Top 5 health benefits of walking more and driving less

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Health Benefits Of Driving Less

by Healthy Lifestyle Tips

5 Health Benefits of Walking More And Driving Less Walking more and sitting less provides multiple health benefits. Your heart gets stronger, and healthy oxygen is pumped throughout your body where it is put to work powering all of your inner and exterior physiological systems and functions. When it comes right down to it, you know you should be physically active more often. As an incentive to "ditching" your car when it is not really needed, take a look at the following 5 health benefits delivered by walking instead of driving.

1 – You Will Live Longer The Archives of Internal Medicine have released some scary statistics about sitting. Sit between 8 and 11 hours a day and you are 15% more likely to die from any cause than those who sit for 4 hours or less daily. You probably do not spend several hours driving in your car every day. But the evidence that extended sitting shortens your life span should provide enough motivation for you to walk instead of driving your car whenever you can.

2 – You Will Lose Weight A UK study showed that parking your car and walking can lead to more weight loss than diet and exercise! The research measured the BMI of 7,534 men and women. Men who walked or rode their bikes to work were on average 7.0 pounds lighter than their driving counterparts (allowances were made for demographics such as age, fitness level and other factors). Walking women were approximately 5.5 pounds lighter.

3 – You Will Feel Happier There is plenty of research which equates being outdoors with a sense of happiness. Just 10 to 15 minutes a day exposed to sunshine actually gives you a sense of happiness and peace of mind. (The reason you feel happier walking and driving might have a lot to do with benefit number 5 below.)

4 – It Will Make Your Friends and Family Healthier Fitness is contagious. When you start walking instead of driving, losing weight and looking great, people will notice. Your family members, friends and coworkers will ask you what you did to lose the weight. When you tell them it was simply by walking instead of driving, you can have a positive health impact on others.

5 – Stress,Anxiety and Panic Subside There is a reason why the daily commute can lead to road rage. Driving to and from work or anywhere else, especially in a crowded metropolitan area, can lead to anxiety, panic and a whole lot of stress. The next time you are going for a short drive and it is beautiful outside, walk instead, and see just how stress-free the experience can be.

Stop Making Excuses And Start Walking More Now that you are aware of the top 5 health benefits of walking more,I want to kill "dead" the top 2 excuses for not walking more and driving less. The #1 excuse is "I don't have a safe place to walk". Give it a little thought,you will come up with places to get your walk on.Like walking around the block or building where you work.If you work in a high rise office building,ditch the elevator for the stairwell.Start small, don't bite off more than you can chew. Another one is the track around the athletic's field at the local high school.Most middle and high schools have some type of free access policy for residents of the community.Check with school Admin or someone in authority on site. The #2 excuse is "I don't have a comfortable pair of walking shoes". Getting a good pair of walking shoes is easy - . They have a huge selection at reasonable prices.Put in your order " here " today , and your postman will deliver them to your door in a few days.

Then ,you will be ready to reap the health benefits of walking more and sitting or driving less.Ain't healthy living wonderful?

To better health, Joe Golson - Health and Wellness Coach

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