Book Extract: Subliminally Exposed

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t he aesthetic report

Book Extract



The shocking truth about your hidden desires in mating, dating and communication…


eauty is raw, powerful, and often dangerous- but when refined, harnessed, and mastered, it can be incredibly influential. Just as there is a good reason why all humans find sugar to be sweet and a growling beast intimidating, there is an evolutionary logic to why our appearances allow us to communicate and manipulate each other at a subconscious level. Who you choose to mate, befriend, or work with often pivots on a few critical yet subliminal decisions made within a fraction of a second. Subliminally Exposed will reveal the how and why behind your actions… and empower you to decode and translate others subconscious behaviours.

First Impressions: The power of beauty as the most primitive form of communication

Picture this: After a long day at work, you and your friends decide to meet up for a drink. You are a just about to finish your cocktail when you see him walk into the room. He’s tall and handsome with a chiselled jaw, deep-set eyes and a full head of hair. He confidently settles in at the bar, purposely unfastens the top button of his form-fitting designer suit and takes a sip of his martini. That’s when he notices you and shoots you a playful smile. Your heart flutters as you play coy, avert your eyes and resume conversation with your friends. Knowing that he is watching, you get up and seductively make your way across the bar for another drink. As you sashay across the floor, you feel his eyes scanning your hips and moving up to your lips and eyes. As you sit down and fluidly cross your legs, you casually flip your head, allowing your hair to be tossed through the air. You gently turn your chin downward and direct your gaze towards his eyes. He gets the message and rises


aesthetic & Anti-Ageing

| issue 12

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