FEATURES The Dirty Dozen: Skunk Control - the Degraves Street Subway is back in the Art business; Comics Face guide to Holidaytime Activities; The Madness of Art gets on it’s bike; Brethren in Sincerity: The Pre-Raphaelites by Inga Walton; July SALON; Stress Less: Colouring Books for Grown-ups; Greetings From Beyond the Pale: A Gathering of the Clans. COVER: Marina Abramović, ‘Dozing Consciousness’ (video still) 1997, video with sound, duration 00:07:22. The work forms part of the artist’s ‘Video Portrait Gallery’. Courtesy of the artist and Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. ‘Marina Abramović - Private Archaeology’, solo exhibition, Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart (TAS), until 5 October 2015.