Tips to Overcome Social Phobia and Lack of Motivation
Social phobia has become epidemic in today’s society and there is little hope to debate it in future. People who are suffering with social phobia are not enjoying the fruits of life and are isolated from the basic reason of survival. This can be explained with an example of a student, who suffers from social phobia. The student may not be able to communicate with senior people, to be sneered or ignored at, to be presented to other people and so on.
The above list of social phobia is incomplete and is accompanied by physical symptoms such as - swearing, headache, muscle tension, soreness and so on. This disease limits the possibilities of individuals and make them unsuccessful in life. The person may want to avoid the situations that frighten him and results in social isolation. This kind of disorder affects the person’s ability to study and work. Social phobia tends to start at a very early stage like infancy or adolescence due to lack of motivation, guidance, fear and other related reasons. A person who experienced very strict parenting since childhood may have the problem of social disorder. Another case is when an individual face bullying at school that contributes to form low self-esteem.
How to treat social phobia? There are different forms of social phobia and several treatment options based on the severity. It is better to get social phobia treated at an early stage. The modern physiological treatment involves use of cognitive behavioural therapy, where systematic training helps the person to react properly in similar situations. Some doctors even prescribe medications along with cognitive behavioural therapy. Besides medication and therapies, individuals should try themselves to get rid of social phobia by following different techniques. How lack of motivation and social phobia are interrelated Lack of motivation by parents and teachers at early stage may often lead to social phobia. In a research, it has been found that students who grew up in a highly strict environment tend to develop social phobia, when they grow. Most of the children don’t show interest in studies. In order to make them feel interested, parents and teachers should motivate them rather than de-motivating them. Students who are lack of motivation get distracted slowly from studies and other activities. Such students should be treated well and should be encouraged to gain confidence. Some people treat lack of motivation as an excuse and ignore the fact that they need to be motivated. It becomes much easier to prevent social phobia through proper motivation and encouragement. It is not essential that the individual should be motivated by rewards, or awards, but, with good words. Similarly, people with lack of motivation should not consider it as a life sentence. They can ignore if somebody criticizes them or de-motivates them. They should ignore it and step forward to achieve their goals. Social phobia and lack of motivation are the two important elements of society that should be gotten rid of society. Always stay positive and practice techniques that help you to become successful.
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