February 2011

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. d e r i trnwom c

Vol. IX Issue 5 - Prince George High School - 7801 Laurel Spring Rd - Prince George, VA 23875 - www.trnwired.com - 2. 18. 2011

Check out the online feature on National Organ Donor Day.

The Afro: A History p. 12-13 Illustration by Alison Brown and Colby Eliades.

Religion Series: Islam p. 9

Local chocolate temptations p.17

New library opens later this year p. 5

Winter dance announced Talent takes the stage p. 15 p. 7

The Appomattox Regional Library System is building a new library in Prince George. It is scheduled to open in 2011. The new library is a replacement for the previous library that deteriorated.

The SGA is preparing for a winter dance, which will be held on Feb. 26, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. This dance is a replacement for previous dances that have been less than successful. Students voted on the dance to be “dressy-casual.�

The annual talent show will be held on Feb. 18th, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. A showcase of dance, music, and instrumental pieces will be performed by twenty-two groups of students.



page 2 - royalnews -2.18.2011

LUCA’s Italian Restaurant 6619 Courthouse Rd Prince George, VA 23875


JROTC Military Ball Court 2011 King: Dion Chapman

Queen: Donna Young

Prince: Jarret Acfalle

Princess: Stephanie Clairmont

Duke - NBC: Alan Newell

Dutchess - NBC: Diana Jackson

Graduating Senior Cadets received a JROTC coin in honor of their achievements in the last 4 years

the RoyalNews


ur mission as the school newspaper for Prince George High School is to provide a form of media that represents all aspects of student life. The goal is to present factual accounts of newsworthy events in a timely manner. Our publication will be informative, entertaining and reflective of the student body’s opinions. It is the desire of the staff to reach every student and tell as many of their stories as possible. We invite your commentary: The Royal News Opinion page is a forum for public discussion and shall be open to all students. The Royal News will print as many letters as space will allow. The Royal News reserves the right not to print a letter. The Royal News publishes a wide variety of opinions. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Royal News, PGHS, 7801 Laurel Spring Road, Prince George, Virginia 23875, or bring them to room A6, or e-mail them to cwaugaman@pgs.k12.va.us We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, legality, spelling and grammar. Please include your name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. 500 word maximum. Please submit letters to the editors by February 28th for the upcoming issue. Section Editors Mariah Blystone: News/Online EditorKim Carneal: Op/Ed- Malikah Williams: Features- Ciara Ward: Ampersand-Jessica Marshall: A&E- Wayne Epps: Sports-Colby Eliades: Double Truck- Alison Brown: Photo/ Front Page Editor- Gabby Whittington: Ads Manager- Jake McQuiggan: CirculationSarah Moats: Editorial Cartoonist- Olivia Tritschler: Online Editor- Rachel Waymack: News- Rachel Youmans: Copy Editor Writers

ALL Club Meetings at Memorial Chapel High School (8th-12th) Sundays 3PM-5:30PM

Kourtney Galvin-Rachel Karns-Gall Mandy Lockhart-Maggie Smith-Michael Winn-Jessica Demas-Kimberly EdmondsBest-Emily Gray-Kevin Harris-Unique Larry-Carson Stout-Michelle WilliamsRachel Williams-Tasia Faulcon-Amanda Majewski-Ridhi Patel-Cassie Smith-Elizabeth Nerdig Editor-in-Chief Jami Davis

Business Manager Janai Cunningham

Managing Editor

Middle School (6th7th) Thursdays 3:305:00PM Memorial Chapel 1901 Sisisky Blvd Fort Lee, Virginia 23875

Colby Eliades


Chris Waugaman

Professional affiliations & awards Columbia Scholastic Press Associations Gold Medalist 2010 Columbia Scholastic Press Associations Crown Winner 2010 Virginia High School Association Trophy Class 2010 SIPA All Southern 2011

The Royal News, PGHS

7801 Laurel Spring Road Prince George, Virginia 23875 804-733-2720 The Royal News is printed at The Progress-Index in Petersburg, Virginia




page 3 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Diverse Celebrity gossip intrudes on lives of coverage major ordinary people priority


lack History Month has been a relevant topic in our newspaper throughout the years that it has been in circulation. We feel that the history of African Americans in our community and on a wider scale throughout history is very important for our paper to present to our readers. Throughout the school year, teachers are imparting important information about the influence of African Americans in history, as well as the influence they hold today. The Royal News recently covered the election of President Barack Obama extensively as well as many other influential events that other significant African Americans have been involved in. This month, The Royal News covers the influence of the “Afro” hairstyle throughout history, teachers’ opinions and feelings on Black History Month, and a contrasting opinion piece on whether or not black history is taught enough in school curriculums. As a staff, we do our very best to cover the largely diverse student body of Prince George High School. With such a wide range of students, our staff strives to reach all different types of readers, from various distinctive walks of life. Not only do we strive to reach individuals of different races, we also attempt to reach readers of different religions, interests, and values. This school year, our paper is hosting an ongoing religion series that covers a different type of religion each and every issue. We try to include stories and information that appeals to readers with many different types of interests. We believe that all groups, minority or not, should receive equal coverage in our newspaper. Our goal is to bring our readers the most relevant and indispensable information, and we endeavor to have a diverse spread of information to better reach each and every one our readers.


id you know that Lindsay Lohan has been in legal battles recently for taking a necklace from a store without paying? Did you know that Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy are getting a divorce? Did you know that Oprah had recently discovered a Rachel youmans long-lost half-sister? If you answered “no” to all of these, congratulations. You’ve managed to evade the rat trap that is celebrity gossip, or you’ve been living under a rock. Unfortunately I think the number of people who can claim that status is rather small. You don’t even need to search for celebrity gossip to find it. Even if you aren’t invested enough to search through publications specializing in stalking the famous, one of their stories is bound to be plastered across the local news or on the front page of Yahoo. They’re nearly impossible to avoid. But did you know that since Haiti was torn apart by an earthquake last year, actor Sean Penn has been running a 55,000 person tent city that provides medical services to those who have been


displaced, along with meeting countless other needs? This is the kind of news about celebrities I wouldn’t mind seeing everywhere. This is somebody making a difference and being a hero. Even if the subject is famous for acting, he is doing something that should be in the news regardless of who he was. And yet this kind of story is pretty universally skimmed over and ignored. Nobody wants to tell the story of somebody doing good; it’s much more profitable to write about a train-wreck. We have an unhealthy obsession with the lives of celebrities. There has to be a reason magazines like The Globe and The National Enquirer are still in business, or TMZ and E! are still on air; none of these groups could be as successful as they are without consumers. Stories delving into the personal lives of the famous are all over the place because they sell. If we want to keep celebrity gossip out of the news and kept to its own corner of the press, we need to cut off our own unhealthy addiction to reading it. Try avoiding gossip stories for a while. See if you can manage without the details of other people’s lives. Maybe after people see how unnecessary it is, the genre can be kept to the side instead of overwhelming every area of media.

MAKING THE GRADE The previous blood drive filled all 88 slots available and in hopes of the same success another one will be on Feb. 23 Benchmark tests are not accepted by all students because they do not believe they adequately reflect on their knowledge. The motivational speaker on Feb. 9th was not used for the appropriate purpose to all students. Most saw it as a way to get out of class.

itor e ed o th 28th. t s r . b tte y le e by Fe t an bmi ing issu o cwauu s t se m Plea e upco il them s a h u for t or e-m k12.va. 6 . in A n@pgs a gam

Managing time to relieve stress


ith the arrival of warmer weather, there also comes the anticipation for long awaited

activities such as spring sports, prom, and Spring Break. I know I have already started counting down the days. Unfortunately olivia tritschler there also comes some unwanted work like the ever-continuing flow of projects , homework and the fear of the end the year tests, like AP exams and SOL tests. With workloads continuing at a steady pace, and added extracurricular activities, teenagers can have difficulties finding time to do everything in a day. The frustration of only having 24 hours to do all the things I hope to accomplish adds up over time and usually ends with me snapping at my parents or even my friends. This leads to me being angrier in a never-ending cycle. Being organized can keep students on track towards achieving their goals, whether they want to get good grades to get into a good college, or to participate in a sport. But there are times when everything just cannot fit into an already busy schedule. I will have to miss two days of soccer, and most likely a game, because I am going to NYC in March. There is also a variety of options I can choose from on the weekends, but due to less time after school with soccer, I will probably have to end up staying home more to do homework. Finding ways to relieve stress during the upcoming season is necessary, as well as sleep each night. For me, soccer gets rid of built up tension and keeps my mind off bothersome homework. TV and video games are also great for short breaks during the week when time is limited. With three full months left until June, don’t get off track. We can accomplish our goals.



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Pro/Con: Is black history taught enough in school?

The topic being debated here is that black history is sufficiently covered in the history classes required for graduation. It has been brought up that students are ill-informed. Since Feb. is Black History Month it is appropriate to share both sides of the issue.


lack history is clearly a part of U.S. and World History, which means that it has been in every way, covered enough in our school. The problem with it being able to be recognized is that its not labeled as black history. As far as I can remember there isn’t a lesson in each history class called “black history” or white, Latin, or Asian history for that matter, but that’s only because it’s all lumped together. We are taught history in the order that things occurred not by color of the person’s skin. I wouldn’t know any of the historical figures’ race if we weren’t shown pictures or videos of them. I would just know that these people were historical and that’s what they did because it wouldn’t matter if they were white or black. But because I do know the colors of the historical figures, I can say that I have been exposed to an equal amount of all types of history. In our U.S. history book it outlines in the index those African Americans involved in wars and events. These include the American Revolution, Civil War, the Spanish American War, Vietnam War, and both World War I & II. Chapter 27 only covers the Civil Rights Moment. Certain SOL’s we are required to know contain black history. The Emancipation Proclamation is the main part of VUS.7 because the student is required to analyze the significance of it. These are only a few examples of the black history in the book of over 1000 pages. I will stand by the fact that I have been taught enough black history. There is so much history in general that school isn’t the only place to learn about it. If I had the desire to, I could take the responsibility and learn more outside of my history class. Black history has taught me not to judge by race, which allows me to learn every aspect of our nation’s history. I learn in class about history as a whole, not just about black or white history. I definitely believe that our book covers black history, and I am positive that it is much more than it ever has in the past.


Kim carneal

accept differences “I would just know that these people were in history and that’s what they did because it wouldn’t matter if they were white or black.”



Gabby whittington

years of prosperity “I think that in order to help this generation and future generations succeed in life, you need to learn about all of our histories.”

do not think that black history is taught enough in our schools. To say that I think that it’s taught enough would be a lie and against everything I believe. Every year we learn about European History, World History, and U.S. History but in all of the classes, they fail to discuss the importance of black history and all that black people have done for this country. The curriculum fails to adequately give credit to the inventions and discoveries our people have brought to the U.S. It fail to acknowledge many of the strides in history. Black history is a vital part of history because without it we wouldn’t have many of the things we have today. Where would we be if Garrett Augustus Morgan hadn’t invented the stoplight? What if Daniel Hale Williams hadn’t performed the first open heart surgery? Where would we be if Otis Boykin hadn’t invented the pacemaker control unit? Where would we be if Martin Luther King didn’t have a “Dream”? Black people have been so important to today’s society and it infuriates me when we are not equally recognized for the many things that we have accomplished and contributed to this world. I think that in order to help this generation and future generations succeed in life, students need to learn about a complete history. Students hear about the Holocaust, Christopher Columbus, and World War II. I am in no way trying to say that these events are unimportant. But many people do not know that many of the successes in history, came off of the backs of Africans and Black Americans. Black history is such an important part of American and world history in general, that to not teach it as thoroughly as other histories is deeply affecting today’s youth. I think that the only possible solution to this is to emphasize it more in our classrooms. Or at least give us a class that teaches black history as an option towards our high school diploma. Black history is very important to our society. It is much more than slavery and the Civil Rights Movement.



page 5 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

New library fulfills Board promise



County, library officials hope to provide needed services by replacing old building Rachel Waymack trn editor


he Appomattox Regional Library System (ARLS) is currently constructing a new library building in Prince George County in the government complex. The library is a replacement of the old Prince George library that was closed due to deterioration six years ago and is scheduled to open later this year. “The Board [of Supervisors] promised the citizens when we closed the [previous] library that we would build a new library somewhere in the government complex area,” Board of Supervisors member William Robertson said. “What you see happening now is the Board keeping its promise.” The estimated cost of building the library itself is 2.8 million dollars, 250,000 dollars of which was covered by a government grant because of the expansion of personnel at Fort Lee. This cost does not include the costs of books that will go in the library. The Prince George Woman’s Club is currently raising funds to help cover the costs of these books. The Woman’s Club’s goal was to raise 10,000 dollars, which they reached in December, 2010. “Most of the money we raised was due to our concession sales at Scott Park during recreation department activities,”

Woman’s Club member Beth Lipp said. “It was built one hotdog at a time.” The Woman’s Club has also advocated strongly in favor of the library’s construction. The Club had argued for a library in Prince George ever since the 1970s to provide needed resources for the community. When the Board of Supervisors seemed to be considering removing construction of the library from the budget two and a half years ago the Woman’s Club mobilized, with community support, to ensure the construction of the library ensued. “I decided to make it a personal cause of my own, with the help of the Woman’s Club, to help the library to be built,” Lipp said, “a library is considered the cultural jewel in the crown of the community.” The ARLS supported the building of the new library because many of the citizens of Prince George, including the Woman’s Club, advocated in favor of a library in the Courthouse proper after the old library building was put out of commission. Since 2007 the Board of Supervisors has worked to decide on the location and design of the building and construction began in the winter of 2010. “A study was completed by the regional library that revealed there was a need to build a branch library centrally in the county,” Director of ARLS Scott Firestine said, “The county Board of Supervisors reviewed the report and approved efforts to build a central branch library.” The library will be 12,000 square feet, which will include a meeting room and a conference room. The library will include 22 computer workstations connected to high speed internet as well as wireless access. The library is to have

The new building is being built as part of the Appomattox Regional Library System. The library was decided on after strong community support in favor of it. Photo by Rachel Waymack. 36,000 items, including books, periodicals, and reference materials. “Citizens may freely access and use all of the resources the library provides,” Firestine said. There is community support for the library; those such as librarian Naomi Brown believe the new library will be beneficial to students and the community in general. “[The library will be good for the community] because a lot of students do not have transportation to go to other libraries,” Naomi said. “ Sometimes we [the High School library] do not always have the books students need.” Not all members of the community support the building of the new library; some like junior Lucas Bailey believe that the large costs of the library outweigh its potential benefits. “[The library is not worth the cost] since we have a school library and the library in Hopewell, which is pretty close,” Bailey said. Firestine counters those who argue that the cost is not worth the outcome by asserting that libraries are an invaluable resource for information, especially in difficult economic times when people can use libraries in order to find work, access the internet, and learn new skills. “Libraries are an intrinsic part of the social fabric that makes Prince George a great place to live, work, and raise a family,” Firestine said. “A strong library is the heart of the community.”

Varsity and JV softball tryouts will be held from Feb. 22 26. Those interested should report to the softball field at 3 p.m. All players must have a current VHSL physical. A program called Economics for Leaders will be held at the College of William and Mary from July 10-17. The cost is $400 and applications are due March 4. See Mrs. Anderson for more information. Virginia Blood Services will be at the High School Feb. 23 for a blood drive. To donate you must be at least 16 years old, weigh over 110 lbs and turn in a signed permission slip. For seniors, a representative from Liberty University will be at the High School Feb. 24. To meet with the representative sign up in Guidance by Feb. 23.


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We’re in this together. Get your school’s limited edition yearbook now.




page 7 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Winter dance hopes to attract large student interest Student Government Association plans dance for first time in 10 years



Date: Saturday,

Rachel Youmans trn editor


tudents wanted one more dance at PGHS before the end of the year, and the Student Government Association delivered. The Winter Dance will be from 8 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, February 26. The Winter Dance is a new installation for this year; a dance has not been held at this time for ten years. “We had spring and Valentine’s Day dances,” SGA supervisor Michael Nelson said. “But they did not work out.” Planning began for the Winter Dance after positive response to an SGA survey that indicated students wanted another school dance. Originally the dance was meant to correspond with the pep rally in early February, but after the rally’s date was changed, the dance was moved to the end of the month. “We really wanted to make this dance special,” senior Taylor Gibbs said. “We haven’t had a winter dance in a long time and this will be the last dance for seniors to attend in our commons.” The dress code for the dance will be “dressy casual,” which means avoiding extremely informal clothes like t-shirts and flip-flops, but is also not formal either. “[The dress code] is so girls can wear their cute dresses and guys can just wear jeans or khakis,” Gibbs said. “So everyone is happy.” Many students are excited to prepare for the dance. “I can’t wait to go dress shopping,” sophomore Melanie Muniz said. Because the “dressy casual” dress code is not completely informal, the SGA wanted to decorate for the dance.

February 26

Time: 8 to 11 pm Place: commons


Cost: $5 for The colors will be silver, baby blue, and white. The entrance and ceiling will be decorated with lights, balloons, and streamers. Many of the decisions for the dance are already made. Marketing teacher David Hettinger will be the DJ, and the sophomore class will be selling concessions. The SGA is currently awaiting school approval to elect a king and queen. If they get their way, students will be able to vote for a king and queen for the dance. Dance tickets can be bought during any lunch block. For seniors the cost is five dollars, while underclassmen can either pay seven dollars or donate two cans of food and pay five dollars. Students may only buy tickets if they have their student ID. The cans will be given to a charity of the SGA’s choosing. “Students should come because the dance will be fun,” junior Megan Tate

Senior dance committee member Megan Tate and SGA sponsor Michael Nelson prepare posters for the winter dance. The SGA wanted to have one last dance in the commons that the seniors could participate in before they graduate. Photo by Colby Eliades. said. “But they should also know that the money is also going to a good cause.” The SGA also wants the dance to help increase student involvement in school activities. “The dance is going to be a fun time,” junior David Mendoza said. “And it is also a way to be involved in the school.” The SGA hopes the dance will attract student interest and end up being a success. “I hope the students like the dance and are looking forward to it,” Nelson said.

seniors, $7 or $5 and 2 canned food items for underclassmen

Dress Code: Dressy Casual, which means no t-shirts or flip flops, but jeans and khakis are acceptable

Color Theme: Silver, baby blue, and white



page 8 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Black History offers time of reflection By the Michelle Williams trn writer

Dr. Carter G. Woodson is the founder of what is known today as “Black History Month”. As Carter continued his education, he was surprised to find that none of his history books contained any honorable history related to the African American population. In 1926, he launched Negro History Week as an initiative to bring the nation’s attention to the contributions of African Americans throughout history. Teachers look back upon what Black History Month means to them today.

Numbers 45% of students

feel that the school does not adequately celebrate Black History Month. Crystal Lipscombe English teacher

Sabine Labossiere World History teacher

Daniel Scott Technology teacher

What does Black History Month mean to you?

What does Black History Month mean to you?

What does Black History Month mean to you?

“Black History Month is not a time to simply remember those African-Americans who served as trail blazers and made significant contributions to society. It should also be a time to assess the progress AfricanAmericans have made in our own attitudes and beliefs and the way we are perceived by others outside of our race.”

“It is an acknowledgement of the accomplishments, unique character and contributions made by a segment of our population.

“Honoring those who accomplished positive accomplishments leading the way for others.”

Do you celebrate Black History Month in any way at home/school?

Do you celebrate Black History Month in any way at home/school?

“Since I teach history, I try to incorporate contributions where ever I can throughout the year rather than just in February.”

“Yes, by watching the good black movies with substance.”

Do you celebrate Black History Month? “If you are asking if I acknowledge the

contributions of African Americans to our country, then yes. If you are asking if I acknowledge the struggles that many African Americans overcame and continue to overcome, then yes. If you are asking if I only take 28 days out of the year to do so, then no. I make such acknowledgements year round.”

Who are your inspirations? “My African American inspirations are my grandparents. I was not taught to glorify ignorance and delinquency . Instead, I was expected to wholeheartedly extol spirituality, education and citizenship.”

Who are your inspirations? “All those courageous people who, over the course of our history, have stood up and made a difference because they believe it was the right thing to do. Rosa Parks, the Tuskegee Airmen, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., and Sojouner Truth are great historic examples.

Anything that stands out in your life as a defining moment/memory? “When Barack Obama was elected president.”

Who are your inspirations? “My uncle Lee Smith, who was the number two farmer in the state of Virginia and the number one black farmer for the state of Virginia. He took one bag of corn seeds and turned it into a multimillion dollar farming outfit.”-

Anything that stands out in your life as a defining moment in history? “Taking pictures with Ollie Woodson from the Temptations.”


of students do not celebrate Black History Month themselves.

43% of students

believe that Black History is not taught well enough in school.

53% of students

have an African American they look up to or admire. The results of this By The Number comes from survey conducted with 111 PGHS students.



page 9 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Five pillars of Islam govern Muslims through life

Senior Haseena AbdurRahman gives details about Allah, Muhammad


Rae Williams trn writer

t is the normal routine of many students to go to their seventh period class and begin to do their ‘Do Now’ assignment, but instead of doing the assignment, senior Haseena AbdurRahman normally would pray. Due to fact she does not feel school is sacred enough to pray, she cannot. Despite being the second largest religion in the world and the youngest of the world’s very large religions, Islam is not a common faith among Prince George students. Islam practice is basically outlined in six points: belief in God (Allah), belief in the angels, belief in God’s revealed books, belief in the prophets and messengers of God, belief in the Day of Judgment, and belief in Al-Qadar. Senior Haseena Abdur-Rahman often gets many questions about her faith. “I just answer any questions they have. They usually come to me first about specific questions,” Abdur-Rahman said. Muhammad the Prophet introduced Islam in 622 CE. Muhammad is considered to be the greatest prophet that ever was, and ever will be. “We do not pray to Muhammad,” Abdur-Rahman said. “We see him as someone who lived a modest lifestyle and his life is a guideline for us [Muslims].” Muslims also believe in Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, but only see them as other prophets. The religion started in Mecca, when the angel Gabriel read the first revelation to Muhammad. Many Muslims travel to Mecca in order to visit the tomb of Muhammad and also to fulfill their requirements. “I went to Mecca last year and it was very spiritual,” Abdur-Rahman said. “They have strict guidelines at Mecca, like only Muslims can travel there, due to the importance.”

Muslims, people who practice the Islam faith, worship in temples. “There are a couple [places of worship] in Richmond, but there are none in Prince George. It would be great to have one, though,” said Abdur-Rahman. “It would be like finally getting an Olive Garden in Colonial Heights.” Fridays are when Muslims congregate. They participate in prayers and read passages from the Koran. Muslims are governed by the Five Pillars of Faith. “The Five Pillars are fasting, praying five times a day, giving to charity, making a pilgrimage, and Shahada,” AbdurRahman said. Shahada is professing Muhammad as God’s messenger by reciting, “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Muslims use a lunar calendar, with fewer months and longer

days. During the ninth month of their calendar, they participate in Ramadan. This is where any Muslim over the age of 12 is expected to fast from dusk until dawn. “It is difficult sometimes, so I go into the library, so I am not tempted with everyone’s food,” Abdur-Rahman said. “Then again, it is cafeteria food, so it is not too hard to stay away.” The praying schedule can be very hard to follow within a school environment due to the amount of times it must be done. “I have to pray in the morning, mid-afternoon, afternoon, evening, and night, and the praying times differ due to the seasons,” Abdur-Rahman said. “Right now, I pray at 5:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 5:15 p.m., and 7:00 p.m.” Modesty is another important

Senior Haseena Abdur-Rahman reads her Koran, which is the official religious book of Islam. Photo by Alison Brown. aspect of the Islam religion. However, not every practicing Muslim woman must wear a head scarf, or hijab. “Not everybody wears scarves because you do not have to,” AbdurRahman said. “Hair is a symbol of beauty, and when you cover it, it holds special meaning.” Although worldwide tolerance has not been achieved, Abdur-Rahman believes that most students are accepting. “You do have those few haters, but for the most part, people are understanding,” said Abdur-Rahman. “Ultimately it is not as hard as it looks.”


page 10 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

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page 11 - royalnews - 2.18.2011




“These boots are made for getting boys and that’s just what they do.” -Junior Aaron Raines

Leather and boots are a big hit this school year. Aaron is wearing them combined into one pair of shoes, making them two times hotter. These boots say that you are trendy and up to date on the new fashions.

“They are fuzzy and they are like a blanket for my feet.”


-Junior Laura McLean

You often see students wearing classic comfy-wear like sweatpants, slippers, and baggy hoodies. Laura’s boots are a new addition to this style. These boots say you want to keep warm, but also stay stylish.

-Senior Taylor Worley

Ankle boots are all the rage this season. Their simplicity and comfort make them an easy accessory to pull your outfit together. These boots say that you’re a trend setter that stays up with the latest fashions.



-Senior Alfred Harris


Timberlands are a classic boot that have been around for years. These boots tell the world that you are not afraid to get your hands a little dirty.


“I’ve always wanted them when I was really little because when I picture a rainy day I always though of wearing yellow rain boots.”

-Junior Hannah Taylor

As spring comes around students need to be prepared for the showers. Hannah is wearing classic yellow rain boots. These shoes say that you are bright, bubbly, and ready for any weather.

“They are cool because I can do basically anything in them.”

“I love them because I can wear them any time of the year.”




“They are perfect for those days when I don’t want to tie my shoes and just slip into something comfortable.”

-Junior Jessica Mitchell

Uggs are the must have boots this year. Casual and warm, these boots imply that you are a laid back person.




page 12 - royalnews - 2.18.2011


Malikah Williams trn editor

he afro is so much more than a hairstyle. It is a representation of opposition by African Americans to the assimilation and integration to white culture. Afros first became popular after one of the influential black political groups, the Black Panthers, started to embrace the hairstyle. Leaders such as Malcolm X stated that the “conking” of African American hair, that is making it appear more European, was degrading. The wearing of the Afro, the Black Panthers, and the Civil Rights movement were all responsible for the equality of African Americans. Over time, however, the cultural and political significance of the Afro has dwindled, but the importance of what it stands for and its correlation to the Civil Rights movement has not. “The Civil Rights movement was sparked by the unfair treatment of all minorities, not just African Americans,” Accounting teacher Ayana Washington said. Though many people were not around to experience the intense racism and prejudice that African Americans and other minorities faced, they still are grateful for the gains made by the movement. “Though I was not around during the Movement, it has given me opportunities as an African American woman to go to school and have a career or else I would probably be a baby-making machine,” Washington said. A few students still wear the iconic hairstyle, and some wear the style to show pride in their heritage. “I wear my afro because I wanted to embrace my culture,” junior Jhonice Lewis said. “That is, my African American heritage.” However, a few students do not know the political and historical significance of the Afro. “I did not know the significance of the afro,” senior Thessalonia Hubert said. “I just did it to grow my hair long.” Some of the older generations do remember wearing the afro but even during

their teenage years the political significance was beginning to fade. “I wore an afro but I wore it because it was in style, a fad, and it looked good,” Guidance counselor Evelina Davis said. “My brothers wore it because of different reasons, like the Black Power Movement.” The Black Power Movement and Malcolm X had opposing views to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his anti-violence movement toward equality. The Black Power Movement emphasized self-expression and self-esteem, as well as not be inferior to whites. “The Black Power Movement [thought] some groups of African Americans felt a need to bond together for equality,” Assistant Principal Joe McDaniels said. There are many reasons people wore afros and they varied from generation to generation. “I wore an afro because it was the hair style of most African Americans during the 60s and 70s,” McDaniels said. “It meant that I had the ability to grow long hair unlike now.” The Civil Rights Movement and Black Panther Movement both wanted to accomplish equality for all people. “The Civil Rights Movement continues to try and establish equal rights for people of all races, creeds, and color,” McDaniels said. “In the year 2011, there is still opposition to this movement.” The accomplishments of both of these movements still hold special meanings. “[The movements] have opened doors of opportunity that my forefather’s were not privileged to walk through,” McDaniels said. Throughout history, the importance of prominent iconic things such as the afro or the fist for the Black power movement do lose their initial political and cultural meaning and tend to become just a statement of fashion or remembrance. However, even though the meaning may be forgotten, the history and historical importance will never disappear.

Sophomore Domonique Sergent shows his form of self expression through wearing an afro. Photo by Colby Eliades.

The A

How this iconic symbo African Am



page 13 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Why do you wear an afro? “I wear my afro because I wanted to embrace my culture,” junior Jhonice Lewis said. “That is, my African American heritage.”

ol has evolved throughout merican history. Jhonice Lewis

“I wore an afro but I wore it because it was in style, a fad, and it looked good,” Guidance Counselor Evelina Davis said.

Evelina Davis

“So I could get braids. And also to be like the rapper, Webbie,” Sophomore TJ Cole said.

TJ Cole “It fits me and I like it,” Sophomore Ronald Parker said.

Ronald Parker



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page 15 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Show offers outlet for expressing talent

Students showcase special abilities in front of peers Olivia Tritschler trn editor


hows such as American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance expose everyday people whohavehiddentalents.While fame can be gained from those shows, they focus on only one skill. School talent shows uncover multiple abilities in peers through friendly competition. Auditions were held to be a part of the talent show on Feb. 2nd and 3rd in the 4-H office of the Social Services building. From 3:00 to 4:30, students waited their turn to present a five minute performance of their choosing. “There were about 22 groups so we were there for many hours,” choir teacher Toni Luckett said. “The only reason we had to cut anyone would have been because of time.” The 4-H runs the talent show, but it is performed by students. The talent show has been held in the past few years. “My understanding is that the 4-H started the talent show a few years ago to show student’s gifts and for students to come together to support each other,” Luckett said. “It is what I would do.” Luckett was in charge of organizing and sending out announcements about auditions. During the final performance, Luckett will help get groups off and on the stage to keep the show on schedule. Dances, songs, and instrumental pieces will be performed by twenty-two groups of students. Each group will perform one song, which could be original or a cover, with a five-minute time slot. “I will be performing a drum set cover to Nikki Manaj’s and Drake’s song “Moment for Life”,” junior Emanuel Guadalupe said. “I decided to cover this song on the drums because it has a great groove to it and everyone will enjoy it.” “We are performing an original song that I contributed in writing along with my friend James,” senior Jeremy Anderson said. “We felt that an original song would be much more of an expression of

Junior Emanuel Guadalupe practices the drums in preparation for the talent show. Last year, Guadalupe performed a song by Ne-Yo. Photo by Rachel Waymack.

creativity than performing a song already written.” ThetalentshowwillbeheldonFeb.18that7:00 PM in the auditorium. “I think that students were excited from the start of the year,” Luckett said. “It is something big for them to do for themselves, not for school, on their own time.” Determination to practice outside of school is necessary to be able to perform well. “First of all, you have to be committed to what you’re going to do and you have to practice at home orwhereveryoucan,”Guadalupesaid.“Practicesare crucialandshouldbemostlyonyourowntime.You also have to make sure your act or performance is organized and ready for the show.” With other activities and schoolwork to do, havingfreetimetopracticeforthetalentshowmight be hard to find. Anderson has to fit in practices with his band whenever he can because he is preparing for other shows. “The band usually practices without me because I have another band that I’ve been with for a while and we are preparing for playing shows in Richmond,” Anderson said. “Sometimes we stay after school to prepare for the talent show.” Performing in front of a crowd of people can make people nervous. With experience of having all eyes watching you, one can handle the stress of performing. “I have been performing in front of people for about six years due to being in the school band,” Anderson said. “I really don’t get nervous performing in front of people any more and I use it to my advantage.” “It will help me to have performed prior to the talent show,” Guadalupe said. “It gets rid of most of those butterflies from playing in front of people, which will make me feel a lot more relaxed

when performing.” The experience of being on stage and showing the audience your skills can give the performer a feeling of pleasure. “I like the satisfaction of an audience taking the time to see something I love to do on a regular basis,” Anderson said. “I am expecting to be great after playing,” Guadalupe said. “I don’t care who wins, I just love the experience of playing the drums live.” Alongwiththefeelingofachievementofdoing well on stage, the participation in a show of any sort could lead the way to a future career. “I simply like performing in front of people and I hope for that to be my profession one day,” Anderson said. The talent show brings forth high expectations from the students involved in participating. All the performers have one thing in common, the love for music and what they do. “I’mlooking forward to that moment where I’m on stage and I let everything I have inside of me out,” Guadalupe said. “Those few minutes that I play live on stage, I feel free.”

Expected Performances Vocals:

Joi Hamm Mizraim Kidd-Bey Alex, Rachael, Nicole Kelsey Mosley Joanna Mayes Damien Crewe Joshua Mayes, Nicole Jeffress


James Dargan Lost Thought Kaleb Martin (Strongbow) Gerald Jackson (Full Effect)


Amanda Lopez Lexus Brown (Diva Dynasty) Anthony Jackson Jahmyah Garrett (Turned Up!) Michael Williams


C Jay Holloway Edward Brazlle Abreya Knight Mindelle Smith


Alex Martinez (piano) Emanuel Guadalupe (drums)



page 16 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Unique Kakes Unlimited Hattie M. Lambert Wilton Method Instructor Cakes for all occasions!!!




page 17 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Tantalizing treats

With February comes Valentine’s Day and the craving for chocolate. What better way to end a night out than with a delicious chocolate dessert. So Olivia and I, in search for the best, visited restaurants around this area.



165 Southpark Circle, Colonial Heights, VA 23834

he chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and chocolate shavings on top is a great way to end a meal for a chocolate lover, that is if you can eat anymore after you finish a meal at Outback. It has a good ratio of ice cream to

brownie, but a drink is advised to have as well. The only downside was that the dessert was completely drenched in chocolate, which was not expected when looking at the picture on the menu. For $6.27, it is worth it.

Olive Garden

600 Southpark Boulevard, Colonial Heights, VA 23834


culinary genius

hocolate, chocolate, chocolate! This dessert is most certainly a must for a chocolate lover, who is hungry for a large piece of cake. It has the most romantic look for a late Valentine dessert or just for someone

craving chocolate. It has layers of chocolate cake with creamy mousse in between and thick chocolate frosting on top. If you are ever in need of a great meal and a great dessert that only costs $5.95, go to Olive Garden.

culinary genius

This dessert is most certainly a must for a chocolate lover who is hungry for a large piece of cake. (Olive Garden)


It has good balance between each flavor without being overpowering. (Longstreet’s)

302 North Sycamore Street Petersburg, VA 23803-3230


he rectangle bar of Oreos, chocolate, and cream cheese is one of the two chocolate desserts at Longstreet’s. It has a good balance between each flavor without being overpowering, but one must like the taste of cream cheese

because it is a main ingredient and personally, I am not a fan of it. So if you do not like cream cheese, pass. But it is a good size for one person, and it is easy to take on the go. It would be best served chilled and for only $2.99, why not try it?


Uno Chicago grill

2070 Waterside Road Prince George, VA 23875




check please

six-inch chocolate chip cookie is topped with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. Served warm, it has a nice blend of flavors without being too sweet. The moist, chocolaty flavor is good



for two people who are sharing a dessert. It could use another scoop of ice cream, because the cookie is so large... or the cookie could be smaller. But for only $4.99, this dessert should not be overlooked. It is also offered in a “mega” size.

culinary genius

Jessica Marshall Olivia Tritschler



page 18 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

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Gamer’s Corner


page 19 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

‘Angry Birds’ swarm app market


Must see shows

his December I went out to my favorite place in the world, BestBuy, and purchased a new iPod. While browsing apps for said iPod, I asked a few friends for their opinions and all of them recommended: ‘Angry Birds’. So I figured why not, it’s only $.99 now, so I bought it. Surprisingly, a game for an Garrett Albright iPod has a decent story line which consists of some pigs having stole some birds eggs, so of course the only logical thing to do to those pigs is launch yourself out of a giant slingshot in order to take those pigs down! You’ll have the enjoyment of launching 5 different types of birds who have distinct “powers” such as being a bomb bird, hatching eggs in mid air, or splitting into three tiny birds;

all activated by tapping on the birds while they’re en route to the pigs. The pigs vary in their ability to survive your bombardment based on their positions in the tower of blocks or glass. Some are equipped with helmets, some are extremely tiny and hard to hit, and a few on the later levels are moustache pigs and king pigs, crown and all. Some of the levels are tough to get by because the precision of bird slinging necessary, but that’s also a good thing. Plenty of levels (and by plenty I mean PLENTY) and lots of playtime needed; so much so that I’ve only gotten about half way through it. So for $.99, you’re basically stealing this from the app store / android market / random online site offering free downloads that actually results in you stealing it. If you have a smart-phone or tablet, this game is a must have.

American Idol

American Idol


Contestants have survived the 2011 auditions with Randy Jackson and new judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. Contestants who make it past Hollywood Week will have the opportunity to showcase their talents with the help of a season long mentor. Tune in Wednesday at 8 p.m. on Fox to watch.

With the start of a new season comes a new Glee Club. All of the ‘unthinkables’ are happening. The football team joins the club, Finn and Quinn might be an item again, and since transferring, Kurt misses the other members but enjoys Blaine’s company. Tune in every Tuesday on Fox at 8 p.m.

Raising Hope


In the second season, the House is back and as sarcasmain character, Jimmy’s daughter tic as ever in his eighth season. Hope, has captured many hearts. In the premier, House already Jimmy lives with his mom, Vir- resorted to unusual methods to ginia, his dad, Burt, and his Maw- save Cuddy’s mother. With his Maw. Hope’s mom, Lucy, was a witty charm and childish behavwanted felon and was executed. ior, anyone who is not a House Watch Jimmy’s journey of ‘rais- fan definitely will be after this ing Hope’ every Tuesday on Fox. highly anticipated season. Tune in Mondays on Fox.



page 20 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

Wrestler shares experiences, military appreciation event

Bobby Starr has been wrestling since 1989 Wayne Epps, Jr. trn editor


lying off the ropes, a clown-themed wrestler lands on and pins an opponent. This clown is not your typical circus clown; he is out to destroy opponents in the ring. Bobby Starr is a professional wrestler who plays the Doink the Clown character. He is a veteran of pro wrestling as his first pro match was in January of 1989. Starr already had some pro sports lineage, as his mother was a professional bowler. Starr started getting involved in wrestling by going to shows at the Baltimore Arena. He was first involved with independent wrestling associations. Though pro wrestling may look glamorous, there is a lot of work that goes into it. Also, wrestlers put their bodies in

harms way when they step into the ring. The consequences are felt everyday. “[Wrestling] takes a toll everyday,” Starr said in a phone interview. “You get up sometimes and your knee will be hurting, or your back’s hurting, or your elbows. And anything that can come apart had been apart.” The pains can probably be attributed to serious injuries suffered while performing and Starr has had his share of them. “I’ve broken bones in my back and tore the meniscus in my knee,” he said. Despite the physical consequences that wrestlers endure, the enjoyment of coming out and stepping into the ring cannot be paralleled. “There’s nothing like it, it’s like the strongest drug in the world,” Starr said. The thrill of actually performing in the ring can be on and off, but it is still an enjoyment. “[Performing is] pretty cool, you get your good nights and bad nights,” Starr said. “But, you can compare me wrestling to you going to like Kings Dominion.” Other than the Doink the Clown name, Starr has also wrestled as himself. He has wrestled under the Doink the Clown name since 1993. However, he did

not choose the name himself. “It wasn’t really my choice,” Starr said. “The WWE president Vince McMahon came up with it.” Doink the Clown’s finishing move is called the Whoopee Cushion. For other moves, Starr likes to use things from the 1980s era of pro wrestling. For Starr, the best moment in his career was wrestling in Wrestlemania X at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The event was on March 20, 1994. Starr currently wrestles with Ground Xero Wrestling (GXW), which is based out of Richmond. On March 12, the school will host a special event with GXW. This show will be a military appreciation event; there will be 300 tickets given away to military personnel and their families. Wrestling coach David Emory is involved in the organization of the GXW events held at the school. “We’re giving away 300 free tickets to the show just to show appreciation for what the military does for us,” he said. The word about the event will get out to soldiers on base. The first 300 military personnel to get the tickets will get in free on March 12. “[The military] seem pretty excited

Wrestler Bobby Starr, who plays Doink the Clown, poses for a photo. Starr has used the Doink the Clown name since the WWE gave it to him in 1993. Contributed photo. about getting the tickets out and the event, they seem to think that its going to go very well because, especially for the younger soldiers, it gives them something to do that’s very close,” Emory said. Some of the wrestlers that are going to be in the show include: former WCW and WWF wrestler “The Patriot”, actress and fitness model Melissa Coates, and independent wrestling champion Casey Carlyle. Coates and Carlyle are facing each other. The event will also be a fundraiser for the wrestling and baseball teams. The two teams will split the amount of money that is raised. The wrestling team wants to fund a trip to a tournament in Orlando, Florida in December. On March 12, the doors will open around 5:00 p.m. There will be a band playing prior to the wrestling, which starts at 6:00 p.m. Tickets will be $8.



page 21 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Jaja Parham Wrestling

How long have you been wrestling? “I have been in wrestling for two years.” What got you into wrestling? “My friend got me to go to conditioning two years ago. And well, after that I started to get into it.” Why do you like wrestling? “I like the intensity and how fun it is. I also like the thrill of it when slamming somebody.” What is your favorite song to listen to before a tournament? “Hurt by T.I.” What is your career record? “10-15” What is your best experience in your wrestling career? “The fun we have at practice and the brotherhood.” What quote do you live by? “I have two actually. The first is ‘The only way to do better is to be better,’ and [the second is] ‘Never underestimate the potential of one person’.”

Special thanks to our 2010-11 patrons!


William Havard Tracey Smallwood Kristin CK Tritschler Russell and Audrey Blystone CW4 Joel L. Lockhart Leslie Eliades Mike Williams Athletics Department Majewski Family Michelle Nerdig


Mike Acosta Nicoe Heintzelman Mattew Branthoover Mara Barrett Carin Elmore Tim Elmore

Beth Andersen Pamela Alley Crystal Lipscombe Mitch and Willene Simmons Janie Williams Cyril Allen Geralyn Hunter Devan Andrews Timothy and Amy Marshall Karen Webb Stephanie Bishop Johnny and Michelle Harris Lennie and Nancy Elder Diana and Jeffrey Brown Ryan Brown Treon C. Simon Quetasia Faulcon Christopher Vines II Louise Thornton Lynette Epps


Georgian Whited Paola Jones Kristen Schwaim Naomi Brown Carrie Young Michael Smith LMC Staff Art Club Conner Stevenson Alison Heath C. Eliades Toni Luckett Monica Curtis Christy Franchok Julie Ashmore A.S. Chandler Doug Buchanan Kevin Moore Diana Owens Roy York John Pelter Jeffrey Witt Tara Bauman Jessie Charmichael David Henry Ennis Charleston Sonya Barnhill James Faulcon Thomas Carwile Cynthia Hasley Jamie Pearson Bruce Waymack Tara Kranz Victoria Grimes Joseph Waymack Micheal Hickey Joy Arakelian Jacqueline Waymack Tim Dent Marlene Waymack William Duncan Emanuel Guadalupe Tracey Lee Nancy Williams Lisa Hayes Ed Kaufman Sharie Marwitz Evelina Davis Derek Fikse Brittney Roberts Tristan Carr Daniel Scott Sherri Roberts Prince George Football Mark Dailey Antoine Ford Thomas Guisto Kandie Bradshaw Renee’ Topian Joey Daniels Cathy Cleveland Daniesha Guidry Nancy Odum


page 22 - royalnews - 2.18.2010


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page 23 - royalnews - 2.18.2011

League eligibility important for athletes Power of Sports


Senior Nic Sulc passes the ball during a game against Hopewell on Fri., Feb. 11. Basketball players must meet eligibility requirements at two points to be allowed to play. Photo by Wayne Epps, Jr.

Three rules dictate whether or not student-athletes can play Amanda Majewski trn writer


student-athlete scans over his or her report card. Everything looks good at first, but then they see an ‘F.’ That grade could jeopardize their status on their respective team. Seeing an ‘A,’ ‘B,’ ‘C,’ or even a ‘D’ on his or her report card means that a student-athlete can play and still be on the team, but passing grades are not the only qualifications needed to be a player. There are three criteria that student-athletes must meet to play sports. “There are three steps to being eligible to participate on the school’s sports teams,” said Bill Russell, athletic director and boys varsity basketball coach. “One, each player must be passing five classes. Two, the player has to have an updated physical. Three, a player cannot be 19 years of age before or on August 1.” Varsity basketball players senior Albert Williams and junior Danielle Hannuksela

do not know all the qualifications, but they do know the most important one: passing grades. “You cannot have more than two ‘F’s’ to play on the team,” Williams said. Both Williams and Hannuksela know that grades are important if they want to be on the team. They try not to get into the position of having to worry about their grades. “I do not worry much about my grades,” Hannuksela said. “I normally keep them up since I know they come first if I want to play.” In the pre-season, the coaches are always checking up on their players so they do not have issues with grades when the season comes around. “I have been here for six years now and I know the girls,” girls varsity basketball coach Billy Gray said. “I am constantly checking their grades so they will be prepared for the season.” When a player struggles with grades, everyone on the team encourages him or her to pick them up. The team is not as complete when one or two players are missing. “I encourage my girls in different ways,” Grey said. “I monitor their grades and remind them to keep them up. I tell the girls that we are a family and to help each other out, and I encourage them to

go to tutoring. Anything that will help motivate them,” Motivation to keep up grades comes from all of the coaches. “Coach Russell reminds us every day about our grades,” Williams said. “He even says that if we have to miss practice to get our grades up it is okay, but only if we have to.” Gray has a similar philosophy in keeping his team’s grades in check. “Coach Gray always says that school comes first and that we cannot play if we have bad grades, also colleges will not take us with anything but good grades,” Hannuksela said. The second qualification to be eligible to play on any of the school’s sports teams is to have an up to date VHSL physical form, completed by a doctor, and turned in to the coach no later than the first day of try outs. N.B. Clements Junior High School holds a clinic for physicals at the end of every school year that athletes can use for the next year. Depending on the doctor, the cost of the physical ranges from $20 to $25 and they are held in June, right before school lets out. The third qualification is that a student-athlete cannot be 19 before or on August 1 of the upcoming school year. If the player is 19 before or on August 1, then he or she is not eligible to play on the team.

oaches. Their main job is to teach athletes how to do various a s pects of their respective sports. But, sometimes coaches prov i d e ass is tance to their players that goes beyond Wayne Epps, Jr. athletics. When he signed up to go to Wake Forest, freshman baseball player Kevin Jordan did not know how much assistance he would end up getting. As a senior in high school, Jordan became sick and loss weight. Then, in April of last year, it was found that Jordan had a condition called ANCA vaculitis. The condition can lead to kidney failure. Jordan eventually ended up having to undergo daily dialysis treatments. In June, Jordan was drafted by the New York Yankees in the 19th round of Major League Baseball’s amateur draft. But, it was found late last year that none of Jordan’s family members could donate a kidney to him. However, his baseball coach, Tom Walter, was found to be a match in January. Walter was very willing to donate. So, the operation was done earlier this month. It turned out successfully for both Jordan and Walter. This story is a truly remarkable one. Walter put his life on the line so that Jordan could have a better college experience. Beyond the hitting, pitching, and sliding, baseball connected these two people, coach and player, and gave Jordan the chance to live a normal life again. This story really shows the power of sports. Past wins and losses, sports can have a profound impact on people’s lives. Kevin Jordan and Tom Walter are just two out of many, many others.

Sources: http://www.myfox8.com/ sports/wghp-story-wfu-kidneydonate-100208,0,6766471.story?track=rss; http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/10/sports/ baseball/10transplant.html



Girls Indoor Track finished first in the Central District meet with a team score of 137 on Thurs., Feb. 10.

Boys Basketball lost to Meadowbrook 55-49 in the Central District tournament on Tues., Feb. 15.

Girls Basketball defeated Matoaca 53-50 in the Central District tournament on Tues., Feb. 15.

Student boosters look to increase attendance Kimberly Edmonds-Best trn writer


ver y night, across the district, crowds shout, jump, scream and yell. They spill out of the bleachers onto the court in jubilation and sometimes in disappointment. For the Royals it sometimes is a struggle to get students to come out and cheer on their sports teams, whether it’s soccer, basketball, or even baseball. But some students in the Student Government Association (SGA) are determined to help encourage the Royals’ student body to come out and root for their sport teams; they are called the Student Boosters. The SGA formed this new committee to start boosting the attendance for sports. It is open to anybody interested from the entire student body. History teacher and SGA Committee director Michael Nelson explains the heart and ambition of the student body. “[The committee] was created by the students who were dedicated to supporting sports here at the school,” he said Nelson expresses why it is important to have support for your school’s teams. “It’s hard to build a legacy of winning, when you don’t have the support you need to keep you going,” he said. The Student Booster program is open to anyone interested in the entire student body. It was created by sophomore class president Caleb Johnson and sophomore class vice president Matthew Schneck. This idea is expected to get positive feedback and more participation. “Matt and I wanted to start the booster committee because we wanted to get more people involved in the athletic events,” Johnson said. When students come out to support sports teams, it truly has an impact on the players. Junior basketball guard Darius

Dawsey can attest to that. “To see the attendance of the support of the students, it makes me feel good, makes me feel supported that there’s people out, watching me,” he said. Players need the encouragement to make the shots, points, goals, and scores as well. “It would be good if they would announce the games as well as the support more often, to get people more involved,” Dawsey said. The Student Boosters have several things that they would like to do. These things would be aimed at getting more people involved. “We plan on getting more people involved by using our resources: lowing ticket cost, having fun activities, create white t-shirts with the “Royal” support on them, things like that,” Schneck said. “Our goal is to get more people involved, hopefully out of this we can support with money, not just our presence, but to donate, to provide food, to get our schools athletics top notch,” Johnson said. For the SGA, when few participants show up, they don’t look at it as a loss, but as a gain. “We see it as an opportunity to get kids out there and going,” Nelson said. Johnson wants the sports teams to be overwhelmed with joy when seeing their student body out rooting them on. He also wants to be inspirational, to show that we can support our school just as well as the next school. The Boosters plan on trying to make minor differences, with the possibilities of making prices for tickets more affordable, especially for those who might not be able to afford season passes. The ultimate goal is to bring in more recruits for these exciting events. “I think it’s a really great idea,” Nelson said. “I like this program because it gives more support and motivation to do better,” Dawsey said.

Juniors Bryce Hayes (left) and Jaydee Johnson root on the boys basketball team against Hopewell on Fri., Feb. 11. The Royals lost 89-48. Photo by Wayne Epps, Jr.

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