Experience Wellness

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Gift Book Message from MRE Congratulations on achieving a position in our director leadership group. Your efforts have been noticed and appreciated by both your business builder group and us at TriVita. We hope this book of quotes will serve as inspiration for a continual, passionate pursuit of wellness and wealth. Remember, they are not destination points; but the enhancements to the journey of fulďŹ lling your life purposes. May these essentials of wellness and wealth be forever with you and help guide you each day.

“The one thing you need to create greater wellness and wealth is the intense desire to fulfill your life purposes.


“Set goals that deeply matter and passionately pursue them with the belief you will achieve them.


“Your wellness and wealth will increase in proportion to the size of the desire in your soul to accomplish something of significant value.


“The pursuit of wealth should be a natural outflow of your life purpose.

“Make a choice today that will move you in the direction of wellness. Make the decision that you will live a life of maximum quality – starting now.

“Live your life from the inside out... directed from your internal values, not from external influences. This will keep you connected to your purpose.


“To increase your wealth, focus on thinking, speaking and acting on ideas related to products and services that benefit mankind.


“Next to oxygen, water is the most critical substance for life. It has been called the silent nutrient for wellness – a must-have for life.

“True wealth is having the abundance of resources necessary to fulfill your life purposes.


“Sleep does more than rejuvenate the body; it restores a sense of well-being to your emotions and spirit.


“The more you focus on the people and things for which you are deeply grateful, the more you will shift your focus from what you don’t have, to what you do have.

“If you think about enjoying movement and activity, you will be likely to move more, be more active and enjoy movement and activity on a daily basis.


“As long as you are hanging on to something negative, you cannot receive something truly positive and helpful into your life.


A sleep prayer: Sleep, you are my friend. I invite you into my life to heal and rejuvenate my body. Thank you, God, for bringing sleep into my life.


“Focus your energy on the choices that you can make – not on the things you can not alter. Don’t fight against the wind. Set your sail to make the most of it.

“Intense desire gives you the focus you need to overcome life’s distractions and failures. Rekindle your desire and your sense of purpose.

“Don’t let others define your purpose. Don’t let others devalue your deepest desires. Stay focused on what matters most to you.

“To create wealth, you need to model the behavior of others who have created wealth, and you need to follow models that have proven to work.


“The law of expression states that you turn your invisible reality into visible form by aligning your thoughts, words and actions.


“People who pray for themselves and others, and have others pray for them, tend to take better care of themselves, exercise more, sleep better, reconcile differences and forgive more readily, thereby enjoying more health and a greater sense of well-being.


“Having gratitude for what you have – and being grateful for the opportunity to pursue what you don’t have – will enhance your sense of well-being.

“Always remember that the best activity is the one you will consistently do – and enjoy doing.

“To ignore lifestyle habits which contribute to disease is like ignoring the disease itself.


“Decide that you will be a seeker of wellness. Decide to embrace thoughts, words and actions that contribute to your wellness.


“By increasing your capacity to love, you will enhance your pursuit of wellness and wealth to fulfill your life purposes.


“The power of generosity flows from your attitude and heart – not just from your wallet or bank account.

“Compounding means getting yield computed on all previous yield – as well as the original principal. It allows money to work for you, rather than you always working for money.

“A day job can produce a treadmill effect, but a treadmill is not a fast track to wealth.

“What you believe and the degree to which you hold your beliefs, will allow you to endure and succeed.


“Don’t sit and wait, hoping your ideas and words will sprout wings. Focus your behavior on those ideas that produce benefits to mankind and act on them immediately.

“Wealthy people do what non-wealthy people won’t do. Much of your wealth creation is determined by what you are willing to do.

“Forgiveness is a process, not just a moment. Start today and enjoy the journey toward living in complete forgiveness of others and yourself.


“Money is not the goal. Rather, purpose compels the need for money.


“Every system in the body works better as a person increases their overall activity level. Nobody is too young or old to not benefit from movement and activity.


“Gratitude for what is, creates an increased alertness for what might be. Grateful people enjoy greater enthusiasm for life, generating an abundance of determination, optimism and energy.


“The most important step in reaching a 10,000-steps-a-day goal is the first step. Put on your walking shoes and get going.


“What you believe


determines your future.

“You will spend your entire life creating wealth, so take a few minutes to protect your wealth by having a legally executed will.


“What is hoarded does not produce. What is unplanted does not grow. What remains ungiven cannot yield a better benefit.


“When we value those we love and know we are valued in return, we want to make healthy choices.


“Improving a systematic way of creating wealth is more enduring than random acts that tend to erode wealth over time.


“It takes two to reconcile but only one to forgive. It takes a higher authority to administer justice.


“You can choose to be happy as you are the governor of your own attitude. You are the one responsible for your own happiness.


“Anyone can create greater wealth if they consistently believe it, speak it and diligently act on it.


“To create wealth, you must position yourself so that multiple streams of income fill your wealth reservoirs.


“Reciprocity based upon the simple acts of giving and receiving is at the heart of all wealth creation.


“Forgiveness is an act of the will.


It is the first step in the right direction.

“Drinking an abundance of pure water is essential for optimizing your body’s systems.

“The legacy you leave behind is determined by the value you see in yourself, the worth of your accomplishments and contributions which are of lasting value.


“If your way of thinking does not bring about satisfactory results in your life, then find a new way of thinking. Explore new creative thoughts.


“Writing down your goals clearly defines the direction you are heading with your life.


“Genuine wealth goals flow from life purpose, not a wish list of items you hope to purchase or possess. When your goals are linked to the purposes of your life, you will want to make the sacrifices or changes to reach your goals.


“Deep breathing techniques will help you have greater mental clarity, energy, detoxification and lower blood pressure.


“Positive communications with core values and strong beliefs will prevent the erosion of failures that keep you from fulfilling your dreams and life purposes.


“There is nothing innately good or bad about money, and nothing is innately good or bad about possessing wealth. Wealth allows you to do things: to accomplish, to achieve, to establish, to create what you desire.


“Systems improve efficiencies, creating greater results. If you can determine how a task is accomplished, you may develop a way to accomplish that task faster or better.


“Make two lists. Things you can change and things you can not change. Focus your time and activities on the Can Change list.


“If you want to lead your family into wealth, establish a compounding legacy fund and teach your family members this powerful wealth-building concept. Compounding makes money work for you rather than you always working for money.


“Think wellness by embracing the essentials of wellness. Eat a balance of foods as whole and fresh as possible and supplement with high-quality and absorbable nutrients.


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