Tasting Guide

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nopalea tasting guide


Nothing’s ever tasted this good! As an Affiliate Member with TriVita, you understand the importance of sharing your wellness experience with others and also having the ability to share the product: the delicious taste, the sweet aroma, the vibrant color. In fact, step 1 of the Share and Earn Success System is to share Nopalea. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to simply offer someone the opportunity to “taste” Nopalea. This can be accomplished with “one-on-one” Tastings, tasting receptions in your home or business (with a few invited guests) or Tastings on a larger scale through group meetings, events and conventions/ shows/fairs. Many Affiliate Members are already having great success sharing Nopalea through Tastings. Think of the advantages having a Tasting will bring you: • Share Nopalea and the Share and Earn Opportunity in one sitting • Connect with like-minded individuals who are interested in wellness, and in generating additional income • Introduce prospects to other Affiliate Members in your organization The easy steps and tips in this guide can help you have a successful Nopalea Tasting! It’s easy to have a Tasting – you don’t have to be an expert! All you need is to believe in Nopalea, the Share and Earn Opportunity, and of course, yourself!

A Successful Nopalea Tasting

In 3 quick and easy steps Step 1: Get started • •

Send out invitations Order and set up your materials

Step 2: Share and enjoy • •

Start with introductions

Taste the product with a toast to greater wellness

Present the Opportunity

Share the Nopalea story, your personal health story and listen to others

Step 3: Wrap up & follow-up • •

Collect product orders

Follow-up with your guests

Provide additional information through DVDs, hand-outs and more

Step 1: Get started It’s easy to get organized, and you can make your Tasting a huge success by being prepared. Here’s a guideline to help every step of the way.

Send out invitations. We recommend the following methods to send out invitations: • evite.com. This is a great site that lets you create your own invitations for FREE, and track the anticipated attendance of your guests. You can use Nopalea graphics to personalize your invitations.

You can find these tools on sonoranbloom.com.

• Nopalea Tasting Invitation Flyer. Print these out or email them to your guests. You have three versions to choose from!

• Nopalea Postcard. Order Nopalea postcards and send them out with your Tasting information.

Set up your materials. Whether your Tasting is at your home or another location, consider the materials you’ll want on hand to display for your guests. We encourage using the following materials, easily found on sonoranbloom.com:

Nopalea Tasting Tent Card

Tasting Cup

To show: • Nopalea. We suggest having one chilled bottle of Nopalea for every six to eight guests, for tasting. • Sonoran Bloom universal display. This Sonoran Bloom themed display can be used as a table cloth, banner or whatever you choose, to help draw attention to your Tasting table. • Sonoran Bloom tasting cups. A fantastic addition to your Tasting, these cups will lend a professional look and feel; and since they are clear, the vibrant color of Nopalea will pop. • Nopalea Tasting tent card. Place a few of these attractive, double-sided, 8.5 x 11 tent cards around at your Tasting. They’re not only attractive, they also provide a convenient touch point for Nopalea and its key benefits.

Sonoran Bloom Universal Display

Guest Presentation Flipchart

To present: • Nopalea Tasting guest presentation. Available in three formats – a flipchart, a DVD or a downloadable PowerPoint – this Guest Presentation will help you provide a rich overview of Nopalea, the Share and Earn opportunity and TriVita. • Nopalea Infomercial clip DVD. Play this short DVD clip at your Tasting so your guests can see and hear what others are saying.

Infomercial Clip DVD

Guest Presentation DVD

To provide additional information: • Nopalea product brochure. This intriguing product brochure includes the amazing health benefits that Nopalea offers.

Product Brochure

• Nopalea hand-outs. Choose one or all four hand-outs that go into greater detail on specific topics, including the uniqueness of Betalains, Nopalea success stories, compensation and more. Nopalea hand-outs

• The Secret Killer Health Alert and CD. This is a fantastic informative piece on what Time Magazine has coined “the secret killer” and how Nopalea can help. • Health awareness forms. Distribute these at your Tasting’s wrap-up to gain information on your guests’ health concerns. • Product order forms and Affiliate Member applications. You’ll want forms available so you can sign up whoever is interested, or place an order for them. • Business cards. Always have plenty of your business cards accessible at any gathering. People will want to have a way to contact you following your Tasting.

Business Cards

The Secret Killer Health Alert

The Secret Killer Health Alert CD

You can find all these items on the Nopalea Tasting Page of sonoranbloom.com. Many items are available as a FREE download.

Helpful TipS • While planning your guest list, invite anyone who could

benefit from Nopalea and the Share and Earn opportunity: family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, your hairdresser, personal trainer, etc. • If you have guests that live far away and can’t attend your Tasting, you can offer them a “Remote Tasting” by sending them a Nopalea Gift of Health. This is a great, cost-effective way to accelerate your growth and expand your TriVita business nationwide. Go to the Nopalea Tasting Page on sonoranbloom.com to find out more!

Step 2: Share and enjoy This is the easy part! We’ve provided you with an easy-to-show presentation that highlights why people really need Nopalea. All you have to do is share your Nopalea story and hear others share theirs. Be sure to set the stage and let your guests know what they can expect during the Tasting.

Start with Introductions: You can have a simple ice-breaker by going around the room introducing guests to one another. Share the story of Nopalea: Now would be a great time to use the flipchart, DVD or PowerPoint presentation to present the story behind Sonoran Bloom, Nopalea and its benefits. Use whatever method is easiest for you to present. Be sure to pause your presentation to allow your guests to taste Nopalea. Taste the Product: Now that you have your chilled, fresh bottles of Nopalea on hand, open them up in front of your guests so they can see the packaging, and experience the sweet, fruity aroma of Nopalea.

We recommend 2-3 oz per guest. Remember to toast to greater wellness!

Present the Opportunity: After everyone has experienced Nopalea for themselves, it’s a good idea to show the Share and Earn opportunity section of your presentation. Explain how the Share and Earn opportunity can be a life-changing experience.

Step 3: Wrap up and follow-up Bravo – you’re almost done with your Tasting! Before your guests leave, make sure they have all the information they need for ordering Nopalea. Collect product orders While your guests are filling out their Sonoran Bloom order forms, let them know they can come see you one-on-one if they’d like to also sign up as an Affiliate Member. Also, utilize this time to hand out the Health Awareness Forms to gain information about your guests. Provide additional information If some of your guests are “on the fence” about placing an order or becoming an Affiliate Member, provide them with the additional information they may need to make a decision. Let them know that you’ll follow-up with them to get their feedback and answer any questions they may have. At your leisure, distribute additional informative pieces to your guests so they can learn more about the positive health benefits of Nopalea and the Share and Earn opportunity. Some suggestions of what to distribute: • Nopalea Product Brochure • The Secret Killer Health Alert • The Secret Killer CD You can visit the Nopalea Tasting Page of sonoranbloom.com to find additional marketing materials that you can hand out.

Follow up with your guests • Process all orders and applications within 24 hours. You will want to do this immediately so there is no delay in delivery. • Send a thank you note to your guests within 48 hours. Be sure to thank your guests for attending your Tasting. Try to personalize your thank you notes based on the information from the Health Awareness Forms your guests filled out. • Follow-up with a phone call. Call those who purchased Nopalea to thank them and make sure they received their product. Call your new Affiliate Members and let them know what they can expect. Help them get started! Also contact your guests who were “on the fence” to see if they have questions, and reinforce the benefits of Nopalea and the Share and Earn opportunity. You’re already passionate about sharing the astonishing wellness benefits of Nopalea and the great Share and Earn business opportunity. Now all you have left to do is take action and share your wellness experience with others.

Helpful TipS • If anyone signs up as an Affiliate Member, you may

want to give them a FREE bottle of Nopalea, as part of the Pay It Forward step in the Share and Earn Program. Or, you can send them a Nopalea Gift of Health instead. It’s a great way to thank them for becoming an Affiliate Member.

• As you’re handing out the order forms, let your guests know that there’s a discount for purchasing a four-pack, so they can take advantage of the bundled savings.

Start spreading wellness and wealth today with a Nopalea Tasting!


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