Trump International Realty Senior Services

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Senio r Service s

About Senior Services A Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) is a Realtor who is qualified to assist seniors in housing sales and purchases. Their mission is to assist seniors and their families navigate the maze of financial, legal and emotional issues that accompany the sale and purchase of a home. The SRES designation is awarded only to Realtors who have successfully completed a series of educational courses that help provide knowledge, experience and compassion in dealing with seniors’ best interests. SRES designees will meet with you and your loved one(s) to discuss needs, outline options and help you determine the best 55+ residence option for you. Working with the parameters you provide, they can locate a property that best fits your needs. When necessary, they will tap into a network of experts such as home inspectors, movers, attorneys and CPAs to ensure that the purchase of your new residence is seamless.

Wh at t o E x p e c t f r o m your SRES Realtors choose to become SRES because they enjoy interacting with seniors and have the innate desire to help others. SRES have the ability to listen intently and know the right questions to ask. They spend quality time getting to know you and your family’s situation in order to provide you with the best guidance throughout this process. It is difficult to deal with leaving a home after spending many years in it. Your SRES understands the challenges you and your family face with this major decision and will present all available options for an outcome that will suit the family’s needs. SRES designees ease your transition from one home to the other, first by discussing the reasons for selling, and then exploring all of the options; whether it be modifying and staying in your current home or finding a more suitable residence. They will find you the best solution.

Benefits and Qualities o f Wo r k i n g w i t h a S R E S An SRES Offers • A customized approach to your situation, working to fit your living situation in with your overall life plan • Expertise and patience throughout the transaction • Awareness of options and a network of solid, reliable referrals to help you in the process • Variety of options to reduce out of pocket expenses, gain cash, or create or defer income streams to either stay independent or obtain financial assistance • A no pressure approach to the transaction and has a strong service orientation • Tailored marketing of a home to the needs of a senior client • Ability to interact easily with all generations, including seniors, adult children and caretakers

• Knowledge about local senior housing options and elder support services • A wide network of other senior-focused professionals who can assist in tax counseling, financial and estate planning, and other aspects of the sale and move • Steadfast commitment to finding the best solution for you and your loved ones • Assistance every step of the way – from start to finish • Pleasant, caring interaction • Effective listening and communication skills • Genuine interest in the well-being of your family • Knowledge of various housing options and support services available • Wide network of other senior-focused professionals able to assist in other aspects of the sale and move

Buying a Home with your SRES H av i n g M i x e d E m ot i o n s Finding a new residence to call home can bring emotional hurdles to overcome. Your SRES will provide you with the proper assistance to guide you through this process.

Assessing your Options SRES designees will sit down with you and your loved ones to discuss needs, outline options and help you determine the very best 55+ residence option for you. Working with the parameters you provide, your SRES can locate a property that fits your needs.

Ta p p i n g E x p e r t i s e When necessary, your SRES will tap into a network of experts, such as home inspectors, movers, attorneys and CPA’s to ensure that the purchase of your new residence and your move proceed smoothly.

Selling a Home with your SRES T h e re i s a l w a y s a n e mo t i o n a l e l e m e n t a s s o c i a t e d w i t h s e l l i n g a s e n i o r’s h o m e w h i c h c a n a d d a d d i t i o n a l c o n s i d e ra t i o n s a n d c o mp l e x i t y. Yo u r S R E S c a n m o d i f y c e r t a i n a s pe c t s o f t h e m a rk e t i n g e f f o r t s t o m e e t yo u r i n d i v i d u a l n e e d s .

Th e F o l l o w i n g a r e s o m e e s s e n t i a l s t e p s you can expect during the process once the listing paperwork is signed: • Pricing considerations • Staging your home •Showing your home • Negotiating the sale and closing • Packing and moving

Buying a Home with your SRES P r i c i n g c o n s i d e r at i o n s Your SRES will offer guidance with finding the appropriate market price for your home. The process involves analyzing your home, comparing it to the local market, and taking into account your circumstances.

S tag i n g yo u r h o m e Staging your home involves getting the outside and inside of the home in top shape to show. The goal of staging is not only to make the house look as good as it can but also to protect objects that have special significance.

St a g i n g Ma y In vo l ve : • Hiring a service to do a thorough full house cleaning • Having a handyman do necessary or cosmetic repairs; items like a leaky faucet can leave a negative impression in a buyer’s mind. • Eliminating some furniture for the rooms; rooms appear smaller when they contain a lot of items. Storing some of the contents of a room can create an impression of more space. • Put away valued possessions you don’t want handled by prospective buyers.

Showing your home T h e re a re t w o t y pe s o f s h ow i n g s : • Open houses – the house is open for a few hours to Realtors and potential buyers who wish to view it. Your SRES is present during the open houses and require all visitors to sign in. • Individual showings – an agent, not necessarily your SRES will bring prospective buyers to your home, show them around the discuss your home’s features.

N e g ot i at i n g t h e s a l e a n d c l o s i n g An o f f e r i s m a d e o n yo u r h o me . How d o e s t h e h o m e ow n e r k n ow i f t h e o f f e r i s re a s o n a b l e a n d s e r i o u s ? • The offer will be delivered to you by your SRES, who has dealt with many similar situations. Your agent understands how your local market and can look at factors that will indicate whether the offer you have received should be seriously considered. The negotiation process almost always requires give and take. • This is a good time for the family to discuss the offer. Your SRES will provide you and your family with unbiased advice, but will always be acting in the best interest of the homeowner. • The SRES will help you determine if a counteroffer should be made, and assist with guiding you through the negotiations. • An attorney should review all documents and contracts before accepting an offer and prior to closing. • Prior to closing, once an offer is accepted, buyers will typically hire a home inspector to examine the condition and structure of the home. The home inspector’s report may contain further points to be negotiated, such as the cost of repairs. T h e d a y o f c l o s i n g yo u w i l l s i g n f i n a l d o c u me n t s t h a t t ra n s f er ow ne r s h i p o f yo u r h o m e . Yo u r S R ES w i l l b e t h e re t o e x pl a in th e p ro c e s s a n d d o c u m e n t s . Yo u w i l l re c e i ve p ro c e e d s f ro m th e s a l e a n d b e a b l e t o m ove o n t o yo u r n e x t h o me .

Packing and moving Moving from a family home can be overwhelming, especially if you are facing a lifetime of possessions and must decide what to bring with you and what to let go. Sometimes hiring a third party is best to assist with this. A s e n i o r m ov i n g m a n a g e r i s a s e r v i c e p rov i d e r t h a t h e l ps a tte n d t o t h e n e e d s o f s e n i o r s w h o m u s t d ow n s i z e w h e n m ov i ng. They assist with: • Evaluating the contents of your old home and assessing the space available in the new home • Determining how much will fit in the new home • Sorting and making decisions about what to keep and what to leave • Managing the process of packing and moving, then unpacking and arranging possessions in the new home

Housing Options for 55+ Buyers S RE S d e s i g n e e s w i l l a s s i s t yo u w i t h c h o o s i n g t h e b e s t o p t i o n f o r ove r 5 5 + l i v i n g a r ra n g e me n t s . T h i s i s a ve r y e m o t i o n a l d e c i s i o n . Yo u r S R E S w i l l h e l p yo u m a ke t h e d e c i s i o n o f c o s t , l o c a t i o n , s e r v i c e s , a me n i t i e s , a c t i v i t i e s a n d c u r re n t a n d f u t u re c a re n e e d s .

Independent Living If the buyer is healthy and active, condominiums, townhouses and single family homes are frequently a family’s first choice.

A c t i v e A d u lt C o m m u n i t i e s The communities service the interest of active adults over the age of 55. Housing options will often include condominiums, townhouses and single family properties. Moreover, these communities offer a maintenance free lifestyle with an array of activities such as social events, lectures and wellness.

Assisted Living Communities The residents will live in their own apartments, but have staff for assistance, meal service in common dining rooms, activities and outings. Many of the assisted living communities will offer access to nurses for daily assistance. Some assisted living communities will offer more extensive and personal services.

A d u lt Fa m i ly H o m e s These types of properties are licensed to care for a maximum of six residents in a home setting. These homes specialize in dealing with specific health concerns and provide care in a setting tailored to those needs and conditions. Services will include meals, housing maintenance and attending to the resident’s care and safety.

A l z h e i m e r ’s a n d D e m e n t i a C a r e These facilities specialize in caring for the residents and offering programs that address resident’s needs and provide a safe environment. The services include personal care, such as bathing and dressing and administering medicine, in addition to dining and housekeeping services. Many of these communities offer gated safe walking paths to ease the residents’ anxiety throughout the day.

Continuing Care Retirement Communities These communities’ progressive levels of assistance depending on the residents needs from Independent Living, to Assisted Living to Nursing Care.

With extensive experience in the Real Estate Market from development to sales and leasing, we provide guidance and recommendations based on your needs and requirements. Our professionals will see you through your move from beginning to end.

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Tr u m p I n t e r n a t i o n a l R e a l t y . C o m 7 2 5 F i f t h A v e n u e - 1 6 t h F l o o r , N e w Yo r k , N Y 1 0 0 2 2 Trump International Realty is a Licensed Real Estate Broker. All information is from sources deemed reliable but subject to errors, omission, change of price, rental, prior sale, lease or financing, or withdrawal without notice. All measurements and other information are approximate and should be verified by your own attorney, architect or other professional. Š 2019 Trump International Realty

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