February 10

Page 1


Vol. VIII Issue 5 - Prince George High School - 7801 Laurel Spring Rd - Prince George, VA 23875 - 804-733-2720

Friday 2.19.2010

$5,160,000 . d e r i w trn om c

Millions cut from county schools p. 6-7

Are we selling our minority males short? p. 9

Clubs raise money for Haiti relief efforts p. 5

Farmville becomes craze on Facebook p. 21

Find it only on trnwired.com

The Cultural Awareness Club, SGA, Spanish Club and French Club joined together to raise money for the Haiti relief effort. They raised over $400 in just two days of collecting money from students and teachers.

The popular Facebook game, Farmville, has become a part of some student’s everyday lives. Farmville is a virtual farming game in which students take care of animals and crops for a profit.

Local Boy Scouts celebrate their 100th Anniversary. To find out what they said and see more pictures, go to trnwired.com for a multimedia slideshow.

Page 2 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010




Giving benefits all who participate


ecently in the news, the tragic earthquake in Haiti has grasped many people’s attention. The European Union estimated about 200,000 deaths, with the death toll still increasing as a result of injuries. 1.5 million are homeless due to all the damage. The Cultural Awareness Club sponsored a fund-raiser for the Haiti relief effort. Students were able to donate any amount of money that they chose. In just two days Prince George High School raised a total of $433. Imagine what we could do in two weeks or two months. Together we were able to help out the victims of Haiti. The Red Cross started a program in which anyone could text message “HAITI” to “90999” and donate ten dollars. They have raised more than 32 million dollars by receiving texts. According to medicalteams.org, a donation of sixty-six dollars funds one doctors clinical work for a whole day in Haiti. Donating money is not the only way in which people can help out. Fashion Delivers is collecting socks, underwear, sheets, lightweight clothing, shorts, blankets, sneakers, sandals and t-shirts for Haiti. Shoes 2 Share is another organization that is receiving supplies for the victims. They accept anything from shoes to diapers, toothpaste, flashlights, hand sanitizer, and Tylenol. Monetary donations are also encouraged. Helping internationally is always beneficial but donating money or supplies overseas is not the only way to help others out. Starting small by participating in canned food drives is very beneficial to the hungry. There is a Food Bank just a few minutes away from the high school. Places such as Wal-Mart also have a “clothes box” in the parking lot in which people can drop off their used clothes and shoes for others in need. Giving blood is a great way to help others. It only takes a few minutes for some to give and it saves a life in an emergency. Eligible students can participate in a blood drive at school on February 24th. Starting small in ways like this can make a big difference to people who need it. Giving to those in need is always appreciated, and we as students should do what we can to help others.



ur mission as the school newspaper for Prince George High School is to provide a form of media that represents all aspects of student life. The goal is to present factual accounts of newsworthy events in a timely manner. Our publication will be informative, entertaining and reflective of the student body’s opinions. It is the desire of the staff to reach every student and tell as many of their stories as possible. We invite your commentary: The Royal News Opinion page is a forum for public discussion and shall be open to all students. The Royal News will print as many letters as space will allow. The Royal News reserves the right not to print a letter. The Royal News publishes a wide variety of opinions. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Royal News, PGHS, 7801 Laurel Spring Road, Prince George, Virginia 23875, or bring them to room A6, or e-mail them to cwaugaman@pgs.k12. va.us We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, legality, spelling and grammar. Please include your name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. 500 word maximum. Please submit letters to the editors by Mar. 12 for the Mar. issue. Section Editors Jami Davis-News; Mia Norman-Op/Ed; Delbria Walton-Features; Katie AdamsAmpersand; Kelsie McDaniels-A&E; Amir Vera-Sports; Devyn Pachmayr-Double Truck; Colby Eliades-Photo; Janai Cunningham-Ads Manager; Jessica Lee-Circulation; Sarah Moats-Editorial Cartoonist; Laura Young-Web Editor/Copy Editor; Sarah HabermehlWeb Editor/Facebook Editor

Editor-in-Chief Kayla Carneal

Adviser Chris Waugaman


Making the Grade Snow Days resulted in an unexpected five day

weekend, and two hour delays, a break that delighted students. However, the weather also made driving difficult, and it wasn’t long before everyone grew tired of seeing the white weather.

Return of the clocks in the Commons means students can once again keep track of the time between classes and at lunchtime. However, students who had been hoping for digital replacements have been disappointed by the return of the old, analog clocks.

Writers Alisha Holmes-Laura Young-Sarah Habermehl-Christy Hardin-Jessica Stainback-Autrey Jackson-Tasa Hattori-Gabrielle Wittington-Brittany Thacker-Alison Brown-Kimberly CarnealJake McQuiggan-Jessica Marshall-Rachel Waymack-Olivia Tritschler-Mariah Blystone-Malikah Williams- Wayne Epps, Jr.- Rachel Youmans - Emanuel Guadalupe

The Royal News, PGHS 7801 Laurel Spring Road Prince George, Virginia 23875 804-733-2720 The Royal News is printed at The Progress-Index in Petersburg, Virginia

Professional affiliations & awards Columbia Scholastic Press Associations Gold Medalist 2009 Columbia Scholastic Press Associations Crown Finalist 2010 National Scholastic Press Assoc. Pacemaker Finalist 2009 Virginia High School Association Trophy Class 2009 SIPA All Southern 2010


The start of the Second Semester means that this year is

almost over. For sophomores and juniors, it means that high school continues forward. As for seniors, it means they will soon experience a bittersweet goodbye.


Februar y 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 3

Pro/Con: Is Valentine’s Day a burden or bliss? “


eb. 14th is the day for showing true feelings to the people that make a difference in your life. Whether it is a boyfriend, girlfriend, family member or just a really good friend, exchanging cards, flowers, candy and gifts is a common occurrence. Valentine’s Day is a sweet way to remind loved ones that they are of great importance to you. Sharing the day with that special somebody could be just the thing to get away from a stressful life. Store windows are covered in red hearts and little cupids. With the introduction of a holiday, shoppers will buy items that they could give as gifts. This always helps the flow of money within the economy. This is also a day where song writers get their inspiration. Listeners can fully relate to the more powerful emotions expressed in songs. Even though the stereotypical image that comes to mind for Valentine’s Day includes a young couple holding hands in a cloud of bliss, those people whose relationship status is currently single can still find ways to enjoy the holiday. A valentine does not have to be for a boyfriend or girlfriend, they could just be a very good friend or a close family member. The trade of candy and cards can take place between anyone. If all else fails, candy can be bought at lower prices and there are romantic movies shown on TV all day. For those who can’t tell someone their true feelings, this is the perfect time to send a gift. Secret admirers can get the courage to put a smile on their crush’s face without having to be bold enough to show who they are. There are always ways to make a holiday more personal. The more special the gift is, the more meaning it will have. Even though candy and flowers are sweet, unique gifts truly let the person know exactly how much they are thought of. Brighten someone’s day by asking them to be your valentine and share the love.

Snow, snow go away, come again next year


now. It just keeps coming down. Schools are closing, people are losing power, and accidents are happening everywhere. It’s just not safe. As children, snow was wonderful. The snowmen, snow angels, snow cream (yum). The first snow came and went, as did the second and the Jessica Stainback third. I welcomed the snow when it first came to town. It appeared to be a long missed friend to the students and various


Olivia Tritschler

Jake Mcquiggan

Too Materialistic “The romance has been sucked from the holiday and been turned into a day of selfish greed.”

Not Just FOr COuples “Those people whose relationship status is single can still find ways to enjoy the holiday.”

Relationship strain “This can create problems in or even cause the ending of a relationship.”

faculty. Students had just finished exams and boy, did we need the break. People played outside, friends came together (when possible due to the roads), and snowball fights commenced. As the snow fell hard on Washington D.C., hundreds of people met in Dupont Circle on Saturday, Feb. 6 for an official snowball fight organized by a Facebook group. News stations and other media affiliates covered this massive day of snow fun as the fluffy balls began to fly. Battles between North and South Washingtonians took place in different rounds, but the event was open so the public could join in. Like always, all good things must come to an end…or so we all thought. Snowstorm number two: All right! Students get another day out of school.


alentine’s Day is a great way to express your love for your significant other. But I believe it creates a burden on couples and tension in relationships. Valentine’s Day used to be a day when people would have an excuse to go on a romantic date with a present such as roses or chocolates. But now it has been transformed into a commercialized holiday based on gifts. The romance has been sucked from the holiday and been turned into a day of selfish greed so a person can feel good about getting gifts. But when does a nice gift become too much? During this holiday, expensive gifts and hours of planning are seen as a necessity. Society tells couples to use this day to judge the amount of affection they have for one another. The bigger or nicer the gift, the greater your love. Why are all these gifts needed just to show affection? It makes the person receiving the present feel good that their significant other went through all the trouble to get them a gift and spent so much money. The fact is that it is so much trouble on the person getting these gifts. So much stress and worry fills whoever buys the gift because they are afraid what they are getting isn’t enough, so they may buy even more. Even when a person tries, sometimes it isn’t enough and the person receiving the gift gets upset and feels as if the other doesn’t love them as much as they thought. This can create problems in, or even cause the ending of, a relationship. Keeping a relationship healthy and strong is hard enough without other conflicts involved. Valentine’s Day should go back to the way it used to be. A day of couples being together at a spa, dinner or a romantic getaway by themselves. This will take off so much stress created by the burden of getting gifts. Gifts aren’t needed when trying to show someone you love them, they show materialistic commercialism created by today’s society. Love is not a tangible object and should not be expressed as one.

Then the realization finally hit. No one can go anywhere; no friends can come over (unless they have four-wheel drive). Ice covered the road and made them all the more dangerous for travelers. Boredom soon set in like a hovering plague. Text messages galore blew up the phones. “This sucks.” “I’m bored.” “Panera should have delivery service.” All these and more were coming and going. Other than phones, many turned to the Internet to vent their feelings. Sadness, which soon grew towards hatred, occupied the thoughts of many. Few people remained loyal to our old friend the snow. Snowstorm number three gave the county’s students an early release on to the treacherous roads. The funding for clearing the streets was scraping the bottom of the barrel across the tri-city area.

It snowed for a few hours and the wind blew at high speeds before coming to a standstill. All this snow has left people without power, without a means of transportation, and has even left people stranded. We first welcomed the snow with open arms, yet now the community wants to welcome the sunshine. A letter to the snow: Please leave us in peace before the trees uproot and fall, the ground floods beyond fixing, the potholes wreck every car, and our houses collapse under your weight. Next year will be another winter, my friend, and we hope you will visit again. (Just not now.) Sleep until we call on you again to bring us joy in another year. Signed, Desperate for the Smell of Summer.

Page 4 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010


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Clubs partner together to raise money for Haiti relief efforts Malikah Williams trn writer


n Jan. 12th at 4:53 p.m., a 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated Haiti. Responding to this event, the Spanish Club partnered with the French Club and the Cultural Awareness Club partnered with the SGA to contribute to the relief effort for Haiti. “This will help [the people of] Haiti. After the cameras leave, people are just going to forget about [the Haitians] just like after Katrina hit New Orleans,” Cultural Awareness Club president senior Anitra Herron said. “By us doing this we give them the help they need as well as gain recognition for our club.” So far the American Red Cross has spent or committed almost $78 million to the relief fund according to www.redcross. org. In addition, the American Red Cross has started the Hope for Haiti program in which people can donate $10 dollars by texting “Haiti” to 90999. Currently 140,000 people are dead, 250,000 are injured, and 1.5 million people are homeless. With such vast amounts of people in need, every penny counts in the rehabilitation of the people. “We partnered with the Cultural Awareness Club to raise funds for relief efforts. The Cultural Awareness Club created a spot for PGTV, and SGA Officers and Senators visited 5th period classes for donations,” SGA sponsor Michael Nelson said. “We raised over $400 in just two days of collecting money.” While it was a quick decision to decide to raise money for Haiti, both the SGA and Cultural Awareness Club do these types of things often. “Each year we take on a project to help a third world country with assistance,” Head sponsor of the Cultural Awareness Club Crystal Lipscombe said. The Cultural Awareness Club and SGA plan to continue raising money for Haiti and donating it to the Red Cross. Spanish Club and French Club plan on donating the most they can by doing a donation program with EF Educational Tours. “[The idea] was introduced by the sponsors and then discussed and voted on

. • • • • •

The American Red Cross issued a one-month progress report on Feb. 12 Since the earthquake, the American Red Cross has raised approximately $255 million for the Haiti relief and recovery efforts. The American Red Cross has provided 3 million pre-packaged meals to the United Nations World Food Programme as well as $30 million in funding to help feed an additional 1 million people for a month. More than 1.5 million people in Haiti are in need of shelter. The Red Cross has produced more than 1.2 million liters of water per day, enough for 300,000 people. Water distribution points are in 110 settlements with sanitation facilities in 12 settlements.

by club members. EF Educational Tours is matching donations, so the French and Spanish Clubs will send the money to EF who will then direct the money to the Red Cross,” Head sponsor of the Spanish Club Catherine Hamlin said. Both the Spanish Club and the French Club have aspirations for the money they are donating to the Haitians. “We hope that the money will help to purchase supplies that the Haitian people need to rebuild their lives,” Hamlin said. After the urgency of the help Haitian people need wears off, the Cultural Awareness Club plans to continue raising money for the people.

“For the month of March, we hope to raise money to buy supplies to rebuild houses back up and sanitary products,” Herron said. “We plan on having a competition with the other [secondary] schools to raise even more money.” Community service is a major component in many of the clubs in our schools. These clubs have put in the work to try and help another country in dire need of resources without any compensation for their efforts. “Even though we might not get ‘rewarded’ for the help, the reward is helping people out,” Herron said.

February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 5

News briefs Virginia Blood Services will be at PGHS on Wednesday, Feb 24th, from 8:00-3:30 in the auditorium. Students will need to take home a permission slip and have it COMPLETED before they are allowed to sign up for a time slot. NHS: The National Honor Society Relay for Life Team members will meet during gold activity period on Feb. 22 in room A-8. Etcetera is now accepting submissions for this year’s magazine. See your English or art teacher for cover sheets, and submit your work for possible publication. Submissions will be accepted through the end of February and can be returned to you whether or not your work is chosen for the book. Please see Mrs. Andersen in A30 or an Etcetera staff member with questions.

Page 6 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010

Budget cuts continue to grow

$5,160 Laura Young trn writer


rince George County Schools are one among many area school divisions facing budget cuts for the next school year. Early estimations from Prince George County Schools Financial Director Betsy Drewry range from a 4.5-5.1 million dollar deficit for the 2010-2011 budget. “Prince George was anticipating a $3.9 million reduction in revenues for 2010-2011,” Drewry said. However, an increase in the state retirement benefits of employees in the school system through the Virginia Retirement System will add over 500,000 dollars to the shortfall. This will bring the debt to around 4.5 million dollars. This is not the end of the costs. The Local Composite Index (LCI) is a measure of wealth in cities and counties around the state. Former Governor Tim Kaine proposed a freeze on this index at the end of his term in December 2009. Newly-elected Governor Bob McDonnell has proposed removing this freeze. “Removing the LCI freeze proposed by Kaine will mean even less state revenue for Prince George in 2010-2011 [approximately $640,000 - $650,000

less],” Drewry said. “With this proposed LCI freeze removal, the revised bottom line amount of needed reductions could grow to $5,160,000 or more.” Prince George is not the only locality suffering under budget strains. According to reports from the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Dinnwiddie County Schools will be facing a 2.5 million dollar deficit, Colonial Heights City Schools budget shortfall is estimated to be around 1.1 million dollars, and Chesterfield County Schools are taking a hit of almost 30 million dollars. Chesterfield County Public Schools chose a publicly controversial method of making preliminary decisions in what should be reduced or eliminated from their budget for the 2010-2011 school year. The county school administration created a survey available to all teachers, staff, and district employees asking them how they think the budget cuts should be approached. Faculty and staff who took the survey felt like they were pitting “teacher against teacher” when it came to cuts in jobs. Though the Prince George County Schools administration has no intentions of conducting such a survey, there have already been preliminary discussions about what kinds of reductions will take place. The first budget work session took place on January 20th. “The Superintendent and staff

provided the board with an initial working document outlining $3,141,890 in non-staff/salary cuts,” Drewry said. “The discussed reductions included elimination of school bus purchases, major reductions to training and travel, a reduction of contingency funds, significant reductions to computer and other technology purchases, reductions to office supplies and instructional materials purchases and a reduction in textbook purchases.” The budget developing process spans from January to April, with many meetings of county officials to make final decisions along the way. “The School Board has its next budget meeting on February 18, 2010. A joint meeting between the School Board and Board of Supervisors is planned for February 25, 2010,” Drewry said. “The Superintendent is scheduled to present his proposed budget on March 23, 2010. The School Board is scheduled to adopt the School Board budget for 2010-2011 on April 19, 2010, following more work sessions and a public hearing.” Though developing the budget is always a difficult process, this year proves to be a new and interesting struggle. “The process for deciding how reductions will be made is challenging and emotionally charged,” Drewry said..

“The U.S. is already an obese country. We should not be decreasing athletic programs in schools.” –Crystal Reynolds, 10th.

“Providing mo to Rowanty is t money from ou and putting it i another school not make sense –Gerri Hinton,

“Why teach a class with two people? It’s wasting money for no reason.” -Dre’Shon Allen, 11th

“We really need security guards Our school wo dangerous with them.” –Lenee West, 1

w speculation

February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 7


oney taking ur school into l. It does e.” , 11th

d to keep s around. ould be hout


1.7% 4.3% 6.7% 12.8% 17.6% 4.3% 5.3%

“Reducing administrative staff only adds to the percentage of job loss. Jobs are the most important thing to save in all of this.” -Ethan Abele, 10th

“Classes are already crowded and loud. We do not need more people in classes.” -Tiandre Robinson, 10th



How do you cut it up? 1.7% Reduce Contracts or Eliminate positions of gifted and special education teachers. 4.3% Eliminate funding to Rowanty Technical School 4.3 %Reduce number of support staff 5.3% Eliminate money for athletics 6.7% Eliminate security guards 12.6% Administration Staff Reductions 17.6% Eliminate Project Choice 22.9% Increase class size 24.6% Increase Furlough Days

Page 8 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010

Applications for the 2010-2011 Yearbook Staff are available in A3. Deadline Wednesday, March 3rd



February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 9

New report states male minorities fall behind in education Jami Davis news editor


he United States of America has come to a point where minority males are falling increasingly further behind in education according to a recent study, “The Educational Crisis Facing Young Men of Color,” conducted by the College Board. According to the study conducted by the College Board, the rates of minority males graduating high school are below females and 26% or less of minority males have an associate’s degree at most. Minority males are falling behind in the education system, but in reciprocation the education system is also failing these young men. National data supports this claim according to the College Board study, but data closer to home also shows this trend. In the past nine years, data shows that only one class had a majority of males graduating with honors (at least a 4.0 GPA). Also in the past nine years, minority males have accounted for between 4% and 6% of honors graduates. In addition, four out of the last nine years minority males have not produced any honors graduates. “Very, very few black males were getting advanced studies diplomas. In 1995 there were a handful if that many. Last year there was one, in 2005 there were two, in 2003 there were no black males,” guidance counselor Evelina Davis said. Reasons why minority males are failing academically include community, social and cultural pressures. “As a culture I feel that the peer pressure we feel from other blacks is major. In today’s society it is not ‘cool’ to be smart. So drugs and gangs play a big role,” junior Trey Carter said. Lack of a male role model or living in a single parent home can also create an effect upon minority males. “In the black community a lot of young blacks are growing up in broken homes, where there is no father. From my observations, having a mother and father in the child’s life is the most successful way to raise a young man. The child will feel the love coming from both parents, and he will not have to act out through joining a gang, or something similar, in search of love from another individual,” Carter said.

Senior Bruce Woodfin, junior Victor Bullock, senior Jeremiah Taylor and junior Trey Carter all attend Professor Mark Dailey’s college level Psychology course. Photo by Colby Eliades Low expectations from the community as well as individuals can create an atmosphere that does not push these young men to succeed. “I feel as though they put themselves down before they even try. They look at people with the same skin color and automatically get into this mind set where they think that’s where they will end up, so why should they even bother to try?” junior Victor Bullock said. Being involved in the school system, Davis portrays a different view. “They are not being discouraged. It is not discouragement, but a lack of encouragement. I don’t think we have anyone here who would discourage a student,” Davis said. There appears to be a certain time in male minority’s lives that a clear distinction is made between those who will be honors graduates and those who will not. “Eleventh grade is when reality sets in, everybody seems to sign up for advances studies, hit Algebra II, chemistry and English 11 and it is a do or die situation,” Davis said. Senior Ty Smith has goals for his future that didn’t require certain courses.

“In Chesapeake I was on track to receive an advanced diploma but I realized a standard diploma is all that i need for the Air Force. When I got to Chemistry and Algebra II I realized that I did not really need those courses to do what I wanted to do,” Smith said. The incarceration rates in the United States are the highest in the world according to collegeboard.com. In part, this can be credited to the educational downfalls of the country with minority males. “I’m sure many of the blacks in jail are there due to gang related or drug related crimes. A young black man may see that school is not his ’thing’, and he might not have any positive role models prevalent in his life. Then he catches a glimpse of the neighborhood drug dealer who did not like school. So he figures ‘Hey he did not finish school and look at him, he is making more money than both of my parents combined’,” Carter said. Bullock notices that the minority males who fail to complete school are forced to fight for financial stability. “When minorities [males] don’t finish school they are not as well equipped as the majority to compete for jobs. So

they have to find some way of making money, so they turn to jobs where the competition rates aren’t as high. Most of those jobs include illegal activities that a well educated person would not [have to] take,” Bullock said. A change must be made in the school system as well as in the community for minority males to defeat the academic decline. “What we can do is keep our head in the books. Find something you are good at like the workforce, trade, etc. School systems can attempt to diversify and let people of all races know that the school accepts them for who they are, and that [schools] hope they take something away from [the experience]. School should not just be about an education; it should also be a growing and learning experience for whoever steps up to the challenge,” Carter said. Bullock relays a sense of hope for minority males falling behind in education. “They can stop selling themselves short, just because you may live in the ghetto and you are a minority does not mean the jail cell already has your name on it,” Bullock said.

Page 10 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010


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JROTC The annual royal battalion command inspection will take place on March 24, 2010 in the gymnasium. The command inspection is an event that occurs each school year where all JROTC cadets gather in the gymnasium in what is called a Battalion formation. Each cadet will demonstrate their skills in Drill and Ceremonies as well as answer knowledge question that cover the core curriculum. The Command and Staff will conduct a power point presentation that not only demonstrates their leadership abilities but show the Inspectors all of the accomplishments and the hard work conducted by the Prince George Royal Battalion. The Highest award is the Honor Unit with Distinction (HUD) ribbon, also known as the gold star PGHS JROTC has earned this distinction for the last 16 years which makes us on the best programes in the state of Virginia. In order to keep the gold star we have to score a 96% or above. Good Luck Cadets!!! Chris Shifflett Manager

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February 19, 20010 - The Royal News - Page 11

Teachers prepare for Ukrop’s 10K Race Members of staff give insight on race preparation Rachel Youmans & Kim Carneal trn writers Allison Heath How do you prepare for the 10K? -“Mr. Owens has been helping me train for the last few months, but the weather has been messing us up. We run at the track in Colonial Heights.” Do you eat any certain foods? -“No certain foods, but I do drink a lot of water and I will eat better a couple weeks before the 10K.” Do you listen to anything? -“I started listening to my iPod while I train. It keeps me from hearing my breathing speed up because I have asthma and when I hear my breathing speed up I want to quit.” How long have you been preparing? -“I have been running with Mr. Owens since the summer but we did not start training until January.” Are you running the race or training with someone else? -“I will be running alone and whatever happens, happens. My goal is to run half of it. I do not want Mr. Owens to have to stay behind and get a slower time.”

James Owens How do you prepare for the 10K? -“I try to acclimate my body to the current climate outdoors, become familiar with the faster pace of a six mile race, and minimize chances for injury. The most important thing I can do to prepare for race day is reduce my chances of getting injured. I will hydrate well, follow a regular stretching regiment, and recognize my limitations.” Do you eat any certain foods? -“I try to maintain a healthy diet under normal circumstances. My body can meet the demands I place on it, though I do carb load the night before a longer race.” Do you listen to anything? -“I only recently started carrying an iPod and I tend to listen to music that has no set percussion. It just helps me relax.” How long have you been preparing? -“I tend not to prepare for any one race, I just try to stay physically fit.” Are you running the race or training with someone else? -“I have been training with Mrs. Heath and I often run with Mrs. Owens.”

Teachers Allison Heath and James Owens support each other in training for the Ukrop’s 10K. Photo by Colby Eliades

Page 12 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010



Sent to the Principal’s Office

Photos and information by Mia Norman.

This friendship trophy is exchanged between Hopewell and Prince George before every football game. Because the principals and SGA presidents come forward to exchange the trophy, it became a family affair when Hopewell’s Principal Fletcher had to hand it over to his daughter, SGA president Taylor Fletcher.

The “hot seat” is actually rarely used for discipline. These chairs are used mostly by students and parents who have requested a meeting with Mrs. Smallwood. The assistant principals handle most of the discipline, except in the most serious of cases.

These files on Principal Tracey Smallwood’s desk are a collection of all the important papers that she needs to keep track of. In it is a list of all the teacher’s duties, the school calendar, phone extensions, and a copy of the master schedule.

February 19, 2010- The Royal News - Page 13


Teachers remember intolerant times

Integration brought more chances of equality, community DelBria Walton trn feature editor


ntering a class where everyone looks the same defined segregation. It prevented students from interacting with one another based on their race. Blacks were not allowed to attend the same facilities as whites and at this time it was regarded as a law, known as separate but equal. Teachers remember their experiences during this time whether they were students or educators when integration took place.

Joyce Andersen, instructional aide at South Elementary, never went to school with whites because during that time blacks received only four years of high school while white students received five years. “I attended an all black high school called Disputanta Training School. I was the first graduating class of J.E.J. Moore, a high school in 1956, our class consisted of 47 people,” Anderson said. “Blacks in that time did not attend eleventh grade.” At certain times integration was not well received by others, including students and parents in the community. But some were actually receptive and did not find the change at all upsetting. “I pretty much was a pacifist and I did not care. I knew them as kids, just as I was. My parents on the other hand, were not as accepting as I was,” Computer technology teacher Donna Nichols said. After such a long time of being segregated, both blacks and whites were appreciative of these new privileges. “I was excited to see blacks and

whites finally come together and my parents were excited. They believed they would never live to see the day,” Cafeteria manager at South Elementary Rosa Goodwyn said. “Integration gave more chances for equal opportunity and I realized we could all be friends,” English teacher Pam Alley said. Although it became illegal for people, businesses, and public transportation to be discriminatory in their proceedings, all people did not adhere to this rule. “I once remember when my church went to North Carolina to visit another church. On our way there, we stopped at a restaurant to get breakfast and we waited for a long time, but we were never seated,” Anderson said. “Even as whites came in after us they were seated. We ended up leaving but until this day I have never forgotten that.” Despite the negatives, the positives were just as plentiful. Positive experiences kept the hope that integration was the promising new future. “Through integration people had

A non-integrated fifth grade class of Prince George in 1957 posed for a yearbook photograph. At the time all white students attended what is now N.B. Clements. Peerage photo. come to realize that there are a lot of nice people in the world despite their race. In this time we all started to work together and accepting each other regardless our differences, good or bad,” Nichols said. Today, Americans as a whole have come far from the days of slavery and Jim Crow, but that does not mean that the country cannot continue to go further. “I once felt I was not good enough or equal to whites, but now it is better and I like the way things are progressing. It is unbelievable to see a black man as President of the United States. I never thought I would live to see this day,” Anderson said. “Everyone has the right to an education and color should never have any bearing on the way people live their lives. It righted a lot of wrongs,” Nichols said.

Page 14 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010


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February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 15

College rejection leads to different path After denial, alumnus Melissa McCue sought other opportunities Jessica Marshall trn writer


pplying to college comes with many uncertainties. From figuring out payment plans to living arrangements, applying is quite an experience for college bound students. One factor, not commonly welcomed, can affect all decisions. Rejection. Graduate Melissa McCue knows firsthand how much rejection can affect a college career. Since McCue was a freshman in high school, McCue always dreamed of going to William and Mary. McCue had her heart set on it. “It was very ideal for me. It had a beautiful campus that was close to home and a fantastic education for a very good price,” McCue said. “It’s called a Public Ivy for a reason: high quality education that doesn’t break the budget. I couldn’t pass on that opportunity.” The first time McCue applied to William and Mary, she was rejected. Even though she was utterly surprised when she got the letter, she realized why she had been. “The year I applied was a difficult year to apply regular decision, which I had done. I also ended up going through some family problems and moved to a new home halfway through my senior year of high school,” McCue said. Many colleges begin sending out information as early as a student’s freshmen year. Freshmen are encouraged to look at college Web sites and browse through their brochures. Admission directors also may suggest that they be mindful of their grades. McCue learned that grades played a huge factor in getting accepted. “Once I moved, there was a large drop in my GPA and involvement in other activities. There were just some things I had to put ahead of school and focus on,” McCue said. “Because of that, my academic

Prince George alumnus Melissa McCue (right) and friend Lauren Brock (left) enjoy a Saturday football game at the College of William and Mary. McCue began her studies at the College this fall after attending Richard Bland College for two years. Photo contributed by Melissa McCue. performance suffered.” For anyone, getting rejected is not what they intend to happen. The gamut from grades to extra-curricular activities effect the chance of getting accepted. Gender can even play a determining factor. “I learned it is much more competitive for females to apply to a school than males. Even though currently there are more females applying for higher education, colleges still need to create a balanced gender pool overall,” McCue said. Every year colleges like William and Mary get thousands of applications. William and Mary’s acceptance rate actually increased slightly, going from thirty-two percent last year to thirty-three percent this year. With these percentages, being rejected is a common occurrence. “Looking back on it, I was completely

devastated. It was like asking yourself ‘I worked so hard all these years just to come to this?’,” McCue said. “The rejection was a definite roadblock and if you’re not expecting it, hits you hard. At the time, I remember thinking ‘What now? Where do I go from here?’” From this point, the next step would be to wait for other letters and wish for acceptance. In most cases, college bound seniors apply to more than just one college. Richard Bland was McCue’s backup. “I went to Bland after high school to get my associates degree and matriculate later to the College. Even still, it was hard work,” McCue said. “I know of so many kids who get accepted their senior year to the school of their choice and slacked off their freshman year because they didn’t have an appreciation for being there.” Even though it wasn’t her first choice,

McCue made sure that her time at Bland was a memorable and worthwhile one. “Going to Bland, I worked two jobs, bought myself a car, paid rent and still commuted to campus every day for fulltime (at least 12 credit hour) coursework,” McCue said. “Going there gave me a sense of the real world, that instead of actually aspiring to do something, you have to work for it. And you have to work hard.” After completing her time at Bland, McCue was undecided about what to do next. She decided that the best possible thing to do was to reapply to William and Mary. This time she got a different response. “When I got my letter, I cried. And my parents cried. I was so overjoyed,” McCue said. “It felt like a scene from Rudy when the main character had gone to another college to work his way into the University of Notre Dame and received his acceptance letter. It was then when I finally felt a good sense of relief that everything I had done to get there had paid off.” Even though McCue was able to overcome her rejection, she admits that it is not always as easy for other students. “Well everybody is open to rejection and should be aware of that fact. But if you do get rejected, do not take it to heart,” McCue said. “It does not matter what anyone else thinks about your rejection - it is not a failure, just a stepping stone that lets you get to where you really want to be.” Being rejected from a college, definitely if it’s a dream college, is something a majority of seniors do not want to experience. But just like any obstacle in life, McCue knows that it is ideal to make the best of what is given to you. “You just have to work a bit harder for it and eventually it will all pay off in the end. No one will care twenty years down the road how you got to where you are,” McCue said. “As long as you prove that it was worthwhile to you, you have successfully met your goal. That should matter above all else.” “We’re sorry to inform you but,” are words that seniors never want to have to see, especially on college application letters. Rejection for McCue didn’t mean the end of the world though. For McCue, it just meant that she had to work harder and that work eventually paid off. “So now that I have made it, I have all the more reason to do well here. I can not let everything that I have done go to waste,” McCue said.

Page 16 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010

African American Invention 1. Lewis Latimer

“The lamp provi ditional light for I use my comput night.” Sophomo Kavon Edwards

invented the electric lamp in 1882.

2. Robert Flem-

ming Jr. invented the guitar March 3, 1886.

“The toilet helps me handle my business. It gives me my thinking time.” Junior Quenton McDougal




3. George T.

Samon invented the clothes dryer in 1892.

4. H. A. Jackson

invented the kitchen table in 1896.


“ Without the kitchen table I would not be able to bond with my family.” Junior Jessica White


“Th I fee to c sho Jun


ns of the Modern Household

February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 17

5. T. Elkins invented

ides adr when ter at ore



“The guitar helps relieve stress and takes my mind off of everyday problems. “ Junior Michael King

6. Joseph N. Jackson invented the remote control in 1899.

7. Theora Stephens invented the curling iron in 1983.


Illustrated By: Alex Cain

he remote control helps for when el especially tired after practice change channels and record the ows I missed during practice.” nior Evan Montgomery

the toilet in 1897.

8. Ruane Jeter

invented the digital toaster in 1987.

Written by: Devyn Pachmayr and Brittany Thacker

Page 18- The Royal News -February 19, 2010

Ampersand & Information and Layout by: Katie Adams

The Sweetest Part About Valentine’s Day Box of Chocolates

Hershey Kisses

Serving Size - 2 pieces Calories - 150 Total Sugars - 19 g Total Fats - 6 g

Serving Size - 3 pieces Calories - 75 Total Sugars - 2.3 g Total Fats - 1.5 g

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Senior Countdown... Brittany Kilpatrick, 10: “I like Ring Pops because one day, I want someone to give me a diamond that big.”



February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 19

Choir prepares for self produced play

Broadway musical Grey Gardens debuts in March Olivia Tritschler trn writer


tudent picked, produced and directed, the movie and Broadway musical Grey Gardens hits Prince George High School on March 11th and 12th at 7:30 PM. All proceeds will benefit the school’s Musical Department. Grey Gardens tells the story of a peculiar woman and her grown up daughter. Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter, “Little” Edie, were once very well known in social rankings. They fell to the most infamous outsiders in East Hampton, who live in a aging mansion. “They experienced so much life, from triumph to disappointment, but

through it all they never once wavered in who they were and what they stood for,” senior Meaghan O’Hare said. “They are incredibly inspiring individuals, and I am so passionate about playing these roles out of the great respect I have developed for these dynamic women.” The musical occurs in two time periods. In 1941, the house was in its prime state; where as when it is shown in 1973 it has been reduced to ruin. “I believe this show is a very interesting back-story to a very important family in American history,” Houchins said. As director, senior Tyler Houchins got to pick the musical and the cast members. “This show is unique to those of us who are taking part in putting it together. It’s all about love and commitment to each other and that’s what everyone has,” Houchins said. “It was perfect for

us to do.” “Tyler approached me about participating in Grey Gardens,” junior Megan Tate said. “I have had the opportunity to work with Tyler many times in the past, and I knew Grey Gardens would be a blast.” While having a good time at practices work must still be accomplished. Tate added that during practices they run through scenes and rehearse musical numbers. Rehearsal for the show includes many hours to learn lines and cues perfectly. “We have been rehearsing for two weeks with five more weeks to go until the show,” Houchins said. “We rehearse Friday, Saturday and Sunday for four hours each night.” A nine-person cast creates the allure of the amusing and tragic story of Edith Bouvier Beale and “Little” Edie. The show would not be able to be produced without outside help. “We have had much success approaching local businesses, friends, and

“My favorite thing would have to be the cast...they are so much fun.” Junior Megan Tate

Senior Savanah Stricklin and junior Megan Tate rehearse for Grey Gardens. The play is being put on by the choir students. If will be performed March 11th and 12th at the high school. Picture courtesy of The Grey Gardens project (facebook)

family members for donations in order to fund the production,” O’Hare said. “This production would not be possible without the generous support of this community.” For a show, the cast must not only have good acting and singing ability, they must also be able to all work as a team for a perfect production. “My favorite thing would have to be the cast. They are so much fun,” Tate said. “It is great that we all get along, and enjoy all our time together.” Musicals can be hard work, yet a love of being on stage and hearing the crowd cheering impels the cast to work their hardest till opening night. “I cannot wait for Grey Gardens to hit the stage,” Tate said.

Page 20 - The Royal News -February 19, 2010


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February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 21

Virtual reality farming places students in real life situations Mariah Blystone trn writer


n avid Facebook user logs into their account and sees the red number at the top of their news feed. They move the mouse and click on it and are informed that their crops are ready for harvest. The popular game, Farmville, has taken this social networking site by storm. A reality game that includes animals, crops and other real life events has attracted the interest of thousands of Facebook users. “The point of Farmville is to be the best virtual farmer, because everyone knows real farming is boring,” senior Joseph Tritschler said. Avid players also log in at work to work on their farm even more. “I work at Tan-N-Time and we have computers,” senior Sara Eanes said. “My job is really boring and it gives me something to do.” Players can get money from a wide range of available crops and animals. The animals include the common cows and horses to the exotic elephants and penguins. Along with the animals raised, crops can also be grown and harvested. Residents can also buy trees for profit. “So far on my farm I have four cows, two pigs, and a few chickens,” sophomore Kelsey Koser said. “My farm is not very big yet.” Players that have been playing this game for longer periods of time have the opportunity to purchase more out of the ordinary animals. “My favorite animals that I raise are penguins because players can harvest ice cubes from them,” Tritschler said. The crops help the players make money after they plant them. They then have to wait a certain number of hours, depending on the plant, to harvest them. “The best crops are berries since they grow in a matter of hours,” Tritschler said.

Farmers can get coins to spend on plants, trees, livestock, houses and other things necessary to maintain their farm. Plants will wither if not harvested in the given amount of time. Neighbors can gift you animals, trees and other items. With work and school, sometimes taking care of the virtual farm is difficult. “If I am attempting to do both homework and farming at the same time, I queue up several actions in my farm and then read a page of homework,” Tritschler said. With the changing of the seasons, different materials can be purchased and sent to the neighbors. This season players can build a stable. Their friends have to send them fifty different materials to build this. Their friends can send nails and boards to help their fellow farmers. For the ones that are not caught up in the craze, all the harvesting and planting can seem a little crazy. They may not be inter-

ested in starting a farm due to the fact that it takes so much time. “I think the games do have a negative effect because if you sit inside playing Farmville on Facebook, or any other game like that, you do not go outside and get any exercise, which is necessary in anyone’s life,” sophomore Danielle Perry said. With the acknowledgement of the negative outcomes, some also see the positive effects that may come from this game. “The positive effects include getting an idea of what happens in the real world. It also gives them a sense of how money works,” Perry said. In order to keep up with the expenses of their farms, strategies are needed. Some

people even calculate which crops turn out the most profit in the least amount of time. Some stay on Farmville for days, while others may be too busy. “The time varies for me,” Tritschler said. “Some weeks I get on everyday and other weeks I forget Facebook even exists.” For these Farmville fanatics, this game is seen as more than just a game. They said it is addicting and that they love to play. “Yes, it is addicting,” Tritschler said. “This could be because it is easy to play and can be done in short segments of time.” With the craze sweeping the Facebook nation, some people suggest that their friends join in on the fun.

Page 22 - The Royal News -February 19, 2010


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Thank you patrons for donating to the Royal News. Your gifts help us continue to produce the best publication we can offer to the PGHS students. Super Patrons donated $50 or more, Gold Patrons donated $20 or more, Green Patrons donated $10 or more. If you would like to become a patron stop by A6 or email cwaugaman@pgs.k12.va.us


February 19, 2010- The Royal News - Page 23

Rock reality games battle for fame

Gamers debate over which popular band simulation fads are better


ecently there have been a few changes to the popular networking site,

Rachel Waymack trn writer


ince the introduction of the popular band game, Guitar Hero, people have been able to play like they were in a real band on tour. In 2007, the competition started when the newer game, Rock Band, launched. Thus creating a real “battle of the bands.” Both Guitar Hero and Rock Band are music video simulation games. In both, the player acts as a rock star and uses the “instrument” controllers to play a song. For those who have played both, opinions have risen and players have taken sides. “It [Rock Band] is so much better because the game play is more realistic,” junior Jeremy Anderson said, “Guitar Hero seems a little too ‘cartoony’, like it is for little kids.” Some players debate over which game system provides the best playing forum for the games. Extra content is available for download on both games and has changed how one views the gaming experience. “Rock Band offers better and more downloadable content,” sophomore Robert Stevenson said. Despite all of the differences, there are a few similarities. Both of the games allow for multiplayer or single player gaming. This allows two players to play simultaneously or against each other as they try to master different notes and levels. “Competing head to head against friends [in Guitar Hero] is the best part,” senior Bobby Holden said. While both games offer multiplayer modes, gamers have noticed distinct differences between the two. “In Rock Band, all of the instruments

New changes to Facebook creates confusion

seem equally important,” Stevenson said, “In Guitar Hero certain instruments have emphasis put on them.” Some players prefer one game to another because of the actual game play. “I like Guitar Hero because it improves my music skills,” sophomore Mark Roman said. “It helps me keep rhythm and improves my reading of music.” Originality also plays a key role in which game people choose to play. “I like Guitar Hero because it is the original game. I also like all of the songs and it is really fun,” sophomore Michelle Williams said.

“I was playing everyday for two hours.”

Sophomore James Dargan plays Rock Band. The game offers a wide variety of music that players have to choose from. Different levels and game simulation offer the real band experience. Photo by Kelsie McDaniels Although players may disagree on which game series is better, most agree that they can both be very addicting. “Last year I was playing everyday for almost two hours,” Anderson said. The games have both raised popularity among gamers. Choosing a game and sticking with it is solely based on what gamers are used to.

Facebook. I have heard that people did not like the new design, but personally I Kelsie McDaniels think that it is more effective. This change has made the site easier to navigate. On the left side of the page you can have one click access to all of the applications and friends that are online. Also accessible are the inbox and friend request pages. The notification box has been moved to the top of the page, which is easier to read. In the past, if I had a high number of notifications they would be cut off and I would have to go to a different screen, which often took a long time to load. I am the most excited about where they have placed the applications. The only part that is negative is that you have to go to the application and bookmark it before it can be accessed. I have a large number of applications that require me to check them daily and by the time I search for them, I do not want to play anymore. I love clicking on the icon for something and instantly having access to it instead of having to go through multiple pages just to find it and then wait for it to load. I do not see why people do not like the changes on Facebook. At least there is no changing of layouts to worry about. We let the people who own the site deal with that and enjoy what it has to offer. Just think, what would you do without Facebook?

Page 24 - The Royal News - Februar y 19, 2010

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Februar y 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 25

Royal track claims runner-up

Despite the lack of meets, indoor track get second in Central District championship Autrey Jackson trn writer


he track team overcame the obstacles set forth by the recent winter weather and nearly claimed the district title on Thursday, February 11. They came in second, with Thomas Dale taking first place. In the last few weeks, rain has soaked the ground and winter storms have left blankets of snow across the whole state. Although it is called indoor track, all of the training is done outside on the track. A few of the meets were even cancelled due to the weather, preventing the team from improving by running competitively. At this time two years ago, the track team was in the opposite position. They had a full season and were favored to win Districts, but

could not attend it on the day of the meet because of bad weather. “We have athletes that work very hard, probably harder than any other school’s track team,” coach Paul Cash said. ”Every missed day and missed meet sets us back from improving as much as possible; bad weather hurts the hardest working teams the hardest.” Just as in every other sport in the school, the track athletes stayed every day after school and work to improve and prepare for Districts. They run long distances to gain endurance and short distance to work on speed. Each team member works on the proper techniques needed for the events they are in. Every teammate pushed each of the others to try harder and go faster. With the track out of use, the team tried to find other methods of training. Some team members tried to stay in shape on their own when absolutely no practice could be held. The team’s inability to have meets was another negative outcome of the snow. Missing the meets left athletes on the team unsure of what to expect at the District meet. When the day came, it seemed to some runners that the talent was there but the strategy was not. “I think our events could have been better planned. The Thomas Dale coaches planned their events well,” senior Kevin Carlie said. Some of the team members were not positive about how they would match up against the teams that they had

Royal indoor track team poses for a team photo after getting runner-up in the Central District championship Feb. 11. not competed against before. “We have not run against their sprinters, so we are not sure how fast they are and how to put a relay team together,” senior Shakeel Weekes said. Not only were they in the dark about the other teams’ speed, but they also lacked the full season’s experience at meets. “I feel like I could have had more meets to run and get used to the competition,” senior Desi Scott said. Part of the team attempted to continue practicing on their own, but they did not always succeed due to the conditions. “I have not been able to run much outside, and going to the gym is hard with the transportation problems,” Carlie said. As a team, they found alternatives to the track in order to try to keep up with their everyday training. “We have found places inside the school to run. The auditorium is a great place for a running workout,” coach Mark Tomlin said. The weather took away valuable time of practice for the team, but it was not enough to keep the team from coming out as runner-up in the Central District championship.

Black athletes?


ince it is Black History Month, I decided to dedicate this month’s sports column to Black athletes. What does one think of with the word “Black athlete”? Maybe, they think of a person who excels in all areas of athletics. Or, one who dominates the field. Flipping the coin for a second, what about off the field? Not only does the image Amir Vera of the uneducated jock come to mind, but the words arrogance and promiscuity may be brought up as well. I am not ashamed of all Black athletes, just confused about ones that add on to the stereotype. When it comes to arrogance, athletes like wide receiver Terrell Owens and Olympic 100 meter champion Usain Bolt fit this definition. Owens who is famous for his touch down antics serves to show younger athletes that it is okay not to have sportsmanship. And Bolt’s famous fist pump before the finish line at the Beijing Olympics could have shaved off a couple more seconds had he ran through the line like high school runners are taught. Promiscuity also plays an important role to the stereotype. It has been seen all throughout entertainment news of athletes being unfaithful to their wives and then trying to make up to them with gifts. Athletes like Kobe Bryant, Muhammad Ali, and of course Tiger Woods are only a few who have added to this stereotype. Having the perspective of today’s Black athlete, I look back in history to when we first started playing sports. Back in the day, many thought African Americans to be inferior in the sports world. They did not think they were smart enough to comprehend the “complicated” rules that go along with sports. As time moved on that stereotype was proven false, but they played with respect. Think about it, had Jackie Robinson pulled a Terrell Owens who knows what atrocities would have happened. The same goes for Jesse Owens, who raced in Berlin during the Nazi era and proved the excellence of African Americans in the 1936 Olympics. I do not think he would have been awarded his medals had he pulled a Usain Bolt. I could end this by saying the cliche “we need to overcome” and all that, but I won’t. Every athlete in the school who reads this knows better. They know the rules of sportsmanship, what is and what is not moral on and off the field. The thing is will they use what they have learned from history? Or revert to the stereotype of what it takes to be a Black athlete?

Page 26 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010


February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 27


Print Journalism I Application for 2010-2011

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Please return this application no later than Wednesday, February 24th to room A6 or Mr. Waugaman’s mailbox.

Page 28 - The Royal News - February 19, 2010


New budget cuts affect high school sports Chesterfield County’s predictions make some contemplate affects locally Wayne Epps trn writer


chools are being faced with budget cuts due to the bad economy. This results in money-saving decisions that may be hard to swallow. And yes, even sports can be affected. The Chesterfield County school system is facing substantial budget cuts because of the slashing of federal stimulus money, increases in employee costs, and decreases in revenue according to Chesterfield County Superintendent of schools, Marcus Newsome’s FY 2011 Financial Proposal. This is available at chesterfield.k12.va.us. The county has a $40-$50 million budget shortfall, according to wtvr.com. At the end of it all, cuts could be coming to Chesterfield County schools’ sports programs. So the question is: what if this was Prince George? “It would probably be a bottom-to-top affect. They would start with the middle school programs being cut out. Maybe the JV program would be cut out; before they would cut out the varsity,” boys varsity soccer coach Thomas Harrison said. “It [a budget cut] could run the gamut to no effect at all, to doing away with sports for a school year. Or, maybe something in the middle, where we would only play district schedules and not have any out of district games to save money,” varsity field hockey coach Roy York said. School sports coaches are paid to coach their sport. This payment is called

a stipend. One possible result of a budget cut is that the coaches’ stipends may be reduced or eliminated. “If they cut the stipend for me to coach, there is a good chance that I would still coach. However, if it was coupled with a salary decrease in my teaching contract, I might have to explore getting a part-time job which would prevent me from being able to coach anymore,” Harrison said. “It is not like we get paid a lot for coaching anyway. You either love it or you don’t. Most of our coaches coach because they love to coach, and they love the students a whole lot more than just the little bit that they get paid,” athletic director and varsity basketball coach Bill Russell said. Another possible outcome of a budget cut is that school sports could come with a fee, like sports through the recreation department. Participation could be impacted with a change like that. “The whole reason that we would have to make these cuts is because of the economy. Many people and many families are hurting in the same way, and if they have to pay for something like sports and they already are struggling with the economy, then it is just something that they would have to sacrifice,” Harrison said. At the end of the day, coaches enjoy what they do. Yes, cuts could affect them financially, but they would be hurt in other areas as well. “Coaching is something that we look forward to doing, and I certainly would miss not being able to do that,” Harrison said. “If my sport got cut, it would eliminate my influences in developing a person into a student-athlete, into a responsible citizen, into a person that will succeed in life and deal with challenges,” junior varsity basketball coach Roy Binger said. It may be hard to make cuts to a schools’ budget, but there is still the possibility of light at the end of the tunnel. “This time of economic hardship will come to an end, we must persevere,” Binger said.

“...if it [stipend cut] was coupled with a salary decrease in my teaching contract, I might have to explore getting a part-time job which would prevent me from being able to coach anymore,” Coach Thomas Harrison


$39 $42

Making high school sports a fee would have a big impact on the student’s financial life due to the cost of individual items. Prices taken from eastbay.com and americanteamuniforms.com. Photo by Amir Vera

February 19, 2010 - The Royal News - Page 29

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Page 30 - The Royal News -February 19, 2010


Scholastic Journalism Week

The last week of this month (February 22- February 27) is designed to help us remember the significant events in the development of the media. Friday Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Newspapers


The first newspaper was published in the English colonies in 1690. Although that paper only published one issue because it was stopped by the governor of Massachusetts, it set the stage for the first continuously published paper to start 14 years later and the local regional and national newspapers we have today, including The Royal Newspaper.


Looking back at the first 100 years of American journalism as part of our celebration of Scholastic Journalism Week, names like Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Nellie Bly and Dorothea Lange keep popping up. But there are many more famous and infamous journalists, including people who covered the Civil War and people who disclosed corruption in the White House or corruption in big business. But it’s reporters like those for the Peerage Yearbook who will document the history of PGHS.

More than 90 percent of all U.S. homes have at least one television, a medium that was developed about 1926 and one of the focuses of Scholastic Journalism Week. Color television began in 1953, and not much changed in the media until 1980 when the Cable News Network began broadcasting, 40 years after the first television newscast. Schools all over the United States now teach various aspects of broadcasting and some have their own newscasts.

Radio Stations In the roaring 1920s, radio stations, one of the focuses of Scholastic Journalism Week, started competing with newspapers for entertainment and delivery of the news. Today, dozens of radio stations, including some managed by students in high schools and universities, serve to provide listeners with music of all varieties, election returns, sports, talk shows and specialties such as farm reports. Some schools provide a similar service through a public address service

World Wide Web The latest development in the media, the World Wide Web, is one the focus of Scholastic Journalism Week. The Internet first came online in 1965 although e-mail wasn’t invented until 1971 and the World Wide Web’s graphical user interface didn’t come online until 1991. Today, schools throughout the world use the Web for everything from communicating homework with students and parents to researching nuclear physics.

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Februar y 19, 2009 - The Royal News - Page 31

Spring Conditioning

Senior Spotlight

Emanuel Guadalupe trn writer


ith winter coming to an end, spring approaches, thus leading the way for spring sports such as baseball, soccer, and tennis. But, before the trials of actual tryouts and the stresses of getting ready for a game, there must be conditioning. Several may spend time in the weight room, while others may concentrate more on cardio-like workouts. No matter how they prepare, they still have the same goal: to make the final cuts of tryouts. They then depend on that off-season conditioning in order to stay in shape for the entire season, striving to get better as time goes on. The benefits of conditioning, however, are that the athletes feel as though they gave their all no matter the outcome of tryouts. They leave tryouts and games with that feeling of satisfaction knowing that they gave their best effort. Many feel differently about off-season conditioning, so Royal athletes and give their view of conditioning and why they believe it is beneficial.

Coach Mickey Roberts Baseball

Stephanie Ramirez Soccer

Scott Bristow Tennis

What do you guys do at conditioning? “We do pile measure run, light workout with dumbbells, machines that are in the back, mainly routines that consist of a lot of bio metrics.” When do you start? “We start a little after Thanksgiving and go right until we start tryouts.” What do you think the benefits of conditioning are? “Gives them a chance to get in shape before the season and helps prepare for a long season and develop strength. It also gives the ideas of what to do and we also practice some of the moves.”

What do you at conditioning? “We prepare ourselves to get ready to try out for soccer. We run and we practice our skills. We get ready because we’re not really in the mood to play or practice. And it also gets you ready to play for the season. We run and pass the ball to our partners and also practice our skills. When do you start? “We were supposed to start in the beginning of February, but due to the snow we began February 11.” What do you think the benefits of conditioning are? “Conditioning puts us back in shape, let’s us get to know our teammates, and be prepared for tryouts.”

What do you do at conditioning? “We run and do movement drills. Because we have coach Cash, we do everything forwards and backwards.” When did you start? “We start February 22.” What do you think the benefits of conditioning are? “It prepares you for matches. You rely on it in your matches.”

Treon Claiborne Boys Basketball 1. How long have you been playing basketball? “Since I was eight years old.” 2. What inspired you to start playing basketball? “My mother and my uncle use to play for Prince George.” 3. How do you train outside of school? “I lift weights, run, and shoot around.” 4. What position do you pay? “All of them but I am better at small forward.” 5. What are your pregame rituals? “I like to rest and listen to music.” 6. Do you eat anything specific before a game? “Drink Gatorade and water.” 7. What do you enjoy most about basketball? “Winning, dunking, shake ‘em up, crossing people up.” 8. What has been your best game? “At the Midlothian tournament, I had 30 points.” 9. Do you plan on playing after high school? “Yes, but I am still undecided.” 10. Coach’s Corner (Coach Bill Russell and Assistant coach Dave HettingerRussell): “He has been a good senior leader; he has shown a lot on and off the court. He is determined not only as a player to develop his all around game on the court but also as a student in the classroom. We are all very proud of him.” Hettinger: “ I have known him since seventh or eighth grade, he has grown as a man.”



Tennis tryouts will begin for grades 9-12 Monday, Feb. 22.

Junior varsity and varsity softball and baseball will have tryouts Feb. 22-25.

Outdoor track begins practice Wednesday, Feb. 24.

Indoor track receives runner up in District Championship p. 25

Junior Kevin Carlie leaps over the high jump pole in Thursdays Central District Championship on Feb. 11th. Carlie also participated in the boys 4x400m and triple jump. Contributed photo by Candid Color.

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