Prince George H.S. - 7801 Laurel Spring Rd. Prince George, VA 23875 - - October 5, 2012
Volume XI Issue 1
The Royalettes dance team displays posters in memory of Marvin Massenburg, Jr. at the football game on Sept. 29. Various clubs made signs in dedication to Marvin Massenburg, Jr. Photo by Tasia Faulcon.
Students Honor Memory of Classmate, Marvin Massenburg, Jr. p. 15
Visit to see the latest photo galleries
Nutritional changes have been made to the lunch menu. Students must now pick a fruit or vegetable or two of one food group, with their lunch, to make it an actual meal.
Rising Lunch Prices Affect Students’ Wallets p. 5
Presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both hold different views on policies. Students share their opinions on which candidate gets their vote.
The use of Facebook by teenagers has dropped as new social medias come into play. Sites such as Twitter and Instagram have seen an increase in use.
Comparing Obama, Romney Policies p. 12-13
Social Media, Facebook Dying p. 17
Media Bias Against Undecided Voter
the RoyalNews
ur mission as the school newspaper for Prince George High School is to provide a form of media that represents all aspects of student life. The goal is to present factual accounts of newsworthy events in a timely manner. Our publication will be informative, entertaining and reflective of the student body’s opinions. It is the desire of the staff to reach every student and tell as many of their stories as possible. We invite your commentary: The Royal News Opinion page is a forum for public discussion and shall be open to all students. The Royal News will print as many letters as space will allow. The Royal News reserves the right not to print a letter. The Royal News publishes a wide variety of opinions. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Royal News, PGHS, 7801 Laurel Spring Road, Prince George, Virginia 23875, or bring them to room A4, or e-mail them to We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, accuracy, legality, spelling and grammar. Please include your name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. 500 word maximum. Thank you for the support this year. Please continue to communicate on
Writers Debra Thomas-Genevieve Perez-Kolade Olaranwaju-Blier Smith-Sarah Daniel-JoJo Taylor-Lindsey Pugh-Devan Fishburn-Angelica Martinez-Mallory Cox-Rozy Sherrick-John Shumar
Editor-in-Chief Amanda Majewski
Business Manager Chloe Alexander
Managing Editor Quetasia Faulcon
Chris Waugaman
Professional affiliations & awards Columbia Scholastic Press Associations Gold Medalist 2008-2011 Columbia Scholastic Press Associations Silver Crown Winner 2011 Virginia High School Association Trophy Class 2006-2011 Col. Charles Savedge Award for Sustained Excellence 2010 SIPA All Southern 2008-2011
The Royal News, PGHS &
7801 Laurel Spring Road Prince George, Virginia 23875 804-733-2720 The Royal News is printed at The Progress-Index in Petersburg, Virginia
Section Editors Front page: Quetasia Faulcon-Op/Ed: Nathan Britt-News: Casey Overton-Features: Faven ButlerDouble Truck: Danielle Marshall-A&E : Deborah Gardener-Sports: Kristen Schwalm-Ampersand: Tiana Kelly-Photo Editor/Distribution and Events: Ridhi Patel-Business & Ad Editor: Chloe AlexanderOnline Editor-in-Chief: Korrina Smith Online Sports Editor: Courtney Taylor-Social Media Manager: Christina Buckles
Online, Print Converge To Bring Students News About Community
he Royal News is entering its eleventh year of informing the school and the Prince George community on news, arts and entertainment, sports stories, and more. Our job is to keep the student body updated with national, local, and school news. We are a monthly paper that publishes to entertain and inform our readers. In this issue we are reporting on the new lunch menu, social media changes, the upcoming election, and it includes a feature in memory of Marvin Massenburg Jr. This paper is just one of the resources have to read about and comment on stories close to them. In addition to the newspaper, we also have two websites: and These sites are updated every day. We have stories, photo galleries, columns, and blogs on our website as well as a weekly update video informing our viewers
Illustration by Anthony Sudol.
on what to expect in the following week. Our readers can also follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. We update our social media sources with information that you may have missed out on like the score of the football game or that the school is closed on Monday, October 08 in observance of Columbus Day. The newspaper is a vessel for the staff and our readers to discover what is happening around school and among the community. The first amendment gives us the right to free speech. We at The Royal News are taking advantage of this right and we encourage our readers to participate as well. By giving us quotes, doing surveys, and submitting story ideas, the readers of the paper are giving us ammunition. We are open to all points of view and to exploring all sides of an issue without prejudice or preconceived ideas. We are journalists.
ith the passing of Tim Russert, it’s possible that the death knell for objectivity in American media rang out. It’s hard to believe much of the information that penetrates our consciousness is legitimate news anymore. The outrageous bias of the media is just not acceptable. Anything that can be spun by a commentator will be spun. Nathan Britt The coverage of both National Party Conventions was appalling. When the RNC was being covered, MSNBC had Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews on call to assault anything the Republicans said. At the same time, Fox News had Sean Hannity there to glorify the conservatives. At the DNC, it was quite the opposite. Generally speaking, the media heavily favors liberals and the Democratic Party (recall nastiness towards President Bush and glorification of President Obama). This includes the three major networks, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. However, one cannot ignore the conservative strongholds of Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and the conservative stalwarts of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on talk radio. They all have a major voice in polarizing the American populous. They are all the reason that politics is such an ugly business in the United States. Because they present their view as fact, it gives the uneducated viewer no room to make up their own mind. Instead of letting the consumer develop their own opinion, most sources editorialize the news sections as well. This leads to a mass of uninformed people electing a candidate based on lies, half truths, and character attacks. This is not healthy for American democracy. While networks are (and should be) able to present their view any way they desire, it’s a shame that reporting the facts has fallen by the wayside. That leaves we, as teenagers, separating fact from opinion on our own, something that many of us are not prepared to do.
Should Barack Obama be given a second term? President Obama has had a profound effect on the direction of our nation. Republicans argue that he is sending it in the wrong direction. Democrats disagree. What do you think?
ith the 2012 election coming up, the tug-ofwar between Obama and Romney continues to excite the world of politics. It would be in America’s best interest to have Obama keep the presidency. Obama not only has ideas that appeal to more than one group of people, but he has the moral, open-minded personality that is much needed in a country with millions of unsteady people awaiting better living conditions. Obama agrees with the idea that everyone is entitled to receive health care, no matter what their financial status. He believes those who make an annual income of $250,000 or higher should have to pay higher taxes which could go towards social programs for the middle class. It amazes me how so many citizens of the U.S. can disagree with this proposition. Celebrities today are buying expensive accessories while low class citizens lie somewhere else struggling to provide for their children’s basic needs. Something about that does not seem right when one of America’s most appealing characteristics is to have equality for all. Another reason Obama should be re-elected is his strong belief that everybody should have the same opportunities in America, no matter what their sexual orientation, native country, or individual ideas are. The President supports gay marriage, pro-environment ideas, citizenship for illegal immigrants, as well as the pro-choice movement. These are controversial issues that appeal to all types of people. It is time for people to extend the same legal rights we have to those different than us. Obama gives us an opportunity to make our own decisions without the restriction of laws and government holding us back. One of the American people’s main concerns is that Obama has not fulfilled all his promises during his term. We must recognize that one human being cannot fix all of America’s problems in a mere four years. “Change” will only come with time, and time takes patience. It is our turn to give the president the same support and patience he has given us throughout his first term.
F Faven Butler
Chloe Alexander
“...Obama should be reelected is his strong belief that everybody should have the same opportunities...” “Obama’s attempted solution of spending money in order to get out of debt has only succeeded in digging America deeper in debt. ”
“...One human being cannot fix all of America’s problems in a mere four years.“
“Romney has the experience and knowledge that Obama did not have when he was elected and still does not have...”
our years ago, President Barack Obama campaigned for “Hope and Change”. With the 2012 election quickly approaching, voters should stop and think about whether or not the changes Obama has made during his presidency were the ones they had hoped for. During his presidency, Obama initiated a stimulus plan that increased funding for non-defense research and environmentalist ventures, instead of taking that stimulus money and using it towards the deficit. He also bailed out the failing auto industry, which had a surplus of vehicles that people could not afford to buy. Obama’s attempted solution of spending money in order to get out of debt has only succeeded in digging America deeper in debt. It takes a businessman to understand how the economy really functions and how to gain the most from the least amount of input. This is where former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, comes in. People look at Romney’s successes at Bain Capital, which helps out struggling businesses for a fee, as being greedy; however, they should look at it as being the answer to the national debt crisis. Romney possesses the ability to analyze the facts and make decisions that will produce the least amount of damage, if any. Along with having the knowledge and experience to help out businesses, Romney has already proven that he is capable of being a successful leader through his governorship of Massachusetts and role in putting the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics back on track. In contrast, Obama was just a member of the U.S. Senate during the Bush presidency he criticized so often, where he focused more on being a celebrity than voicing his opinions in debates. There is no doubt that Obama inherited a bad economy, but he has had his chance to prove himself. Romney has the experience and knowledge that Obama did not have when he was elected and still does not have after four years, making Romney the clear choice for the 2012 election.
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Lunch Eliminates
iPhone 5 sells 5
School lunches are now required to be under 850 calories
million in the first three days after its release and still climbing. 9 cases of West Nile virus have been diagnosed in Virginia, with one death resulting from the disease.
Korrina Smith online editor
t the start of the school year, some students were confused about the new lunch menu and prices because there have been many changes starting with the addition of daily fruits and vegetables. “You have to take a fruit or a vegetable with each meal in order to make it a reimbursable meal,” Cafeteria Director Tom Guisto said. The cafeteria has to have both fresh vegetables and canned vegetables, with different colored vegetables every week. “I think we should be able to choose what we want,” senior Brandon Hilliard said. A bill was passed in November of 2011 that required the USDA to consider the tomato paste on pizza to be a vegetable, which means it counts as the student’s serving of vegetables for that given day. There are also new restrictions concerning which drink a student can get, based off of which fruits and vegetables they have chosen to eat that day. If a student gets two fruits with the meal, the student cannot get a fruit juice because
that would constitute as three fruits. “There are more changes involved,” Guisto said. “A lunch can consist of no more than 850 calories.” For some students, only eating 850 calories is not enough to completely rid their hunger. “I think it’s a good thing, but it is not enough to fill someone up,” senior Alexes Riggins said. Another major change involved in the lunch menu is that there is no salt in any of the foods. “Everything is just so labor intensive,” Guisto said. “Of course to eat healthy you spend more, so we do not know how that will affect our bottom line yet.” In the past, fries have been a daily part of the lunch menu and were included in the total cost of lunch. However the french-fry policy has changed this year. “The biggest change for the students to get used to is that there are no fries on the menu every day,” Guisto said. “If they want fries, they have to pay for it on the two a la carte aisles, which is $1.25.” These changes were promoted by First Lady Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and are projected to affect more than 32 million students. “I think these changes are over the top,” sophomore Katelyn Keyser said. “I think we can deal with it ourselves and it should not
Senior Melony Jennings buys a school lunch with the new pricing from cafeteria worker Loraine Powers. One of the changes this year included meals not including fries. Photo by Ridhi Patel. be a national thing.” Some students have mixed feelings about these changes. “I do not think you should have to pay more for fries,” junior Jahneshia Govans said. “You should be able to get vegetables or get fries.” Other students feel that the lunches this year do not compare to those of last year. “It is not as good as it was last year,” Keyser said. “It had a bigger variety last year and it was better tasting.” With approximately 30% of children and teens in America being overweight, some students may view the changes in the lunch menus to be a step in the direction toward a nation of healthier students. “I just feel like the school is trying to be healthier, that’s it,” senior Brandon Hilliard said. Scan code to see more breaking news on
In Naco, Arizona, along the Mexican border, the 14th Border Patrol agent killed in the line of duty since 2008 is shot. A major recall of smoked salmon in the Netherlands and the U.S. due to salmonella. Hundreds have caught the virus. The second round of presidential debates happened on Tuesday.
Sophomore Class Climbs Ranks Overpopulation of underclassmen could result in challenges
The sophomore class has a total number of 514 members as of the beginning of the 20122013 school year.
Christina Buckles social media editor
here are plenty of new faces here at the high school this year - five hundred and fourteen of them. The sophomore class is currently the biggest class here. It isn’t hard to imagine how difficult it is to navigate through the halls and to get to class on time. It also isn’t hard to imagine how filled the classrooms are either. With this growth of the student body, there will be some problems arising in the upcoming years and even currently. Issues regarding parking, graduation, and especially the ability to learn will have to be dealt with. The National Education Association states that learning improves in a smaller classroom compared to a larger classroom. Teachers can give more special attention to individual students’ needs. Teaching has been difficult so far this school year for many teachers. Sophomore English teacher, Pam Alley, has been dealing with having approximately thirty students in her classes as well as other teachers in the building. “We don’t have any extra teachers but we have extra students. If you have larger classes, of course control is harder to maintain,” Alley said. “You probably will not be able to do seminars because it is very difficult to put thirty chairs in a circle. They will not be as comfortable raising their hands to ask questions in class because there’s so many people also,” Alley said. “For an English teacher, the big one would be keeping up with grading essays and analyzing literature essays and so therefore either we will have to have less essays or it will take us a lot longer to return them,” Alley said. Sophomore Sarah Diaz also pointed out negatives in learning as well. “Some negatives are big classrooms and there not being enough personal attention. If you don’t get it then you may not have time to ask a question,” she said.
Varsity Football has twelve sophomore members of the team during the season of 2012-2013.
136 Being such a large class, there are some negatives that the sophomore themselves will deal with. Sophomore Riley Rakes said that parking and graduation is going to be tough as well as scheduling for the sophomore class. Another sophomore, Winn Watson, doesn’t see being a big class as a negative though. “There will be a lot of competition but there is nothing really negative about it. There’s a lot of social activity in our class,” Watson said. In a year or so, the sophomore class will be driving, and that means they will need parking spots. There are only so many parking spaces and next year most seniors will be driving along with the huge class of two thousand fifteen. There may have to be some accommodations made or people will simply not receive a parking pass. Mike Nelson, the Assistant Principal has shared some words on this subject. With the increase of students in the school, there’s going to be a change. “It could be a situation where we run out of spots in December instead of May,” Nelson said. He also said that it will be a situation where some students that want to drive won’t be able to. It will all depend on who will be eligible to drive in the current sophomore class next year. Nelson did confirm that the senior class will still be able to buy their spaces in the parking lot
The sophomore class gets fired up at the Pep Rally on September 7, 2012. The Pep Rally was to support the Fall Sports at the beginning of the year. Photo by Christina Buckles. first over the summer. “But for juniors and sophomores next year, it could be a problem,” Nelson said. Diaz simply stated that she wants a car, she wants to drive, and she hopes to get a parking spot. Watson also shared his thoughts about the parking situation that will arise in the near future. “I think we’re good, there are already extra spots and plus the seniors are going to graduate and half of the kids in our class are around twelve years old. They’re really young,” Watson said. In regards to their graduation in about two years, there were many emotions. Rakes said, “I’m not too terribly worried, we have a lot of Fort Lee kids and some of them will move. Other than that, I think it will be really long and miserable,” Watson was simply excited to be graduating in two years. He plans to graduate and go to college at Penn State. Diaz kept in mind the size of the class and how long graduation will be like for herself. “I’m really glad my last name starts with a D,”
There are one hundred and thirty six parking spaces available in the school parking lot.
53 There are two sections of IB this year, totalling in fifty three sophomores. Last year, there were thirty three sophomores.
The total number of Juniors is 480 as of the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year.
The total number of Seniors at the start of the 2012-2013 school year is 415.
New Staff Sets Goals For Year 1. What is your current job? e?
2. Where did you attend colleg
3. What was your previous job?
4. What inspired you to become a teacher? 5. What is the best
experien ce as a teacher? What are you looking forw ard to?
6. What are some things you enjoy doing outside of work?
Interviews by Courtney Taylor Photo by Faven Butler
Hanson Ely
Lonnie Kitchen
Ben Barnwell
1. I am a Chemistry teacher. I also coach the JV football team and work with the linebackers, wide receivers, and special teams. 2. I went to VA Tech for my undergraduate and then did a career switch at Old Dominion University to get my teacher’s license. 3. I worked at Meso Scale Discovery in Gaithersburg, MD. I mostly did Biotechnical manufacturing and documentation. 4. Mostly because of my supreme loathing of my previous job. 5. I am looking forward to helping students transition into adulthood and prepare for college. 6. I like to play Call of Duty, golf, flag football, soccer, disc golf, and any leisure game (corn hole, darts, etc.)
1. I am an Industrial Arts teacher. I teach production class and construction class. 2. I did not go to college. I am a builder on the professional side. I have a contractor’s license by the state of VA to build houses. 3. I ran a construction company, and am continuing to do so full time. 4. I wanted to pass on the knowledge of what I have learned in the construction trade. 5. Seeing the start to finish of my class and scheduled projects through completion. 6. I coach the volleyball team here. My son plays baseball year round so I enjoy anything with sports.
1. I am teaching biology and ecology here at PGHS. 2. I am a graduate of Morehouse college in Atlanta Georgia. 3. I worked at the Ed Center last year for my first year in the county. Prior to that I worked in Chesterfield County. I have also done some environmental work, nature conservancy, and worked with other EPA style groups. 4. I come from a generation of teachers. My grandmother was a teacher, all of my uncles and aunts were teachers, and my mother was a teacher as well. It was sort of a family thing. 5. I enjoy being able to come back and see the growth of my students in other classes. As I run into my former students and as they graduate and come back to contribute to the community I feel like I have done something worthwhile. 6. I have been swimming all my life. I came from a place where it was very important to know how to swim because it was on the ocean.
Jennifer Flower Honn Wants to remind you...
PGHS Spanish Club Wishes
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Competing with the best!
to all fall sports!
Phone Numbers: Office: (804) 732-8811 Fax: (804) 733-3645 Address: 3040 S Crater Rd. Suite A Petersburg, Virginia 23805-9221
10 | THE ROYAL NEWS | FRIDAY 10.5.12
FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 11
Citizenship Presents New Outlook for Senior
Senior Jack Semrau required to attain U.S. citizenship before pursuing career goals Ridhi Patel photo editor
hree years ago, the military brought senior Jack Semrau and his family to America. When he first arrived in the states, at thirteen-years-old, Semrau barely knew any English. He went from speaking German to learning English by watching Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Semrau was born in Mombasa, a city in Kenya. His mother grew up there while
his father grew up in Aschaffenburg, Germany, which is also the place of his sister’s birth. One thing many peers do not know about Semrau is that he is not a citizen of the U.S. He holds a dual citizenship of Kenya and Germany and a permanent residency card, also known as a “green card”, here in the United States. With immigration being the topic of debate in the presidential elections, Semrau has decided not to let it affect his career goals or priorities relating to school. “When I moved here it was uncomfortable because the area was new to me, especially the schools,” Semrau said. The schooling system here in the United States is easier than he was used to in Germany. There he was taking fifteen classes a year. They were graded on the quality of their work, such as how fast they ran, how well they played a certain instrument, or the neatness of their artwork. His favorite childhood memories in Germany were during the holiday seasons.
He loves when Christmas comes around because of the snow, skiing, sledding, and especially Sylvester, the German New Year. Semrau speaks German, English, Swahili, and a bit of Spanish. He enjoys karate, playing soccer, riding roller coasters, and even going to school. “I like school,” Semrau admitted. “I’m a nerd for math and science.” Semrau plans on attending Georgia Tech to study Aerospace Engineering. His future goal is to one day work for NASA or SpaceX and help discover the unknown elements of the world. When asked what were the downsides of not being a U.S. citizen, he responded that he did not like the fact he cannot work for a government-related job. “I am not able to work for the government jobs with a green card, so if I would have to get my U.S citizenship if I were to ever work for NASA. I cannot get my citizenship until I turn 18 and have lived here for five years, join the military, or marry a U.S. citizen,” Semrau said.
Moving here changed Semrau’s life. He learned a new language, met new people, and he became more involved in community service; something he never did in Germany. He plans on going to college here in the United States and has already started applying to UVA, Georgia Tech, NC State and Virginia Tech. Despite the restrictions of his green card, he does not plan on letting anything hold him back from pursuing his dreams. “I do not want to be confined to one country alone,” Semrau said. “If China were to suddenly become the world’s top aerospace agency, I would move there.” He mentioned his dream to work for NASA or SpaceX was inspired by his father’s interest in aerospace. “My father was a big advocate of math and science as well. His advice to me was to ‘Do what you have a passion for if you can make a profit from it’,” Semrau said. “Whether I’m living in America or not, that is exactly what I plan to do.”
Photos by Faven Butler.
Jeremy Chambers
“His view on women’s health issues is favorable.” -Jesse Chiasson (right)
“He seems like a cool guy.” -Isis Samuel (left)
Shondavia McFall (left)
De’shaun Tyler (left)
“I would vote Obama because I am against Romney’s Tax Plan.” -Carlos Littles (above)
Obama wants to limit gun
Obama plans to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Obama wants to increase hightech and clean energy projects.
Obama wants to increase aid for college students and expand the role of public schools. He wants to increase tax rates for the rich.
Obama believes the Constitution is a living document and does not believe in strict construction.
Romney is pro Israel. Romney wants to protect 2nd Amend-
Romney plans to cut taxes by 20% for individuals and 25% for corporations.
Romney wants to expand the use of charter schools and hold teachers and students accountable by requiring a rigorous test in order to graduate.
Romney wants the government to focus on fighting jihad, tax reform and health care reform.
Obama Vs. Romney
Election 2012
Whitney Clements (right)
Abria Humphries (below)
Landon Witt (left)
“I like his policies better and he likes smaller government” -Mark King (right)
Gabby King (above)
Sarah Fitch (above)
“Obama has gotten the gas prices to rise and they will stay higher. And Obama is trying to take away guns.” -Brandon Collins (left)
Megan Elliot (left)
FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 12-13
“He makes better policies for regular people.” -Maija Holliday (right)
Shann Fields (above)
“He’s doing better for the economy and needs more time.” -Ashlee Brown (right)
Brooke Ward (above)
Tyron Darby (right)
“I believe in the same things as him.” -Patricia Foresand (right)
Marina Strickland
Mervis Cohen (right)
Taylor Cowan (above)
Photo by Nathan Britt
Romney is pro-life and for the repeal of Roe v. Wade.
Romney plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act and has new ideas that will give the power of health care regulation to the states.
Romney wants to loosen oil drilling regulations and supports alternative energy sources.
In order to curb illegal immigration, Romney wants to build a fence on the Mexican border but provide residency to immigrants with advanced degrees. He will strictly enforce immigration laws.
ment rights but ban assault weapons.
Their Policies. Your Voice.
Obama is for gay rights and opposed to the Defense of Marriage Act.
Obama passed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) which is an attempt to provide nationwide affordable health care. He is pro-choice and supports partial birth abortions.
purchases to one per month. He supports the creation of safe, clean nuclear power plants.
Luke Johnson (left)
“[I] Like his ideas on the economy.’ -Austin Starford (left)
Alexandria Renn (right)
“He is pro-life, smaller government, and tax cuts and Obama has a bad track record.” -Adam Kyle (left)
Ryan Minar (left)
Garret Holt (above)
Information by Nathan Britt and John Shumar Photos and Page Designed by Danielle Marshall
“He has a better economic plan and he is for smaller government and he is pro-life.” -Trey West (right)
Photo by Roger Barone via Creative Commons
14 | THE ROYAL NEWS | FRIDAY 10.5.12
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Be sure to visit us before Ring Dance!
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FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 15
Marvin Massenburg Jr. “Marvin’s smile could light up a room and his laugh was contagious. He was so sweet and always there whenever I wanted to talk. I am so grateful that I had Marvin as a friend and I will treasure my memories with him until he is able to give me a great big hug one day in heaven.” Becky Shumar
“He was an old soul at heart. He could not dance or sing, but his attempt to made me laugh so hard. He might be gone, but he’s still here with me.” Bray’n Brown “Marvin had the biggest smile and the most amazing ‘teddy-bear’ hugs. He was extremely talented, but above all he listened to everyone’s problems and never complained that he was the go-to-guy for the band. He had the biggest heart, and we know that every time we make music, he is there with us.” Sarah Beth Howard
“He was a very good, caring friend. He would do anything to help the people who ask for help.” Richard Gelina “Marvin was the most loving person in the band. He always had a big, gorgeous smile on his face, and he gave the best hugs. He never had anything mean to say about anyone and he loved his family and friends with all his heart.” Ellen Scudder
“Marvin was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He was there for you whenever you needed him. There isn’t enough time in the day to explain Marvin.” Jasmine King
“Marvin always had the biggest smile on his face whenever anyone saw him; there wasn’t a day that he wasn’t smiling. He had the biggest heart, not only as a person, but also in band. Although he’s not with us in person, he’ll always be with us in spirit.” Madison Pham “Marvin was everything I could have ever asked for in a friend. There are not enough words in the world to describe what a great person he was. A true gentleman, Marvin will always hold a place in my heart. “ Faven Butler
“Marvin was a person you couldn’t say anything bad about. Whenever he was around I always smiled. Although we weren’t as close as I would like, he did have a special place in my heart.” Joy Justice
On the morning of September 25, 2012, while driving to school, senior Marvin Massenburg’s car plunged into the Blackwater Swamp as he attempted to pull to the side of the road for a police officer responding to a call. The officer failed in his attempts to rescue Massenburg from the waters. That day, the Royals lost an avid student, band member, and friend. In memory and respect for Marvin Massenburg, students reminisce about the impacts Massenburg has had in their lives.
“He had the most beautiful smile. The way he laughed, the way he loved everybody and didn’t have a judgment about anybody…didn’t have any negativity about anything. He was caring. He’d give you anything you asked for. That’s what I love about Marvin. Me and his Daddy love him. I’m hurtful that he’s gone. It’s hard to talk about it when you lose your child. I feel like a piece of me died with him. He was my heart...God knows he was my heart.” Sharon Massenburg, Mother
“God had to take you because you were an angel on earth. I’m going to miss seeing your smile and hearing your laugh. Love you brother, your little Szozda.” Katherine Szozda “Marvin or MJ was the greatest person you could ever meet. He lightens up your day by making you smile. He was a great friend.” Joshua Spitzer
“His sense of humor, his love for music, the love he had for himself and others. He loved exercising and being outside. I remember when he said he was going to get in shape and did exactly what he said he would. When Marvin said he would do something, he did it. Then he tried to get on me about exercise. ‘I lost weight and you gained weight. Come on Dad!’ He was so crazy. He loved everything…that was my son. We all miss and love him so much.” Marvin Massenburg Sr. , Father
16 | THE ROYAL NEWS | FRIDAY 10.5.12
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FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 17
Fall of Facebook
Trending Social Media Sites Twitter, Instagram Draw More Attention Danielle Marshall double-truck editor
ike,” ”Comment,” “What’s on your mind?” are all familiar words to any frequent Facebook user, but what if these familiar words, written on that blue home screen, were a thing of the past? Teenagers all across the nation are starting to break away from this social media powerhouse and it has people wondering is Facebook losing its “like” factor. “Not many people care about it [facebook],” senior Allison Crawford said. “It use to be just college students and now it’s just not as important.” Facebook in the past couple months has began to fade into the distance as a faint memory in many teenagers minds. Seniors, juniors, and sophomore all around the school of what they think is causing Facebook to disappear. “One of the reasons people no longer get on Facebook is because of the “old people,” junior Darriona Garner said. Facebook is getting a growth in adult pages according to The possibility of Facebook eventually becoming an adult centered place is great, according to Instructional Technology Resource Teacher (ITRT) Stephanie Poe. “Teenagers have moved away from it, there are more adults on Facebook now,” Poe said, “Teenagers think that adults aren’t on
these, if teenagers are finding it , adults are finding it too.” To try to keep up with the latest trend and keep the younger audience, Facebook has began doing a series of updates. One new update is the switch to timeline format instead of the original. With the constant updates being made by the Facebook powers that be, people have started getting frustrated. “They keep changing their format, people don’t like that,” Poe said. “I don’t think teenagers will ever come back to Facebook.” Not only will Facebook’s popularity as a website fail, but this idea of a “dead Facebook” could be catastrophic for many businesses. Many businesses rely on Facebook for advertisement, as any Facebook user would know that without Facebook, many businesses would not be able to take the opportunity and get their name out there. “There are lots of businesses that are on there, and if Facebook dies then their businesses die too,” Crawford said. According to Huffington Post, The reasons why a social media network would fail is because of the privacy, constant changing interface, and the ads . Crawford seems to agree that Facebook is becoming just like the past social media website that eventually died off. “Just like MySpace, Facebook is dying,” said Crawford. Trending social media websites, like Twitter, Instagram, etc. have taken a bit of Facebook’s social media power. Many teenagers have began to switch from using the social media giant to new social media comers like
A student displays her twitter app on her smartphone with hashtag PGHS.Twitter has become a dominant social media amongst teens. Photo by Jojo Taylor. Twitter. “It is easy to get on and get many followers [referring to twitter and its rising popularity],” said Crawford. “Facebook is not how it use to be.” The accessibility of Twitter has been noted and many students think that this is a reason that Twitter is beginning to steal the spotlight. It is easier to put your whole life story on Twitter that many people no longer bother with Facebook. “Twitter you can post everything in your life, ” sophomore Nicole Messina said, “You can also share over IPhone.” The “new” factor of Twitter is also something to not be overlooked. The complete change of scenery and layout have many teens and people flocking to Twitter. “Twitter is new and people like what’s new,” sophomore Matalin Collins said. Many social media websites definitely have the potential to take over Facebook’s status. Social media is going to continue to grow wand expand and update things to make the target audience use their website. Facebook however, no matter if it is dead or dying, will go down in history as the network that paved the way for an empire of social media.
New Fall TV Lineup Offers Something For Everyone
he new fall lineup of tv shows is in full swing and are filled with comedic sketches and intense drama that will keep you guessing. First on the lineup is New Girl, on Fox, Tues. at 8 pm, is returning with its funniest season yet. Zooey Deschanel returns as her “adorkable” character Jess, along with her colorful roommates, Nick, Schmidt, and Winston (played by Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, and Lamorne Morris) and Debra Thomas her best friend CeCe (played by Hannah Simone). They return for more antics and adventures that are going to leave you laughing and definitely wanting more. The Voice, Mon. and Tues. on NBC at 8pm, is also returning with its second season. The competition is heating up with the added popularity of the show and the increasing number of talented people auditioning. While the show is still in blind auditions viewers are already choosing their favorite teams. So the only question that remains is, for what team are you rooting? Next is Castle, Mon. on ABC at 10 pm, the drama filled and newly romantic show returns for its fifth season. The viewers were fulfilled last season when Castle and Detective Beckett finally got together. This season, viewers are waiting to see how their romance unfolds, and if it can take hardship. Go On, Tues. on NBC at 9pm, is one of NBC’s new shows. It chronicles the life of radio sportscaster Ryan KIng (Matthew Perry) as he deals with the tragedy of his wife’s death through group therapy. This show puts a comedic spin on one of life’s most difficult events. It is a light-hearted show with some touching moments. Elementary, Tues. on CBS at 10pm, is a new twist on the classic tale of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s beloved character Sherlock Holmes and his ever present partner Dr.John Watson. In this new tale, Holmes (played by Johnny Lee Miller) and Watson, now female and played by Lucy Liu, help solve crime in New York City by working as consultants with the NYPD. This show is destined to be great by having a storyline that is easy to follow with just enough twists to keep you on your toes.
18 | THE ROYAL NEWS | FRIDAY 10.5.12
FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 19
Gamer's Corner Release Of New WiiU Creates Some Confusion For Fans
f anything can be said about Nintendo, they certainly know how to get a reaction. With the upcoming release of their new console, however, these reactions aren’t as positive as they would have hoped. The WiiU is a console still shrouded in mystery despite its November 18th Alex Crowder release date. For the longest time people were confused as to what the WiiU was. Is it a console? A new controller for the original Wii? The fact that you can use your old Wiimotes on the WiiU just created more confusion. While we finally got an answer as to what the WiiU is intended to be – yes, it’s a new console; no, you can’t hook it up to your Wii – the response is still lukewarm at best. The thing is, despite having the largest amount of games available at
release in console history, nothing is really compelling enough to shell out $350 for a new console. Most of the games are simply ports of older games that, if you were interested in you would already own
(such as Arkham City: Armored Edition) or just downright nonsensical; Mass Effect 3 is being released alone without the other two games of the trilogy. Assassin’s Creed 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 may inter-
est people, there is little motivation to purchase a WiiU if you own a different console that the two will be released on. The only games that really managed to pique my curiosity were Bayonetta 2 (the sequel to a beloved Xbox and PS3 game that is now WiiU exclusive), Rayman Legends, and Super Mario Brothers U. There is also a planned Legend of Zelda release in 2014 and a chance at a port of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, but that doesn’t motivate me to rush out and buy a WiiU on the midnight release. For people still interested, however, this writer recommends paying the extra $50 for the Deluxe black WiiU, which has more memory (32gigs versus the Standard’s 8gigs) and comes with NintendoLand, a party game which looks admittedly fun. If you’re just planning on casual gaming, have a different console to do your heavy lifting, or are just looking to save some money, the 8gig white WiiU may be the better buy at $300.
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20 | THE ROYAL NEWS | FRIDAY 10.5.12
PhotoGallery RIGHT: Sophomore Serena Triscari takes the ball from a Colonial Heights opponent. She hits the ball as hard as she can to a teammate who was trying to score. Triscari has been playing at the varsity level for 2 years.
BELOW: Junior Caitlin O’Hare steals the ball away from her opponent. O’Hare gets the ball and moves forward in an attempt to score a goal.
ABOVE: During a time out, the team strategizes how to improve their play. Coach Ann Lambert explained to them how to play to their best potential. LEFT: Senior Brooke Dancy tries to get the ball away from her own goal in order to attempt to get a break away to score a goal on Mon., Sept. 24. The Royals defeated Colonial Heights 2-0. All photos by Kristen Schwalm.
Field Hockey
FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 21
Former Teacher Overcomes Job Change Colonial Heights teacher coaches Prince George volleyball team
Casey Overton news editor
t Colonial Heights High School, class starts at 7:35 am and ends at 2:18 pm. Daniel Pulskamp leaves Colonial Heights at around 2:40 pm so he can get to Prince George by 3:00 pm for volleyball practice. He does this every day except for game days ,when he can leave Colonial Heights at 3:00 pm. The Royals have a long-standing rivalry with the Colonial Heights Colonials. This rivalry is especially interesting to Pulskamp, Prince George boys volleyball coach and teacher at Colonial Heights High School. What seems like a recipe for disaster has turned out quite rewarding for the volleyball team. Pulskamp has been involved with Prince George for four years. Although he teaches at the school that houses one of the Royals’ rival teams, there is no tension relating to his unique situation. “I think it’s good that he would take the
time to commute from school to school,” junior and middle hitter Bryant Marks said. Marks is confident that his other teammates feel the same way. Marks later revealed, however that he would prefer to have a coach who does teach at Prince George “To keep us in check,” Marks said. Junior side hitter Chase Hewett, does not see any problem in Pulskamp’s teaching at Colonial Heights. “It really doesn’t make a difference to me. He’s still our coach,” Hewett said. “He still makes us run if we do bad.” Hewett disagrees with Marks’ opinion that the team is somewhat disadvantaged because Pulskamp is not available throughout the day. This is because the team’s assistant coach, Lonnie Kitchen, does teach in Prince George. Twice during the regular season, Prince George must play Colonial Heights. One may think this game is an agonizing event for Pulskamp, who is being yanked in opposite directions by the school for which he teaches and the school for which he coaches. Things are actually quite opposite. “Of course I want PGHS to win because I
coach the team,” Pulskamp said, “However, I did coach some of the Colonial Heights players in off-season leagues, so I like both teams. Both squads are composed of quality players and citizens who represent their schools well.” The students at Colonial Heights High School do not seem to mind that he coaches in Prince George. “It is not that big of a deal because our coach does not work for Colonial Heights,” Colonial Heights Varsity volleyball player Jamil Aboulhosn said. “Coach Pulskamp seems really nice and happy and waves to the Colonial Heights players when he sees us. It seems like he supports us unless we are playing Prince George.” Both sides of Pulskamp’s “double life” are supportive of him. He commits quite a significant amount of time to teach at one school and coach at another. This commitment has earned him respect among his players. Although Pulskamp has ensured loyalty to the Royals, Principal Tracey Smallwood has jokingly asked that Pulskamp wear his shirt representing Prince George to Colonial Heights on the days that the Royals play the Colonials.
After a play, Pulskamp discusses strategy with his team. Prince George lost the contest against Colonial Heights 3 to 1. The scores were: 13-25, 9-25, 25-19, 23-25. Photo by Chloe Alexander. “I think Ms. Smallwood was teasing me when she asked me to wear the shirt,” Pulskamp said. Pulskamp has not worn the shirt to his job in Colonial Heights, but this is no reason to doubt that he is fully committed to Prince George County. “I enjoy working with both schools although there is a large time commitment involved,” Pulskamp said.
Go to to see a girl’s volleyball photo gallery.
22 | THE ROYAL NEWS | FRIDAY 10.5.12
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FRIDAY 10.5.12 | THE ROYAL NEWS | 23
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Melissa Tomlin Cross Country
Smith Takes
Control How long have you been running cross country? “I’ve ran cross country since ninth grade.”
Junior quarterback makes a difference Deborah Gardner a&e editor
vertaken by a helmet and mouth guard with sweat trickling down the skin, Junior Kameron Smith prepares to complete a pass to an awaiting teammate. Being able to establish a leadership role and choose the right plays at the right moment is the job of Smith. Smith is starting a new season of football being experienced in the position that he played second string during the previous year. “The quarterback is the toughest position in any sport,” offensive coordinator and quarterback coach Hezekiah Butler said. Smith has been playing football since he was five years old. He has been playing for the school since the eighth grade where he was a starting quarterback. For Smith to go from second-string quarterback to first string takes a lot of practice and preparation. Smith and his teammates senior and second string quarterback Jerrod Reed, juniors Dan
Brindamour and Devante Fuller, and sophomore Michael Benjamin all show their dedication in the sport they love. The team for the most part also has to adjust to the new starter of the team as well as the player himself. “He is taking it really well, it can not be easy taking the place of someone of that caliber. He gets excited sometimes but with time that will get better. He is handling the pressure,” Reed said. One of the many important things that coaches look for in their teams and individual athletes are improvement from past performances. “There’s an improvement in his leadership and maturity. He’s a different young man than last year. He can talk to the guys this year. Last year he wasn’t ready to do that,” Butler said. To be a great athlete, one has to go that extra step in getting practice and making sure you improve your game. Smith made sure he does that during the season, but also during the off season. “Three times a week we do weight lifting, and Tuesdays and Thursdays we’ll meet in Coach Butler’s room in the mornings,” Smith said. For Smith to be able to level his head and get ready for games, he goes over strong and weak points with Butler. “We’ll start running plays for the season and
Junior Kameron Smith rolls out of the pocket in an attempt to find a receiver. Smith’s mobility has helped him extend plays. Photo by Ian Keltey. go through the different types of defenses and how to read them,” Smith said. Smith and his coaches also run through scenarios that are possibilities during a football game ,so he is prepared in his reaction. “We even give him situations that may never happen. For example, we talked about going into halftime,” Butler said. Mental preparation for sports is only one part of getting ready for a big game. The actual physical aspect comes into play also. The typical routines that Smith goes through in practice after school include arm and throwing mechanics, wrist and elbow mechanics, running periods with running backs and receivers, and working with centers, which Smith and the other strings go over with quarterback coach Butler. “The thing I love most about football is the brotherhood. Only a few people know what it is like getting up to run at five and throwing up and bleeding with those guys,” Reed said. Football is not all about just the physical and mental parts, but also the emotional. The bond between football players is equivalent in most cases as a family “brotherhood” bond. “My most memorable moment is being in the locker room with the guys and the funny pranks we pull on each other,” Smith said.
Who or what inspired you to run cross country? “I used to swim competitively until ninth grade. My parents told me to do something inside school so I decided to do cross country because my sister did too.” How do you train outside of practice? “I just run on the weekends. During the summer I run with my sister.” What do you do before a meet to prepare yourself? “I eat healthy the day before. I like to eat a lot of carbs. Then during the day I hydrate a lot.” Do you plan on continuing cross country in college? “Oh no, I will be done after this year. I’ll run to keep in shape, but not everyday.” What has been your best experience as a part of the team so far? “Probably just getting to know everyone because everyone on the team is close, especially the girls.”
Varsity Field Hockey plays Hopewell at home at 4:00 p.m. on Mon.,Oct 8.
Varsity Girls Volleyball travels to Petersburg at 7:15 p.m. on Tues.,Oct 9.
Varsity Cross Country competes against Matoaca at 4:30 p.m. on Wed., Oct 10.
Freshmen Golfers Contribute Kristen Schwalm sports editor
A Freshman Wesley Warren chips the ball onto the green. Warren worked hard to do his best in order for his scores to be used in the match. Photo by Kristen Schwalm.
golfer sets a ball down on a tee. Many emotions are running through their mind. Wondering if their ball will go far enough or if their score will be used at the end of the match. These are some of the thoughts going through freshmen Austin Britt and Wesley Warren’s minds. Britt and Warren are freshmen on the golf team. Both of their scores have been used multiple times and their presence on the team is not overlooked. “In golf, you only use four of the six players scores,” said golf coach Earl Burton. [Austin and Wesley] are good enough that we’ve actually used their scores in matches. I’m expecting a lot from them. They accept the pressure of the situation very well. They are very mature.” The two have a combined five years of experience. “My dad inspired me to play golf; he always took me out to the course when I was little and I’m competitive so it inspired me to beat him,” freshman Austin Britt said. In multiple matches, both players’ scores have been used. “With my scores being used, I feel like I contributed to the team,” freshman Wesley Warren said. “I’m not just out there being a person.” A unique factor for Britt is his brother Nathan Britt is also on the team. “With my brother being on the team it makes me try harder,” Britt said. “I’m always competitive with him no matter what the sport.” The other team members made the two feel welcome. “Nathan is Austin’s brother so it is easier for him,” Burton said. “Both Austin and Wesley came out for practice in the eighth grade. I was and am counting on them. The players are all after the same goal. All the players get along well.” Both boys enjoy the sport and wish to con-
tinue to play. “The main thing I like about golf is that it is not a team sport,” Warren said. “You mainly rely on yourself.” One major thing Coach Burton wants to see in his team and with his individual players is improvement. “[Austin] has been playing number five and six,” Burton said. “His score has been used at least twice. He has improved a lot. He can hit the ball a long way. He takes the game very seriously and he is a joy to coach.” Warren gained experience playing at a golf camp in Richmond. The University of Richmond held the camp and it was very expensive. He went for a week and spent the night there. “He went to a golf camp in Richmond,” Burton said. “Wesley is the kind of guy where golf is his only sport. He is business every time he is out there.” Both boys wish to continue to play golf for the rest of their high school careers and they both wish to play in college. “My hopes for the future are to not get any worse as I get older and I hope to be able to play as long as I can,” Britt said. The future of the golf program is very bright according to Coach Burton. “Both boys are a joy to coach, they both take the sport very seriously, and we are lucky to have them,” Burton said. There is no joking around with them. They’re always completely serious about the game and everyone else on the team sees that. They handle adversity and their emotions very well. Golf is not a sport where you want to show emotions. I’m excited for next year because most teenagers blossom from ninth to tenth grade. The two of them have a lot of potential.”
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