Tenkara Angler - Summer 2017

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Summer 2017 tenkaraangler.com


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Front Cover: "Curtis Creek" Jim Tignor Back Cover: "Brookside" Steve Cobb Logo Design: Nick Cobler

"Double Rainbow" Jayson Singe


From The Editor Summer Adventure


Thank you for taking the time to page through this issue of Tenkara Angler. Wow! Another quarter of the calendar has passed and we're looking at the Summer issue of Tenkara Angler already... incredible. As of time of publication, the technical season of Summer has just begun, but from what I've been reading in blogs, social media, or just chatting with friends, it seems like all sorts of incredible Summer adventures are already taking place. Personally, I just wrapped up a two week family vacation to the Mediterranean in the beginning of June, (sadly with no fishing involved), and am looking forward to the Tenkara Bug Out in Oregon in the end of July - uncharted territory for this East Coaster!

least involve a touch of fishing. I think you'll find in the next 90 or so pages of content plenty of essays, stories, interviews, tips and tricks, and gear introductions to inspire you to get out over the next three months. And heck, if your Summer outings are great and involve tenkara, let's hear about them either on the Tenkara Angler Facebook page, (for those reading this digitally, the link is below), or perhaps as a submission to the Fall issue, (contribution instructions are on the next page). In closing, I hope you enjoy this issue of Tenkara Angler magazine... and what lies ahead the rest of this summer. Just make sure to make the most of it, and to not forget the bug spray and sunscreen!

Michael Agneta Editor In Chief

I sure hope your Summer adventures, whether large or small are fruitful, and at




Photo: John Vetterli


Do you want to contribute to the next issue of Tenkara Angler? Tenkara or conservation-themed articles, essays, fly tying recipes, gear reviews, tips, tricks, & photography are all fair game!

See www.tenkaraangler.com for more information




The Maroon Bells, Colorado Christopher Seep


Tenkara Day at the Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum Pat Farrell

This was my first visit to the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum and the trip was well worth it. Misako Ishimura gave a very informative presentation on Japanese fly fishing rods. Her energy and passion for Japanese fly fishing was a joy to be around. The morning session consisted of the presentation which covered origin, rod types, progression of design, flies, and even a little bit on understanding the symbols of the Japanese alphabet. After lunch we stepped out to the pond area of the museum to get a casting


demonstration and a hands on casting clinic with Misako. The rod of the day was the Tenryu Furaibo TF39. Man that rod was spectacular! The Lamborghini of tenkara rods, (in color as well). Everyone attending had their hand at casting with helpful feedback from Misako. A great afternoon! I grabbed an annual membership before heading out to do some evening fishing. The Beaverkill and Willowomac rivers seemed to be everywhere I went around Livingston Manor and Roscoe, NY. I will definitely be returning this summer to visit the museum again and spend some time fishing in the Catskills.


Ecological Purity:


In Praise of Wild Native Fish Bob Mallard

Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Photo: Diana Mallard

While I have admittedly not tried Tenkara fishing yet, I get it. Tenkara removes all the bells and whistles, gadgets, gimmicks, aids and automation found in much of today’s fishing. It is the ultimate in simplicity and purity. Tenkara takes angling back to where it started, like a kid fishing with a sapling-and-line, only with the finesse, skill and refinement of fly fishing. In a way, Tenkara is the antithesis of modern fishing. It is defiantly bucking the big-fish, big-fly, long-cast, technical technique and success-at-any-cost trends. There are no over-built reels, complex compound taper fly lines and leaders or


rods that cast better than they fish. The competition is between angler and fish, not angler against angler. Wild native trout are to fish what Tenkara is to fishing. They are pure, and simple in that they belong where they are found. And like Tenkara anglers, wild fish are defiantly bucking the trend. There is nothing to debate about wild native fish: There is no rational environmental, economic, ethical, sporting or social arguments against them. I believe there is great synergy between Tenkara and wild native fish. Both are

small stream centric, the former due to technical limitations, the latter due to environmental limitations. Like Tenkara and wild native fish, small streams are pure and simple. And as some of the last waters in the country that haven’t been dammed, straightened, rip-rapped, dewatered or infected with invasive fish, they too are bucking the trend. Today’s angler has become dangerously accepting of stocked and nonnative fish, as well as hybrids, triploids and other hatchery mistakes. Anglers boast of having caught a “tiger trout”, “palomino” or “splake.” They are not offended by rounded tails and clipped, shredded or deformed fins. Hideous looking fish with tiny heads and grotesquely large bodies, nad-zapped triploids, are viewed as “trophies.”


Fishing and even “conservation” groups assist state fish and game agencies with fin-clipping and stocking. Some buy and stock their own fish, and pay to reclaim stocked ponds while wild trout ponds wait for the same treatment. They bring in hatchery-centric biologists and fishing-

centric guides as guest speakers. Many seem more concerned with “fishing” than “fish.” Today all fish are good fish, and all fish should be accepted, encouraged and pursued with a rod and reel regardless of their origin or impact on the environment. Terms like “heavily stocked” and “just stocked” are stated as if this was good news. State fish and game agencies advertise “See Where We Stocked Yesterday.” And anglers follow stocking trucks like sea gulls following commercial trawlers. In Maine, the “General Law” associated with nonnative fish in both fresh and salt water are more restrictive than that associated with native fish. There is a 2fish daily limit on nonnative rainbows, browns and bass and a 5-fish limit on native brookies. The length limit on rainbows and browns is 12” and 14” respectively, and just 6” for brookies. Stocked brookies in lakes and ponds have a 2-fish limit while the limit on wild brookies is 5-fish. And the situation is no Author fishing Great Smoky Mountains National Park Photo: Diana Mallard


better in nearby New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The nations wild native fish have suffered greatly. Their history is a trail-of-tears with no end in sight. Most of the news is bad and it has been for years. For every good news story, there are two bad news stories. In many cases we are losing more ground than we are gaining. Between developers, extractors, government agencies, extreme and changing weather and anglers, the future of our wild native fish does not look good.


While it is taboo to tag anglers as being part of the problem regarding wild native fish, we are. We encourage -- or don’t discourage – stocking, exploit the resource as if it were inexhaustible, use high-impact tackle and techniques, move fish around deliberately and accidentally, and demonstrate poor fish-handling out of laziness, ignorance or a lack of concern. In my home state of Maine, eating wild native brook trout is common and has been for as long as I can remember. Anglers bristle and deny it vehemently when you suggest their actions are having a negative impact on our wild native fish. Yet we use the term “fished out” to refer to compromised fisheries, and have for decades. We all know what “fished out” means, but we refuse to acknowledge it when challenged. State fish and game agencies manage for things like “maximum sustainable harvest” or “maximum opportunity.” When anglers push the resource too far, these agencies attempt to mitigate the damage with what


is called “supplemental stocking.” Supplemental means “in addition to what is already present”, and what is already present is wild native trout in many cases. While this provides some immediate relief, it is temporary and at the long-term expense of wild native fish. Not wanting to be saddled with the negative baggage that comes with confronting the angling community regarding their behavior, conservation organizations have shifted their focus almost entirely to habitat work which results in far less blowback. While we protect the places fish live, we fail to provide the same protection for the fish themselves. Often, the net result is less than what it could be, or worse, negligible. Then we have the “Naturalized Natives” crowd who sees man as part of the evolutionary process and anything we do as an acceptable and inevitable function of “evolution.” Under this logic, nonnative fish put there by man should be allowed to live on no differently than animals expanding their native range due to climate change. Attempts to eradicate these nonnative fish are likened to “ethnic cleansing.” I am not sure how we got where we are regarding wild native fish, or how we drifted so far off course. It is also not clear as to what can be done to turn things around. But things need to be turned around or we will find ourselves relegated to fishing for stocked and nonnative fish. We need to get back to basics and allow Mother Nature, not Fish & Game, to manage our wild native fish resources. Maybe Tenkara is trying to tell us something?

Wild Native Brook Trout from Downeast Maine

Sea-Run Brook Trout


Is There Really A Wrong Way To Fish Tenkara? John Vetterli


If you happen to be new to tenkara, sooner or later you will run into the phrase “The ten colors of tenkara”. It basically means that if you ask ten tenkara anglers what tenkara is, you will get ten different answers. This simple concept has been the root of at least two “Tenkara Wars” here in the United States.


The tenkara wars were a series of extremely heated online/social media arguments between tenkara anglers who want to pursue the “pure tenkara” and those anglers who want to explore fixed line fly fishing for a wider variety of fish species other than trout found in high mountain streams.

So, here's my question for all of you: Is there really a wrong way to fish tenkara? I think that before you answer that question, we need to discuss some definitions and terminology to help organize and develop a common language around tenkara as it is done outside of Japan and in particular here in the USA. This is how I define a couple of things: TENKARA: A system of fixed line fly fishing using a telescopic fishing rod made of either bamboo or synthetic fibers designed to cast a light line using a single or multiple set of artificial flies targeting trout/char in high gradient mountain streams. This style of tenkara closely



follows the modern Japanese tenkara methods and philosophies. FIXED LINE FLY FISHING: A system of fixed line fly fishing that can utilize telescopic fishing rod made of either bamboo or synthetic fibers that can be designed for fixed line mountain stream bait fishing, tenkara fly fishing as described above, and utilized for fly casting with either a single fly or multiple set of flies on a single line. Water types and conditions can vary widely from mountain streams, large rivers, warm water ecosystems, lakes, and ponds. A wide variety of fish species may


be targeted to include micro fishing, carp, trout, steelhead, bass, panfish, or salt water marine fish. With all that on the table, there are two completely different types of fixed line fly fishing being done here in the USA. In Japan, there are dozens of specific fixed line fishing systems that are clearly defined and differentiated with specific rods and terminal tackle for each specific discipline of fixed line fishing. Here in the United States, Tenkara has become a generic term used for every type

of fixed line fly fishing. In the beginning of tenkara here in the USA, we as a community of tenkara anglers dropped the ball and lumped everything together under one word. Now tenkara is akin to Kleenex. Kleenex is a brand of facial tissue and yet everyone refers to all facial tissue as Kleenex. Tenkara is any type of fishing using a telescopic fixed line rod. Now, back to my original question, is there a wrong way to fish tenkara? I don't think there is, but that is just my opinion. I do think it is important for us as a community of anglers to more clearly define if we are actually doing tenkara or fixed line fly fishing. One is not higher than the other. In my eyes they are equal yet individual. I bounce back and forth from tenkara as practiced in Japan and fixed line fly fishing all the time. I don't feel one is a superior art compared to the other, some days I want to catch big ass carp, some days I want to work on refining my mountain stream fishing techniques, and other days, euronymphing is what works best so I'll switch my line rig to suit that. As long as you are getting out there and enjoying your fishing however you choose to do it is the right way. How we further define the sport is becoming more important as the sport continues to grow. Clear definitions really help newcomers to our beloved sport and eliminate a lot of stupid arguments that drive people away from wanting to join in or even leave it behind altogether and search for some other outdoor pursuit with less drama.


Simple Things Sam Larson


Photo: Christopher Seep

My timing was off this year. I missed the early spring lull between the dead cold of winter and the brown mud of runoff. In the Front Range we can usually expect a few weeks of sporadic but increasing midge hatches, active fish starting to shake off winter’s torpor, and, one memorable year, a February where trout rose to Micro Chernobyl hoppers despite the cold. But I messed up. I had made it out to the tailwaters in my annual winter pilgrimage to visit, but not catch, the educated trout that live there. But life, or work, or chores, or some damn fool thing got in the way during the early spring and when I finally dragged myself out to Clear Creek, playing hooky from a long afternoon stretch of meetings, the river was thick as chocolate milk and running so fast it wasn’t even worth trying to get a drift. So I did what I always do at this time of year and headed for the lakes.


Runoff and lake fishing mean coming to terms with the complicated mess of line that is my Western rod. I’ll admit to working on my cast in the off season. I’ve even learned to double haul when I had to, and had fun doing it. But each runoff, each trip up to the high country while the rivers below froth and boil with a year’s worth of snow melt, is always an interlude between seasons of tenkara, with winter nymphing and the high holy days of full summer when I get to cast dries to sipping trout occupying opposite ends of my personal calendar. As usual, I tossed my tenkara rod into the bags when I packed my gear. I didn’t have a lot of hope for a chance to use it. Where we were headed it was going to be lakes and heavy nymphs all day, plumbing the bottom of stream inlets for trout and grayling that were just starting to wake up and move out of the truly deep sections in

the middle of the reservoirs. But I packed it anyway. I don’t trust my western setup the same way that I do my tenkara rod. I have had too many days where I get to the water and my rod and reel don’t feel right, or I just can’t be bothered with stripping line, false casting, mending, and all the motion and activity that goes along with a western rig. Sometimes, I think to myself when I’m back at the car breaking down my rod and searching for a spool of level line, sometimes you just want to fish. Packing my tenkara rod is a form of insurance, a hedge against my western gear, and an out in case I need one.


At the lake, near the top of Cameron Pass above Fort Collins, things were still iced over. Down by the dam at the bottom of Joe Wright the lake was a solid sheet of ice, and the path down to the lakeside was covered in crusty, knee-deep snow. We came here three weeks earlier last year and the lake was completely ice-free. Right then the water sat 20 feet below the high water mark and Joe Wright Creek had carved itself a new bed across the bottom of the nearly half empty reservoir. We started with the same tactics that worked last time, long forty- or fifty-foot casts across the inlet and slow, slow retrieves with size 18 beadheads. And we caught nothing. Nothing at all until one of us accidentally hooked a grayling while trailing their line as they walked up the shore. We all changed tactics and started dredging the bottom of the channel right in front of us. A single fish turned into several, with double hookups and elevated spirits all around. But something wasn’t right. I was dredging nymphs along the inlet bottom less than five feet from me,

my rod held above my shoulder to get the reach and drift I need. And I was still trailing line in the water since my eightfoot, five-weight wasn’t quite long enough to get the tight line drift I was looking for. Suddenly it clicked. These fish and this afternoon were not meant for western rods and reels, for long casts and artful mends. These fish were meant for tenkara. Back at the car I tossed my rod into the back seat and rigged up my tenkara rod. The thirteen-foot pole was exactly what was needed to drop a beadhead straight to the bottom of this inlet channel and twitch it ever so slightly across the bottom. My cast felt languid and easy, with none of the hectic line wrangling I’d been doing all day. I could feel the current and the contours of the lake bottom through the rod tip, each rock and dip broadcast through the tenkara rod to my fingertips. When the first grayling struck I set the hook with a smooth lift of the rod and then guided the fish to shore and into my net. This is what I came here for, I thought. I came here to fish. Time and again I hang my western rod in the garage, or toss it into the back seat on top of a pile of gear, because it keeps me from doing the thing I came here to do. Equipment can be a boon, but it can also be a curse, a layer of complexity that sits between you and the experience you left the house in search of. Most days I come back to my tenkara rod because it doesn’t stand in my way. It’s the most direct and intuitive path I have yet to find between myself and the water. If I can find a way to shelve my western rod and reel and take on a river with a tenkara rod in my hands then I will do just that.



Blue Lines and Yellow Trout Craig Springer

The Apache trout has gone from anonymity to the state fish of Arizona Blue meandering lines on maps of eastern Arizona tell a story about the shape of the land and the interactions people have with it. They symbolize the streams that vein off the White Mountains and pour downhill to their inevitable juncture with something larger that may sport another colorful name. The streams form patterns on the maps that please the eye. Their names enliven the imagination. There’s no poverty of spirit in some of the labels: Hurricane,


Photo: Jennifer Johnson, USFWS

Moon, Sun, Stinky, Firebox, Paradise, Soldier, Crooked, Peasoup. Two silver rills that spill into Little Bonito Creek remain unnamed by map makers. And that has perhaps the greatest charm of all; it could be that the artifices of mankind have yet to reach this remote place on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation where threatened Apache trout persist. All of these waters harbor some of the last remaining populations of a pretty trout found nowhere else but in streams that rim the White Mountains of Arizona.

The Apache trout is named for the people and the place that are intertwined with one another. The yellow trout ornamented with black spots, white-tipped fins, and a raccoon-like eye mask lives naturally only in the headwaters of the White, Black, and Little Colorado rivers near the New Mexico border. The fish has been well known to anglers for some time. Local farmers and ranchers made forays into the high country in summer to catch them. One correspondent, simply “J.H.” from Show Low, Arizona, wrote in a July 1886 issue of the St. John’s Herald: “I speak truly when I say it was the most enjoyable period of my life.” He recounted how he and his pals caught scads of Apache trout from the White River during a prolonged summer outing. The sport fishery was renowned. The Apache trout had become known to science a few years earlier in 1873, when it was collected by members of the U.S. Geographical Survey, though it was


wrongly identified as a Colorado River cutthroat trout. Other scientists collected the yellow trout from the White Mountains from time to time, but it wasn’t until a century later in 1972 that the fish was properly recognized as a unique species and assigned its current scientific and common name. A year later it was placed on the endangered species list. That recent scientific description doesn’t mean that others had not already known that the trout was something significant. The White Mountain Apache Tribe was prescient, the first to conserve the fish, closing Apache trout streams to angling in the 1940s. By that time, the trout had been reduced to a mere 30 miles of streams all within the confines of their Fort Apache Indian Reservation. Places everywhere have their scars, and the White Mountains were no exception. The loss of habitat from excessive timbering and grazing and the introduction of non-native trout species

Firebox Creek on topo Photo: Jennifer Johnson, USFWS


Jake Washburn, USFWS and Inez Clawson, White Mountain Apache Game and Fish collect eDNA from an Apache trout stream


were detrimental to the native Apache trout. Over-stocked cattle trampled stream banks and reduced shrubs that would cool trout waters in their shade. Abusive land uses accelerated topsoil erosion into Apache trout streams. High sedimentation during the spring run-off affected trout reproduction; fine sediments clogged porous gravel beds where oxygen-rich water should percolate over incubating Apache trout eggs. To make matters worse, non-native brown trout, brook trout and rainbow trout were planted in Apache trout streams. All three species out-compete the native fish for food and spaces to live, and rainbow trout hybridize with Apache trout. Over the last 75 years, through the actions


of the White Mountain Apache Tribe, followed by work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), U.S. Forest Service, and Arizona Game and Fish Department, Apache trout populations have rallied. The future looks sunny for the species; it could be the first sport fish to be recovered and removed from federal threatened or endangered species protection. Conservation work continues. Cattle have been fenced out of select Apache trout streams within the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest and along streams within the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. Nonnative sport fishes are no longer stocked near Apache trout waters. AlchesayWilliams Creek National Fish Hatchery,

located on the reservation, continues to raise Apache trout for sport fishing. Apache trout from the federal fisheries facility are stocked on the reservation and they are shared with the Arizona Game and Fish Department to be stocked in neighboring national forest waters. Many streams are open to anglers. The Service’s Arizona Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (FWCO) biologists remain shin-deep in Apache trout work, striving toward that goal of recovering the threatened species. They expend a great deal of energy removing non-native brown trout and brook trout from Apache trout waters. They accomplish this with backpack-mounted electrofishing gear where the unwanted fish are stunned and netted from high mountain streams. A new technology known as environmental DNA guides their work. Fish shed skin cells and of course eliminate bodily waste in the water which contains the animal’s DNA. That DNA can be detected in the water. Biologists from the FWCO and tribe collect stream water from several sites over long reaches. Water passes through a filter and the filter analyzed by U.S. Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Research Station. The lab results then specify which stream sections contain the unwanted non-native trout. Periodic population monitoring continues, as does barrier monitoring. Where unwanted non-native fishes occur downstream, constructed barriers keep them at bay below and the pure Apache trout populations protected above. Constructed barriers exist on 23 creeks.

Conservation is a laborious affair, but nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. “Make haste slowly,” the adage goes; being deliberate delivers success. Toward that end, the Apache trout lies within the Service’s Mogollon Emphasis Area where it focuses conservation work. At present, Apache trout exist in 28 populations and swim in 170 miles of stream. The lot of Apache trout has changed significantly over time. In what is really only a brief period, the species has transcended from anonymity and mistaken identity since the time of the happy letter-writer, J.H., to the point when the White Mountain Apache Tribe stepped up to protect their trout. It’s now the official state fish of Arizona and a favorite for anglers.

Bradley Clarkson, White Mountain Apache Tribe member and USFWS apache trout biologist holds a handsome brood fish. Photo: Craig Springer, USFWS



Interview with 後藤陽子 (Goto Yoko) by Adam Trahan

Translation: Akinori Jay Yamamoto Photos: 正悦敦賀 The rain is coming down gently this evening. Here in the Sonoran Desert where I live, this is a welcome event. It brings life and color to the desert. The sound of the rain also reminds me of huddling under the tarp at our Tenba on a Genryu trip near Tadami. For now, I am far away from our Interview subject, half the globe away in a climate very different from hers yet Tenkara joins us here, in the middle. I’ve seen Yoko-san in Headwaters Magazine first. I then started to see her participation in social media with Sebatasan, Takano-san and a few other acquaintances. I have seen pictures of her picking mushrooms, casting a Tenkara rod, catching Iwana and in the last issue of Headwaters, hunting. She is an interesting and knowledgeable outdoors person of interest for our readers and friends. Let’s begin quickly. I am looking forward to completing this Interview with her. Adam: Yoko-san, thank you for accepting my request for the Interview. My name is Adam Trahan and I am 56 years old, a husband and a father of three children. I live in Phoenix, Arizona, one of the largest cities in the United States. Like anything that I do, I have studied Tenkara and it has


brought me to your country a couple of times now. I’ve interviewed many of your talented and old Tenkara anglers. It pleases me very much that I am able to interview you as well, thank you.

“Can you tell us a little about yourself?”

Goto Yoko: Nice to meet you My Name is Yoko Goto. Thank you for having me and giving me this wonderful opportunity. I live in Tokyo, the center of Japan, and I usually do design for work. I have been in the mountains as a climber, but since I found Tenkara four years ago, I now enjoy fishing, wild vegetables, mushrooms, hunting, and mountain exploration. Every Friday evening I load stuff to a car and head for mountainous areas around Japan. Adam: When I visited Japan the last time and stayed with Keiichi Okushi, Yuzo Sebata, Keiji Ito, Masayuki Yamano, Kozue Sanbe and Kazuo Kurahashi at the Tadami bansho. I would have liked to meet you and Tanidoraku Takano. Maybe we can meet sometime in the future? I hope to visit Japan maybe next year if all goes well. I will bring my wife and my youngest son with me to Tokyo and then spend another week up in the mountains with my friends and there, I hope we can meet.

“I’m just curious, do you meet a lot of new Tenkara people from other areas?”




USA and then researched Tenkara by making Japanese friends on the Internet. I started representing Sakura in North America and helped set up many people with their first Tenkara rod. I taught them what I knew and it was not hard to understand. When I came to Japan on my first Tenkara fishing adventure, it was to meet a fly fishing friend but I had already stopped fly fishing and only did Tenkara. My Japanese friend respected Tenkara but he was only fly fishing. He took me to see Masami Sakakibara. Masami was the first Tenkara angler I saw fishing besides the people that I taught Tenkara to. Needless to say, he is very good at it.

“Did someone teach Tenkara to you? Please tell us about your circle of friends. Do you have a lot of Tenkara angler friends?” Goto Yoko: When I started Tenkara I had no friends to fish with. However, I came across Mr. Sebata, and I was able to meet many people with him for Tenkara. From those connections, and through Facebook, I now have friends all over in Japan. However, I have never met a Tenkara fisher from overseas in person. I am looking forward to Adam-san coming to Tokyo. I hope to see you! Adam: Very cool! I look forward to meeting you too! When I started Tenkara, about 8 years ago now, there was nobody in my area doing it. I got my first rod from Daniel at Tenkara


Goto Yoko: When I started Tenkara, I did not have a specific mentor. Tenkara is a difficult fishing style to improve without instruction. I went to classes, or went fishing with various people and observed how to fish. I wanted to go anywhere if there was a chance to cast a Tenkara rod. Then, I noticed that the fishing methods of Tenkara are different for each person. I found there are many diverse theories about line length, hardness, type, weight of kebari, and fishing each pole. I met Mr. Sakakibara within such situation. Looking at his fishing at a glance, I decided to call him "The Master." My Master's

Tenkara style was wonderful and I love it. I feel there are still much to learn from such a great teacher. Adam: I have seen very few women Tenkara anglers here in America and that goes for fly fishing as well. Of course there are some but it is a small percentage in comparison to the numbers of men. In my life, women are equal to men. The American culture of women has changed over the very short course of the life of our country. But please realize this, I am interviewing you because you are a great Tenkara angler first. The second reason is because you are a keen outdoors person and a woman.


I think that is important for you to know. I do many things besides Tenkara. I really enjoy flying gliders, particularly hang glider and paraglider. It is important to note that I was taught to fly by a woman. She was very good at communicating what I needed to know to survive the student learning process and had excellent ability to understand and read the way I learned. Sometimes she would make me repeat simple lessons and other times, just skim through the harder lessons that I found that I may need more time with. She seemed to have intuition in teaching me and I think that women generally have excellent insight into the nature of things. In my area, I have women friends that are hunters and I understand that you hunt too! I thought that your country had a ban


on guns? But I see that Headwaters magazine sometimes features hunting which I enjoy. I think that women make excellent hunters and fishers because of this intuition. I’m personally not a hunter but I do like eating the meat that my hunting friends fix or give to me and or the feathers or fur that I get to use for tying my flies. Anyway…

“Can you tell us about your hunting?”

Goto Yoko: Actually, I started hunting before fishing. I was curious about the act of taking living things and eating them. However, obtaining a license to use guns is very difficult in Japan. It took quite a while. Before the permission was granted, I entered the winter mountain for the first time to accompany the hunt, I thought that I had never seen such a beautiful mountain. Whether it is a fish or a beast, the mountains are where there are living things that are very beautiful and exciting. Of course, it was shocking to me the dead wild boar with blood I saw for the first time, but I was touched by the attitude of the hunter who I admired. I have just started hunting. I want to gradually add up the knowledge of the mountains and want to be like a senior hunter. Current in Japan most younger people not want to be a hunter, but I think I want to be a one who inherits technique of hunting.


Adam: I look at fishing as a great way to spend time in the forest. For me, it’s all about the outdoors and enjoying the serenity of living where people have not made an impact. I lose myself in nature, I’m taken away from the stress of living in the city and bathed in the forest quiet. I lose time while in the forest, a few hours seem like a minute and on the other side, sometimes sneaking up and placing one cast to a big fish may seem like hours when it was only just a couple of minutes. Time is interesting while deep in the forest.


“Do you have any experiences like this?”

Goto Yoko: In a waterfall basin at a creek I hooked sunken driftwood. However, when I tried to lift the rod tip to unhook, I noticed that it was not driftwood. It was a very big Iwana. I felt the vibration of the fish, but a big driftwood was sunk between me and the fish and I could not retrieve the fish easily. I was desperately thinking how to retrieve it. I thought if I jumped into the water like Sanpei (a famous fishing Manga character), I might be able to capture it on the other side of the driftwood. However, I might have taken too much time, the fish had gotten away. It was mysterious that it was such a short time that felt so long. I often remember that I would like to meet that Iwana. Adam: When I am headed out to fish, I have a couple of different zones that I choose the stream I want to sample. The distance from my home is 100 and 200

miles away. Most of the time I do day trips into these areas, it’s a long day but because of my family, I can do more one day trips than I can spend the night out.

“How do you choose where you want to fish and what is the length of your favorite type of trip?”

Goto Yoko: I change the fishing spot depending on the season. I do not know how it is overseas, but I can do mountain stream fishing in Japan from March to September. In March, just after the prohibition period of the season, we will make a day trip to a close by area. It is still cold and I cannot go to high altitudes. Sometimes there are snow falls. When it gets warmer, I will stay at a river and have a bonfire. In the summer, I wear a big backpack and enter the deep mountains. Sometimes it takes as long as 5 days. There are places I can only go when the snow has melted. Summer in the mountain is so short and there are not so many opportunities. In Fall, I aim for big fish to swim upstream. I like all kinds of fishing that catches to the change of nature in the four seasons. Adam: This year I am going to refocus my energy on lightening my backpack taking only the lightest gear and focusing on what I need rather than what I want to use. Over the years, I have backpacked with all sorts of different approaches that worked yet the experiences did not sustain an efficient path that made my backpacking easier. Let me explain a little.




When I was younger, I was in the Army and I lived outdoors quite a bit using only what I was told to carry. My pack was heavy with durable items that were not designed for lightness. The equipment was designed for durability, it worked but was very heavy. I hiked many miles and lived outdoors in the jungle and in the forest but the movement was not enjoyable. I enjoyed my time at rest but movement was difficult at best. As I returned to civilian life, I was able to choose my equipment and the important lessons I learned outdoors in the Army were at the center of my decisions. I had to develop my own style, my own look at living outside. My approach toward backpacking was filtered through the experience of the Army and I was having difficulty in removing myself from that philosophy of equipment choices. I did not have the understanding of a light and free look at living in the outdoors. Eight years ago (2009) I switched from fly fishing to Tenkara. Already I was on the path to simplify my fly fishing. It was one of the reasons why I wanted to learn a deeper level of fishing and living outdoors, it was desirable to me, learning efficiency much quicker. “The more you know, the less you need.” To sum it up, Tenkara helped me focus more deeply on what was important through knowledge and it helped keep focus on what was more important. Tenkara has helped me filter my approach in more ways than just fishing. Having a Tenkara focus has been a great



lesson for me, a lesson in efficiency.

“Yoko-san, can you tell us a little bit about your approach to the outdoors and why you choose Tenkara?”

Goto Yoko: When I started fishing, I had a lot of choices for fishing: lures, fly fishing, ocean fishing, etc... I tried some of them and I was sick of the complexity of the tools. In such a case, I was surprised to know the ultimate simple fishing named Tenkara. It was exactly the ideal fishing for me. The more I examine it, the more I understand the charm of Tenkara. Since I started Tenkara I have not done much other fishing. Another thing, I think that the attraction of Tenkara is the close distance to fish. Especially in mountain streams, there is a chance that when you drop Kebari from behind while looking at fish, and hooked fish vibration directly comes to hand through line and pole. Unlike fishing tackle with reel, if you make a mistake in direction or angle, it will be break the line in a moment. It is regretful at that time, but I will go out fishing again soon. Adam: I have been to Japan now three times, once when I was young in the Army and twice now for fishing since I have learned Tenkara. For me, Tenkara is Japanese fly fishing and it represents a little more than just fishing, it represents efficiency as I have described it above. As far as the outdoors go, I have favorite

areas that I enjoy visiting. My home state of Arizona is very diverse and it is beautiful. I live in the desert and I travel to the mountains and streams to live for a little while in the cooler climate to enjoy the outdoors. I visit Colorado, one state away and it is an area that has many high mountains and streams of all different kinds. I travel regularly to Colorado and I must say, from what I have seen in Japan, Colorado is a special place that I am drawn to. It is so beautiful, the mountains there are always calling me to come visit. I answer that urge to go there regularly and I have learned that everything that I need is right there in Colorado. Of course my own mountains in Arizona has all that I need but I have explored my state so much, I like to travel a little bit for new adventures.


“Is there a place where you desire to go that has all of the things you need in an outdoor experience?”

Goto Yoko: Before I started Tenkara, I liked traveling abroad. I did trekking overseas as well. However, my ideas have changed, starting with Tenkara four years ago. I noticed that Japan is very interesting place. The diversity of mountain streams in Japan are impossible to be known even if I had a lifetime. There are countless unexplored hidden stills in the mountains. I am going to various places in Japan and fishing now. I

think this fun will continue in the future. Adam: I have collected quite a bit of Japanese Tenkara books. Along with those books, I have also collected many Tenkara videos. I really like what Kazuya Shimoda has done with his books and videos and I am very impressed with Yuzo Sebata. I was very fortunate to spend time with him this last year in September. I have seen him in many books by Yamamoto Soseki and he has written his own books and created videos as well. I think of all the Tenkara Anglers in Japan that are well known, it is Sebata-san that I see as the iconic Japanese Tenkara Ambassador. His video of him fishing the Western rivers in America so long ago, well, it’s just the icing on the cake for me.

“I see that you have spent time with Sebata-san, can you tell us a little bit about what you have learned from him? Maybe a story about him?”

Goto Yoko: I was very lucky, as soon as I started Tenkara I met Mr. Sebata and got a wonderful opportunity to accompany with him fishing. Actually, no one caught any fish in the party. At that time what I learned from Mr. Sebata was all about the stream. How to put up a tarp, how to raise a bonfire, how to cook rice, how to eat the wild vegetation growing on the stream side. The "Seta House" made by spreading a blue sheet was very beautiful and comfortable. He gathered the twigs from around the tarp and quickly raised the fire. I was a beginner and surprised, the scale kept falling from my eyes. (Do you understand Japanese proverb "Scales fall from the eyes?" - actually it is an English



expression.) I enjoyed the all of fun of the river during that fishing trip.

“I think it is only fair to ask you if you have any questions for me? Please feel free to ask me any question you like. Thank you very much.”

Goto Yoko: In Japan there are few people


fishing in Tenkara, but I heard that overseas are getting popular recently. What kind of image do you have about fishing in Japan and Tenkara? Adam: Yoshikazu Fujioka and I have been friends since he was making his web site on his favorite streams in 1996. Through our common love of fly fishing small

streams, I already knew about the type of streams you have in Japan. Another friend, Satoshi Miwa and I have a friendship and we shared our interests in fishing streams too. He had shown me many streams that I desired to fish. So I think my image was pretty accurate. I visited in 2013 and in 2016, many different streams and mountains with lots of friends. I visited Masami Sakakibara in 2013 to understand a deeper level of tenkara and Keiichi Okushi (Yuzo Sebata and friends) in Tadami in 2016. Through my visits, I have introduced many people in Japan to new and lasting friendships. It is nothing less than amazing but it is not me, it is this old style of fishing. Tenkara is truly a unique way of fishing, travel and meeting many new friends. Now I am sharing your story of tenkara fishing. I only want others to understand how beautiful Japan is and pay tribute to tenkara's country of origin. Adam: I have many, many more things to ask you, I see you on social media fishing Tenkara and just having so much fun on a mountain stream. I want to thank you for sharing your time with us.


professional fisherman who used to live to fish Iwana, they are my longing. There is no longer that occupation anymore, but their fishing methods "Tenkara" remain. Of course, I am releasing most of the fish now, but I think it will be a wonderful experience what to catch living things to eat by yourself. There are not many female anglers, but I want many women to have such similar experiences. Mountains show me different expressions if I chase a deer with gun than summer fishing. Mountain playing is deeper than I may imagine, I guess. Thank you for having me and giving me this wonderful opportunity.

“Please use this opportunity to tell us anything you want to.”

Thank you Goto Yoko, I appreciate your participation. Goto Yoko: I started fishing because I wanted to take a living creature by myself and eat it. In Japan, there were



Tenkara Scotland Nick Finnigan

It was the weekend and the weather was very nice for a change. It’s not like that in Scotland very much, so I decided to take my motorcycle out for a run, and hoped to do some fishing along the way. I left the house at Falkirk, and headed north to where you leave the hustle and bustle behind. After a great drive, I reached my destination 2 hours later; Glencoe, the heart of the highlands in Scotland, where it’s all mountains, lochs and glens. The great thing in Scotland (with few exceptions) is you can still wild


camp and have a small fire, as long as you leave no trace. For many years I have climbed all over Scotland and always passed the river that goes down Glen Etive and wanted to fish it, and thought it would be great to use a tenkara rod for this. This was to be my first trip out fishing with a tenkara rod. I pulled in a small passing place to have something to eat, and noticed 3 deer about 100m away. When I opened my lunch box to eat, I noticed the deer also

As mentioned, the water was very clear, and bottomed with nice rounded stones with no visible weeds or anything that would snag your hook. I found that the water was also was very deep at bits, so I decided to use a gold head nymph on the end of the tippet and a wet fly on the dropper. After my fifth cast, I thought I saw a fish go for the fly, but no luck. I tried again, and it went for a second go, but no luck again so I changed my flies to a gold head nymph and dry fly. I traveled up river a bit, and cast again, and bite, it’s on! A brownie, yee haw, let’s get it in... but only five seconds later, it was off. I went further up river for about an hour, and had a few bites, but none hooked. The sun was going down, so only had about half an hour left before I had to call it a day.

wanted some. I threw some nuts at them, to see if they would come closer, and they did... very close, about 15ft away, and got some photos on my phone. However, they didn’t want to eat from my hand, maybe next time. After that break, I got the rod out and was excited to get my first cast in the crystalclear water. I didn’t know what to expect when fishing the river, as I don’t know anyone that has fished it, and don’t think you even need a permit, or I hope you don’t!

I decided to give it one more chance before I headed back home and cast on a narrow part of the river that had a nice flow going through it. When the flies hit the water, no more than two seconds later the rods bent, and I was bent over with excitement! A fish on tenkara rod, how exiting can it get! I then had to think about everything I've watched on YouTube, and what you do when catching a fish on a tenkara rod. I knew the fish was on, and it was giving a good fight, and I didn’t want to lose it, so I tried to burn it out before pulling it in. I didn’t bring the net so I had to pull the fish, grab the line and feed it in, and "bingo," I had caught my wild brown trout, with a tenkara rod! Gee, how good did that feel!



After catching, I released the trout back in the river, and it was fighting fit for another day. It might not have been a big catch day or a multi-catch day, but what it made it very special to me was the fact that I used my tenkara rod. I set out to go to a place that


is in my heart, a very stunning place which is my home country, and caught my first wild brown trout on tenkara. That’s something that will stay with me for my lifetime. For me that makes it perfect.



Fear and Self-Loathing in Australia Nick Pavlovski


The water burbles and glugs as it flows over the boulders and past the logjams. A myriad of small bubbles trail past my feet, some winking out of existence almost immediately, others keeping their small silvery domes for much longer. Looking upstream, the dawn’s rays still haven’t even breached the peaks forming the valley I’m in. Hmm. Trying a new part of the river. Use the twelve foot Nissin Zerosum, or the thirteen and a half foot Tenkara USA Amago? I said I’d use the Amago… but… but… Selection made. I fumble the knot six times trying to tie my level line to the Lillian. I haul out my mobile phone, find the JPEG with the diagram how to tie it, study


it, and try again. Three more attempts later, it is safely on. Here we go, then. Will I do better or worse today compared to last time? Last time I didn’t even get a single take. I should have got at least some takes. Wasted my time. Don’t wanna waste my time. I’m always careful entering the water, and the walking stick I use became essential the same day I began using it. I’ve misstepped before and started my journey with water chilling the inside of my waders. Never getting wet like that again, thanks! The birds are quiet; usually are at this time

of day. I saw a kookaburra feeding on something beside the gravel track on my drive up here; the kookaburra, that iconic Australian bird with its distinct warbling, laughing call. When there’s a group of them all laughing together, you know you can only be in Australia. A female fairy wren lands on a boulder near me, as if inspecting me, then it is quickly gone again in a flutter of brown wings. Flighty little things, but reassuring to see them. I survey the stretch of river immediately in front of me. About ten clear metres of water and then a big logjam across the whole river. There don’t seem to be any pockets worth trying between me and the jam - the water looks too shallow and doesn’t offer any good trout hidey-holes. I slosh my way forward, a little gingerly, until I reach the logjam, and carefully pick my way over it. Ahead of the logjam looks much better. There’s a nice, deep, slowermoving trough flanked by boulders over against the right bank. That trough. Perfect. Gotta be something there. I let go of the loose level line I’d been holding in my rod hand and it flutters out in front of me. Using a lazy roll cast, I flick the line forward. My Stimulator lands nicely, and making sure to keep my line and tippet off the water, I let it drift with the current through the trough. Nothing happens. I then use a proper overhead cast - well, as proper as I can make it for the first ‘true tenkara’ cast of the day, and let the Stimulator drift through again. The cast is shorter in length than the first one. A bit


annoyed, I try a third cast. The cast is halted a microsecond into the forward stroke and I am jolted from my complacency. Oh f#$% no. F#$%ing already?! Looking up and over my shoulder, I can see my fly and tippet are snagged in a leafy branch above and behind me. The old lure fisherman trick of a little twang of the rod fails to free it. F#$%! Gonna have to collapse the rod, pull on the line, see if I can free it without losing the fly or snapping my rod tip… I carefully collapse each section of the Amago, starting with the second-bottom, until even the top section is tucked away. Sealing the top of the rod and half my Lillian with my thumb, I use my other hand to slowly pull the line towards me. Mercifully, once some good pressure is applied, the fly hook tears through the leaves it’s snagged on and all is free again. I hurriedly re-extend the rod and get ready to resume. Gotta remember what Daniel Galhardo wrote… always look ahead, above and behind before you start casting at each spot, and modify your actions and casts accordingly… then I won’t make simple screw-ups like that… A poor cast, and the Stimulator enjoys an untroubled ride through the trough. Ach, one more cast… then I’ll leave this spot and move up a little, try behind that boulder on the left banks…have I already wasted too much time here?


Finally, the last cast is a good cast. The rod loaded the line well and flicked it forward to its fullest. Even the tippet, which sometimes refuses to roll out for me, mostly straightens and extends. Halfway across the trough, there is a boil. YES! A take! I lift my arm in a flash. The Amago bends, the level line goes taut, and I can feel the fish’s weight – then a millisecond later all goes slack. I lost him. F#$%! Can’t do anything right, can I? ----- Sunlight was now painting the eucalyptus lining the valley sides vivid with strong colours, their grey trunks now almost white, their dull green leaves now rich and lustrous. After hooking and landing one rainbow trout and hooking and then losing a brown, I was feeling good. The spectre of the previous disastrous trip a week earlier no longer haunted me. My boots *crunched-crunched-crunched* over the dry, small pebbles as I trekked around a wide, lazy bend in the river. The water rushed hard against the opposite bank.


There are often fish to be found in undercut opposite banks. I should send my fly though there a couple of times. But - I was going to be very exposed if I did so. I wouldn’t be casting upstream, but across stream. Fish would be able to see me. There was a bushy fern growing atop a rotted stump to my left, so I stood behind that, and made my first cast. The rod hardly loaded - the tippet stopped and fluttered limply into a pile onto the water’s surface, leaving my fly floating in water two inches deep and one foot from the riverbank. F#$%. It only just made the water’s edge. What a crap cast! Better do better this time… Casting again, my Stimulator went a foot further upstream and a foot further out into deeper water, and the tippet piled up on top of it like a bird’s nest, almost cocooning it. Huh?! I could swear I had better technique this time! Alright, I’ll try again! This time I’m gonna do an awesome textbook Tenkara-nooni cast! A metre of line, all my tippet and my fly snagged the green fronds of a giant tree fern behind me.


Avoiding Frustrations An Excerpt From tenkara – the book


(April 2017) Daniel Galhardo

Any sport comes with its own set of frustrations as you learn it. Fly-fishing is no different. Line will tangle on branches, flies will snag rocks and sometimes knots that take us a couple of minutes to tie will appear perfectly tied in the two seconds you got distracted. Despite its inherent simplicity tenkara is also not immune, but the good thing is that there are fewer elements to frustrate you and some easy things to learn that will


help you avoid and occasionally deal with them. There are three general principles that will assist anglers in reducing and dealing with potential frustrations, and thus increase the enjoyment of their fishing: Be aware - being aware of things that can snag your fly and avoiding them will go a long way in reducing the most common frustration to any angler: snags. Whether you just arrived at the stream, turned your body toward a rising fish, or moved a few feet upstream, take a second to look over your shoulders to identify where the line will travel and pay attention to where your fly will land to avoid snags. Keep it simple - yes, that’s the theme of this

book, but it is worth mentioning here again. When you have fewer elements in your rig (e.g. one fly rather than multiple) and carry fewer things with you, there will be fewer things to tangle up, to drop, and to forget. I have found that keeping my systems simple have greatly eliminated frustrations while I fish. Perhaps it is obvious, but simplify and things will just feel simpler.


Learn - there are tricks that will help you avoid snags and tangles and then tips on how to deal with them. The following paragraphs should help with both. From then on just know that frustrations diminish quickly with your own experience.

TANGLES When I talk of tangles I am specifically referring to the line getting caught up on

things. Below are some tips on avoiding and dealing with the most common types of tangles. Tangles during setting up: When you start extending the rod, rather than let the line completely go and form a belly in front of the rod tip (which is what will get caught on the shrub), keep the on one of your hands as you extend the rod. Make sure the line is running between your fingers or hand rather than tight which would cause the rod Tangles while moving: When putting the line away for the day or to move through brush give preference to the spool or onthe-rod ways of managing line. Loose coils of line around the hand work ok but will cause more frequent tangles. If moving a short distance keep the rod extended but make the line form a spiral around the rod by making the tip spin.

Holding line in one hand while extending the rod


Make the line form a spiral around the rod by making the tip spin


Tangles on rod: The main reason line will tangle on the rod is if the line falls behind the angler during his backcast. Make sure the pause in your backcast is very brief; almost instantly move the rod tip to cast the line forward. The second cause for line tangling on the rod is easy to address and very common: moving your entire arm forward when casting. Move your forearm at your elbow up and down, avoiding moving the entire arm forward, on the forward cast. TIP OF THE YEAR: If the line tangles on the rod, there is a very simple trick that will get the line free 8 out of 10 times it happens: simply lift the rod tip up to point it to the sky. Most often the line and fly will slide down to your hand and often free itself before you even touch it. If it doesn’t come down to your hand or free itself automatically keep it pointing up and collapse the rod to bring the tangle to you. Avoid, at all cost, the temptation of shaking the rod or pointing the rod tip down as that will worsen the tangle.

Snags behind or above: We don’t have eyes behind our heads and so it is easy to get caught on trees behind or above us. Develop a habit of looking up and over your shoulders whenever you arrive at a new spot, move your body position (e.g. facing upstream to facing across stream) or move slightly up or down stream. Once you know where the branches of trees are you can modify your cast to fit the situation based on what I shared on the casting chapter.

SNAGS Snags, which I define as the fly getting caught on things, will happen less and less as you gain experience. There is no real secret to avoiding snags but being aware of your surroundings and then modifying your cast slightly to fit the obstacles above, behind or in front of you. In case you do get the fly snagged I have noticed there are different ways to get your fly back from many cases depending on where the snag is or what type of object is the cause of the snag.


Snags in front: When there are potential snags in front of you, it may be a good idea to start with the fly landing closer to you and then progressively getting the fly closer to the intended spot. The more familiar you are with your rig the more you can go straight to your target while avoiding the potential snag. When we misjudge the distance to our potential snag, the fly and line will end up going over a small branch. The best way to get your fly back is to treat every cast in front of you as a successful cast, where you stopping the rod in front of you and don’t pull it back. Very slowly and calmly pull it back and the fly will usually slide over the snag rather than catch it. If you pull it fast, the hook will do what it is designed to do. Snags at the end of a pool: Don’t forget to look for potential snags at the end of a pool when you are fishing. We must recast before the fly hits a snag, such as a branch. If the fly gets snagged, remember to pull it back in the direction it was coming from (usually upstream) rather than up or downstream.


Your fly will eventually get snagged. It happens to the best of us. When it does, there are two things you can do: Free the fly or break it off. If your fly gets snagged on a branch or rock take a second to observe how it is caught, which direction it was coming from and what kind of object snagged your fly.


First, see if you can notice the direction the fly was coming from and pull the fly away from the direction it was traveling. Try a couple very quick and snappy flicks with your rod pulling away from the snag. It’s important that the first tries be very quick but not strong attempts to pull the fly loose. A slow and firm/strong pull, or a long pull just makes the situation worse as the hook will set deeper into the wood. It is usually easier to get the fly back from thinner branches of deciduous trees like oaks and willows, so I try a bit harder with those trees. I usually give up more quickly and move to the next step when my fly catches an evergreen such as a pine or spruce tree. If the fly gets snagged on a rock try several very rapid shakes; getting the line to shake rapidly can often free the fly from rock snags.

If all else fails you may need to break off the tippet. To do so, collapse the rod until you can get the tip of the rod inside the handle segment. You may need to walk in the direction of the snag, and occasionally raise your arm to be able to collapse the rod. Place a finger on the rod opening to keep all the pieces inside, and pull on the line to break off the tippet.

It will be rare, but if you can not collapse the rod to put the tip inside and pull on the line with your hand, then you may need to use the rod to break the tippet. This is pretty rare. To do so, point the rod at the snag and pull it in a straight line to break off the tippet. It’s important to do this only if absolutely necessary as segments can get stuck together.

This article was an excerpt from tenkara - the book, by Daniel Galhardo. A complete guide to the techniques, gear, history and philosophy of tenkara, the Japanese method of fly-fishing, tenkara - the book can be found in many formats at retailers such as: Tenkara USA Amazon.com Apple iTunes Store


Adrift In The Driftless Anthony Naples

So the 13 hr drive to southwest Wisconsin… well that drive is like a stairway to heaven… each highway mile, each bottle of Coke and each granola bar consumed at the wheel, each Tom Petty, John Mellencamp, Rush, Lou Reed, Johnny Cash song, each bad cup of Pilot coffee, each flat stretch of Ohio, Indiana, or Illinois cornfield… each one brings me closer to heaven on earth. It’s all worth it. Every last mile. Driftless. What’s that mean anyway? Well through quirks of topography the ice ages of the past somehow bypassed the area. So the topography of the Driftless area was not flattened by glaciers and it was not covered by glacial drift (all of the boulders, rocks, gravel and sand carried along by glaciers). The result is an area that is still nicely contoured and cut by steep sided valleys. And those valleys are traced by spring creeks. The limestone karst geology feeds the creeks with nutrient rich, stable, cool water flows. The rich creeks support significant insect life and that combined with the constant cool water means good food and homes for trout. It’s not just the quality of the streams, but also the quantity and concentration. There are plenty. There are more than enough to keep you occupied for weeks, months, years even.


Folks will argue about “tenkara-perfect” water. You probably have a picture in your mind as you read it - “tenkaraperfect”. I don’t want to argue about it... but… Tiny, small, medium, large… take your pick. There are streams that you could straddle at points, but that still have the potential to yield 18 inch brown trout. A high-banked, slightly muddy, meandering meadow creek, passing under the careless gaze of Brown Swiss, Black Angus or Holsteins, with few trees to offer shade… that might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think “tenkara perfect”. But for me it absolutely is. Heck, I‘ve come to appreciate the streams with some cows around - it keeps the weeds down.

These creeks, may not have that high-gradient, tumbling, cascading, plunge-pool structure, you connect with tenkara. But many are nothing but fish holding structure, honestly. Bend after bend, run after run, undercut after undercut… the structure is there. It may just be a bit more hidden. But it doesn’t take much to figure it out.





Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Danièle Beaulieu

Director, Montreal Chapter Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing comes to assist in the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active duty military and veterans that serve our country through our fly fishing and fly tying education and outings. Like a lot of other chapters all across the USA, Canada, and some other overseas countries, the participants learn


everything there is to know about fly fishing, like the art of tying their own flies and casting with a fly rod. The chapter of Montreal, Quebec, is that and much more. They will learn the three type of fly fishing: Tenkara fly fishing, Western fly fishing and Spey casting.

They also learn different types of presentations of the fly like dry, wet, streamer and Czech nymphing. They learn how to tie knots, entomology 101, how to prepare and cook fish, how to fish in lakes and rivers, how to set up their own rod, how to dye their furs and feathers, how to do furl lines and taper leaders and so much more...

You can follow the Canadian and American Project on Facebook. If you want to donate or help us, visit our web pages: USA: www.projecthealingwaters.org Quebec, Canada: www.leseauxcuratives.com


Tips From A Professional Fly Tyer


Jim Wright

The first thing to know about fly tying is to put into reference what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Any information that you can gather about fish and their habits (especially feeding habits), aquatic insects, baitfish and other organisms, and just general fishing techniques will go a long way toward your ability to tie a killing pattern. The study of stream hydrology, which is useful for understanding why fish are found in some places and not in others will also be very helpful. "In-stream" study using a simple cheesecloth or window screen seine will teach you a lot about the aquatic insects that you are going to imitate.


Next, we need at least a basic understanding of the tools, materials and environment used to prepare flies. Having your tools and materials conveniently laid out in a permanent space is very helpful. You will tend to tie more often if your space is handy, rather than having to pack everything away at the end of your tying session. Good lighting is a must, as is a light colored background behind the vise. A sheet of paper laid out on the table behind your vise works great. I have changed over to a tan envelope for my table, as it tends to be easier on the eyes. You don't need an expensive vise and


having one that clamps to the edge of the table allows you to adjust the location. An adjustable height office chair is another way of adjusting everything to your own best ergonomic layout. A good pair of fine point scissors, a good quality bobbin and hackle pliers make tying precise, avoiding errors and slippage. If you can, try to learn to tie a whip finish with a large sewing needle shoved through a cork. It is a fast method, and the bodkin is also handy for other purposes. As an alternative, pick up a whip finisher and practice with it on a bare hook. Having several thread bobbins available will help you to avoid spending time changing thread. The good ones are not cheap, so if you must, choose only one high quality version rather than several cheaper models. The latter will only tend to frustrate you. Lots of tyers use some sort of tool and thread organizer while they tie. I have one too, but I only use it for storage, not while tying. I find it much faster to lay my tools out on the table and

return them to their respective locations when I put them down. Another thing folks do is purchase expensive materials because their friends do. You don't need to spend a lot of money as some hooks, a few inexpensive India necks and a few shades of thread are really all that you need to start. Later you will probably want to add some peacock herl, wool, flash and another hook style or two. Just take your time with material and tool collecting, it can run into money and the practice of the skills of tying are a far better use of your time than shopping. The three top important rules to start are; keep your thread under tension, don't use too many wraps of thread and don't crowd the hook eye with thread or material.


If you set aside a time to practice tying, and spend 30 to 120 minutes every day sitting at your vise, you will progress rapidly and the appearance of your kebari will show it. Practice until you get a sample that looks good to you, then set that aside as a pattern, and try to duplicate it with a half dozen more. Do this repeatedly as you progress and you will be turning out great looking kebari consistently. I practice the "old school" techniques of cementing a thin layer of thread to the hook shank, waxing my thread with bees wax and using just a tiny dab of cement to the whip finish to complete the kebari. For commercial tying for customers, I also cement materials at each tying stage, but for my own use I skip this step.

sizing and plucking the feathers from an india neck and trimming as needed, getting out the properly sized hooks and setting up with the proper thread color (or preparing other materials as needed. It's a good idea to plan on tying 13 or 14 examples in case you should make mistakes beyond repair. Try to focus on quality, with speed as a secondary goal. Before sitting down, moisturize and use an emery board to smooth any rough spots on your hands. Try to avoid distractions during your tying time. Nothing slows down or stops the process more than dogs needing walks, babies needing changing or multitasking. Think ahead when you plan your time table and you will set the stage to soon become a top notch fly tyer. Then all that is left... practice, practice, practice.

A good way to begin a tying session is to lay out all of the materials needed to tie a dozen of one kebari pattern. This means


An Angler's Guide To Insect Repellants And Other Ways To Prevent Insect Bites Rob Worthing, MD FAWM

I’ve always wanted to write something about biting insects for anglers. But, the inevitable distractions - like actually fishing - always got in the way. Today, I find myself in a position where I have no excuse. Instead, I appear to have a tick borne illness. I got lazy, didn’t protect myself, and I got bit. As I sit at home, using up my sick days from work, enjoying a screaming fever, fatigue, malaise, headache, and one crazy bulls eye rash, it only seems fitting that I write this article. So read up and arm yourself with some knowledge, because you don’t want what I got!

The author displays a classical rash of tick borne illness like Lyme


Each summer across fly fishing rags, forums, blogs, and social media outlets the debate over the best line of defense from mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects erupts. Why? Two reasons. First, these little blood suckers are annoying. Second, they carry diseases that we really don’t want. Diseases like Lyme, West Nile, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tick Borne Paralysis to name a few. Throw in Zika and a few news reports on Powassan virus this summer, and things get bonkers. The difficult part for most of us fisherpersons is trying to figure out the good information from the bad. What really works, and what doesn’t work so well? What’s safe, and what’s not so safe to use? Many of us have a particular product that works well for us around our home waters. Such experience can be very helpful. To further help us make an educated choice, this article will summarize the best evidence on the subject of insect bite prevention that science has provided us to date. Only here the info is geared for real-world use by anglers, not so much the scientists. A fly fisherperson can control biting insects in two ways. First, using physical barriers. Second, using chemical barriers like insect repellants. There’s also the notso-effective, sometimes dangerous stuff out there that we ought to address. That gives this article a total of three parts – physical barriers, chemical barriers, and not-so-effective/dangerous stuff. And since the chemicals are what seem to be debated the most, we’ll subdivide a few to try and provide everyone with an evidence-based plan to prevent bites they can feel good about.

Matt Sment fishes a buggy lie in the Driftless region of Wisconsin

PHYSICAL BARRIERS Physical barriers are your primary protection from biting insects. A physical barrier is anything that minimizes access of biting insects to your body, whether limiting exposed skin to flying insects, or entry points for crawling insects. Light colors: Light colors are less attractive to mosquitoes and certain biting flies, and make it easy to spot crawling insects for removal. Layers: Tuck in your shirt and pants. Button sleeves and collars. Overlap base layers, socks, outer garments, and accessories like gloves. This eliminates entry points for crawling insects like ticks.

Loose fit: This deters thru-bites from mosquitoes and certain biting flies. Long sleeves and pants: Limiting skin exposure minimizes access for biting insects. Popular sun protection items like fishing gloves, glasses, and neck gaiters help, too. A wide brimmed hat: Black flies and midges avoid the area under the brim. That’s right, somebody actually published a study on wide brimmed hats. Mesh: If you want to use a mesh head net, or looking at a mesh tent/bivy, get one that is 27 mesh/inch or finer to keep the smallest biting flies away.


CHEMICAL BARRIERS Choosing and using chemical insecticides and repellants can be intimidating, even scary. But if you want the most effective prevention strategies, you need chemical barriers. Here are the important facts about three different effective chemical strategies. PERMETHRIN + DEET This is the most effective combo known, and it has the longest track record of safe use. Permethrin is a clothing treatment. DEET goes on exposed skin. These products should be used in combination. Together, they can prevent 99.9% of mosquito bites (1 vs. 1888 bites/hour in one Alaskan study). Permethrin: - A synthetic version of a natural chemical found in chrysanthemums.

- It works by repelling insects and killing some on contact. - Resulted in 100% tick death after contact with treated cloth. - Also effective against chiggers, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, and biting flies. - Poor absorption and rapid inactivation in mammals, but you can still make yourself sick if you don’t use it right - Meant for treating clothing only, NOT SKIN! - Be sure the clothing is completely DRY before using - Don’t treat underwear, base layers or the inside of hats. Socks are okay, though. - It is also really toxic to aquatic life. Luckily, once dry it is water insoluble, which means you can wear them fishing without any worry. Just don’t treat your clothes around any water sources, and (repeat) make sure clothing is completely DRY before using. - Not only is it water insoluble once dry, but resistant to UV degradation, too. It will still repel insects after as many as 50 washes, but its ability to kill flies on contact wears out faster. - It binds to cotton and nylon really well. - It does not bind to DWR treated fabric like your rain jacket and tent fly. A lot of outdoor shirts and pants have a DWR coating, too. So check before treating.

Sawyer Permethrin for treating clothing and gear


- It is flammable in liquid form, but dry clothes are fine. So treat your clothes

before you travel - don’t try to bring a bottle on the plane. DEET: - Works by vaporizing, forming a barrier of vapor over your skin. - Effective against mosquitos, biting flies, fleas, ticks, chiggers, and mites. But less effective against certain species of biting midges. - 200 million users worldwide, less than 50 cases of significant toxicity in over 50 years of use. It has the longest track record of safety of any insect repellant, as long as you FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. - Use on exposed skin only. No need to put it on under your clothes. - Don’t put it around cuts and scrapes or mucus membranes like your eyes, nose, mouth, or genitals. - Don’t rub it on your head. A little swipe on the back of the neck is fine.

- 100% DEET is BAD. It is less effective, and increase the risk of making yourself sick. - Look for a 20-40% concentration of DEET. Less than 20%, and you loose duration of effect. There is zero added benefit to concentrations above 40%. - Also look for a polymerized DEET. Polymerization slows the vaporization process. This stuff is controlled release, lasting 12 hours. - It still repels if you sequentially apply it with sunscreen, only the SPF of the sunscreen might be reduced. - DEET is a plasticizer. It melts plastic. Keep it away from your gear. - For all of the above reasons, wash your hands really good right after putting it on, before you touch your gear or go fishing. - 3M Ultrathon and Sawyer Controlled Release are good. These are around 33% DEET in a polymerized form. 3M Ultrathon, a sustained release DEET product


Nutrapel, an effective alternative for anglers that won't melt your gear

PERMETHRIN + PICARIDIN A great alternative for anglers. We already covered Permenthrin. Picaridin is a skin repellant like DEET, only with some bonus features. Picaridin: - Used on exposed skin similar to DEET. - Effective against mosquitos, biting flies, and ticks. - 20% concentration offers 8 hour protection. - Not greasy like polymerized DEET. - It won’t melt plastics, and won’t hurt your gear. - It’s a newer product, so it doesn’t have the long track record like DEET does. But studies so far suggest it is as effective and safe.


- Nutrapel makes a great 20% picaridin option.

OIL OF CITRONELLA For those who want an effective allnatural option. - The most effective botanical repellant.

- EPA registered in 1948, so it has a long track record of safe use, too. - But you still have to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS to avoid getting sick.

- Used on exposed skin like DEET and Picaridin. - Downside is a really short duration of effect. Recommendation is for reapplication every hour to maintain its efficacy.


Area Repellants: Candles, coils, butane burners, vermiculite, etc. Their efficacy under ideal conditions varies widely. Wind, humidity, and other environmental factors impact the effective area. In Japan, incense coils burn regularly around the dinner table after a long day of fishing. If you’re going to fork out the dough, just know that the evidence is kind of weak, and that their ability to deter insects is dependent on a lot of other things. For Wear Devices: Bracelets, pins, and the like. Their efficacy is limited to the immediate vicinity around the device. In other words, the skin right around the bracelet on your wrist. Might be enough if you’re covered up, but there is likely a better option out there for you.

Animal Products: Flea and tick collars, cattle tags, and the like. These contain a variety of pesticides not cleared for human use. Adverse local and systemic effects are associated with use in humans. For example, more than one Marine or Soldier has suffered chemical burns on their legs from using flea collars as anklets. Leave the animal products to the animals. Ingested Products: Garlic, vitamin B1, and more. There just isn’t any evidence to support their use. Some can be harmful. For example, eating match heads to prevent chigger bites. Sulfur products used on the skin are, in fact, effective against chiggers. But eating match heads doesn’t work. Neither does getting drunk. In fact, the metabolites that leak out of our skin after a heavy night of drinking might attract certain flying insects.

Big fish and blood suckers abound in the authors' home water


Product Introduction: TenkaraBum Tactical Nymphing Sighter


Chris Stewart

The interview with Jeff Lomino in the Spring 2017 issue of Tenkara Angler was probably the first exposure to the term “Tactical Nymphing” for many tenkara anglers. As Jeff mentioned in the interview, Tactical Nymphing is a term that Rob Worthing of Tenkara Guides LLC uses to describe a fishing style that he has been working on for several years now. Although it draws on multiple disciplines, it is largely a blending of European competition nymphing and tenkara. A Tenkara rod is more effective than a Euronymphing rod, with the greater length providing better drifts and better control of the flies. The Euronymphing line and the sighter provide a stealthier method of strike detection than the extremely bright fluorescent tenkara line. Although most competition anglers use nylon lines, Rob uses level fluorocarbon because the greater density allows the use of a narrower, lighter line. He was concerned, though, that the bright fluorescent tenkara lines alerted fish. That feeling was confirmed when he routinely outfished a competition angler. Given the skill level of the competition angler, Rob concluded that the critical difference was that he was using an opaque white sighter while the competition angler was using a



fluorescent red and yellow sighter. (A sighter is a section of hi-vis line that competition anglers put between their leader and their tippet.) If sixteen or twenty inches of fluorescent sighter alerted fish, think what 12 or 13 feet of fluorescent tenkara line would do. White is easy for an angler to see against dark water but is hard for the fish to see against a bright sky. When combined with a clear line, the white sighter produces an excellent compromise between stealth and strike detection. The only problem with a white sighter is seeing it against foam or white water or glare. Cortland and Rio produce very bright, extremely visible sighters that alternate fluorescent red and fluorescent yellow. They are pretty visible against foam or glare, but they are also visible

against the sky. Fish can see them, and Rob is convinced that highly pressured fish can be alerted by them. Following an email exchange in which Rob explained how he set up his line for Tactical Nymphing (including sighter and tippet), what he wanted in a sighter (both for himself and for his guiding clients) and how the Cortland and Rio sighters could be improved upon, I introduced the TenkaraBum Tactical Nymphing Sighter. It differs from the Rio and Cortland sighters by incorporating opaque white, fluorescent orange and fluorescent chartreuse in the same line, with short sections of opaque black line separating each of the other colors. The intention was to give anglers a white sighter to use if conditions would allow. If greater visibility is required, the sighter material allows them to have chartreuse over white or orange over white, with the white near the water (where a sighter is most effective at indicating strikes – but where a brightly colored sighter is most likely to alert the fish). Incorporating short


sections of orange and chartreuse in the same line makes it easier to spot the stealthier white sighter. The orange and chartreuse (either singly or together) are easily visible against white water and foam while being high enough off the water’s surface that they are less likely to alert the fish. The TenkaraBum Tactical Nymphing Sighter is .011” in diameter, the same as size 3 tenkara line. It works well with a tenkara line that is cut from 0X fluorocarbon tippet (which is also size 3). Because the sighter is nylon and the line is fluorocarbon it may hinge just a bit, but it is minor. The weight of a bead head nymph, or even just a yarn bodied KillerBug is enough to get the tippet to turn over properly. I have found that the sighter works quite well in indicating strikes. Both Rob and Jeff have done well with it. Alan L. reported having his best ever day while using the white portion of the TenkaraBum Tactical Nymphing Sighter with a clear line.

”I had the chance to use the sighter sample that Chris sent Rob and I this week on my home waters and it renders my current rigging virtually obsolete. So I am absolutely sold on the sighter.” - Jeff Lomino “Want to give my (non-solicited) plug for this sighter. It's the best I've come across, and fits the tactical nymphing concept perfectly. Pairs well with the TBum 36 and 40 rods.” - Rob Worthing 63

Unfortunately, I have had a hard time getting a good photo of the sighter in use. My little “point-and-shoot” camera always focuses on the background, leaving the sighter out of focus. The best shot I have gotten so far was from a lake in Maine (yes, the sighters work in lakes, too).


When you need more stealth in your approach (which realistically, is most of the time) try using a white sighter and a clear tenkara line cut from 0X fluorocarbon tippet material. For just a bit more visibility, the chartreuse over white or orange over white that you can cut from the TenkaraBum Tactical Nymphing Sighter may be just what you need.


Photo: Tristan Mills



Product Introduction: NIRVANA 370z Tenkara Zoom Rod Michael Agneta

Right at the deadline of compiling this magazine, I happened to notice a new rod introduction in a Facebook post touting a "Premium Rod for a Kickstarter Price." Interested in learning more, and being friendly with Brent Auger from DRAGONtail Tenkara, I popped him a note asking if he could send over some photos and perhaps a little bit more information on the new "Nirvana" rod he was posting about. The following is what I was sent:


"The NIRVANA 370z Tenkara rod is made for American streams and rivers with a smooth cast and good backbone. This rod will be fun whether you are catching small mountain trout, blue gills, or decent river trout. The NIRVANA 370z is a zoom rod so you can fish it full length 12.25 ft when more reach is desired but zoom it down to 11 ft when fishing tighter streams. The rod is made to cast both level line and tapered line with a smooth casting action. This is no entry level rod, it is a high end series rod that also looks fantastic with graphics that are made to stand out. This rod is made with a super high-grade of carbon fiber (a blend of IM12 carbon fibers)

with an improved carbon weave pattern to increase the strength and durability of the rod blanks as well. These two factors make this a rod you can depend on."


Additionally, in doing more research on the DRAGONtail website, I found this little blurb at the very end of the product description: "...Many of us go fishing to escape the troubles, worries, and busyness of life. We want to find a state of perfect happiness on the water or in nature away from the world,

NIRVANA ON THE FLY wants to help you achieve that state of “NIRVANA” on the fly by providing hi-quality products that improve your experience in seeking that goal. NIRVANA On The Fly is owned and backed by DRAGONtail Tenkara..." So it appears that NIRVANA On The Fly is going to be a whole new brand (or retailer) of products, as evidenced by the website at: nirvanaonthefly.com. Either way, it's really interesting stuff, and I'm looking forward to what else might be on the horizon with NIRVANA On The Fly.

MSRP: $179.99 Introductory Price: $154.99


The Art of Jim Tignor Summer 2017 Edition

"That Hat" "Drift"










Friends of Tenkara Angler










TenkaraCalendar.com is a simple community-driven resource to organize, keep track, and promote tenkara-based events, get-togethers, "takeovers," meet ups, and seminars. The upcoming events posted to the site are listed below, however please feel free to visit the website to submit and publicize your upcoming tenkara or conservation themed initiatives, or simply learn more.

Tenkara Treffen 2017

Friday, June 30th - Sunday, July 2nd, 2017 Bad Aussee, Austria

Tenkara Bug Out

Friday, July 21st - Sunday, July 23rd, 2017 Oakridge, OR

Fish Fest: International Fly Fishing Fair

Friday, August 4th - Saturday, August 5th, 2017 Civic Center, Livingston, MT

Oni Tenkara School

Friday, Sept. 8th - Sunday, Sept. 10th, 2017 Sundance Mountain Resort, near SLC, UT

Tenkara Summit 2017

Saturday, Sept. 16th - Sunday, Sept. 17th, 2017 Estes Park Event Center, Estes Park, CO 83

Contributors & Credits This issue of Tenkara Angler Magazine was made possible by the extremely generous contributions of the following members of the tenkara community. Danièle Beaulieu

Started fly fishing in 2000 and tenkara in 2014. She fishes rivers all across Canada & New England. and started a business selling Tenkara rods and accessories called Tenkara Canada.net.

Christopher Seep

Jim Tignor

Christopher Seep began fishing while still in diapers and hopes to finish that way. Since adopting Tenkara six or seven years ago, he has never looked back.

Jim Tignor lives in Chapel Hill, NC. He is a relatively new fisherman, but seemingly obsessed with Tenkara. Find Jim's prints at: www.jimtignor.com

Anthony Naples

Patrick Farrell

Based in Western Pennsylvania, Anthony has been a voice in the tenkara community since 2009. He is the proprietor of Three Rivers Tenkara, US seller of Oni, Taunki, & Tenkara Times rods.

Pat Farrell lives in East central Pennsylvania in Orwigsburg. Father, friend, fisherman, fly tyer. Hooked on Tenkara, Japanese fixed line fishing since 2015.

Jim Wright

Steve Cobb

Owner of TenkaraFlyShop.com, Jim Wright has pursued trout, studied stream entomology and tied trout flies since 1967 and retired his Western fly gear, taking up Tenkara in 2012.

Resides in the St. Laurence valley in Northern New York State. He fishes nearby waters in the valley and the Adirondack Park. A painter, you can find his works on QuietRaquette.com.

Brent Auger

Rob Worthing

Brent Auger of Idaho, the man behind DRAGONtail Tenkara. The guy who never passes up water to fish just because it is not tenkara friendly.

An avid angler, world traveler, backpacker, and wilderness medical professional, Rob enjoys going off the beaten path to find the best fly fishing possible. tenkaraguides.com

Nick Finnigan

Adam Trahan

Nick Finnigan, I Love Scotland, my home country, Climbing, Hill Walking, Windsurfing, Kite Surfing, Kayaking,Wild Camping and Fishing in Stunning landscape. You Tube videos to come.

John Vetterli

John Vetterli is one of the founders of Tenkara Guides LLC. My story? I like to fish with my friends Erik and Rob. Yea, that's about it.


Chris Stewart

(aka) the TenkaraBum, grew up in Colorado and is currently based in NYC. He is the owner, CEO, & shipping clerk of TenkaraBum LLC. He usually can't be found because he's wearing camo.

created Tenkara-Fisher in 2010, the 2nd oldest resource outside of Japan dedicated to Tenkara. His extensive catalog of interviews with tenkara personalities can be found both online & in print.

Tristan Mills

An outdoorsman and family man, Tristan Mills also contributes to the Appalachian Tenkara Anglers Facebook page.

Bob Mallard

has fly fished for forty years. He is a former fly shop owner and Registered Maine Fishing Guide. Bob is a blogger, writer, author, fly designer and native fish advocate. He is the Publisher and Northeast Regional Editor for Fly Fish America magazine. Look for his books 50 Best Places Fly Fishing the Northeast and 25 Best Towns Fly Fishing for Trout. Bob is currently working on books about Maine and Brook Trout. He can be reached at www.bobmallard.com or info@bobmallard.com.

Daniel Galhardo

Daniel Galhardo is the founder of Tenkara USA and the person who introduced tenkara to the world.

Craig Springer

oversees external affairs for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southwest Region

Nick Pavlovski

started tenkara fishing in February 2017. He uploads videos of some of his trips over at his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC2fgn2TYlHco9VtWlof8LnA

Sam Larson

Sam Larson lives, fishes, and writes in Colorado’s Front Range. In addition to Tenkara Angler, he is a co-founder and contributing author at Blue Lines (www.bluelinesfly.com).

Jayson Singe

A outdoor and tenkara enthusiast, Jayson also contributes to several Facebook groups such as the Tenkara Kebari Library and Appalachian Tenkara Anglers



Photo: Nick Finnigan



News & Notes From Around Social Media The Tenkara Bug Out in Oregon is only a month away! Interested in attending? TenkaraBugOut.com has the details...

Mini rods seem to be all the rage these days, Badger Tenkara is now offering Teqno Gear Adjuster Mini rods as well... Red Brook Tenkara? New to me too, but looks like they're launching a website and a Vimeo sizzle reel...

Tenkara Enso recently wrote up a recap of the 3rd Annual Tenkara Fest in Ponten-Royans, Isere, France... Whooooo Buddy! Klags & Lepczyk are tenkara-ing across America this summer. Keep up with them at Of Rock & Rife...

Whoa, have you seen the killer new Three Rivers Tenkara "Tenkara to the Bone" t-shirt? It's coming soon...


"Creekside" Steve Cobb

Summer 2017

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