2 minute read

Pastoral Care

Central to Truro School’s ethos is a high quality of pastoral care; it underpins everything that we do and, alongside high quality teaching and learning, is what ensures the success and personal development of the children in our care, so they flourish academically and socially.

Pupils are encouraged to think for themselves and develop a sense of achievement and independence, whilst we work to ensure each child feels valued, happy, secure and confident. We focus on the spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing of each child at all times, ensuring a safe and supportive environment in which they will thrive. We encourage our pupils to respect the varied attitudes and beliefs of others whilst developing as individuals. Truro School is a community where everyone helps each other.


The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) commented in September 2017, “Pupils are mature and confident for their age, and their self-assurance is further developed through the comprehensive personal, social, health and economic education (PSHEE) programme taken by all pupils in 1st Year to Upper Sixth. Pupils enjoy the wide range of topics, which include many concerning their own wellbeing such as self-esteem, relationships and mental health.”

Our PSHEE programme complements our assemblies and is where, across all year groups within the school, we promote our values of tolerance and understanding and reinforce the importance we place on self-respect and consideration towards others. We advise how to cope with the ups and downs of teenage life but there are times when these ups and downs require some intervention and our team of pastoral carers is on hand to provide the help that is needed. Each Pupil has a Form Tutor and Head of Year (day pupils) with boarders also having a Houseparent. They are usually the first point of contact for parents and/or pupils who wish to discuss an area of concern. This way the circumstances of each child are known and action can be taken when and where necessary. In addition we have a Head of Middle School and a Head of Sixth Form who oversee pastoral care and academic progress for pupils in their care. Form Tutors and Heads of Year discuss any issues on a regular basis, working with the Senior Pastoral Lead and Deputy Head (Pastoral). Most problems are easily dealt with at this level. However, the Head, Deputy Head (Pastoral), Director of Co-curricular, Heads of Year, House Staff, Medical Centre and Chaplain meet every Friday morning to share concerns and information on individual students. In addition, the Senior Pastoral team consisting of Deputy Head Pastoral (and Designated Safeguarding Lead DSL), Director of Co-curricular (Deputy DSL), Chaplain, Head of Boarding (Deputy DSL) and Medical team meet weekly to spend time reviewing support for those requiring additional care.

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