In His Image fitness .com Making HEALTH a MISSION not just an Event .
FOOD FIGHT Loving Your Body.. Body
It's ALL about IMAGE! The image of God
In His Image Fitness Magazine: Editor: Trudy Beerman Published 4 times per year Unless otherwise indicated, all content here was created by Trudy Beerman A Christian publication focusing on Stewardship of the Body to move the Christian to see themselves first in HIS image, the image of God. Christians believe the human body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and as such, deserves special attention.
This is the LAUNCH issue of In His Image Fitness Magazine. I am so excited about where the Lord is taking me with this project. I anticipate this evolving over time as this publication settles into its brand. There are many health and fitness publications available but few address it from a Biblical perspective. This will be the focus of In His Image Fitness Magazine. The world tells us health and fitness is all about image - SELF image, and that we can improve self-image by strategies that make us look and feel better on the outside; to enjoy an enhanced sex-appeal. The founding principle influencing every inclusion here is still furthering the image conversation, but the focus and motive is to move the Christian to see themselves first in HIS image, the image of God. Genesis 1:27 "So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them." (CJB) It is my belief that when Christians step into their new image as children of God whose bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, then we will do what we know is the right thing to do, because I guarantee you DO know what the right things to do are. James 4:17 "So then, anyone who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it is committing a sin." (CJB)
FOOD FIGHT Mankind has evolved to a modern creature who is hooked on convenience. Fast food and processed, pacakaged food has become an adopted component of our on the go lifestyles. Unfortunately, all the stuff that adds shelf life to those foods, robs us of our shelf-life. Poor choice foods have been linked to triggering or exaggerating many health complications, and returning to 'closer to nature' versions is becoming a trend. Christians should value God made over man-made. It is time to take a good hard look at what the food industry is pushing through advertising and on the top levels of supermarket shelves, and through pricing. Processed foods do seem more affordable and are promoted as healthy options, while unprocessed, or limited processed, non-GMO options are more expensive and hardly promoted. This truly is a food fight people, and we are the casualties of that war. Before you complain about why healthier food options are expensive, think about why the processed ones are cheaper. Synthetic, factory manufactured foods are easier to mass produce over locally grown, GMO free, organic options and always will be. In the end, the real fight is not in our wallets, but in the hospital wards. We need to fight back! We need to be more pro-active about the foods we buy and choose to consume and give to our families. Every dollar you spend on healthy choices has better long-term impact on our overall health, on the cost of our health care, in recuperation down-time, and in our energy levels. You vote with your dollars and it is time to take this fight to where it matters most - to the wallets of the food producers. If we tell them we want healthy, they will eventually give us more options at more affordable prices IF they want to keep us shopping at their stores.
1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you beyond what people normally experience, and God can be trusted not to allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. On the contrary, along with the temptation he will also provide the way out, so that you will be able to endure."
The Food Fight segment will be an ongoing conversation here at In His Image Fitness Magazine. Please let us know if there is any food topic you want covered and we will consider it in upcoming issues.
Workout TECH & Videos so you can DIY more effectively
Personal Trainers and Coaches are amazing options to help you fast track to your goal, stay accountable and avoid injury - however, outside of those infrequent encounters, you have the responsibility for your health and fitness. DIY options are the affordable, self empowering option to get on track and stay on track. This segment is where you will find recommendations to help you DIY more effectively.
Try This Berry Nice Shake Ingredients: * 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology * 8-12 oz of Almond milk * 1 banana * 1/2 cup your favorite berry
Buy Shakeology Here Directions: Starting wtih 8oz milk, add more to the desired smoothness. Allowing the shake to sit for a minute before drinking will make it thicker and the thicker you make it, it may even be a great substitute for icecream. Blend all ingredients in bursts until smooth.
Being Transformed in His Image... Who: Trudy Beerman
For the launch of this magazine, I figured it made sense to share my story of transformation. Pre the 2006-2009 recession, I owned a Personal Training Studio and was 30 pounds lighter than I am in my 'after' picture here, so I still have a way to go. I lost my studio and fitness business during that season and went into massive depression Share your story the win win win way which displayed on the outside the lack of care Become a BeachBody Coach. and self-love that was Win #1- Your story now has an online platform for going on on my inside. easier and global sharing, filled with with tons of
Fitter? Everyone asking you HOW?
nutrition and fitness backed tools of the BeachBody brand. Win #2 -Easily and effectively create a community of people who already admire your results and want a similar outcome, coming together in accountability, encouragement and support for each other Win #3 - Enjoy the workouts and products at a discount or monetize your participation to create an income stream for you and others if you wish to build the buiness opportunity
In 2014, I started a Bible study using Rev. Rick Warren's new book and video series, The Daniel Plan. Along with a few friends, we found a new reason to shape what the Father gave us. continued on pg 17
Yo yo dieting happens because many people approach health as an EVENT, a moment in time, a thing that has a start and end date. However, health should be a way of life, a mental wiring of the mind that triggers at the subconscious level, directing our choices. I propose you approach health as a life mission, as you pursue your identity in Christ. If you are a Nutrition or Fitness Coach or getting ready to select one to assist you on your journey, that you read on... Continued on page 14
Mirrors, opinions of others, the voices in our heads - they are not always kind, especially regarding the things said about how we look. Would you love yourself MORE if you were 20 pounds thinner? Had clearer skin? Were of a different ethnicity? Loving your body may require a mindset shift. The Bible tells us to love others AS we love ourselves. ( Matthew 22:39 ) So, do you love you? If you did love yourself more, what would you do differently? If Jesus loves me then I aml love worthy, and the moment I no longer felt the need for external validation of my worthiness. I deserve healthy food. I deserve the best I can afford. I may not have the best at the moment, but I have the best I can afford at the moment. So take care of you because you love you, and guess what, as you love on you, you will love the resulting outcome too.
Health as a MISSION continued from pg 10 EXCERPT of the original piece I wrote. Reprinted from
Holiday binge. New Year purge! The tradition lives on. Health clubs are well aware of this annual tradition. They know it is a season to add to their membership. However, many are not well prepared or committed to helping people effectively use their facility. People line up to pay for new memberships. It is the annual penance for a year of “sinful” indulgence. Somehow, parting with their money at the health club sales office makes them leave with a sensation of confidence that this year will be different. Being together with family and others during the holidays and the upcoming New Year gives you a special opportunity to live for God with your body. Christians especially should know that it isn’t necessary to wait for the New Year to have a fresh start on the road to wellness. God says in the Bible that His mercies are new every morning. Start today. Then live every day as a healthy celebration to God. Become, or look for a trainer that is ready to help you overcome the annual cycle of self abuse. A Christian trainer will help you learn to be a good steward of your body. Islands of Health in a Sea of Christianity They are out there – You can find Christian medical, health, and fitness professionals actively and unapologetically taking a Christian approach to the work they do. Unfortunately, they often operate as fragmented islands. They sometimes independently reinvent the wheel. continued on pg 16
IT'S ALL ABOUT IMAGEGOD'S IMAGE! RIGHT?. So when you think FITNESS IS ALL ABOUT IMAGE - RIGHT?. about yourself in the image of God, what does that look like to you? Genesis 1:27 "So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them." Perfection is an ideal, but unlike other areas of our life - our body is one place we can hardly hide the truth from public view. Some of us put on full display our lack of self-care in the way we dress, our lack of self-control and self-discipline when we reach record levels of obesity. The Bible asks us to pursue excellence. If we represent Jesus and we are made in God's image - let us act as if this is so.
Health as a Misssion continued...
Simultaneously, there are many health professionals who have never considered using their passion and talent in Christian ministry. A third group of wellness professionals are desperately seeking a passionate return for their efforts. They seek that elusive satisfaction of achieving their purpose, that missing ingredient that transforms a job into a joy. These people need their Christian peers to speak up and introduce them to Christ. It may simply take an invitation to participate, to open their eyes to the fulfilling joy of serving Christ through time, talent and treasure. The Harvest Is Plentiful but the Workers Are Few “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.� Matthew 9:35-38 Christian fitness professionals are out there, but there are not enough of them and they are not well identified. Fitness and wellness provides a perfect environment for incorporating Christian faith truths and instruction. There are good men and women professionals committed to using their passion for wellness to tell the world that the fullness of health and wellness is found in the Bible. When people seek healing and answers, they are more open to hear the gospel and welcome the hope of Jesus. Fitness professionals are there to offer it. They are there to educate, encourage and empower people. JOIN the In His Image Fitness movement. Connect with Trudy Beerman to learn more.
Transformed in His image, continuted Renewed spiritually and physically, I decided to share with others the new Aha's and revelations that came to me in this new journey Before, I was thinner but it was all about keeping up the image for the fitness industry. Today, I have embraced a new image as the child of God who embraces health and fitness not to get a body I love, but because I love my body. Becoming a Beachbody Coach gives me additional tools to help others achieve similar results too.
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