Những bài hát tiếng Hàn của Kpop bạn đã từng nghe thử chưa? Nếu bạn đang có ý định học và cải thiện khả năng tiếng Hàn của minh thì đó sẽ là một lựa chọn hoàn hảo nhé.Sau đây hãy cùng nhau đến với lời Hàn của ca khúc nhạc Hàn hay nhất nào.
- Học tiếng Hàn ra trường làm gì?. http://trungtamtienghan.edu.vn/news/Tin-tuc-moi/Hoc-tiengHan-ra-truong-lam-gi-186/ .Yeah~ It was always for me it was always for you it was always 4Minute. 羽のない天使が今 空をただ見上げている なにも恐れない 感じない .But can you feel the sky?. 何かを失うことが 何かを抱きしめるよ 本当の強さが見える 今君を 忘れていくよ 深い海の中 さよなら 目を閉じて 浮かんだ君の顔 今 届けたい想いはないよ 言葉の向こうには 気持ちが潜んでるなら 今も 本当のことを 君が思うように 君が触れるように 思いのまま SAY GOOD BYE
.Yeah~ Let it take it’s natural course tonight I’ll be there for you? of course? aside Say “Goodbye Goodtimes” before it flies by 4Minute a time. 散り行く花びらのように 涙がこぼれるなら 君のせいではないんだと 言い聞かせていたんだね 目をそらしていたんだね 心の声がきこえた ただ君を思い出せば 胸を締め付ける さよなら 目を閉じて 浮かんだ君の声 今 聞こえる 二人の言葉 朝日の向こうには 今日が待っているよ ただ 何かが起こるから 身を任せるよ 自分が自分のためだけに 生きているんだと思ってた 本当の強さは 愛を知ること Oh さよなら 目を閉じて 浮かんだ 君の顔 今 届くはずの この想い 君のすべてを .So what’cha waitin’ for
It’s time to live!. さよなら 目を閉じて 浮かんだ君の顔 今 届けたい想いはないよ 言葉の向こうには 気持ちが潜んでるなら 今も 本当のことを 君が思うように 君が触れるように 思いのまま SAY GOOD BYE
- Học tiếng Hàn Quốc cơ bản. http://trungtamtienghan.edu.vn/news/Hoc-tieng-han-quoc-coban/.
.Yeah~ It was always for me it was always for you it was always 4Minute. An angel with no wings is just looking up at the sky now Afraid of nothing, feeling nothing .But can you feel the sky?. They hold on to something they’ve lost I can see true strength in them I’m forgetting you now In a deep ocean Goodbye I close my eyes and I see your face I don’t have any feelings for you now If you’ve been hiding your feelings behind your words I hope you feel your true emotions even now I hope you touch them even now And while you still feel them, SAY GOODBYE .Yeah~ Let it take it’s natural course tonight I’ll be there for you? of course? aside Say “Goodbye Goodtimes” before it flies by 4Minute a tim.
If tears fall from your eyes like flower petals scattering, It’s not your fault, you told me I looked away I could hear the voice of my heart Just thinking of you pierces my heart Goodbye I closed my eyes and heard your voice I can hear it now, the words we spoke Today is waiting beyond the morning light Something’s just waking up, so I’m gonna give myself up to it I thought that people only lived for themselves True strength is something you only know once you’ve known love Goodbye I closed my eyes and saw your face You should know how I feel now Everything about you… .So what’cha waitin’ for It’s time to live!. Goodbye I close my eyes
and I see your face I don’t have any feelings for you now If you’ve been hiding your feelings behind your words I hope you feel your true emotions even now I hope you touch them even now And while you still feel them, SAY GOODBYE - Nguồn tham khảo : http://trungtamtienghan.edu.vn/news/Kinhnghiem-hoc-tieng-han/ - Mọi thông tin chi tiết mời các bạn liên hệ: TRUNG TÂM TIẾNG NHẬT SOFL Địa chỉ: Số 365 - Phố vọng - Đồng tâm -Hai Bà Trưng - Hà Nội Email: nhatngusofl@gmail.com Điện thoại: (84-4) 62 921 082 Hoặc: (84-4) 0964 66 12 88.