Illuminati Formula Used to Create...

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The Illuminati Formula Used to C

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The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler [Book in chapters] INTRODUCTION AND WARNING Dedication WARNING Introduction by Fritz Paranoid Schizophrenics False Memory Syndrome campaign Glossary of How Basic Terms are Used In This Book Beta Councils (llluminati) Delta Deliverance ministry Illuminati Monarch Programming System New World Order Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) Switching CHAPTER 1: Science No. 1. The Selection and Preparation of The Victim A. Genetics & dissociative abilities B. Availability C. Physical & Mental requirements Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or non-hierarchy purposes Sharon Tate In review John Gittinger PAS (Personality Assessment System D. List of organizations carrying out programming E. 4 foundational steps for programming F. Step 1. Spiritual requirements Moon Child ceremonies Aleister Crowley Traumatization in vitro G. Step 2. Trauma by premature birth H. Step 3. Love bombing/love bonding I. Step 4. Severing the "core" of the mind The Initial Splits J. Further considerations: The Illuminati have their own criteria as to who they select. CHAPTER 2: Science # 2 The Traumatization and Torture of The Victim A. A site for torture of children, NOTS China Lake , CA . How Children Are Transported To A Major Programming Site More About The Secret China Lake Base Charles Manson Joseph Mengele B. What trauma does, the creation of PTSD & DID (MPD) PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) "Hidden Observer" "the core" C. How the torture is carried out, types of trauma Baron Guy de Rothschild ritual aspect of trauma D. What Occurs When The Mind Splits: How MPD works E. The Core F. How Programming is Anchored How The Olfactory Nerves Are Traumatized When Moonchild Traumas Miscarry Ritual Torture Device Review CHAPTER 3: Science No. 3 The Use of Drugs A. A list of drugs used Herbs B. brief history of use C. Applications for drugs to control a slave Some of the cautions that the programmers are alert to include Summary


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