Together Magazine - Summer 2022

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together Summer 2022

m a g a z i n e

“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the food bank” Martyn shares his story and how food bank manager, Damien supported him Read more on page 7

Glasgow food bank manager, Audrey and the cost of living crisis

Turning a passion for performing into fundraising for the Trussell Trust

Read more on page 4

Read more on page 6


Together Magazine

Summer 2022


to Your new Magazine

I had planned to use this introduction to enthusiastically share how your kindness is helping food banks support people. Members of the community who don’t have enough money for the essentials and highlight some of the ways we’re making a difference together. But actually, right now, it feels much more important to say ‘thank you’. Last year, food banks in our network provided more than 2.1m parcels to people across the UK. That’s 2.1m too many. And as the cost of living rockets, this shows no signs of slowing. For people who were already struggling to afford the essentials, the rising cost of living is devastating. This isn’t right - as Martyn emphasises, on page 7, where he shares his experience of needing a food bank. Audrey highlights this too, on page 4, when she tells us about Glasgow South East Foodbank’s work to put money back into the pockets of people who need the food bank: “We should not need to be here.” The support food banks give can be life-changing, but no one should need a charity’s help because they don’t have enough money to live on.

But together, we’re making a difference. Together, we’re a community of people across the UK, working to right this wrong. Your decision to channel your compassion into action helps food banks provide holistic support to people, making it less likely they’ll need a food bank’s help in the future. And your desire to see a more just future, where everyone has enough money for the essentials, helps campaign for changes to the policies that are leaving people without enough money in the first place. So, thank you. Your support makes change possible. Together, we can build a future where none of us need a food bank, because none of us will allow it. Thank you, for being a part of this vital work and welcome to the first issue of Together Magazine.

Emma Revie Chief Executive

Summer 2022

Together Magazine


Contents In this issue 4

Life-changing support and campaigning for change Glasgow food bank manager, Audrey, talks about the cost of living crisis


Supporter shoutout Trevor turns his passion for performing into fundraising for the Trussell Trust


Martyn’s story Martyn talks about the lifechanging support he received at Nantwich Foodbank


Celebrating volunteers Our Volunteer Support Officer Conor O’Hagan explains the importance of our volunteers


Behind the scenes We go behind the scenes to meet Lisa Neaverson, Supporter Care Manager


News and updates

The Trussell Trust on TV | Our partnership with Deliveroo | New three-year study coming this autumn

Step Up To The Challenge this autumn! Will you join #TeamTrussell for our annual walking event and take steps towards a future without the need for food banks in the UK? Set your own challenge, take part at your own pace, at a time and place that works for you! For more information, and to register for the challenge this autumn, check out

Contact us Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury SP2 7HL 01722 580 180 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)

trusselltrust Photo credits: Richard Haydon, Lisa Neaverson, Trevor Pringle, Conor O’Hagan, Alexandra Smart Reg. Charity in England & Wales (1110522) and Scotland (SC044246). Reg. Ltd. Co. in England & Wales (5434524).


Together Magazine

Summer 2022

Life-changing support and campaigning for change

I have always hated injustice and I can’t think of any injustice greater than people not having enough money to feed themselves. We should not need to be here.” Audrey, Glasgow South East Foodbank

That’s the view of Audrey, who runs Glasgow South East Foodbank. And it’s why, together, we’re working towards a UK where no one needs a food bank.

People aren’t getting enough social security support I was in social work for 25 years and it’s been 11 years since the food bank opened, so I can tell you – it’s not about food. It’s about people not having enough money. That’s what we need to tackle. Audrey’s seen first-hand that most people who need food banks are between jobs, can’t work, or face barriers to finding stable, wellpaid work. This is often because of disability, health problems or caring responsibilities for children or sick relatives.

Cuts and freezes to social security mean many people in precarious positions aren’t able to access the right support when their finances are hit by something outside of their control. On top of that, the social security system can be difficult to navigate on a good day. Imagine trying to access it when you’re unwell, or have been hit by something life-shattering, like losing a loved one. It can feel impossible.

Connecting people with the right support Audrey’s food bank runs a project that connects people who’ve needed the food bank with an advice worker who supports them to navigate the social security system and provides wider money advice. “Our advice project means we can offer holistic support. It’s not just about food

Summer 2022

– it’s about knowing people are getting the best service we can offer.”

We’re not giving someone a bag of food and hoping they’ll be okay – we’re offering this wider support to make sure people are less likely to need our help again. The food bank dramatically changed its operations during the pandemic. Now, with the cost of living crisis pushing people to need their help, they’re relooking at what extra support they can provide.

Together Magazine


Support that transforms lives Audrey has seen the difference this support can make: “A young disabled man needed the food bank and we were able to take him from having £73 of income a week to £250 a week. “He had a severe learning disability and was getting social security payments that require you to look for work. The person at the job centre never suggested he apply for disability payments.”

Helping more food banks run projects like Audrey’s To help more people at food banks access this wider support, we’re rolling out an unparalleled package of funding and support to food banks. Lorraine from Medway Foodbank shares with you her experiences of the increased need at her food bank. Read your online exclusive at This is helping them set up and run projects that connect people referred to them with wraparound support – providing help with navigating social security, money and debt advice, and support with housing and mental health issues. Thanks to you, plans are being fasttracked and more than half of the food banks in our network will get projects up and running this year.

Our advice worker supported him to apply for those payments and as well as increasing his weekly income to £250, this was backdated and he was awarded £11,000. This kind of increase to someone’s income means people can clear debts that built up while struggling to cover essential costs. And crucially, it makes it far less likely that they will need a food bank in the future. As Audrey explains, “The young man told us, ‘Before you supported me to sort my money out I had to come to the food bank a lot – but since my money’s been sorted, I’ve not had to come to the food


Together Magazine

Summer 2022

Supporter Shout out

bank again’. When you do this work, that’s the kind of difference you make.”

With the cost of living soaring, we need to act quickly As the prices of essentials rise, more people from our communities are being forced to the doors of food banks. But food banks should not be picking up the pieces of government inaction against the rising cost of living.

‘Troubadour T’, aka Trevor Pringle, a busker from Leicestershire, has turned his passion for performing into a creative way to raise funds for the Trussell Trust. Come rain or shine, you’ll find him on the streets of Hull, Nottingham, Loughborough, or Melton Mowbray, belting out well-known songs. Since August 2021, Trevor has raised £2,293 and he’s still got plenty of songs left in him! “People shouldn’t have to experience hunger. I really wanted to help out financially and raise awareness. I’m really pleased I decided to do this and would encourage others to be creative and put their own skills to good use to help others.”

As Audrey highlights, “if we don’t tackle the reasons why people don’t have enough money, then we’re just a sticking plaster - any charity providing food is a sticking plaster.”

We need to get support to people struggling right now, and push for changes so people don’t need that support in the future.” To make a gift today and help more people access vital support, visit

Troubadour T in action

Over to you! We would love for you to share what you are doing to support the Trussell Trust. Send us a picture of you in action, along with details of what you’ve done to and watch this space because you might be featured in the next issue!

Summer 2022

Together Magazine


MArtyn’s Story

“I wouldn’t be here If it wasn’t for the food bank” Martyn was married with children and had a successful career. But when his relationship broke down, he lost everything – his family, his home, his job. Acute anxiety made finding new work impossible and he was left with no option but to start claiming Universal Credit. “I managed to find a place in Nantwich about 18 months ago. I had no bed, no furniture, nothing. It’s taken me 18 months of really battling to get all the normal things that previously I possibly took for granted. I found it difficult to even want to decorate because as a parent, you do everything for your kids I didn’t feel I was worthy of it. Thankfully, the local council put me in touch with Nantwich Foodbank. Whilst a food parcel helps if you’re stuck, it doesn’t solve the problem. The team at Nantwich Foodbank gave me so much more than that.

Damien, the project manager, will phone me at least once a month asking how I am and suggesting organisations to speak to that can offer further support. When you’ve lost trust in everyone and are in a situation you never expected to be in, having that person who asks what caused the problem and how can we stop you being in this position again in six months helps you become a lot more self-sufficient.

I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the support I’ve had from the food bank. And it’s not just keeping me alive, it’s driving me forward. There’s not the support from the social security system that there should be. So people like Damien are picking up the pieces. It makes a huge difference but he shouldn’t have to do that. There’s money there in government, it just doesn’t filter down to the support agencies. continues on the next page


Together Magazine

Martyn’ Story continued... But although the cost of living is a real worry, I know there are people there who genuinely want to support me. I’m managing my acute anxiety and am ready to get back into full-time employment.

After a long time of being a bystander in my own life, I’m feeling very positive about the future.

Martyn and Damien speak regularly

Summer 2022

Celebrating Volunteers More than 30,000 people give their time and skills to food banks. But volunteering with us is more than packing food parcels. Our Volunteer Support Officer Conor O’Hagan explains, ‘Volunteers are never half-hearted. They always want to give more time than they actually have.’

Conor raising awareness of our work, with Salisbury Foodbank Manager, Maria

That’s the reason Conor loves his role and why he’s passionate about the power of volunteering to bring about change.

A step in the right direction

To everyone who shared a message or supported our campaign actions, thank you.

Last month the Chancellor responded to our call to provide more support for people on the lowest incomes during the cost of living crisis. The measures announced by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak on 26th May included a £650 Cost of Living payment for people who are in receipt of benefits, disabled people will receive an extra £150 and there was further investment in the Household Support Fund. This support will provide some much needed relief, and help ease the pressure for the people we know need to use food banks.

This shows that change is possible and our voices count.

The Chancellor heard our campaign, taking on board many of our campaign asks which we called for loudly, together.

But people at food banks need support every day, not just during national crises. This cannot be a one off. We must keep going so that everyone in our society is able to keep warm, stay dry and put food on the table – not just in a crisis, but every day.

Find out more about our campaign Scan the QR code or visit action

Summer 2022

‘When I was at university, I volunteered every week for a rooftop gardening project. We started with this small, dead space, and ended up with an incredible vegetable garden. It’s amazing what can happen when people share a vision.’ Across the food bank network, thousands of people make change happen by volunteering locally. Conor works with food bank managers to motivate and engage volunteers, running training sessions and promoting best practice. But there are also around 45 people who volunteer at the Trussell Trust centrally. ‘People check policies, lead governance, support with diversity and inclusion,

Together Magazine


proofread and translate content into different languages,’ says Conor.

We absolutely couldn’t do the work without these volunteers. There are many ways to be involved. ‘When people heard about our work to maximise incomes, for example, they came forward offering their skills and support.’ And Conor’s final message for the amazing volunteers across the UK? ‘You are amazing! We are so grateful for your compassion and support, and we really can’t thank you enough.’ If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit

Harvest As we’ve already mentioned Christmas, it’s not too soon to talk about Harvest! Almost all the items in emergency food parcels come from generous community donations. But with the cost of living crisis deepening, many food banks are feeling the impact and have seen a reduction in the amount of food donations. Food banks rely on harvest food collections to prepare for the winter months ahead. Look out for more information on our website and mailings in September or you can email

If you would like to hold a collection, whether at a workplace, school, or place of worship, please get in touch with your local food bank for more information. To find your food bank use the search tool on our website


Together Magazine

Summer 2022

Behind the scenes

Meet Lisa If you call the Trussell Trust to donate or ask questions, you’ll speak to one of our friendly supporter care team. We go behind the scenes to meet Lisa Neaverson, Supporter Care Manager… Q: How long have you worked at the Trussell Trust? A: I joined in March 2021, right in the middle of the pandemic. Q: What’s the role of the Supporter Care team? A: There are six of us altogether – me, Jane, Teresa, Charlotte, Ed and Jane. We’re here for people who call in to donate, answer questions, send out thank you letters and process people’s gifts. Q: What do you love most about the job? A: Our supporters! I love talking with people who are passionate about ending the need for food banks in the UK. Our supporters have a real sense of justice. They are in awe of the support food banks provide but outraged and frustrated that they need to exist. Lots of people are concerned about the cost of living crisis and tell us that’s why they are donating.

To make a gift today and help more people access vital support, visit

Q: Does the job have challenges? Well, I have a lisp – so saying, ‘Hi I’m Lisa from the Trussell Trust,’ can be quite a challenge! Q: Do you have a message for Together Magazine readers? A: Thank you. You are caring and compassionate, and your generosity is incredible and heart-warming. Read Lisa’s full interview online at N E W S A N D U P DAT E S


The Trussell Trust on TV Our debut TV ad launches this summer! We aim to increase awareness and support of our work as we strive towards building a future where no one needs a food bank. The ad airs from July onwards. It focuses on the increase in people needing food banks and features Karen, Manager of the Leeds North & West Foodbank. Please spread the word and ask your family and friends to keep a look out!

Summer 2022

Together Magazine



Leaving a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to carry on supporting our work, long after your lifetime. Just as Betty Trussell’s founding legacy impacted a nation, a gift in your Will can help create a just, compassionate future society where no one in the UK uses a food bank to get by. “Betty would be so proud to see everything that’s been achieved with her legacy. This is her contribution to the world – and through it her memory lives on.” Carol Henderson, daughter of Betty

For more information, or to request your FREE Gift in Wills booklet, please contact the legacy team. visit call 01722 580 170

Paddy & Carol Henderson started the Trussell Trust in 1997, using a legacy left by Carol’s mother, Betty Trussell (pictured)


Deliveroo partnership is live! We’re excited to announce we’re the first-ever charity partner for Deliveroo. Customers across the UK will be able to donate to the Trussell Trust when placing an order via the Deliveroo app. So please, pass the news on to anyone you know who uses the app!

* N E W S A N D U P DAT E S *

New three-year study coming this autumn This summer we’re excited to be starting a new three-year study of the drivers of food bank use, Hunger in the UK. The study, undertaken by research experts Ipsos, will set the direction for which policy issues we campaign for change on in the coming years. Keep your eyes peeled for an update in our next magazine!

If you have enjoyed reading Together Magazine and would like to support our work, please visit to donate

Contact us Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury SP2 7HL

01722 580 180 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) The Trussell Trust supports a UK-wide network of more than 1,200 food bank centres and together we provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. Registered Charity in England & Wales (1110522) and Scotland (SC044246). Registered Limited Company in England & Wales (5434524).

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