RAGTAG FILM SOCIETY LEGACY FUND In 2013, Bill Bondeson and Linda Butterfield Cupp established the Ragtag Film Society Legacy Fund in memory of Willy Wilson, local thespian, high school teacher, dragon designer, and, notably, David Wilson’s dad. The Legacy Fund endowment exists to ensure the long-term health, vitality, and sustainability of Ragtag Cinema and True/False Film Fest. This fund is designated for planned giving or for substantial recurring gifts to the organization. For information on including RFS in your estate planning, transfers of stock, or other types of planned giving, please contact Stacie Pottinger.
RAGTAG FILM SOCIETY LEGACY FUND DONORS Dianna & Rodney Adkison Bill Bondeson & Linda Cupp Diane Booth & Jeanne Sebaugh Ron & Judy Carter D & BJ Family Kathleen Ehrhardt Barbara Fairman Michael & Emy Friedman Bill & Barb Froke Joanne Fulton Barry & Pam Gainor Larry Ganong & Marilyn Coleman Betsy Garrett Carol Hurt 120
Aaron & Nikki Krawitz Doris Littrell Amy McCombs Ann & David Mehr Richard & Peggy Poe Michael & Susan Roberts Margie Sable & George Smith Jerry & Judy Schermer Harriet & Bill Yelon Sally Silvers Tom Smith Charles & Jan Swaney Vicky Riback Wilson Harriet & Bill Yelon