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All students in the 1st Year through to Upper Sixth have timetabled lessons of PSHEE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education.
1st Year: Settling in, self-esteem, managing anxiety, resilience, good friendships, interpersonal skills, communication skills, learning styles, target setting, sleep and exercise, puberty, bullying, appropriate language, safe online relationships, evaluating online content, personal safety, first aid.
2nd Year: Human rights, diversity, prejudice and discrimination, FGM, improving communities, the justice system, peer pressure, groups and gangs, money and morality, gambling, UK political system, voting and elections, love and friendship, consent, intimate relationships, STIs and contraception, sexuality.
3rd Year: Drug facts, why people take drugs, alcohol, GCSE options, types of work, aspiration and employability, enterprise, employment law for young people, forced marriage, stable relationships, separation and divorce, loss and bereavement, balanced diet, body image, eating disorders, self-harm and personal responsibility for health.
4th Year: Human rights and international law, the legal system in the UK, diversity in the UK, how to improve your community, health and safety, emergency first aid, personal safety, positive and negative relationships, consent, impact of drugs and alcohol, gender double standards, STIs and contraception, safer sex, sexuality, self-esteem, mental and emotional health, body image and cosmetic procedures.
5th Year: Post-16 and post-18 options, parenting skills, teenage pregnancy, unintended pregnancy options, social media, extremism, career identity, work experience, work attitude and values, sexting, pornography, balanced lifestyle and health services. Lower Sixth: Sustaining health at uni, cancer awareness, body image, substance use and misuse, drug addiction risks and consequences of drugs, impact of drugs and alcohol on sexual behaviour, stress and anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide, healthy relationships, intimate relationships, separation, divorce and bereavement, unwanted pregnancy and infertility, changing opportunities, employability, strengths, interests and skills, info, advice and guidance, online presence, alternatives to university, UCAS, income, expenditure, credit, debt, insurance, savings and pensions, managing financial decisions, mortgages, consumer rights and critical consumerism.
Upper Sixth: De-escalating situations, managing harassment, working rights and responsibilities, consent, abuse, forced marriage, honour-based violence and FGM, personal safety, critical engagement with social media, challenging harmful social media, gangs and cybercrime, parliamentary democracy, forms of government and electoral systems.