The Great Anguish For many the Great Tribulation or Anguish casts its shadow over the blessed hope of our Lord’s appearing. The Tribulation has been presented in a way that naturally encourages Christians to want to be out of this world when it occurs. Will the gathering of Christians and the physical return of Christ be separated by a significant period of time? This booklet is written in the belief that they are not. If they are not then Christians will still be on earth during the Tribulation. Therefore we will do well to seek a better understanding of what is in store. Our attitude to prophecy needs to move away from being fatalistic or escapist. Instead we should be triumphant. Jesus tells us to lift up our heads when these things begin to take place. In this period of great anguish not only will the Christians be on earth but it is essential that they are present if God is to complete His work among the Gentiles. Towards the end of the anguish there may well come a time when the church appears to be crushed and defeated. But just as the cross was turned from defeat into victory so these final years will lead up to the glorious triumph of the church.
By Philip Wren