Trussell Trust Newslink Summer 2014

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Newslink Restoring dignity reviving hope Summer 2014

“the people at the foodbank were wonderful, they understood, they saved our lives” Read Holly’s story inside on page 7

Thank you for your support “Having recently taken up the role of Chief Executive of the Trust I feel truly privileged to lead such an inspiring organisation that is helping change the lives of so many. In 2013/14 you helped our foodbanks to provide three days’ emergency food and support to 913,138 people, over one third of whom were children. Of course none of this would be possible without your amazing generosity - so I’d like to say a huge thank you. David McAuley It is so important to stop people going hungry today, Chief Executive but we also want to stop so many people facing hunger tomorrow, which is why we’ve been working hard to lift the lid on UK food poverty. More and more people are starting to stand with us. You might have seen the letter signed by 40 Anglican Bishops and 600 church leaders calling for greater action on UK food poverty in April? Since then, the Jewish community and even the Faculty of Public Health have also written letters asking for urgent action. At the moment, the newly formed All Party Parliamentary Group on hunger and food poverty are carrying out a cross-party inquiry into UK food poverty. In February we met the Prime Minister to talk about what our foodbanks are seeing. We’re hoping that the noise on food poverty leads to action to help people struggling to feed themselves and their families. Looking ahead; we’re working on a ‘more than food’ approach to foodbanks to help people break out of crisis long term. This includes partnering with local services to deliver greater support to foodbank clients with issues like budgeting, housing and debt. We’d love you to work with us to help make this reality. Thank you for your continued support.


over 400 foodbanks have now launched, with new foodbanks being launched to meet the growing need

4 News round up from around the country


frontline care professionals such as doctors and social workers refer people in crisis to foodbanks


6 Shocking statistics from netmums poll


Holly’s Story Read about Holly and her four year old daughter and how the foodbank saved them

tonnes of food was donated by the public in 2013-2014 THANK YOU!

11 The birth of a new foodbank

12 Volunteering at The Trussell Trust


approximately 30,000 people volunteered with a foodbank in 2013-2014 THANK YOU!

13 Community Enterprises

14 Bulgaria Projects Updates



News round up from The Big Lottery Fund has given a massive £900,000 grant to The Trussell Trust in Scotland! The award will help support around 400,000 people who are struggling with issues such as hunger, poverty and unemployment over the next five years.

The USPCA, an Irish Animal charity, are working with foodbanks trialling the distribution of emergency food boxes that double as dog and cat crates.

Jo and Gary married in May this year and asked their guests to donate to the Trussell Trust rather than give gifts. They are passionate about highlighting the problem of UK food poverty.

At Easter £97,000 was donated in just one week after the Mail on Sunday tried to discredit our foodbanks by carrying out an undercover investigation. Thousands were outraged by the Mail’s behaviour and took to social media to express their support and donate. Thanks to Wiltshire Council Area Board and The Bernard Sunley Foundation for helping to fund the refit of our Bemerton Heath Shop in Salisbury.

around the country

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Falkirk foodbank project manager Alf Collington won ‘Community Entrepreneur of the Year’. Alf was invited to collect his award at Number 10 Downing Street to meet Nick Clegg and a raft of British celebrities. Big thanks to Tesco for continuing their biannual food collection for us. On specified weekends in July and December they will top up every donation made by 30%. Look out at your local Tesco Store! A travelling musical duo, The Rag Tag Misfits, are busking their way around the UK to raise money for Trussell Trust and the work we do with foodbank. Food writer, poverty campaigner and former foodbank client Jack Monroe has donated recipe cards for our foodbank clients taken from her new book “A Girl Called Jack” - thanks Jack!

Landmark debate in parliament to discuss food poverty, 140,000 signatures collected.

Sue Hyde, a former foodbank client, ran the London Marathon for the Trussell Trust in April. Sue now has her life back on track, she wants to give something back. The leaders of the Trussell Trust met with David Cameron in February to discuss the issues foodbanks and their clients face.

Panorama explored the growth in foodbank use in March 2014, asking why the seventh richest country in the world needs foodbanks.

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One in five mums in working households face harsh choices between eating and paying bills In March 2014 the award winning parenting website Netmums ran a poll with some shocking results. It asked 2000 families on incomes ranging from the minimum wage to six figure salaries about how they manage their household finances. The poll revealed that in the last 12 months... • One in five parents with jobs have had to choose between eating and paying an essential bill. • A huge 78 percent of working families have been forced to cut back on their household spending. • 43 percent admitted they are ‘only just coping’ with balancing the family budget. • One quarter have suffered stress as a result of not eating properly.

One mum who took part in the survey said: ‘With salaries being frozen, huge childcare bills and increased household bills, things are tight for most families and will continue to be difficult for most’. The report findings reinforce what we are seeing in our foodbanks. Whilst the UK economy appears to be strengthening, the reality of life for many on low-incomes continues to be very tough. 1 in 40 of those surveyed had turned to a foodbank for help, with the majority saying that they would only do so as a last resort. Sadly, foodbank figures represent just the tip of the iceberg of people struggling with food poverty in the UK.

Hannah Chadwick is an NHS PA, her husband Dean is an engineer and they have a 16 month old son. They both work and never use credit. Low-income and high childcare costs meant that they were forced to choose between fixing the car and putting food on the table. Hannah was very reluctant to go to the foodbank, having always coped, but she says ‘without it we‘d have gone hungry’ and would now say to others ‘don’t be too proud’. Now that they’re back on their feet they’ve donated food to help others.

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Holly’s Story

“The people at the foodbank were wonderful� Holly, 29, is a single mum living in Chichester with her four year old daughter Phoebe. Holly turned to a foodbank earlier in the year. Having always worked and never claimed benefits she found herself bringing up her daughter on her own. Holly was determined to give her the best possible

start in life, but needed some extra help to get there. The council flat that Holly was given was in a deprived area with drug dealing and dog fouling taking place in the corridor outside her door. Holly was adamant that her daughter

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should have a better environment to grow up in and was offered alternative accommodation near her parents but at double the cost. As well as borrowing money from her parents to meet the cost, she was working part time. At the same time she had been selling second-hand clothes online and the shop she was working in noticed its success and offered her a space selling clothes in their shop. Under normal circumstances Holly could just about scrape by but then Holly’s daughter became poorly and had to spend three weeks in hospital, and so she had to close the shop temporarily. When she recovered and came home it was to empty kitchen cupboards, bills racking up and little or no income to support her.

She felt unable to ask her family for help again and after discussions with the local Citizens Advice Bureau she was referred to the foodbank. Holly says: “the people at the foodbank were wonderful, they understood and saved us”. Holly’s situation is still precarious, but knowing the foodbank is there in an emergency is a huge weight off her shoulders.

Niomi’s Story Last year Niomi, 14, from Suffolk was diagnosed with Leukaemia. She lives in Suffolk with her Dad and 12 year old brother Dray. Until becoming poorly Niomi’s Dad had a steady job as a gardener which he loved. As a single dad, he had to give up work to care for Niomi which meant he couldn’t apply for Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). The cost of petrol and parking to make daily hospital trips, on top of all the regular bills was just too much and the family were struggling to afford food. Niomi and her family were referred to Haverhill foodbank where they received food and support. Dray, 12, says: “It doesn’t feel very nice when you are hungry and there is nothing to eat. Everybody needs help.”

Interested in becoming a Trussell Trust Friend? By donating just £5 a month, you can become a Trussell Trust friend, enabling us to be there for more people like Niomi and her family in future. Because our friends mean a lot to us, you will receive a welcome pack and gift of ‘friend seeds’, as well as special updates throughout the year. Thank you for helping us plant seeds of hope!

I’d like to help change the lives of people like Holly and Niomi Please fill in this response form below and send it back to us at the address overleaf.

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Did you know that we have an electronic newsletter that we send bi-monthly? We’d love to keep you up to date with the latest news from The Trussell Trust If you prefer NOT to receive e-news tick this box

make your gift go further! Tick here to add an extra 25p to every £1 you give at no extra cost to you


Trussell Trust bank details: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 14 Minster St, Salisbury SP1 1TP Sort code: 16-00-21 Account No: 41129077

Please send your completed form to:

The Trussell Trust, Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Rd, Salisbury SP2 7HL

You can also donate: Donate online

Donate by card over the phone 01722 580 176

Mon - Fri 9:30am - 5pm

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Yes, I pay tax in the UK. Please treat all donations I make or have made to The Trussell Trust for the past four years as gift aid donations until further notice. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

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The birth of a new foodbank Ever wanted to know how a foodbank is created? Michelle Hodges told us about her experience at Chorlton & Didsbury foodbank near Manchester. Michelle knew all about the benefits of foodbanks - her father-in-law runs a small one at his local church. When she discovered that some of her neighbours were struggling to make ends meet she decided to set one up for her community. After a visit from Lynda Battarbee, the Trussell Trust’s North West Regional Development Officer, a group of eight committed to turning the idea to reality.

The hardest part was finding the foodbank a home but eventually a local church offered their hall. It had space for a storeroom and room for clients to sit down. When the local Housing Association offered to pay for the shelving costs, Michelle knew that they were well on their way. Next on the list was recruiting volunteers, signing up organisations to refer clients, and collecting food. The group of volunteers quickly grew from 8 to 25 and thanks to local people’s generosity Michelle says the foodbank “is doing really well for food”. Michelle’s favourite part was “getting everyone together for the same purpose”. We wish the whole team all the best for the future.

“People from all denominations and of no faith all came together to help their neighbours”

Could you start a foodbank in your town?

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Volunteering at The Trussell Trust “I thought my hearing impairment would mean I couldn’t volunteer, but The Trussell Trust showed me I could”

Victoria Gilbert Trussell Trust Shop Verwood A hearing impairment means that Victoria relies on lip reading. Just a few adjustments to training and safety in the shop made it possible for her to become part of the team. One challenge was not being able to hear the steamer’s buzz alarm when it ran of water. This was overcome by showing Victoria how much water to use

and timing how long it lasted. Victoria always has a volunteer or member of staff close at hand should she need assistance. Victoria has grown in confidence and has loved having the opportunity to meet people. She’s a very happy and valued member of the team and everyone looks forward to working with her.

JP Hull Foodbank “I love greeting. It’s important to welcome everyone so they feel at ease.” JP is one of Hull foodbank’s supported volunteers. On his first shift he was so nervous he made notes about what he needed to say to clients when they arrived at the foodbank - the following day he had learned them off by heart!

Foodbank Manager Sarah sings his praises as a greeter for people who arrive in crisis and giving his all to the role.

Interested in volunteering? Visit our website for ways you can get involved

Summer 2014

Community Enterprises As always the Community Enterprise team have been extremely busy running our network of charity shops and creating projects to help generate funds and opportunities. Here’s a sample of what they’ve been up to...

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As well as producing delicious fruit and veg for the local community (the strawberries are amazing!), our therapeutic garden in Salisbury is about to become an outdoor classroom for local school children from Woodlands Primary School, helping them

to have fun and learn about growing fruit and vegetables during their summer term. In Salisbury we’ve opened a new clothing shop as well as celebrating the first anniversary of our highly successful furniture shop. Our team of skilled volunteers are restoring and upcycling all sorts of furniture to give it a new life and bring in much needed funds.

Hand painted by our lovely volunteer Lorna

Come and have a browse

Plants and cuttings from the garden are being sold in decorated pots and our other upcycling activities are also producing some really beautiful items, including bunting from recycled donated clothing, candles in bone china tea cups using donated candles and cake stands made from mis-matching crockery. We’re even making coat racks from recycled wood and spoons. We love these projects because they’re reducing waste, producing beautiful items to sell and creating volunteering and learning opportunities too - everyone’s a winner!

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Bulgaria Projects Updates You might not know that The Trussell Trust’s work began in Bulgaria. Although much of our work is now based in the UK, we’re still proud to work with our partners FSCI (Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion) on some amazing projects.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Kindergarten Projects

Now in its 14th year, the Christmas Shoebox project has brought thousands of smiles and even tears of joy to some of the poorest families, children and communities in Bulgaria.

FSCI’s new kindergarten in Stara Zagora has been helping some of the city’s poorest Roma children to access basic pre-school education, including learning Bulgarian, to help them get into local primary schools. A good education is a vital part of helping to give vulnerable children a future. FSCI plan to replicate the kindergarten in other Roma communities.

Incredibly at Christmas 2013 you managed to fill an astonishing 7,231 boxes with gifts. Thank you!

New House Of Opportunity Our biggest project in Bulgaria is running ‘Houses of Opportunity’ for young people leaving state care. These two year residential training centres help young people who’ve had very challenging upbringings to build a better future. The latest House, in Sofia, opened early in 2014 and is now home to Boyko, Mitko, Yavor, Natasha and Aksinia. Natasha, tragically, was being assaulted in the orphanage where she was living; she can now safely continue her education together with Aksinia. Yavor is 19 and

grew up in an orphanage with his sister. He’s always dreamt of being a famous chef, and we’re so pleased to have helped him to go to catering college in Sofia! The House of Opportunity programme provides training in healthcare, cooking, budgeting and IT, employment experience, loving support from house parents and accommodation in a safe, caring environment. Without your help and support we couldn’t continue to help these vulnerable young people - thank you!

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Events and fundraising ideas Tea for Trussell Wouldn’t it be great if drinking tea with your friends helped people in crisis? By getting your friends together and holding a ‘Tea for Trussell’ party, or hosting one at work, you can do just that. Order one of our Twinings tea packs, hold a tea party and ask friends to donate to help more people like Holly. (see page 7) From Peppermint & Nettle to Mango & Lychee, it won’t be your usual tea party.

This summer we were delighted to be named as The Official Charity Partner of The Larmer Tree Festival. Not only is it a great chance for us to showcase all our fabulous Community Enterprise projects but also for people to learn more about foodbanks.

Your friends and colleagues can try a range of fruit and herbal teas generously provided by Twinings. To request your tea selection e-mail or call 01722 580 177. Postage costs £5 or collect directly from the Salisbury office.

Have you thought about doing something amazing? We’ve got together with Discover Adventure to bring you the chance to really make a difference and change lives. Cycle, run or climb, you’ll see new sights, achieve new things and make a huge difference to families going hungry. Find your next adventure at

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The Trussell Trust would not exist without the support of thousands of generous people, companies and other organisations. Thank you so much for all the support you all give us.

Contact us Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury SP2 7HL

01722 580 180 The Trussell Trust is a charity founded on Christian principles that partners with local communities to combat poverty in the UK and Bulgaria. Registered Charity in England & Wales (1110522) and Scotland (SC044246). Registered Limited Company in England & Wales (5434524)

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