL _________ ___________________________ 6. W ho w as your best friend when you were a child? Can you describe him/her? Do you still keep relation with him/her? 7. W hen you were a little child, who did you love most? Which toy did you like best? W hat kinds of entertainment did you use to have? What kinds of gam es did you usually play? W ho did you usually play with? 8. What did you hate eating? W h a fs your most vivid m em ory of the house or flat where you grew up? 9. Do you think that it’s very hard for us to get what have gone? Do you usually talk to your friends about your childhood? 10. Do you ever wish that you could live a childhood life again?

TO PIC 6 fe VIETNAM ESE FA M ILIES NOWADAYS ' society bases on the family. In any societies, there are nuclear families- twogeneration families, and extended families in which grandparents, parents, and children live together. In the old days, there are only extended families in which wom en have no right to decide family affairs, and children always obey their arents. How ever, there are a lot of tanges in Vietnam ese families nowadays :irst of all, it is the change In the size of a family. In a typical Vietnamese amily, there are three or four generations living together, but now young >eople tend to nuclear families in which they do not want to be :ontrolled. Even som e young couples do not want to see their parents rery often because they think that their parents m ay interfere with their narital affairs. Moreover, if they have fewer children, their children will save a better life, and they will get more success in their career or have ligher position in society. Therefore, every family often has one or two children n o ^ ” n addition, women have more rights in the family. Nowadays, they can jo out to work, and they can delay having children. T h e y are no longer ed by men and can decide everything in the family together with their lusbands. In some families, wom en are even bread-winners who can ulfil their duties both in the family and in society.

Hate To S p e a k English W ell D óng gój^P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL Moreover, children also have more freedom. T h e y seem not always to obey their parents. T h e y can do what they like. For example, they can decide their marriage and career, which rarely happened in the old days. When their parents complain about their ways of Irving or thinking, they usually say that their parents are old-fashioned. A In summary, Vietnamese families now are quite different from those in the past. Do you think these changes are good? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these changes? To have satisfactory . answers you are warmly invited to the discussion today.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

affair (n) = Ex: It’s m y affair Bay la viec (rieng) cDa tdi to interfere = to delay = bread-winner = to fulfil = to obey = old-fashioned (a) =


to get in the way to postpone wage (salary) earner to compete to follow out-of-date, traditional

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION How m any people are there in your family? Are they living in the same house? What is a nuclear family? W hat is the difference between a nuclear family and an extended one? How is your fife different from your parent’s and your grandparents’ lives? What do your parents think of family? Do you get along well with your family? Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters? Do you get along well with your parentsin-laws? Do you live with your parents? D o you live with any of your grandparents? Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about? As one Chinese saying goes “Settle your accommodation before you establish your business ". What is ycur idea about it? Is it true that “a rolling stone gathers no m oss' ? Do you think changes are good? What do think of changes in Vietnamese families? What are causes of fast family changes? r V

H<nt To S p e a k English W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii





guyen Hong AnA, C l . in TESOL 8 . Do

you think family is the foundation, motivation and encouragement for you to get success in life? Do you have to cope with difficulties in your own family? 0. Right now, do you live in the nuclear family or in an extended one? . What do you think your family life will be like in the future? 10. W hat kind of family will your children and grandchildren live in? How is a happy family? What should we do to build up a happy family? 11. W ho is the b re a d -w in n e r in your family? Who is the problem shooter? And who is usually the problem maker? Are you one of the troublemakers?

TOPIC 67: GETITOG M ARRIED TO FOREIGNERS Since Vietnam opened its door to welcome foreigners, many inter-marriages have come into being - in most cases between Vietnamese women and foreign men: In your opinion, do you think they can live happily with each other? Do they have any problems in their marital life? And how can they overcome their differences? V First of alt, different language leads to difficulties in communication. Then, different customs and ways cause a lot of conflicts in their daily life. For example, they have different eating habits, ways of dressing, social behavior, and even way of educating their children. In addition, different religions or beliefs generate differences in spiritual life; different viewpoints on life lead to conflicting ideas and aims; different tastes in art, music, movies etc. also cause different ways of entertaining. However, they can overcome those problems if they are really and deeply in love. Th e ir true love helps them overcome their differences. T o adapt themselves to a new community, one spouse should leam about his/her partner’s languages and cultures. Th e y have to help each other to be aware of their cultural and custom differences, then work mutually in order to bridge the gap in. their cultures. Many intermarried couples who have passed .this test can live happily with each other. In fact, many Vietnamese ladies get married to foreigners not because of love, but of a dream of a comfortable life in a foreign country. Thus, how can they live-happily with each other? Moreover, Vietnamese ladies are treated very badly, and sometimes are deceived by their foreign

Haze To S p e a k English W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu






A nh, MA L in TIESO L

husbands or husbands’ families. W hen they follow their husbands to their *prom ising la n d ”, they are forced to work as servants, even prostitutes. T h e y have to serve their disable or too old husbands. More dangerously, som e Vietnam ese ladies were killed or killed themselves. Th u s , 1think that these girts m ay suffer a miserable life instead of a good life as they thought. So, what do you think of this matter? Should Vietnam ese married to foreigners?

V O C A B IX A B Y T IP 1. inter-m am age (n)* 2. to come into being = 3. conflict (n) = 4. to generate = 5. taste (n) = 6. to adapt (to) = 7. spouse (n) = 8. mutually (adv) = 9. to deceive = 10. prostitute (n)=

getting married to a foreigner existence different idea/opinion to create flavor to get used to wife or husband together to cheat to trick a street-girl; a call-girl V

Q U ESTIO NS F O E D ISC U SSIO N 1. Do you think that foreigners are arrogant? If yes, why are they arrogant? W hat is Vietnam ese’s attitude towards foreign professionals and tourists? 2. A re foreigners w elcom ed to Vietnam ? W hat do you think is the biggest difference between Western and Vietnam ese thinking? 3. Should parents decide their children’s marriages? W hat are the influences of the parents on your choice of your partner? 4. W hat do you think about Vietnam ese girls w ho marry foreigners? D o you know w h y they do that? 5. W hat are difficulties such couples m eet? W h at should they do to bridge the gap between them ? 6. D o y o u think that their marriages will last long? W hat do you com m ent on what m any newspapers are talking about intermarriages? 7. W hat should they do when Vietnam ese wom en want to come back to their Fatherland? D o you know what usually happen to them ? 4*

Soto To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong-gop L

bo i G l '. N guyen Thanh 3m .




\guyen H angA nh, M A . in TESOL_______________________________ __ 5. W h a t difficulties m ay m ixed-m arried people face in the beginning of their m arriage? W h at are the most crucial differences in foreigners’ thinking of marital life com pared to Vietnam ese's? J ..W h a t is the difference between Vietnam ese w om en and western w o m e n ? W h at are differences between Vietnam ese m en and W estern m e n ? ' 10. W h o do you think m ore faithfui/loyal, Vietnam ese m en/women or W estern m en/wom en? D o you think that we should be m ore open m inded to w estern thinking? 11. Should Vietnam ese people follow the others’ cultures? W h y o r w h y not? W hat can you learn from today's discussion?

T O PIC 6 8 s PE R SIST E N C E A N D SUCCESS E ve ryone wants to get success in his life, and there are m any w ays for him to do that. T o me, one of the keys to success is persistence. O n c e w e have determ ined what w e want to accomplish exactly, w e must take quick action persistently and think of it like building a m uscle. For exam ple, if w e have never done weightlifting before, the first time w e m ay not ye able to lift up 25 kg. H o w ever, if w e consistently go back to the gym , ve will find ourselves gettina stronger and closer to our goal with each /isit. Dne m ore thing w e should notice on the w a y towards our goal is the oadblock. T h a t is, w e will encounter obstacles that prevent our rrogress. A t that time, w e should not be worried because no one could rave success without obstacles. W hat w e should do is to work through hem step by step, if w e find few or no obstacles on our w ay, w e are not eally challenging ourselves. A n d when w e reach our goal, w e will not jxperience the feeling o f ’sw eet su ccess’. .ast but not least, w e should not be afraid of failures. If w e study any iuccessful person, w e m ay learn that majority of them have had m ore ailures than successes. T o them , the m ore they fail, the m ore ixperiences they get F o r exam ple, Th o m a s Edison had been turned town m a ny times before he got success in creating the filarnent. T o d a y ,

l o w T o S p e a k English. W e ll D ong g ofi P D F b&i G V N guyen T hanh Tii




N guyên H ong A n h . M A .. in TESO L In short, we should keep in our m ind that w e constantly have to adjust and re-evaluate our situations as well as the w a y w e are using to reach our goals. W e are persistent, but w e should rem em ber that there is no sense in being persistent at som ething that w e are doing incorrectly. ^$7 W h e ne ve r w e have done som ething, w e should get experience from it to find a better w a y for the next time.


N ow , it is the time for us to begin ou r journe y, but rem em ber that w e have to be persistent.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

patience to decide to do, to complete constantly obstacle to face to overcome to dare, to face breakdown a fiber (day toe) to alter, to change

persistence (n ) = to determ ine = to accom plish = consistently (adv) = roadblock (n ) = to encounter = to w ork through = to challenge = failure (n ) = filament (n ) = to adjust V


4 7

A re you successful in y o u r W e? D o you w ant to get success in your life? W h a t are w a ys for you to do that? W h a t do you think about persistence? Is it one of the keys to being successful in anything w e do? A re you a patient person? D o you want to do things quickly or slow ly? W h a t do you think of the proverb, “m o re haste , le s s speed*? O n the jo u rn e y towards your goal, do you usually encounter roadblocks? W hat do you do at that tim e? W hat do you think about life without obstacles? H a v e you e ve r had the feeling of ’sw eet s u c c e s s 7 T o get it, what should w e do? H a ve you got m ore 'failures' than 'successes' o r vice-versa? W h y have successful people usually had m ore failures than successes? D o you think people that don't get back up and try again never reach su cce ss? W h a t do you think of E dison?

Hou> T o S p e a k E n g lish W ell B on g g op P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen H ong A nh , M A >in T E S O L 8. Is it necessary for us to adjust and reevaluate our situations and the w ay we are taking to reach our goal? 9. It is believed that if we are too persistent, we will lose our chances? • W hat do you think? H ave you ever been in that situation?

TO PIC 6 9z THE BEST MEANS OF TRANSPO RTATIO N The world always m oves and develops, and m eans of transportation also have changed by time. So far, there have been m any transportation vehicles such as motorbikes, automobiles, of airplanes. Since these transportation vehicles were invented, they have all made people’s lives change a lot. In this writing, I would like to talk about the way airplanes have changed people’s lives. Firstly, airplanes change the w ay people move. Before airplanes were invented, people could go by land o r by sea and dreamed to fly like birds in the sky. T h e dream cam e true when the first airplane was produced. Since then, people have been abie to fly in the sky and see everything from height No one can deny the fact that airplanes are the fastest means of communication nowadays. For example, a businessman can work in Hanoi and come back to H C M C every day. Secondly, the airplane makes people more comfortable in their lives. O n a plane, the passenger is served very well. T h e y can sit in comfortable armchairs like ones in their home. Moreover, there are always newspapers, magazines or T V programs for them to get information or entertain themselves. "Even, they can access the internet for their business. Finally, with the help of airplanes, the relationship between people is closer and closer. It is easier to meet relatives o r friends because traveling by airplane is very fast and convenient. O n special days like Christmas or N e w Year, it is very easy for every m em ber in a family to unite together thanks to the supersonic speed of the airplane. Truly, the world seems to be smaller because the airplane can reach every com er of the world. T h e distance is no longer a big problem.

B ow To Speak English Well D ông gôp P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen Hong A n h . M~A. in TESOL ____________ ________________________ In conclusion, airplanes really change people’s lives and w ays of doing business. How ever, it is still expensive to m any people to go by plane. Hopefully, its fare would be reduced so that more and more people can use it as the most popular means of transportation.

:^ j v


to access = supersonic (a) = fare (a) =

to contact very fast fee

OLLSTIQ3VS F O B P IS C L S S IO * 1. How old were you when you went on your first flight? W here did you go? W hat w as the longest flight you have ever taken? 2. Do you like to tra ve l by airplane? W hat seat do you prefer window, center or aisle? 3. W hat are three things you're supposed to do before the flight takes off? W hat are som e movies you rem em ber seeing on the plane? Can you sleep during the flight? 4. W hat do you like to do during the flight? Does the plane provide anything to do to pass the time? H ave you ever met anyone or established any relationships during a flight? 5. W hat do you do when you experience turbulence? 6. H ave you ever seen a female pilot? W h y do you think that most pilots are m en? 7. W ould you like to be a flight attendant? W hat are the benefits and /or downfalls? Are most flight attendants female? 8. Is being a flight attendant considered a good job in your country? W hat do you think are the qualifications? 9. Are planes really safer than cars? D o you know which plane accident w a s the most terrible? W hen and where did happened?

Hotc To S p ea k English Well D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




guyên H ôngA nh, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC 7<h STREET C im i>B K \ Th e fact shows that the living standard of Vietnamese people is very much improved now, but we still see several children in the form of beggars, iottery-ticket seHers, shoe-polishers or newsboys. Th ey are called "Street children. ^ ^

Most of these children have the same situation. T h e y come from very poor or broken families: their parents do not have enough m oney for them 3 go to school; their parents left them when they were bom, so they ave to earn their own living. 4 P hese children are really pitiful because they are sent into the streets at le school age. Nobody takes care of them, and it may be quite easy for tern to become criminals, drug-addicts and alcohol addicts when they ¡row up. A s a result, they will become a burden for the society instead of ecoming useful citizens. o solve this problem, we have to do everything possible to help these frrtdren lead a better life. For example, we should establish more hildren’s villages with the financial support from charity organizations, rom good-hearted people iqvjbr out of the country. Government >rganizations should persuade parents who are stiil in fairly good naterial condition to be responsible for their children. he problem is certainly quite complicated, but it is not whafs beyond >ur reach once we try to solve it. It may cost us a lot, but, anyway, 'rfs still much cheaper than the price we have to pay for the burden caused >y these street children once they grow up.


pitiful (a): criminal (n): addict (n): charity (n) to persuade beyond (adv)

sorry a person guilty devotee aid to convince further than


Bote To Spook English Woü D ông gô)> P D F b ô i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tü





Nguyên B ô n g A n h M A . in TESOL



1. W hat kinds of children are called “Street children”? W h y do we cal/ them “Street children"? 2. In your opinion, w hy are there a lot of "Street children"? Do you know w here they com e from? 3. Wften you are in the streets, how do you feel when a child com es and asks you for some m oney or asks you to bu y a newspaper, a bar of chewing gum or something like that? 4. W hat’s your attitude when you see some of children disturbing foreigners in order to ask for m oney or to sell so m e th ip g ^? 5. Do you know the main reasons that cause this problem ? W h o are in charge of this problem? a. F a m ily b. S c h o o l c. S o c ie ty d. O th e rs 6. W hat are troubles and social evils that the "Street children" cause to our society? W h at should we do to prevent this? 7. D o you think that “Street c h ild re n ” is the primary concern of our government and society? Supposing that in your family there were a child who left your home to becom e a street child, what should you do? 8. O n the international Children’s D ay, what should we do to relieve pains and miseries that street children have to suffer? 9. W hat do you think of parents who treat their children badly? Do you think that in Vietnam the children have their rights? W hat should people who violate Children’s rights be punished? 10. W hat conclusion have you drawn from today’s discussion?

Horn To S p o o k E nglish W ell D ong gôp P D F b&i GV N guyên Thanh Tii






S'guyên, H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC T U STUDY C B O L Y S Th e re are m any w ays of studying am ong students now. Som e prefer to study alone. Others like studying with a group of students. W hatever the w a y of studying is, each has its own advantages, in m y opinion, [ prefer, jto study with a group of students because it provides m e with m any benefits: I can understand the lecture more deeply and expand m y knowledge, I can have more motivation in m y study, and I can improve m y communication skills. First of all, study group will help me understand the lecture and expand my knowledge more easily. If I do not understand something in the lecture, m y group can make it clear. Moreover, group work helps me expand my knowledge because it provides me with invaluable opportunities to exchange m y ideas and opinions on various subjects discussed. From such discussions, I will be able to understand the m atterm ore deeply. Also, when I have a project to research, the group is very useful and effective thanks to the specific information I can get from my group. W hen I am put to be in charge of a particular part of the project, 1 can focus more on the information I have to g e t In addition, studying in a group will bring me more motivation in my study. W hen I am with m y group m em bers who are studying and focusing on their task, I can be kept focused, too. In the group, we can decide where and when to study together. Th is m eans we can help together keep on our study. If I study alone, I m ay be lazy. At that time, 1 might stop studying to watch T V , to listen to music or to go out with m y friends.


A t last, the study group can help me improve m y communication skills. Thanks to discussions in m y group, 1 know how to express m y opinions, how to give information, and how to persuade others to agree with me. In addition, I can develop m y public speaking skills when J present m y part or m y topic in m y class as well as answer questions from the teacher or classmates. In conclusion, study group is an effective method of studying. It not only helps us improve our knowledge and communication skills, but also motivates us to study harder. However, all the m em bers of the group

H otc T o S p a a k E nglish W e ü D ông-gôp P D F éêi-G -K -N guyên T han h Tii

118 W W .W F 4 P F ,R n Q K .C O M / B O ID I O N U H O A H O C O l JVN H O N



Nguyen H ong A nh, M A.. in TESO L must be serious about their work so that each m em ber can get t benefits from the study group.



to expand motivation (n)

to broaden inspiration


to be in charge oh

to be responsible for



1. W hat is study group? W hat are the advantages of study groupsv Z D o you think study groups help students to pool their resources together? . 3. D oes study group provide student with com m unication skills? In which w a ys does it help? 4. Is it right to sa y that sharing ideas and opinions in a study group m akes individuality lost. 5. 'What happens if study groups are abused? Is it fair if there were some lazy m em bers in the group? 6. Do you think som e lazy students will resort to copying from their friends? 7. In which situations m ay study groups not work? Is it a good chance for people to gossip and waste their time? 8. How does study group work effectively? D o you think all the m em bers of the group m ust be serious about their work? S. Are study groups popular in o u r country? W h at should educational organizations do to encourage students to have study groups?

T O PIC 7 2 s A \ V V K O K O K riA K II G IF T >

In our life, w e have m any chances to receive gifts from ou r families, our friends or others. A m o n g gifts w e have received, I am sure that there are som e unforgettable ones. I also have m y own gift that I never forget. W hen I w as a second-grade pupil, m y fam ily was poor. M y father was a governm ent em ployee; my mother raised three sons, did farming job, and kepi hom e. T h u s , m y parents did not earn m uch m oney. W h e n l e t w as com ing, our class w as going to hold the farewell party. I

E oic To S p ea k English Well P o n g g Ă´p P D Fb& i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




\g u yén H ong A nh, AM.- in TESOL vas very excited. However, when our teacher began talking about the jift exchange, I knew I could not participate in because m y famity did not lave m oney for me. had struggled against myself so m uch, and at last I went to the party anyway. After everyone else had received their gifts, our teacher called Tie to her desk. A wrapped present lay in front of her. She said it w a s for Tie . Being surprised, ! opened the m ost beautiful box I had ever seen, and inside w as a brand new blue shirt! /Vhile i w as rejoicing -over m y gift, m y teacher gave me the warm est hug 'd ever received. O n that day, I knew that I had experienced the love of Sod through m y wonderful teacher. Bo far 1 have still kept that shirt as one of the most precious things in m y ife.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. 1 i. 5.

farewell (n): to participate (in): to struggle: to rejoice hug (n)


goodbye to take part in to fight back/against to be glad embrace



W hen do you give a gift? T o whom do you give a gift? For what reasons do you give a gift? Is gift-giving aimed at satisfying one’s hobby or expressing one’s feelings towards others? According to you, what roles do gifts play in human communication? Is it easy to give gifts to all people gathering together in an occasion? Is there any misunderstanding in giving and receiving gifts? C a n you tell your experiences? In expressing one’s feeling towards others, does it always work w hen he wants to give gifts? 5- W hat does the way of giving a gift m ean? Is it true that the gift giving is an art? C an you give som e examples? 6. It is said that, T h e w a y of giving a gift is m ore important than the value of the gift itself* W hat are your points of view? $

H ow To S p e a k English W ell B on g góp P D F bdi GV. N guyen Thanh Tú




Nguyên H ong Ank* M A . in TESOL 7. Do you agree that giving gifts is an art? W hen you want to attend at a party, what do you usually bring as a gift? 8. Have you ever given flowers to som eone? In which situations? D o you know the meaning of flowers? Please share your experience with us. 9. Do you have any unforgettable gift in your life? If yes, what is it? In which occasion did you receive it? W ho gave it to you?

TO PIC 73; DATTOG WHILE SCHOOITVG Love is one of the most interesting and popular topics in human life regardless of races, religions or ages. However, when we are still young, at the school age, should we be in love? Vietnamese parents tend to be conservative to allow their children to date while they are still schooling. However, w e cannot deny the fact that the communication booming era has changed the w a y of thinking and w ay of living among the teenagers. ue*.a i Obviously, the youth these days become grown up m ore quickly and love sooner than the young in the past. Generally speaking, love at the school age is very beautiful because it is gentle and pure, usually built up from friendship, it’s very romantic, unforgettable but easy to be broken. In m y point of view, dating contributes to the maturing process of youngsters because it educates them about human relationships. T h e y learn that the males and females are different in the way they think, feel and behave. Also, dating gives one a start to discover what one is looking for from his/her future life-partner. Moreover, healthy dating can motivate the couple to do better in their study. However, dating at very young age also causes a lot of trouble. If they are unconscious, they will destroy themselves. W h y do I say so? ft is because people are usually blind in love, especially when they are not mature enough to think about love sufficiently. A t that time, they do not pay rinuch attention to their study but to their love. Moreover, dating while they are immature usually leads to wrong actions in love. Th e re have been m any cases in which m any teenagers left their homes, renting

R out To S p e a k E nglish WeU D ông gôp P D F b&i GV N guyên Thanh Tti




gtiyên H o n g A jih . M A . ùt T E SO L Duses or room s to live with each other. A s a result, they had to get portion or stopped their study. ating at school is desirable am ong schoolboys and girls now, so it ¡quires both parents’ and teachers’ guidance. T h e y all have duties te l ?lp the young think about it carefully. Moreover, sexual education lould be taught more in public so that young people know how to e vent unwanted consequences.

j^ A B l X A R Y J T g regardless of in spite of conservative [ken'seivativ] (a) old-fashioned Ex: Old people are usually more conservative than young people Nguwi già üiüông bào thu hon nguvi trs age era [’¡are] (n) grown-up mature (a) to stimulate; to encourage to motivate to destroy the unborn baby to get abortion enough sufficient (a)

Q U ESTIO NS F O B D ISC U SSIO N I. W h a t do you know about teenagers in the past and teenagers at present? is love a manifest of youngster to prove them selves as adults? H o w old are the young now beginning dating? !. W hat is the attitude of Asian parents about their schooling children’s dating? D o you think parents should decide their children’s love? k D o you think that dating while schooling is just uplifting feeling? H a ve you ever been in love when you were at high school? k W hat are the advantages of dating when still in school? Do you think love can help us study better? Do you think that if you are in love w hen you are at school o r university, you and you r partner can support each other in study? i. W hat do you think of the misunderstanding or mistaking between friendship and love am ong teenagers? How can they distinguish such a thing? k W h e n students love each other, do you think that they will get married after graduating from their school? W hat should you suggest to maintain students’ love?

nc To Sp ea k English Well B ôn g gôp P D F bdi GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H ong Anh^ M ..4. in TES O h 7. W hat are the disadvantages of loving while schooling? Do you think that falling in Jove, teenagers seem to pay no attention to their study or neglect their duties towards their families? 8 . W h y is sex relation before getting married so popular now? Do you think w e have the right to do that? W h o receives the consequence after that - the boy or the girl? W hat usually happens to them then? • 9. D o you think teenagers have good knowledge, conception and viewpoint on sex? W hat do you com m ent on abortions am ong the young now? 10 . Should juvenile love be banned? W hat suggestion do you have to make the situation better? Should we speed up and spread sex education in schools to prevent the immature thoughts and dangerous actions of teenagers? 1 1 . W h o have responsibility for helping the young to understand love dearly?

Fam ily?



TO PIC 7 4 : COTO6 TO CLASS O B ST1IBYHV6 HOM E? ; In m any countries, attending classes at universities has been optional for students for several years. However, its results have not been like w hat to be expected yet. In m y opinion, to learn academ ic subjects, it is very necessary tQ com e to class because of the following reasons. First of all, w hen attending classes, a student is guided how to read his materials or textbooks effectively. Also, he is given additional information or he can ask tjjs teacher any of his doubts. Th a t m ay help him understand his lessons more deeply. During a lecture, he is told m any new ideas related to the topic that is not in any textbooks, and even he can get som e experiences from his teachers, which can be applied in his life la t e r / v ^ Moreover, attending classes often helps him develop his communication drills. He has m any chances to participate in group-discussions, to raise his own ideas in a group, to listen and analyze his classmates* ideas. He can also learn how to behave in a group, which will help him to face A * m any real life situations in the future. In class, he is able to realize how important the team work is to finish his assignments.

How To S p ea k English Well D ong gop P D F bin GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




n yén H ong A n h 7 MJL- in TE SOL addition, the class trains him to be a responsible and disciplined rson. A s a university student, he is responsible for preparing ^wledge as well as irfe experience for his future. Com ing and leaving sses as well as finishing his assignments on time make him punctual. 7 ^ is is one of the prerequisites any em ployee must have, especially in time of information technology. it but not least, class attendance might help him avoid wasting time or nmrtting social evils. Th e proverb, " T h e d e v il m akes w o rk fo r idle id s ", teaches us how to spend time properly. A student required to rnd classes regularly does not have m uch time to waste in coffee >ps, pubs, bars, or gambling. A s a matter of fact, m any students have led their future in these places and activities.

4O • ' short, I believe that attending classes at college or university is very essa ry for students to get m ore than just knowledge from teachers I their classmates. Students can also leam how to leam , how to imunicate, h ow to use time, and how to be responsible as well as ;iplined. S o class attendance must be compulsory.

C A B U L A B Y T IP optional (a) doubt (n) assignm ent (n) disciplined (a) punctual (a) prerequisite (n) to ruin com pulsory (a)

elective hesitation; uncertainty task regular; ordered on time

the first condition to destroy obligatory



Are you a student or working now? Which university do/did you go to? W h a t do you think of your university? Does it require students to attend class everyday? in m any countries, attendance to classes at universities is optional. W hat do you think about it? W hat do you com m ent on the teacher's role in classes? W hat can a student get when going to class? W h y do many students cut class? Do you have any solutions for it?

c To S p e a k E nglish W ell B ón g góp\ P D F bod GV N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyên Hong Anh, M A , in TESOL 4. W hat do you think about young people’s communication skills nowadays? Do you agree that attending classes often helps us develop our communication skills? H ow can we do that? 5. is teamwork important at present? H o w important is it? A re you for or against the idea that we can develop our teamwork in class? 6 . Do you agree with me that the young of today do not have responsibilities for their family and even themselves in comparison with the young of yesterday? Don’t you think going to class trains us to be responsible and disciplined people? 7. W hat happen if students are not forced to go to school? W hat do you think about the proverb, T h e devil makes work for idle hands"? 8 . W h y do som e students like sitting in coffee shops better than going to school? 9. W hat should the school do to motivate students in their study?


Happy Valentine's DAY

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. A t that time, Rom e was ruled by an em peror named Claudius.

Claudius wanted to have a big army, so expected men to volunteer to join. M any men just did not want to fight in wars, and they did not want to leave their wives and families. Th a t not m any men signed up made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. H e thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So, Claudius decided not|tO allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law Was cruel. Certainly, 1 wasn't going to support that law)

v Did ! mention that I was a priest? One of my favorite activities was to marry couples. Even after Em pe ror Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies - secretly, of course. It w as realty quite exciting. G an you imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride, groom and myself? W e would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening ail the while for the steps of soldiers.

J§ j O ne night, w e did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness, the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught, thrown in jail, and told that m y punishment was death.

H ote To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gop P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen H ong A nh, M J 1. in TESOL tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? W onderful things appened. M any young peopie came to the jail to visit m e. T h e y threw owers and notes up to m y window. Th e y wanted me to know that they, x>, believed in love. >ne of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. H e r sther allowed her to visit m e in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and ilk for hours. She helped m e to keep m y spirits up. S h e agreed that i id the right thing by ignoring the Em peror and going ahead with the ecret marriages. O n the day i was to die, I left m y friend a little note ranking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from you r ’alentine." ' believe that note started the custom of exchanging love m essages on alentine's Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A .D . iow, every year on this day, people rem em ber it. But m ost importantly, tey think about love and friendship. And when they think of E m pe ror ¡laudius, they rem em ber how he tried to stand in the w a y of love, and iey laugh - because they know that love cain't be beaten!

O C A B L L 4B Y H P emperor (n) cruel (a) scary (a) spirit(n) to ignore: loyalty (n) to stand in the w ay: S £ £ STIO K S

the king

unkind frightening will; courage to pay no attention to faithfulness to stop; to ban


1. What do you know about Valentine's D ay? Do peopie celebrate Valentine’s Day in your country? if so, how? If not, does your country have a holiday similar to Valentine's Day? 2 . Is Valentine’s D ay primarily a day for children or for adults, for the single or the married? W h y? H ow would a child's Valentine’s D a y differ from an adult's? 3. List ways that you couid show your love for a n . individual on Valentine’s Day. In your opinion, what is Jove? 4. W ho might you give gifts to on Valentine’s Day? W hat kinds of gifts would you give?

low To S p e a k E nglish W ell D P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen B ong A nh, M-A■in TESOL 5. W ho might you receive gifts from on Valentine's D ay? W hat kinds of gifts might you receive? 6. Describe the best Valentine's Day you've eve r had. Describe the worst Valentine's Day you’ve ever had. 7. Imagine a perfect Valentine's Day. W ho would you be with? W here would you go? W h et you do? How would vou feel? Describe

It 8. A t what age do most people in your country m arry? A t what ? .g c d . J you/do you want to get married? 9. If you are not married, what kind of person .will you like to m arry? 10. H ow do people in your country meet future m ates? Are marriages arranged by parents in your country? Are introductions arranged by friends or by a matchmaker? Do young people date casually to find someone they would like to marry? 11. Are there any special customs surrounding courtship and marriage in your country? If so, what are they? Describe a typical wedding ceremony in your country. 12. W hat are som e of the advantages of dating? W hat are som e of its disadvantages? Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? W h y or w hy not? 13. W hat changes does marriage require of a m an? W hat changes does marriage require of a w om an? Do you think it is better to be single or married? W h y?

T O P IC 7 fc B E IN G TH E FA M O U S Being a famous person is a dream of many people. However, this has its advantages as ^ well as disadvantages. > \ Let’s consider its advantages. It is widely agreed that it is easy for famous people to get attention wherever they go. A s a result, they m ay find it easier to get better services. Moreover, they have a lot of good chances to do things. Also, they can use transportation with the first-class seats when they go som ewhere or com m on people often support them if they do business. Besides, the fame will also help us earn a lot of m oney. As. r«r "«s we are concerned, a famous singer or film star gets a lot of m oney from his or films; a famous sportsman ,l a f n s a fortune from his successes and sponsorships from m any organizations. O n the whose, fame brings us many benefits.

Bozc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P p F b& i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




N guyjn B ö n g A n h , M A . In TESOL What are the disadvantages? Do famous people have everything in their lives? No. Th e y do have to pay a great cost for it. Since they are famous, they often become targets of newspapers, nagazines, gossips and sometimes madmen. Therefore, a famous jerson does not have much of a private life. His private life is usually JUbficized by the mass media, and everything he does is recorded, :dited, or exaggerated to suit the media. He often has to hide himself irhen being out. It is really difficult for him to have a peaceful life. Moreover, famous people sometimes become victims of assassinations, idnappings, blackmail or robberies. >bviousiy, its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. So, is it better 3 leave fame alone? Would we rather be ordinary persons who can go )r a peaceful walk on the street instead of being surrounded by odyguards? Share your opinions on today’s discussion. .

O C A BIX A BY T IP fortune (n) sponsorship (n) to exaggerate assassination (n) blackmail (n) to outweigh

big sum of money support to over talk murder letter to get money more important than

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. Do you wan to be famous? W h y do you want to be fam ous? Is it easy to be famous? 2. People say all famous people are arrogant. Do you agree? W hat do you think of our singers, fashion models and movie stars? 3. Do you think famous people are very cautious about their prestige? Do you think they always keep their promise? 4. W hich famous people do you admire most? W hy? In your opinion, are all famous people really deserved their fame? 5. Do you blame on people who once have bad reputation? D o you like famous people? Do you think they are arrogant? 6. In order to be famous, do we need to be rich/hard-working? What do you do for people when you are famous? Is it easy for you to have a happy iife when you get married to famous people? D o you think getting married to famous people makes you famous too?

oic To S p e a k English W ell

D ong gön P D F böd GV Nguyen Thanh Tti





ISguy en Hong A nh. M A . in TESOL 8. W hat are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous? Do you charge famous people double price? 9. Do you feel happy or nervous when serving a famous person? Have you ever served or talked to any famous characters? 10. Do you think famous people never have a peaceful life? In opinion, what are they worried most in their life?

TOPIC 77s CRITICIZE!» WAYS O F IIY W I Modern society with many cultures coming form western countries has changed Vietnamese young people’s ways of thinking and living many of which must be criticized. It is not difficult for us to find out clear evidences. First of all, to many young people, the value of a person is evaluated according to his belongings, so | they indulge in shopping from clothes, shoes, cell phones to motorbikes or even cars. Th e y waste a lot of time on them, and they always talk about them whenever they meet together. v m

At nights, trains of hundreds of motorbikes raise uproar wherever they are. Th e y worm their ways, shout, and even race their motorbikes on the street. Consequently, they have caused a lot of accidents, and many people died of injustices. Th e y are called evil genies on the street. This can show us that these young people indulge in enjoying their life regardless of the consequence. Things mentioned above are not enough for them to enjoy. Th e y want to have stronger feelings, and heroin or ecstasy medicines help them. Although they know the dangers of these drugs, they ignore them as long as they can prove themselves experienced play-ones. Th e y are really pitiful because they will die before they can enjoy all of their young age. Maybe bars and dancing halls are places where w e can witness these young people. There, many girls and boys are releasing themselves with smoke; heads are shaking crazrly according to heavy rock music. It is a mistake if we do not ’mention inter-marriages among young girls now. It is painful when hundreds of girls are eager to get married to foreigners. There is nothing to say if they get married because of true

H ow T o S p ea k E nglish W ell

D ông gôp P D F bôd GV Nguyen Thanh Tii




guyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL __________ ________________________ _ ve, but because of m oney and a comfcrtabfe life. T h e y are not in love - they do not even know their husbands-to-be. I do not know what will appen to the rest of their life. fho have m ade them like that? A n d who have created good conditions ' S r them to do that? Parents are first ones who have responsibilities for em. It is parents who have pam pered their children: giving them a lot oney but not taking a good care of or educating them well. T o prevent is fast w ay of liv in g s from increasing, families, schools and society touid have a tight combination.

OCABIHLABY TCP to criticize to indulge (in) to raise uproar an evil genie to ignore to witness inter-marriage (n) to pamper


to condemn to be very interested in to make loud noise a terrible spirit to pay no attention to see getting married to a foreigner to spoil

W hat do you think about the w ays of living now adays? W hat are the w ays of living in the past? Which one do you think better? W h y? W hat do you comment on the "W e ste rn w a y o f liv in g "? Do you think it’s good to imitate? W hat do you think about cohabitation? W hat is your personality? W hat do you do to make your life meaningful? W hat is your w ays of living? If som e one complains about your w ay of living, will you change it at once? D o you think that Vietnam ese styles of living are influenced by Western countries nowadays? W hat do you think about this saying, “A n a im le s s fife is like a b o a t w ith o u t a r u d d e r T W hat are your purposes in life? W h y do m any young people now have ridiculous w ays of living? Do you think they want to make themselves individuals? D o you think that w e have To change o u r w a y of living in order to adapt with any circumstances In our life? W hat are good ways of living in your opinion? W hat do you think of motor racing in our city? D o you think it is a new w a y of indulging in pleasure of rich young people?

9ir T o S p e a k English W ell D on ggop P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




Nguyen B o ng Ann, MJL. in TESOL ________ _______ _ 9. Have you ever struggled yourself against strange ways of living? T o you, which is more difficult between struggle against yourself against others? W h y? 10. Do you think we need to struggle in life or should let everything go w ay naturally?

TO PIC 78: EATOVG CV OR O UT? m odem time, people seem to be busier and 1th their life and career, and they tend to go out for restaurants or food shops. However, I still prefer e home, preparing and enjoying m y food. t

always enjoy having meals with m y family members. After a hard working day at the office, m any people are afraid of the kitchen, but to me, it is fun to prepare meals with m y family. W hen doing it, we can talk together about everything in ir lives. Especially, I pan lean how to cook some cial dishes form m y mother. fn addition, enjoying dinners with family at the end of the day has been a valuable tradition in Vietnam, the tradition that m ore and more people seem to forget these days. Now, we are so busy with our own lives that w e are no longer interested in our pear and beloved ones. So, I think the best w a y to get along with the rest of the family is to have a nice and cozy dinner together. Another reason why I like eating at home is that cooking can be done without any problem nowadays. With the help of ready-m ade food at supermarkets and m odem kitchen devices, it takes us short time to prepare for a meal. Moreover, it is very cheap when we eat at home. W hat I have just mentioned above does not mean that eating at a restaurant or a food shop is not good. However, when eating at one of those, we have to dress property, and then just sit around a small table. Moreover, it is always noisy while we want a quiet and peaceful place. Sometimes there is a question of hygiene. H ow well is the food cooked at the restaurant? Have they been washed property before cooking? If food is eaten at home, we are sure that it will be cleaned and washed properly.

B o te To S p e a k English W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tii




rayera H ong A n h 7 M j i. in TESOL ______________________________________ short, basing on ail the above-m entioned points, I think it is better to t at hom e.

O B E S nO M S F O B W SC U SSIO N H o w m a n y meals do you have a day? W hat are th ey? D o you often eat som ething between m ain m eals? W hat kinds of food do you eat m ost often? W h y ? W hat is you r opinion about an ideal meat? D oes this kind of food express your personality? W hat do you think are bad habits to avoid in eating? W hat influences you r appetite in eating? H o w m uch does food influence you r health? Do you eat before the bedtim e? W h e re w ould you like to eat (at hom e, in a restaurant, in a canteen, in a cafeteria, at a party)? W hat are reasons for people to eat out? W hich is cheaper, eating in or out? In which w a ys is eating at home better for us? W hat are advantages and disadvantages of eating in and out? For cooking yourself, how do you cook y o u r m eals well? H o w is a good m eal? Do you think the atm osphere affect a lot to our appetite? D o you eat to live or live to eat? W h e n com ing to a party with strange dishes you don't like to eat, would you ask the host to c h a rg e the food for you or w ould you try? W hat do you know about the art of eating and drinking? W h at do

T O PIC 7 9 : WHO IS THE B E T T E R P A B W T ?

t is widely believed that w om en m ake better parents than m en, and this view has shown itself to be true throughout history. T h is is w h y they have the greater role in raising children In m ost societies, iwever, this does not m ean that m en are not of m portance in child rearing, indeed, it is perfect if oth of them -cooperate to bring their children up. have proven them selves superior parents as a yf their conditioning, their less aggressive natures, reir generally better com m unication s k ills .. far as w e know, from the time they are little giris, fem ales learn about

w T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng g óp P D F b ò i GV. N guyen T hanh Til




N gurên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL nurturing. First with dolts and later perhaps with younger brothers or sisters, girls are given the role of that job. T h e y see their mothers in the sam e roles, so it is natural that they identify this as a fem ale activity. Boys, in contrast, learn competitive roles far rem oved from nurturing. While boys m ay dream of adventures, girls tend to see the future in terms of raising families. In addition, girls a ppear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men w h o prove to be the aggressors in crim es and wars. O bviously, in raising children, a m ore patient, gentle m anner is preferable to a m ore aggressive one. Although there are gentlem en and aggressive w om en, females are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problem s or to educate their children.


• Finally, w om en tend to be better com m unicators than m en. Th is is shown in doing business. T h e fact shows that nearly all receptionists, operators, or nursery teachers are fem ales because they are better at verbal comm unication than m ales. O f course, com m unication is of utmost importance in rearing children, a s children tend to learn from and adopt the com m unication styles of their parents. In sum m ary, bringing up children is w o m en's noble and traditional rale. Th a t is w h y there is a saying “T h e m other’s heart is as im m ense as the Pacific O ce a n ” in our country. Hopefully, Vietnam ese w om en always preserve and develop their important role in training good citizens for society.


2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

to have to be of bringing up children child rearing: higher 3. superior [su :'pisria3 (a): violent aggressive (a) to care for to nurture : to recognize to identify She identified the man as her attacker Ex: to way out to resort greatest utm ost (a) to take up to adopt

Hotc To Speak English Weü D ông g ôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Til





Nguyen H on g A n h y M - l- in TESOL

OUESTIOMS FO R P1SC U SSIO K 1. H ow m any children are there in your family? H o w m any do you like to have in the future? Do you enjoy being around children? 2. Do you think boys are more expensive than girls or vice versa? W h y? Do you think boys are easier to take care of than girls or vice versa? W h y? 3. W hen you have children, will you help your children with their hom ework? H o w much help do you think is appropriate? 4. W ould you allow your son or daughter to pierce body parts? If so, what parts of the body would you allow to be piercpd? W ould you allow you child to get a tattoo? 5. W hat are som e things that you would not allow your children to do? W hat are some things that you would allow you r children to do that you think other parents m ay not allow their children, to do? W h y do you think it is okay to allow this? 6. Are there any sports that you consider too dangerous to allow your child to try? If so, what sports? 7. Do you think that m any parents spoil #ieir children? In what ways do they do that? W hat are some w ays that you have seen? Do you think that you will be a good parent? W h y? D o you think your parents were good parents? 8. W ho is the better parent in your opinion, male or female? W h y are women better than men at bringing up children? 9. W hat are some things that your parents did that you would never do? W hat are some things that you have seen other parents do that you would never d o ? C / 10. Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children? Do you think it is O K for a father to stay at home with the children and have the mother work instead? Do you think a mother is a better “stay at home parent" than a father? W h y or why not? 11. H ow will you punish your children? W hat will you do if you find out your child is stealing something? 12. W hat wili you do if your children lie to you? W hat will you do if you find out your child jig school for a day? 13. H o w will you deal with your children when they fight with each other? D o you think spanking is an appropriate form of punishment? W h y or w hy not?

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong A n h , MA* in TESOL

TO PIC SO: A T HOME OH TO TH E C M H A ? A . 1 like watching films very m uch, so H B O , Movies Stars, and Cinem ax are my favorite T V channels. Th is can show you that I prefer watching films on T V to going to the theatre. 1 do not like going there because of problems in getting to the theatre, unpleasantness in the theatre itself, and the behaviour of some movie-goers. First of all, getting to the theatre causes me som e difficuroes. It is inconvenient to go out in a hot, cold, or rainy night whereas I can watch films in a sofa in a warm atmosphere with m y family. E ve n if the weather is fine, it still takes me at least thirty-minutes to ride to the theatre, followed by the hassle of looking for a parking space. And then I have to wait for the film to start. Th e n , I might confront problems of the theatre itself. If I am in one of the oid theatres, I have to suffer the musty smell of seldom-cleaned carpets or chairs. Sometimes, I even see som e mice running around. Moreover, air-conditioning system sometimes does not work well. Moreover, the service is not good in some theatres. For example, the ticket-collector looks unfriendly, and food is unhygienic or expensive. Last, some of the patrons are even more of a problem than the theatre itself. Som e people try to impress their com panies by. talking back to the screen, whistling, and making hilarious noises. Others act as if they were at home in their own living rooms and com m ent loudly on hie ages of the stars or w hy m ovies are not as good anymore. Moreover, they crinkle candy wrappers, stick gum on their seats, and drop popcorn tubs on the fioor. T h e y also cough and burp, squirm endlessly in their seats, or file out for repeated trips to the rest rooms. In short, because of what J have just mentioned, I think that I am not going to be a m oviegoer anymore. I am tired of the problems involved in getting to the movies, confronting with the theatre itself, and dealing with som e of the patrons. T o watch movies comfortably, I have had cable T V service installed in m y home, i m ay now see movies a bit later than other people, but HI be m ore relaxed watching box office! hits in the comfort of my own living room.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gรถp P D F bai G J N g u y e n Thanh Til





Nguyen H dngA nh, M A . in TESOL V O C A B U L A R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

to hassle to con front m u sty (a ): patron (n ) hilarious [h i’learias] to com m e nt to crinkle tub {n ) to burp to squirm

to annoy to face stuffy fan v e r y fu n n y to remark to crumple




to make brief sharp sounds to turn

Q U E ST IO N S F O R P IS C U S S IO N 1. W h a t is y o u r favourite m o vie ? A re there a iiy kinds of m o vie s you dislike? If so, w h at kinds? W h y do you dislike th em ? 2. W h a t is the best m ovie y o u h ave e v e r s e e n ? W h o w a s in it? W h y did you like it? W h o w a s the director? 3 . W h a t are the scariest m ovie s y o u h a v e e v e r s e e n ? W h a t’s the funniest? W h at's the m ost rom antic? 4 . W h a t is the w orst m o vie y o u ’v e e v e r se e n ? W h a t w a s the last m ovie you s a w ? W a s it g o o d ? W h o did you se e it w ith? 5. D o you like to w atch horror m o vie s? D o y o u prefer fiction or no n ­ fiction boo ks? ^ 6. Do you usually w atch m ovies at hom e or at a m ovie theatre? H o w often do you go to m o vie s? H o w often do you rent vid e o s? 7 . W h a t are advan tages and disa d va n ta ge s of w atching at hom e and going to the theatre? H o w m u ch doe s it cost to se e a m ovie in y o u r cou n try? W h a t do you think of people w h o talk during m ovies at a m o vie th eater? 8. If a book has been m a d e into a m ovie, w h ich do you prefer to do first, see the m ovie or read the b o o k ? W h y ? 9 . W h a t m ovie star w ould you m ost like to m e e t? W h o is y o u r favorite actor or a ctress? 10. D o you think that films can be educational? Is there a m ovie you could w atch over and o v e r ag ain? .< 0

- V

H o w T o S p e a k E n g lish W e ll D ong gop^ P D F bod GV. N guyen T han h Tii





Nguyen H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC 81: SOLVING TRAFFIC PROBLEM S T h e number of motorbikes, cars and trucks hitting the street in our country is dramatically rising every year. As a result, cases of traffic jams, accidents, and environmental pollution are doing, too. All these factors have a detrimental effect on our quality of life. So as to solve this problem, in-m y opinion, the government should spend money building subway lines, railroads, more bus routes. First, if subway lines are built and reached every comer of the city, people would not need to use their motorbikes to commute any more. Lessening motorbikes on the road means less carbon monoxide expelled into the air, therefore, the air we breathe would be more pure. Fewer motorbikes also lessen traffic jams that have caused a lot of troubles to people and authorities concerned. Second, the railroad system in our country is not enough and in bad condition. Consequently, people have to rely on trucks and buses for ground transportation of passengers and freight. Therefore, expanding and upgrading railroad systems will result in fewer trucks and long distance buses on the highways. T h is can help reduce traffic accidents on the road because most of the traffic accidents are caused by trucks and long-distance buses. Last but not least, with the increase of bus users at present, it has been proven that people are getting used to public transportation. However, still m any people cannot use buses because there are not enough buses and bus routes in our city. If more buses are present and routes are built, we can solve the traffic problems in our country, especially in big cities like H C M C because many people do not use their own cars or motorbikes. In short, improving public means of transportation will help reduce traffic jams, accidents and air pollution in our country. T o make our country and cities better places to live in, the government has to carry out this strategy right now.

Hoto To S p e a k English W ell B ón g góp P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tú





Tg uyên Hong Anh, M A. in TESOL »O C A B IM K Y W P to hit dramatically (adv) detrimental c.detn'mentJ] (a)

to commute to expel

torely freight (n) to get used to

a ra sn o x s

to strike; to knock very much harmful to travel to push out to depend goods to be used to f o r d is c u s s io n

4 4

How do appraise the traffic situation in our city and other big cities in our country? W hat are relationships between urbanization and its traffic problems? W h a t are objective and subjective causes of traffic congestion and traffic problems? Do you think that ignorance of traffic rules can lead to traffic jam s and accidents? How can it be improved? W hat are popular means of transportation in our country? W hich one is the m ost efficient? W hat do you think of the city people’s consciousness of traffic safety? H a ve you ever been the victim of traffic jam s? H o w did you feel at that time? W hich m eans of transportation causes the most serious accidents? Can you tell m e the reason? W hat are solutions to traffic problems in our country? Is road extension the best way to solve traffic congestion? W h y and w hy not? it is said that traffic congestion is unavoidable in the process of urbanization. Are you for or against this saying? D o you think that heavy fines on violations of traffic rules are good for re-establishing the traffic order and safety? W hat are solutions of the government to traffic problem s? Can you suggest som e solutions?

4 4

>tc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gôp P D F bôi G V N guyên Thanh Tü




N guyen H ö n g A nh, M-A. in TESOL

TO PIC 8 2 ; M O D E M H O M E \ Vietnam ese wom en's lives haye h lot/since the 20th century. T h e y have with men/in m any fields. Now, they have the decide their life, Moreover, they have higher positior han they did. T h e y are now good mothers, wives, employees, and evert leaders/who contribute, a lot io the developm ent of Vietnam . t T h e first role of Vietnam ese women/is to be good wives and mothers. T h e y have to take care of their families. Everyday, not onfy do they serve meals for their husbands and childreryfcut also s h a r^ a ll their^, u p l a n d downs. T h e y are peopie/who encourage their husbands to work well/^o contribute to our society. In family, the mother is very close to her childrei/and teaches them good t h i n g s ^ that they will becom e good citizens in the future. Therefore, l th in yfh a t/ „ the first contribution of w om en to our country/is to help it have m o d e l Qcnc M p citizens/w h o are willing to devote their ta le »/ J a make our country ' develop.

"Cole 4v.vf;

V Th a t is the w om en's role in their families. So what else can they do to our society? T h e female teachers, doctors, polHjctans/or m anagers yean m a k f , people around the world know, about Vietnam / by their aScomplishment. T h e y are also teachers/Who widen the knowledge of their beloved students. In addition, m any skilful w om an doctors have saved m any lives/kr given the happiness to their patients. F o r example, m any patients will be very grateful to w om an doctors in T u Du hospital/ ----------------------------------------lay because they have helped the interfile couples have children. Moreover; Vietnam ese w om en are very talented politicians/who represent the w hole country/to attend conferenceyW ith m any male leaders of world's powers. In addition, they can run the busines^as well as men do. T o sum up, wom en play an important role in the (tevelopment of Vietnam . T h e y can take good care of their familtes/and f t M m e i r duties to society at the sam e time. Therefore, they deserve to be respected. KiaK r*f-; i

r t





Hove To S p e a k English. W ell D ong gop P D F b&i G V N guyen Thanh Tu




guyén H o n g A n h , M A . in TE SQ L

OCABLXAKY TEP to devote: accomplishment (n): grateful (a): infertile (a): to fulfil: to deserve:

to give over achievement thankful childless to complete to be worthy of

QUESTIONS FO B PISCIISSIQSf Q . W hat are the husband and wife’s traditional roles? Can you make a comparison between women in the past and women at present? . This question is for men: There are two kinds of women. O n e is successful and fampqs .in society but she doesn’t succeed in her family. Another is vice-versa. W hat kind of women do you prefer? . How is an ideal wom an? Do you think women in m odem society should keep the characteristics of traditional wom en? W hat do think of the conception: *Th re e fo llo w s a n d fo u r virtues"? . W hat do you comment on the saying, “M en lead, w o m e n fo llo w ”? Do you know why men consider women second-dass citizens? . This question is for women, if your partner or husband wants you to stay at home, do you agree? W hy or w hy not? . For a m an, do you agree to let your wife or girlfriend go to work? . W h y is it said that if women sit in the conference, it is more possible to succeed than m en? VVhich work do you think that wom en cannot do? W h y? A nd which work do you think that men cannot do? . W h y are there more and more women going to work? How can a working woman be devoted to her career and her family life? W hat should a husband do to help his wife? How about the other m embers? . What do you think about a woman who is better than you in every field? W hat will happen if she is your wife or girlfriend? Being a wom an, do you want to marry one who is worse than you?

c To S p e a k English W ell D óng góp\PDF b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu





Nguyên Hong A nk, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC 83s WORKING OR R E T IH I^ e? Som e people are rather strong, motivated and clever at the age of 60. A t that time, they still like w o rk in g ^ / running families, and even leading countries. However, despite being fit and highly talented, they are forced to retire because of national regulations. Jn this writing, I will discuss whether people should be allowed to continue working as long as they can or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a particular stage. Th e re are several arguments for allowing older people to continue working as long as they are able. First of all, older employees have a large amount of knowledge and experience which can be lost to a businesses or organization if they are made to retire. Th e second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees, and are more willing to implement company policies than the younger staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. T o force someone to resign or retire at 60 or 65 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that their useful life is over.

S? Allowing older people to work indefinitely, however, is not always a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. M any younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, m any people would continue to work purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their life’s labor by being given generous pensions and freedom to enjoy their leisure.

In short, with m any young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, older workers are often called to retire. However, this can affect the older individual’s freedom and right to work and can deprive of society's valuable experience and insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual.

B ote To S p e a k English W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyên Thanh Tii





Sguyèn H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL

VOCABULARY TCP Jî. î. I. >. >.

motivated (a): loyal (a): to im plem ent com pulsory (a): purely (a): reward (n):

r. i.

pension (n): flexibility (n):

encouraged faithful to apply forced W ill J j W IC ip iJ only, simply prize retirement fund

1. H ow old are you? How old are your father and m other? W h a f s your job? W hat are their jobs? 2. W hen did youJ they start to work? H o w long have you/ they worked? A re you retired? W hen do you think you/ they will be retired? 3. Do you believe you w on’t be able to g o on with your job untii you are 60? W h y or w h y not? 4. W hat makes you/ them keep on working at 60? W h y ? W hat do you think of “old age”? Have you got any old people in your family? 5. C an you name som e strong and weak points of the old? Are the old a burden to the family and society? 6. W hat are the typical differences between the old and the young? Do you think that the old know best? 7. Are the old so conservative? D o you think the young still respect the old now? S. Can you explain why there are changes in the w ays of living and thinking am ong the young now ? 9. W hat behaviors and attitudes should we have when we deal with the old? is said that the old are usually very lonely. W h at should we do to make them happy? W hat do you think of an old person who lives alone? € j 1 1 .C a n you tel! me what you will do w hen you becom e old? D o you w ant' to live until 10D years old? H o w do the Vietnam ese usually wish togeiher on T e t holidays?

otc To S p e a k E nglish W eü D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Ngityên Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC 8 4 ; MAKING YOUH DREAM S BECOME T R IE I am sure that everyone has his dreams and love to see himself getting better and better each day. However, making our dreams become true is not easy at all, and we have our own resolutions to do that. Som e people pessimistically say that it is impossible to achieve their dreams. But, to me, I think that is actually not true because our dreams are in our hands, and we are those Who can control them and make them real. " • ¿v For me, I always look up to m any things during m y life such as learning English and trying to be good at it, completing m y studies, and improving myself at any field. Moreover, I never stop dreaming and finding ways to reach them. Thanks to those ways, I always make my dream s become true. T o do that without m any difficulties, I have to set m y goals in advance and work as hard as I can to reach my points. c4 y However, there is no doubt that there are times when I feel like giving up. In such cases, I do not give up myself but just stand up and try even if I have had to try for m any times. Moreover, whenever I feel lost and confused, f just dream again of the person I would be when m y dreams become true. In addition, I believe that it is better to have plans for myself to follow. First, I have to write down what m y resolutions are and then find out what I need to reach them. After that, I try step by step to improve myself and to reach my ambitions. Finally, I must not lose my passion to m y dreams. In conclusion, to make our dreams become true, we should set our dreams right in front of our eyes and always work for them. Moreover, we are always optimistic that we will reach them someday.


1. 2. Z, yt A* 5.

pessimistic (a) doubt (n) confused (a) Ex: The flood of questions confused me. passion (n): optimistic {a)

Eou> To S p e a k E nglish W ell Dông gàp P D F bôi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til

negative distrust bewilder

enthusiasm positive




Sguyên H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL


Do you usually remember your dream s? Why/ W hy not? Describe some of them. What was your nicest dream that you c a ^ ' remember? 2. H ow do you interpret a dream ? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it? Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? W hat is your opinion on it? 3. Have you ever had nightmares? W hat were they like? W h a fs the worst nightmare you've ever had? 4. Have you ever had or heard of a dream that foretold the future? Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? W hy/W hy not? Have you ever dreamt about dead friends or relatives? How was it? H o w did you feel? 5. Are dream messages sent from our unconscious, predictions of the future, or the brain’s w ay of cleaning out information? 6. Som e people say that dreaming about losing m oney m eans that you will receive it. Have you ever heard this? W hat other sayings about dreams do you know? 7. 'When you were a child, what was your dream for the future? H as it changed? What is your dream for the future? Have your dream s for your future changed? 8. Do you tell people about ypur dream s? Do you think you can achieve your dreams? Do you think that having dreams and aspirations is a waste of time? 9. W hat would you like to be in the future? W hy do you want to choose that? Do you plan your future yourself or your parents do that? Do you like it arranged? 10. Are you a high-flier? W hat are your ambitions? W hat have you

H ow To S p e a k English W ell H ong gôp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




N guyen H ong A n h , M j î . in TESOL

T O P IC 8 5 ; G IV IN G A IW jE C H T O g C U T S

receiving be

Nowadays, com m unication is quite important in hum an life. Th a n k s to different forms o j ^ com m unication, m an is able to express all bis feelings, opinions, desires, etc. verbally or non­ verbally. Gift-giving - a non-verbal form of communication - is so efficient and popular that | it is widely welcom ed and appreciated as an art in hum an com m unication. How ever, giving and gifts are not always the sam e as th ey are m eant to

O n e of the prim ary benefits of gift giving is the good feeling you get w hen you do something good for som eone special. Th e re is a magical m om ent w hen you watch the recipient of the gift unwrap the package and discover the treasure that you have wisely chosen for them . W h e n their eyes w iden as they realize what you have done to dem onstrate their importance in your life, your spirit responds with a w arm glow that builds from the inside out, and you have confirmation that you have created a little m ore prosperity in the world. H ow ever, som e people find that they do not experience this w arm glow from their inner spirit In fact, som e people experience a feeling of loss or im po verishm ent Th o s e people Will find that their mental focus is on the cost of the gift but not on the blessings that it has created for the other person. T h e attitude in which a gift is given is actually m uch m ore important than the gift itself. W hen a gift is given with the proper attitude, the giver shows his/her respect or gratefulness to the receiver. O n e of the big mistakes that I see most people m ake is that they give a gift that they them selves would like to receive rather than selecting a gift from the perspective of the recipient. T h u s , we should spend time doing som e research into the background of the gift recipient and determine what they w ould like to receive. If we can do this, w e not only show ou r respect or gratitude but also make our gift m ore useful to the receiver. In short, giving and receiving gifts seem to be very easy, but they have m any arts them selves. Th u s , w e should learn w hen, to w hom , and what reasons we give gifts. It is very com plicated, isn’t it?

V Bozo T o S p e a k E n g lish W e ü D ông g ôp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




N guyen H o n g A n h , M A . in TESOL

V O C A B llA B Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4.

desire {n>: verbal (a) prim ary (a) m agical (a)


recipient (n)

6. 7. 3. 3. IQ. 11. 12. 13.

treasure (n ) to demonstrate g lo w (n) prosperity (n) im poverishm ent (n) blessing (n ) attitude (n) perspective

need; want spoken main supernatural receiver property to show enthusiasm w e a lth ^ r uselessness lu ck. manner

A «5

Q IIB ST IO X S F O R P I S C T S S lfig W hen do you give a gift? T o w h om dp you give a gift? F o r what reasons d o you give a gift? Is gift-giving aim ed at satisfying on e ’s h obby or expressing one’s feelings tow ards others? According to you, what roles do gifts piay in hum an com m unication? Is it e a s y to give gifts to all people gathering together in an occasion? Is there a n y m isunderstanding in giving and receiving gifts? C a n î. you tel! yo u r experiences? In expressing o n e ’s feeling towards others, does it always w ork w h en h e w ants to give gifts? 1. W hat does the w a y of giving a gift m e a n ? Is it true that the gift giving is an art? C an you give som e e xam p les? u It is said that, " T h e w a y o f g iv in g a g ift is m o re im p o r ta n t than the v a lu e o f th e g ift its e lf.’1W h a t are your points of vie w ? >. D o you agre e that giving gifts is an art? W h e n you want to attend at a party, w h a t do you usually bring as a gift? H ave y o u e v e r given flowers to so m eon e? In which situations? Do you know the m eaning of flowers? Piease share y o u r experience with us. Y o u have studied English with a tutor for about two m onths. Y o u r tutor can not continue because of a busy schedule. Y o u will be meeting with y o u r tutor fqr the last time. W ou ld you give a gift? If yes. what w ould you give? ¡¿ g t f o u r supervisor at w ork ju st g a ve you six-m onth perform ance review. H e g a ve you an excellent review and an increase in salary. W o u ld you give a gift? if yes, what w ould you give? I.

lo w T o S p e a k E n g lish n e ii D ong g op P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESO L 9.

It is one of your co-workers' birthday. Y o u don’t know this person very well, but you like him and you know that other people will be getting presents for him. W ould you give a gift? if yes, what would you give? 10. Y ou have a small problem with your motorbike and your neighbor, a mechanic, looks at the motorbike. He finds the problem in a couple of minutes and fixes it right away. W ould you give a gift? If yes, what would you give? 11. Y o u have been sick for a few days. O n e of your neighbors has been bringing food for your family every day. W ould you give a gift? If yes, what would you give?

TO PIC 8 te ST C PB N TS A M I INTEGRATION Globalization is a vital issue for every country. T h e econom y of each country closely relates to the integration into the region and the world. Education is also affected by globalization, and rt is necessary for us to consider the impacts and implications of globalization in the planning of our future w ays of teaching and learning, especially in higher education. X 5 in order to make our education system more effective, it is necessary to have the students becom e masters of technologies and practices at the fore of the global industries, especially for those who work in these areas. Moreover, graduates have to be prepared for working in an increasingly globalized world. F o r example, a communication engineer must be familiar with digital communication system s as this technology will be used in any m odem system throughout the world. ' In addition, to prepare graduates for integration, universities in our country have to send m ore students, teachers and researchers to countries with education system s of high quality so that they can approach advanced m ethods of learning, teaching, and researching which they can apply into the developm ent of the country. It is them who can lead the country to the w ay of integration. Last but not least, our universities should advance more high quality training program s and program s for talented students. T h e s e programs should be organized in training cadres for high-tech and key socio­ econom ic branches. T h e aims of these programs are finding and training

H<nc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bd i GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL capable students by providing them with good learning conditions to achieve standard quality of advanced universities in the region and in the world. Thanks to these program s, we can prepare enough human resources who can explore resources effectively and provide society with high quality products. ; 'A / ■ In short, students are future masters of the country who can decide success on the w ay of integration and development. With the present achievements along with the great enthusiasm of the nation as well as effective international assistance, our higher education will develop and have a new face in the near future.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

very important mixing effect suggestion front to go forward group passion; glow

vital (a) integration (n) impact (n) implication (n) fore to advance cadre (n) enthusiasm (n>


, 1 . Are you student or a re you working now? Do most high school students in our country go to colleges or universities? 2. Are there m any universities or colleges in your city? Can you tell us some universities you know? Most of these universities are in good conditions, aren’t they? W hat do you think of equipment and teaching aids in these schools? 3. W h y do students study so m any subjects in their universities? Do you think these subjects are practical in real life? 4. W hat do you think about the globalization? H o w is a country’s econom y affected by the integration into the region arid the world? 5. D o you think education is also affected by globalization? What should the government do to globalize our education? 6. W hat should students do in order to becom e masters of technologies and practices at the fore of the global industries? W hat should they prepare? 7. W hat do you think about the policy that universities (in our country have to send more students, teachers and researchers to countries

B o ix To S p e a k E nglish W ell D öng göp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Tü




Aguyen Bong A nk, M A . in TESOL with education systems of high quality? Do you think these people can lead the country to the way of integration? 8. W hat do you think of university syllabuses? A re they main causes of backwardness in education? W hat should the government do to improve them ? 9. Do we have high quality training programs and programs for talented students? If yes, how do they work? W hat are the aims of these program s? 10. W hat can y o u draw from today’s discussion?


if you have one week to go traveling, where would you like to go? T o me, I will choose Hanoi. H a Noi is the capital of Vietnam, and ft has nice weather, valuable cultural and historical vestiges, and m any beautiful landscapes.

T h e climate of H a Noi is quite typical for the one of the North. In summer, it is hot with a lot of rain., In winter, it is cold with little rain. From M ay to September, it is the hot and rainy season. From Novem ber to March of the next year, it is the winter with the dry weather. Between those two seasons, there are two transmitting periods (in April and October). Therefore, Ha Noi has enough four seasons: Spring, Sum m er, Autum n and Winter. T h e best season for traveling to Ha Noi is Autumn which is very suitable for tourists to come. U p to now, Ha Noi has over 300 vestiges recognized as historical and cultural ones. H a Noi has 600 pagodas, President Ho C h i Minh’s Mausoleum, Friendship Cultural Palace... and the rich and diversified system of m useum s such as President Ho Chi Mtnh’s Museum, Ha Noi's M useum, the M useum of History, the M useum of the Revolution... Ha Noi also has a lot of places to visit T h e W est Lake (Ho T a y ), Th e Lake of the Restored Sword (H o Hoan Kiem ), Th u ye n Q uang Lake, Tru e Bach Lake are the typical and beautiful lakes in Ha Noi. Moreover, around Ha Noi within 100km. there are a lot of landscapes such as Cue A ^ h u o n g forest, Huong Tich grotto, T a m Dao Mountain, Hung temple, Hoa Lu grotto... Th e se places combined with Ha Noi become a tourist attraction, and Ha Noi plays as the connecting point of the whole zone.

H ow T o S p e a k E nglish WeU B on g gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên S o n g A nk. M~A.. in TESOL At last, thirty-six streets of Hanoi attract m e most.

V O C A K IL4K Y T IP 1. 2. 3. A. 5.


remains representative burial place

vestiges typicaJ (a) mausoleum (n) grotto (n) attraction zone (n)

cave tourist place area; region on

-Q )

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. How often do you go on holidays? Who do usually go with? 2. If you have a week’s holiday, where will you choose to go? W hy? What is special about it? 3. What do you know about that place? Have you ever been there? Can you describe it? 4. According to you, when is it the best time to go travelling? Can you explain why? Which season do people travel a lot? Do you know why? *V 5. Do you usually travel on your weekends? And where are interesting places for weekends? 6. Do you think that watching T V is one of the cheapest ways of travelling? When someone wants to travel, what should he prepare? What should we know before we start a trip to a new place? 7. W h y do people think of travelling? Do you know when people began travelling? What is the importance of travelling? W hat can we leam from it? Do you think that travel is a means of education? 8. What do you comment on the saying, “T h e m ore w e travel, the m ore w e learn!”? How do you think about tourist industry of Vietnam these days? Could you please state some advantages and disadvantages of Vietnamese tourism? 9. Is it easy for Vietnamese to travel abroad? Can you tell us some requirements you need for travelling abroad? Do you think that the poor never think of travelling? If you don't have much money, how do you manage to travel?

D óng góp P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC « 8 î THE M OST IM PO R TA NT SK ILL am sure that each of us wants to be successful in life, so we always try to find out ways to achieve our goals. T o do that, w e need to have m any skills, and m any heads have v m any minds. In m y opinion, the most important skill that can help me succeed in the world today is the communication skill, i choose it because this skill helps me g e t information quickly, persuade others to do things easily, and express m y ideas without difficulties. Firstly, the communication skill helps m e get useful information that I want quickly. It enables me to make friends with various kinds of people, so i can have wide relations. Thanks to these relations, 1 can get information easily. For example, I want to study abroad, but I do not have any information about the country I should choose. A t that time, I can receive much useful information from those w ho used to study abroad more quickly than I try to find it myself. If I do not hâve the interpersonal skill, 1 cannot make friends with them and get information I need. T h e more friends I have, the better knowledge I can ge,. Also, people with the interpersonal skill can persuade others to do something as well as gain assistance from them easily. For instance, a m anager who has interpersonal skill would have more close relationship with their staff. Therefore, when he asks his staff to do something, his staff would try their best to help him. O n the other hand, a m anager who does not have d o s e relationship with their staff would be assisted, but their staff would work on their duty only, not help their boss with all their heart; so, the result of both of work is totally different.

" A Last but not least, if I have good interpersonal skill, I can express m y ideas systematically, so others can understand me easily. Moreover, w hen understanding me, they can find it easier to deal with me. Th a t is, I can have larger relation with others. Besides, i will gain a diversity of thoughts w information from m any various kinds of people if I can express what I need concisely. Th is advantage will help me broaden m y knowledge. In conclusion, the communication skill is very important in our modern time. Getting it is the best short cut to becom e a successful person because that person would receive useful information easily, have som e

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gop P D F bdi GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




NguyĂŤn HĂ´ng Anh, M A . in TESOL necessary assistance, and improve his attitude when he contacts m any people. -


VOCABULARY T IP 1. to achieve 2. to express 3. to persuade 4. to deal with

io gei, xo gain to show to convince to contact variety meaningfully to improve

5. diversity (n) 6. concisely (adv) 7. to broaden

Jp QUESTIONS FO B D ISC U SSIO N 1. Are you a skilful person? W hich skills do you have? How do those skills help you with your life? 2. T o you, which skill is the most important one? W h y do you think so? H ow has that skilled affect your life? 3. Do you think it is easy for you to contact people? In your opinion, what should w e do to fall in line with others? 4. H ow did you feel when you went to work or attended some class on the first day? How did you make friends with your colleagues or classmates? 5. Are you a good listener? W hen we meet someone the first time, should we talk much about ourselves? 6. W hat do you think about communication skill? H o w does it enable us to make friends with others? 7. Is it easy for you to persuade others to do some thing for you? W hat do you think about a m anager who has interpersonal skill? 8. Do you often speak in public? C an you express your ideas systematically? Do you have any unforgettable memory of public speaking? 9. W hat kinds of people need communication skill most? W hat should we do to improve our communication skill? Do you think this skill is the most important one for us to get success in our life now?

Bou> To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gifp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Til






Nguyen HôngAnh , M A . in TESOL___________


TO PIC 8 9 ; S H O P iP C M B [ M i L E A M E > f«H S H ? With the tendency of globalization, people ,/^v around the world speak a common language - it is English. However, learning a foreign language is not very easy at afi, so more parents and schools are recognizing the value of preparing very young children for life in a broad international community. Accordingly, human beings are best equipped to leam a language - any language including their native tongue - when they are very young. Many experts estimate that, by age 8-12, humans already lose the ability to hear and reproduce new sounds, resulting in a, permanent foreignsounding accent in any language. Young children who are exposed to a foreign language gain the natural ability to string words together and pronounce them authentically from simply absorbing the spoken language. In addition, compared to an older student, a child’s language learning advantage is greatest in the area of pronunciation, somewhat weaker in the area of grammar usage, and slight when considering the size of their vocabulary. Second, early exposure to a foreign language has proven to have some very beneficial side effects. I t : said that second language has stimulated children to improve their English verbal skills as well as their general analytical skills, including math. When children realize that there exists more than one way to express the same concept, it causes them to question more actively why and how we say it in English, stimulating precision and vocabulary growth in English. At the very young age, they develop greater problem-solving skills, perform better in their native language, and become more open to other cultures. Children also gain the life-long ability to leam additional languages significantly more quickly later in life, even unrelated languages. At last, children are at an ideal age to gain proficiency in a foreign language because if it is taught in a fun and stimulating manner, they actually enjoy it. This is a complete contrast to most adults' visions of memorizing complicated vocabulary lists and conjugating verbs! With effective funny teaching, children naturally pick up - through fun and games - what adults would have to memorize tediously. Through playing mes, singing songs, creating art & cooking projects and participating

How To Speak English W ell Dông gôp PDF b&i GV Nguyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên H ongA nh , M A . in TESOL in story-telling, children naturally absorb and begin to use their .new language effortlessly. In short, preparing very young children for life in a broad international community is a good thing to do, and it is easier for children to teaming a % : ' foreign language. However, we should not force the children to learn too

hard. Let’s them enjoy thèir learning.

V O C A BU LA K Y TCP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

expert (n): to estimate permanent (a) to be exposed: authentically (adv) to absorb to stimulate precision (n ) vision (n) to conjugate fkGndC ugit] tediously effortlessly (adv)

specialist to evaluate; to guess stable to be shown to take up to encourage accuracy; exactness mental picture to inflect (a verb). boringly easiiy

Q U ESTIO N S F O R P I S C I SSIQM 1. How many children are there in your family? Are they good at their learning? Which subjects are they best at? 2. Are they learning English? If yes, when did they start learning it? Do they like it? 3. W hy do more parents force their very young children to learn English? Do you agree with thé idea m at human beings are best equipped to learn a language when they are very young? 4. How does a child usually learn languages, including his mother tongue? W hat are his advantages and disadvantages in learning a language? 5. Can you state some very beneficial side effects that early exposure to a foreign language has proven? H ow far do you agree with the idea that children are at an ideal age to gain proficiency in a foreign language? How do schools usually teach children languages? What can they get through playing games or singing songs? 7. Will you let your children learn foreign languages at the very young age? If your children do not like learning foreign languages, wh3t

note To Speak English t+eii Dóng góp PDF bòi GV Nguyên Thanh Til




Nguyen B ong Anh, M A . in TESOL will you do? Do you think children will learn better if they are forced? 8. W hat do you think about schools teaching children English in our city? D o you think English should be the second language in our country? 9. In you opinion, how can we learn English well? H o w long can a . child speak and use English proficiently?

TO PIC 9 0 : T E L L m C LIES It


that people are telling lies more and more. O n m ass media almost every day, there are stories about som e important persons being accused of telling lies, and at the sam e time, our parents and teachers are telling us that it is not ok to tell lies.

W hen we were little kids, w hat w e wanted to do most was pleasing our parents. A t that time, w e sometimes thought that it woufd make our parents mad if we told the truth about doing something wrong, and then w e found that our parents got even m adder w hen w e told a lie. W hen w e get older and w e know that telling the truth is im portant we can still get lots of confusing m essages.

JV D o you know w hy people tell lies? Here are som e of the reasons. S o m e people tell lies to get out of trouble, to avoid getting into trouble or to avoid embarrassment, to keep themselves safe like avoiding a stranger asking something, to protect their privacy. T o others, they tell lies to keep a friend out of trouble or to make themselves look m ore interesting to others by exaggerating, bragging or boasting. T o children or teenagers, they do that to get their own w ay with a parent or teacher to avoid punishment.. For example, they say to their parents: “T h e teacher says 1 don’t have to do the homework". Th e rest tell lies to keep secrets or avoid hurting people's feelings. However, m any people think that there are two kinds of lies, ’black’ lies and ’white’ lies. T h e y think that ’back' lies are always bad, but ‘white’ lies might be O K . Th u s, when is it never O K to tell lies? Sn m y opinion, it is not good to upset or tease som eone like telling lies about som eone or spreading rumors. Another case is to pretend that you have got permission to do something when you haven't. In addition, nobody accepts those who hide things belonging to others and pretend that they

B o te To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tu




Nguyén H ong A n h , M A , in TESOL do not know where they are because this is not just teasing; it is unkind. Moreover, we should not tell lies about people such as saying som eone has told you something and it’s not true, blaming som eone else for X Sy something you have done to get them into trouble and get you out of i j ^ | r and cheating som eone or cheating in a test. So, when is it O K to tell lies? I think it is ok when w e want to keep ourselves safe, to use good manners as "Th a n k you. B u t I couldn't eat another piece" in a meal so that your host can have the last piece of cake or food, not to hurt people’s feelings as “Th ank y o u for a love ly present." even it's not what you really want or its w hat you hate, and to keep 'g o o d secrets like not telling your age or y o u r phone num ber. In short, w e should know when w e tell lies. If there w ere no bad lies in our life, no one would get hurt and the world w ould be a place w here people could trust and respect each other.

V O C A BU LA R Y T IP 1. confusing (a) 2. em barrassment [im’baerasmant] (n) 3. to exaggerate 4. to brag 5. to upset 6. rum or (n) 7. to pretend 8. to cheat

doubtful confusion to overstate to boast to sadden word of mouth to make up to deceive; to trick


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

W h y do people tell lies? In your opinion, is it necessary to tel! lies in our life? H ave you ever told lies? W hen do you often do that? H o w do you feel when you deceive som eone? W hen is it never O K to tell lies ?W h en is it som etim es O K to tell lies (white lies)? Is saying nothing the sam e as telling lies? W h o tell lies more often between men and w o m e n ? W hat do they usually lie about? W here do they often do that? D o you think that telling lies is good for love? W hat will you do if you find out that you r partner tells you lies? H a ve you ever been in that situation?

H ow To S p e a k E n g lish WeU. D ong g op P D F b&i G V N guyen T hanh Tu




Nguyên H ôngA nh, M A . in TESOL 6.

W hat do you think when someone realizes that you are a liar? If you realize that your dose friend tells you quite harmful lies to separate your relation with someone (your partner, boss...), what will you do? 7. Do you think we should always tell the truth? W h y or why not? W hat do you think about the saying: “Honesty is the best policy”? is it always good for a person to be honest? 8 . W ho is the most skilful liar you know? H ow often do you meet them in your life’ 9. Do you have a sense of humor? Do you often play a joke on someone? Do you like those who are always joking? 10. What can a liar get when telling lies? H o w can we recognize whether a person tell the truth or lies?


Sitting at a desk looking at your notebook is not the best w ay to study English. Most of the time, your mind is not actively using the information that you are studying, and practical learning does not take place. Here are some techniques that will help you learn English more effectively outside the dassroom .

!V If you start writing, you should remember all of the interesting things that you can write about. Writing every day lets you see your gram m ar clearly in front of you, express your ideas, and use a non-oral method to communicate in English. After that, you can ask your teacher to correct your writing. Then you should read the corrected version out loud. It is a good idea to re-copy the corrected journal too, so that you1will have th# experience in writing your ideas down in proper English. Moreover, re-writing your dass notes every day is also very useful because writing your notes a second time will allow you to remember more strongly what you have studied. It will also make your notebook neater and easier to study. About reading, you should find a book or a paper that is not too difficult to understand. I myself do not think it is embarrassing to start with children’s picture books, in addition, you should not stop your reading whenever you find a new word. A t that time, you try to guess what the word probably means, continue reading, and check it up in your dictionary at the end. r V

H fnc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyên Thanh Tti





Sguyén H ong A nh >M A . in TESOL Now, let’s take grammar into a ccou nt S o m any students "know” grammar, but they cannot use it. Th is is because they rarely practice linking the grammar they have studied to the speech center of the brain. If your mouth is not comfortable using the gram m ar patterns, it will be difficult to use them in everyday conversations. T o improve it, you should repeat the example sentences or sentences you have corrected in class in a dear, loud voice, and you are sure to practice while looking away from the paper. Learning vocabulary is what students most pay attention to. T o enrich your vocabulary, you should have a vocabulary notebook, and try to take an active approach to learning new vocabulary. Th is means you should search for words that you want to know because it will be easier to remember them. If the vocabulary book is not convenient, you should have a note card with new words available in your pocket so that you can learn them wherever you go. T o improve your speaking skills, you should practice whenever you have a chance. For example, you can speak lots of English with your friends in different situations. Besides that, you can join any English Speaking Clubs you know. % Last but not least, watching T V and movies, and listening to the radio or music are also very useful w ays to improve your English. Even if you don't understand everything, you will still be learning. It is possible to understand the content even if you know only 3 0 % of the words that you hear. Y o u r listening ability will improve day by day. R e m e m b e r the more leam. E N J O Y English!

n you have with English, the easier it will be to

VOCABULARY T IP 1. to take place: 2. version (n) 3. to take (s.o/ into accou nt 4. to approach

to occur, to happen paragraph, part to consider / s.o to come up to


W hat do you expect from your English? Please tell me your main purposes and motivations to ieam English.

Hcnc To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tu




¡Nguyen Hong A nfi. MA., in T E S0 L 2. What do you think about teaching and learning English in our country? W hat advantages and disadvantages do you have when you leam English? 3. Have you got any difficulties when you are talking to someone in English? If so, how do you overcom e them? 4. Am ong four skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing, which one is the most important and difficult in your opinion? 5. Could you please share your own experience in learning English with me and tell me good w ays to improve each skill? 6. W hat can you derive from your study? W hat should you do to be a good learner? Is it easy? 7. Do you think that the shyness and passiveness are reasons that prevent you from improving your English? W hat should you do to overcome these obstacles? 8. W hat is the importance of English language when it is used as an international language? 9. In addition to your professional qualifications, is it necessary for you to have a certain certificate of English?

TO PIC 9 2 ; m C m U Z E D ACTIONS recent years, “U rb a n C iviliza tio n " in our city has been mentioned by m ass media, schools, colleges or residential areas because it shows progressive life of city people, a iife-style in its high stage of development. Throughout daily activities of city people, w e can say that we have been building a civilized life in the city. However, there are still so many things and actions that cannot be accepted by any man in a civilized society. Th u s, what are they? Firstly, on several streets, even in the center of the city, we still see a lot of rubbish. People still throw rubbish indiscriminately on streets. Th is shows that their consciousness of keeping the city clean and tidy is stilf low. Th is action m ay be considered “uncivilized” or “uncultured” one. Secondly, it must be widely agreed that most of the city streets and sidewalks have been widened or upgraded in recent years. Unfortunately, in almost every street the sidewalk is still “encroached upon* by vendors, food shops, news stands ... T h e y spoil the beauty of the city.

H o w T o Speck E nglish Well D ông gop P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen H ong A nh, JHA. in TE SO h ______ _________________ ______________ Then, people s consciousness of obeying traffic regulations is also what should be mentioned. O n the street, m a n y people intentionally break traffic regulations by riding their bikes at high speed on crowded streets, crossing the street against traffic lights, and parking in the wrong place. Th e se scenes should be prevented in a civilized city. W h a f s m ore? T h e image of a group of children following foreign tourists to persuade them to buy cigarettes, candy, books o r other small articles should not be present in a civilized city. T h e w orse thing is that m any of these children take advantages of the tourists' negligence tQ steal their things or to m ug their watches, cam eras... Tourists will never have good impressions on our city if they are victims of this. In addition, sometimes we still see som e uncultured people urinating or spitting on the street. . * * * T o build up a cultured, civilized and m odern city, w e m ust prevent the above actions. However, how can we do that? Let's share our suggestions in today’s discussion.

m eans of communication developing

cultural uncontrolledly awareness occupied street seller to make use of ignorance to attack to make water to cough up

Q UESTIO NS FO R P lS C t SSIO tt 1. W hat is the Urban Civilization? W hat does it mean to you? 2. W h y does the Urban Civilization becom e a problem to us? C a n you give som e examples to show that m any people in the city still have peculiar ways of living which can’t be considered "civilization”? W h a t do you think about the w ays of living of the: city-dwellers? W hich ones should be praised? Which ones should be criticized?

IT .

B ón g gón P D F b o i GV. N guyên Thanh Tü





Nguyen B ong A nh, M.A. in TESOL 4 . Do you agree that the level of civilization of the city is judged through the w ay of living of its people, for example, their consciousness of traffic rules while travelling on the road; their behaviors; their attitudes while dealing with others...? 5. W hat do you think of people who hawk and spit on the streets w h ilC y riding their motorbikes? 6. O n the w ay to school, work, home or somewhere, sometimes you see some people unconsciously urinating in the public places. H o w do you feel? Do you think they are uncultured ones? W hat’s your solution? 7. According to you, which factor is the most important to carry out the Urban Civilization? W hat actions should w e take account to educate people to have good consciousness and responsibilities for building a civilized life? j P 8. W e have talked m uch about the Urban Civilization, how about the Rural Civilization? Do you know how the countrymen live, work and entertain? 9. W hat should we do to improve the country people’s life? H o w ca we build up a civilized life in those places?

T O P IC 9 3 ; TH E


I!\ L K A JR M ^ «

In the students

last few years the num ber of teachers and using computers to teach and learn has increased markedly, and this plays an important role in education in the 21st century. O ne of the w ays to use computers in education is using the Internet. Although the potential of the Internet for educational use has not been fully exploited yet in our country, it is obvious that we have entered a new information age in which the link between technology and education has already been established. T h e development of the Internet brought with it a revolution in teachers’ and learners’ perspectives, and it becom es more and more reliable because of the following benefits: A t first, the Internet is an experiential learning tool. T h e World W ide W eb makes it possible for students to tackle a huge amount of human experience. In such a way, they can learn by doing things themselves. 4^ ftie y become the creators, not just the receivers of knowledge like going r^ C t o traditional classes. Moreover, information is presented in a non-linear

Ho*r To S p e a k E nglish W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên H ô n g A n h , M A . in TESOL way, and users develop m ore flexible thinking skills or choose what to explore more easily. Th e n, it motivates students to study more. A s far as we know, computers are most popular am ong students as they are often associated with fun and games. Students’ motivation is therefore increased, especially w henever a variety of activities are offered. Th is in turn makes students feel more independent. Next, the internet enhances students’ achievement. Do you agree with me that network-based instruction can help us strengthen our linguistic skills? I myself think so because this kind of instruction m ay positively affect our attitude towards learning and help us build self-instruction strategies as well as promote our self-confidence. Moreover, it supports students with authentic materials for study. AJI students can use various resources of authentic reading materials either at school or at home. Th ose materials can be accessed 24 hours a day at a relatively low cost. Th e Internet also creates greater interaction am ong students. By sending e-mails and joining forums, students can communicate with people they have never met. Furthermore, som e Internet activities give students positive and negative feedbacks by automatically correcting their on-line exercises. It is more important that shy or inhibited students can be greatly benefited by student-centered collaborative learning. In short, the Internet is very useful education in the new period of the development and integration. It becom es a strongly effective tool for teachers’ and students’ work. 1 hope that in the near future, many schools in Vietnam will use the Internet in their instruction.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. markedly (adv) 2. to exploit 3. revolution (n) 4. perspective (n) 5. reliable (a) 6. to tackle 7. non-linear JL flexible (a) 9 . to associate 10. to enhance a % 11. attitude (n) I Q r 12. authentic (a) 13. to access 14. collaborative (a)

Hcnc To Sp ea k English. W ell D óng góp P D F b à i GV. N guyên Thanh Til

remarkable to use; to develop new way idea believable to try; to attempt variable changeable to combine to increase reaction real; native to enter cooperative




Nguyen Hong A nh, MA . in TESOL


1. 2.







Do you often use the Internet? H o w m any hours a day do you use the Internet? D o you think our lives have been improved by the internet? ’ \ D o you use the Internet for fun or education? W hat are som e of the w ays the Internet can be used for education? W hat are some of the ways the internet can be used for entertainment? Which sites do you most com m only access? W hat is the best thing about the Internet? W h at problems does the Internet create? W hat problems does it solve? D o you have more m any e-mail addresses? W h y do you need more than one e-mail address? Do you think that email is a good w a y for people to com m unicate? W hat do you think about chatting on the internet? H ave you ever chatted on the internet? W h y do m any people 8ke it now? W h y is there too m uch sex on the Internet now? Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet? W ould you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet? Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? W h y? C a n you believe all the information that is published on the Internet? Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer gam es? W hich games are young people most interested

in? 9. Do you think that meeting people is easier than meeting people face to face? W ould you consider going out with som eone that you met on the Internet? yJf7 10. W hat do you think about online courses? M any students use the Internet to help therm do their assignments and they just cut and paste information from the Internet. W hat do you think about this? 11. Do you think that search engines always give you the best sites? is this good or bad for both the employer and employee to know each other on the Internet? If you em ploy som eone via the Internet, how do you check if the person is giving you truthful information? 12. D o you know any school or university in our country has been using the Internet in its instruction? W hich one do you prefer between learning with a com puter and leaning at traditional classes? W hat do you think about communicative skills if we take this kind of learning? 13.

Do you think traditional classes will disappear in the future because they will be replaced by this new kind of learning?

Hoic To S p ea k English W ell D óng góp P D F b ò i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




IS'guyên B ô n g A n h , M A . in T E S O t

T O P IC 9 4 ; M O B IL E P 1IO Y E S No one can deny the fact that the mobile phone has a lot of good effects on our life. It makes us communicate m ore conveniently and m akes us keep in touch with others everywhere. But every coin has tw o sides. After owing a mobile phone, I find I have less privacy, lose m y good habits, and spend more money. I am often woken by the ring of m y mobile phone, just m y friends wanting to tell m e a joke, and m y happy weekend time is often broken by m y boss, just because he needs m e to work overtime. In addition, I haven’t been able to enjoy a whole quiet day since the day i owned the mobile phone. However, it is an interesting thing that I will be upset if I have m y mobile phone power off. I don’t know if I have begun to rely on it, so m y mobile phone is on 24 hours a day. I find the em ergence of mobile phones m ake us lose good habits, such as punctuality. Previously, when we had a date with som eone, w e tried our best to arrive on time. But now, because of the mobile phone, w e are not afraid of being late any more. If we are likely to be late, w e will call him and say “I am sorry I will be late.”


T h e third thing is that the mobile phone m akes me spend more money. With the developm ent of science, the mobile phone has changed it models more and m ore quickly, and } can’t keep pace with its changes. I have experienced quick changes from big mobile phones to advanced mobile phones that can download films or take and send pictures. T h e fact is that i have changed m y mobile phone for three times, so I spend too m uch m one y on it. In short, óf course, we can’t com e back to the time of no phones, and I can’t im age the time that w e had no p h o n e s . T h e mobile phone gives us a lot of good things, but w e should not neglect the bad aspects. > 0

n o w l o S p e a k E nglish WeU D óng góp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tú




Nguyén Hong Anh, M A , in TESOL

VOCABULARY T IP 1. privacy (n) 2. to rely on 3. punctuality (n) 4. to keep pace with 5. aspect (n)

being private to depend on being on time to catch up witt field



5. 6.


8. 9.

Do you have a cell phone? How many people in your family have a cell phone? W ho is the youngest person you know who has a cell phone? How long have you had a cell phone? Which cell phone company do you use? How long have you used that company? Who do you call most often? About how many text messages do you send in a day? How much do you spend a month on your cell phone? W ho pays for your cell phone? What do you think of mobile phones? What kind of features does your cell phone have? W h y have you decided not to have a cell Could you live without your mobile phone? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? At what age do kids now get cell phones? When did you first get a cell phone? Have your parents ever been angry with you because of your phone use? Do you know how to use all-the functions on your phone? Does it ever bother you when people use their cell phones? Are you allowed to have your mobile telephone switched on in class? How many cell phones have you destroyed? What was the most expensive phone cali you ever made? Is it illegal to speak on your cell phone while you are driving in your country? Do you think it should be illegal to speak on your cell phone while driving? Is it in bad taste to leave your cel! phone on when you are at a restaurant? Has your cell phone ever broken down? What did you do when your cell phone last malfunctioned? Have you ever lost your phone? Has your phone ever been stolen?

B o w To Speak English W ell B óng góp PD F b&i GV Nguyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên Hong A nk, M A . in TESOL

TOPIC 95: HOW TO WI1\ PEO PLE’S H EARTS In our modern time, if we know how to win others’ heart, we will be more successful. O nce w e have w oh a person’s affection, we have a new friend who will be helpful for us in our life. Surely, we are different, so the ways to win people’s heart are different, tcy® in this topic, I would like to share with you some w a y s to win people’s heart. Firstly, we should becom e sincerely interested in other people. If we want to make friends with others, we .»«.____ must first be interested in them. If we merely try to make impression on them, and get them to be interested in us, w e will meet a lot of difficulties in our relation later. Then, when we first meet someone, we should make him/her happy by smiling or by creating an atmosphere of cheerfulness because we look friendly at that time. Rem em ber that most people dislike making friends with those w ho easily get aggressive or are always serious. Thirdly, we should show ourselves good listeners Th is is, we can encourage others to talk about themselves or to share their opinions in the conversation. It is said that being a good conversationalist is being a good listener. Another w ay I myself think it is effective is talking about what others are interested in. People often like us to talk about what they have good knowledge of. Th u s, they have chances to take part in our conversation. In fact, people usualfy feel uncomfortable if we talk too much about ourselves. Last but not least, it is giving people compliments sometimes, but we should not give cheap flattery. W hen we do that, others feel happy and think that they are useful for us. Th ose mentioned m ay not be enough to talk about communication skills. T o make our topic more diversified, display your experience please.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. to win s.o’s heart 4 ^ 2 . sincere (n) 3. aggressive (a) 4. flattery (n)

B ow To Speak English W ell

D ong gop P D F b a i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii

to win s.o’s affection true

hot-tempered excessive, insincere praise




N guyen H ong A nh, M A . ùt TESOL

O IT S liO fV S F O B D ISC ISSIO N 1. 2. 3. 4.



7. 8. 9.


W hat does “winning people's heart” mean? Have you ever won anyone’s heart? W hat are the advantages of winning others’ affection? W hat happens if people around you hate you? W h y should we becom e interested in other people? W h a t do you think of those who are not interested in you? W h y should w e be a good listener and not talk m uch about ourselves? W hat do you think about those who are talkative? Are you talkative? it’s said that, “A merry heart helps you overcome m any difficult cases” W hat do you think of it? Do you think hum or is the key to happiness? W hat do you com m ent on the saying, “ Honesty is the best policy “ ? D o you apply it in your life? If you like som e one, how can you let him/her know your feeiing? W hat are effective w ays to conquer a girl’s heart? W hat should a man do to make impression on a girl at the first meet? (fs said that, “ M en often teH a lie when they make friend with g i r i ^ . is it true? W hat will you, as a m an, do if a girl refuses all y o u r efforts to win her heart? D o you still keep running after her w hen you know that she has already had a boyfriend? If a man invites you, as a girl, to go for a drink m any times, do you think he really pays attention to you? W hat have you drawn from today’s discussion?

TO PIC !H>= DORM O R A PA BT M EN T ? Students are often able to choose whether they want to live in a dormitory in a university cam pus or to live in a separate apartment in the community. E ach of these environments has its advantages. T o me, I prefer living in a dormitory because a dorm offers me a lot of chances to learn how to live with others and to improve m y communication skills. vvnen i live with m y roommates, l must adjust m y eating and sleeping habits according to each other’s needs, Also, ! must arrange my free

B o w To S p e a k English. W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL time in such a w ay that I do hoi bother others white they .are studying. Moreover, the structure of the dorm has som e aspects that are similar to those in an office, a workplace or an organization. Th is means 1 have to follow rules m ade by the community. T h u s , by adapting to conditions o|i living in the dormitory, 1 can learn how to live with others, which is very useful for m y future life. Moreover, the environment in the dorm is friendly and understanding. From it, I can improve m y communication skills. Because of com ing from different places in the country, we can share m any new things together, -o r example, w e can understand cultures, customs and habits, or behaviors of people living in other localities. Th en, if we have problems, >adness, or happiness in life, we can confide them to others. Likewise, if fail to understand the lecture presented in class, l can ask m y oommates for an explanation. Similarly, it is much easier for us to :hoose a com m on topic to chat about or an interesting activity to rractice in our free time because all of us are of the same situations and »nditions. Th a nks to these activities, I can improve m y communication kills to a great extent n conclusion, living in the dormitory brings m e many benefits to improve rtyself- However, it depends on each student’s interests and characters 3 choose a suitable place for his accommodation.

OCABCLARY T IP . to . to . to . to

adjust bother adapt confide

to alter, to change to disturb to get used to to open your heart to

Q U ESTIO NS F O B DISCUSSIO N Are you a student or are you working now? If you are a student, which university do you go to ? W here do you live? Do you prefer to live in a dorm or in an apartment? W h at are advantages of living in a dorm ? Do you think you must change your habits if living with others? Should w e arrange our free time living in a dorm? If yes, w hy do we have to d o that? W hat do- you think of the social structure of the dorm com m unity? Should w e have any rules in the dorm ? What rules do you think we should set up? W h at should w e do to get along with others in the dorm ? /.'■

-------T *

' v

C ------- - _ I -

Dong gop JfDF b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu

1Y7 _ r> n r ve»




Nguyên B ô n g A n h , M A . in TESOL 5.


7. 8.


What do you think about the environment in the dorm? D o you think living here, we can improve our communication skills? How can we do that? What do comment on life in a separate apartment in the. community? Do you think, living in a separate apartment, we have more privacy and experiences in the real life? Is it important to have privacy? If yes, why is ft important? H ow do you feel if someone disturbs you when you are studying? W hat do you think about rooms-for-rent in our city? W h y are they so popular now? Are they cheap or expensive? W hat do you think about living condition in these rooms? What do you think about cohabitation among students now? Do you think a room-for-rent is a good place for student to cohabit?

TO PIC 97s W ITH OH W ITHOUT THE TEACHER? With the development of the m odem technology, students can approach m any sources of information and materials on the Internet to study themselves. However, I do not think that students can be successful in their study without the teachers assistance or guidance. Th e following are several beneficial reasons why I think that teachers are necessary. Primarily, teachers are necessary for us to get guidance and assistance in a particular field or subject. Th ey give us a systematic and better w ay to approach our subjects. A s far as we are concerned, a teacher normally teaches subjects on which he or she has expertise. Hence, he/she can help us understand our subjects deeply. Th is guidance m ay be in the form of giving us notes or names of reference books. Without the teacher, if would be extremely cumbersome for us to go through large libraries for a certain topic. Besides this, the teacher could provide us with solutions to any sort of problem that we come across while we are studying. Without the teacher, it will take us a lot of valuable time to soive it or it m ay remain unsolved. Th e teacher can also point out our mistakes and suggest ways for us to correct them.

H aw To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyèn Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL In short, success or failure mostly depends on the individual, but the learning process can be made much simpler with the proper and continuous guidance of our teachers. So, it is better to leam with help of a teacher rather than learning by ourselves. I hope you will agree with me. Jk? c r Jp "

VOCABULARY T IP 1. to approach 2. primarily (adv) 3. expertise (n) 4. extremely (adv) 5. cumbersome (n) 6. to come across 7. to point out

t o c o m e u p to m a in ly e x p e r t s k ill o r k n o w le d g e

vely very p ro b le m to o v e r c o rp s to s h o w


1. 2.


4. 5. 6.




Are you working or are you still going to school? Are / were you a good student? Which subjects are/were you good at? Do you think it is very easy for us to study now with the development of the modem technology? Can we get success in study without the teacher’s help? W hy / why not? How necessary is the teacher in our study? W hen you have problems with your lessons at school, who do you often share them with - your teachers or your classmates? What do you think of your teachers during your university education? How much do they help you? Do your teachers give you a lot of homework? How do you of ten do your homework? Do you do them alone or with a group of students? What do you think about ways of teaching in high education in our country? Do you think all students understand what the teachers teach them? Do you often cut class? If yes, why do you do that? Have you ever felt bored by your class environment? In which situation should we teach ourselves? What are advantages of teaching ourselves? If-you teach yourself, how can you solve your problems if they arise? Do you think computers and the Internet and replace teachers in the future? What do you think about study online? Have you ever taken it?

Bote To Spook English Well B ón g góp P D F boi GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 9 8 : BO DY LANGUAGE W hen we communicate with other people, it is not only our words but also our body language that contains the meaning, and ft is called ’non-verbal communication. Th is kind of communication includes facial expressions, gestures with hands, arms, or legs, the w a y w e sit or stand, the w ay w e touch other people, the distance we keep between ourselves and the people we are talking to, and our appearance. All these say something to other people. First of all, facia! expressions and gestures are often used spontaneously or unconsciously. Smiling, for example, is found in most cultures as a sign of happiness or pleasure. Gestures such as pointing, waving, shaking or nodding the head are also widely used although the gestures themselves do not always mean the sam e in every culture. However, if we abuse our smiles, we m ay be misunderstood. For example, if w e smile too much at work, people think we m ay not seem to be serious about our work. In addition, because m any non-verbal m essages are 'specific cultures', they can cause a lot of misunderstanding among people from different backgrounds. Northern Europeans and Am ericans, for example, like to keep a certain 'personal space’ between them selves and others and feel uncomfortable if people come too close to them. In these sam e cultures, it is considered impolite to stare, but it is said G reeks feel ignored if people do not stare at them in pubfic. Europeans usually change their facia! expressions to Show happiness, anger, boredom, or sadness. For this reason, they call oriental people the 'inscrutable' because they change facial expressions much less.



In styles of dress, we also make important statements about ourselves. Dress codes are greatly various from one culture to another, and it is easy to make mistakes about people’s status if w e don not know the cultural norm. In some cultures, officials and employees usually w ear short-sleeved, open-neck shirts without jackets. Th is casual dress would not be acceptable in others, where suits and ties are a sign of seriousness. W om en in western cultures wear classic clothes in sober colors to indicate their dedication to career. 4 7

How To Speak Engiish WeB D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen T han h TÜ




NguyĂŞn Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL O n e of the main differences between verbal and non-verbal communication is that w e are often not conscious of the expressions and gestures w e use, so w e are in danger of giving m ore information than we really want to, or even of giving a conflicting m essage with our body language to the one expressed in our words. In short, I am sure that body language plays a key role in communication. It can help us understand others better thanks to their features of body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, proximity, postures, or gestures. So, try to express yourself by your body language.

J r

V O C A BU LA R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1$.

verba! (a) facial expression (n) gesture (n) spontaneously (a) boredom (n) oriental (a) inscrutable (a) code (n) norm (n sleeve (n) casual (a) sober (a) to indicate dedication (n ) proxim ity (n)

Spoken look sign; motion unexpectedly monotony; sadness Eastern hard to make out rule standard cloth to cover the arm informal plain to point out devotion nearness



Do you often touch som e one when you m eet him/her? W h en talking to som e one, how close do you sit? 2 . D o you usually make eye contact w hen dealing with som e one? Do you openly express your em otions? 3. W h e n you m eet som eone for the first time, how do you greet him or her? Do you use the sam e greeting for m en as for w o m e n ? 4. H ow do you greet your friends? H o w do you greet a friend of the opposite sex? H o w do you greet m em bers of you r 'family m em bers like children, adults, old people? % 5. W hich gestures are impolite in your cuiture? C a n you describe three gestures you Use frequently and say w hat they m ean?

H oic T o S p e a k E n g lish W ell Dong gap PD F b&i GV. Nguyen Tlianh Til




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 5. How would you expect the following people to dress: a dentist / a ; bank /a m anager / a teacher / a shop assistant / a secondary school / a student? 7. Th is question for gentlemen. If a girl walks up to you, looks into your i p eyes for a few seconds, then asks, "Could you tell me the time?”, do you think she really wants to know what time it is? 8. T h is question for ladies. A guy walks up to you slowly, keeps his eyes on you, then says, "Excuse me. Do you know where 1 can mail a letter around here?", do you think he's desperate to find a post office? 9. W hen you’re chatting with som eone, do you smile, nod, notice his/her expressions; lean against a wall or put your bags down? 10. W hen you sit down with someone, do you: sit up straight with your legs crossed; lean in towards him/her; sit close with your hands at your side?

TOPIC 99z K EEPING ACHDEVIIW O UB GOALS Truly, everyone has his goals in life. These goals, however, sometimes seem to be so far off, and our progress often appears to be so painfully slow that we have a tendency to lose heart. Well, there are ways to beat this. Th e purpose of m y writing is to share with you som e ways to achieve our goals one after another in the years ahead. First of all, you should get your goals step by step. Needless to say, a lifetime is comprised of days strung together into weeks, months and years, so let’s reducd- rt to a single day, then to each task of that day because a successful life is nothing more than a lot of successful days put together. It is going to take so m any days to reach our goals. W e try to do that as a stonemason puts one stone to build up a big building. If each stone is successfully placed, the building will be finished. If, on the other hand, the stones are put down in a hit-or-miss fashion, the whole building is in danger. Similarly, it's a good and logical way to get our success in life. )n addition, we should have plans for our days and put them into practice. Then, let's take them one day at a time, from the time we wake in the morning until we drop-off to sleep at night, keeping our goal in mind as often as possible. Each day consists of a series of tasks, and

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên Hong A nh , M A . in TESOL the success of a day depends upon the successful completion of most of these tasks. If everything we do during the day is in the best fashion of which we are capable, w e can have a sound sleep that night because we' have done our best. A t that time, our day has been a success because one more stone has been successfully put into its place. fn Vietnam, we have a very good saying that “never leave what we can do today until tomorrow”. Th u s, do each day ail what we can. However, we do not need to overwork or to rush blindly into our work; we should try to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible amount of time. Gradually, we will find ourselves increasing the number of tasks and performing them all much more efficiently. However, we are different, so we might have different points of view about getting our success. W h y don’t we share them with each other? V O C A B U LA R Y T IP to lose heart become discouraged to comprise " , to include or contain Ex: The Soviet Union comprised several socialist republics to string - strung - strung %. to extend or stretch stonemason (n) ^ a person who buSds houses hit-or-miss careless; inattentive sound sleep (n) good sleep O U C S T IO r c S F O R P IS C C S S IO V 1. W hat is success? W hat does it mean to you?

2 . Do you think success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal? W hat should you do to achieve your success? 3. Do you think the more m oney we g e t the more successful we are? C a n m oney bring us happiness? Are the rich always happy? 4. D o you think success can come to us by accident? Is it right to say that a successful man has to pay a high cost for it? 5. W h o is happier between a rich m an without knowledge and a poor m an with wide knowledge? W ho will be successful? 6 . W h y should we build blocks of a successful life? Is a lifetime comprised of days strung together into weeks, months and years? H ow .can we put our idea into practice? Do you agree that from the time we wake up in the morning until we drop-off to sleep at night, keeping our goal in mind as often as possible?

Bate To Sp ea k English Well D ong gôp P D FbM GV. N guyên Thanh Til




Nguyen B ông A nh, M A . in TESOL 8 . W hat does the success of a day depend upon? H o w do you feel when everything w e do during the day is a success? 9. W hat do you think about the saying, “Never leave what w e can do today until tomorrow”? Is it necessary to overwork or to rush blindly into our work?

TO PIC HHh ma»M6 f> V IETNAM W edding is a custom, a w ay of living, and a trait of culture of the people, ancL the society for a long . time. During the different periods, there are different "details, but the m eaning and the spirit.of a wedding remain unchanged. In the old days, there were many,.sophisticated customs, but nowadays three main IW p s are still remained. T h e first one is the p re -e n g a g e m e n t in which the man and his family with betrothal presents such as bet£i ancf areca com e to the wom an's family to ask for ,a promise of marriage. T h e n .jt is the e n g a g e m e n t lt-is an important cerem ony singe^fcfjs considered the formal ^ n g a ^ m e ia t Th e parents, close relatives and the groom, along with betrothal presents such as betel and areca, tea, cake and jam, fruits etc. go to the bride’s family for an ancestral cerem ony. T h e last one is the w e d d in g . T h e wedding ceremonies are usually held at good hours. O n that day, the bridegroom ’s family will ask a n elderly man whose wife is still alive and has a happy family to represent them to meet and bring the bride home. Th e n , the -bridle and b rid ^ro p m .w i.ll “p in k th re a d ” c e re m o n y to e g r e s s their gratitude to the match-making G od and Goddess who have brought them to each other. After that, com es the new ly-w ed’s c o n ju g a l rites in which they will w ear rings and share a glass of wine with each other. KG, In the past, only intimate relatives jand^friends. were invited to wedding parties held mostly at home, and congratuiafocy gifts are simple likewall hangings, tea of wine, trays of ^sticky rice or boxes of cakes. However, nowadays, the rich and the poor usually celebrate their wedding,.parties at hotels or restaurants. G uests come to the party with their envelopes of m oney. Th e n, the bride and groom go to every table for presentation, accompanied by their parents or relatives. Th ere is a table put right at

3cnc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




hguyên H o n g A n h , M J L in T E S O L C Cw. tiie doorway where guests can present their m oney or presents. Th en they sign their signatures for memory. £* vv' '-

H'vCvj: £ v» fj ■t1*'*“’ ^


Gifts no longer carry the sentimental,or spiritual m essages as they used to be. Now, they are more pracrtic^f:' m oney, gold, jewels or household appliances. In som e cases, some parents even a tte m ^ y p make profits from their children's weddings. W hen the wedding is overhand the doors are closed, they calculate; m oney to see whether they get profits or losses.

* * »* «* »'


W *c •

V O C A B IL 4K Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

spirit (n) trait (n) sophisticated (a) betrothal (n) betel and areca ancestral (a) gratitude (n) intimate (a) sticky rice (n) sentimental (a) to attempt to calculate

strength of mind feature complicait^i a mutual promise to many träucau family .^ikikfulness very dose

A xb i

emotional to try to count

QUESTIONS FO R M SCUSSIOM 1- How many stages are there in our traditional wedding? What are the customs and ways of the wedding? Do you want to follow these ways if you get married? 2. What do you comment on the custom of ‘'bargain fo r the w e d d in g p re s e n ts ’? If you can not meet their demand, what should you do? How will you celebrate your wedding party? 3. What are important decisions in one’s life? Is a marriage decision the most important one? W hat does a marital life mean to you? What importance is attached to a marriage decision? 4. W hat do couples expect from their marriage life? W hat influences you to decide on youF m arriage? Should parents decide their children’s marriages? W hat are the influences of the parents to your choice of your partner? A s saying goes, “Y o u ’ll o n ly b e lo s e rs in a n y w a y if y o u d o n ’t fo llo w y o u r p a re n ts ’ a d v ic e .” W hat do you thin$c of the idea, “C h ild re n s h o u ld d o w h a t the ir p a re n ts want"?

Hotc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D öng gojjf P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyên B ô n g A n h , M J L in TESOL 6 . Are you for or against the young have to make their decision on their own marriage? How a bout the parents? Should they leave ft for young couples to their own marriage? 7. W hat roles do love play in one’s marriage? Is it true that love after marriage is not the same as it used to be? W hat are responsibilities of a husband and a wife in protecting family happiness after marrying? 8 . W h y are there more and more couples getting divorced, especially the young? W hat should you do to keep your love alike after getting married? 9. W hat do you think about Vietnamese girts m arry foreigners? Do you know the reason why they get married to each other? W hat are the difficulties between such couples? W hat should they do to bridge the gap between them ? 10. Do you think that their marriages will last long and they are happy? W hat do you comment the situation that m any newspapers are talking about marriages between Vietnamese girls and Taiw anese? And about Vietnam ese wives want to com e back their Father Land? Do you know what happen to them?

TO PIC 10 1 : FACE-TO-FACE C O M M im C A T IO fl In our m odem time, we possess various means of communication that help people contact together easily. T h e y include letters, e-mails, mobile phones, or telephones. However, in my opinion, I think that no means is more effective titan face-to-face communication in which \ can get detailed information, immediate feedback, and correct meaning. Firstly, face to face dialogue affords me the opportunity to convey my message in a more detailed and complete way. Moreover, unlike written words or those spoken on the telephone, I can show m y emotions, moods and expressions in a face-to-face interaction. By using tone, facial gestures and body language, I can make the listener understand my ideas clearty. F o r example, by leaning forward on m y chair and opening my arms, I can convey m y interest in the conversation. Another benefit that face to face communication provides me is the immediate feedback. I can clarify any confusion right away. Due to the

E oic To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii





N guyen H ong A n h , M A - in TESOL _____________________________________ presence of audiences, and the dem and to keep the conversation going, i not only concentrate on the topic, but also try to get audiences’ attention. Moreover, 1 can repeat what I am saying or I can speed up or slow down m y speech. 1 do that because I can get feedback immediately from listeners. Next, it m ay not be denied that the need for accuracy is the m ost important in communication. In face-to-face communication, if the listener does not understand what I say, I can repeat it m any times. Moreover, I can say the sam e things in m any ways. Moreover, if I make mistakes and use half-finished sentences, I can correct it at once to m ake m y speech dear. In short, l can say that writing is more tim e-consum ing as well as requires m ore formal skills than speaking, and telephones m ay make us misunderstand our partners. So, I prefer face-to-face communication.

1. to possess

2. to afford 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


to convey mood (n) tone (n) to lean to clarify accuracy (n)

to express state; temper manner, pitch to bend over to make dear exactness; correctness

QUESTIO NS FO R P lS C ü S S IO fl 1. Do you enjoy meeting people? W hat kinds of people do you often meet or contact? About how m any new people do you meet a week? 2. W hat are ]Bome good things to ask som eone you have just met? W hat are som e things you shouldn't ask people you have just m et? 3. W hat do you think about personal questions? is it O K to ask a person's age, marital status, or salary in your country? 4. Are you nervous w hen you are introduced to someone new? W hat / /:a're som e w ays to overcom e being nervous about meeting new people? 5. W here are som e good places to meet people? W h y do people choose those places? W hat do you think about first impression? How important are first impressions to you ? Do you often trust the first impression?

Bote To S p e a k E nglish W ell

D ong g ôp P D F b&i G V N guyên T hanh Tü




Nguyen R ông Anh, M A . in TESOL 6. How m any m eans of communication do you often use? T o you, which m eans is the most effective one? 7. W hat do you think of communicating by letters, e-mails, mobile phones, or telephones? W hat do you think about face-to-face communication? ' A 8. Do you often show m y emotions, moods or expressions when talking to som eone? D o you think our body language is important in bbr conversations? If yes, how important is it? 9. If your partner does not understand what you have said, what do you often do to make yourself understood? Have you ever been misunderstood that it caused the big trouble to you? If yes, what happened? H o w did you solve your problem?

TO PIC 102: EATÏÏNG AIM» BREVTÜ\G VS VIETNAM 3 ? Vietnamese food is varied, distinctive and generally healthy. Traditionally, cooking is done over a fire, so preparation is by boiling, steaming, barbequing and frying. V A meal in our country is a complete entity with marry dishes; there is no concept of ‘courses’ apart from ‘soup’ that follows the meal. Meals are taken communally, used with bowls, chopsticks and spoons, and are accompanied by an arrangement of sauces, salads and so on. Correct etiquette is to part-fill your bowl with rice using a spoon, then use the chopsticks to transfer pieces of meat, fish or whatever, first to the sauce or dip of your choice, then to your bowl, and finally to your mouth. A. ^ 7

Piling food on top of the rice, pouring sauces into your bowl or transferring food direct from the communal bowl to your mouth are all mildly frowned upon. It’s perfectly acceptable to bring the bowl almost to your lips and use the chopsticks to scoop it into your mouth. However, using the spoon to eat solid food wiii be looked upon with pity by Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people also like eating out. Typically, Vietnamese food is cheap, nutritious and mostly delicious. It can be obtained from vendors, food shops and restaurants everywhere. It seems to be a culture that Vietnamese peopie like enjoying food in the open-place like side-waiks.

R out To S p e a k English W eil D óng góp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen H ong Anh, jfcML in TESOL In addition, eating out in Vietnam is far more common than in Western countries. Usually, the main meals are cooked at home. Breakfast is a ligfjt meal, and is usually eaten out. Dinner is the main and important meal because it is the time for the family reunion. About drinking, Vietnamese usually like having tea, coffee and beer or wine. Drinking tea is an essential accompaniment to a discussion at work, a visit from a friend, or just about any other conversations that involve sitting down. In addition, coffee drinking has becom e fashionable among young people, especially after work or at weekends. Finally, drinking alcohol or beer is so popular in Vietnam. However, people usually do not stop until they are drunk. In short, Vietnam ese customs and habits of eating and drinking are very respectful, various and diversified. W herever they are, they still keep those cultures. â–


distinctive (a) entity (n) communally (adv) etiquette (n) to part-fill


mildly (adv)

7. 8. 9. 10. II.

frowned upon to scoop pity (n) essential (a) accompaniment (n)

individual; typicai unit; being; creature commonly

manner, custom to fill a part gently; kindly displeasure to dig; to measure shame important addition

QUESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. H ow m any m eals do you have a day? W hat are they? Do you often eat something between main meals? 2. W hat kinds of food do you eat most often? W h y? What is your opinion about an ideal meal? 3. Does this kind of food express your personality? W hat do you think are bad habits to avoid in eating? 4. W hat influences your appetite in eating? H o w much does food influence your health? Do you eat before the bedtime? 5. W here would you like to eat (at home, in a restaurant, in a canteen, in a cafeteria, at a party)? W hat are reasons for people to eat out?

H air T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gov P D F b&i G V N guyen Thanh Tu





Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 6. W hat do you think about Vietnamese food? Do you often enjoy foreign food? C an you make a comparison between our food and the foreign one? 7. W hat are typical kinds of Vietnamese food? Can you tell differences among food in the North, the Central, and the South? 8. D o you think the atmosphere affect a lot to our appetite? Do you eat to live or live to eat? W hat do you know about Vietnamese customs and habits in eating and drinking? 9. W hen coming to a party with strange dishes you don’t like to eat, would you ask the host to change the food for you o r would you try? 10. W hat do you know about the art of eating and drinking? What do you think about the w ay Vietnamese enjoy buffets?

TO PIC 1 0 3 i OCR FM EM PS “M y friend goes to the lecture-room without breakfast. M y friend covers a 20 km -distance b y bicycle. One is a tutor; one Is a marketer; one works for a foodshop. A t night, w e have instant noodle for dinner. A t night, we confide together about sadness or fun when we are aw ay from home. Although we com e from the North, Central and the South, we share the sam e cigarette as well as sadness and fUn*. (M y Friend- V o Thien Th a n h ) ~ V l am sure that nearly ail of us know this song, which praises beautiful friendship among students. N o one can deny the fact that friendship is very important in our life, and nobody can say that they have no friends. However, how important is the friendship? Firstly, friendship helps overcom e ou r sufferings. Do you rem em ber a saying, “Happiness is shared, it doubles; sorrow is shared, it’s reduced a h a lf ? Therefore, our sufferings are really released when we have true friends w h o can s h a re them w ith us.

Secondly, friendship encourages us in ou r life. Sometimes, we fall in a state of depression, and we don’t have enough courage to overcome it tfs at that moment that we need our good friend’s encouragement. He will give us advice, and makes us more optimistic.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu





Nguyên R ô n g A n h , M A . in TESOL Thirdly, friendship helps us correct ou r mistakes. W e ourselves rarely recognize our mistakes unless we are told by others. A sincere friend does not hesitate to warn us our faults, and tells us the w a y to correct them. Last but not ¡east, friendship is a source o f happiness. It is said that “W ithout a com p an y o f the friend, this w orld will he d u lf. T h e m ore friends w e have, the happier w e are! D o you agree with m e?

C However, affected by “the western w a y of Ihrincf, m any Vietnam ese young people have changed their w ays of living and thinking, and their opinion of friendship is also different. S o, how we can have a true friend is what w e should also discuss in our today’s topic.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.


11. 12. 13.

to confide = to praise = to deny = suffering (n) = to be released = to encourage ~ depression (n) = courage (n) = optimistic (a)= to hesitate = sincere (a) = com pany (n) dull (a) =

to speak irr confidence to honor to refuse pain to be out to cheer (up) hopelessness bravery positive to be reluctant truthful, honest friendship



1. 2. 3. 4.


Do you have any close friends? H o w long have you known each other? Do you always get along well with them ? Can you tell me something about your d o s e friend, her/his good sides and bad sides? W h at can you ieam from you r friends? H o w pan you choose a real friend? W hat are main factors that help you to keep your friendship e ver lasting? W h y do we need friends? A s saying goes, :,A frie n d in n e e d is a frie n d in d e e d 1. How do you com m ent on this saying? W hen you have problem , w ho do you often share with? Do you usually confide your troubles to your friends?

£ Hozr To Speak English ÏVeil

D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tti




N gurên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 6.

7. 8.



Is a person nowadays willing to sacrifice his benefits for his friends? It's said that now people- friends usually take advantage of others rather than help each other, especially in doing business. Is it right? W hat do you think of the proverb, “E v e ry Ja c k has his JU T? W hat would you appreciate most in friendship? W hat do you think about the friendship in the m odem A g e ? D o e s the friendship like "ItiU Btnh, Duong L i" or som e others like that still exist in our society? W hat do you think about the in d iv id u a lis m in the western society? Does it influence the young in our country now ? Is it good or bad? W hat are its advantages and disadvantages? C a n there be a sincere friendship between a man and a wom an without any feelings of love? C a n a man and a w om an be “ s o u l m ates” without a desire to each other?

TO PIC 104? GOEVG TO U N IV E R SITY At one point or another in their high school lives, m any students wonder whether they should go to university. Som e say no to the question because they might think that higher education is not necessary for them. Others say yes and spend the next four years in classrooms. In m y opinion, people choose to go to university because of three main reasons such as pursuing their academ ic interest, preparing for their future career, and enjoying social life. First of all, m any people attend university to study a particular subject or field in which they f re interested deeply. University curriculums allow students to focus on the fields they are interested in and explore them in depth. Moreover, universities offer a variety of specialized courses instructed by. knowledgeable professors. Such a wide selection of courses and professors with expertise enable students to pursue their academ ic goals in the fields of their choice. A Another common reason for people to go to university is that college education often leads to a better career in the future. A s a matter of fact, in m any countries, people with university degrees tend to find better-paid jobs than those without them . Com panies usually offer higher salaries and more attractive positions to university graduates. In addition, som e universities provide their students with opportunities to acquire practical

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W eil D ong gop P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyén H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL skills that can be useful in the real world. For example, they offer courses in computing, foreign languages as well as apprentice program s in which students can get working experience in a company. Finally, for some students, enjoying social life can be the sufficient reason for staying in school for another four years. Universities often attract students from different parts of the country and even from the world, so they have chances to meet diverse groups of people and learn about their life-styles. Moreover, universities usually have numerous clubs and student organizations, such as sports teams, hobby groups, and social activity groups. Joining these groups, lifelong friendships are often formed. Th u s , universities can be places to meet people of different backgrounds and foster relationships. In conclusion, going to university is a significant decision in life, and people m ay have different reasons for making that decision. T h e y might decide to attend university to pursue their academic goals, to achieve a better career, or to develop friendships. W hatever the reason is, it is important for students to make the best of the opportunities the school provides them. If they do, the time they spend as university students will surely be one of the most meaningful periods of their life.


s 3 3 -

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

to pursue = academic (a) = common (a) = to acquire = apprentice (a) y i sufficient ( a ) . diverse (a) = considerable (a) = campus (n) = to form backgrounds to fb s te r= significant (a) =

< 0

to follow educational, university popular to obtain, to get training enough various great, a lot university grounds to build up, to set up foundation to promote important


1. Are you a student or are you working now? Do you attend any private courses to improve the knowledge of some subjects?

B o w To S p e a k E nglish W ell B ón g goti P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




N g u y e n H o n g A n il , M . A



1J - J u


_________________ ________________________________________

2. D c most high school students in our country go to colleges or universities? Is it possible for all of them to enter a certain university? 3. Are there many universities or colleges in your city? Can you tell us some universities you know? Most of these universities are in good conditions, aren’t they? W hat do you think of equipment and teaching aids in these schools? 4. What do you remember most when you are/were a student? Did /do you often join social activities? Do you have any memories with them? Are/were you in love at your universities? What do you think of students’ love? 5. W hy do students study so m any subjects in their universities? Do you think these subjects are practical in real life? Which subjects do you Wee best? 6. Do/did you do any part-time jobs to earn your living? What do/did you do? Were/ Are you a tutor? What do you think of this job? 7. What do you think of living in dormitories or houses-for-rent? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Have you ever lived there? Which dorm is considered tire most modem one in our city? 8. W hy do many people in our country want to go to university? Do you think people around the work do the same? 9. If people in our country cannot enter a certain university, what

TOPIC 105s WORKING AMU B F l A X W f. Nearly all people want to have jobs to do when they grow up to support themselves and their families. However, I have also heard some people say that if they were rich, they would not work anymore. I do not think they are right because working brings us m any benefits. is widely agreed that work makes us independent, en working, we can earn our living to support ourseives and sometimes supports others. Then, work is also good for our self-esteem because we are not “mistletoes’’. Moreover, work helps us develop ourselves. When we have something to do, we feet that our lives are meaningful. Many wealthy people who do not have to work for a living still work for this reason. In addition many of us enjoy ^du rw ork because it gives us opportunities to get to know and meet other

Hose To S p e a k English W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen HÔngAnh, M A . in TESOL people. Thanks to people w e have contacted, we can improve our personalities, behaviors, and communication skills. However, w e should not always indulge in our work. A s we know work and no play makes Ja c k a dull boy", so I think it is necessary for us to balance working and leisure in our lives. Leisure time is very important for us because it helps us refresh ourselves after working hard. H o w e ve r, w e are different, so the w ay we enjoy our leisure is also different W e have our own rights to choose what to do during our leisure hours. Som e people pursue their hobbies such as holding camping trips or picnics with their family m em bers or dose friends. Others can choose to pursue lively activities such as playing sports, joining adventure tours or taking part in T V game shows. Th e nest choose to stay at home reading books or listening to music. Generally, leisure breaks the m onotony Df the working hours.

rJ?V In short, I think we need both working and relaxing. Working helps us create what we can enjoy, and relaxing helps us enjoy what we have created.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

self-esteem (n) mistletoe (n) wealthy (a) to indulge to refresh to pursue monotony (n)

seif-respect a dependent person rich to be very interested in to make new to follow boredom

Q UESTIO NS F O B D ISC U SSIO N 1. Are you working now or are you still going to school? After working or schooling, do you have to do anything to help your family? 2. Do you think you have a lot of free time or not? H ow do you spend your free time? Do you think you use your time properly? 3 / Is it reasonable to study at two or more colleges at the same time? W hat do you think about the result of this choice? 4. If you want to do something successfully, which one is the most important: talent or the w ay of doing it? W hat do you think of this idea, “If a m an Is famous or called talented man, his talent is occupied one percent but ninety-nine percent is his working"

JJo ir To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F bffi GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen Hong Anh, M-A. in TESOL 5. What are the benefits of the working for a living? Can man live without working? 6. W hat are harms of an idle life? W hat do you think of the saying,

“Idleness is the root all evils '? 7. If you have a lot of money, do you want to stop doing everything to '% enjoy your life? What do you think of people who sit on idleness? 8. Have you ever dreamed of winning the first prize in a lottery? What do you think of people who want to get rich quickly but don’t have to work hard? 9. W hat do you comment on beggars in our city? Do you think all of them are disabled? How about prostitutes? 10. W hat should w e do to make all people realize the importance of working? W hat can you leam from this topic? .

<C T

TOPIC 106: FAM II.Y » K I 4 T IIH S Nowadays, together with the development of society, families in our country have changed a lot Family members are not as close as they used to be. W e can survey causes in some aspects such as changing the life-style, increasing freedom, and working to earn money. X 5First of all, I believe that new styles of living are the most important factor that affects the new generation. With the development of technology, we have had big changes in nearly all aspects of life, especially in the life-style. People are different; so are their life-styles. For example, one m ember of the family wants to play games on computer, another wants to watch T V , and the third one is interested in listening to music. So, these different styles make them farther and farther. in addition, members of the family do not get close because they prefer to have their own world at home. T h e y do not like losing their privacy and want to have more private life. Affected by the western way of living, young members do not like their parents to make decision for them as the parents used to do in the past. Th e se people think that they would rather make decision on their own. Another reason w hy family members are keeping distance is our society and financial problems. In the old days, just one person had to work as a bread-winner, but nowadays all members have to work to earn their

Bore To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




JSguyên Hong A nh , M -A. in TESOL living. T h a t is no wonder w hy the m em bers of the family do not have enough time to talk to others. Som etim es, they have to leave home to work in a far place. In conclusion, ways of living, individualism, and finance make the family members farther and farther. If we do not prevent this phenom enon now, w e will lose our valuable traditions. T o do that, all m em bers of the family should consult with each other when they confront with a problem. Moreover, parents should teach their children how to get along well with each other from their childhood. However, we should act how to respect others' interest and independence maturely.


■ :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

to survey aspect (n) a bread-winner (n) individualism (n) phenomenon (n) to consult to confront to get along mature (a)


to study feature; part wage-earner egoism; independence fact; event § to seek advice from to face to live in harmony grown-up



W h y do people say, “F a m ily is the fo u n d a tio n o f s o c ie t y ? W hat do you think about Vietnam ese family’s foundation? W hat do you think about the family structure in the past and at present? W hat do you think about the traditional family? Is it better than the m odem one? W h y ? Do you prefer to live in a large family with m any generations or live in a small one? W hat are advantages and disadvantages of living in a large family and in a small one? C a n you tell me som e possible reasons that cause family conflicts or break? D o you know w h y there are more and more broken families in our country in recent years? Do you agree that there are more divorces in Western countries than in Vietnam ? C ould you suggest some solutions that can help to keep the family life aiive? As a saymg goes “Th e re is n o p ie ce like h o m e '. D o:‘ you think so? W hat should we do to preserve the structure of Vietnamese family?

B o v To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti




N guyen B ô n g A nh. M A . in TESOL 7. If you get married, do you want to live with your parents and your brothers or sisters in the sam e house? W h y (or w hy not)? W hat should w e do to build up a happy family? 8. There are som e reasons leading to misunderstanding between parents and children. W hat are they? H ow can we cease them?

TO PIC 1 0 7 ; W AYS TO U V B TO 100 I am sure that everyone wants to live as long as possible, but to do that is not easy at all. Th u s , what should we do to be alive to one hundred? (f v Firstly, we should pay attention to our w ays of eating and drinking. Nowadays, it seems that people get fatter and fatter because of eating and drinking too much. T h e y have a lot of chances to eat or drink now: birthdays, w eddings, graduations, holidays, and even weekends. Moreover, m any people are poisoned because of eating carelessly, and quite a few people bear big bellies or suffer from heart diseases because of drinking alcohol or beer too much. Secondly, we should keep our living environment plenty of fresh air. Living in d ose and stuffy room s, breathing foul air, and not being enough out of doors will soon dam age our health. Therefore, we should often dea n our rooms, wash our pillow-cases and bedspreads, and open the windows. Th e n , we should have regular physical exercise. If we do not get much exercise in our daily work, w e should get it in outdoor activities such as playing sports, walking, jogging or swimming. It is proved that more and more people suffer from heart attacks because of not exercising sufficiently. in addition, w e should sleep enough. Staying up too late will spoil our nerves and ruin our health. M any people now stay up too late to watch films or play games. Rem em ber, "E a r ly to b e d a n d e a rly to rise m ake m a n h e a lth y a n d w/se” ^ S ^ i n a l l y , we should avoid bad habits such as smoking, taking drugs, committing ourselves to a life of debauchery.

B o ic To Speafc E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL I do not think what I have mentioned above is enough for us to live to one hundred. Can you work out more w ays?


VOCABULARY T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

to pay attention to to be poisoned belly (n) stuffy (a) foul air to damage sufficient (a) nerve (n) debauchery (n) to w ork out

«5 to care fo r, to be aware ol to suffer toxication stomach unventilated, airless polluted air, unclean air to spoil, to ruin enough courage; bravery; spirit corruption to plan in details

Q UESTIO NS FO R D ISC U SSIO N 1. Are you a sporty m an? W hat kind of sports do you play? H o w Jong have you played it? 2. W hich are your favorite sports, outdoor/ indoor/ team/individual? Do you spend a lot of m oney on you r favorite sports? W hat are the advantages and disadvantages that you can get from sports? W hen do you often play your sports? 3. W hat do you think about the saying, "H ealth m a k e s w ealth"? ts it true or not? H o w often cjo you go for regular medical check-ups? 4. D o you have a lot of stress? H o w can you overcom e your situation? Do you have an y allergies? 5. Do you know anyone who suffers from backaches? Do you know anyone with false teeth? 6. Do you advise people to spend their time on sports rather than drinking, gambling, or hanging out? In which w ay can you do this? 7. Is it easy for you to get used to a habit of following a certain sports? W hen is it the best time of the day for you to do exercise? H o w can businessmen do exercise? W hat kinds of sports are suitable to them ? W hat do you think of sleeping? H o w m any hours do you sleep a day? W hat happen to you if you lack sleep? Is environment in our city good enough? How does it affect our health? C a n you suggest som e w ays to improve our city's environment?

Bote To S peak English Well D ông g ôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen T hanh Til




Nguyen Hong A n k , M A . in TESOL __________ _____________ ______ _ 10. Do you usually pay attention to your eating and drinking? Do vou prefer eating out to eating at hom e? H ave you ever been poi; food? 11. Do you want to Jive to one hundred? Can you suggest soi ways to live as long as possible? W hat can you draw fron discussion?

TO PIC 108= SPECIAL MOMENTS In our m odem time, it is very necessary for us to get special moments when we can remove ourseives from the hectic and frenetic pace of our daily life, even when we have a lot of m odem devices that help us finish our work soon. However, many of us seem to be very busy studying or working. So, how can w e make a day in our life special? Surely, you may believe mat our life is less hectic and stressful with' the appearance of m odem appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, or microwave ovens, but I do not think so. Although the advent of m odem conveniences may have made us more productive and thereby able to free up valuable time, it also increases our workload. For example, to have enough m oney to buy them, we have to work very hard, even we have to do two or three jobs at the sam e time. Therefore, how can we enjoy our life? In addition, m odem technology has invaded our Accessing the Internet may keep us better informed; mobile phones help us contact others quickly, but they also takes away the precious time w e used to spend reading books or visiting our friends. Previously, we could enjoy our morning so m uch because there were no telephones or hand­ phones to wake us up. You also believe that m odem communication technology is very convenient for you, but I do not. It seem s that som e of us feel buried under unanswerable m essages we receive everyday. I have witnessed some friends of mine, who have to work in the evenings or at weekends at hom e because they do not have enough time to answer all m essages they have received in their offices or companies.

E<m T o S p ea k E n glish W ell

D ông gôp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




N guyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL If our life goes by like this, is it meaningful? W hat should we do to have som e special m om ents in our life? H o w can we leave all of the m odem technological and communication devices behind and walk out freely? H o w can w e exchange daily news and talk about anything else with our family m em bers? Let’s find out the answer in our today’s discussion.

Y O C A BLXAK Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9

hectic (a) frenetic (a) pace (n) device (n) a d ve n t(n ) thereby (adv) workload (n) to invade to witness


busy; hurry speed; tempo appliance arrival; appearance

thus£sS© •" the amount of work

to attack; to occupy to see


Q UESTIO NS F O R W S C iS S IO Y 1. W hat are the most popular gam e shows in your country? W hat did you watch on T V yesterday? W hat is one of yo u r favorite T V show s? W h y do you like it? W hen is it on? Does you father like it, too? ^ 2. Have you ever been to a play? If so, when w as the last time? Have you ever been to the theater? H ave you ever tried water skiing? 3. W hat's the most popular holiday in your country? W hen is it? How is it celebrated? W hen was the last time? W hat is your favorite holiday? W h y ? H o w far in advance do you begin planning a vacation? 4. W hat are som e good books that you have read? W hat is the best book you have ever read? Should books be censored? H o w often do you read com ic books? W hat kind of things do you tike to read? W hat w as the last book you read? W h o is your favorite author? 5. W hat are som e of the good m ovies you have seen? Should movies be rated? Explain. 6. is gambling legal where you live? W hat are som e forms of gam bling people do in your country? W h y do som e people gam ble? ;7 .; W h a t are som e of the most popular amusement;, parks in your country? 8. W hat gam es are popular in your country? W h y are they popular? W hat com puter gam es have you played? W hich are.your favorites?

S a ve To S p e a k E n g ih k W eil D ong g<\p P D F b&i GV. N guyên Thanh Tü




Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL Which do you think are not so interesting? W hat are som e games that you don't like to play? W h y? 9. W hat do you do in your spare time? W hat do you like to do on a night out? W hat do you think of soccer? (baseball, hang glidin g,...) 10. W ho is your favorite musician? W h o is your favorite female singer? W ho is your favorite male singer? W ho is your favorite guitarist? W hat kind of m usic do you like? W hat singer would you most like to meet? W hen do you usually listen to the radio? 11. W ho are som e of the famous actors and musicians in your country? Who are some of your favorite actors and actresses? W h o do you think is the funniest com edian? 12. W ho is the most popular entertainer in your country? D o you often go drinking? W here? W ho with? H ow often? Would you rather go to a bar or a nightclub? W hat do you do for fun?

T O P IC 1 0 3 : C H R IST M A S In m any parts of the world, Christm as is the day when people celebrate the birth of Je sus Christ in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus and his coming into this world. T o them, he is recognized as the Son of G od and the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, Jesus was bom in a m anger because there w as no room for him and his parents, M ary and Joseph, in an inn. People often attend church, organize family gatherings, and decorate their homes o r businesses. T h e y also send greeting cards to their friends and families, and these cards will be hung on the walls of their homes. Usually, Christm as cards show religious pictures, winter pictures, Father Christmas, o r romantic scenes of life in past times. Christm as is also a chance for children to get presents from Santa Claus - the old man in a red coat with long white beard and a bag of presents. He lives near the North Pole, and arrives through the sky on a sledge pulled by reindeer. H e com es into houses down the chimney at midnight and places presents for the children in socks or bags by their beds or under the family Christm as tree. 4*

Hoto To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyen Hong Anh, M A- in TESOL Overall, Christmas is the time for the family reunion and w express their honor to Jesus Christ.

VOCABULARY T IP 1. to celebrate fselibreit] = to hold: 2. Savior fseivia] (n): 3. manger fmeindna] (n): 4. bibte fbaibl] (n): 5. inn (n): 6. religious {rfliduasj (a): 7. North Pole: 8.


sledge = s n o w - c a r t reindeer freindia]

to chi>c Chuaa>u the mang co kinhthanh quan tro ton giao cpcbac xe tnrqt tuy§t con tu£n !pc


QUESTIONS FO B P IS ttS S IO N 1. Do you attend any special religious ceremonies during the Christmas season? Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate Christmas in a special or traditional way? 2. Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? Do you eat a turkey dinner for your Christmas dinner? Do you enjoy singing Christmas songs? 3. Do you exchange presents with your friends at school? Do you go to church on Christmas day? Do you hang up a stocking? Do you have a Christmas party at school? 4. Do you have a Christmas Tree? If so, how do you decorate it? When do you put it up? When do you take it down? Is it reai or artificial? 5. Do you have any plans to go to a Christmas party? Do you know why Christmas is celebrated around the world? 6. Does you school have a Christmas play? Does your town get decorated at Christmas? What kind of decorations? Have you already finished your Christmas shopping? Have you ever celebrated Christmas in a foreign country? 7. Have you ever made your own Christmas cards? if so, how did you make them? How long do you keep your Christmas tree up after Christmas? How tong is your Christmas vacation? 8. How many Christmas cards did you receive last year? How many Christmas cards do you send? How many presents do you usually 0ive? If you are not a Christian, does the intense focus on Christmas? If you could go anywhere during Christmas vacation, where would you go?

Bote To Speak English Well

D ong gop P D F bod GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu

t94 w w w r A rT D o o irc o M / B o iD u o r ic iic n H ^ Q ' y n h » n



N guyen H ong Anh, M.A. in TESOL 10.1s there a holiday similar to Christmas? What are some popular foods for the Christmas season? What are you going to buy your boyfriend/girtfriend for their Christmas present? 11. W hat is your favorite Christmas song? Are there any special songs in your country that you don't hear here? 12. W hat kind of interesting things do you do for Christmas? W hat time does your family open the presents? W hat is the best Christmas present you have ever gotten? 13. W ho is Santa C lau s? Do you know the history of Santa C laus? W hat do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas? At what age did you begin not believing in Santa Claus? Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?

TO PIC l i f t SOLAK NEW YEAH Solar New Y ear is the day when people celebrate the beginning of a new year. On N ew Year's Eve, family or friends often get together for dinner or have a party to welcome the N ew Year. People often count down the hours, minutes, and seconds before the New Y ear arrives, and they sometimes go out to see fireworks.


N ew Y ear’s D ay is a time of new beginnings, so people often make resolutions for the N ew Year. Th ese resolutions are usually promises or goals they hope to finish during the coming year. Other resolutions m ay deal with improving one’s relationship with family members or friends. O n this occasion, children also receive lucky money form the older, and far-away people have time to re-unite with their families. In addition, they have chances to entertain themselves after a year of working hard. ) myself also love this day because I do not go to work or to school. At that time, I can come back with m y family or meet my friends somewhere to enjoy good time with them.


Sotc To Speak English Well F)nng pop P D F hrfi G V Nguyen Thanh Tit

------ --- _




N g u y in H o n g A n h , M A . in T E S O L

VOCABULARY T IP 1. New Year’s Eve:

dem giao thOa

2. fireworks [farawaiksl: phao hoa 3. resolution [.reza'lui/nj: quy§t tarn Ex: What h ave become of your good resolutions ? NhCmg y dinh sisa tboi xau cua anh da di den dau roi? 4. lucky money: tiln li xi 5. to re-unite [,ri:ju:'naitj: hop la b



H o w was this year? W as this year better or worse than fast year? H o w com e? W hat was the happiest thing for you this year*? W h a t w as the saddest thing for you this year? W hat was the toughest thing for you this year? 3. W hat w as the best movie for you this year? W hat w as the best m usic for you this year? What was the best T V show for . you this year? W hat was the best place you visited this year? 4. W hat was the best food you had this year? W hat w as the best restaurant you went to this year? W hat was the most useful thing you bought this year? ^ 5. W hat w as the most expensive thing you bought this year? W hat w as the best item of clothing you bought this year? 6. W hat was the biggest waste of m oney this year? W hat w as something you lost this year? 7. Do you have any regrets about this year? Did you m ake a N e w Y ear’s Resolution this year? Do people in your country usually m ake N ew Year's Resolutions? 8 . Do you think |he New Y ear is the best occasion for us to relax? W h at activities would you like to have during the New Year? C ould you suggest som e suitable activities for people? 9. W hat popular activities are there at the end of a year? Which ones do you prefer? Are you saving now? D o you intend to spend all you r savings on Th e New Year? 10. H o w do you feel when an old year ends and a New Y e a r stars?

Hou> t o S p e a k English. VFeU

D ong gov P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tit




Nguyên Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL t o p ic

m s P A ir a o r s

p u r c o iiv t r y

in our country, dating is considered an adolescent issue, and it is so sensitive that people usually keep it in secret. Traditionally, Vietnamese males and females are not allowed to date. T h e y simply grow up in their family until 18 to 20 years old sometimes earlier, get married according to their parents’ arrangements, and build up their own families. However, everything changes in this century.


Dating is forbidden in the old days because it is, believed to against traditions, to encourage sons and daughters to oppose their parents' orders, and to bring shame to their family. In previous societies, youths who have affections for one another may carry their relationship in secret, but eventually and dutifully, they cannot get married to each other because of their parents’ arrangements. Th is means they must marry a complete stranger or someone they do not love. However, they have no choice because pleasing their parents,is a social priority, and doing otherwise would be a major dishonor. Traditionally, Vietnamese females are often shy and usually do not make the first move in starting a relationship. If a young man finds someone he likes, he must formally introduce himself to her family and seek their approval before he can date her. This usually requires him to meet with her parents and family members in their house several times. After several regular visits, when he has gotten to know her famify, he may finally ask her parents for permission to date her. Today, however, parents in Vietnam are more opened-minded, and allow their sons or daughters to date and get to know each other before getting married. However, traditions still have a strong clasp, and public displays of affection by couples, including holding hands, touching or kissing are still considered impolite and must be done privately. In short, the w ay of dating nowadays is quite different from one in the old days. However, I think that we should not imitate the western way to against our customs and traditions.

Hotc To S pook English WeB D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til





Nguyen Hong Anh, M J L in TESOL

VOCABULAHY I I P 1 .. 2. 3. 4. 5.

adolescent (n) to oppose dutifully (adv) approval (n) clasp (n)

teenager to resist obediently support; agreement embracement; hold


3. 4.




8. 9* 10.


Do you have a boyfriend/girtfriend? W here did you meet him/her? What does he/she look like? Do you know what it means to 'go Dutch’? Do you "go Dutch” when dating? Is it usual for people in your country to ’go Dutch’ if you go out together? Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger giils/boys? Do younger girls/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think some people know that they will fall in love witfi someone the first time they meet? Q p How often would you like to go out on dates? How old were you when you went on your first date? Where did you go? What did you do? W ho did you go with? D o you think a boy should pay for everything on a date? ^ Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? W h y or W h y not? Do you think it’s O K for a man to have two wives? Do you think it’s O K for a wife to have two husbands? How long do you think couples should know each other before they get m anied? How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? How old were your parents when they got married? If your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry, would that be a difficult situation for you? Why/Why not? if you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved, or a. rich man whom you did not love, which would you choose? How would your parents feel if you married someone from a different country? Do you think that it is good for children to have parents from two different countries? W h y? W h y not? ien should you introduce your boyfriend/girtfriend to your parents?— when you begin dating, after you have been together for a while, only when the relationship is serious? W hy?

Bow To Speak English. Well B on g gop P D F bdi GV. Nguyen Thanli Tu




Nguyen H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL



W hen the New Y e a r comes, ft is the time to make promises to ourselves to improve our lives. I have m ade m any N ew Y ear’s resolutions since I w as a college student. Every year, 1 promise myself to do exercise regularly. Also, this year I will do that! M y body must have a sensor that tells me. to m ake New Y ear's resolutions. I think this is an easy thing to plan; however, it is v e ry difficult to follow up on it. Also, for m y health, I will eat fewer sweet things such as chocolates and candy, and i will drink less coffee or beer. Especially, in this year, ! am going to study harder to improve m y English skills. For example, I will never miss any Sunday to join English Speaking Club. I really want to improve m y English, so I will keep writing m y diary in English everyday and read more books in English. I realize that reading is good for not only improving m y English, but also filling the emptiness I feel these days. I think keeping away from books has made me feel this way. J V Moreover, I will try to be a more organized person. I usually do something on impulse, and make a quick decision. T o decide important things, I should be more cautious and think over them. I will also listen to or consult others before doing som e important things. T o m y family, I will be a better person. I have been too selfish for a long time. I cannot rem em ber when I last did something good for m y family. I feel ve ry sorry about that, so this year I plan to care more for m y family than for myself. T o m y friends, I will be friendlier, and I will keep in touch with them more frequently. M y friends m ay be disappointed because of m y negligence. In short, I am going to be diligent and try to ca n y out all my New Y e a r’s resolutions. I will do m y best! O n this occasion, I would like to wish you and your family a happy and successful new year.

4 7


To S p ea k English WeÜ

D ông gôp P D F bd i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




JSigUyên Hong 4nA. M A . in TESGL

V O C A B IIA B Y T I P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

resolution (n): sensor (n) impulse (n) cautious (a) negligence (n) diligent (a)


feeler desire; urge careful

ignorance h a rd -w o rk in g ; industrious

How was this year? W a s this year better or w orse than last year? How com e? W hat w as the happiest thing for you this year? W h a t was the saddest thing for you this year? Do you have any regrets about this year? If yes, what are they? Have you m ade a N e w Y ear’s Resolution this year? Do people in your country usually m ake N ew Y ear's Resolutions? Do you think the N e w Y e a r is the best occasion for us to relax? W hat activities would you like to have during the N ew Y e a r? Could you suggest som e suitable activities for people? W hat popular activities are there at the end of a year? W hich ones do you prefer? % Are you saving now? Do you intend to spend all your savings on T h e N e w Ye a r? How do you feel when an old year ends and a N e w Y e a r stars? W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

H s u TVi Av «ÇJ j-j r-u n .

__ »-• *- «rr7c.r »» u

B ón g gòp P D F b à i GV. N guyên Thanh Tii




N guy en Hong Anh, M A. in TESOL

TO PIC 113: STUPÏTO G ABRO AD W hen people’s standard of Irving t r increases, they think about improving J b their knowledge for a better life. T o do “ j that, they choose to study in developed countries where they can get progressive education. However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and overseas studying is not an exception. In the first place, overseas studying is often expensive. A student has to pay not only for his school fees but also for his accommodation, food, transport, clothes, books, etc. Therefore, finance m ay become the biggest problem. Consequently, it distracts his mind from studying to earning money. Th is m ay affect their study. Secondly, adapting to a new environment is a real challenge for every foreign student. While changing weather can affect student’s health, different cultures and customs m ay influence his mind and make him become less confident or even a victim of discrimination. Everyday m ay turn into a struggle for survival in a strange country. If one does not have enough physical and mental strength, he will fail to adjust himself in the new environment. A s a consequence, he could neither study nor gain necessary experiences as he has expected. However, there are obvious advantages to study abroad. Students have opportunities to approach new technologies, and the latest science achievements. Furthermore, they are equipped with valuable and updated knowledge which m ay help them find good jobs after graduating. In addition, overseas studying offers students chances to discover new cultures, ways of thinking, history, customs and life-styles. A s a result, the awareness of these differences makes them more tolerant and o p e n -m in d e d . In conclusion, while studying abroad offers great opportunities for a better future, it also has challenges that one must try his best to overcome to make his dream become true. O n the other hand, overseas studying is not the only w ay to create a good career. O ne can surely succeed in life if he is gifted and dedicated to his study and work.

H ate To S p e a k E nglish WeU D óng góp P D F b ò i GV N guyen Thanh Tti




Nguyên JHôngAnh, M A . in TESOL

VOCABULARY T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

progressive (a) to distract discrimination (n) survival (n) to adjust achievement (n) tolerant (a) gifted (a)

developing to divert; to absorb prejudice existence to change success open-minded talented


3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9.


W hat are purposes of education? Do you think that education is the best investment in our children’s future? W hat do you think of our educational system at present? Do you think that children now have to leam a lot? Learning a lot is good or not? .. W hat do you think of Western educational system s? W hat are the differences? Which one do you think is better? Do you like studying abroad? If yes, why do you like it? Which country do you want to study i n ? V Is it cheap or expensive to study overseas? H ow much does it cost for a school year? W hat kinds of fee does a student have to pay when studying abroad? Is it easy for you to adapt to a new environment? If the weather changes, does it effect your health? W hat do you think about different cultures and customs? W hat difficulties does an international student have to face every day? Do you think all students can overcome those difficulties? W hat are advantages to study abroad? W hat opportunities do students have when they are in developed countries? D o you think overseas studying offers students chances to discover new cultures, ways of thinking, history, customs and lifestyle? Do these differences make them different when coming back to their homeland? W hat can you draw from today’s discussion?

B ow To Speak English W ell D ong gop P D F bed GV. N guyên Thanh Til




Nguyên Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL


iv ■ ».

When people get married, they do not often realize and understand the challenges they will face in the future, but is divorce court the only solution when marital problems occur?


■ ■

■ ■

m M




Such challenges





financial, or psychological problems that surface at some point in a marriage. T h e question is not whether or not we will face stress in a relationship; rather, it's ho w we will deal with stress and problems when they knock at our doorstep. Seeking a divorce at the first signs of stress is not the only solution, especially if we have realistic expectations at the beginning of a relationship. First of all, when problems arise, the first thing to do is to communicate openly with our partner in a very concerned, non-judgementa! way. More problems in a marriage occur because of selfishness than any other factor. Don't blame one another, but carefully analyze the situation and work together to resolve concerns. °^«J . Second, because some marital problems arise due to financial problems, create a budget on how we will save and spend your money. D o n t overextend ourselves with credit. O nly spend what we have rather than using credit cards. Third, consult with a marriage counsellor or therapist to help us resolve problems. If people really love each other, they will do whatever it takes to preserve their marriage instead of seeking a quick divorce. I hope there are fewer and fewer divorces.

VOCABBLABY T IP 1. challenge (n) difficulty 2. to surface to rise 3. to arise to happen 4. non-judgemental not judged or judging Ex? They tried to adopt a nonjudgmental attitude that didnl reflect their own biases. My guidance counselor in high school was sympathetic and nonjudgmental. 5. to blame to find fault with A * 6. to overextend to go too far 7 . therapist (n) d o cto r

B ote To S p e a k E nglish W ell D onggop PDFbffi-GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




guy£n B d n g A n h , M A . in T& S0L

p U E ST IO ftS FO R B lS C liS S IO ^ W hat do you think are som e of the main causes of marital problems and discord? W hat can couples do to prevent, minimize, and resolve such issues? U nder what conditions, if any, should divorce be considered an option? W hat impact can divorce have on children? Is divorce legal in your country and under what conditions is it permitted? Do you think that getting divorced is a bad thing irt human being’s life? W ho will suffer after a divorce? Is it easy for a husband and a wife to get remarried? Is getting married soon the main reason leading to the divorce later? W hat do you think of the third person in marital life? In the future, if you discover that your partner is adulterous, what will you do? W hat do you think of thefove after getting married? Do you want to get married soon? Before getting married, what should we prepare? Do you think that the true love will lead to a happy marital life? ). After talking about this topic, do you want not to get married?

TO PIC lia r O Y H t P O P IM T IO X T h e world’s population is reaching a level w here there will not be enough resources to sustain life as we know it. It also causes m any environmental, social, and economic problems not only in developing areas, but also in the industrialized areas. A t first, overpopulation causes a world-wide ain shortage which raises prices, which in turn puts food out of reach even more people. A s far as we are concerned the earth does not •ntain enough resources to indefinitely sustain the current enorm ous »pulation growth, in m any areas, there is even not enough food to feed e growing populations. Each' day thousands of children die from alnutrition and its related diseases, or suffer from poor health due to od shortages. . •• ^

/»other resource, which cannot keep up with an increasing population, water. T h e supply of fresh water is limited, and creating fresh water

Trt ^no/i

wrr f ic -ia TT/>lf

D ong gap P D F bod GV. N guyen Thanh Tu





Nguyen H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL _____________________________________ can be expensive. According to environmentalist, underground water seem s to be gradually exhausted, so a sweffinn nnnuistinn m av haup tn turn to desalinization for their clean water. in addition to depleting resources, environmental problems. Pollution is an environmental problem w hose magnitude is increased by overpopulation. A s more people drive more cars, use more electricity, throw away more domestic waste, aridTcut down more trees, the environmental problems we experience are greatly increased, especially in developing nations which often promote industries. o Besides causing the environmental strains on the earth, overpopulation causes a large num ber of the social problems in today’s society. It has been proved that children w hose family sizes ape larger do worse in sch o o l Som e researches have found that as family size increases, parents talk less to each child about school, have lower education expectations, save less for college and have fewer educational materials available. T o solve the above-m entioned problems, we have to restrain the population from growing. T h e y are family planning services, international awareness, population education, improving wom en's status, and econom ic incentives. M any of these solutions have been implemented in various countries with success. Th ese are easy solutions with few adverse side-effects. Birth control and family planning is one excellent w ay of slowing the population growth. Som e countries such as Japan, China, Russia, and Singapore are very successful. Moreover, the government can control population by creating econom ic incentives for families with less than tw o children. For instance, a couple with only one child can receive a one-time reward of m oney and rice. If that child does not live to maturity, the couple is allowed another. In addition, we can use education, government propaganda, and community pressures.


Another w a y is increasing w om en’s rights. Th is is evident in developed nations where fewer births occur as the wom an's role in society changes. Elevating wom en out of their lower-class status In many nations will greatly aid progress. A s women gain economic, political, and reproductive power in today’s industrialized nations, birth rates drop /dramatically, and now most of Western Europe is at or below replacement level.

B o te T o S p e a k E nglish W ell B ón g góp P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Til





Nguyen Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL In short, overpopulation causes many global problems. However, if the above-mentioned solutions will be followed, it is not very difficult for us control the population growth. When people are educated to the benefits of limiting family size, they respond with lower birth rates. Education, coupled with economic pressure, will end the overpopulation problem and ease many of the other problems faced by today's society.



z 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

sustain life shortage (n) malnutrition (n) exhausted swelling desalintzation (n) magnitude (n) strain (n) to restrain to implement /adverse (a) incentives (n) maturity propaganda (n) T

1. 2.

material life lack not enough nourishing food tired becoming bigger salt removal size tension to control to carry out harmful; against encouragement ^ “b ein g grown-up

spreading particular ideas


How many people are there in your family? Do you think your family is a big one? How many people are often there in a Vietnamese family? How many people are there in our country at present? Do you think our country is overpopulated? Which country has the biggest population? ¿ y ' What is the first problem does overpopulation cause? What do you think about the grain resources? Which countries in the world do not have enough food to feed their populations? What do you think about children in those countries? What are consequences of food shortages? What is another resource which cannot keep up with an increasing population? What will happen to the earth if the supply of fresh water is limited?

r V

lo w To S p ea k English )VeIl Dông gôp P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii

206 W W W .FA C E B O O K .C O M / B O ID U O N G H O A H O C Q U Y N H O N

W W W .D A Y K E M Q U Y N H O N .U C O Z .C O M

W W W .F A C E B O O K .C O M /D A Y K E M jQ U Y N H O N

Nguyên Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL 6.


8. 9.


Besides underground water and rain water, what are other resources of clean water? What do you think about towing icebergs from the polar caps and desalinization for their dean water? How can overpopulation increase environmental problems? Which countries may suffer the environmental pollution most when overpopulation happens? What do you think about industries 'm developing nations? Do you think many people are still poor because they have a lot of children? What may happen to children from big families? ° T o solve the population problems, what should we have io do? What have developed countries done to solve their population problems? What do you think about birth control and family planning? Which countries are very successful in implementing this way? How could they do that?

TOPIC 116; GLOBAL WABMIMG Th e Earth as an ecosystem is changing. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than it has been before. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat, hence it causes global warming. The reason we exist on this planet is because the earth naturally traps just enough heat in the atmosphere to create the conditions that give us breathable air, dean water, and the weather we depend on to survive. However, we have overloaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping gasses from our vehicles, factories and power plants. A s a result, we will experience extreme temperatures, rises in sea levels, and storms of unimaginable destructive fury' The main reason that causes global warming is the "greenhouse effect" that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse. First, sunlight shines onto the Earth’s surface, where it is absorbed and then radiates back into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere, “greenhouse” gases trap some of this heat, and the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, more heat gets trapped.

R ow To S p e a k English We U Dông gôp PDF b&i GV. Nguyên Thanh Tii




Nguyên H ô n g A n h , M A . in TESOL T h e rapid rise in greenhouse gases is a problem because it is changing the climate faster than some living things m ay be able to adapt. Also, a new and more unpredictable climate poses, unique challenges to all life. N ow , with concentrations of greenhouse gases rising, Earth’s remaining ice sheets such as Greenland and Antarctica are starting to mefi too. T h e extra water could potentially raise sea levels significantly. In addition to sea levels rising, weather can becom e more extreme. T h is m eans more intense major storms, m ore rain followed by longer and drier droughts, changes in the ranges in which plants and animate can live, and loss of w ater supplies that have historically come from glaciers. If w e do not act to curb global warming, we will suffer.a lot of health risks. A s temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes and rodents spread fever, malaria, and other diseases. Moreover, w hen sea levels rise, Vietnam is one of the countries suffering the most serious consequences. Let’s protect our environment together.

V O CABULARY T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

ecosystem to trap fury (n ) to absorb to radiate unpredictable (a) pose (n) intense (a) drought (n) glacier (n) to curb rodent (n)

: v 1.



/ V


ecology J o catch anger to take in to spread out to give out random cause strong, powerful being dry A huge m ass of ice to control; to limit rat, squirrel, o r beaver


W h at is causing global warm ing? W hat does the greenhouse effect have to do with global warm ing? Is global warming already happening? Are humans contributing to global w anning? W hat is'the best source of scientific information on global warm ing? • H o w much warm er is the Earth likely to become?. H ow many degrees is giobal warming expected to raise temperatures? H o w long does carbon dioxide remain in the atmosphere? W here are we heading with atmospheric carbon dioxide? \

ffo ir T o S p e a k E nglish W eil B ón g góQ P D F b à i GV. N guyên Thanh Tü




Nguyên E ô n g A n h , M A . in TESOL 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.

10 .

Would a temperature rise of a couple degrees really change the global climate? Is global warming connected to the hole in the ozone layer? W hat is the cause of sea level rise? H ow m any inches has the sea level risen so far? D o extreme events such as heat waves and floods have anything t6 do with global warm ing? W hat is the Kyoto Protocol? Is there anything we can do about global w arm ing? Are El Niños related to Global W arm ing? Will responding to global warming be harmful to our econom y? W hat will Vietnam suffer when the sea level is higher? ^

TO PIC 117: WAYS OF ENTERTAINING Th ere are many ways of entertainment among young people nowadays. Depending on the individual situations and way of living, people choose their own w ays of entertainment. Som e like reading papers, magazines, and books while others like watching T V S r films, travelling, listening to music or playing computer gam es or chatting on the Internet. In m y free time, I really like surfing the Internet W hen I get home from work, I turn on m y computer, and then I go online. I usually check m y emails and write a few m essages to family and friends. I sometimes scan the local news headlines at m y favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international news. I can also watch films or play gam es on it. Using the internet is really fun and convenient.


Besides surfing the Internet I really enjoy listening to music because it helps me relax and takes m y mind aw ay from other cares of the day. Personally, i really like listening to country and western music. Som e of the lyrics to these songs are inspirational and moving. Occasionally, I listen to classic rock or classical music, but I cannot stand heavy metal or rap music. W henever I get home, ! turn on m y stereo system, crank up the volume, and enjoy the music. In addition, I am fond of reading, but m y mood often determines what i read. I enjoy comic books; it is usually light reading, and the stories are not very long, but some comics really reflect daily life in m y culture. I also

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng góp P D F bôd GV N guyên Thanh Tú





i guyin H ong Anh, M j 1. in TESOL ke to skim the newspaper every day to find out what is happening in the uorfd. Th is keeps me up to date on current focal and international events. Overall, reading helps me not only stay in touch with the world >ut it also gives me a chance to relax.

A Whenever I have much free time, I go oh several fishing trips to lakes jnd streams a few hours from my house. T o go fishing, I have to prepare ny fishing gear such as a fishing rod and reel, a box, and the fishing net f l am fishing at a lake, I usually fish from the bank. Fishing is very good or me to relax, to review what I have done, and to think about things to :ome. _ast but not least, I sometimes go shopping downtown with m y younger sister. I mainly visit departments and clothing stores to check out the atest fashions. If I find something on sale at a reasonable price, I sometimes buy it, but m y sister usually buys a lot of things. It seems that she spends all money she earns on shopping. However, I am not surprised because she is a girl.

VOCABULARY T IP to scan inspirational (a) to crank up mood (n) to reflect gear (n)

to iook; to check moving; motivating to turn on frame of mind; state to reproduce; to mirror device

OITESTIOAS FO B M SC U SSIO N Do you have a lot of free time? H ow do you spend it? W hat are your hobbies? Which one do you like best? Do you like watching T V ? Do you watch T V a lot? How often do you watch T V ? W hen do you usually watch it? W hat kinds of programs do you usually watch? W hat’s your favorite program? W hat’s your favorite channei? D o you . like watching films? W hat kinds of films do you prefer? W hat / Q 0 your favorite film? C an you tell me which film stars are your idols? W here do usually see films; at home or cinema? Do you listen to the radio a lot? How much time do you listen to it every day? W hen do you listen to it? W hat kinds of programs dc you often listen to? Do you ever listen to programs in English? What's your favorite radio station? Do you ever listen to the radio in bed?

B o te To S p e a k English W ell D ong gop P D F bffi G V N guyen Thiuih Tu




Ngityên Hong Anh^ M A , in TESOL 5. 5. 7.



Do you like listening to music? What kinds of music do you listen to? W ho are your favorite singers and groups? Do you play any sports? What sports do you like most? When do you usually play? How do you feel after playing? What do you usually do at the weekends? What do you think of singing karaoke? Do you like it? Do you often go to Karaoke Bars? Which one do you like best? W hy? How often do you go singing karaoke? 'Singing karaoke is good o r trad "to you? Does singing karaoke help you get rid of the burden or difficulty in your life? Do you think you are more confident when singing karaoke? Is it the best way for you to improve your confidence? There are m any kinds of entertainment now, which one do you like best? Can you explain it dearly, please?

TOPIC 118s VIETNAMESE TET Any foreigners who_: happen ter be in - Vietnam during 2 end part of January will be fascinated by the Vietnamese New Year celebration. ■


Th e first pre-Tet ceremony is Le Ta o Quan. It js_heid to send the Spirit of the Home (Ta o Q u a n) off to report to the Emperor of Jade (Ngoc Hoang) in a positive frame of mind. H e goes by a carp {ca chep). Then, a New Y e a rs Tre e (C a y Neu) is constructed to ward off evil spirits. Later, a sacrifice (cursg ong ba) is offered, to deceased family members '



At the end of the year, at midnight the Vietnamese celebrate their New Y e a ts Eve. At that time, everybody stays^at hom eland takes part in stfent ceremonies. Th e wholeJaj]njlyjgathers''around the ancestral altar. , ^Wrth spring flowers around and incense smoke overhead, they remain n ‘ Seep in ftT p u g R t^ ^ e ta re ffiey thinking.ab^ut? T h e y are thinking of their ' ancestors who fought to cre a te and preleive their family happiness and homeland. Th e y are thinking of their dear friends who are far away. At the same time, the whole family is to welcome the returriof the Spirit of the Home. Now it is the time for people to explode firecrackers to welcome his return at the beginning of the New Year. However, firecrackers have been forbidden now.

S o ts To S p e a k English W ell D ong gop P D F b&i GV Nguyen Thanh Tii




¿yen B d n g A n h , M A . in TESO L the “Head D a y ” of the year as Vietnam ese usually call it, they pay ts to their relatives, wishing each other a H ap py N e w Year. A great nber of people go to pagodas to pray to the B uddh a that peace "may ¡rt am ong their families and over their co.untry. T h e y n e ver fail to bring ne branches of fresh plants as a “sym bol of happiness”. O n the ond day, people start am usem ents and gam es which last for nearly a ^


'.U .


•re are also m any other am usem ents such as cock-fights, bird-fights, -fights, cards and chess, as well as regional folk dances: unicorn ce, dragon dance or lion dance. lough som e traditions of T e t are not any more, the m eaning of the T e t tains the sam e: to recall the Past and prepare for the Future.

C A B C L A R Y TCP fascinated (a) to ward off deceased (a) attar (n) incense (n) to reign

attracted to protect against deaoV a place where you worship nhang to cover

O lE S IT O N S F O R P IS € lS S IO \ Last year, w here did you do? W h a t did you g o ? W h a t do you com m ent on the w a y city people enjoy Te t? Do you think T e t is the best occasion for us to relax? W h a t activities would you like to . h ave during T e t? C ould you suggest som e suitable activities for people? W hat popular activities are there at the end of a year? W hich ones do you prefer? A re you saving now? D o you intend to spend all you r savings on T e t? H o w do you fee! w hen an oid year ends and a N e w Y e a r stars? Is T e t a good time for us to look back over the old year, and look forward to the N e w Y e a r? W h y should w e look back over the old and look forward to the new*? W hich countries in the world also have the Lun ar N e w Y e a r like ours? Do they celebrate it in the sam e w ay? W hat are forms of entertainment people prefer to have during this occasion? W hich ones are healthy and which ones are bad?

■£■T o S p e a k English. W all

D ong gojp P D F b&i G V N guyen T hanh Tii





Nguyen. Hong Anh> M A . in TESOL 8. Do you think this is an occasion for you to celebrate big with your friends, to get out with your sweetheart, and to be do se to your relatives? 9. What would you do on this occasion if you don’t have much money? W hat are your resolutions in the Y ear of the Buffalo?


It seem s that the world is becoming smaller and smaller every day. W hen I was a little boy, I could not think about meeting people from other parts of the world. However, now I have som e friends from Australia, Am erica and some other countries. Also, I can meet m any foreigners at wortf ¿f on streets, have dinner at an Italian restaurant, or enjoy a cup of coffee at a French coffee shop. So , I prefer m o v in g a n u m b e r of tim es, looking fo r ch a n g e s becau se of so m e rea sons as follow s. Ç

h a x c f n g f a c e of tteon O ivux jix j Si w it if! 2 &0


T h e first and m o s t o b v io u s rea son to m o ve from one place to a no the r is to see the w o rld - W hen doing that, I can improve m y mind and enrich m y knowledge. I can meet people of m any races whose customs and habits are not the same as mine. I also pass through areas of different dimates where even plants and animals are different A s I see all these things, I begin to learn that this world has a lot of things for me to explore to enrich m y knowledge. T h e se co nd rea son fd r m o v in g is the o p p o rtu n ity to g et better jo b s and living con dition s. Take m y situation for an example. W hen l graduated from high school, I must leave for H C M C to get higher education because there is no college or university in m y hometown. After graduating from university, ] also had to stay in this city to work, for I could not fir|d a suitable job in m y hometown. In addition, the fact shows that people around the world are very interested in moving to developed countries or cities to settle because of better living conditions. La st but not least, so m e people m o ve to n e w places because th e y w a n t to help others o r contribu te so m eth ing to the d e v e lo p m e n t of the place th e y com e. Th e y are usually volunteers who are willing to work in difficult parts of their country to help poor people there, r r Moreover, they come to those places to change waste lands into

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii





Sguyen Hong A nh. Af-A. in TESQL titivated areas or to establish their business in order create jobs for ocaf residents to develop their economy. I think these changes should >e encouraged and respected. n conclusion, I think that almost people want to look for something letter than what they already have. Therefore, if people spend their

intire lives in one place, they may miss many chances to develop hemselves. °


to discover. to stay produced

to explore to settle cultivated (a)



Where are you from? Where were you bom ? W here are you grown up? ^ Do you often change your school? If yes, how many schools have you gone to? Which school do you like bets? How m any friends do you have? Do you often change your friends? If yes, what are reasons? yp What do you think about fashion? How often do you change your fashion? What do you think about a person who has the same hair­ style forever? Do you think you can improve yourself when moving to a new place? W hat can you get and what m ay you lose? In your opinion, why do people immigrate to other places or countries? What is the reason they moved out of their place? Is changing a place to live or work a problem? In what ways do you see it as a problem? Do you think there is a relation between immigration and the development? Should any government limit or encourage the num ber of immigrants entering the country? Should immigrants have the same rights as native citizens? Should immigrants have the right to vote? In which elections? W h y would you think of emigrating? What would be some of the issues that would concern you about emigrating? Are there a lot of immigrants in your community? Do immigrants in your community isolate themselves into a certain area?

Bote To S p e a k English W ell Dong gop P D F boi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Ngityên H ôngA n h „ M A . in TESOL

T O P IC 12Ch JEA JLO Ü SY AMP IT S C O M S E O IM O E S Jealousy is a fear that you are not as good as others or an envy of what they have such as fear of changes, losses, abandonment, or powerfessness. It reflection of our own insecurity about our worthiness, or anxiety about ■being inadequate. People who are usually jealous of others not only damage themselves but also break with others. Jealousy happens when one of the partners starts a new relationship. I do not know w hy w e are jealous of this while it can bring great joy and excitement to our lives. W hen our partner has a new relationship, s/he is adding a new person to his/her life. Som e people say that a new relationship will change their schedule, their lifestyle, and take a lot of their energy as well as adding stress to their fife. I think they say so because they are afraid of losses and abandonment. j s P Jealousy has been the cause of marital breakups, destroyed friendships or strained relationships among neighbors, even siblings. Do you agree with me that the greater the perceived threat is, the greater the jealousy becomes. Being jealous of your neighbors1 belongings can lead you to be deep in debt as you try to keep up appearances and have the same or better things than your neighbor does. Severe jealousy has even led to crimes such as theft, arson and murder.

What do you do when you're jealous? Of course at that time, we are angry, feel violated even want to revenge someone. However, I myself think what comes up as jealousy can be stopped by simple communication. For example, if w e have jealousy in love, we can say, "l need you to have more time with me." ‘W i e n we go to a party, I don't want you to be with anybody else." If we leave these needs unspoken, they will remain until a situation exposes them. It is essential to express your needs and expectations clearly to your partner. However* it is not always a bad thing. Being jealous of someone car spur you into action whether it is to study harder in school or to get a better job. In this way, being jealous can be good although it is usually perceived as a bad quality. you? W hat do you think of jealousy in love and in our daily life?

£fojc To S p ea k E n glish W ell

D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




Sguyin Hong Anh, M-A. in TESOL

VOCABULARY TIP !. envy (n):

>. abandonment (n) i. anxiety (n) i. inadequate (a) >. siblings (n) 5. arson (n) \ to revenge i. to expose ). to p e r c e i v e

jealousy being left worry not enough blood bothers/si' the crime of sett to do in retu

to uncover to recognize

OIW IO IV S FOR P im S S I O A /V,v ' I. What is jealousy? What are often people jealous of? W hy do they have such feeling? 1. What has often jealousy caused and destroyed? Do you agree with me that the greater the perceived threat is, the greater the jealousy becomes? What has revere jealousy even led to? $. Is jealousy just a single emotion? What can jealousy be manifested as? What is the primary emotion you have when you are jealous? 1. Is jealousy a reflection of our own insecurity about our worthiness, anxiety about being adequate as a lover, and doubts about our desirability? >. When does jealousy usually happen? W hy are people often jealous when their partners have a new relationship? Are they afraid of loss and abandonment? 5. What is the best treatment for jealousy? Do you think trust is an essential element for a good relationship that can help you relieve your jealousy? T. Do you think jealousy is always a bad thing? When is it good? Does jealousy help you study harder in school or get a better job? What do you do when you're jealous? Do you usually tell your partner what you expect from him/her? L Have you ever said to your partner, "I need you to have more time with me.”, "When we go to a party, i don't want you to be with anybody else.“? 10. What ban you drav^ from today’s discussion?

'low To Speak English Well Dong gop p d f bai a


W W W .F ^ 'E ^ O ^ .G Q \ U B Q I D U O N G H O A H O C Q l YNHON



Nguyen H ong Anh, M j I . in TESOJL

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

W hat annoys you most about living at hom e with your family? W hat annoys you about the place where you live now? W hat annoys you about taking buses to work? W hat annoys you about driving a motorbike? Does smoking bother you? Do you think you have habits that annoy other people? Does it annoy you when people kiss in public? Do you get annoyed when som eone cuts in front of you w hen you are waiting in line? W hat does pet peeve m ean? W h at is your pet peeve? W hat are some new pet peeves you have as a result of recent technology (i.e. cell phone use)? W hat annoying habits does your best friend have? W hat is the most annoying thing for you? Do you get annoyed when other people display bad m anners? Give some examples. D o you annoy people with som e of your habits? W hat is something that your parents do that annoys you? C a n annoying som eone be a good thing? if something is annoying you, what do you usually do? ^ W hat are som e things that annoy you that don’t annoy your best friend? H ow do you inform som eone they are being annoying? H ow do you change annoying habits? W hat are some things that car drivers do that annoy you? Can you think of som e things children do that annoy adults around them? W hat kinds of people annoy you? Does it annoy you when people don’t use tiie right punctuation? W h o is the m ost annoying person you know? W h y?


H otv To S p e a k E nglish W ell

B o n g gop

iviiiono nr



yen H ong Anh. M A .. in TESOL

W h y is honesty important? W h y is honesty so difficult at times? W hen is honesty difficult? W hat is the opposite of honesty? W h y is it good to be honest? W h y is dishonesty not good? is there a difference between honesty and truthfulness? Is there a different between dishonesty and lying? W hen h ave you been honest? W hen have you been dishonest? A t what times do you appreciate people being honest with you? W hen have you had times when people have been dishonest with you? H o w do feel when you have been dishonest with som eone? How do you feel w hen som eone has been dishonest with you ? W h o have you been honest with? H o w can you be honest and not hurt som eone? is it ever all right to give only a partial truth? W hen might it be all right to give only a partial truth? W hen might it be kind more to be completely honest with someone? Are there people that you d o not trust? H ow can you tell when people are being dishonest with you? H ow can people tell if you have been dishonest with them ? W hat kind of problems does dishonesty cause? W hat are some com m on situations w hen people are sometimes dishonest? Is dishonesty every justifiable? W hat is truthfulness? W hy is it important to be truthful? Are you always truthful? W hat problems do you encounter w hen you are not truthful? H o w can you tell w hen people are being truthful with yo u ? H o w do people act when they are untruthful?' How do you feel w hen people have been untruthful with you ? How do you feel w hen you have been untruthful to others? W hat is a misleading truth? W hen have you heard a misleading truth? H o w can you tell when som eone is not telling you the whole truth? What are som e situations w hen telling 2 partial truth might be O K ? W hen are times w hen it might be kinder to tell a partial truth to som eone? W h a t is the different between telling a partial truth and lying? H ow do you know when to bust som eone?

B ôn g gôp P D F b&i GV N guyên Thanh Tii




Nguyen B ong A nh, M A . in TESOL m 1.





6. 7. 8.


10. 11.


13. S r

r r

7 :



t k r i




Do you often use the Internet? W hen did you first use the Internet? About how m any hours a day do you use the Internet? W ho uses the Internet the most in your family? Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet? Do you think the Internet favors men or w om en? D o men and wom en use the internet for different purposes? Do you use the Internet for fun or education? W hat are som e of the ways the Internet can be used for education? W hat are some of the ways the Internet can be used for entertainment? W hat are the sites you most com m only access? W hat i s the best thing about the Internet? W hat problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve? Do you have more m any e-mail addresses? W h y do you need more than one e-mail address? H ave you ever chatted on the Internet? Give m e a reason w h y you think that email is a good w ay for people to communicate. Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet? W ould you like to go on a date with som eone you meet on the Internet? Do you think that the Internet safe for children? W h y? Is there too much sex on the Internet? Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? W h y? C an you believe all the information that is published (available) on the Internet? Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer gam es? M any people use the Internet for fun and entertainment at work. Do you think that this is right? Would you consider going out with som eone that you met on the Internet? u * Do you think that meeting people is easier than meeting people face to face? H o w does the internet help people from different countries to communicate with each other? Do you think that som e people spend too much time on the Internet and does this stop them from seeing their friends? W h y? Many Universities are now offering online courses. Give me som e reasons w h y this is a good thing. M any students use the Internet to help them do their assignments and they just cut and paste information from the Internet. How do we stop this? Search engines are used to find information. Do you think that they always give you the best sites or do they give you sites that pay m oney in order to be on the top of the list?

iio iÂŁ T o S p o o k E nglish W ell B on o got, P D F b o i GV N guyen Thanh Tii




guyen Hong Anh, M X in TESOL

Do you have a boyfriend/girifriend? Where did you meet him/her? What does he/she look like? At what age do most people in your country get married? At what age do you want to get married? At what age did you get married? Do women usually work after getting married in your country? Do you know what it means to 'go Dutch'? Do you "go Dutch" when dating? is it usual for people in your country to ’go Dutch’ if you go out together? Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger giris/boys? Do younger giris/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet? Do you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage? o you know someone who has gotten a divorce? Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? W hy or why not? W hat is your opinion of arranged marriages? Do you know the difference between love and like? Can you still love your partner and not like him/her? What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend? How often would you like to go out on dates? H ow old were you when you went on your first date? Where did you go? What did you do? W ho did you go with? Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date? 0. Do you think getting married means giving up freedom? Do you think it is better to be single or to be married? Do you think people change after getting married? 1. Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? W h y or W h y not? Do you think it’s O K for a man to have two wives? Do you think it's O K for a wife to have two husbands? 2. How long do you think couples should know each other before they get married? How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? How old were your parents when they got married? 3. if your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry, would that be a difficult situation for you? Why/Wfry not? you had to marry either a poor man whom you reallyf loved, or a rich man whom you did not love, which would you choose? What advice would you give to someone whose partnef hates their best friend?. »;

lo w To S p e a k English W ell

B on g gop P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii





Nguyén B ó n g A n h » M~4. in TESOL 16.




20 .

Would you marry someone of another nationality? What are some advantages of an international marriage? What are some disadvantages? Do you want to have an international mam'age? Do you know anyone who married someone from a different country? If yes, what is their experience like? How would your parents fee! if you married someone from a different country? Do you think that it is good for children to have parents from two different countries? W hy? W hy not? Do you think that gay people should be allowed to m arry?'W hy do you think the bride's maids wear white? When should you introduce your boyfriend/girtfriend to your parents?-when you begin dating, after you have been together for a while, only when the relationship is serious? W hy? •;

I M I 9 : M EM O RY 1.


3. 4.






Do you have a good memory or a bad memory? Do you usually remember things or forget things? Are there some things or times that you will never forget? Tell your group about them. Would you like to have a perfect memory? W hy or why not? How would it change your life? Are there some things or times that you wish you could forget? Who do you know who has the best memory? Who do you know who has the worst memory? W hafs your earliest memory? When was it? What's your most vivid (clear or sharp) memory? When was it? Memories make the man. What do you think this means? Give examples. Have you ever forgotten something important, like your keys or your phone? Has someone you know ever forgotten something important, like their keys or their phone? Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went there? Have you ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary? Tell your group what happened. Has someone you known ever forgotten an important date, like a birthday or an anniversary? As people grow older, sometimes the distant past is easier to remember than the near past. W hy do you think this is? Have you ever seen examples of this? Teli your group about them. Those who forget the past will repeat it. What do you think this means? Give examples.

flow? To Speak English WeR

B ón g góp P D F b&i GV Nguyen Thanh Tii





iy£n Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL__________________________________ Many people find that visiting certain place brings back a childhood memory very strongly (such as the scene of an old family holiday). W hy do you think this is? W here has this effect on you? Give examples. If you could edit your memories, which ones would you erase and why? Which ones would you make clearer and more vivid? Do you have a photographic m em ory? Do you know anyone who h

Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe that dead people come back to life as ghosts? Would you talk to a ghost? Do you believe in life after death? !. Do .you know anyone who has said that they have seen a ghost? Have you ever come in contact with a ghost? (Have you ever seen a ghost?) i. If one of your friends told you they had seen a ghost, would you believe him/her? Why/Why not? W hat is the scariest ghost story you know? k is there an area where you live (parte, house, etc.) that is known to be haunted? If so, what is the story or legend that makes people believe this area is haunted? Have you ever visited this place? If you were a ghost who and where would you haunt? >. Do you believe that houses can be haunted? Have you ever been to one? Do you believe that houses have ghosts in them sometimes? t. Were you ever touched or physically harmed by a ghost or "spirit”? If so, how? Have you ever felt that you knew a ghost that you saw? 7. How do you know if a ghost is near you? If you don’t believe in ghosts, then what have you heard other people say? î. If you donl believe in ghost, tell w hy? If you don't believe in ghost, and you actually have seen one, what were your reactions? 5. Do you think that there is truth behind superstitions? W hat are some superstitions in your country? W hat are some things that are considered unlucky? W hat are some things that are considered 4 lucky? 10. What numbers are considered to be lucky and unlucky in your country? Do you have a lucky number? 11. Have you ever gone to a psychic? If so, what were you told? Did you believe it? W h y do some people consult psychics bef' 'toing

out To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong A nh, M A , in TESGL ____________________________________ important things? Do you know anyone that has ever been to * psychic? 12. W hy do some people need fortunetellers? H ow do people predi the future in your country? 13. Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you read your horoscope? If s do you believe it? 14. Do you think that dreams come true? Do you think that dreams can. help us solve our problems? Have you ever had a dream Come true? / Have you ever had a dream that later cam e true? 15. Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain? Do you believe that there are m any things in our universe that cannot be explained? Give examples. 16. Do you believe that you are from another planet? Do you believe you have supernatural powers there? Have ydu ever tried to contact another planet? Did you succeed? 17. Do you believe in reincarnation? Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met them? 18. Have you ever looked in the mirror and ’seen’ a different face?.Do you think heaven exist? Do you think hell exist? 19.1s the belief in U F O s , aliens, physic powers, etc, growing because the belief in religion is dying? 20. Do you believe in witches? W h y or why not? Do you believe in coincidences? W h y or w hy not? Do you believe in G o d ? W h y or why not? 21. W hat is the most frightening things that has ever happened to you? Do you believe that people who were bad alive pay their bad behavior by staying here?

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W eil D ong gop P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Til




yen H ong A nh, M A . in TESO L



ff you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do? tf you could be an animal, any animal, what animal would you be and w hy? If you could be another m an or w om an for a day, who would you choose? If you could change one tiling about yourself, what would it be? if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? If you could choose how you were going to die, what' would you choose your death to be? If you could choose to live on a different planet, which one would you choose? If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and w hy? If you could speak any other language (besides English) which language would you like to speak? . If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world for any length of time, where would you g o ? If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, w here would you go? .If you could travel back in time, w here would you go? . If you found a suitcase full of $1,000,000, what would you do? . If you had 25-hour days (while everyone else continued to have 24 hour days), what would you do with the extra time? . If you had to choose between love and no m oney or m oney and no love for the rest of your life, which would you choose? . If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for? .. If you were going to a deserted island and could only take three things with you. w hat would you take? W h y? If you w ere the President, what problem or concern would you work on first? If you woke dp suddenly because your house was on fire, which three things would you save as you ran outside? i. If you could live perfectly well without sleeping, if you had no need to sleep at all, how would you spend all your nights? U f you could be marned with a foreign (m an/wom an), who do you think you would choose?



C _ , . __ L

T T '„ M

D ong gop P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tu





Nguyen B o n g Anh* M A . in TESOL

M T 1 2 : CLO TH ES & FASHION 1. Do you tike shopping for new clothes? Do you prefer to go shopping or just browse? W h y? H o w much m oney do you spend on clothes a year? W h at piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? W h y? W here do you usually buy clothes? 2. W hat kind of clothes do you usually wear? Do you think it is important to w ear fashionable clothes? Do you wear jewelry? If so, what kind of jewelry do you wear? H ow often do you w ear jewelry? 3. W hat do you think of body piercing? Do you have pierced ears? Do you know anyone with a pierced nose? W ever pierce your tongue? W hat do you think of people with body piercing? 4. W hat colors do you think look good on you? W hat colors do you think look good on your girlfriend or boyfriend? J p r 5. W hat kind of clothes are in fashion now? W ould you like to be a fashion m odel? W h a fs the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought? W hat are some of the strangest fashions you have seen? 6. W hat would you think of a wom an who cut off all her hair and went around bald as a fashion statement? What do you think of women who w ear short mini-skirts? Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what Is inside us? 7. W hat do you think of people with tattoos? Do you have a tattoo? Do you know som eone with a tattoo? 8. What type of clothing do you w ear when you are angry and you want to express yourself? W hat colors do you choose to w ear when you are happy? 9. In what w ays does your Grandmother dress differently than you? W hen you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother or grandfather? 10. W ould you ever w ear contacts to change your eye color? W hat is the difference in the people who choose to w ear contacts and the people w ho choose to were glasses? 11. W hat do you think about wom en who don’t w ear earrings? W hat do you think ab out m e n w h o w e a r earrin gs?

12.1s it possible for wom en to wear too m uch m ake-up? W hen is a person wearing to m uch m ake-up? W hat do you think of men who wear m ake-up? Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up, earrings or other accessories? 13. Do you think people feel different when they w ear different clothes? Do fashionable clothes really change the w ay a person looks? What do you think of people who dye their hair?

Bow To Speak EngUsk Well

D ong gop P D F b a i GV. N guyen Thanh Tu





yen R&ngAnh, M A . in TESOL .W h a t do you think about secondhand clpthes? W h y .d o you think people buy secondhand clothes? H ave you ever been to a store that sells secondhand clothes? Have you ever bought secondhand clothes? W ould you buy secondhand dothes?

U M T 1 3 : D IS A S T E R S H o w can you help after a natural disaster? If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what could you do? H ave you ever volunteered to help in a disaster? W hat did you do? Did you enjoy Âťt? > 2 ? Have you ever given m oney to a charity? How do you decide what charity to give to? Are you willing to donate m oney fo help victims of a natural disaster in other countries? H ow m uch? How much m oney should your government give to help victims of natural disasters in your country and how m uch to help people living in other countries? W hat is a disaster? W hat is the Japanese word for disaster? Have you ever been in a disaster? W hat are som e different kinds of disasters? W hat kinds of disasters are com m on in your country? W hat is the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane? W h at is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane? Are there w ays w e can prepare ourselves in advance to cope with disasters? H o w are businesses affected by disasters? H o w are families affected by disasters? H o w are the problems solved after a disaster? Do som e natural disasters occur repeatedly in the sam e area? Do m any people live in these areas? If you had the power to stop a natural disaster that has happened in the past, which would you choose? W h y ? W hat is the difference between natural disasters and m an-m ade disasters? C a n you nam e a few of each type? W here do these usually often occur? Are you prepared for a disaster? W hat can you do to prepare for a disaster? H o w do you think you would react in a disaster? Does your family have a plan for what to do in the event of an earthquake? you ever been injured ? H ave you ever had a broken leg? W hat would you do rf you knew there would soon be a serious natural disaster and this could be your last day on earth?



To Speak English VP'oU.

D ong §ap-P D F b&i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii_.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______

vvwvv . f a c e b o o k .c o m /b o i d u o n g h o a h o c q u y n h o n



Nguyên Hong A nh, M A ♦ in. TESOL

L A IT 1 4: IM M IGRATION 1. W hy do people immigrate to other countries? Is immigration from one country to another a problem? In what ways do you see it as a problem? Do you think that immigrants are treated well in most countries? vO ' 2. Do you think there is a relation between immigration and crime? Should any government limit the number of immigrants entering the country? W hat would be a good number? should 3. Is local culture threatened by immigration? H o w immigrants retain their culture? Should immigrants have the same rights as native citizens? 4. Is there a difference between political and economic immigration? Should immigrants have the right to vote? In which elections? 5. What should be done with the illegal immigrants entering a country? Should the country of origin of illegal immigrants be held responsible? Do immigrants have a good or bad reputation in your part of the country? 6. Should students be allowed to wear clothes with cultural or religious symbolism at school? 7. Are there a lot of immigrants in your community? Would you ever think of emigrating? W h y would you think of emigrating? 8

Should immigrants be required to learn the local language? How would you help an immigrant learn the local language? T o what extent has the culture; of. your community become richer by immigrants?

UNIT 1 5 : L IK E S AAD D IS L IK E S 1.

2. 3.

4. Tf4 v ^ 5.

What kind of music do you like? W ho are your favorite performers or bands? Do you like music or musicians from other countries as well? If so, who or what kind? What kinds of music don't you like? Nam e some singers or groups that you dislike. Do you like to watch T V ? Do you like movies? Do you like to watch T V ? W hat are your favorite kinds of programs or shows? What are your all-time favorite T V programs? Do you like programs or shows from other countries as well? If so, what kind? Do you like actors from other countries as well? If so, who? W hat kinds of programs or which actors don't you like? Do you like movies? What are your favorite kinds of movies? What are your all-time favorite movies? Who are your favorite

B o w To S p e a k English W ell Dong gôp P D F bdi GV. Nguyên Thanh Tii



en B o n g A nh, M A . in TESOL


__________ ________ ______ ________

actors? D o you like m ovies from other countries as well? ff so, what kind? D o you like sports? W hat are your favorite kinds of sports? W ho are your favorite athletes? D o you like sports from other countries as w ell? If so, what kind? D o you like athletes from other countries as well? If so, w ho? W hich athletes don't you like? Do you like books? W hat are your favorite kinds of books? W hat are your favorite titles? W h o are your favorite authors?


l Most presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+ questions):

introduction, body, conclusion, and questions IN T R O D U C T IO N

G o o d morning, ladies and gentlemen. G o o d afternoon, everybody. ^ Hi, everybody.

Introduce y o u r subject I am going to talk today about... T h e purpose of m y presentation is to introduce our new range of...

Outline the structure In m y presentation, I have two points to tell you. Fist, I would like to talk a b o u t.... Th e n , I will m ove on to...

Give instructions about questions D o feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions. If you have any questions, please wait u n til! finish my speech.


p To S p e a k E n glish W eil

D óng gójp P D F b à i GV N guyin Thanh Tii





N guyen H ong A n h , M A . in TESO L - to take a took at - to give an overview of - to show

- to report on - to discuss - to tell about - to outline - to talk

Ex: G o o d m orning ladies an d gentlem en! Today, ! am going to talk about ch an ge s in Vietnam ese families in m o de m society. First o f ailI, I'll talk about the size of the family. T h e n Til m ention the w om an's role in the m o d e m family. A fte r that HI give y o u an ove rview o f children's freedom If y o u have a n y questions, don't hesitate to interrupt me.



Introducing the first subject I'd like to start by... Let's begin by... First of all, I'll... Starting with... I'll begin b y...

2. Finishing one subject...

^ ‘y>

W ell, I've told you about...

• •

Th a t’s all I have to sa y about... S o m uch for...

3. ...and starting another •

N ow we'll m ove on to...

Let m e turn now to...


T u rn in g to...

4 ^ 1 'd like now to discuss...

Let's look now at...

4. G iving an example For e x a m p le .... A good exam ple of this is...

H otc To S p e a k E n g lish W ell B on g g op P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii



w w v v .Da y k e m q u y n h o n .u c o z .c o m

wvvvv’ .f a c e b o o k .c o m / d a y k &m j o u y n h o n

uyén Hong Ardi, M A . in TESOL T o give you an example,... T o illustrate this point...

Note: Ordering Firstly... secondly.. .thirdly... lastly... First of that...finaily... T o start w finish up...

/. C O N C L U S IO N Use the conclusion to: • Sum up; - Give recommendations if appropriate; - Thank your audience; Invite questions. ■vV

Sum m ing up


T o conclude,... In conclusion,... in summary, Now, to sum up... S o let me summarize/recap what I've said. Finally, m ay I remind you of ¿om e of the main points we've considered. 7 J v

Thanking your audience Many thanks for your attention. M ay l thank you all for being such an attentive audience,

k Inviting questions > N ow I’ll try to answer any questions you m ay have. * Are there any questions? ►Do you have any questions?

To S p e a k E nglish W ell B ó n g g ì^ P D F b ò i GV. Nguyên Thanh Tü ok


w w w .n A V K F .M Q ia ^ < W .I ) c o y J :Ó M

v v w \v . f a c e b o *o k .c o m /d a y k e m . q ü y N h o n

Nguyen Hong Anh. M A . in TESOL IN D E X


2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 1516. 17.


M y s e lf I n tr o d u c tio n T h e F ir s t D a y 1 W en t T o S c h o o l M y F a m ily M y C h ild h o o d A D a y I n M y L ife T h e S u b je c t I L ik e dt* « ; W h at 1 H a te D o in g T h in k in g O f Y o u r L ife ? A n U n fo r g e tta b le M e m o ry K«t ntw»? M y H o b b ie s c7o M a k in g F r ie n d s G o in g C a m p in g S u p e r m a r k e ts A B ig C ity O r T h e C o u n tr y sid e ? T h e Im p o r ta n c e O f B r e a k fa s t F a st F o o d E n v ir o n m e n ta l P o llu tio n Q fj

1 « . V a c a tio n P la n s i i<sf 1 9 . L e a r n in g E n g lish 20. L e a r n in g O n lin e j £?M )<Uji ¥ \ VA 2 1 . J o b P r o m o tio n 22. J o b I n t e r v ie w f ^ $[\ ^ 2 3 . C o m m u tin g to w o r k 2 4 . M a r r ia g e F ir s t o r Ca r e e r F ir s t? ^ 2 5 . L is te n in g to M u sic 2 6 . P la y in g G a m es 2 7 . S u r fin g t h e I n te r n e t 2 8 . C h a ttin g O n lin e Vj^b f. o^ ¿ £ 2 9 . L o v in g a n d D a tin g \\c> m 3 0 . G e ttin g m a r r ie d 1'vCo.- V 31. H o n e y m o o n 32. R a is in g C h ild r e n c^'3 3 . W ith O r W ith o u t A C o m p a n io n ?


H o e To Speak English Well

Bong gopPDF boi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu


2 3 5

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12 14 15 17 18 20

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ên Hong Anh, M A . in TESOL

Students And Part-Tim e dobs Physical Exercise Advantages of Ceil phones l(r*j H i University life Traffic Problems Television Reading Going Shopping Places I Like to Visit X With o r Without Friends? Going Travelling Fashion and Life %Money and Its Effects Vv 0 * . Studying Abroad s A Job I Want To Do 1» Reasons To Learn English ). What To Entc^r Your Life? . Spending o r Saving Money? S~> , ¿N. L With Dr Without a Tour Guide? n. How to le a d a Happy Life? V <Cohabitation S jo -' i. Summer .Vacation n Dangers At Home r• Old-man Clubs L Volunteers t' If , ■ v L Generation Gaps K Students Nowadays Masters o r Worfcers?L s K ’-¿T' > **» Your Biggest F e u s Xu life l


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Business o r Family? Childhood and Its Effects Vietnamese Families nowadays Getting Married To Foreigners Persistence and Success JJ'


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52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 66 68

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69 71 72 74 76 78 80 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101

103 104 106 108 110


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*>To S p e a k E nglish W ell Dong gop^PDF bffi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu





Nguyên Hong Anh, M~A. in TESOL

114 116 118 119

69« The Best Means Of Transportation 70. Street Children 71. Study Groups 72. An Unforgettable Gift In My life 73. Bating While Schooling 74. Attending Class or Studying H one? 75. Valentine’s Bay ^ 76. Being a Famous Person 77. Family Relations Nowadays 7». Eating In Or Out? 79. Who is the B etter Parent? 8 0 . At H one or To The Cinema? 8 1 . SolvingTraflie Problems 82. Modern Women 83. Working o r Retiring? 8 4 . Making Your Breams Become T ra VW'^VV 8 5 . Giving and Receiving Gilts o. 86. Students and Integration 87. One-week Holiday 88. The Most Important Skill 89. Should Children JLearn English? 90. Telling lie s ^ 91. How to Learn English? ^ / 92* Uncivilised Actions X\ « K." Va-.'-. 9 3 . The Internet In learning ÔT 94. Mobile Phones 95. How To Win People’s Hearts

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96. Bonn or Apartment?

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97. With Or Without the Teacher? 98. Body Language 9 9 . Keeping Achieving Our Goals ^ 4 1 100. Wedding In Vietnam 101. Faee-To-F aee Communication 102. Eating & Drinking Habits 103. Our Friends Hozc To S p o o k English. W ell

Dông gôp P D F bôh GV. Nguyên Thanh Tii

123 125 127 129 131 132 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 164 166 167 169 171 173 • 175 177 179 181 23?



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iguyên Häng Anh, Af-A. in TESOL G o in g T o U n iv e rs ity 104W o rk in g & R e la x in g 105. F a m ily R e la t io n 108. 107. H ow T o l i v e T o lOO . S p e c ia l M o m e n ts 108. 109. C h ristm a s iCc- S o la ir N ew T e a r 110. 1 1 1 . w ''•'°R a tin g lu O u r C o u n try 112. N ew Y e a r ’s R e s o lu tio n s 113. S tu d y in g A b ro a d 114. D iv o r c e h 1 Ï5 . O v e rp o p u la tio n t: U S . A - G l o b a l W arm in g 117. W ay s o f E n t e r t a in in g V ie tn a m e s e T e t 118. C h an gin g O r Mot 119. •‘J& M V120 . J e a lo u s y & I t s

183 185 187 189








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Bote To Speak English Well

Dong gôp P D Fbdi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii



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